"How to sell personal training ? Expert Guide" |
"( Overcome objections ) (Myths should stop believing) (Mistakes you should avoid) After the course you be able to :1- know your role as a professional Personal trainer, and have the confidence to understand your true self-worth2- Learn how to build a connection with the client and how to be an active listener to his needs and efficiently how to use it3- You will learn the professional way to perform the orientation (free) session and how to make a 100% sell from day one with the client4- Learn what is the qualifications needed after being a certified fitness trainer5- Learn essential added skills to build your successful business as a certified fitness trainer6- Learn how to use to represent your qualification in a proper way7- Know different fields to develop after being certified8- Learn the importance of maintaining a professional image as a professional personal rainier9- Learn the benefits of being a specialist personal trainer10- Learn how to target your market and choose a long-term sustainable income stream11- Know exactly, what should be expected to deliver satisfaction to the clients12- Overcome the major objections you will face ( money / time / injury / bad experience )13- Avoid mistakes every personal trainer falls in."
Price: 24.99

"Gestin de los Recursos en Proyectos - PMP Exam Prep." |
"En este curso aprenders como gestionar los recursos en tus proyectos y te servir para prepararte para el examen PMP. Est alineado a la sexta edicin del PMBOK. Al finalizar, dispones de 15 preguntas de evaluacin, diseadas de forma selectiva para prepararte para el examen, con la cual podrs medir tu nivel de preparacin para el examen.Esperamos que lo disfrutes y contribuya satisfactoriamente a tu preparacin."
Price: 19.99

"Heat Transfer Engineering questions" |
"This course is an introduction to the principal concepts and methods of heat transfer. The objectives of this integrated subject are to develop the fundamental principles and laws of heat transfer and to explore the implications of these principles for system behavior; to formulate the models necessary to study, analyze and design heat transfer systems through the application of these principles; to develop the problem-solving skills essential to good engineering practice of heat transfer in real-world applications."
Price: 79.99

"C_THR12_66 SAP Associate Human Capital Management Exam" |
"153 UNIQUE practice questions for C_THR12_66 SAP Associate Human Capital Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_THR12_66 SAP Associate Human Capital Management ExamTotal Questions : 153Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (114 of 153)"
Price: 154.99

"SAP C_TSCM42_66 Associate Review Planning Manufacturing Exam" |
"234 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TSCM42_66 Associate Review Planning Manufacturing ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TSCM42_66 Associate Review Planning Manufacturing ExamTotal Questions : 234Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (175 of 234)"
Price: 164.99

"SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certified Associate Supply Review Exam" |
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certified Associate Supply Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TSCM52_66 Certified Associate Supply Review ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 174.99

"MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security Practice Exams" |
"Exam MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and SecurityLanguages: English, JapaneseRetirement date: noneThis exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: implement modern device services; implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management; and manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance.Exam MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and SecurityCandidates for this exam are Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrators who take part in evaluating, planning, migrating, deploying, and managing Microsoft 365 services. They perform Microsoft 365 tenant management tasks for an enterprise, including its identities, security, compliance, and supporting technologies.Candidates have a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 workloads and should have been an administrator for at least one Microsoft 365 workload (Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business, or Windows as a Service). Candidates also have a working knowledge of networking, server administration, and IT fundamentals such as DNS, Active Directory, and PowerShell.Part of the requirements for: Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator ExpertNew Updated questionsMicrosoft MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security exams improve the following skills questions:Implement modern device services (30-35%)Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM)Manage device compliancePlan for devices and appsPlan Windows 10 deploymentImplement Microsoft 365 security and threat management (30-35%)Implement Cloud App Security (CAS)Implement threat managementImplement Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)Manage security reports and alertsManage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance (35-40%)Configure Data Loss Prevention (DLP)Implement Azure Information Protection (AIP)Manage data governanceManage auditingManage eDiscovery"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way.""Please note that you will have to register and pay for your Microsoft Exam 101 separately.Who this course is for:Anyone who are preparing for the MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security certification and knowledgeBest of luckTeam ClayDeskTeaching over 1+ Million students online"
Price: 49.99

kotobadechigaio |
"1.2.YES()KPI3.4. 1. Invitation Card 192. Distincton 3. 4. 5. ResultProcess 6. 7. 8. Yes9. Team10. Communication11. 12. Fact 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Motivation18. Goal19. 20. 21. 22. 23. SM24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. KPI 30."
Price: 24000.00

"FC0-TS1 CompTIA Strata IT Sales Certified Practice Exam" |
"129 UNIQUE practice questions for FC0-TS1 CompTIA Strata IT Sales Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : FC0-TS1 CompTIA Strata IT Sales Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 129Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 129)"
Price: 144.99

"PMI-001 PMP V5 Procedure Certified Practice Test" |
"236 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-001 PMP V5 Procedure Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-001 PMP V5 Procedure Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 236Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (177 of 236)"
Price: 159.99

"CISM Incident Management Response Certified Practice Test" |
"100 UNIQUE practice questions for CISM Incident Management Response Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISM Incident Management Response Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 100Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (75 of 100)"
Price: 144.99

"Cinesiamo insieme" |
"?Sapevi che il cinese mandarino la seconda lingua pi parlata e tra le 3 lingue pi studiate al mondo? Proprio per questo ti propongo un corso di livello base per facilitare il tuo ingresso nel fantastico mondo del cinese.Credimi una lingua per molti versi complicata e ricordarsi i carattere a volte pu farti impazzire (esperienza personale), ma da anche altrettanta soddisfazione quando riesci finalmente a capire e memorizzare le regole e i vocaboli di una tra le lingue pi dure al mondo.Questo corso di lingua cinese destinato a tutti gli aspiranti cinesofili italiani che si avvicinano per la prima volta (o quasi) a questo mondo cos diverso, ma anche cos intricato e travolgente che il cinese. Iniziando da qualche base di fonetica, ci addentreremo poi nella grammatica della lingua, partendo dagli elementi e regole pi semplici (come il verbo essere o i pronomi personali), fino ad arrivare a costruire frasi un po' pi articolate e complesse. Alla fine di ogni argomento ci saranno degli esercizi di grammatica e vocabolario realizzati con lo scopo di confermare le nozioni acquisite durante la spiegazione.Vuoi sapere cosa significa quella strana scritta in cinese la sopra? E allora cosa stai aspettando? Iniziamo!!*Se hai dubbi o perplessit lasciami un commento sotto al video*Copertina del corso grazie al sito pngtree"
Price: 19.99

"Informtica para Concursos TOTAL - Degrau 1" |
"Sou professor h 25 anos, ministrando aulas de Informtica, dos quais 20 com foco exclusivo em Concursos Pblicos e mais de 500 mil alunos (no Brasil e fora dele) j estudaram por meio de minhas aulas, apostilas e livros.Este curso o conjunto definitivo e atualizado de contedos necessrios para se preparar para basicamente qualquer prova de Concurso que exija a disciplina de Informtica. No ser necessrio estudar esta matria novamente nem por livros, nem por outros cursos em vdeo!Sero mais de 40 horas de aula acompanhadas de material didtico com mais de 1000 pginas de contedo de texto 100% atualizado em 2020 e de mais de 500 questes propostas e minuciosamente comentadas no material.ESTA O PRIMEIRO DEGRAU DESTE CURSO! Contedo Programtico / Calendrio:Mdulo 1 - Conceitos Iniciais de Informtica2 h de aula em vdeoMaterial Didtico atualizado (jun/2020) com 30 pginas.Mdulo 2 - Noes de Hardware6 horas de aulas em vdeo;Material Didtico atualizado (jun/2020) com 107 pginas.Mdulo 3 - Conceitos de Software2 horas de aulas em vdeo;Material Didtico atualizado (jun/2020) com 30 pginas.Mdulo 4 - Linux8 horas de aulas em vdeo;Material Didtico atualizado (jun/2020) com 98 pginas.Mdulo 5 - Windows 108 h de aula em vdeo (estimativa);Material Didtico atualizado (jun/2020) com 122 pginas.Este Degrau j est 100% disponvel para comprar e assistir! Vem comigo!"
Price: 99.99

"Easy Sketch - Hand drawn perspective techniques -" |
"What is Easy Sketch?EASY SKETCH shows techniques for making high quality quick sketch perspectives for home.With this course, you can learn how to make touching hand drawn perspectives using elevation.Nowadays, everybody uses CG perspective. However, if you can draw perspectives by hand,you can leave a special impression on your client.Perspective projection doesnt requiredWith easy sketch you can learn the drawing techniques of perspective based on the elevation.This way you can shorten the time to finish the drawing and your drawing will be more accurate.Create 2 images from 1 elevationWith easy sketch 2 types of image proposals can be made from one elevation.It all depends on your imagination. It will be a nice service and proposal to your client.Various coloring methodsWith this course you will learn how to color the drawing using photoshop.You can also choose markers, colored pencils to color your drawing.You can choose the coloring method and make your original design.Acquire the drawing techniques as you watch and try to draw by yourself.Course contentsLesson1 - Rough sketch - Draw a sketch based on the elevation -Step1 - Draw property line / building perspective1. Describe frontage2. Point vanishing line3. Extend the line to edge from vanishing point4. Make boundary line of street5. Describe dimensionStep2 - How to draw staffage1. Set the positions of exterior and cars2. Set the hedge hight3. Draw hedge and plants4. Draw a perimeter fence5. Add shadowsStep3 - How to draw the background1. Draw background2. Add texture to the window glass3. Deepen the lines use for tracing workLesson2 - tracing - Learn the points of tracing along the sketchStep1- Express building outlines, windows, and exterior wall materials1. Trace the roof2. Trace the window3. Trace the sidingStep2 - Learn how to trace staffage1. Trace the exterior and planting2. Trace the approach tiles3. Trace the car4. Trace the fenceStep3 - How to express windows, background, road surfaces, and shadows1. Trace the window2. Trace the road3. Trace the background4. Add highlight lineLesson3 - Coloring - Coloring with PhotoshopIn this course, designer is using Japanese version of Photoshop. So this course would be helpful to those who are already familiar with Photoshop.Step1 - Learn the steps of coloring the house1. Coloring the sky2. Coloring the roof3. Coloring the outer wall4. Coloring the windowStep2 - Coloring roads, staffage, and background1. Road coloring2. Staffage coloring3. Background coloringStep3 - Learn effective expression of shadows1. Porch coloring2. Entrance door coloring3. Adding shadows"
Price: 39.99

"De relatie tussen gedrags- en fysieke problemen bij honden" |
"In deze cursus leg ik je uit hoe gedrags- en fysieke problemen bij honden met elkaar verbonden zijn. Dit alles op een wetenschappelijke basis, met voldoende referenties voor wie dieper in deze materie wil gaan. Ik praat over hoe cellen met elkaar communiceren, op welke verschillende niveau's ze dit doen en hoe dit problemen kan veroorzaken. Maar ook wat je er als therapeut kan aan doen wanneer er een stoornis is op deze niveau's. Verder wordt er ook uitgelegd wat de verschillende neurologische structuren zijn die betrokken zijn bij gedragsproblemen. En welke hormonen gedrag benvloeden. De polyvagaal theorie en de relatie met de fysieke toestand van honden wordt benadrukt, alsook welk effect het microbioom heeft op het gedrag bij honden. Tenslotte wordt er ook gekeken welk effect stress heeft op het lichaam van een hond. Met andere woorden: er wordt gekeken hoe er bottom-up kan gewerkt worden als therapeut, maar ook voor de gedragstherapeuten die top-down werken is dit deze cursus interessant om te weten welke processen er juist aan te pas komen bij gedragsproblemen. Om dit alles te toetsen aan de praktijk zijn er ook enkele cases toegevoegd, zowel vanuit de gedragtherapeutische als de osteopathische praktijk."
Price: 29.99

"Employee Engagement" |
"This interactive course brings together 4 world-class experts, Marshall Goldsmith-Marc C. Thompson-Brad Sugars-Richard Maloney, who help companies drive massive growth and profit by creating engaged teams. There are 10 chapters of thought-provoking discussions to make a real impact on the future of employee engagement. Learn the potential growth & profit that can be unlocked by boosting employee engagement, and the pitfalls of ignoring problems."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Facilitador Financeiro - Projeto No Sou Gabriela-NSG" |
"No Sou Gabriela (NSG) um curso de educao financeira simples e humano, acessvel a todo grupo adulto e em qualquer escolaridade, incluindo o analfabeto, adaptado s necessidades de pessoas em situao de vulnerabilidade e que, por meio de estratgias das cincias comportamentais, visa sensibiliz-las sobre a importncia de se proteger em ocasies de emergncia, de cuidar melhor de si e de seu dinheiro, de fazer escolhas mais conscientes e de garantir uma velhice mais tranquila.O facilitador financeiro o profissional responsvel por acolher as pessoas, ampliar o acesso informao sobre seus direitos e o uso responsvel de produtos e servios financeiros e previdencirios e disseminar a metodologia de educao financeira NSG junto comunidade por meio de incentivos aquisio de habilidades como a autoconfiana, o autocontrole, o conhecimento, a preveno e o planejamento, levando o empoderamento de pessoas em situao de vulnerabilidade.Ao comearmos este curso em sua vertente presencial (onde houve a gravao das aulas deste contedo) o intuito inicial era de formar facilitadores financeiros para a propagao do curso de educao financeira No Sou Gabriela.Entretanto, ao longo destas aulas presenciais, percebemos que os futuros facilitadores tambm queriam aprender para si os conceitos e valores disseminados e ensinados. Associando a situao atual, onde tivemos que interromper as turmas fsicas devido a pandemia do COVID-19, aproveitamos para divulgar nesta plataforma o nosso curso na ntegra, de maneira a abranger o mximo de pessoas, pelo Distrito Federal afora. Portanto, esse curso online para voc que, alm de querer levar educao s mais diversas populaes, tambm quer alcanar seu prprio desenvolvimento e sua independncia financeira. ObjetivosApresentar princpios e estratgias de desenvolvimento do projeto de educao financeira NSG, incluindo o contexto do seu surgimento e o contedo das aulas;Permitir o conhecimento necessrio para replicar a metodologia NSG na sua vida ou no seu negcio, bem como ministrar o curso em sala de aula.Apresentar a Plataforma digital NSG, as estratgias de alfabetizao de adultos e as funes exercidas pelo assistente social, incluindo informaes sobre direitos acessveis a grupos vulnerveis.Equipe:- Eduardo W. Ferreira e diretor executivo da movimentar GmbH, consultor, programador e empreendedor social. Ele doutor em economia (Alemanha) e possui mais de 18 anos de experiencia profissional em desenvolvimento internacional com diversos governos e organizacoes na Europa, Africa, Asia e America Latina.- Jos Luiz Bianco Jnior bacharel em Administrao de Empresas, com ps-graduao em Contabilidade e MBA em Controladoria/USP. presidente executivo do Programa Providncia de Elevao da Renda Familiar. Consultor ad hoc para o Prmio Nacional da Gesto Pblica, do Programa de Qualidade no Servio Pblico, vinculado ao Ministrio do Planejamento, Oramento e Gesto. Trabalhou no Banco do Brasil de 1975 a 2006, onde exerceu diversos cargos comissionados, sendo Educador Corporativo nas reas de finanas e contabilidade.- Max Brito Coelho economista, facilitador financeiro (instrutor) e idealizador do projeto de educao financeira No Sou Gabriela. Ex-coordenador do Programa Nacional de Microcrdito/MTE e da Subsecretria de Empreendedorismo/GDF, responsvel pelo programa de Microcrdito Prospera. Atua h quase 20 anos com projetos sociais.- Valdenise Barreto de Almeida Assistente social/UnB e mestranda em Polticas Pblicas em Sade pela Fiocruz. assistente social do projeto No Sou Gabriela."
Price: 249.99

"Body Music" |
"77 videos with warm-ups, technique/basics and 7 different rhythms that you can play either a-capella or to pop songs are waiting for you!Whether you're new to body music or have some experience, youll find a wealth of content adequate to learn at your own speed. Accept the challenge to make your life more musical, rhythmical and groovy."
Price: 119.99

"Mega Curso - Arduino com aplicativos Android" |
"Com o Mega Curso de Arduino com Aplicativos Android voc aprender a criar diversos projetos com Arduino e depois integrar esses projetos com aplicativos Android criados com o MIT App Inventor. Mostraremos a teoria e a histria do Arduino, ensinaremos a utilizar um simulador para criar circuitos (TinkerCad) e criaremos projetos reais com sensores e dispositivos eletrnicos junto ao Arduino. Faremos a criao de aplicativos Android para se comunicar com o Arduino e elevar o nvel dos nossos projetos. Utilizaremos ainda, alguns Apps Android gratuitos que tambm j so integrados ao Arduino para criar aplicaes de IoT(Internet das Coisas) e tambm Automao Residencial. Criaremos projetos com garras e braos robticos, criao de robs controlados por aplicativos, acionamentos de dispositivos atravs de Bluetooth, Infra Vermelho e ainda comandos de voz. Voc aprender absolutamente tudo sobre Arduino e ainda far projetos de alto nvel com a utilizao de aplicativos Android. Comece j!!"
Price: 39.99

"Divorced First Aid - Fast healing from emotional pain" |
"100% NATURAL, NO SIDE EFFECTS! Really fast relief from emotional pain and inspired by top relationship experts like Esther Perel, Dr. John Gray, Kim Anami, Tony Robbins, and Katherine Woodward. You'll be able to deal with the different emotional aspects of separation like:Release your painful memories from the breakupDealing with emotional overwhelmThe kidsFinancial stressGet rid of toxic bitternessIdentity crisisFree yourself from addiction to negativityOpen your heart for love again (even if it seems impossible)BENEFITS YOU'LL EXPERIENCERise Above Fears & AnxietyOvercome Depression and SadnessSleep BetterImprove Your Health & ImmunityDevelop Unbreakable GritDevelop Resilience to Overwhelm Develop a Mindset of Hope and PositivityHave you ever felt weighed down by stress and anxiety, to the point that it affects your physical and emotional wellbeing?And would you like to finally break free from the negative effects of stress from divorce - in a way that is natural, sustainable, and doesnt sacrifice your productivity?Many people believe crippling stress is an inevitable side effect of divorce and separation. Some even see it as a necessary evil they need to go through.But what if there was a better way to deal with the stress that's associated with divorce?In fact, what if you could reprogram your body and brain to not only become amazingly resilient against stress, even in the most worrying situations - but to even convert stress into positive energy that fuels you in a healthy way towards extraordinary freedom and fulfillment?SAY YES TO A WHOLE HEARTThe Divorced First Aid program is a system by Morgan Sungreen that conditions you with a series of his signature EFT, NLP and hypnotherapy techniques - leaving you immune to the effects of stress, fear, and anxiety caused by divorce and separation.By following Morgans simple steps, youll become far better equipped to deal with any form of stress you encounter. And ultimately enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising on your health or relationships.The beauty of Morgans process is that it reprograms you - on both a mental and physiological level - to naturally process stress in a healthier, more productive way. All without any willpower struggles or conscious behavioral change.Morgan is a renowned pioneer in behavioral change through the scientifically proven power of hypnosis. And through his debut on Udemy, you too can now experience his critically acclaimed approach to personal transformation."
Price: 19.99

"Color Therapy: Practice Color Therapy Right Now" |
"Color Therapy: Practice Color TherapyPractice power of color in your life to promote health & wellbeing, color therapy for self-healing explorationLet me welcome you in this color therapy course where you will explore all about Color Therapy and its effects on you and your surroundings. So use Color Therapy to Solve Problems, Increase Clarity and Increase Your awareness. Learning the energies of the different Colors as a means for healing disease in body, mind, and spirit is very fascinating. Using Color to restore balance and harmony is an amazingly easy thing you can do for yourself. Benefits of Colored Light Meanings of Individual Colors The Power of Color Color and their effects on human body and surroundings Cure diseases by using color therapy How to use color therapy for your wellbeing? Become a Color therapist and help other individuals How to uplift your mood and energy by using colorThis course has a very practical approach towards color therapy so you can start practicing it immediately after going through the lectures. Learn how you can begin enjoying the freedom found through a higher awareness of energy. Colors have already been used to heal and shelter mankind throughout the centuries. White, for example, has been used in hospitals and churches for its purity and cleanliness. Black has been used for mourning our deceased. Learn about the energy of each Color and how to use them in your life. Color is an important tool that we can use to complement healing. We all are surrounded by colors and using Color is an important element in your healing or in some other aspect of your life. You will be able to use color therapy to treat diseases, empower yourself and will feel much more relaxed and calm.Use colors and Color Therapy to your benefit and explore the wonderful world of colors through this course. Now, lets start exploring the wonderful world of colors. See you in the course lectures.Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"7-Figure Agent Mastermind" |
"Have you been wondering what it takes to become a Top Producing Agent in real estate? The key to success is not as complicated as you might think. Join us for an in-depth event on the steps you can take to create a massively profitable business as an agent.Interview sessions include some of New Jersey's top producing agents like Michelle Pais and Michael Gomes."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete Git & Github (2020) - Nothing To Everything" |
"This course will comprehensively cover the Git & GitHub hosting service, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required. Students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and GitHub.Course OrganizationThe course is divided into four major components:Introduction and SetupLearning GitGitHub & User Management SystemBonusesEach one of the above components spans multiple sections in this course.Who this course is for:Anyone interested in using version control and specifically Git and GitHubSoftware engineers, developers, programmers new to Git or GitHubIT Managers or technical leads considering Git or GitHub for version control on their teamFreelancers or other creative professionals"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Masterclass" |
"Update August 2020 : It is now the highest rated course on Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 at Udemy with students from 30+ countries and all 6 continents. Thanks a lot for the overwhelming response !***Digital transformation is a very popular topic these days. But what does it really mean and how can you identify the right digital technologies to create value at work and successfully implement them?This course offers the right balance between the insights and best practices from top tier consulting firms and practical wisdom of what really works in a large corporate. The course content has already been vetted with digitalization experts across multiple events, forums and training sessions before and brings you the best of their collective experience. The course is filled with many caselets and quizzes to reinforce your learning, covers digital use cases across 20+ sectors & industries, and includes a full case study in the end to design and implement a digital transformation program.The course is structured in four sections:Section 1: IntroduceWhat is digital, exactly, and what does it mean for individuals, companies and the broader society?What do terms like Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 mean?Section 2: LearnWhat are the most relevant digital technologies (AI/ML, IoT, AR/VR, RPA, Cloud, Blockchain, 3D Printing) and how do they work?What are their applications, use cases and limitations today?Section 3: ChallengeHow can companies create value from digitization?What are the value drivers and principles for crafting a robust digital strategy?What percentage of digital transformations are really successful? What are the top reasons behind their failure?Section 4: ApplyWhat are the best practices in creating a digital transformation roadmap?How to secure commitment for resources, manage stakeholders and scale-up beyond the pilot phase?What are the different models for external partnerships (e.g., incubators, accelerators) and open innovation?By the end of this course you will be able to:Build a strong foundation of key digital technologiesKnow how to apply them at work and create value for the companyDesign and implement a successful digitalization programThe entire course material including the slide presentation, frameworks and toolkits are fully downloadable. Further there are additional handpicked reading material and resources available for your reference. Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions or clarifications. All the best for your learning journey !"
Price: 99.99

"Kali Linux - Hacking for beginners" |
"Start your hacking career with kali linux. In this kali linux tutorial you do not need to know anything about unix and linux systems. You find the command line confusing? If yes, this is the perfect course for you. Starting from the scratch you will build up your hacking- and command-line knowledge on how to use Kali linux as ethical hacker for penetration testing or for other purposes. You will become fluent with the basic tools and commands.""This course was incredibly helpful. I learned a lot and i am more confident not only in the kali os, but also in the command-line and in the security tools. Sometimes Huberts german accent was hard to undertand. At the end I succeeded in the final hacking-challenge and had a lot of fun with their web hacking-quest. "" - Jana Miller The course is divided into six main parts.Part 1 - Hacking into the systemTry to get direct access on a server byusing Brute-Force Tools Part 2 - Hacking the system with exploitsTry to get access on the system or services by using exploits Part 3 - Hacking encrypted passwordsTry to crack encrypted offline data by using Cracking-ToolsPart 4 - Hacking Websites and DatabasesTry to get on a webserver or into a database by using advanced techniques Part 5 - Hacking the LAN/WLAN dataTry to capture the network traffic by using network sniffers and try to break into a wifi networkPart 6 - Hacking with Payloads/PhisingTry to create and send a trojan by using msfvenomTHIS COURSE HAS A HACKING-CHALLENGE INCLUDED! (YOU MIGHT WANT TO TRY IT AS FINAL TEST)This couse concentrates highly on direct, practical exercises which you could do for yourself. You are allowed to attack our webserver and to try all the things you learned on it. By the end of the course you...know how to attack targetsknow how to build trojansknow how to analyse and capture network trafficknow how to crack weak passwords and how to create safer onesunderstand and replicate what the bad guys do :-)"
Price: 44.99

"Cmo crear un negocio online de Drop Servicing paso a paso" |
"El Drop Servicing es la nueva oportunidad dentro del comercio electrnico en 2020. Si quieres empezar a crear tu propio negocio en este curso te ensearemos cmo hacerlo.Aprenders de manera fcil y prctica cmo crear tu propio negocio y empezar a obtener ventas de gran valor.Todo est explicado desde cero para que cualquiera que quiera empezar lo pueda hacer. Desde la definicin de Drop Servicing hasta cmo atraer clientes a tu propia pgina web. El curso se centra en los 4 pasos principales a seguir para crear un negocio de Drop Servicing:1. Escoger un servicio ganador2. Buscar el proveedor del servicio3. Crear una pgina web4. Atraer clientes a tu webSi quieres ser uno de los primeros a empezar este modelo de negocio online, no dudes en inscribirte."
Price: 74.99

"Filmora9 Complete Video Editing Tutorial For Beginners 2020" |
"Who Is This For?This course was made for YouTubers, filmmakers, Vloggers, professional video editors, who want to edit for others like freelance. Content creators for YouTube and social media often want a simplified workflow, and Filmora certainly provides that kind of editing experience. But does that mean its something experienced editors should ignore? Not necessarily. Filmora9 does not have the features of professional software like Premiere, Final Cut, Media Composer, or Resolve. But if you are cutting a short film or documentary and have a limited budget it can get the job done.FeaturesFilmoras timeline can handle up to 100 layers, so this isnt exactly iMovie. Any editing program is going to have basic editing and transform controls, but Filmora9 also has basic compositing and audio tools. The program also features full 4K support (both UHD and DCI 4K). I found this pleasantly surprising since free versions of professional applications often are restricted to HD projects. Here are a few other features worth mentioning:Supported FormatsAs you might expect the supported recording formats are quite limited. You wont be editing RED footage with Filmora, of course. If youre using a DSLR or mirrorless camera then you shouldnt have to worry about supported codecs. Filmora9 does not support ProRes as a recording format, but it is listed as a supported export format. Heres a list of all the supported recording and export formats, as well as system requirements."
Price: 1280.00

"Beginner to pro Learn how create + edit video with Imovie" |
"In today's course I'm going to be showing you how easy it is to make professional videos, films and trailers from simply just your Iphone and using the editing software Imovie.This Class will cover everything you need to know about Imovie from downloading the app to creating green screen masterclass edits!The following class will cover these main topics:Introduction to ImovieCreating your first projectAdvanced video settingsAdvanced photo settingsAudio and MusicMaking trailersBasic editing skills and tricksMy personnel experience with ImovieUsing the Green screen effectSo if your eager to start making content Imovie is the software your going to want to use!By the end of this course you should have a great understanding for editing and provided you practice, there is no reason why you won't be making professional videos after your first month!Here is a list of the things you should be able to do by the end of the course:Create a movie, film, video or trailerEasily edit an imovie projectAdd a variety of things such as music, audio, text and more!Gather advanced knowledge, tips and tricks to help you editThe green screen effectAdd advanced video settingsHave a good idea when to use transitionsThat's it from me, hope you enjoyed the class - feel free to leave a review on how it went!Thanks Max"
Price: 19.99

"Cubase e la notazione musicale" |
"Cosa ci pu offrire una canzone?Lanalisi di una canzone, e la sua riproducibilit esecutiva, molto importante. Attraverso essa scopriremo tutti quegli elementi utili per il nostro apprendimento e ci daranno quella gioia di vedere realizzato il nostro impegno. Inoltre non cosa da poco riconoscersi in una canzone ci identifica e sottintende la nostra etica!Cercheremo di comprendere: come nasce una CANZONE rispettando i principi che che la caratterizzano e le diverse MODALITA' PROGETTUALI.Metodologia didattica:Scrittura musicale attraverso software di NOTAZIONE MUSICALE;Arrangiamento con DAW: CUBASE.Lo studio e l'analisi : Sar fatto attraverso una canzone di REPERTORIO:While my guitar gently weepsGeorge Harrison The BeatlesL'ambiente per lo studio e l'analisi di progettazione sar cos costituito:1.Il mio strumento 2.Un computer3.Software per applicazioni musicali4.DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)Software da utilizzare:1. Programmi per la notazione musicale: TuxGuitar (analogo di Guitar Pro, ma open source) - Notion e/o Musescore2.Sequencer: Cubase (anche versioni lite)Come procedo?1.Lettura di uno spartito (semplice) e/o il software TuxGuitar, Notion e/o Musescore2.Organizzo le tracce su un sequencer: Cubase3.ArrangiamentoIn sintesi:Apprenderemo, attraverso un brano edito, come si struttura una canzone utilizzando software di NOTAZIONE MUSICALERealizzeremo un proprio arrangiamento attraverso la DAW Digital Audio Workstation.B U O N A M U S I C A"
Price: 49.99

"Tai Chi" |
"Hi, welcome to online Tai Chi 24 forms class, my name is Hu Cheng. In this course, you going to learn Simplified Tai chi 24 forms with the Brand New way. 24 forms Tai Chi is the world popular Tai Chi form. Today I use Three easy steps process which is (Watch, Learn, Practice)to help you learn Tai Chi from Online become easy."
Price: 34.99

"New Way Of Doing Dropshipping / Shopify + Spocket" |
"In this course, were going to go through finding products to sell without ever worrying about inventory and shipping. Youll learn why dropshipping might be the ideal business model for you, how to validate a product and business idea, how to set up a store, how to find a supplier, and how to get your first sale. Whether you have no idea how to get started or you have no idea how to get your first sale, thats what Im here for."
Price: 49.99
