"Enriquea salvando o planeta!" |
"O curso trata de dois assuntos negligenciados pela educao formal no Pas: educao financeira e sustentabilidade ambiental. Por mais que paream conceitos antagnicos, as reas tem muito em comum. O conceito de enriquecimento de fcil compreenso, pois basta ganhar mais e gastar menos (e investir a diferena). E como fazer isso em moldes ambientalmente adequados? Que oportunidades as cincias ambientais nos reservam? O pdf base das aulas pode ser cedido, a pedido"
Price: 39.99

"most common medically compromised patient in dental clinic" |
"in this course you will going to know the most common medical compromised patients in the dental clinic and a brief summary of his disease , in addition they should be given particular attention and all necessary prevention measures should be taken , incooperation with the physician treating the patients , to avoid potential complications during and after the surgical procedure, and last thing indications and contraindications."
Price: 189.99

"Best Microsoft Excel Hindi- Attractive Dashboard with Charts" |
"Our Microsoft Excel course has divided into 3 Easy Levels.Microsoft Excel Level 1- An introduction to excel with basic Formulas & Functions.Microsoft Excel Level 2- Advanced Level Of excel Includes advanced formulas & functions.Microsoft Excel Level 3- Company Base expert level of excel includes- Data Analyst with Power pivot & many types of Dashboards.The material of Our Microsoft Excel Course recorded in 2016 but it will work in all 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 in all students, professionals, and office 365 versions.Enroll now!!!!! To get success with the most popular excel tool in the MIS Market, Microsoft excel spreadsheet. With my 14+ Years of excel corporate training experience, I have guided you in videos step by step from beginners to advance and advance to expert level of excel.If you Enroll in each level of our Microsoft excel course, you will get clear your all doubts and queries with your daily tasks which we have assigned in videos and with a different database.You will start from basic, to build a strong base and foundation of knowledge, so that you will also understand easily advanced excel and expert excel too.After Completion of all these 3 level excel courses, you will have mastered the companies based excel expert-level tools. You can present yourself with confidence, efficiency, clarity, presentation, and knowledge of the expert level of excel.You will master in:Creating an effective Excel spreadsheet.Handling huge multiple sets of databases effectively.Mastering in functions and various formulas( SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, VLOOKUPS(6 DIFFERENT WAYS ), LOGICAL FUNCTION, COMBINATION OF DIFFERENT FORMULAS, FLASH FILL, ADVANCED FILTER WITH MACROS.Making different types of reports through pivot tables.Dashboards through POWER PIVOT, POWER VIEW, Charts, and form controls.Mastering in automation in excel day to day tasks by the use of macros.Enroll Now!!!!!!!Take a good step in mastering companies' level of Microsoft excel and make yourself a good EXCELIAN!!!!!.Who this course is for?This excel course is for all age groups (students, housewives, companies, and anyone) who is a beginner or intermediate level.If you are looking for an excel course from a starting point and want to become an expert so guys this course is only for you.Education Mart is an online education platform providing IT and Non-IT courses at a very minimal cost. We are giving an opportunity to everyone to learn the course of your choice at any time and anywhere from expert trainers having over more than 14 years of experience. We assure you that our team serves your best level of education and providing a better learning experience.So, join us now!!!!!!"
Price: 4160.00

"Self-publishing: come guadagnare davvero su Amazon con i PLR" |
"Pi del quanto desideri avere successo nella tua vita, dovresti cominciare a chiederti quando desideri avere successo nella tua vita!Viviamo in un mondo pieno di opportunit. Allora perch il 95% delle persone non le coglie?Molti pensano che per ottenere risultati sia necessario avere un grande budget da investire. Questa non necessariamente la verit!Ci sono molti modelli di business l fuori.Io ho scelto il self-publishing! Se sei un mio studente sai gi di cosa sto parlando...Se non lo sei non perdere tempo e corri ad imparare le basi attraverso il corso che trovi sul mio sito raggiungibile dalla mia pagina profilo, perch questo corso la sua evoluzione naturale. Perch ti dico questo? Perch assolutamente necessario conoscere le basi del Self-publishing prima di iscriverti, perch molte nozioni saranno date per scontate. Perci qui non ti insegno come affrontare il Business e moltiplicare il profitto nel breve periodo, come trovare nicchie e keywords profittevoli, come pubblicare per massimizzare le vendite, come posizionare i tuoi libri nella prima pagina di Amazon, come ottenere la massima visibilit, come convertire al meglio gli utenti Amazon in clienti, come ottenere un libro quasi gratis ogni 2 e come sfruttare lalgoritmo di Amazon a tuo vantaggio.no! Perch tutto questo lo trovi gi nel corso menzionato poco fa. Qui ti insegno come abbattere i costi del self-publishing per cominciare con un budget ancora pi risicato, per non dire quasi nullo, e andare a profitto pi velocemente di quanto tu possa immaginare.Se hai pensato almeno una volta che i costi per creare un libro fossero troppo alti e che aspettare un mese o pi per ricevere il tuo libro dalla compagnia di scrittura fosse troppo, allora sarai ben felice di sapere che in questi mesi ho testato un sistema facile, veloce e veramente economico per creare il tuo libro in poche ore...da solo e cio senza fare intervenire nel processo di creazione compagnie di scrittura e freelancers. Hai capito bene: senza dover rivolgersi a compagnie di scrittura e freelancers, con un notevole abbattimento dei costi. E tutto questo senza dover scrivere nemmeno una parola! E non importa se non hai alcuna esperienza nel business online o se non conosci linglese, perch questo corso ti porter per mano e ti guider attraverso ogni singolo passo.Tieni presente che non sar facile, ma se sei disposto a impegnarti per il successo, questo corso per te.Quindi non aspettare, il tempo scorre, clicca su ""Acquista ora"" e continua il tuo viaggio verso la libert finanziaria!"
Price: 19.99

"Oficina de Tambores Xamnicos" |
"Vc, vai aprender a fazer seu tambor passo a passo desde o aro at a decorao final, fazer o rezo , a consagrao e tocar.apresentao do material, conformao do aro, colocao do reforo, marcao da perfurao para costura, lixao, costura do aro, decorao do aro, preparao da pele na infuso de ervas sagradas, rezo, preparao da pele, furao da pele, costura da pele com reforo interno, empachar a pele, decorar a pele, rezar o tambor e consagrar, toques do tambor"
Price: 189.99

"A Fullstack Saga: SpringBoot / Angular / Kubernetes" |
"In this course you will learn how to :build a scalable platform, from scratch using microservice architecture using spring boot with Java 11create a frontend app that presents information stored in backend services, using angular 9and deploy everything to a Google Kubernetes cluster (GKE)all of these while automating the process using CI/CD pipelines from GitLab.You will also learn to:secure the connection between frontend and backend using TLS (https - encrypted communication) and also secure backend endpoints using ROLE based security (with Spring Security and JWT - json web token)use POSTMAN for request testingbuild/publish Docker images"
Price: 34.99

whyluoht |
"20 9 15 A 20002001 2020"
Price: 24000.00

"AWS Machine Learning Specialty 3 Practice Exams (MLS-C01)" |
"AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification is gradually turning out to be one of the most sought after certification by Data Scientist.Its test your knowledge on Data Analytics, Modelling, Machine Learning algorithms and on AWS ready to use environment.This certification helps the developers to test their skills related to Machine Learning algorithms and also checks ability to run or design workloads on AWS cloudThe Questions designed based on AWS contents and experience shared by successful candidates who cleared the exam."
Price: 1280.00

"Storytelling - Conecte pessoas a sua Marca" |
"Voc j se imaginou ser reconhecido por ter feito uma fala inesquecvel? E mais do que isso! J imaginou como essa fala pode te gerar muitos negcios? isso que o Storytelling capaz de fazer por voc e seu negcio!Uma comunicao impecvel a que capaz de gerar emoes, que tem o poder de impactar as pessoas de uma maneira que elas no te esqueam! Elas tem que sentir a confiana em voc. Aprimorar a sua habilidade de contar estrias e se comunicar, ser capaz de transformar o processo misterioso que vender em um processo fluido de apresentar o seu valor. Storytelling um capaz de transformar clientes em fs da sua marca. "
Price: 324.99

"Cost and time saving by mPCR in molecular genetic screening" |
"The aim of the Molecular Biology learning series is to create quality education contents in Molecular biology techniques beginning with PCR and DNA sequencing analysis.I urge you to take time to review the course contents by watching the 2 minute promotion video. The course contents are constantly being updated based on your feedback and to your benefits. Suggestions on lectures to add are always welcome.Multiplex PCR and DNA sequencing teach aspiring biology students and small-lab molecular laboratory professionals tips to improve Polymerase Chain Reaction by gaining knowledge about PCR additives, primer design in simple terms, method to review primer sequences in troublesome PCRs. Additionally, by completing the assignments from lectures, you will improve upon your skills to retrieve reference gene sequences from online database, process the DNA sequence for primer design using online tools. Multiplex PCR and fluorescent DNA sequencing lectures demonstrate how to use these techniques for faster gene mutation screening.The unique lectures present practical knowledge that might not be revealed during traditional classroom instruction. In fact, this is one of the main reason for me to start this learning series."
Price: 19.99

DevOpsDocker(2020)Lab |
"DevOpsLinuxSTDINSTDOUTTTYDocker(VMDocker composeVolume)1DevOpsGoogleLinux1WebDevOpsLinuxDocker SwarmKubernetesDockerCSCSDevOpsDockerDevOps,AWSKubernetes1OKLinuxVMLinuxSTDINSTDOUTTTYDocker history, inspect, logsTrouble shootingDockerfiledocker commitLinuxDockerVolumeDocker SwarmKubernetesDockerDockerDockerfileDocker ComposeWebDockerfileDockefileDevOpsLinuxSTDINSTDOUTTTYDocker(VMDocker composeVolume)1. DevOpsCSDevOpsKubernetesDockerDevOps2. 3. 4. LinuxDevOpsLinux5. DevOpsLinuxDocker Swarm6LinuxLinuxKubernetesDevOps7. 8. DevOpsDockerfile9. DockerWebNodejs + Python + Redis + Postgres + C#Docker ComposeYAMLDockerfile"
Price: 54.99

"Neuromarketing: Aprenda 37 Formas de Aplicar a Neurocincia" |
"Voc sabia que uma cor pode aumentar o nmero de visualizaes de um anncio em 20%?Srio mesmo, uma simples mudana de cor pode aumentar a visualizao de um produto em 20%.Como assim? no pode ser real isso.Mas totalmente verdade, e o que voc ir aprender nesse curso mais de 40 exemplos de como melhor seus anncios atravs do Neuromarketing.Eu sei, t na moda vender na internet hoje em dia...Mas tu j notou que 99% das pessoas que esto fazendo anncios no parecem ser boas nisso.E isso porque elas no tem conhecimento sobre Marketing.Conhecimento...Essa a palavra que vai mudar tudo!Aps voc seguir todas as dicas e aprendizados deste curso, voc poder aplicar de forma simples e entender o porque aprender neuromarketing to importante.E o momento de aprender e fazer parte disso agora!Ento, como fazer isso?Esse curso totalmente didtico, ou seja, voc vai ver todos os exemplos e aprender junto comigo.E essa a grande diferena desse curso para os demais, voc v e faz!Esse o melhor momento para aprender diversos conceitos de Neuromarketing e obter resultados.Voc ver dezenas de exemplos de sites e pessoas que utilizaram as tcnicas do Neuro design e tiveram resultados incrveis. O ponto aumentar seu conhecimento para ter resultados.Deixe-me contar uma histria:Quando eu comecei no mundo do Marketing eu era que nem 99% das pessoas.Todo mundo falava sobre marketing e eu no queria perder essa chance e resolvi entrar nesse mundo...Comecei tenta fazer o meu primeiro anuncio e praticamente ningum visualizou ele.Enfim, acho que voc j deve imaginar o resultado, no final de todo esse esforo praticamente ningum tinha visto meu anncio.Mas hoje eu estudei bastante sei como melhorar os meus anncios e obter bons resultados.Tudo isso por causa do conhecimento que eu obtive que aumentaram os meus resultados e eu quero ajudar voc a aumentar tambm.Ok, mas o que voc vai aprender nesse curso?Preste ateno nos principais benefcios:Voc aprender os fundamentos bsicos de Marketing.Descobrir quais so os principias erros que as pessoas cometem.Vai saber o conceito de Persuaso.Aprender os 6 gatilhos mentais mais utilizados no Mercado.Ir aprender o porque as pessoas compram.Ir entender o conceito de Neuro design.Ir ver mais de 40 exemplos de sites e produtos que deram certos utilizando o Neuromarketing.Ir aprender a psicologia dos nmeros no Marketing.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.Mas o que Neuromarketing? simplesmente o estudo de como o crebro humano reage a determinados estmulos, que podem ser desde imagens, cores, cheiros, etc.Aps esse curso voc vai saber as principais tcnicas da neurocincia com o marketing e como isso pode ajudar a melhorar os seus resultados.Alm de finalmente ter aquela sensao de saber o que est fazendo.E no ficar totalmente perdido quando algum fala a palavra Marketing.Sim, esse curso excelente e oferece todos os benefcios citados nesse texto, mas ele no perfeito.Esse curso somente para pessoas que realmente querem aprender e vo aplicar todos os conceitos ensinados.Voc quer realmente aprender mais sobre neuromarketing?Comece o curso agora e aproveite as 21 aulas e os 6 mdulos inteiros do curso.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99

"In this lesson, we will learn how to show our faces more by recognizing our own face and using light and shadow.We'll see the differences between daily makeup, night makeup,Eyeliner appDrawingMakeup appDaytime makeupEvening makeupEyeshadow applicationColor harmonyHow to plug and remove false eyelashesWorking on different skin tones and facial shapesMake sure you choose the right productsWe'll learn how eyeshadow and lashes can make our eyes younger and smoother.It's a pleasure for us to share our education and industry experience with you for 15 years, and I hope this is for you."
Price: 54.99

"Beginner to Intermediate Spanish Flamenco Guitar" |
"Flamenco is an artistic expression fusing song (cante), dance (baile) and musicianship (toque). In the course you will learn the essential techniques to be able to play Flamenco, such as rasgueos (strummings), picking, arpegios, tremolo, alzapa and thumb. Each lesson consists of different lectures with videos and downloadable charts and I played the exercises in a very easy way to follow, really slow so you can see the movements perfectly.At the end of the course you will put all those techniques together into the songs and you will play a Sole and Tangos."
Price: 19.99

"Prophets and Prophecy" |
"1. Introduction: What is Biblical Prophecy? Overview2. Character & Calling of a Prophet3. Major Themes in Old Testament Prophecy4. Overview of the Major Prophets5. False & True Prophets in the Old Testament6. The Book of the Twelve7. Prophecy and Apocalyptic8 Prophecy in the Gospels9. Prophecy in Acts10. Prophecy in 1 Corinthians11. The Role of a Prophet in the New Testament12. What's Next?"
Price: 24.99

"Ministry Gifts" |
"INTRODUCTORY- VOCATION & MINISTRY1. Course Overview2. Introduction3. A Divine Call4. ""Whom God calls, He equips...""5. Vocational Stickability6. Variety and BalanceTHREE MAJOR MINISTRY GIFTS7. Apostle8. Prophet9. EvangelistPASTORAL MINISTRY GIFTS10. Pastor11. TeacherMINISTRY GIFTS: VARIETY & EXTENT12. Variety of Ministries & Gifts13. Ministry of Helps14. Ministry of Tongues & Interpretation15. Gifts of Exhortation & Giving16. Epilogue: What next?"
Price: 24.99

"Marketing Management" |
"Course Objective:The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students the modern Marketing Concepts; tools said techniques to develop their skillsrequired for the performance of marketing functions.Course Contents:Unit-INature and Scope of Marketing, Marketing System and Environment, Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Markets and IndustrialMarkets, Decision Making process in buying.Unit- IIMarket Segmentation, Grouping of market, Targeting and Positioning, Product Decision, Marketing Mix: Elements of Marketing Mix,Product Mix, Branding and Packaging Decisions, Promotion mix.Unit -IIIPricing Decisions, Methods of setting Prices, Pricing Strategies, Product Promotion,Unit -IVChannels of Distribution, marketing Channels And Agency.Unit- VMarketing Research and Marketing Information System."
Price: 1280.00

"Zoho CRM - Curso Bsico" |
"O que voc aprender com este curso:Uma viso conceitual do Customer Relationship Management (CRM).Conceito e implementao de um ciclo de vendas.Um rpido tour pelo Zoho CRM.Uma demonstrao das principais configuraes da organizao, adequadas para o seu negcio.Uma demonstrao das principais opes de segurana da conta.Cada aula conta com blocos de aprendizado, incluindo explicaes conceituais, demonstraes de produtos, perguntas frequentes, prticas recomendadas e dicas.Faa este curso imediatamente para comear a configurar o CRM para seus negcios."
Price: 39.99

"Data Analysis & Visualization With Python" |
"Data Analysis & Visualization With Python is a course designed for all those who want to learn data visualization, data analysis, Pandas, and various Operations one can perform with Pandas. The Course is divided into several sections each section has mostly practical exercises, quizzes, and resources to give a complete learner experience.The Course is designed to take you one step further in Machine Learning and Data Science field. The projects follow a systematic approach, this will help you to understand the basic concepts and will give you a kick start in your Data Science Career.The course is crafted with due diligence keeping in mind the need of the learners. Learning is made very easy and simple by following steps like explaining the concepts, applying the concepts in practical lectures followed by quizzes to deepen the understanding of the concepts also to have a quick revision.Enjoy the Course as I have enjoyed and it will be completed in no time!All the Best and Good Luck! See you onboard soon!"
Price: 1600.00

"The Easy-Going Mother Dough Guide" |
"For new bakers, sourdough can be intimidating, but it doesnt have to be. Working with sourdough can be a tricky skill to master, but with the help of my fabulous baking course youll be baking with all the skills you knead to get the perfect loaf every time.Baking shouldnt have to be an expensive hobby, nor a strict ruled cult! For new hands its a tough ask finding a low-cost / low-pressure course to get the dough rolling. Not, however, impossible, the course is dedicated to introducing good people to good food or even better, about introducing them to how to make it themselves.This course program is pretty all-encompassing and will shows just how much there is to learn about the seemingly simple world of flour, water, and heat.Whether youre completely new to sourdough, or want to learn my ""easy going"" method for developing Mother Dough and baking amazing sourdough bread, Ill be guiding you from choosing the right ingredients through to kneading and shaping the dough, to getting the right results in the oven.With a few essential basics, youll be baking crusty and healthy loaves of bread in short order!During the course also you will see step by step how to make an amazing Italian-style Focaccia and the Iconic Country-style Bread Loaf with two different recipes! And if you get stuck? Im almost always lurking around here, answering questions and providing help just leave a comment, and Ill get back to you. "
Price: 24.99

"Marketing online per professionisti sanitari" |
"In questo corso imparerari le basi del marketing digitale. Il corso particolarmente utile per i professionisti sanitari, al suo interno ci sono moltissimi esempi di questo ambito. Il presente corso di marketing online ugualmente utile per tutti coloro che vogliono imparare a farsi conoscere online attraverso il marketing. Partiremo dalla filosofia che inspira il marketing online, parleremo dei primi passi per imparare a conoscere i tuoi clienti ideali e offrire loro esattamente quello che vogliono. Imparerai a definire la tua proposta di valore che ti differenzia dalla concorrenza.Tutto spiegato passo a passo e con utili schemi ed esempi pratici.Spero di vederti nel corso ;-)"
Price: 29.99

"Tango em 10 passos!" |
"A dana considerada a atividade fsica mais completa, pois proporciona desenvolvimento fsico, cognitivo, emocional e social.Os movimentos de dana geram novos desafios ao corpo estimulando nossa mente, a msica nos transporta para outro cenrio e as aulas de dana nos oferecem oportunidades de socializao. Neste curso voc dar seus primeiros passos do estilo mais passional das danas de salo, o TANGO. Sero 10 mdulos divididos em 4 vdeos: movimento do homem, movimento da mulher, movimento executado juntos e consideraes finais que daro um toque a mais na sua dana.Pensamos em cada detalhe para que em algumas aulas voc j possa danar, sem medo de ser feliz, por isso desenvolvemos aulas-bnus para potencializar o que aprendeu e ainda conhecer um pouco dos demais estilos.Voc ver que a dana de salo pode ser muito divertida, basta se permitir desfrutar de todo o caminho.Sendo assim, bem vindo ao universo paralelo chamado dana de salo!"
Price: 99.99

"Inglese per le e-mails - Parte 2" |
"Con questo corso imparerai a scrivere e comprendere le e-mail utilizzando l'inglese che ti serve davvero.Dalla struttura del messaggio di posta elettronica allo stile da utilizzare fino al linguaggio specifico da utilizzare per ogni tipologia di messaggio. Impara come rendere efficace una e-mail!E tanti esercizi, per mettere subito in pratica quanto hai imparato."
Price: 19.99

"Selbstbewusst in unter einer Stunde!" |
"Hallo und herzlichen Willkommen!Kurz, Knapp und auf den Punkt gebracht!In diesem Kurs zeige ich euch, wie Ihr euer Selbstbewusstsein strkt bzw. es schafft berhaupt Welches aufzubauen. Hierbei fasse ich alles auf den Punkt genau zusammen und erspare euch Stunden voller aufgeblasenen Videos, nur um die Contentzeit in die Lnge zu ziehen. Ebenso biete ich euch am Ende meines Kurses bei Bedarf ein Einzelcoaching an. Lasst mir gerne euer Feedback da, ich freue mich ber jede Teilnahme!"
Price: 19.99

"Tcnicas de escritura creativas orientadas a la construccin del relato. Todos sabemos escribir, pero no el arte de escribir, que podemos perfeccionar con tcnicas que han utilizado los grandes maestros de la literatura. Escenas, descripciones, narradores, construccin del espacio...Todo ser tratado para usar las herramientas conocidas por los grandes maestros y que, con ello, nos ayudar a sacar el mayor partido a nuestras historias. Adems, lo haremos enfocndonos en la literatura contempornea y los grandes representantes del relato, para intentar aprender de ellos y buscar la originalidad sin caer en el tpico. Con ello buscamos el desarrollo de las tcnicas para intentar construir, a partir de la prctica de las mismas, un estilo propio, y de esta manera disfrutar, adems de avanzar, en el arte de la escritura creativa. Particularmente enfocndonos en el gnero del relato.Las formas del curso son sencillas, simples pero no simplonas, para ayudar al estudiante. Didcticas y dinmicas, para que la mejora no sea solo en referencia a las historias sino tambin a la libertad que posibilitan las tcnicas de escritura al presentarnos muchas formas de contar nuestra historia. Convirtiendo as el acto de escribir en un placer liberador.El curso est compuesto por siete clases ms dos extraordinarias orientada a dichos objetivos. De tal manera que el temario quedara as:-CLASE 1: Introduccin al Relato: Espacio, Tiempo y Personajes. -CLASE 2: El conflicto narrativo, el Dilogo y Narradores Internos.-CLASE 3: El relato en Forma de Listas, Narradores Externos, Narrador Alter Ego.-CLASE 4: Narrador Deficiente, Subtexto y la Tcnica del iceberg.-CLASE 5: Narrador con personalidad y la Catarsis.-CLASE 6: Narrador Interno Deficiente, El Tono y Carver.-CLASE 7: Narrador en Segunda Persona, El tono y el ritmo. CLASES EXTRAS:CLASE EXTRA 1: La Ortografa: Los guiones en el dilogo.CLASE EXTRA 2: El crculo de los Narradores, alejamiento del Yo y los tiempos verbales."
Price: 19.99

"Telemedicine is the use of electronic communication and information technologies to provide health care when distance separates the medical professional from the patient. It includes using equipment such as telephones, fax machines or computers and interactive multimedia. Telemedicine transports medical information through telecommunication links, PC's, imaging equipment and specialized audio and video for the treatment and diagnosis of patients. It has the ability to improve health care over far and distant locations and reduce expenses.This Telemedicine Telehealth Teleconsultation course is meant for Doctors, Health workers, Care Takers & Patients.For Doctor's (RMP's) and Health workers it provides guidelines and the ways to persuie Telemedicine in their set ups.For patients it gives them idea regarding Teleconsultation and the way in which it can be used by them.At the end of the Course Students will receive a course completion certificate from Udemy."
Price: 10240.00

"SAP C_TB1200_88 Certified Associate Business Practice Exam" |
"175 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TB1200_88 Certified Associate Business Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TB1200_88 Certified Associate Business Practice ExamTotal Questions :175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 159.99

"SAP C_TBIT44_71 Development Consultant Net Weaver Exam" |
"89 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TBIT44_71 Development Consultant Net Weaver ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TBIT44_71 Development Consultant Net Weaver ExamTotal Questions : 89Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (66 of 89)"
Price: 144.99

"SAP C_TFIN52_66 Certify Associate Financial Accounting Exam" |
"159 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TFIN52_66 Certify Associate Financial Accounting ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TFIN52_66 Certify Associate Financial Accounting ExamTotal Questions : 159Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (119 of 159)"
Price: 164.99

"Mata Uang Digital Pertama Dunia-DCEP China vs Libra Facebook" |
"Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Crypto Currency atau Mata Uang Digital telah menjadi sorotan Dunia. Pada awalnya, di mulai dari Bitcoin dan Ethereum. Kemudian diikuti dengan lembaga besar tradisional seperti JP Morgan dan Goldman Sachs juga telah merilis Mata Uang Digital mereka sendiri. Namun, tidak ada mata uang digital seperti Libra dari Facebook yang dapat menyebabkan ketegangan di kalangan Keuangan seluruh Dunia. Apa pengaruhnya terhadap individu dan Dampak secara keseluruhan terhadap Indonesia? Dunia pada umumnya?"
Price: 24.99

"Explanation Essay College Level" |
"This is a scholarly writing class. More specifically, you will learn some critical thinking skills as you explore writing for specific purposes and audiences. You will review paragraph structure and learn how to focus on essay development. In particular, you will learn how to write a 3-5 page college level, explanation essay. "
Price: 19.99
