"How to Communicate Your Vision and Values" |
"Customer loyalty is highly dependent on the values and intentions of a brand, just as much as employee loyalty is highly dependent on the values of the company and leaders they work for. The best starting point for those company values to develop are within both your mission statement and vision statement. These statements are the core to your company ethos: They explain precisely what you strive to achieve, what you believe, and your long-term aspirations. In this course, we explore how to develop a mission statement and vision statement, and the differences between the two. You will then learn how to effectively communicate your vision to both your consumers and your workforce, helping you to achieve your core values and create a powerful company that everyone is proud to associate with. This course covers the following: The difference between a mission statement and a vision statementHow to write a mission statementHow to write a vision statementHow to communicate your vision effectively"
Price: 19.99

datascience-bussiness |
"Python//PythonJupyter NotebookNumpyPandasMatplotlib1001230100240003-10100121Jupyter Notebook"
Price: 24000.00

"Schriftspracherwerb mit der Montessori Methode" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie Kindern ab vier Jahren lesen und schreiben beibringen knnen indem Sie die Montessori Methode und Materialien anwenden. Viele Materialien knnen selbst hergestellt werden, wie das geht erfahren Sie ebenfalls in diesem Video.Viele der vorgestellten Materialien helfen auch Kindern mit Legasthenie auf sehr effiziente Weise.Wenn Sie LegasthenietrainerIn, Eltern, LehrerInnen, NachhilfelehrerInnen oder KindergrtnerInnen bzw.ErzieherInnen sind, ann ist dieser Kurs fr Sie auf jeden Fall hilfreich"
Price: 34.99

"Basic & Advance Life support, Paediatric Life support Course" |
"The course planning and execution has taken time for months and years of the technical team and the faculties at Heartbeatsz academy. To do a simple Master review course, the chief faculty had to spend few thousand $ and of course travelling expenses were extra. We aim to share the knowledge in compact way at very affordable price to be able to help our students save money. If you will notice, our faculty are highly qualified across the best academic centers but price wise we have tried to keep more money in your pocket rather than someone else. Moreover, our courses have highest hours of quality video content compared to others surely (please check and compare). Please support us by giving good review for our course, so that we can add more lectures. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube, facebook, facebook group Instagram and Twitter.##There are special discounts for students giving 5 star rating for other course by messaging screenshot#Welcome to Heartbeastz academy course which has been made by experienced researcher and clinician with global reputation and ECES (EHRA Certified Electrophysiology Specialist). He was trained at at the top 50 clinical global university and also at Harvard Medical school for advance medical education.The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more about the functioning and the details about Indications, programming, trouble shooting etc. Some video focus on tips and tricks and do it yourself (DIY) like videos to make it really efficient and user friendly. The videos contain practical examples with images and easy to understand format."
Price: 44.99

"Comunicao Consciente: aprenda a comunicar de verdade!" |
"Curso rpido com o resumo dos melhores conceitos e prticas de comunicao para voc! Ele foi construdo para profissionais que precisam entender os esquemas de comunicao, aquilo que esta visvel e aquilo que est no subjetivo. Depois de anos de atuao em RH, como consultora e professora eu reuni aqui os principais antdotos das comunicaes ineficazes e agressivas na minha viso. Est na hora de voc ser donx da sua comunicao!"
Price: 34.99

olgalambrecht |
", , -: , you-tube. . . . , """" """", ."
Price: 39.99

"Eletrnica para Arcades Fliperama - Gigante Gue-Hero" |
"Neste curso voc aprender como fazer toda a parte de controles do seu arcade/fliperama usando interfaces usb sero delay, lpt-swich e gpio para raspberry. Aprender tambm sobre o sistema de som com exemplos de amplificadores, instalao de ficheiros, moedeiros e contadores de crdito e converso de sinal da placa de vdeo VGA par usar em monitores arcade antigos RGBS/CGA e TVs de tubo antiga."
Price: 84.99

"Petroleum Refinery: Simplified" |
"This course covers the processes that comprises a typical oil refinery complex. The feed to the refinery is crude oil which is then refined and processed into finished products.Course Aims:This course will provide the students with a complete understanding of the products, steps, technologies and economics that comprise a modern refinery.The objective is to educate students in the following areas. General refinery operations, their products and economic importance; Individual process units covering separation, treatment and conversion of crude oil into refined hydrocarbon products.Learning Outcomes:On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:1. Explain the principles of hydrocarbon molecules to form refined products from crude oil2. Understand the refinery process technologies in a simplified way.3. Understand the importance of various refinery processes and how they are connected to the whole refinery complex.Course Content:1. Crude Oil fundamentals and Refinery Complex Overview.2. Separation Processes e.g. Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation.3. Conversion Processes e.g. Catalytic Cracking, Coking for upgrade of Heavy Hydrocarbons. 4. Gasoline Production units e.g. Catalytic Reformer, Alkylation, Isomerization.5. Treatment Processes e.g. Hydrotreating (also Sulphur Recovery)."
Price: 99.99

"7 Day Law of Attraction Challenge" |
"Unlike so many other law of attraction workshops and challenges, this challenge takes you, step-by-step, through the process of actually putting manifestation to work for your desires. There are no more secrets that cannot be shared unless you sign up for more and more classes, only clear, practical application of the process of using the Law of Attraction.The course gives you an overview of the Law of Attraction and practical application information before diving into the days of the challenge. For each day, there is a keynote video with information, a video of me sharing more on the daily topic, and a video of the guided meditation for the day.If you're ready to put the Law of Attraction to work for yourself, go ahead and enroll and you can get started immediately!"
Price: 149.99

"PROSPECO DE NOVOS CLIENTES: Conquiste mais Vendas" |
"Voc quer impulsionar as suas vendas?Descubra como prospectar novos clientes e fazer a diferena para o sucesso do seu negcio.Curso com Certificao Internacional pela Udemy - Califrnia-USAAdquira o curso on-line de prospeco de novos clientes mais atual!Ensino do mais alto nvel, com dicas, macetes e tcnicas surpreendentes.Voc aprender a criar prospeces de alto impacto, que o ajudaro na renovao da carteira de clientes e aumentando suas vendas.O que voc diz para atrair clientes interessados em comprar de voc?Que tal gerar leads de qualidade que desejam fazer negcio com sua marca?Como quebrar todas as barreiras que impedem voc de vender mais? justamente isso que voc ter nesse curso completo de prospeco de novos clientes.Rena as melhores tcnicas de prospeces pela internet.Prepare-se para aprender tcnicas de vendas de como criar e uma carteira de novos clientes.Aprenda a prospectar pelo telefone, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook e demais ferramentas."
Price: 39.99

"How to clear EY PwC KPMG Deloitte Big 4 interview? For CAs" |
"Learn the best tips to answer any interview question, tackle group discussion topics and tips to negotiate a better salary.There are multiple macro and micro factors across the content of your responses, voice and body language that can impact the outcome of your interview process.The course is designed and constructed by an ex-Big 4 professional with extensive depth experience of interview coaching."
Price: 1280.00

"Tutorial Google Ads Discovery Campaigns Lengkap" |
"Google Ads Discovery Campaigns adalah salah satu jenis kampanye di Google Ads yang memungkinkan anda untuk menjangkau hingga 2.9 miliar pelanggan di seluruh feed Google untuk mencapai tujuan anda lewat Google Ads. Anda bisa menjangkau pelanggan yang ideal, sesuai dan tepat untuk bisnis anda melalui iklan visual yang dipersonalisasi dan menarik sehingga mengundang pelanggan untuk menemukan dan berinteraksi dengan bisnis anda. Iklan anda nantinya akan tampil di Youtube, Gmail dan Google Discover. Discovery Campaigns ini menjadi pilihan yang bagus untuk anda jika anda sedang ingin mendorong konversi penjualan, pendaftaran hingga kunjungan situs. Anda juga bisa menjangkau pelanggan baru dengan materi iklan yang menarik, untuk mendorong minat mereka pada bisnis anda. Anda juga bisa terhubung kembali pada mereka yang sudah mengunjungi situs anda dengan menyajikan iklan promosi anda kepada mereka.Dengan Discovery Campaigns, anda bisa mulai untuk menarik perhatian calon pelanggan potensial dan meningkatkan penjualan untuk bisnis anda."
Price: 560000.00

"SolidWorks rnek Uygulamalar" |
"28 TL indirim kodu: SALES71 (13-18 Eylulde gecerl)Merhaba arkadalar,Bu eitimimizde piyasada ska rastlayacanz teknik resimleri SolidWorks programyla modelliyor olacaz. Bu eitim sayesinde hem izim aralarnn kullanmn daha iyi kavram hem de izim admlarn piyasaya uygun olarak oluturuyor olacaksnz.Hepinizi eitimimize bekliyoruz.Bu eitim iin balang seviyesi SolidWorks bilgisine ihtiya vardr. SolidWorks hakknda n bilginiz yok ise profilimizden detayl eitim setimize gz atabilirsiniz.yi almalar..."
Price: 49.99

"Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 200+ UNIQUE practice questions for Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.4 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Google Cloud Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR GOOGLE CLOUD CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 200+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 4 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 200+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99

"Principles of Marketing for Business and University students" |
"This is the course of marketing in which each and everyone learns the different techniques of marketing to boost their business revenue as well as the best learning opportunity for students. you will learn these are the following techniques such as, Creating and Capturing Customer Value, Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to Build Customer Relationships, Analyzing the Marketing Environment, Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights, Consumer Markets, and Consumer Buyer Behavior, Business Markets, and Business Buying Behavior, Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy Creating Value for Target Customers, and many other topics."
Price: 19.99

"Urban Surveillance Setups" |
"Private investigator Johnston Blakley demonstrates how to find a good surveillance position in some of the most difficult neighborhoods. He uses his experience and technology to obtain surveillance footage of domestic, insurance and corporate case Subjects. Every lesson is demonstrated and narrated and will be of interest to professional private investigators as well as those considering the profession."
Price: 24.99

9Web |
Price: 9000.00

"Master Data Structures , Algorithms & Interview using C++" |
"Data Structures? They're here. Algorithms? Covered. Lots of questions with well-explained solutions?Learn various Popular Data Structures and their Algorithms.Develop your Analytical skills on Data Structure and use then efficiently.Learn Recursive Algorithms on Data Structures.Implementation of Data Structures using C++You may be new to Data Structure or you have already Studied and Implemented Data Structures but still you feel you need to learn more about Data Structure in detail so that it helps you solve challenging problems and used Data Structure efficiently.I have spent many hours combing through interview questions asked at Google, Facebook, and Amazon to make sure you know how to answer questions asked by the most well-paying companies out there. No stone is left unturned, as we discuss everything from the simplest questions all the way to the most complex algorithm questions.Course Contents1. Recursion2. Arrays Representation3. Array ADT4. Linked List5. Stack6. Queues7. Trees8. Binary Search Tree9. Graphs10. Interview Practice"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Analytics Architect AD0-E200" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 21+.Adobe Analytics Architect AD0-E200 Test seriesAn Adobe Certified Expert demonstrates expertise in helping clients realize value in an Adobe solution.The minimally-qualified Analytics Architect should be able to perform the following tasks without anyassistance:Define analytics variablesExplain the Adobe order of data processing and how that affects data validity Gather business requirements, key performance indicators and translate them into technical specificationsUnderstand client information architecture to create solution design documentationDevelop and recommend data governance modelsValidate the implementation (post deployment) and confirm adherence to the technical specification"
Price: 19.99

"Conversational Spanish The Most Useful Spanish Phrases" |
"This is a fun and easy course which will help foreign students get the feel of the Spanish language. Consisting of numerous phrases, this course is ideal for students who have no previous knowledge of the language and for those who are traveling to a Spanish speaking country and would like to learn how to converse in Spanish on a daily basis."
Price: 19.99

"Trastornos neuropsicolgicos Lic. Blanca Azucena Arizpe" |
"Este es un curso prctico de ejercicios y estudio cerebral para mejorar la calidad de vida.Clases dictados por maestra y licenciada Blanca Azucena Arizpe, del Instituto Superior de Educacin, en Monterrey, Mxico.Curso hecho para cualquier persona, no se ocupan niveles de educacin.Curso muy simple y valioso que verdaderamente aprenders de nuestra maestra.Es recomendado tomar notas y poner mucha atencin."
Price: 1320.00

"BEGINNERS Brow Lamination, Lash Lift & Tint Course 2020!" |
"Are you a makeup artist or beautician who wants to earn more money and expand their skills and services? Or, are you a makeup and beauty addict and want to keep up with latest beauty trends? Well, don't you worry! I'm here to show you how to get the best brow lamination and Lash Lift & Tint results on the entire internet!!I was certified as a professional in this treatment and i've had years of experience mastering it! I want to share my knowledge with you and help you get more clients and look and feel your very best at all times! Sit down and relax! Enjoy each module as i take you on a self love journey...You will learn:- About the treatments so you can win clients over with powerful knowledge and understanding!- A simple guide to how the hair growth cycle works- Any contra-actions and contra-indications you need to look out for- How and why you need to do a patch test- How to get the best brow lamination results- How to get the best Lash lift results- Learn to tint the hair and know the appropriate timings- My secret tips which make the treatments a lot cheaper and quicker!- Learn all about aftercare of treatment and why its important!I want to support you through your self love and beauty journey so message me at anytime!See you there!Amy x"
Price: 49.99

"Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing: ""From Zero to Hero!""" |
"There's a lot of background noise on Digital Marketing and Growth Hacking, but most of the courses take a really theoretical approach to the topic. In this course we'll take a pragmatic approach: hours of screencasts to practically learn how to use these techniques in a real case, with the opportunity to see how to build a digital product from scratch and how to drive it to its first revenue in few weeks."
Price: 149.99

Instagram |
Price: 14400.00

"Cromoterapia - Cura, Equilibrio e Harmonia" |
"A cor est em toda parte e, quer voc perceba ou no, isso tem um efeito considervel em todos os momentos da sua vida. A partir do momento em que voc acorda de manh, voc v uma vasta gama de cores em todos os lugares que olha.Este curso oferece todas as ferramentas necessrias para utilizar a Cor de maneira positiva e forte em sua vida e na de pessoas prximas ou clientes/pacientes.Este curso inclui mdulos em vdeo, manuais de treinamento aprofundados e recursos para download.A cromoterapia no algo novo. O interesse pela cor remonta a milhares de anos - desde as culturas antigas do Egito, ndia e China. uma terapia complementar que usa cores para promover a sade e o bem-estar e, embora seja usada como terapia autnoma, tambm uma terapia perfeita para auxiliar tratamentos ortodoxos e impulsionar o processo de cicatrizao.Existem sete cores visveis no espectro, ou seja, vermelho, laranja, amarelo, verde, azul, ndigo e violeta, e estas ressoam com a energia dos sete chakras principais - os centros de energia do nosso corpo. Todos os chakras devem estar equilibrados e operacionais para o seu bem-estar fsico e emocional.Na terapia da cor, possvel reequilibrar e / ou estimular essas energias usando a cor apropriada. Este curso ideal para complementar as habilidades teraputicas existentes que voc j possui ou para incorpor-las como uma terapia de cura."
Price: 339.99

"210-260 Implementing Cisco Network Security Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is commonly used to control a Cisco router in the band? (Choose the best answer.)a) VTY portb) serial portc) console portd) auxiliary porte) NoneQ) Which of the following check both user and device credentials in a single transaction EAP? (Choose the best answer.)a) PEAPb) EAP-FASTc) EAP-FAST EAP chaind) EAP-MD5e) NoneQ) Which of the following to protect the control plane functions by classifying traffic into three separate control plane subinter faces? (Choose the best answer.)a) CoPPb) IPFc) RBACd) mechanism URPFe) NoneQ) Which of the following is a method output spreading spammers use to manipulate the Reputation Points and win a filter? (Choose the best answer.)a) phishingb) snowshoes spamc) water fallingd) list washinge) None"
Price: 159.99

"250-271 Symantec Net Backup 7.5 Unix Administration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What is the situation in the backup directory of the media about the successful completion of the recovery catalog using the Catalog Recovery Wizard?a) suspendedb) activec) importd) frozene) NoneQ) Which Symantec Net Backup 7.5 feature allows tape devices that support hardware encryption?a) Media Server Encryptionb) encryption of customer datac) Key Management Serviced) Optional access controle) NoneQ) Which type of installation requires most of the additional memory on the machine ENFORCE server to host multiple instances of the server?a) three levelsb) doublec) siblingd) Autonomouse) NoneQ) What is the exact description of the domain in the Symantec Net Backup 7.5?a) All media servers and clients that belong to several key serversb) All clients that belong to several main serversc) All media servers and clients that belong to a master serverd) All major and media servers in the same subnete) None"
Price: 179.99

"AWS BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialization Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You have to download a lot of data once a week with local data center AWS Redshift. Which of the following AWS Managed Cloud Data Migration Tools can be used to transmit data in a simple, fast and secure way. Choose two of the options listed below. Please, choose:a) pipeline datab) direct connectionc) Snowballd) Import / Export AWSe) NoneQ) Which of the following components in the redshift clusters down, making redshift clusters is not available? Please, choose:a) master nodeb) ~~ = POS core node TRUNCc) leader Noded) Compute Nodee) NoneQ) There is a requirement to perform SQL-queries with complex issues in a variety of backend data redshift, My SQL Ole on OM. H3 and PostgreSQL Which of the following tools can run queries on all the different platforms of your daily analysis ADHOC? Please, choose:a) AMYb) presto Sc) Quick Sightd) Athenae) NoneQ) You need to filter and convert the incoming messages coming from the smart sensor connected to the AWS. When you receive a message, you should keep them as time series data Dynamo DB. What AWS services, you can use?a) LOT Message Brokerb) Pastures Rules Enginec) LOT device Shaded) Shadow Service LOT devicee) None"
Price: 174.99

"CISA Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Practice Test" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) In order to solve the demand recovery organizations should backup intervals should not exceed:a) Service level objective (SLO).b) The purpose of the recovery (RTO).c) Recovery Point Objective (RPO).d) The maximum allowable power failure (MAO).e) NoneQ) Which of the following will be the main priority of the business continuity plan (BCP)?a) Summary of critical processesb) Unpacking sensitive processesc) restore a placed) To move to a different locatione) NoneQ) After the analysis, business impact (BIA), what is the next step in the process of business continuity planning?a) Test and maintain the plan.b) The development of a specific planc) The development of recovery strategies.d) implement the plan.e) NoneQ) Which of the following test method suitable for use in a business continuity plan (BCP)?a) pilotb) Paperc) U editedd) Systeme) None"
Price: 169.99

"Gnrer des revenus automatiques sur Udemy (unofficial)" |
"A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable de trouver une ide de cours et de la mettre en ligne.Je vous accompagne pas pas pour mettre en ligne votre cours sur Udemy du dbut la fin! Nous voyons comment crer votre compte, je vous aide trouver une ide de cours, je vous enseigne comment vous filmer et monter votre cours sur Movavi. Nous remplissons ensemble tous les champs du cours avec mes conseils pour tre bien rfrencs sur Google et sur Udemy bien sr!Nous fixons galement le prix du cours et je vous explique combien je gagne sur cette plateforme."
Price: 19.99

"CURSO COMPLETO DE FILMORA (edicin de video)" |
"hola en este curso de una hora y doce minutos de filmora completo aprenders a editar videos de manera profesional.no importa si eres profesional , si tienes conocimientos previos , lo importante para apuntarte a este curso es tener inters de empezar a crear contenido, editar videos de otros, o trabajar de manera freelance y que otros confen en sus servicios; as que no esperes ms y empieza a editar videos."
Price: 24.99
