"Desarrolla Maestra Emocional" |
"Existen varios errores conceptuales y culturales sobre las emociones. Uno de los ms importantes radica en tratar a las emociones como si tuviesen vida propia, como si ""llegasen"" de la nada, cuando en realidad todas nuestra emociones son generadas por nosotros mismos, de forma consciente o inconsciente.La maestra emocional radica centralmente en dos pilares: Uno tiene que ver con que todas nuestras emociones son la manifestacin fisiolgica de nuestros significados (interpretaciones) y al ser generadores de significados, podemos cambiarlos en el momento que queramos. El segundo pilar tienen que ver con nuestro poder personal. Ser nosotros mismos quienes elijamos conscientemente nuestros pensamientos (significados, interpretaciones, creencias, entendimientos, memorias, imaginaciones, etc.), nuestras emociones, nuestras palabras y nuestras acciones. A esto le llamamos crear y usar nuestra zona de poder personal."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo Sanar una Relacin Txica" |
"En este curso encontrars los ""cmo"" hacer para sanar una relacin txica (o todas las que t decidas). El principal cambio viene de ti misma-o, de la manera en la que aprendiste que es ""normal"" relacionarse. Se trata de un cambio de paradigmas y de actitudes que harn que sea prcticamente imposible seguir en los juegos dainos de las relaciones txicas y te estar recordando constantemente cmo hacer para relacionarte de forma sana y armoniosa."
Price: 24.99

buhukraine |
", , . , 15+ 8 - . , - , . , . , . ? ( ) 30 000 50 000 ? :) . , . , . , , , , 5 . . . , . ! . :) . , , :)"
Price: 149.99

"Leadership Skills Made Simple" |
"This course makes all the leadership principles easy to understand. In the journey, this course will touch certain points of Kaizen Leadership, Quantum Leadership as well as some essentials skills that a leader should try to acquire. This course also gives you some day to day professional tips for you to apply in your space and see the difference in your leadership confidence."
Price: 11520.00

projectivedrawings |
Price: 19.99

"Yedi Vadi Sufi retisi" |
"Bilgelie ve bilgiye ulaabilmek trl almalar gerektirebilir. Fakat en nemlisi Kendini Bilme almasdr. Kendinden haberdar olabilmek ve kendini tanmak, yaamdan ayr dnlemez. Bu bir renme metodudur ve bir yaam biimidir. Bu renme metodunu yaamna yayarak uygulama alanna koyabilir. Bir ka yl alabilir ya da on yllar. Fakat en dorusu bir mrlktr."
Price: 79.99

"SCRUM product management for teams using Trello" |
"If you want to develop an outstanding product, the type of product that sells itself and doesn't only create customers but raving loyal fans - you need an outstanding process.That's because product management is hard.With so many different elements, and so many possibilities to choose from - even a simple process can quickly get out of hand.In this course, you will learn an exact process to manage the process using Trello, so you can say goodbye to vague advice and generic principles.Including step by step instructions and behind the scenes access to a real product management process used by successful start-ups to develop exceptional products.This give's you everything you need to run a successful product management cycle from beginning to end.Who is this for:Anyone looking to build a product, including:New and experienced product managersHead of product at small businessStart-upsEntrepreneursThis course is designed for teams who value flexibility and speed over detailed analysis and heavy reporting. Who want to play to the strengths of Trello and a small dynamic team.Don't leave your product development up to chance...Discover a flexible process that can adapt to your teams development.Are you ready to take your product management process to the next level?Are you ready to enhance your Trello process with automation?Are you ready to have a product process you can rely on?Get started today!"
Price: 99.99

"Mind that gives Clarity and Balance !" |
"This course will help you to understand the importance and use of the other parts of your mind which are under utilized. As, the western education system was designed and gave too much emphasis on growing and using only your logical side of the mind for almost everything. There has been very little or absolutely NO emphasis on enhancing the intuitive ( Pure Intelligence = Chitta ) section. Since, the western people's mind were only trained on just one feature (Logic). The other dimensions of mind were left undeveloped and the westeren people started to look at everthing logically , including LIFE ! "
Price: 29.99

"Creative Problem Solving: Maximising Design Thinking" |
"Thanks for your interest in the Creative Problem Solving on-demand course!So many of us are facing challenges we haven't encountered or thought about before in these times of a Global Pandemic. It doesn't matter if these problems are big, or small, whether it's:How can I remain motivated working from home wither other pressures of children and partners?How can I keep furloughed team members engaged?How can I manage my daily routine so that I am productive?What can I do to support my community? And many moreWe really want you to be as passionate as us about the behaviours and tools of problem solving so that you can embed it in to your day to day work, and enjoy the benefits of better creativity, and innovation agility to work smarter with a better output.This course is not about giving you the answers; it's about equipping you with a process, practical tools, mindset and understanding to face your challenges and solve them in a creative way.As you click through this course, you will find some content is downloadable, usually as a PDF. . Some content is embedded, like youtube videos, and training videos and sometimes there will be quizzes and assessments to help you to reinforce your learning.You have access to the tools from the course, some stimulus videos and some recommended further reading. But great news! The schedule is:Course OverviewWelcomeCreative Problem solving overviewDesign ThinkingDiscovering insights and defineTraining videoDownloadable toolsTools in action videoQuizComing up with great ideasTraining videoDownloadable toolsTools in action videoQuizPrototyping and testingTraining videoDownloadable toolsTools in action video QuizNext stepsCongratulations!Recommended readingTaking your creativity to new heightswith The Innovators ProfileIdea videosEnjoy the stimulus, use the tools, practise, drill and rehearse them until they become part of you!"
Price: 49.99

"Certificate Course in Facial Skin Care" |
"This course has taken over a decade of fine-tuning and upgradation for me to finally be convinced to publish it. When I chose to narrow my specialty of practice from core dermatology to cosmetic dermatology back in 2001, it wasthe lesser-traveled path. Within a few months of setting up my practice, I had many beauty enthusiasts and a few clientstoo expressing their interest in learning the subject and getting the required know-how to pursue the science of beauty.Teaching comes to me naturally, as I have been a professor for 12 years from the very beginning of my career withNDMVP Samaj Medical College, Adgaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India, and I love sharing my knowledge and impartingtraining in my field of expertise. Also, another key reason for setting up professional courses in cosmetology was the lackof technical schools to impart this education back then. It pained to see clients having their skin gone bad with regularfacials or parlour treatments not suited for their skin type. There was a clear need to educate every beauty consultant atthe very grass-root level to understand the basics of skin-type analysis and scientific skin care. This is where it all began,the book then was just a few pages of bullet point notes provided to students for reference; but, today, it is a full-fledgedvolume that covers every subject in extreme detail. The book elaborates how to conduct a procedure from beginning toend. It is a perfect guidebook for all those practising cosmetology already or considering the idea of it.May we together continue to make this world more and more beautiful."
Price: 9920.00

"Demystifying Architectural Competitions:" |
"Step into the studio with Ali Khan, as he takes you through his time-tested framework for creating engaging architectural concepts for architectural competitions.From designing universities, hotels, residential complexes, or that art museum project you always wanted in your portfolio- your way into the architectural mainstream is through doing competitions and lots of them! But taking part in one can be a daunting task for many as they are pitted against others, and that too in a race against time. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to keep calm and deliver engaging, meaningful, and architecturally sound projects that are beyond cosmetic form-making or patchwork of the latest materials and trends. Not to worry, you are in good hands! For the past 15 years, Ali has been working as a design director on countless architectural competitions throughout the world while based out of his studio in Bern, Switzerland. Now, he is sharing the tips, tricks, and his secret framework N.I.C.e, that he has created over a career centered on architectural concepts.From the first idea to the final concept, in this series you will discover how to: Understand the various types of architectural competitions out there and which ones to choose Prime your thinking into the concept design mindset Learn my secret sauce N.I.C.e design framework Review 3 case studies from Ali`s experience to drive home the concept of the concept (No pun intended!) Leave with an excellent understating of creating engaging conceptsAll ages of architects are invited to join this class, whether youre looking to expand your design approach, dabble into the architectural competition scene, or just see how other architects develop concepts. When youre done, youll leave with a tangible framework you can use to engage in architectural competitions and win hearts, minds, and hopefully more projects!"
Price: 19.99

"Comment se librer, se purifier, sharmoniser et se protger" |
"Dans ces cours, vous apprendrez vous nettoyer, vous librer, vous harmoniser et vous protger avec diffrentes pratiques faciles utiliser. Vous apprendrez comment fabriquer et utiliser diffrentes eaux / bains pour nettoyer, quilibrer et vous protger nergiquement. Vous aurez un atelier, des exercices que vous pourrez faire pour vous librer d'une situation, d'une motion, d'une personne ... De votre pass. Vous aurez diffrentes techniques pour harmoniser vos nergies: masculines et fminines / vos chackras.Vous apprendrez utiliser les 4 lments et vous y connecter.Avec toutes ces pratiques, vous apprendrez comment vous pouvez vous connecter plus vous-mme et retrouver votre paix intrieur.Amour et lumireClmence"
Price: 19.99

"Forex Trading - With LIVE Examples of Forex Trading" |
"In this course you will learn a variety of skills that are 100% neccessary in order to become a longterm profitable trader. I've spent the last 5 years crafting & mastering my craft. I've gone ahead and included everything I wish I knew in the very beginning. After you learn these key fundamentals you'll be able to place a trade properly, read the market direction with ease, and get started on the right track to become a profitable forex trader."
Price: 99.99

"Basics of Digital Image Processing Hands-on Using Matlab" |
"This course will help you understand image processing using matlab software right from getting the software to installing the software in your system. Few processes/techniques have been explained in details along with their implementation. After learning few fundamentals one can build project or do research in this field. After learning concepts taught in this course you can learn about remote sensing. I will be taking an advance course on image processing using matlab where I will be teaching novel technique for image classification, also will be implementing the same using matlab."
Price: 1280.00

"7 Secrets of Billionaire Mindset" |
"This course will help you to learn the Secrets of the Billionaire Mindset.- What made them Successful?- How they think?- What are their Secrets, which made them successful?It will help you to apply the learning from the Billionaire Mindset in your day to day life. And it will help you to introspect about yourself.The Course is Simple and easy to follow with instructions, embedded in the video. It is very easy to follow.What you all need to do is see the 1 Video Lessons per day and do the corresponding activity for that Video lesson.You need to see the Video and do the Assignment.Who this course is for: Individuals who want to do more, accomplish more, be more. Students, employees, housewives, entrepreneurs, who want to excel in life.Requirements: An Open Mind Willingness to Learn Willingness to change"
Price: 49.99

"The Pain Free Toolbox: You Deserve to Live Pain Free!" |
"Permanently removing accumulated stress and tension from your body requires that you improve muscle and connective tissue health by increasing the circulation of blood, lymph and energy. The exercises and method you will learn in the Pain Free Toolbox are designed to mobilize and release stress and tension in your soft tissues, your emotional body and your mind simultaneously. The reason this method has the power to create permanent change is because of it's unique approach. The results of this practice is the kind of strength and flexibility, resilience, vitality and health you've always wanted!"
Price: 44.99

"Dominate the B1 German language practice tests : Lesen Modul" |
"Pass the B1 German language test : Lesen Modul from the first trialTested and guaranteedReal exam simulation with 30 questionsQuestions are very similar to the real exam questionsPassing the exam with 70% score will make you ready for the real oneAimed at passing the Goethe institute B1 level Lesen ModulPrerequisites: A1 and A2 levels"
Price: 19.99

LumaFusion |
"?!: . iPhone LumaFusion- , - LumaFusion - . - - . ?-> -> -> - , -> -> ,"
Price: 1799.00

"Reach Ninja Level Efficiency And Maximum Productivity" |
"""I feel energized and ready to conquer everything and anything"" - Tshepiso ""I have learned some tools on how to prioritize my time and to use it more efficiently to attain my goals"" - Butana ""I love this course"" - Abdurrahman, ""Peter is so good and well articulated and straightforward"" - NyedeThis course will transform the way you think about your time and how you use it to get things done in your life. As the world has learnt to work from home, our work / life boundaries have blurred and increased our need for better time management. Whether you are tackling significant life goals or daily tasks there are principles and practices for everyone. Based on my own busy life of having 5 children, writing a best selling book and doing a PhD, I provide you with the insights that have helped me the most;An ambitious goal requires you to cut off your own escape routesConquer the ""Plan B mindset"" and then you have no choice but to succeedHow to single-mindedly focus on delivering what you have promisedCommit to simple and personal statements of intent to lift your ambitionsOvercome enormous personal setbacks with the power of ""I Will""Unlock the power of shared accountability in teams and organisationsCreate hours of quality time from well used bursts of 10 minutesGet organised by investing in future batches of short bursts of productivityBe the kind of person that make things happenA constant filter on our leadership behaviours that balances progress with directionPursue good enough completion rather than unfinished perfectionThe art of getting things done is quite simple when you break tasks down into actionsMove beyond the boundaries of time in how you maximise your 24 hours to achieve exponentially more than anyone else."
Price: 54.99

"Setting Up A Successful Photoshoot From Start To Finish" |
"In this course, I teach you all the steps I take to set up a fun and successful photoshoot. You'll learn, in a fun and simple way, all the steps during:- Pre photoshoot- During Photoshoot - Post photoshoot You'll be able to copy my steps so you know exactly:- What to say to land each and every client that contacts you- How to price yourself and your art- How to plan a great photoshoot- How to set up a full photoshoot - How to direct your clients to the best photos - How to deliver your photos in and easy wayAfter this course, you'll have a lot of confidence no matter the type of client and you'll be able to concentrate of having fun and being creative on your photoshoot."
Price: 19.99

"Continuity and Differentiability JEE(Adv & Mains)/Boards" |
"This course will make a student expert of continuity and differentiability which are chapters of differential calculus. If a student had understood limits in a right way from my course on LIMITS for JEE- ADVANCE/JEE MAINS/BOARDS then he can be a master of Continuity and Differentiability. These chapters contribute with majority in JEE ADVANCE / JEE MAINS. I am sure if a student will attend all the lectures in proper way then he can be master of these chapters because the chapter here has been explained in very easy way so that each and every student can be benifited."
Price: 1280.00

"Advanced Lighting for Film Professionals" |
"This course is designed to teach you advanced lighting techniques and philosophies for cinematography and film professionals. Our goal is to move beyond the basics of lighting, and look at practical examples of lighting methods you can apply to real world scenarios to solve more difficult lighting challenges. These lessons will be valuable regardless of what grade of equipment you have access to. When lighting a film, you will almost never have exactly the tools you wish you had, and these lessons will teach you how to achieve your visual goals regardless of your practical limitations."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop Start Edition" |
"Voc que sonha e precisa aprender a editar imagens e fotos de uma forma profissional para os seus trabalhos, este o curso que estava procurando.Que tal se tornar um editor de imagens mesmo que nunca tenha trabalhado no Photoshop?Uma grande oportunidade para pegar um atalho profissional virando em breve um especialista!Voc vai conhecer as principais tcnicas e truques com imagens que eu adquiri durante quase 20 anos trabalhando como Designer.Aprenda as principais ferramentas para edio de imagens e fotos, no somente usando filtros bsicos e padres disponveis.Tudo que precisa saber sobre resoluo e tratamento de imagens, fotomontagens, mesclando imagens, removendo fundos, cortando imagens com preciso, aplicando efeitos, trabalhando cores e muito mais, voc vai encontrar no Start Edition."
Price: 564.99

"CHAKRAS BASIC LEVEL 1- After completing the lecture the students will know about the meaning of chakras, 7 chakras-colors, location of each chakra on the body parts, the significance of each chakra, physical and psychological signs of imbalance of chakras, meditation and affirmations to practice daily to remove the blockages of the chakras.I Have divided this chakras course into three levels-BASIC, INTERMEDIATE, AND ADVANCED LEVEL. So, this is the basic level course."
Price: 1280.00

"Aula de Yoga Cientfica 1" |
"COLOQUE YOGA NO SEU DIA A DIASabemos que o confinamento remete a ausncia do movimento dinmico do corpo fsico, essencial para o equilbrio de muitas funes orgnicas de seu corpo. Dentro deste princpio elaboramos aulas de Yoga Cientifica , compreendendo at mesmo seu grau de dificuldade ou facilidade. Essas aulas de forma orgnica estaro movimentando a energia neuro endocrina do seu corpo. Ao manter sua continuidade estar organizando os estados emocionais que so alavancadores do desequilbrio imunolgico . Aproxime-se mais de Si Mesmo.Pratique YOGA TODOS OS DIAS"
Price: 39.99

"Vegan Online Academy - Vegan 101" |
"Designed by a teacher with a Masters in Education degree and a BSc. Psychology degree, as well as a certificate in plant-based nutrition from eCornell University, this course utilizes the power of psychological techniques and processes to enable students to transition to a plant-based diet and lifestyle without the use of willpower. 6/7 people who try to become vegan fail because they do not understand the basic processes which need to come together in order to make such a massive lifestyle change. This course walks you through the process step-by-step and enables students to make the switch of mindset in their own brains and gain a firm foundation that makes being healthy, happy, and energized easy for the long term, not just for a few weeks before someone falls of the wagon again. This course is perfect for you if you have tried to go vegan before and failed, or if this is your first attempt it and you want to get it right first time around."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Eletrnica & TI -1 - Periodo Completo" |
"Conceitos para consertar equipamentos Eletrnicos com foco em T.I Eletrnica Base Slida 1 - Conceitos para consertar, reparar e executar projetos de Eletrnica com foco em T.I Publico em geral, porm quem trabalha com com T.I, encontrar neste Curso a base slida de conhecimento, pois que capacita plenamente, todos os conceitos de funcionamento do hardware, no importa o seu segmento de trabalho, dentro da rea de T.I este curso far uma atualizao em seu conhecimento, gerando mudana em sua vida pessoal e profissional, ele mudar sua viso de mundo, de como tudo funciona, ao seu redor saiba que uma Longa caminhada comea com um nico passo, eis aqui seu primeiro passo neste mundo maravilhoso da Tecnologia Eltrica, e tudo que a cerca, com fundamentos de slida Base, ira saber como tudo funciona em uma viso prtica, e apaixonante, que ira dar uma nova viso de mundo, saber o que move toda tecnologia Eltrica, e at sua vida. Entenda Eletrnica , com um mtodo de ensino que j ultrapassa as 15000000 de visualizaes no YouTube com mais de 100000 seguidores, ira aprender os fundamentos da ELETRNICA."
Price: 579.99

"Desenvolver Software com Web Api" |
"Voc quer aprender o que Web Api?Voc fazer um curso na prtica?Voc quer aprender com passo a passo?Voc quer aprender como desenvolver software?Voc quer usar a linguagem C# criada pela Microsoft?Voc quer aprender como criar servios na Web?Voc quer saber como utilizar a ferramenta Visual Studio?Voc quer aprender a fazer com seus servios integres com outros ?Voc quer aprender como deixar o seu Web Api conectar com o banco de dados?Voc quer aprender a criar banco de dados em SQL Server e deixar o seu servio conectado?Voc quer aprender como usar o Swagger?Ento esse curso pra voc."
Price: 59.99

"Aprenda a programar com Windows Forms na prtica" |
"Quer aprender como desenvolver para desktop?Quer estar no mercado e ser apto para atualizar sistemas legados em Windows Forms?Quer desenvolver sistemas com Windows Forms para executar em Linux?Quer aprender ao mesmo tempo sobre a linguagem C# de forma prtica?Quer desenvolver software de forma prtica e objetiva?Quer aprender a conectar seu sistema desktop ao banco de dados?Ento este curso pra voc."
Price: 59.99

"Mindfulness online con el Dr. Juan Manuel Santisteban Negroe" |
"Este curso de Mindfulness o atencin plena se compone de ocho lecciones, en las que aprenders sobre:La naturaleza de la mente; que es vivir fuera del momento presente.Las causas del sufrimiento y conceptos clave como rumiacin de pensamientos y evitacin experiencial.Qu es Mindfulness o atencin plena? y cules son sus caractersticas?La tcnica de meditacin de atencin a la respiracin.El cultivo de empata y compasin.La tcnica de meditacin de escaneo corporal.La interpretacin correcta de la realidad.Consejos para mantener la prctica en la vida cotidiana."
Price: 570.00

"Learn how to build a Wordpress website from start to finish" |
"This highly detailed course shows you how to set up a Wordpress website from start to finish. Learn the following skills in this information packed tutorial that is easy to follow along and will give you the confidence you need to start building webpages like a pro. You will realize just how simple it can be to design a fantastic looking website that can suit the needs of almost ANYONE. You can even take the skills you learn in this course and start your own web design business with just a little bit of practice. How to purchase a Search Engine Friendly domain name, Set up your hosting account Secure your site with https (Secure Socket Layer), Install WordPressInstall AMAZING Wordpress add-onsBuild a web-page/site using the Elementor page builderBuild a web-page using my favorite, the Brizy page builderGain the confidence you need to be able to Build Beautiful and functional websites from start to finish for any niche."
Price: 19.99
