"How to become a Hearing Instrument Specialist (HIS)" |
"The student will learn and be directed how to become a Hearing Instrument Specialist (HIS) and how to have a long and lasting career in the hearing industry.The student will be shown all aspects of the hearing industry from history to salary and a concise and proven curriculum exploring all that is needed to put them on the path to become a hearing instrument specialist."
Price: 24.99

"Html5 e css3 do bsico ao intermedirio" |
"Aprenda a desenvolver a parte front-end de sites do 0 ao intermedirio de uma forma bem descomplicada. Ao longo do curso voc ir aprender todos os conceitos necessrio para a criao do seu prprio site. O curso tem poucas aulas tericas, sendo mais aulas prticas. O tempo dos videos so divididos de maneira que nao canse quem est assistindo."
Price: 39.99

"Dropshipping 101 - Bundle, eBook, Mindmap, Checklist, Videos" |
"Discover How To Build A Six Figure Online Physical Products Business Without Spending a Dime On Inventory Or Ever Shipping Anything Yourself!What is the perfect business model? Of course that will all depend on who you ask and on your personal preferences.But it is definitely very possible to make an especially strong argument for drop shipping. This is a business model that has huge advantages over selling your own products, over becoming an affiliate marketer and certainly over making money from adverts. It has all the strengths of each and none of the downsides of any of them.This is a business model that allows you to work from home and earn passive income, while at the same time building a big brand for yourself and selling real physical products.So why isnt everyone getting involved in drop shipping already? Why do so many people still choose to make money as an affiliate marketer instead?The answer is simple: a lot of people still dont know what drop shipping is, or how to get involved in it. Of course this book is going to change all that and help you to understand what drop shipping is, why its so beneficial and how to get started with it.By the end, you will be running your own dropshipping business making money by selling products with your branding on and without having to spend any money upfront or take any form of financial risk."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Kurguculuk" |
"Merhaba Ben Engin Atalay Udemy e yeni girmi bir eitmen olarak sizlere iyi bildiimi dndm premiyer pro programn elimden geliince anlalr ve sade bir ekilde anlattm konuya en uzak kii bile bu program gz kapal kullanabilecek artk. Balarken aklnda acaba yapabilirmiyim beceremem gibi dnceler varsa bu kurs size hitap ediyor endielerinizi bir kenara brakn ve iade garantisi ile kursu satn aln."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Copywriting: Cmo persuadir con tus textos" |
"El Copywriting, no es solo para escritores?BuenoEn realidad yo estoy utilizando copywriting en esta descripcin para venderte este curso.O en mis post para mantenerte enganchado/a.E incluso en las redes sociales para que pinches donde yo digo.Pero sabes por qu el Copywriting es ms necesario que nunca en nuestra historia?Por que la gente tenemos poco tiempo y los textos tienen que ser fluidos y sin rellenos.Si hay algo que me ha funcionado muy bien en mis proyectos online, ha sido sin duda la implementacin del Copywriting en los textos. Por qu?Muy simple, adems de aportar contenido de valor, con el Copywriting persuado al lector a realizar una accin en concreto. Como vender?Exacto! Vender o simplemente seguir leyendo. Por que... A quin le gusta leer un texto aburrido aunque sea la informacin que estbamos buscando?"
Price: 44.99

"Siemens NX12 - Essentials and Intermediate Training Course" |
"Modelamento de peas, utilizando os principais comandos; sketch creator, extrude, revolve, datum plane create, Shell, edge blend, operaes boleanas, draft, rib, surface model, sweep, reattach plane, tube command, Xform, trim body, divide face, offset region, pattern face, pattern feature, geomric constraints, commandos de montagem, drafting, rapid dimension, entre outros comandos avanados."
Price: 489.99

"Voltado principalmente para a formao de novos profissionais Controladores Municipais; qualificao de outros tantos profissionais com interesses na Gesto Pblica; e busca o fortalecimento dos Controles Internos na administrao pblica. Ele apresenta alm dos aspectos legalmente citados na legislao pertinente, como exemplo maior a Constituio de Repblica Federativa do Brasil, vasto contedo de modelos de procedimentos, rotinas e papeis de trabalho exclusivos e aplicveis aos municpios brasileiros."
Price: 549.99

"Learn How To Sell & Deliver Mattresses Out Of Home Business" |
"Welcome to the MobileMattress Marketing and Delivery Strategy course. Where you will learn how to sell mattresses locally and effectively.My name is Keaton and I will be your instructor. Ive been fine-tuning this concept since 2012 and have been able to sell 1000s of mattresses with the same methods that will be taught in these lessonsWe created this course to teach how simple it is for anyone to sell mattresses without needing a store.If you already have a store, this course will teach you how to increase current sales.Mattresses have a high-profit margin and plenty of customers to sell to since every person needs a place to sleep.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge to begin selling numerous mattresses every weekTogether we will walk step by step through the course.We will begin with a couple of introductory lectures explaining what to expect then well dive into the delivery strategy.After the two of us are comfortable with the delivery method we will hop over to the next section to learn how to find your first customer to buy a new mattress.There will be plenty of fun little skits to help keep the course entertaining and memorable.The ideal student for this course is an entrepreneur looking for a business to start or a current store owner hoping to expand their clientele.A few requirements are recommended to get the most out of this course. The two requirements are: obtaining a sellers permit and finding a factory to buy inventory from. If you need help finding a factory to begin buying inventory from email us and make sure to research how to obtain a sellers permit in your area.All that we can ask of you is to have an open mind and come ready to learn. Feel free to look through the course description and we look forward to seeing you inside!***Ignore the parts in the course talking about subscriptions, we are still editing those sections out. This course includes all out lectures!"
Price: 19.99

"Quiz Test Your Chinese Vocabulary Level for HSK1-6 V202006" |
"Our ""Test Your HSK Chinese Level in 10 Minutes"" is very useful for school teacher and students: This unique system supported by a huge database from our many years of research and experience. We are also going to launch Monthly Quiz on vocabulary, grammar, and reading skill, covering Chinese, English and Bahasa Malaysia. We believe step-by-step progress is essential and the assessment is also important. Enjoy your study.Thanks for your support for us to creating better contents for you! Please give good ranking to encourage us!"
Price: 29.99

"DIGITAL Leadership + Transformation : Complete PLAYBOOK" |
"The future is digital but how does the organisation get there?This executive-style course is designed for leaders faced with the challenge of driving DIGITAL AMBITION, STRATEGY AND TRANSFORMATION. Serving as a PLAYBOOK, we provide concepts, frameworks and ideas for helping organisations prepare themselves for a digital future. You will learn how to:Create a compelling DIGITAL VISIONDevelop your DIGITAL BUSINESS MODELDesign the DIGITAL EXPERIENCE using tools such customer journey mappingBuild the DIGITAL PARTNERSHIPS that serve your digital business modelReady your DIGITAL PLATFORMS and operating modelPrepare for a DIGITAL-READY culture Develop a DIGITAL ROADMAP through a digital gap analysisAddress concerns around DATA PRIVACY AND PROTECTIONDrive conversations around CLOUD COMPUTINGExplore the promise of BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYThe unique course content is presented in short video chunks enabling you to dip in and out of at any time, rather than having to follow the course in a sequential manner. "
Price: 124.99

"Quality Methodologies and Standards for Projects (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Quality Methodologies and Standards for Projects (PMI - PMP) is course 16 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Consistently providing high-quality products and services requires use of continuous process improvement initiatives and adherence to applicable industry standards. This course explains some of the most popular quality methodologies and standards that project management professionals use today. We'll look at lean and six sigma, as well as some of the specific lean tools that are used for quality management and continuous improvement. We'll also look at four different classes of quality standards, including the ISO standard.1. Using Lean for Quality Improvement2. Lean Principles3. Six Sigma for Process and Quality Improvement4. Quality Management Practices5. Kanban and Continuous Improvement6. Value Stream Mapping7. ISO 9000 Quality Principles8. CMMI9. The British Standards Institution10. IEEE11. Exercise: Continuous Improvement and StandardsThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Modern Web Design Beginners HTML CSS JavaScript 25+ Projects" |
"Launch a career as a web designer and frontend web developer by learning HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and responsive design. Discover how you can design and create websites that are mobile ready, fully interactive and modern design. This course covers everything you need to know about FRONT END web design.This is real world coding - designing website for the real world. Learn the syntax step by step training. With all the source code included.Loaded with projects and challenges to help you learn.Complete frontend web developer and web design course - loaded with examples and challenges to get you coding and creating your own websitesModern web design and development, REAL WORLD Coding - Taught by an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience - ready to help you learn more about web design! I've taught web design and web development to countless students worldwide. The design of the course is unique with many challenges in the lessons - then demonstrating how to create the code afterwards. Discover how you can create custom websites - right on your computer. Create amazing HTML pages, add some styling with CSS and then bring them to life making them dynamic and interactive with JavaScript. You can launch a new career, coding and creating web sites is easy to get started with. We cover all the tools and top resources to get you started quickly and easily. Learn web design perfect for beginners or as a refresher for anyone who wants to learn more about HTML CSS and JavaScriptProfessional websites with modern coding techniques - loaded with examples and source code so that you can try the code out and get a feel for what you can do with it. HTML and CSS - Loaded with Over 25 Coding Challenges to get you coding - try it for yourself.Get familiar with the basics - no prior coding experience required!!!!!Web Design with HTML CSS JavaScript How to create Web Pages web development build websites create WebSites from scratchExplore the core technologies of the web learn how you can get started with Web development. Learn to become a web Developer explore web development build websites explore HTML CSS JavaScript Coding for beginners to learn more about web design and web development. Learn HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript. Modern coding is explained loaded with examples and sample code. Website development building blocks learn to code. Make it Responsive learn responsive web design with how to create a website responsive and more. Perfect course for html and css for beginners.Real world Coding with HTML CSS and JavaScriptHTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. HTML5 is the starting technology for anything online - perfect to get started as a web designer and web developer.Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.Course Covers HTML for Beginners-HTML and HTML5 for modern website Design and Development.Learn about modern HTML elementsBasic of HTML elements and how they workDebugging HTML and Comments within codeCreate HyperLinks and Links to page content and other web pages anchor tagBold and Headings to make content stand out with HTMLCoding Challenge - Tags ExerciseCoding Challenge - Apply HTML tags create Page Structure - Mini Website Creation exercise.Adding MailTo to send emails with HTML linksImages within HTML adding img tag and source optionsCoding Challenge - Getting social linking to your social profiles coding exercise with HTML tags.How to create lists with HTML tags.Adding tables with HTML table tag element attribute options.Coding Challenge - Create an achieved old school website from scratch. Simple HTML website Challenge exercise .Semantic elements and blocks and spans with HTMLCoding Challenge - Resume upload Challenge - create your Resume and upload to the web.Explore how to create HTML forms form tags and form elements.Different text formatting options with HTML tagsUsing IFrames in HTML codeWhat are HTML Meta tags and what HTML meta tags should be used HTML Meta TagsHTML and Audio options Playing Sound Audio and Video TagsAdding Audio and Video to play within HTML tagsFind out more about CSS What is CSS and how it works. Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScriptAdvanced CSS Explore more with CSS3 Create webpages easily , How to Create CSS Linear GradientsHow to Create CSS Radial GradientsHow to create CSS 2D TransformsLearn about CSS 3D Transforms and how to apply CSS 3D TransformsHow to make animations with CSS - CSS AnimationsApply CSS3 rapid web design with CSS3 - CSS grid CSS Flexbox and modern website and webpage design and development with CSS apply Styling and moreCourse Covers CSS for Beginners-How to write CSS adding CSS to web pages and CSS SyntaxHow to comment CSS code ways to apply Comments CSSWhat are CSS selectors and how to use CSS selectors to get page elementsSetting colors different CSS Color Units ListedCoding Challenge CSS - CSS color Background ChallengeSetting CSS background properties and valuesHow to set Element Height and Width with CSSHow to Use Chrome DevToolsHow to add and create CSS BordersHow to apply Margin with CSS to elements on the web pageCSS Padding options - setting padding top bottom left and right for an element.What is the Box Model and how it works in CSS - Border - Padding - MarginExamples of Pseudo Classes CSS and what are CSS Pseudo ClassesWhat are Pseudo Elements CSS - how to write CSS code for Pseudo ElementsAdding Font Styles - selecting web fonts and updating font-family Fun Fonts CSSHow to add Google Fonts to your website using Google Fonts CSSHow to use the CSS Display Property setting valuesCoding Challenge - Make a Navigation bar turn your html list items into a NavBar - NavBar Maker ExerciseHow to set CSS Position - position property options for valuesHow to set CSS Float Elements CSSCoding Challenge - 3 Column Website Project using Floats create a website from HTML code apply styling to create a three column standard websiteCoding Challenge - Create a Website Image Gallery Website Using Floats - create website from scratchUpdate Mouse Cursor pointer with CSS - Mouse Cursor ChangesHow to Use CSS Advanced Selectors and more selection optionsCSS selector specificity how CSS selector specificity works.How to Create CSS Linear Gradients and How to Create CSS Radial GradientsHow to create CSS 2D Transforms and CSS 3D TransformsHow to make animations with CSS - CSS AnimationsWhat is CSS FlexBox Layout how to create a layout with FlexboxCoding Challenge - How to create a NavBar using Flexbox - Flex NavBar ChallengeHow to apply element Sizing with Flexbox.How to use Flexbox to size items on the page- Flex items SizeCoding Challenge - Flex Image Gallery Challenge - Create an image gallery web page using Flexbox applying CSS to position elementsIntroduction to the CSS Grid Layout - creating websites with Grid LayoutHow to use CSS Grid to make Rows and ColumnsWhat are Grid Items CSS Grid lessonSetting CSS Grid Area Names and moreCoding Challenge -creating websites using CSS Grid - setup and design web pages with examples of CSS Grid webpages.JavaScript for Web Design - Create interactive and dynamic web pages using JavaScript code.JavaScript lessons cover the fundamentals of using JavaScriptExplore how to add JavaScript to your HTML pageshow to add Comments JavaScriptOutput options document write and console log and alert methodsIntroduction to JavaScript Variables using let const and varDifferent Data type within JavaScriptCoding Challenge - Create User input with Prompt Code JavaScriptJavaScript template literals to create stringsCoding Challenge - JAVASCRIPT Code Challenge -Prompt ChallengeExplore JavaScript Type Conversion and Coercion.Coding Challenge - Get the data type Type Challenge using JavaScript CodeWhat are JavaScript Operators and how to use themWhat are JavaScript Assignment OperatorsJavaScript Comparison OperatorsJavaScript Truthy and Falsey explainedJavaScript if else and else if Conditional StatementsCoding Challenge - practice JavaScript code learn and explore the code with a challenge to codeJavaScript Ternary Operator Conditional (ternary) operatorJavaScript Logical Operators ExampleJavaScript Switch StatementCoding Challenge - Create a Simple Game Switch Friends Challenge with JavaScriptIntroduction to JavaScript FunctionsJavaScript Function Expression vs function declaration with examplesJavaScript Function Scope explainedExample of JavaScript Closures how to create a ClosureWhat is JavaScript Function Recursion with recursion examplesCoding Challenge - Explore how you can use JavaScript code to create a fun simple Game - Number Guesser ChallengeIIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) JavaScript functionES6 JavaScript New Arrow Functions JavaScript.Explore JavaScript Objects create objects with JavaScriptCoding Challenge - Objects around Create a Car Object ChallengeIntroduction to JavaScript Arrays - create arrays to hold data with JavaScriptDo more with Arrays - using Array Methods JavaScriptHow to create JavaScript Loops - iteration with JavaScript codeArray contents loopsCreate random values using JavaScript MathJavaScript Date object - set and get date valuesWelcome to JavaScript DOM - Introduction to dynamic and interactive webpage contentSelect and Element JavaScript DOMHow to Select Web Page elements using JavaScript - Element SelectorsHow to use Element QuerySelectorAll JavaScript DOM element selection methodsDOM content updates - JavaScript Manipulation InnerContentHow to update Element Attributes - using JavaScript DOMElement Children and Traversing web page elements using JavaScriptElement Manipulation StylesHow to create Page Elements using JavaScript CodeCoding Challenge - Page Element Append Prepend Challenge using JavaScript CodeHow to Remove an Element from your webpage using JavaScript CodeCreating element clones - JavaScript code to duplicate page elementsJavaScript Web page interactions - Adding Event Listeners.JavaScript Element Events Bubble and Capture Event ListenersJavaScript Event Listeners for Keyboard Events also on elements keyboard eventsCoding Challenge - Dynamic Shopping List using JavaScript List Challenge EventsJavaScript String and Number methodsHow to get Random Item From Array - randomize array items select random valueCoding Challenge - how to create Random Page BackgroundLoad JavaScript once page is loaded DOMContentLoaded document readyCoding Challenge - Element Mover Challenge move webpage elements with JavaScriptJavaScript Date, LocalStorage, Prototypes, Fetch requestsThe Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming API for HTML and XML documents. It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.With the Document Object Model, programmers can create and build documents, navigate their structure, and add, modify, or delete elements and content. Anything found in an HTML or XML document can be accessed, changed, deleted, or added using the Document Object Model, with a few exceptions - in particular, the DOM interfaces for the internal subset and external subset have not yet been specified."
Price: 199.99

"Helm 3: Despliega aplicaciones en Kubernetes" |
"Hola, Bienvenido!!!En este curso aprenders como desplegar aplicaciones en un cluster de Kubernetes utilizando Helm 3, la herramienta ms potente que existe para este tipo de tareasHELM es uno de los productos ms demandandos en el perfil profesional que buscan las empresas para gestionar sus cluster de kubernetesDurante este curso vas a aprender a con figurar y personalizar los despliegues de aplicaciones con Helm, construir tus propias plantillas y todo lo necesario para manejar eta herramientaSiempre mantengo mis cursos actualizados, con lo que ir aadiendo ms puntos segn vayan surgiendo.Los puntos bsicos que veremos en la formacin son:InstalacinRepositoriosCharts. Trabajar con paquetes de HELMCrear nuestros propios chartsPlantillasValuesFuncionesY muchos ms conceptosSi tienes cualquier duda o pregunta, ponte en contacto conmigo. Estar encantado de contestarteEspero verte pronto y que disfrutes del curso!!!!Sergio de Apasoft Training"
Price: 19.99

Word |
"UPWordMicrosoft WordWordWord"
Price: 2400.00

"Cyber Security The Right Start" |
"As the course title states, the focus of this course is to explore the field of cybersecurity. In this course, you will do the following: Learn the basics of being safe online. Learn about different types of malware and attacks, and how organizations are protecting themselves against these attacks. Explore the career options in cybersecurity.By the end of this course, you will be more aware of the importance of being safe online, the potential consequences of cyberattacks, and possible career options in cybersecurity."
Price: 19.99

"Hacking thique : Apprendre programmer en Python" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours ddi l'apprentissage du langage Python partir de zro, avec une orientation hacking thique.Vous allez dcouvrir comment crer de vritables programmes utiliss par les hackers : un casseur de mots de passe avec plusieurs modes de cassage (dictionnaire, incrmental, en ligne, et intelligent)un outil de forensique pour rcuprer des mtadonnes caches dans des fichiers PDF, Image, ou dans n'importe quel programmeun outil d'usurpation rseau permettant de vous placer dans le cas de l'homme du milieu dans le rseau local (modification de pages web la vole)un scanner de vulnrabilits web en interface graphique pour dcouvrir des failles XSS et SQL dans vos sites web, le tout avec les bons standards de programmation, du paralllisme, la gestion d'erreurs, etc...Le cours se veut la fois pratique et interactif, vous aurez de quoi vous entraner sur vos systmes sans rien casser et vous pourrez poser vos questions tout moment si vous en avez.L'ide de ce cours est de vous faire passer du stade de ""j'ai entendu parler de Python"" au stade de pouvoir dvelopper vos propres programmes tout en aiguisant vos connaissances en scurit informatique.J'ai conu ce cours comme si j'tais assis ct de vous en train de programmer et de vous enseigner en mme temps mes conseils, les erreurs viter, etc...Vous aurez galement accs des quiz, des exercices et diverses ressources additionnelles pour devenir vritable polyvalent en langage python afin de continuer dans la voie de votre choix ! En somme, vous aurez tout ce qu'il vous faut pour apprendre programmer en Python de la meilleure de faons.NOTES IMPORTANTES:- Les mthodologies et programmes cits dans ce cours sont utiliss but ducatif et prventif uniquement, et dans le cadre d'une utilisation titre priv. Toutes les autorisations ont t reues au pralable et toutes les prcautions ncessaires ont t mises en place pour assurer un apprentissage lgal et sans risque pour autrui. Cependant, Il VOUS incombe de vrifier toutes les lois applicables votre situation et toutes les rgles ou contrats en vigueur, notamment avec des prestataires/hbergeurs utiliss. En rejoignant ce cours, vous vous dclarez ainsi seul(e) responsable de vos actions, et aucune responsabilit de la part de l'instructeur ne sera engage quant la mauvaise utilisation du contenu enseign.En d'autres termes, ce cours n'est pas destin aux apprentis PIRATES informatiques, qui n'auront pas ce qu'ils cherchent et qui seront carts du cours s'ils contreviennent cette ligne de conduite.- Ce cours n'est affili aucun autre cours sur le Hacking dont je ne suis pas l'auteur. Attention au contenu recopi/similaire dont je ne pourrai fournir aucune approbation ni support.Un cours by Le Blog du Hacker et Cyberini."
Price: 109.99

"Build Responsive & Real World Websites in HTML5 CSS 3 & JS" |
"This is the amazing Course which contains almost all the modern technologies such as HTML 5 CSS 3 Bootstrap 5 JavaScript JQuery & All.Bootstrap 5 is currently the single most used library on all of Github, beating out other tools like React and Angular! It's immensely popular, and with good reason: it makes creating responsive websites and It will also save hundred of hours to write specific lines of code.This course will take you from a complete beginner to a Bootstrap 5 expert in a matter of hours! Or, if you already know Bootstrap 3, this course will serve a complete guide to all the new changes and improvements in Bootstrap 5. By the time we're done, you'll master every single component, the powerful grid system, and the brand-new utility classes. By then end of the course we'll be building complete, responsive websites that looks great on all devices. We'll learn to write and the code customize our own version of Bootstrap 5. In addition, since Bootstrap 4 is now built on top of Flexbox, we spend a lot of time learning the ins and outs of Flexbox along the way!What makes this course specialThroughout this course i am providing all the source files including the starter file as well so you do not need to move for further or to wait for high speed internet to get the cdn links. And for sure it will be saving hundred of hours to find the cdn links. This course is also containing all the source file including the images so you can follow this course along without putting more time to find out the images and cdn linksI've put a ton of work into making this course the best HTML 5 CSS 3 & Boostrap 5 course out there. Watch a preview video or sign up and see why all the modern Technologies such as HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript & JQuery are currently the most popular front-end library around. It makes developing good-looking websites incredibly easy (and kind of fun!).So why are you waiting for lets Enroll and i am really looking forward to see you inside !"
Price: 199.99

"Dlang: The Complete D programming Language Course (Next C++)" |
"Complete introduction to programming in D. Learn by doing assignments and projects.Practical Accelerated D Programming Language CourseSimple VariablesIOUser-defined typesLogicDerived data typesLoopsFunctionsModulesTemplatesObject Oriented ProgrammingD Programming for BeginnersThis course was built for complete beginners in D programming language. It covers basic, intermediate and advanced concepts of dlang. Most videos contain practice homeworks but they are optional. There are also 9 mini-projects you can watch to understand how projects in dlang are built.In just one day you will be able to start coding in dlang by completing the course. At the end, you will get a certificate after completing the course."
Price: 39.99

"Spiel mit! Orchesterworkshop fr Querflte (Level 1)" |
"Spiel mit im Online-Orchester!Simon Theisen, Orchesterdirigent, Komponist und Musikpdagoge begleitet Dich in diesem Kurs bei der Erarbeitung von fnf abwechslungsreichen Orchesterstcken.Der Kurs besteht aus 5 groovenden Konzertstcken und umfangreichen Lehrvideos inklusive Noten fr Dein Instrument. Die Konzertstcke bedienen sich populrer Rhythmen,Akkordfortschreitungen und Melodiebildungen. Die Stckformen sind bersichtlich und effektvoll. Die ntigen Fhigkeiten der Instrumentalisten entsprechenden den gngigen Lehrwerken zu dem Zeitpunkt einer halb- bis ganzjhrigen Ausbildung.In den Lehrvideos werden die Stcke systematisch und in kleinschrittigen, abwechslungsreichen praktischen Aufgaben erlernt. Die Instrumentalisten ben das Stck in unterschiedlichen Tempi, erarbeitet den Rhythmus und die Artikulation und trainieren sogar einzelne Stellen auswendig. Das alles mit wechselnder Orchesterbegleitung, den individuellen Instrumentenstimmen oder auch mit einem Metronom im Hintergrund.Als eingeschriebener Teilnehmer kannst Du dem Kursleiter auch deine Aufnahme schicken und eine motivierende Rckmeldung erhalten.Viel Spa!"
Price: 29.99

"Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core" |
"You will learn how to build Microservices on .Net platforms which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB, Redis, SqlServer, Entity Framework Core, CQRS and Clean Architecture implementation. You will develop e-commerce modules over Product, Basket and Ordering microservices with NoSQL (MongoDB, Redis) and Relational databases (Sql Server) with communicating over RabbitMQ Event Driven Communication and using Ocelot API Gateway. You can find Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET which step by step developing this course with extensive explanations and details.Along with this youll develop following microservices and items:Catalog microservice which includes; ASPNET Core Web API application REST API principles, CRUD operations Mongo DB NoSQL database connection on docker N-Layer implementation with repository pattern Swagger Open API implementation Dockerfile implementationBasket microservice which includes; ASPNET Core Web API application REST API principles, CRUD operations Redis database connection on docker Redis connection implementation RabbitMQ trigger event queue when checkout cart Swagger Open API implementation Dockerfile implementationRabbitMQ messaging library which includes; Base EventBus implementation and add references MicroservicesOrdering microservice which includes; ASPNET Core Web API application Entity Framework Core on SQL Server docker REST API principles, CRUD operations Consuming RabbitMQ messages Clean Architecture implementation with CQRS Pattern Event Sourcing Implementation of MediatR, Autofac, FluentValidator, AutoMapper Swagger Open API implementation Dockerfile implementationAPI Gateway Ocelot microservice which includes Routing to inside microservices Dockerization api-gatewayWebUI ShoppingApp microservice which includes ASPNET Core Web Application with Razor template Call Ocelot APIs with HttpClientFactory ASPNET Core Razor Tools View Components, partial Views, Tag Helpers, Model Bindings and Validations, Razor Sections etc.Docker Compose establishment with all microservices on docker; Dockerization of microservices Dockerization of database Override Environment variablesOn top of all these, you'll learn how to write quality code, not just how to build microservices. In this course you will see the demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD best practices. Implements NLayer Hexagonal architecture (Core, Application, Infrastructure and Presentation Layers) and Domain Driven Design (Entities, Repositories, Domain/Application Services, DTO's...) and aimed to be a Clean Architecture, with applying SOLID principles in order to use for a project template. Also implements best practices like loosely-coupled, dependency-inverted architecture and using design patterns such as Dependency Injection, logging, validation, exception handling and so on.Is this course for you?This course is very practical, about 90%+ of the lessons will involve you coding along with me on this project. If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning by doing, then this course is definitely for you. Tools you need for this courseIn this course all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio 2019 as a code editor. You can of course use any code editor you like and any Operating system you like as long as it's Windows or Mac. Also using Docker Desktop in order to use different database providers."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Completo de Copywriting y Storytelling para Negocios" |
"La Redaccin Persuasiva (Copywriting) y el Storytelling son herramientas que, al ser usadas de manera correcta, pueden aumentar las Ventas de tu Negocio de manera exponencial. La habilidad de escribir buen Copy y de contar historias atrayentes es fundamental para aumentar tu penetracin de mercado y tus mrgenes de ganancia. Escribir Textos Persuasivos para vender ms a travs de E-mail Marketing, Landing Pages, Cartas de Ventas, etc debe hacerse pensando en tu audiencia. Debes saber quin es tu pblico objetivo y cmo abordarlo de manera seductora, presentando tus productos y servicios de manera que tu avatar no pueda resistir comprarlos. Eso es lo que te voy a ensear en mi entrenamiento. En este curso aprenders:-Teora y prctica de Storytelling y Copywriting para Negocios-Las Leyes de la Influencia-Estructura y Copys para Landing Pages, E-mails de Ventas, Google y Facebook Ads, Cartas de Venta, etc.-Cmo definir el Avatar de tu Cliente Ideal para que puedas orientar tus textos persuasivos exactamente a quien quieres venderle-Cmo descubrir el Sistema de Creencias de tu Pblico Objetivo, lo que te permitir apelar a mecanismos psicolgicos que aumentarn tus ventas-Cmo crear Funnels de Ventas para diversos productos-Cmo escribir Anuncios Vendedores para Google y Facebook Ads-Cmo formular y escribir Textos Altamente Persuasivos para Landing Pages, Titulares, Bullet Points y Lead Magnets-Cmo escribir Cartas de Venta Altamente Persuasivas-Y mucho ms!Este Entrenamiento incluye 2 casos prcticos reales en los que te muestro paso a paso el proceso completo de Creacin e Implementacin de una Estrategia de Marketing Digital que incluye la creacin de embudos o funnels, estrategia comunicacional, redaccin de textos persuasivos, disee e implementacin de campaas de marketing digital, etctera.Qu esperas para registrarte? Aumenta tus Ventas YA utilizando Copywriting y Storytelling en tu Negocio!Somos Blast Marketing, Expertos en Marketing Digital y Lderes Vanguardistas e innovadores con numerosos cursos en Udemy.Estamos 100% comprometidos con tu xito, y te enseamos exactamente lo que nosotros hacemos para el crecimiento de nuestro propio negocio.Todo lo que te enseamos ya lo hemos probado y lo practicamos a diario en nuestras campaas de Marketing Digital.Somos expertos en Publicidad Online y Ventas y estamos constantemente actualizando nuestros contenidos para entregarte slo lo mejor y lo ms nuevo en el mercado.Tenemos una Calificacin Promedio de 4.6 y nuestros alumnos tienen muchas cosas buenas que decir de nosotros!El curso es prctico, desde la explicacin del por qu de su definicin a los retos que debes imponerte con la explicacin paso a paso, Agustin un seco no slo en el conocimiento sino en la didctica a travs de un medio digital, tanto como si fuese presencial, he asistido en ambas modalidades y este medio me encanta!!! (Lilibeth Alvarez)""Magnfico curso. El tercer curso que hago de Agustn Casorzo esta semana. Mil Gracias."" (Miguel Jos Rueda Pavn)""El curso es totalmente recomendable. Bien explicado. Se nota que domina el tema y que est dispuesto a compartir sus conocimientos"" (Marcelo Daz)""Excelente curso , me encontr con algunos tips que en otros No se mencionan, sobre todo con la explicacin objetiva y clara lo que hace que la comprensin sea hasta para alguien sin conocimientos, por mi parte yo lo estoy repitiendo por la gran ayuda que me ha dado, Gracias Profe."" (Martn Guevara)""Excelente curso. Como equipo nos permiti prescindir de los servicios de agencias y crear campaas exitosas manejadas por nosotros mismos. Muchas gracias!!"" (Claudio Olmedo)""Excelente curso, de verdad me gust mucho porque estoy reestructurando los procesos en mi empresa y creando el departamento de ventas y este curso me ayud mucho a darle una forma concreta de trabajo. Ya cada uno de los conocimientos adquiridos los estamos aplicando y seguimos trabajando para tener los mejores resultados. si no sabes nada o tienes muy poco conocimiento sobre las ventas, este curso te ayudar mucho y te abrir una nueva perspectiva sobre el mundo de las ventas"" (Jos Vivas)No lo dudes ms y forma parte de nuestro grupo de satisfechos y felices estudiantes!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Nmap For Penetration Testing" |
"Network Scanning & Enumeration have become an increasingly important aspect of penetration tests over the last couple of years. Organizations now have a complex network of assets storing sensitive and valuable data. These assets are exposed to potential threats from inside as well as from outside the organization network. To get an overview of the security posture of the organization, conducting an effective network scanning and enumeration of an organization's network is paramount. This course is designed to take you from a beginner to an expert with Nmap (Network Mapper). Nmap is a free and open-source network scanner that is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the responses. Nmap provides a number of features for probing computer networks, including host discovery and service and operating system detection.This course covers all important aspects of Nmap when performing a penetration test from host discovery to service enumeration with Nmap scripts."
Price: 199.99

"TOGAF 9 Part 1 Exam Open Group (OG0-091) Practice Test" |
"TOGAF standard of The Open Group for open Enterprise Architecture standard used by the worlds leading organizations to improve business efficiency. This practice test will give you the confidence to take the actual TOGAF 9 Foundation certification exam. This practice test is made for giving you confidence in your actual exam. Hence this Practice test is going to be very difficult. Along with this Course, You will have 3 sets of questions each will have 80 different questions. You will have 120 minutes in each set to finish. You need 80% to clear the exam."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Web Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Course" |
"Welcome to The Complete Web Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty CourseIn this course we are going to start from scratch and learn how to find vulnerabilities & bugs in Websites and Web Applications. Of course we will learn this to notify the related authorities to make internet a safer place and start making money out of this process. We are going to learn how hackers find vulnerabilities, how hackers do their attacks and also how to protect ourselves against these attacks and submit these bugs to the related developers. We will never neglect theory but we will do hands-on experience practices all the time during the course. You will be hacking into vulnerable systems throughout the course.This training is brought to you by Codestars by Rob Percival (+1.000.000 students) and Atil Samancioglu (+200.000 students). Atil teaches cyber security & programming in Udemy for more than 5 years and he also teaches mobile development in Bogazici University. If you are looking forward to be a part of the cyber security environment then you found the right course and right instructor!You can see some of the topics that we are going to cover throughout the course below:Web Application PentestingBurpsuiteKali LinuxHTMLbWappJuice ShopOwasp Top 10MutillidaeDVWAXSSXXESQL InjectionHTML InjectionPHP InjectionShell MethodsFile VulnerabilitiesNiktoCommixDotdotpwnWafw00fDirectory TraversalBrute ForceBug BountyContentThis training is perfect for people who want to be an Ethical Hacker and a Bug Bounty Hunter. We are going to start from scratch and make our way up to all details. We are going to cover Kali Linux, Burpsuite, HTML, XSS, SQL, PHP Injection and so much more. All curriculum is designed to make you comfortable during the process.Warning: This course aims to teach people how to become ethical hackers and cyber security specialists. All students must use the related information within legal boundaries as mentioned in the course to make internet a safer place."
Price: 199.99

"Temel Modern Kaligrafi Atlyesi Adm Adm Sfrdan ren" |
"'Adm Adm Modern Kaligrafi 101 + Kendi antan Tasarla' kursu temel kaligrafiyi adm adm fra kalemle retmeyi amalamaktadr. Uzun zamandr organize ettiim yzyze workshoplarmn neticesinde, hem kaligrafi hem de eitmenlik tecrbem ile kendi hazrladm materyaller ve retim tekniimle oluturulmutur. Bu yzden bu kursu bir online workshop olarak dnebilirsiniz. Modern Kaligrafi Online Workshop'ta temel egzersizlerle balayp noktadan izgiye, izgiden harfe, harften kelimeye ve kelimeden kompozisyona ulayoruz. Atlye sonunda bir de bonus dersimiz var: Kendi antalarmz tasarlyoruz. Siz bunun yerine, kupanz, ayracnz ya da tirtnz tasarlayabilirsiniz. Kurs iin gerekli drt malzeme: herhangi bir fra ulu kalem, kurun kalem, cetvel ve ders materyallerinin ktlarnn alnmas yani modern kaligrafi alma kitap. Hadi balayn, nk ortaya ok gzel eyler kacak!-Neler Yapacaz?Brush pen kullanarak hazrladm ""Modern Kaligrafi alma Kitap"" zerinden ilerleyeceiz.(Modern Kaligrafi alma Kitapnn her hakk tarafma aittir, kendi eitim tekniimle, tecrbemle ve emekle hazrlanmtr. znim dnda baka bir amala kullanm yasal, ahlaki ve insani deildir.)-Ne kullanacaz?Ben modern kaligrafi atlyesi boyunca Bic Kids Fra Ulu Kalem 12'li Set'i kullandm. Bunun sebebi hem yeni balayanlar iin daha hesapl hem de daha kullanl olmas. Fiyat-performans asndan alnabilecek en iyi fra ulu kalem. Kids olduuna bakmayn, atlyede de grebileceiniz zere hem yetikinler hem de ocuklar iin ideal. Bununla birlikte deriye ve doaya zarar vermeyen yapda olmas sebebiyle gnl rahatlyla kullanabilirsiniz. Elinize veya kyafetinize bulatnda ksa sre ierisinde suyla kacaktr. -Atlye sonunda neler yapabileceksiniz?Atlye sonunda rendiiniz temel modern kaligrafiyle ortaya bir ey koyabilmeniz beklenmektedir. Benim yaptm gibi siz de bez antanz tasarlayabilirsiniz. Ya da kupanz, tirtnz, ayracnz, kendi tablonuzu tasarlayabilirsiniz. Tasarladklarnzn fotorafn ekerek bana gnderebilir ve nerilerimi alabilirsiniz.-Ya sonras, kendinizi nasl gelitirebilirsiniz?Bu kurs sonrasnda bol egzersiz ve almayla; severek ve emekle. imdi modern kaligrafiyi renecek ve tasarmnz ortaya koyabileceksiniz. Bu kurs yz yze workshoplarmdan edindiim tecrbeyle hazrland ve ilk seviye workshoplarma katlan rencilerimden dahi workshop sonras kendi Instagram hesabn aarak kendi tasarmlarn yapp satanlar oldu. En nemlisi, cesaret ve srdrlebilirlik ayrca yaratclk. Bence siz bunu yapabilirsiniz. Bu kurs sonras ileri seviye eitim de yaynlamay planlyorum fakat hayli vakit gerekiyor. Umarm talebinizi bana iletirseniz bunu baarmak iin gerekli vakti ayrabilmek iin seve seve aba sarf edeceim. Ayrca Temel Gotik Kaligrafi kursunu da yakn zamanda hazrlamay planlyorum.Sevgilerimle,*IN ENGLISH-What do we do?We will proceed with the ""Modern Calligraphy Workbook"" which I prepared using a brush pen. The 'Step by Step Modern Calligraphy 101 + Design Your Own with Hand Lettering' course aims to teach basic calligraphy step by step with a brush pen. As a result of my long-term face-to-face workshops, it was created with my own materials and teaching techniques both with calligraphy and instructor experience. So you can think of this course as an online workshop. In Modern Calligraphy Online Workshop, we start with basic exercises and reach from point to line, from line to letter, from letter to word and from word to composition. At the end of the workshop we also have a bonus lesson: we design our own bags. Instead, you can design your cup, bookmark or t-shirt. The four materials required for the course: any brush-tipped pen, pencil, ruler and course materials, ie modern calligraphy work booklet. Come on, start, 'cause there's gonna be some beautiful things!(All rights of the Modern Calligraphy Work Booklet belong to me, have been prepared with labor and are not legal, moral and humanistic to use for any purpose other than my permission.)*Also all lessons with English and Turkish subtitles*We have WHATSAPP GROUP for our online workshop-What do we use?I used the Bic Kids Brush Pen Set of 12 during a modern calligraphy workshop. The reason for this is that it is more affordable and more useful for beginners. The best brush-tip pen for price-performance. It's ideal for both adults and children, as you can see in the workshop. However, because of the structure that does not harm the skin and nature, you can use it with peace of mind. When it gets on your hands or clothes, it will come out with water in a short time.- What can you do at the end of the workshop?At the end of the workshop you are expected to be able to create something with the basic modern calligraphy you have learned. You can design your bag as I do. Or your cup, t-shirt, bookmark, you can design your own. You can take photos of your designs and send them to me and get my suggestions. I am here for you.- How can you reach me?You can reach me through the question and answer section, or via private message.-And after, how can you improve yourself?After this course with plenty of exercise and work; fondly and with effort. You will now learn modern calligraphy and present your design. This course was prepared with the experience of face-to-face workshops and even my students who participated in the first level workshops opened their Instagram account after the workshop and made their own designs. Most importantly, courage and sustainability plus creativity. I think you can do that. I plan to publish advanced workshop after this course, but it takes a lot of time. I hope that if you forward your request to me, I will gladly endeavor to make the necessary time to achieve this. I also plan to prepare the Basic Gothic Calligraphy course soon.Sincerely,"
Price: 69.99

"Curso SwiftUI Esencial para desarrollo de Apps iOS" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso diseado para ayudarles a aprender SwiftUI de manera efectiva.SwiftUI es un kit de herramientas de interfaz de usuario que nos permite disear aplicaciones de manera declarativa. Esa es una manera elegante de decir que le decimos a SwiftUI cmo queremos que nuestra UI se vea y funcione, y descubre cmo hacer que eso suceda a medida que el usuario interacta con ella.Est dirigido directamente a los que desean aprender a construir aplicaciones de iOS reales."
Price: 99.99

"Xero - Mastering Reports in Xero" |
"This course has been created to help regular Xero users who don't have the time to learn all about Xero reports.It takes time to get to grips with Xero reports which is why many Xero users struggle.If you take this course, you will then be armed with the knowledge to get the most out of Xero reports for your business.We don't look at all reports, but we look at the reports you are most likely to need on a day-to-day basis.You will be amazed at the flexibility of Xero reports once you learn how to customise reports for your requirements.Please check the curriculum to see exactly what is included.And please note that Payroll, Projects and Fixed Asset reports are not part of the course."
Price: 79.99

"Construa Dashboard no Power BI e Import e export dados no R" |
"As grandes corporaes trabalham com o mais moderno para preparao de suas anlises e relatrios, uma destas ferramentas que fazem parte do portflio das empresas por meio do POWER BI, produto criado para ser o principal produto na gerao de grficos e respostas sobre os dados nas bases dos clientes, o POWER BI vem com uma grande estrutura de grficos, imagens, operaes de relatrios, interaes e integraes com R, python e muitas funcionalidades, sendo considerada a primeira na comunidade. Existem diversas outras ferramentas no mercado, entretanto, o Power Bi, a nica que permite a utilizao de diversas outras ferramentas d Microsoft de forma integrada e nativa.Aliada a isto, trago o aprendizado de leitura e gravao de dados nos seus mais diversos formatos na linguagem R. Por meio do seu portflio de dados possvel ler uma gama de formatos diferentes no R: TXT, JSON, XLS, dentre outros. Alm disso possvel exportar os dados para os formatos mais consagrados no R: EPI-INFO, SPSS, dentre outros.Por isso, quero que voc pratique e conhea todo que possvel construir dentro do Power BI e do R, trabalhar tanto na criao de dashboards como na construo de scripts de leitura e gravao.Venha conferir e comece hoje mesmo."
Price: 174.99

"TestProject-Free Web Android iOS API Automation Testing Tool" |
"TestProject is a cloud-hosted, free test automation platform built on Selenium and Appium for all testers and developers. Largest Community-Based Testing Platform. In the TestProject blog, you will discover authentic opinions, tutorials, best practices and stay up-to-date with all the latest test automation trends.TestProject is an end to end framework for test automation of mobile and web apps. Moreover, the TestProject Automation Framework is a completely Free Tool. TestProject is a test automation framework that allows us to create automated tests for both web and mobile applications.TestProject is a one-stop automation testing tool built to support platforms such as Windows macOS.TestProject: A free cloud-based test automation platform for web & mobile testing. Covers setup, test creation, C# export/import in Selenium, and Appium.TestProject is a powerful automation solution that aims to simplify your test automation experience. It also enables a full team approach to quality. Completely FREE Automation Tool. Supports both Recording and Coding. Developing a Test Automation Framework for Agile Development and Testing. Selenium is a portable software testing.TestProject is a free community Tool.In this course, you will learn about 1. Course Introduction and Takeaway2. TestProject Introduction3. TestProject Architecture Diagram and Explanation4. Environment Setup for Windows and MAC5. Environment Setup for Mobile Devices ( Android and iOS)6. Record and Create First Test Case7. Execution of TestProject Test Case in Mac and Windows8. Record and Execution in Mobile Devices9.Execution in DevOps Tools like BrowserStack / Saucelabs10. Data-Driven Testings11. Introduction of TestProject Addons12. Reports and Email Notification13. Creation of Jobs and Schedulers for Fully Automated Experience14. Integration of Jenkins and Slack with TestProject Automation. ......... and many moreBonus Sections:1. How to Create Apple ID for Apple(iOS) Executions2. How to Enable Developers Options in Safari (Mac OS)****************** Few More Lectures will be added soon *************"
Price: 1600.00

"The Complete Native Advertising Course - Digital Marketing" |
"About This CourseAt the beginning of this course, I will introduce you to Native Advertising. If you havent run native ads in the past, you will find this information quite useful, as you will learn why so many digital marketers have started shifting their efforts towards this form of online advertising. More specifically, you will learn:What Native Advertising IsThe Reasons Behind This Immense AdoptionThe Types of Native AdsStrategies & Tactics Guidelines & Best PracticesMarketing Objectives You Can AchieveHow To Measure SuccessComparison of The Top Native Advertising PlatformsHow To Run Programmatic Native AdsAfter covering the theory of Native Advertising, I will show how to create and manage native advertising campaigns on the world's leading native advertising platforms:OutbrainTaboolaVerizon MediaRevcontentMGIDWho Is This Course For?This course has no pre-requisites and it is suitable for anyone wanting to gain comprehensive knowledge of native advertising, whether they have no experience in the field or already run native advertising campaigns. In other words, this course will take you from the very basics to the more advanced aspects of native advertising. Therefore, it is ideal for:Digital Marketing Professionals, who have heard about native advertising and wish to grow their skills further to advance their career.Online Advertisers, who currently run native ads and want to improve the performance of their campaigns.Professionals with Traditional Marketing BackgroundSales, PR, Communication, Creative & IT ProfessionalsEntrepreneurs & Business Owners, who would like to discover the full potential of native advertising and take their business to the next level. Excellent Value for MoneyHigh-Quality CourseWell-Designed PresentationsIllustrated ExamplesWell-Structured CourseNo Fluffing2+Hour CourseGet Straight to the Information You NeedBuild Great Campaigns Within a Few HoursCertificate of CompletionAdvance Your CareerLand a High-Paying Job in Online AdvertisingPerform Your Current Job BetterMobile ApplicationDownload lessons on your Android or iOS deviceTake lessons while commuting to wor"
Price: 79.99

"Introduction to Programmatic Advertising - Digital Marketing" |
"Would You Like To Learn More About Programmatic Advertising?If you have heard about programmatic advertising and would like to know more about this truly innovative form of advertising, then you are in the right place, as this certification course will teach you the foundations of programmatic media buying and selling. To buy the Complete Programmatic Advertising Course, search on Udemy for ""The Complete Programmatic Advertising Course"".What You Will LearnAt the beginning of this course, you will learn how online advertising has evolved over the years, meaning what approaches were followed in the past, what challenges emerged and how those gave rise to this brand new form of online advertising. Next, I will introduce you to programmatic advertising and more specifically cover:What programmatic advertising is;Its adoption over the years;Its benefits;The marketing objectives one can achieve.Following that, you will learn which are the eight main participants in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. I will also take you through how all those participants can work together, the costs of using their services as well as which platform vendors are the most popular ones. Some of those participants I will take you through are:AdvertiserAgencyPublisherAd NetworkAd ExchangeDemand-Side PlatformSupply-Side PlatformAd Server After that, I will take you through different ways of buying media programmatically. You will learn how all those methods work through the use of illustrated examples, their benefits as well as why some methods are becoming more popular than others:Real-Time BiddingOpen AuctionsPrivate AuctionsProgrammatic DirectPreferred DealsGuaranteed DealsThen, you will learn about the six programmatic advertising formats. I will explain in great detail, how each advertising format differentiates from the rest in terms of audience targeting, ad serving and campaign performance measurement, as well as highlight the benefits they can bring to both advertisers and publishers:Programmatic Display AdsProgrammatic Video AdsProgrammatic Native AdsProgrammatic TV AdsProgrammatic Audio AdsProgrammatic Digital Out-Of-Home AdsOnce all those are covered, you will learn all the prospecting and remarketing tactics followed by advertisers:Contextual TargetingPlacement TargetingDemographics TargetingGeo-TargetingLookalike / AI Audience Targeting3rd-Party Audience Segment TargetingLayered TargetingStandard RemarketingDynamic RemarketingCustom RemarketingWho Is This Course For?This course has no pre-requisites and it is suitable for anyone wanting to gain knowledge of programmatic advertising, whether they have no experience in the field or already online advertising campaigns. Therefore, it is ideal for:Digital Marketing Professionals, who have heard about programmatic advertising and wish to grow their skills further to advance their career.Online Advertisers, who currently run online ads but would like to grow their career further.Professionals with Traditional Marketing BackgroundSales, PR, Communication, Creative & IT ProfessionalsEntrepreneurs & Business Owners, who would like to take their business to the next level. Why Does This Course Offer Excellent Value for Money?High-Quality CourseWell-Designed PresentationsIllustrated ExamplesWell-Structured CourseNo Fluffing3+Hour CourseGet Straight to the Information You NeedCertificate of CompletionAdvance Your CareerMobile ApplicationDownload lessons on your Android or iOS deviceTake lessons while commuting to work"
Price: 79.99
