"200-125 Cisco Certify Network Associate (CCNA) Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What command would be used to verify DHCP trusted doors?a) show mls QoSshow b) IP DHCP snoopingc) ip show confidenced) show ip arp confidenceQ) It network team is exploring the use of stacking switch. Which of the following statements is not true stacking switch?a) The main switch is the only switch with full access to the bandwidth of interconnectionb) Switches are connected with a special cablec) The stack has a single IP addressd) Up to nine switches can be added to the stackQ) Which of the following should be a feature of the base layer in three layers of Cisco hierarchical model?a) redundant componentsb) Emphasis High Speedc) PoEd) QoSQ) Which of the following commands will set the line speed of a serial connection that connects to a Channel Service Unit / Digital Service Unit (CSU / DSU) to 56 kbps?a) service-module clock speed rate 56000b) service-module clock speed rate 56kc) the width of the band 56kd) the width of the band 56000Q) They are finding that there are differences between the EIGRP configuration for EIGRP IPv6 and IPv4. Which statement is true about the difference?a) A router ID is necessary for both versionsb) A router ID must be configured with the routing process for EIGRP for IPv4c) AS numbers are not needed in EIGRP for IPv6d) AS numbers are not needed in EIGRP for IPv4"
Price: 164.99

"Japanese Tea Ceremony" |
Price: 24000.00

"The Phoenix LinkedIn Networking Mastery Course" |
"The following course is dedicated to equipping students, current professionals, and future professionals with the necessary skills to secure jobs and opportunities utilizing the LinkedIn platform. We will discuss thousands of techniques used by current professionals who have landed opportunities using the internet. Participants will also be given exclusive access to interview preparation tools that are essential to successfully securing a job offer. Course instructor Devante Sanders, CPA has successfully utilized the LinkedIn platform to secure jobs at 2 of the largest financial institutions in the world. Devante has over 5 years of experience in the LinkedIn community and has amassed over 3 million views related on his LinkedIn platform."
Price: 29.99

"Jornada Rumo ao Milho: Aprenda a investir seu dinheiro" |
"Bem vindo a ""Jornada Rumo ao milho: Passo a passo para a liberdade financeira"".Depois de estudar durante anos sobre negcios e investimentos, montar minha prpria carteira e sentir na pele todos os riscos, resolvi montar este curso que lhe prepara para a jornada em busca da liberdade financeira, ou seja, de fazer o seu dinheiro finalmente trabalhar por voc.Utilizando como base os trs pilares que considero essncias para qualquer pessoa que queira ser bem sucedida sendo eles a educao financeira, o tempo e os investimentos, este curso possibilita a qualquer iniciante investimentos a no s entender o que so aplicaes em CDI, CDB, LCI, LCA, Tesouro Direto, aes, fundos imobilirios, protees de carteira e at investimentos no exterior mas como compreender toda a importncia do controle financeiro em conjunto com viso de longo prazo, ou seja, tudo que envolve o ""Buy and Holder"". Sim, voc no precisa saber absolutamente nada sobre investimento pois desmitificamos esta rea de finanas que far uma enorme diferena na sua vida, desde a quitao de suas dvidas at como escolher boas empresas e a montagem de sua carteira de investimentos baseando-se nas estratgias de alguns dos maiores investidores como Warren Buffett e Luiz Barsi.EXEMPLOS PRTICOS CORPORATIVOS + DIDTICA ACADMICA = EFETIVIDADE NO ENSINO.Curso totalmente prtico, sem enrolao, apenas o que necessrio para voc compreender como um Holder investe. Mas e a teoria? Ns apenas abordamos o essencial, sem enrolao, para que voc aprenda MAIS em um curto espao de tempo.E no s isto, comeando agora sua ""Jornada rumo ao milho"" voc ainda ter um ebook interativo de mais de 300 pginas contendo todo o material do curso e algumas informaes extras para voc ler onde e da forma que quiser, impresso ou online, e duas planilhas para voc organizar suas finanas pessoais e controlar seus investimentos.Neste curso voc ter acesso h:- 80 videoaulas em mais de 11 horas de curso sendo todas legendadas.- Uma anlise sobre sua situao financeira atual e como prosseguir- Verdades que nunca lhe contaram mas que voc necessita saber- O quanto tempo leva para acumular o primeiro milho- Prtica com renda fixa em CDI, CDB, LCI, LCA e Tesouro Direto- Prtica de como receber divises de lucros (dividendos) de empresas por meio de aes- Algumas mtricas sobre como analisar um empresa- Prtica de como receber alugueis de imveis por meio de fundos imobilirios- Informaes sobre proteo de carteira de investimento com ouro e dlar- Informaes sobre como investir no exterior- Os prs e contras de investir em criptomoedas- Informaes sobre como montar sua carteira de investimento baseando-se em mtricas de investidores.- Recomendaes de livros sobre educao financeira e investimentos- Ebook com mais de 300 pginas como material de apoio- Planilha de controle financeiro anual- Planilha de controle de investimentosUm grande abrao e lembre-se, ""no devemos ter medo das novas ideias! Elas podem significar a diferena entre o triunfo e o fracasso..."". - Napoleon Hill"
Price: 114.99

"-. HTML, CSS" |
". . . HTML5, CSS3, SASS, . . . . !"
Price: 24.99

"Danza con Sable para Bellydance: Todos los secretos" |
"Un elemento mgico y retador en la danza rabe: El Sable. Encantador desde todo momento, pero necesitas saber los secretos para que el pblico quede maravillado. El entrenamiento especifico, los trucos y recomendaciones que no sabrs en otro lugar, estn en este curso, pero sobre todo las herramientas para que tu mism@ armes tu espectacular rutina sin riesgos y te hagas uno con este elemento."
Price: 645.00

"Study design fast and easy!" |
"Would you like to learn how to make an presentation? instagram Post? Business card? On my course you will know how to do it fast and great!We will design logo in 30 seconds! Yes! Just 30 seconds! Do you believe? No? Just open my course and you will see that design is easy!Also, I will tell you how you can earn on design, how to make a portfolio and receive clients!"
Price: 19.99

"Quality Risk Management In Clinical Trials" |
"The purpose of this 1-hour basic training is to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the Quality Risk Management (QRM) to ensure the protection of human subjects and the reliability of clinical trials results.After completing ths online course you should be able to:Understand Quality Risk Management (QRM) principles (which are the key criteria for its success), goals, and how to achieve those goals in the Clinical Research setting.Know how to identify, evaluate, prioritize and control risks according to ICH GCP E6 (R2).Comprehend Risk Management is an iterative process, keeping always in mind that new knowledge and analysis can lead to a revision of the assessed proceses and actions and controls implemented.The training course consists of automatically narrated video tutorials. Once you complete all the course lectures you will be requested to take an online exam which consists of multiple-choice questions.Case studies are not part of the training."
Price: 199.99

"Decore ambientes do zero a partir de 8 estilos diferentes" |
"O curso tem como objetivo capacitar os alunos para a criao de decoraes a partir de 8 estilos diferentes de acordo com suas caractersticas utilizando o Homestyler.Com as tcnicas aplicadas voc ser capaz de criar espaos decorados nos estilos: Escandinavo, Minimalista, Contemporneo, Industrial, Clssico, Retr, Rstico e Ecltico. Compor decoraes gerando um estilo prprio atravs do mobilirio, texturas de parede, iluminao e objetos decorativos, compreender disposies tridimensionais, alm de gerar o produto final do projeto atravs da extrao de imagens 3D realsticas."
Price: 39.99

"Liderando pela primeira vez" |
"Existem dois tipos de competncias: tcnica e comportamental. Uma grande maioria das lderes assume uma liderana pela competncia tcnica e muitas vezes no so treinadas para carga e no desenvolvem como competncias comportamentais. A partir da, comea um grande desafio.O curso vai ajudar voc a ser um lder incrvel e desenvolver as competncias comportamentais. Alm do contedo acadmico, trouxe para o curso minhas vivncias com mais de 20 anos lidando com lderes. O contedo de fcil assimilao, com linguagem simples e dentro da realidade vivida pelos lderes, com testes, vdeos e casos.Voc aprender:O valor do autoconhecimentoO que um LderEstilos de LideranaOs maiores desafios da LideranaCompetncias do LderComunicao e feedbackGesto de ConflitosTomada de decisoGesto do tempo e produtividade""No espere resultados diferentes se voc continuar fazendo tudo igual"""
Price: 144.99

Wordpress |
"As you know all my courses are strictly in accordance with time.In this digital era you should at least know how to build your own website.Learn WordPress with hands on example by creating a new efficient website.The tools mentioned in this course are completely free of cost!!Grab this awesome opportunity and enroll yourself into self learning!!You will learn all the stuff related to plugins,pages in website."
Price: 1280.00

"AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty" |
"The AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty (DAS-C01) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a data analytics-focused role. This exam validates an examinees comprehensive understanding of using AWS services to design, build, secure, and maintain analytics solutions that provide insight from data. It validates an examinees ability to: Define AWS data analytics services and understand how they integrate with each other. Explain how AWS data analytics services fit in the data lifecycle of collection, storage, processing, and visualization."
Price: 19.99

"Acum ori Niciodat!" |
"FOLOSII CODUL ENESCU33 PENTRU O REDUCERE DE 5ACUM ORI NICIODAT - Nu este doar un curs, ci o parte a sufletului meu. Dac dorii cu adevrat s v schimbai viaa, atunci este momentul! nceputul este ntotdeauna cel mai greu, dar i cel mai important!Propria ta persoan este cel mai mare duman, deci nu v opunei visurilor voastre! Suntei gata? Vom vorbi despre dezvoltarea personal, despre zona de confort, despre prini i prieteni, Creatori. i, desigur, despre tine!i dac e greu, nu renuna! Poi face orice!O&A despre curs:De ce l-a cumpra?eqweCare sunt avantajele acestui curs?R: Starea ta bun va fi pur i puternic. Vei nva cum s creezi fericirea, nu s o caui! Este explicat pentru toat lumea.De ce este acest curs mai special dect altele?R: Pentru c experiena mea m-a adus la crearea mai multor scheme care m-au ajutat s m cunosc. Sunt foarte sigur c aceste scheme v vor ajuta s v descoperii. Singurele cerine sunt s fii rbdtor, curios i deschis pentru tine i minte!Am lucrat la acest curs mai mult de 200 de ore! Singura mea plcere este s te vd fericit i sunt sigur c vei fi dup terminarea cursului!Mulumesc, Enescu Vlad! M-ai ajutat mult!"
Price: 19.99

"Place Branding: Tuscany and Made in Italy" |
"In this course I describe the elements of place branding and the process to create distinctive offers to help communities, cities, countries, and destinations to articulate their unique value positioning and differentiating characteristics based on the Made in Italy Model.Course content:What is Luxury and how influences place brandingWho is the new consumer and how to attract itWhat has changed in the luxury travelling industryDeveloped compelling story, images and video that lead pace awareness, recognition and traffic to your digital propertiesDesign show-stopping value proposition to influence brand perceptions"
Price: 99.99

"Complete fundamentals of drawing+examples+drawing of nose" |
"hello, this course is combination/bundle of 2 courses covering the fundamentals of drawing, what are essential , materials required for drawing, what are essential shading and blending tools and how to use them for your drawing explaining in detail the tips and deep insights oh how to make a smooth shading of skin along with the importance of pencil shading which type of pencil should be used where and how to use it, in detail explanation of light and shadow effect with examples, this course is full package of drawing fundamentals of drawing explained step by step in detail making it so easy that everyone can draw and make a good drawing along with drawing of realistic nose in detail explaining oh how to draw and shade it smoothly covering on how to give highlights and how to make a photo realistic drawing and purpose of this course is to make it so easy that anyone can draw it without any art degree and without any experience."
Price: 34.99

"Energy Audit" |
"Benefits of the course 1. About Energy AuditWhat is Energy Audit Who needs audit Who can perform auditGlobal standards of Energy Audit Direct and indirect benefits of energy auditEnergy Audit Process Before performing Audit 2. Types of Energy Audit Preliminary and Detailed Audit Visible Energy loss identification in walk through audit Energy Audit criteria Scope of energy Audit Selection of Audit team Energy Audit Plan 3. Phase 1 (Preparation of Energy Audit)Initial walk through Collecting energy bills and data Conducting preliminary analysis Sample Energy flow charts 4. Phase 2 (Execution of Energy Audit)Data inventory and management Graphical representation of data Analyzing Energy use patternBench-marking and comparative analysisIdentifying Energy Saving PotentialCost benefit analysis 5. Phase 3 (Reporting of Energy Audit)Preparing Energy Audit Report with Recommendations Preparing Action Plan Implementing the action plan Sample audit report6. ISO 50001 and Energy Management Case Studies ISO 50001 Plan Do Check Act of ISO 50001 Comparison of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001Features of ISO 50001 Case Studies of Pumping system, chemical, automobile and textile plant and steel company"
Price: 99.99

"Slowfoxtrot tanzen leicht gemacht Teil 1" |
"Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Basics von Slowfoxtrot kennen. Beherrscht man von Anfang an die Technik, so fllt einem das umsetzen der folgenden anspurchvolleren Figuren leichter.Erklrung jeder Figur fr Herr und Dame.Vortanzen mit Zhlen ohne Musik.Vortanzen mit Zhlen auf Musik.- Basic Warm up.- Korrekte Haltung (Wie stehe ich richtig?)- Korrekte Technik der Beine (Wie laufe ich richtig?)- Korrekte Fhrung / was ist wichtig zum sich Fhren lassen?- Charaktererklrung des Tanzes.- Wie tanze ich richtig in der Musik?- Figur 1: Federschritt- Figur 2: Dreierschritt- Figurencombination"
Price: 49.99

"Introduccion a iluminacin en Dialux 4.13" |
"Si eres un apasionado por la iluminacin, sin embargo sientes que te hacen falta conocimientos para realizar espacios con iluminacin eficiente. Este es tu curso, donde aprenders a utilizar los componentes bsicos la herramienta Dialux 4.13, mientras tambin aprendes conceptos de iluminacin que quizs no sabias.Deseas crear nuevos, divertidos y eficientes espacios de iluminacin, inscribete y te ensearemos que conceptos debes saber para realizarlo"
Price: 19.99

"LaTeX with Texmaker and Overleaf: the one-stop LaTeX course" |
"This course allows the student to be equipped with all the knowledge necessary to start using LaTeX as a professional typesetting tool. The course covers all the concepts needed by an individual for the use of LaTeX in the professional as well as academic environment. The course follows a natural flow, starting from the installation of the appropriate LaTeX distribution and editor, to the creation of an advanced document. The use of Mendeley as a reference manager and Overleaf as an online collaborative LaTeX editor is also highlighted."
Price: 24.99

"Naming para emprendedores -El poder del Branding en tu marca" |
"En este curso te propongo entender qu es una marca y qu implica una marca fuerte. Solo comprendiendo eso, podrs llegar a destacar aquello que la hace nica, mejorando sustancialmente las posbilidades de xito de tu emprendimiento. Te propongo entender los puntos fuertes y destacarlos en su nombre, guiandot en el proceso. Este curso podra dividirse en tres partes. Una primera donde comprendemos qu es una marca y qu implica una marca fuerte. Una segunda parte donde descubrimos los puntos fuertes de esta, y como interactan con tu pblico. Finalmente, te propongo una frmula accesible, para que puedas llegar a descurbir los mejores nombres, y descartar aquellos que pueden sonar muy bien, pero que no sern los ms efectivos. Este curso est pensado para personas que no necesariamente tengan un conocimiento previo en marketing, branding o naming, y por cierto, el formato de mis clases es bastante entretenido! Nos vemos!"
Price: 29.99

"Anlise e Interpretao de Exames em Urinlise" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender as bases para entender o processo de formao da urina, o controle de qualidade na triagem de amostras bem como o conhecimento tcnico e cientfico para a realizao de um dos testes mais solicitados em uma rotina laboratorial.Ao final deste curso voc ir:Conhecer a anatomia e fisiologia do sistema excretor urinrioRealizar triagem e controle de qualidade da amostraRealizar exames fsicos e qumicos no sumrio de urinaAnalisar e interpretar elementos urinrios na sedimentoscopiaConhecer os parmetros bioqumicos da Urina de 24 HorasColeta, anlise e interpretao de UroculturaAlm disso poder testar seus conhecimentos com nosso simulado."
Price: 39.99

"Metodologias Ativas" |
"Se voc j usa tecnologia na sala de aula ou est apenas dando os primeiros passos, faa o curso de Metodologias Ativas com as Ferramentas do Google for Education para ampliar a aprendizagem em qualquer nvel.Educadores dedicados aprendem todos os dias. Partindo desse princpio, desenvolvi uma formao online com as Ferramentas do Google for Education para a sala de aula que ajuda educadores a fazerem ainda melhor o que eles j fazem muito bem, ensinar!Vou apresentar o conceito de Metodologias Ativas e os Recursos do Gsuite for Education atravs de vdeos-aulas com 52 minutos de durao e com exerccios para fixao da aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de habilidades. Os educadores tero a oportunidade de aprender atravs dos depoimentos de seus pares que enriquecero a abordagem do contedo com uma linguagem acessvel.Voc no precisa ser um expert em tecnologia para fazer o curso, basta levar o que aprendeu para melhorar o que voc j sabe fazer muito bem!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn to Draw the Maps of USA & CANADA from memory including all the States of the two countries. There are 50 States of USA and 13 states in Canada. In this Course, you will learn to draw the maps of these two countries and learn a method to draw all the states and know exactly their relative locations."
Price: 19.99

"learn how to design popular posters using canva designer" |
"In this course I will teach you how to create popular posters using canva designer. you will be learn what goes on with poster designing. i will be sharing my personal tips on designing, and how to easily create designs.REQUIREMENTSyou need to sign up on canva ( free to do )you need a laptop or desktop.No prior knowledge is required in designing.WHAT YOU WILL LEARNBasics of poster designing.key features of posters.learn how to use canva designer toollearn how to design a poster for social initiativeslearn how to design a poster for eventsyou will be learning poster designing from 4 different types of poster,how to design poster using texts and color only.( example : music festival poster in course)my personal tips for designing.after this course you will be able to create your own amazing posters using canva , so just join this course and start learning now."
Price: 199.99

leaky-gut-brain-countermeasure-course |
Price: 9600.00

"C Programming: Intro to Computer Programming" |
"In this course, students will learn the Linux basic of the command-line interface, basic programming constructs, and the basics of how to program in the C programming language. This introductory course will assist with further learning of the C programming language as well as set a foundation for beginner level concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide to Cyber Security Practice Questions" |
"Are you a Cyber Security attack victim? Then, look no further and start knowing this Security Vulnerabilities around you!At the End of this practice questions, you will be confident enough to understand your Vulnerabilities around you. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more.Understand the Cyber Security concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts like:Cyber ForensicsOnline SecurityCell Phone SecurityNetwork SecurityIOT SecurityJoin our Students as they are excited to practice.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are challenging to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that make this course Unique?1. Real time Scenario Questions2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Trading Psychology:5 Bad Habits of Losing Traders+Solutions" |
"Let me give you a few facts:All traders start with the dream to get rich quick40% trade only for one month80% quit within the first 2 yearsOnly 7% remain after 5 years1% of all traders can profit net of feesWhat does that all mean?It means that only 1% of the people in this business are actually making money... Picture this data as a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is this 1% and all the people below (99%) are actually losing money. The 1% on the top are not there by accident. They invested a lot of time and capital to master this skill. Trading is NOT a ""get rich quick opportunity"" ... this is a LIE that is being used because it SELLS. Everyone searches for the easy and fast success without efforts so salesmen are very aware of that fact so this is why they use it. Trading is actually a get poor quickly opportunity for most of the people!Are you losing money in the markets ? Are you tired of that?In learning to trade we all pay, some pay teachers to cut down the learning curve and most pay far more in losses by attempting to learn on their own.Do you want to learn what is holding you back and preventing you from making money in trading?In everyday life, bad habits can have any number of side effects. Weight gain, illness or social exclusion, for example. Bad trading habits, by contrast, affect people in just one way. They lose money.Letting costly habits creep into your trading is all too easy to allow. After all, you dont have a boss to tell you what to do, what not to do, how and when to do it, and you can risk as much as you like.Whether you are a beginning trader or a seasoned one, it is easy to entertain bad habits that are keeping you from your full earning potential. Its most likely that you dont even realize that specific behaviors are holding you back. Instead of looking at the realities of a potential trade, you could be seeing something different through filters you have established. These can become habits that will affect the decisions you make when trading. Dont be held back by bad habits! Learn to recognize them so you can experience better outcomes on your trades.With that in mind, in this course were going to talk about the 5 worst trading habits and how to conquer them.What is more?You will be able to ask me as many questions as you likeYou will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits! The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.You also have 30- Day Money-Back GuaranteeIf you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.So don`t hesitate Enroll Now."
Price: 169.99

"Temel ngilizce A1 ve A2 (Beginner and Elementary)" |
"ngilizce'ye sfrdan balayp temel dzeyde ngilizce bilgisine sahip olacaksnz. Kurs bitiminde, rutin konularla ve gnlk alkanlklarla ilgili gnlk dilde iletiim kurabileceksiniz. En ok ihtiya duyacanz kelimeleri renecek, dersin notlarna kolayca ulaabileceksiniz. Bir dili renmek iin iyi bir temel oluturmak art. Bu yzden daima gncel ve kapsaml bir eitim seti olacak.ngilizce hazrlk rencileri, lise rencileri, ilk okul rencileri ksacas ngilizce'ye ilgisi olan ve renmek isteyen her ya grubu bu kurstan faydalanabilir.Unutmayn! nce iyi bir temel.."
Price: 49.99

"How to solve a 2x2 Rubik's cube + Get fast" |
"In this course, you will first learn a simple method to learn to solve a 2x2, and then a more advanced method to be able to solve it faster (about 5 seconds). The simple method is super easy to learn as there isn't a lot of algorithms to memorise, and the very few algorithms there is to learn are very short. The advanced method (ortega) has a few more algorithms to learn, but with practise and repetition, you will get through them, and it will be worth it, as you will be very fast at solving the 2x2! This course is for people of all levels; you don't have to have any prior knowledge, as I will teach from the very basics, like how the cube works and notation. You can also enrol if you already know how to solve a 2x2 and you're looking just for the advanced method."
Price: 19.99

"Data Analytics and SQL Foundations - The Data Path" |
"Note: This course assumes you've got the basics of Excel down. Learn a set of fundamental skill sets across data, excel, diagrams, and SQL that will empower you with the skills to be a better data practitioner! ------------------------------Here's what we'll learn:Learn the essential concepts governing data Practice several useful formulas within excel and their data applicationsLearn to read data diagrams A wholistic run through of SQL concepts needed to maintain a database ------------------------------ I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I started out in the data space. A course that explains the fundamental concepts in a logical order to build on skills in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 24.99
