"Six Sigma Yellow Belt - 2020 Practice Tests" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!.I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question SixSigma Yellow Belt exam offered by Six Sigma has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material SixSigma Yellow Belt 2020 Exam is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 70% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by Six Sigma and our material has about +150 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for SixSigma Yellow BeltThe test was last updated on June 24th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""Six Sigma"" le ofrece el examen ""SixSigma Yellow Belt"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""SixSigma Yellow Belt - 2020 Practice Tests"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 70% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""SixSigma"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+150 preguntas"". Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""SixSigma Yellow Belt""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""24 de Abril de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"SAP Fiori & SAPUI5 Simple GitHub for WEB IDE in the cloud" |
"SAP Fiori & SAPUI5 Simple GitHub for SAP Web IDE in the cloud 2020 is a modern, simple, quick course on how to use GitHub to collaborate with your team members on a project or simple work with other developers on a SAPUI5 Application.With the knowledge gained from this course, you will be able to setup a repository for your team, add them as team members to access your project, conduct relevant changes and push them back to the repository from their WEB IDE."
Price: 400.00

"Curso Prctico para Programacin de AVR- CURSO 2" |
"El contenido de este curso est pensado para que les des continuidad a la programacin del AVR, ya que, en el curso 1 aprendiste las bases, as pues, este curso 2 est pensado para avanzar a modelos ms complejos. Para tomar este curso 2 es necesario que ya cuentes con previo conocimiento de AVR. El contenido de estos videos estn basados en nuevos proyectos y nuevos modelos de AVR, aunque seguiremos en algunos proyectos con los tradicionales ATmega8515 y ATtiny2313, haremos un programa para el ATtiny402, e introduciremos al ATmega328p con varios proyectos como el ADC, entre otros.Algunos de los videos del curso estn On-line con algunos alumnos de la clase de Microcontroladores.Este curso est basado en el libro 2 ""Curso Prctico para Programacin de AVR -2"", pero debido a la extensin del libro, se tomaron de l muchos temas (pero no todos) para la elaboracin de estos videos.Trabajaremos en este curso con el AVR Studio 4 y el ATMEL Studio 7.Tambin introduje ms videos de refuerzo del tema del libro y curso 1 sobre PLC con AVR. Espero disfrutes este curso tanto o ms que el primero!!!"
Price: 74.99

"PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"373 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 373Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :250 minsPassing Score : 75 (279 of 373)"
Price: 179.99

"JLPT N3: elementary school hiragana, katakana and kanji" |
"In this course you can complete practice tests on the alphabets in the Japanese language (hiragana, katakana and kanji). Practice tests cover hundreds of hiragana, katakana, kanji and vocabulary taught in Japanese elementary schools and are comparable to the N3 level of the JLPT (many of which are in the answer explanations)."
Price: 49.99

"Model Test Series on Cultural Studies" |
"This Test series gives you exhaustive resources on literary and cultural theorists in the form of questions, answers and explanations to every answer. These Practice Tests aim to help advanced students of English literature to get a thorough understanding of the basics of Literary Theory and Cultural Studies. and to prepare for competitive examinations."
Price: 1280.00

"Master The Basics Of Python Tkinter" |
"Welcome to this video course on Tkinter Python GUI Tutorial For Beginners. This course will provide the detailed demonstration on how to create GUI applications in Tkinter. So What is Tkinter ? Tkinter is the Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. In Python you can use the Tkinter module to create simple GUI programs. Learn Tkinter In easy and simple steps.This course has been created for beginners.You will start the training from the ground up and will get to know the Tkinter and its potential in and out.The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Tkinter Python GUI applications. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing Tkinter , creating our first Tkinter Python GUI project, using widgets, layouts, resource file etc.So Let's get started !!!"
Price: 49.99

"Field Service Lightning Certification Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Field Service Lightning Consultant credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Field Service Lightning Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience implementing Salesforce Service Cloud and Field Service Lightning solutions and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below. Managing Resources: 16%Compare dynamic versus static crews.Determine how and when to set up different resource types.Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate Service Territories and their Members.Explain the relationships between time sheets, timesheet entries, service resources, and Work Orders.Demonstrate how to use skills, skill levels, and time-based skills.Show how to use operating hours for service resources, accounts, work orders, and booking appointments.Distinguish between FSL license types and when to deploy them.Managing Work Orders: 23%Configure Work Order processes, parameters, and Work Types.Given a scenario, choose the appropriate Resource Preferences.Apply Products Required to a Work Order.Analyze how and when to use Work Order Line Items.Illustrate how to configure Work Order Milestones.Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate relationship between Service Appointments, Work Orders, and Work Order Line Items.Managing Scheduling and Optimization: 28%Understand different field service settings for FSL Administrator.Given a scenario, choose the appropriate action to manage a Service Appointment.Given a scenario, apply the appropriate life cycle of a Service Appointment required to execute a Work Order.Decide on the appropriate Schedule Policy to achieve the business requirements.Given a scenario, determine the appropriate option to execute Complex Work in FSL.Explain the difference between a multi-day Service Appointment and a standard Service Appointment.Outline the differences between aerial versus street-level routing.Given a scenario, determine the appropriate dispatch strategy for an organization.Compare different filtering options for the Dispatcher Console.Explain how to set up optimization.Given a scenario, decide the appropriate type of scheduling service to use.Given a scenario, decide the appropriate type of optimization service to use.Understand the usage of Field Service Lightning for DateTime tracking fields.Configuring Mobility: 10%Assess the requirements and tools needed to execute a customer sign-off process.Given a scenario, configure the Field Service app to support key business processes.Distinguish between Field Service Mobile and Salesforce Mobile app capabilities.Understand the available FSL Mobile settings.Managing Inventory: 8%Given business requirements, distinguish the appropriate price book model for products consumed.Given business requirements, justify which define the applicable inventory model.Explain the Return Order object model and process.Managing Assets: 5%Apply procedural concepts to maintain and update assets and asset relationships.Configuring Maintenance Plans: 5%Given a scenario, recommend the appropriate maintenance plan.Permissions and Sharing: 5%Understand use cases for different types of FSL permission sets.Explain how scheduled Service Appointments are shared with service resources.Understand the differences between user territories and service territories."
Price: 49.99

"INSTAGRAM: Como vender pelo Instagram" |
"Aprenda um mtodo comprovado para aumentar suas vendas pelo Instagram.Descubra os macetes, segredos e tcnicas para promover sua marca e construir uma audincia poderosa que compre de voc.Voc est pronto para aprender um mtodo comprovado para causar uma impresso duradoura, gerar ateno e reconhecimento da marca a longo prazo?Vendas mais! Aprenda o que, quando e como publicar no InstagramRevelado os segredos do Instagram com mtodos incrveis para criar contedo irresistvel que destaca sua empresa, servio e/ou produto.Diariamente, mais de 800 milhes de pessoas utilizam o Instagram, e 80% delas esto seguindo empresas no Instagram.Como aproveitar esse pblico para comprar de voc?Que formas posso acelerar a performance no meu Instagram?Como conseguir muito mais seguidores sem precisar compra-los?Qual o caminho ideal para montar um planejamento prtico, eficaz e produtivo?Como furar os olhos dos concorrentes vendo o quais so as estratgias que eles esto usando?Como evitar ser um panfleteiro digital?Aprenda a criar uma estratgia para o seu negcio e navegar no mundo digital como um profissional.Impulse a imagem de sua marca a travs de contedos e ferramentas que gerem resultadosO Instagram est se tornando a rede social preferida para marcas e pequenas empresas, seja pelas vantagens que oferece ou por seus assinantes em constante crescimento.Sem dvida, uma timo oportunidade de negcios para qualquer tipo de negcio.Que tal aprender a vender pelo Instagram?Vou apresentar. Neste curso, apresento passo a passo como criar uma estratgia de sucesso no Instagram para sua marca, gerenciando seu perfil como um profissional com o objetivo de alcanar resultados tangveis.Inicie agora o seu curso e descubra as melhores e mais atuais estratgias para vender pelo Instagram.Um curso completo do BSICO ao AVANADO. Com dezenas de videoaulas.ATENO: Se voc leu at aqui porque se interessou no assunto. Saiba que no utilizar as estratgias certas no Instagram pode significar que voc est perdendo cliente, espao e principalmente perda de clientes.E tem mais, voc vai aprender nesse curso:Aprenda a crescer o seu Instagram de forma orgnica e com anncios patrocinados corretosFormas para aumentar o alcance de suas postagensOs formatos de Publicaes corretas que engajam e vendem mais no InstagramComo entender os dados (mtricas) do InstagramMontagem da sua persona, melhores horrios o gatilhos mentaisFormatos de publicaes que mais vendem no FEEDComo achar as melhores fotos, vdeos e ferramentas de de StoriesComo usar a arma poderosa das hashtags Dicas de segurana para evitar invaso de hackers e roubos de senhas.e muito maisFora uns presentes que voc ter na Seo Presentes EspeciaisInicie esse curso imediatamente."
Price: 144.99

"Teaching in Digital World Handling the New Age Students" |
"The students (digital natives) are technology driven and believe that their Teachers (digital immigrants) need to understand their mindset and adopt the new learning paradigm of the ""Age of Information"" Contents Introduction to Digital Natives The students of new eraInformation overload and our studentsUnderstanding the new social media driven mindsetLearning the Language of Digital NativesUnderstanding the New Pedagogical ShiftManaging students behaviour in class and other than classAcademic & Social obligations of a Teacher in the age of informationUsing Technology for self-developmentOffering counselling during and after the class DeliverablesUnderstanding of the thinking patterns of modern age students.Catching up with their behavioural struggles and offering solutions.Making teaching more interactive and engaging through technology.Building trust on technological sources of knowledge and staying current.Creativity in teaching techniques with better control in class rooms.Acting as a modern role model for students to follow the lead.Taking students as part of a learning group to win their trust and inculcate the knowledge."
Price: 29.99

"AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design Practice Tests" |
"ComTech is offering 250+ UNIQUE practice questions for AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.5 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Microsoft Azure Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 250+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 250+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99

"1z0-1055-20Oracle Financial Cloud Payable CertificationQ&A" |
"New Update questions with valid answers Total number of question will be around 80+. This Course have Two Levels, Expert: Difficult questions Advance: Tricky Questions and difficult tooOracle Financials Cloud: Payable 2020 Implementation Essentials - 1Z0-1055-20This course contain 2 Practice test for Oracle Financial Cloud Certification exam 1Z0-1055-20 . It cover 100% of Oracle exam 1Z0-1055-20 certification syllabus. You can find questions more on practical side,they will help you to solve your real time problems."
Price: 34.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Practice Exam 2020" |
"This Practice test will prepare you to Pass HashiCorp Terraform Associate Exam.Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool created by HashiCorp. It enables users to define and provision a Datacenter infrastructure using a high-level configuration language known as Hashicorp Configuration Language, & JSONTerraform is a supporting multiple Cloud Providers tool and can manage infrastructure for multiple resource providers.I would like to understand your feedback and make sure ready to add more tests in future.Thanks."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Oil Painting - Paint-a-long" |
"Have you ever looked at a painting and thought, it was so inspiring to you, you just wanted to create it for yourself? Or does the medium of oil painting confuse you? Come join this course to not only get a break down of how to use oil paint, but also paint along and create your own night scene landscape painting featuring the milky way over a pristine beach with the waves crashing on the shore.Similar to a Bob Ross or paint night class, you will be painting along with your teacher to create a magical and inspiring piece of art. Addison treats the class as friends learning to paint together, so you never feel pressured.While you are painting, you will learn the basics of oil painting, how to use the supplies, different techniques and some tips and tricks to help you along the way. The skills you learn creating this painting, will be applicable to any piece of art you create in the future, and will especially add to your knowledge of oil paint.While this course is designed for beginners, even experienced artists may benefit from this course if they have ever struggled with, but had the desire, to create galaxy/milky way scenes and landscapes."
Price: 199.99

"Selectos de la psicologa: Domina la inteligencia emocional" |
"Este es un curso prctico de ejercicios y estudio cerebral para mejorar la calidad de vida.Clases dictados por maestra y licenciada Mirthala Pea, del Instituto Superior de Educacin, en Monterrey, Mxico.Curso hecho para cualquier persona, no se ocupan niveles de educacin.Curso muy simple y valioso que verdaderamente aprenders de nuestra maestra.Es recomendado tomar notas y poner mucha atencin."
Price: 270.00

"Tax, Accounting and Finance for non professionals" |
"This course was well planned, to provide you an environment where you have fun as you learn. With a well done visual approach this course is easy to learn and enjoyable.Knowledge is build from lesson to lesson in the end of this course you will be able to see the full picture of Tax, Finance and Accounting.The main topics of tax and finance such as the Fundamental Accounting, Revenue Recognition principle, Accrual Accounting, Business Tax, Opex/Capex and others subjects will be covered in this course."
Price: 69.99

"Golden test framework with Java/Selenium/TestNG/Maven/Log4j2" |
"In this course i will teach you to build a test framework with IntelliJ using Java, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven and Apache Log4j2.The course is divided in to two parts. The first part is the lessons part. In this part I will teach you the basics of selenium, testNG and the foundations of building our framework.Once the foundations are set we can carry on to the second part.In the second part we will build a test framework based on automating a real website.The framework will be built according to the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern. The POM is a concept that is used a lot to automate multiple page applications. Here we segregate the automation from our tests. This makes the framework more maintainable. Your tests will also be easier to read and will be more script based. Even a collegue with less programming experience can create some tests in this framwork.After this course you will be able to create a whole framework for automated testing of webapplications with all its necessary components.I will also keep updating the course with new subjects in the future.Here is a more detailed overview of the subjects i will teach:- Enough Java knowledge to start automating- Setting up the software needed - Basic methods of Selenium WebDriver- Some handy ChromeOptions - HTML knowledge for automating web applications- Finding elements with xpath and css- Handle basic html elements such as dropdowns, inputfields, checkboxes, frames, alerts, tables, lists, date pickers, switching windows, etc- Creating handy tools with java such as a dynamic date formatter for your test cases- Creating enums for static dropdowns and implementing them in the framework- Integrating Maven after learning basics- How to build a Page Object Model Designed framework- Usage of different Assertions - Difference between hard and soft assertions- Implementing smart wait's- Setup global properties file for usernames and passwords etc- Take screenshots- Using the JavaScript Executor- Controlling test cases with the testNG xml- TestNG Parameterization- DataProvidor annotation- Implement TestNG listeners- Executing tests from the command line so we can link the project to a tool for CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery)- Setting up log4j2 for logging with an xml and a properties file.- Create new logging files after each test run- Integrating all of above components in a working framework while teaching"
Price: 109.99

"Deine optimale Stellenbewerbung! Vorlagen, Tipps, Tricks" |
"Dieser Online-Kurs basiert auf den Erfahrungen aus tausenden von Bewerbungen, die ber meinen Tisch als Arbeitgeber gegangen sind. Ja, es ist so: auf eine Stelle kommen oft bis zu 250+ Bewerbungen! Nutze das Insider-Wissen um dich von der Masse zu unterscheiden. Nur so steigen deine Chancen im beinharten Wettbewerb um den heiss begehrten Job ! Vorlagen, Beispiele gehren ebenfalls dazu! Du suchst eine neue Stelle und mchtest deine Bewerbungsunterlagen optimal vorbereiten? Du hast einen Lebenslauf kommst aber mit dem Motivationsschreiben nicht vom Fleck? Du bist fr ein Interview eingeladen und mchtest wissen, welche Fragen dir gestellt werden knnten? Du mchtest lernen, wie du ein Stelleninserat fr deinen Lebenslauf und dein Anschreiben nutzen kannst?Dann bis du bei diesem Onlinekurs richtig. Mit vielen Beispielen und Vorlagen hilft dieser Online-Kurs dir folgendes zu erreichen:- Du bist in der Lage, die Informationen im Stelleninserat richtig zu interpretieren. Damit kannst du dich fr Stellen bewerben, fr die du wirklich eine Chance hast und alles andere weglassen- Dein Lebenslauf ist so erstellt oder optimiert, dass der Rekrutierer auf dich aufmerksam wird! Ja, darum geht es in der ersten Hrde.- Das Motivationsschreiben ist berzeugend formuliert und unterscheidet sich von der Masse!- Du kennst die kritischen Fragen im Interview und bist bestens gerstet, um zu berzeugenIch zeige dir das alles Schritt-fr-Schritt. Damit du dich ehrlich, optimal prsentieren kannst, um deine Chancen fr einen Arbeitsvertrag deutlich zu erhhen. Du hast weitere Fragen? Sende mir eine Nachricht! Viel Erfolg, Andreas"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Administrator Certificate Practical Test 100%Pass" |
"The best Salesforce Administrator Certification Practical Tests and that is all I want to say. By doing all these practice tests, you are not only learning day to day Salesforce admin works, but you also access to the valuable exam like practicals which is going to help you a lot with your exam. And it has awesome explanation and tips from the Salesforce documentation"
Price: 19.99

"156-115.77 Check Point Certify Security Master Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) How many synchronization interface is supported on the Check Point R77 Gaia?a) $3 b) $4 c) $2 d) $1 e) NoneUsing the default values of R77 how many cases there will be a gateway core 16-core?a) $16 b) $8 c) $12 d) 14e) NoneQ) Adam wants to find available connections on your gateway. What command would be the most suitable for display connections table?a) fw tab -t connectionsb) fw tab -t connectionsc) fw tab -t connectionsd) fw tab -t connectionse) NoneQ) Which of the following is not a cphaprob state?a) Be placedb) activec) Support ford) Down the attention (or down! The VSX mode)e) None"
Price: 174.99

"Alibaba ACA Cloud Computing Certification Practice Exam" |
"IntroductionAlibaba Cloud Certification Associate (ACA - Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate) is a certification designed for personnel who can use Alibaba Cloud Computing products. It covers all of Alibaba Cloud's core products from computing, storage, networking to security.Designed for beginners in cloud computing and junior engineers.Exam OverviewCertification:ACA Cloud Computing CertificationDuration:90 minutesTest typeRegistration online and take the exam at offline exam centerAvailable LanguagesEnglishAttention:Please note if you want to take the same certification exam again, you must have at least 14 days gap between the 2 exams.Attention:Please note that this product is not refundable after purchase."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Security Specialty Practice Tests" |
"The AWS Certified Security Specialty is intended for individuals who perform a security role with at least two years of hands-on experience securing AWS workloads.Abilities Validated by the CertificationAn understanding of specialized data classifications and AWS data protection mechanismsAn understanding of data encryption methods and AWS mechanisms to implement themAn understanding of secure Internet protocols and AWS mechanisms to implement themA working knowledge of AWS security services and features of services to provide a secure production environmentCompetency gained from two or more years of production deployment experience using AWS security services and featuresAbility to make tradeoff decisions with regard to cost, security, and deployment complexity given a set of application requirementsAn understanding of security operations and risk"
Price: 19.99

"Wix Meisterkurs : Der komplette Wix Kurs fr Anfnger 2020" |
"Willst du deine eigene Website aufbauen, aber du weit nicht, wovon du anfangen solltest oder findest du Website Erstellung sehr verwirrend. Zuerst muss man komplizierte ComputerSprachen z.B. HTML,PhP oder SQL lernen, denkst du so, dann ist dieser Kurs genau fr dich. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du deine eigene Website mit Wix ohne Programmierungskenntnisse innerhalb drei Stunden aufbauen kannst und dafr brauchst du nur deinen Laptop mit Internetzugang.KURSSTRUKTURAls erstes werde ich dir von Wix Editor, Vorlgen, Layouts vertraut machen. Dann kannst du dir nach deinem Bedarf einen Vorlagen whlen. Ich werde einen leeren Vorlagen whlen( das kannst du auch machen).Dann werden wir unsere Wix Website mit eigenen gewnschten Domain-Namen hinzufgen, denn der Domain-Name sollte professionell wirken und auch zu dem Geschft anpassend sein.Danach werden wir den Hintergrund bearbeiten. Wir knnen dafr unterschiedliche Farben, zahlreiche Bilder und vielfltige Videos benutzen. Jedes Geschft, jede Firma,Website und jeder OnlineStore wird von seinem Logo einzigartig bekannt.So werden wir auch in unsere Website ein Logo gestalten und hinzufgen. Ich werde auch dir kostenlosen Plattformen sagen, wo du dies gestalten kannst.Dann werden wir solche Texte addieren und anpassen, die unserem Mark anspricht.Call to Action ist auch ein unverzichtbares Feature das Engagement von Besuchern zu erhhen und dafr werden wir Digital Buttons mit verschiedenen Funktionen hinzufgen. Wix bietet auch viele speziale Effekte z.B. Animation, Parallax usw.,die wir auch verwenden werden um unsere website schner zu machen. Dann werden wir mithilfe der Wix Streifen unsere weitere Seiten z.B. About Us, Contact, Our Team, und Fusszeile gestalten.All diese Seiten verlinken wir dann in Anker Mens.Danach werden wir unsere andere soziale Plattformen z.B. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, usw.. verbinden.Endlich haben wir eine wunderschne Wix Website aufgebaut aber was es nutzt, wenn keiner sie finden und sehen kann. Deswegen nutzen wir intelligentes Wix SEO System damit unsere Wix Website an der ersten Seite im Google kommen kann.Was wirst du genau lernen? Du wirst alle Schritte von Website Erstellung kennenlernen. Du wirst mit Wix Editor sehr gut vertraut sein. Du wirst fhig sein, deine eigene wunderschne Wix Website vom Null zu erstellen. Du wirst wissen, wie du deine Website Besucherfreundlich machen kannst. Du wirst lernen, wie du in deine Website Blog hinzufgen kannst. Du wirst lernen, wie du verschiedene Templates, Designs, Layouts benutzen kannst. Du wirst auch fhig sein, deine Wix Website fr Handys anpassen zu knnen. Du wirst auch lernen, wie du SEO verwalten kannst und vieles mehr....."
Price: 59.99

"Numpy Basics For Machine Learning" |
"If you are looking to become a data scientist, it is essential to learn linear algebra and what better way to learn it than by using Numpy as Python package that is so powerful that it was used to build sklearn(most popular machine learning package). Kick -start your data science career with the essentials of Numpy for strong foundation for understanding machine learning algorithms from a coding perspective. We will cover basics of Numpy like arrays, vectors, matrix operations and also have a use case in calculating Euclidean distance."
Price: 24.99

Price: 16800.00

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams" |
"Ready to pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam? If so experience what it is like to take the actual exam. Each of the 3 full practice tests in this course simulates the actual exam. The following AWS topic are covered:NetworkingDeployment and ProvisioningSecurityHigh AvailabilityData ManagementMonitoringAnalysisSample Questions are below Each AWS region is composed of two or more locations that provide you with the abilityto introduce high availability, fault tolerance, and/or scale to your applications. What arethese locations called?A. Data centersB. Edge locationsC. Compute centersD. Availability ZonesYou manage a fleet of web servers hosted on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (AmazonEC2). Most, if not all, of the websites are static in nature. What AWS Cloud service canhost a static website, thus replacing servers?A. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)B. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)C. Amazon Route 53D. Amazon API GatewayWhile using Auto Scaling with an ELB in front of several Amazon EC2 instances, you wantto configure Auto Scaling to remove one instance when CPU Utilization is below 20 percent.How is this accomplished?A. Configure Amazon CloudWatch Logs to send a notification to the Auto Scaling Groupwhen CPU utilization is less than 20 percent, and configure the Auto Scaling policy toremove the instance.B. Configure Amazon CloudWatch to send a notification to the Auto Scaling Group whenthe aggregated CPU Utilization is less than 20 percent, and configure the Auto Scalingpolicy to remove the instance.C. Monitor the Amazon EC2 instances with Amazon CloudWatch, and use Auto Scalingto remove an instance with scheduled actions.D. Configure Amazon CloudWatch to generate an email using Amazon SNS when CPUutilization is less than 20 percent. Log into the console, and lower the desired capacitynumber inside Auto Scaling to remove the instance."
Price: 19.99

"312-50v7 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures V7 Part 2 Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What initial steps should an ethical hacker to run after being brought into an organization?a) Start safety tests.b) Turn final results.c) Sign a formal contract with the NDA.d) Evaluate what the organization is trying to protect.Q) Which of the following guidelines or standard it is associated with the industry's credit card?a) Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT)b) Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)c) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)d) Payments by Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)Q) An attacker has captured a target file that is encrypted with a public key encryption. Which of the following attacks is likely to be used to break the destination file?a) Timing attackb) Replay attackc) attack memory trade-offd) Chosen plaintext attackQ) What tool can be used to copy files from USB devices silently?a) USB Grabberb) USB Dumperc) USB Snifferd) USB SnoopyQ) How can a rootkit to bypass Windows 7 operating modes of kernel systems, the code signing policy?a) Defeating the scanner to detect any change in the code to the kernelb) Replacing calls patch system with its own version that hides the actions rootkits (attacker)c) Performing common services for the application process and replacing the actual applications with fake onesd) clinging to the master boot record to a hard drive and changing the machine's boot sequence / options"
Price: 149.99

"250-253 Administration Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 Unix Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which protocols Symantec Data Loss Prevention 9.0 port-based user recognition protocol?a) protocols of secure tunnelingb) Pre-defined UDP protocolsc) TCP protocols configured by the userd) UDP and TCP protocols defined by the systemQ) What Network Monitor uses to identify the network traffic going to a non-standard port?a) The source domainb) Total size of the packagec) UDP or TCPd) Protocol signingQ) While Veritas Cluster Server supports nodes in a cluster using different hardware or operating system versions, this is potentially undesirable for two reasons? (Select two.)a) user securityb) Inability to handle the failover loadc) cluster updatesd) operational complexitye) Network ConnectivityQ) What are the two operating systems supported by Veritas Cluster Server? (Select two.)a) Fedorab) Red Hat Enterprise Serverc) openSUSEd) Mac OSe) AIXQ) That is a feature of the web-based setup?a) It can be automated with an answer file.b) It can be run using the Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.c) You can install multiple operating systems simultaneously.d) It runs the same installer command line commands."
Price: 149.99

kigyosyuzai |
Price: 2400.00

"Impara il Linguaggio HTML e SEO da Zero" |
"Imparare il linguaggio che costituisce la struttura dei siti web per gestire immagini, link e qualsiasi elemento di una pagina web sia a livello personale che aziendale;Imparare il SEO per riuscire a rendere indicizzabile, ovvero, trovabile il proprio sito da qualsiasi motore di ricerca e ottimizzare al meglio ogni pagina web."
Price: 29.99

"Fundos de Investimento Expert" |
"Trabalho h 10 anos no mundo de fundo de investimento.Fui scio de um fundo de ao...E atualmente sou scio de um fundo quantitativo que ajudei a lanar do zero.Estudo muito essa indstria de fundo de investimento, um interesse pessoal que eu tenho.No entanto, alm dessa experiencia do lado do fundo, tambm j trabalhei do lado do alocador.Participava de um projeto de Wealth Management onde alocvamos em fundos no Brasil e no exterior.Portanto, tenho propriedade para passar insights super interessantes com uma viso de algum que h 10 anos scio de fundos de investimento e j trabalhou investindo em fundos de investimento.Lembrando que no um curso para voc passar em nenhuma certificao. Mas sim, um curso de conhecimento!"
Price: 504.99
