"[A-Z] Avanza con Power BI analtica y visualizacin de datos" |
"Hola y bienvenido a este mdulo de Avanza con Microsoft Power BI, analtica y visualizacin de datos. Hace parte del grupo de mdulos que prximamente sern en vivo para ensearte las partes fundamentales del Business Intelligence (o inteligencia de negocio) y lo que ya podemos llamar Business Analytics con la ayuda de la inteligencia artificial.Los bloques principales de este curso son 4 y veremos:1. conceptos de Big Data y Business Intelligence2. visualizacin con Power BI3. avanzando con flujo de datos ETL4. modelo de datos y base de datos SQL y SQL ServerIncluye en cada bloque casos prcticos, laboratorios y tareas (opcionales) para poder seguir aprendiendo en este mundo en constante evolucin.Hoy en da estudiar Data Analytics te permite sucesivamente entender como funciona un proyecto de data desde las diferentes plataformas cloud (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Databricks, etc)., y podrs tener ms nociones de:- Base de datos- ETL- VisualizacinPara los departamentos de cualquier organizacin es importante una figura y el rol que conoce y transforma los datos , sea por programacin, sea a travs de base de datos, de la parte de cloud o desde las herramientas de visualizacin. Nos enfocaremos ms en la herramienta de Business Intelligence Microsoft Power BI para la creacin de modelos de datos, utilizando ETL con Power Query y lenguaje M, DAX y sus funciones para agregar nuevas mtricas y muchas prcticas.Espero pueda servirte til este mdulo que es solamente la punta del iceberg de este mundo tan grande de Business Intelligence, Data Analytics y Visualizacin con Microsoft Power BI.- Visualizacin de datosEn este primer mdulo veamos los conceptos que utilizaremos ms adelante, para poder crear un proyecto desde cero de datos, poder realizar las cargas automticas de ETL, las lgicas que hay por detrs de los servicios Big Data y Business Intelligence y finalmente poder visualizarlos en las herramientas top del momento, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau , las herramientas de inteligencia de negocio ms utilizadas y que mostrar ahora solo unas demo.Necesitas asesoramiento personalizado, as como clases presenciales o a distancia? En los primeros vdeos podrs obtener asistencia a tu formacin a travs de Superprof.Las mayora de los cursos avanzados tambin estn disponibles por tutora personalizadas. Puedes buscar mi perfil y contratar la tutora en Superprof: superprof es google-adwords-analytics-google-tag-manager-desde-nivel-iniciacion-intermedio.html A quin est dirigido este curso?Principalmente para convertirse en Data Analyst, la nueva figura profesional con mucha demanda en agencias y empresas de marketing, organizaciones de cualquier tamao y en particular consultoras. Sin duda debes aprovechar para poder seguir aprendiendo realizar cursos y programas de SQL, Python, JavaScript y ms, para poder trabajar con las diferentes herramientas que existen actualmente. Necesitas asesoramiento personalizado?Los cursos avanzados tambin son disponibles a travs de tutora personalizadas. Puedes buscar mi perfil y contratar la tutora en Superprof: superprof es marcusRB o a travs de mi web personal. El curso ser impartido por:Marco Russo:Vengo del mundo de la economa y finanza, he trabajado como financial advisor en BBVA para banca de inversin, pasando por el Marketing Digital y especialista de trfico de pago (Google Ads). La pasin por resolver problemas me motiva a estudiar Business Analytics & Data Analytics y mantener este perfil hbrido de (business e informtica).Actualmente conozco y trabajo con los siguientes lenguajes JavaScript, SQL, Python, R. He trabajado como front/back principalmente con HTML, CSS, PHP, Go para las tareas de creacin de analtica de medicin. Especializado en minera de datos, marketing digital, SEO SEM, y conjuntamente con la explotacin y visualizacin de datos.He creado hace aos tres escuelas de formacin KPIschool, DataSchool y aiSchool proyecto en pleno crecimiento. Separados por programas de fundamentos y avanzados de Digital Marketing (Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Data Studio y Optimize, y Data Science: Big Data y modelado de datos, base de datos SQL y noSQL, Python, Lenguaje R, Data Visualization y de Business Intelligence. Disciplina STEM, cules Raspberry Pi y Arduino, e IoT Internet de las cosas adems de las herramientas de anlisis y visualizacin de datos, Power BI, Tableau.Finalmente tengo muchas cualidades como profesor y tutor desde analtica digital a analtica de datos. Desde 2012 como docente en programas de msters y postgrados en diversas escuelas de negocios, entre ellas EAE Business School, IMF, IIM Instituto de Marketing, AdveiSchool, Digital Brain, Neoland, Fictizia adems de formador en la Cmara de Comercio de Madrid y otras tantas asociaciones y cooperativas.Creador de varios cursos de digital marketing en plataformas premium, seminarios y webinar en varias escuelas de negocio. Adems de ser profesor colaborador con la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (asignaturas de visualizacin de datos, minera de datos y machine learning) y tutor del mster oficial de Data Science.Actualmente estoy colaborando en diferente proyectos de formacin acercndome ms al mundo americano, especialmente Per, Colombia, Mxico, Argentina, Chile, entre otros con planes de aprendizaje ms a medida del alumno. Podrs contactarme en caso de dudas o soporte.Gracias, MarcusRB"
Price: 49.99

"IELTS Speaking Part 3 - How to get Band 7.0 and higher" |
"IELTS Speaking Part 3 - How to get Band 7.0 and higher**PLEASE WATCH THE PROMO VIDEO AND SAMPLE VIDEOS BEFORE BUYING - THEY ARE FREE TO WATCH**This IELTS Speaking Part 3 course by a former IELTS examiner will help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking exam (both General and Academic) by teaching you complex words, phrases, grammar, skills and strategies using model answers and detailed explanation. Even good speakers of English often fail to get high band scores because they are not using the language the IELTS examiner needs to hear to give you a high band score. This course makes sure you have this vital language. The course is written and presented by a former IELTS examiner from The UK, with more than eighteen years of IELTS teaching experience. It is one of the very successful 'PREPARE FOR IELTS' courses. This course includes:More than 60 lessonsMore than 10 hours of materialMore than 100 quiz and practice activitiesSkills lessons on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, dealing with different question types, coming up with ideas and extending your answersLessons based around model answers for more than fifty questionsTeaching on all the skills, strategies, vocabulary and grammar you will need to succeedExpert support to answer all of your questions"
Price: 99.99

"The complete Python Masterclass : Become a Python Engineer" |
"In this course, we will take a start from complete scratch and will assume that you never had a Python Programming Experience before. We will end this course by making you a professional Python Engineer who is capable enough to apply his knowledge to build real world Applications. We will go in depth of everything so that you can learn each and everything about the topics that we will cover in this course.We will focus a lot on those topics which are mostly asked for a Job interview for Python. This course aim to develop your skills to become capable for your coming professional life. We hope you very best for this course. Hope this course will be very beneficial for you.Good Luck"
Price: 199.99

"JCL For Beginners: A Course For Dummies" |
"Do you want to learn and do not know where to get started First time into this topic? Then this is the corse for you. It does not really matter that you are into the old or new things, the imprtant is your will to study!. Keep it up and go further, you can make it but hey, do not waste more time, START LEARNING!"
Price: 19.99

"Kiisel Markan Olutur Fark At (Kendini Marka Yap)" |
"Kiisel Markalama zeki ve yapt ite baarl olduu lde kendini markalatrma da etkili ve baarl olmayan insanlar iindir. Kendi kimliinin kontroln ele geirmek isteyen kiiler iindir. Baka insanlara ve baka durumlarn deimesine gvenmeyenler iindir. Kiisel markalama, daha fazlasn yapmak ve baarmak isteyen, kariyerinde sorun yaayan ve ikinci ans kendisinde daima gren ve buna inanan kiiler iindir. Yaptnz herhangi bir iin garantisinin olmadnn farknda olan kii iindir."
Price: 49.99

"Ingls - Tempos Verbais 1 - Do Zero a Fluncia" |
"Neste curso voc poder entender como utilizar e como formar cada um dos tempos verbais abaixo:- Simple Present- Present Continuous- Simple Present Vs Present ContinuousSaber quando utilizar cada um dos tempos verbais alm de como estruturar de forma adequada as frases. Alm de todas as vdeo-aulas, voc tambm ter acesso a listas de exerccios, simulados, alm de materiais extras de apoio. Focaremos nas aulas e tambm na prtica dos alunos, com atividades."
Price: 39.99

"Series #4. Trademark : Protect your business identity & logo" |
"Learn about trademark & Protect Your Name, tagline, Logo, Design, Brand & Be the Market Leader!Creating a business and nurturing your company from the scratch is very time consuming and resource intensive. Over the years you put-in tons of efforts to make your company grow. As your company and business grows, there are evil elements in our society how wants to make money out of this opportunity. No one like the small fish, everyone wants Big Fish!. The mistakes which you might have made unintentionally can be very costly. hence, in this course you'll learn to safeguard your Brand and work identity regardless of whichever business or profession you are in; there is definitely something to gain and learn from this course. This course has the purpose of equipping you with the solid foundations to protect, safeguard your company's identity by Trademark and avoid Trademark Violation. Lot of illustration, analogies, stories and examples are given to make you understand the concepts better.This is the Series#4 Course in the Intellectual Property Right Course Series.WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?Have you ever dreams of an worry free brand name, logo, design, tagline?Do you want avoid any trademark dispute or trademarking conflicts?Do you know what are the Trademark Red Flags?Do you know How to protect your business?Do you know how court finds trademark violation?Do you know how to protect your identity and Brand?Do you know how long is the trademark valid?Do you know the risk of losing online business? Do you know how to deal with trademark violation?Do you know what to do, if you are sued?Do you know what what a trademark protects?Do you know how to how to obtain trademark?Do you know the penalty for trademark violation?Do you want to save time, money and resources to safeguard your business?Do you need an easy, fast, simple and jargon free course to understand trademark?Do you want to save on the legal fees and charges?Do you know what you can get trademarks for?Do you know what you can't get trademarks for?Do you know how to be a stronger Brand?If the answer to most of the above questions is yes, then this course is for you!WHAT WILL I LEARN FROM THIS COURSE?Things or stuff for which you can obtain trademarkWhat is Trademark?Examples of TrademarksWhy do you need trademark?Registration of TrademarkImportance of TrademarkTrademark & Common LawTrademark Filling vs. UsageWhat is Service mark (SM) and Certification Mark?Business Name vs. TrademarkDeceptive MarksTrademark is not allowedWhy trademark?Validity of TrademarkWhy the Trademark is rejected?Discover Trademark infringementSearch TrademarkHow to discover infringement?A short story on Trademark infringementThe Frisch Case TestThe Polaroid TestPenalty for Trademark violationHow to be safe?Trademark Challenges & issues with the Online BusinessHow to enforce Trademark?What to do if you are sued?The course is set up to quickly take you through, step by step,the process of understanding the fundamentals of Trademark and Trademark Law. It will equip you with the knowledge to protect, safeguard and defend your reputed business that will stand out and brand you as a better & Stronger Brand!What else will you get?Personal contact with me, the course instructor.Lifetime access to all course materials, including all downloads and resources.This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support from me on the Q&A section of the course or through direct messages. Disclaimer: Learner hereby undertake to use, practice and explore the tools, techniques, methods, illustrations, cases etc used/demonstrated in this course at their own risk. They declare and confirm that the tutor/trainer of this course is free from any obligation, risk, liabilities, penalties, legal actions and damages suffered or incurred directly or indirectly. You are solely responsible for your action and use of information provided in this course. Any misuse or illegal activities conducted using the information provided in this course will be sole responsibility and liability of the learner. The information provided in this course is for general knowledge purposes only and is not intended to provide any legal advice or to replace legal advice. No promise or warranty. None in this course is intended to guarantee, promise or forecast the outcome of a particular case and must not be interpreted. There is no guarantee or obligation about the validity, appropriateness or completeness of the material found in this course.Info Subject to Change. Laws that are in this course are subject to change somewhat frequently. We can not ensure that this material is always up-to - date and valid. This course may contain useful or insightful links to other websites and resources. We are not responsible for the contents of any link provided or any related website. Nothing contained herein, or any information contained by any link, constitutes legal advice and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a lawyer. You should not rely on this course without a qualified lawyer.Let's get Started... :)"
Price: 149.99

"Modelos de pginas feitas para vender" |
"Imagine a seguinte situaoVoc resolve levar uma pessoa muito especial para um restaurante em seu primeiro encontro, foram meses conversando e esperando por esse momento.Ao passarem pelas ruas buscando um restaurante, vocs se deparam com um restaurante com uma fachada maravilhosa, letreiro lindo, tudo muito limpo e portas de vidros que os permitem ver l dentro os funcionrios uniformizados e com sorriso no rosto...e quase em frente, do outro lado da rua, vocs se deparam com um outro restaurante, porm este tem uma fachada suja e mal acabada, como uma aparncia muito feiaEm qual dos dois restaurantes voc levaria essa pessoa especial?O que voc acha que passa na cabea do usurio quando ele entra em uma pgina que s vezes parece com o restaurante de aparncia feiaNa maioria das vezes, a compra no acontece, pelo simples fato dele no confiar tanto no produto, pelo produto no parecer profissional.Em outras palavras, a pgina no passa segurana para o crebro do usurio disparar os comandos de confiana e com isso ele no vai passar o carto de crdito e comprar o produto.Grave uma coisa em sua mente...a apresentao do seu produto a primeira imagem que fica na mente do cliente...Aquele ditado popular A primeira impresso a que fica.Agora, J imaginou o tanto de dinheiro que voc pode estar perdendo por no ter uma pgina profissional?No basta ser profissional, precisa parecer profissionalMesmo para quem est comeando ou para quem est a muito tempo no mercadoVoc precisa criar pginas profissionais!E voc no precisa saber sobre design, cores e cdigos para criar uma pgina 100% profissional que converte... possvel voc ter os mesmos resultados de um design profissional sem ser um designer ou saber sobre designE eu irei revelar como voc pode ter isso de forma muito simples...Mas antes...J viu o tanto de dinheiro que talvez voc deixou de ganhar por no ter uma pgina 100% profissional que influencia o visitante a comprar de voc?Quando falo profissional me refiro a uma pgina 100% pensada em converso, com um bom design, bons blocos de persuaso e o melhor...uma pgina que hackeie a mente do visitante e o leve at compraE voc no precisa saber sobre design, cores e cdigos para criar uma pgina profissional.Quanto de dinheiro voc j gastou em campanhas pagas, copy, ferramentas e etcPegou a ferramenta mais usada no mercado e tentou criar pginas profissionais, demorou um dia inteiro para no final ter aquele sentimento que a pgina no ficou da forma que voc havia imaginado.Alguns logo pensamPreciso de um design para fazer issoE quando pesquisam o preo que cobrado para fazer uma pgina simples, at se assustam.Voc pode at estar satisfeito com as vendas que faz atualmente, e tudo bem por isso.Ou talvez sua situao seja outraVoc est lutando para ter as primeiras curvas de resultado do seu negcio e no faz idia de como fazer isso.O que estou falando aqui o quanto de dinheiro que voc pode ganhar mais, criando pginas 100% profissionais...Eu no estou dizendo que voc precisa aprender tudo sobre cores ou design.Aprender tudo isso demora, eu sei, pois tenho mais de 10 anos de mercado dentro e fora do Brasil e j fiz muitos testes, estudos, e tambm demorei para entender exatamente tudo sobre o assuntoProjetos que j faturaram 6 dgitos que foram pensados do momento em que o usurio entra no site, at a confirmao de pagamento.Empresas como a Marinha do Brasil, j foram atendidas por mim e inseriram sugestes de converso em seus projetos.Mas, voc no precisa aprender isso...na verdade eu no quero que voc perca tempo com isso.Eu quero te ajudar a encurtar 6 vezes mais o tempo que voc leva para criar uma pgina profissional.Sim, isso pode ser rpido, simples e muito mais rpido do que voc imagina.E voc no precisa se preocupar mais com designEu no acredito em frmula mgica...Frmulas mgicas no existem!Eu acredito em mtodos que levam produtos do zero a 1, 5 e at 20 mil reais.Com muito trabalho, dedicao e algo que seja 100% testado e validadoE isso que estou dando em suas mos, algo que foi testado, validado e que ir trazer mais lucros para seus negcios.No deixe essa oportunidade passar, clica agora no boto abaixo e garanta as Pginas Profissionais.Eu tenho certeza que voc j tomou decises a qual se orgulhou, e acredito tambm que j deixou passar oportunidades a qual voc ficou com um sentimento de perda...Essa deciso exatamente assim, ela pode te dar orgulho por voc escolher as Pginas Profissionais que iro fazer seu produto vender mais, iro encurtar seu tempo em 6 vezes mais na hora de criar suas pginas e ter uma pgina com design profissional sem precisar saber sobre design.Ou infelizmente a deciso de ignorar essa oportunidade ir gerar um arrependimento por voc continuar perdendo tempo e dinheiro, sem saber qual a melhor estrutura"
Price: 579.99

"Crea una Academia Online en Tiempo Record" |
"Con este curso podrs descargar los archivos web para que instales una academia online en poco tiempo, incluye todo lo que necesitas para vender infoproductos, desde el diseo hasta la usabilidad de la web. Cuenta con integraciones a plataformas de pago, contenido restringido solo para suscriptores y mucho ms. Esta es la mejor manera de monetizar tus conocimientos. Sin importar el area fuerte, se que puedes desarrollar infoproductos y ponerlos a. la venta en una plataforma online y obtener ingresos ayudando a otros a aprender cosas nuevas"
Price: 34.99

"Et si on vous cachait la vrit ?Quand vous vous lancez sur internet, on vous dit souvent :""C'est compliqu de vendre""""Si ton potentiel client ne te vois par 7 fois, alors il n'achtera jamais""ou encore le trs clbre""gnrer de l'argent en ligne, sans un beau site web, c'est impossible""C'est SIMPLE : C'est des mensonges et j'ai dcouvert comment faire autrement.Mieux : j'ai aid des dizaines d'entrepreneurs faire autrement.Et vous savez quoi? je vais vous apprendre comment faire.Il est vrai que l'on peut gagner de l'argent sur internetavec un beau site webou des mthodes de vente tordues.Mais ce sont l des mthodes compliques.Si vous tes ici, c'est que j'ai un message de la plus haute importance vous faire passer.Alors non, je ne vais pas vous inviter dpenser des milliers d'euros en publicit comme ces fameux entrepreneurs facebook.Je ne vais pas non plus vous proposer des investissements bizarres en bourse ou dans le forex.Je vais plutt vous dmontrer que NOUS avons la MEILLEURE solutionpour gnrer des revenus en ligne.Mon message est le suivant : il existe un systme ULTRA EFFICACE pour vendre en automatique sans technique ni mthodes compliqus.La solution tient en un seul mot : TUNNELS DE VENTESAujourd'hui, vous tes peut-tre un tunnel de vente de transformer votre business.Mais transformer son business, qu'est-ce-que c'est ?Pour certains d'entre vous, vous occupez un emploi que vous dtestez et vous essayez d'en sortir.Pour d'autres, vous tes des entrepreneurs avec votre propre entreprise ...mais vous tes coinc et vous ne savez pas pourquoi.Et pour d'autres d'entre vous, vous cherchez crer un tunnel de vente PARFAIT qui vous aidera avoir plus d'impact sur le monde!Ce tunnel de vente, nous allons le construire ensemble.Vous allez apprendre tape par tape crer un systme de vente ultra rentable et automatisable volont.Prt russir?tes-vous prts exploser vos ventes comme jamais auparavant ?"
Price: 99.99

"Calculus & Linear Algebra for Machine Learning from Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn Calculus and Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science from scratch.Calculus and Linear Algebra form the foundation of the essential Mathematical background required in the field of Machine Learning and Data Science.In this course you will learnFunctionsDifferentiationIntegrationPartial DifferentiationBasics of MatricesAddition and Subtraction of matricesMultiplication of MatricesVectorsEigenvalues and EigenvectorsApplication of Mathematics in Data ScienceCalculus & Linear Algebra finds wide variety of applications in different fields of Machine Learning and Data Science. Learning Calculus & Linear Algebra will help you in understanding advanced topics of Machine Learning and Data Science. If you are taking a Machine Learning or Data Science course, then this course is certainly going to help you.In this course I have provided video lectures for each and every concept, these lectures are supplemented by quizzes and examples that will help you reinforcing your knowledge and will also help you in learning the Math behind Machine Learning."
Price: 199.99

"Adobe premiere pro(eng)" |
"This course is provided for the full study of Adobe premiere pro. Course is suitable for people who are not familiar with application, and for those who have already worked with it. You will be able to fully explore Adobe premiere pro, from the very basics to the more advanced nuances associated with the use of it. At the end of this course, you will learn how to fully use Adobe premiere pro and be able to use it in various real-world projects."
Price: 199.99

"How to Run Successful Events: Management Planning Marketing" |
"Have you ever wanted to launch your own event?Have you ever wondered how the process of running an event and the various aspects involved looks like?I give you my personal insights and experiences the highs, lows and costly mistakes to avoid when planning your event.I've seen many event failures in the past and I bring this knowledge and experience to table inside this course.What You'll Learn Researching your audienceBusiness/company structureStaff & managementLogisticsContract & procurementHealth & safetyEvent marketing : social mediaContingency plansAdditional revenue generating ideas And, much, much more!I also provide you some free templates for legal contracts that you can use for your own events too. - I discuss things you can do to stay protected legally, lessen risk and mitigate liabilities.By the end of this course you will have a better understanding of the world of event planning and have grasped important key concepts to help you operate both small or large scale events.Therefore, if you want to avoid costly mistakes and have the know how on how to navigate yourself in the world of events and find massive success, than this course is right for you.Event planning requires a lot of work, careful planning and the successful execution, and in this course I cover all your bases of critical areas you need to consider when planning events, and these are things you must know going into the world of event management if you want to find success. The greatest investment you can make is an investment in yourself.Buy Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Python for Beginners - Anyone Can Code (even kids)" |
"Python for Beginners - Beginners Can Learn to Code in Python 3 with Simple and Fun Hands On VideosDo you want to learn to code? Maybe you are interested in programming as a career or a hobbyist who wants to create code for your own projects? Or, maybe youre a parent with a kid who would love to write code. If so then this is the course you're looking for. This course is designed to teach Python programming to absolute beginners. Kids as young as 5th grade have completed this entire course.Following my step-by-step videos you will write fun and entertaining programs and at the same time gain core programming skills. This course is loaded with 10 hours of fun hands-on examples and challenges.Youll make your computer talk, draw colorful 2D graphics, and well cap off the course by creating an arcade style space game complete with animation, keyboard controls, and sound effects. That's not all with over 140 lectures, challenges, and solutions there are many more cool programs you will create. All you need is a Mac or PC and a little curiosity. At the end of this course, you will have gained basic programming skills that you can continue to build on. Python is One of the Most Popular Programming LanguagesPython is one of the top programming languages in use. Companies like Netflix, Google, Instagram, and Facebook all use Python. Many universities now teach Python in their introductory computer science classes. Python is even used in some college science classes such as Physics for simulations. If you want to pursue a career in software development, this course is a great first step into programming. Or, you may just want to learn as a hobby or for fun to express your creativity in your own projects!30 Day Money Back GuaranteeThis course includes a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up and start your programming journey right now!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Solid Edge Siemens ST10 - Bsico ao Intermedirio" |
"O curso de Solid Edge Siemens, tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de competncias relativas elaborao de modelagem em desenhos de projetos, aprenda os conceitos fundamentais do Solid Edge, um dos softwares CAD 3D mais usados para projeto mecnico. No curso vamos ensin-lo os recursos bsicos para criar esboos, modelos 3D, montagens e detalhamento 2D. O curso est criado para quem quiser comear no mundo do projeto mecnico 3D e no tem experincia com software CAD 3D.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a modelar os principais tipos de componentes, detalhar desenhos 2D e de realizar montagens de conjuntos montados.O que o Software Siemens Solid Edge?Inteno de projetoA interface de usurio do Solid EdgeBarras de ferramentasDicas rpidasrvore de projetosOpesModelagem Bsica 3DMontagem de ConjuntosVista explodida Detalhamento 2D DrawingExercciosDicas"
Price: 144.99

"Curso de Revit Arquitectura 2021" |
"Con este curso descubrirs poco a poco cada una de las ventajas de la metodologa BIM; El curso esta realizado con videos muy bien explicados y practicos, sobre cada uno de los temas dandote un seguimiento paso a paso.No importa que version de Revit tengas, tu sigue los paso, podras seguirlos a la perfeccion podras descargar los ejercicios del curso.El curso esta divido en 11 secciones:interfazComandoArquitecturaEstructuraFamiliasMobiliarioTopografaEtiquetasHabitacinRenderEntregablesVeremos el Temario del Curso, lo que aprenders1.-Unidad 1 Interfaz 1.1-Interfaz 1.1.1.-Pantalla de Inicio 1.1.2.-Acceso Vista Clsica 1.1.3.-Crear un Nuevo Proyecto 1.1.4.-Cinta de Opciones 1.1.5.-Pestaa de Archivo 1.1.6.-Botn de Opciones 1.1.7.-Pestaa de Arquitectura 1.1.8.-Pestaas de La Cinta de Opciones 1.1.9.-Pestaa de Anotaciones 1.1.10.-Pestaa Vistas 1.1.11.-Barra de Preseleccin 1.1.12.-Barra de Estado 1.1.13.-Barra de Acceso Rpido 1.1.14.-Paleta Buscador de Proyectos 1.1.15.-Paleta de Propiedades 1.1.16.-Interfaz de Usuario 1.1.17.-ViewCube 1.1.18.-Desplazamiento con el Botn del Ratn 1.2-LinkCAD 1.2.1.-Convertir Archivo CAD en Archivo Link CAD 1.2.2.-Caractersticas de un Link CAD 1.2.3.-Sistemas de Coordenadas del Link CAD 1.2.4.-Unidades de un Link CAD 1.2.5.-Capas de un Link CAD 1.2.6.-Configuracin del Origen de Insercin de un Link CAD 1.2.7.-Limpiar el Archivo Link CAD 1.2.8.-Configuracin del Punto de Origen del Link CAD 1.2.9.-Insertar Link CAD 1.2.10.-Guardar Proyecto1.3-Configuraciones 1.3.1.-Configuracin de Unidades1.4-Barra Vista Grfica 1.4.1.-Escala de la Vista Grfica 1.4.2.-Niveles de Detalle 1.4.3.-Estilos Visuales 1.4.4.-Mostrar Elementos Ocultos 1.4.5.-Aislar U Ocultar Temporalmente 1.4.6.-Mostrar Regin de Corte y Recortar Vista 1.4.7.-Duplicar Vista 1.4.8.-Suprimir Vista 1.4.9.-Llamar Vistas 1.5-Las Rejillas 1.5.1.-Configuracin de la Elevacin 1.5.2.-Ingresar Ejes 1.5.3.-Ingresar Secciones 1.5.4.-Dividir Segmentos de Seccin 1.5.5.-Callaout 1.6-Cotas 1.6.1.-Cota Alineada 1.6.2.-Cota Lineal 1.6.3.-Cota Angular 1.6.4.-Mover Cotas 1.6.5.-Cota Temporal 1.6.6.-Cota de Elevacin2.-Unidad 2 Comandos 2.1.-Comando Alinear desde la Vista en Planta 2.2.-Comando Alinear desde la Vista 3D 2.3.-Comando Cambiar Orden de Unin 2.4.-Comando Cortar 2.5.-Comando Matriz Array 2.6.-Comando Cortar y Extender en Esquina 2.7.-Comando Cortar y Extender un Elemento 2.8.-Comando Cortar y Extender Elementos Mltiples 2.9.-Comando Abrir Hueco 2.10.-Copiar por Nivel 2.11.-Configuraciones de Copia por Nivel3.-Unidad 3 Arquitectura 3.1.-Muros 3.1.1.-Configuracin de Muro de Tablaroca 3.1.2.-Configuracin de Muro de Block Hueco de 10x20x40 3.1.3.-Muro Barrido 3.1.4.-Muro Telar3.2-Pisos 3.2.1.-Ingresar Piso de Porcelanato3.3.-Plafond o Cielo Raso 3.3.1.-Ingresando Plafond3.4.-Puertas 3.4.1.-Ingresar Puerta3.5.-Ventanas 3.5.1.-Ingresar Ventana3.6.-Muro Cortina 3.6.1.-Muro Cortina 3.6.2.-Muro Cortina Mullion Circular 3.6.3.-Muro Cortina Mullion Rectangular 3.6.4.-Como Editar un Muro Cortina Interior 3.6.5.-Cristalera Exterior4.-Unidad 4 Estructura4.1-Columnas 4.1.1.-Ingresar Columnas Rectangulares de Concreto 4.1.2.-Ingresar una Columna de concreto desde un Plano4.2-Vigas 4.2.1.-Ingresar Vigas4.3-Cimentacin 4.3.1.-Zapata Corrida 4.3.2.-Zapata Aislada4.4.-Losa Estructural 4.4.1.-Ingresar una Losa Estructural4.5.-Escaleras 4.5.1.-Ingresar Escaleras 4.5.2.-Editar Escalera5.-Unidad 5 Familias 5.1.-Familias 5.1.1.-Instalacin de la librera de Revit 5.1.2.-Cargar familias 5.1.3.-Pagina Web Para Descargar Familias 5.1.4.-Crear Familia de Perfil Mtrico5.2.-Componentes 5.2.1.-Insertar Componentes6.-Unidad 6 Mobiliario 6.1.-Muebles 6.1.1.-Insertar Mobiliario 6.2.-Grupos 6.2.1.-Crear Grupos7.-Unidad 7 Topografa 7.1.-Crear Topografa Con Puntos 7.2.-Importar Topografa desde CAD8.-Unidad 8 Etiquetas 7.1.-Etiquetas Por Categoras 7.2.-Etiquetas Por Categora Parte 2 7.3.-Editar Etiquetas9.-Unidad 9 Habitacin 9.1.-Tag de Habitacin 9.2.-Valores de la Etiqueta de Habitacin 9.3-Como Mover Un Tag de Habitacin 9.4.-Separacin de Habitacin 9.5.-Errores de una Habitacin Redundante 9.6.-Relleno Por Color10.-Unidad 10 Renders10.1-Asolamiento10.2.-Camaras10.3.-Luminarias10.4.-Materiales10.5.-Render11.-Unidad 11 Entregables 11.1.-Presentacin 1 11.2.-Presentacin 2 11.3.-Presentacin 3"
Price: 64.99

"Amazon FBA Success" |
"""Discover The Step-By-Step Guide To Starting and Launching Your Very Own Successful Amazon FBA Business""Find Out How Countless Sellers Are Making a KILLING Using the Service And How You Can TooIf youre an internet marketer and you want to make real money, then you NEED to hear this.Amazon FBA means Fulfilment By Amazon. It means that Amazon stores and delivers products that you choose, direct to customers.And its truly game changing for the make money online crowd. It has already made a lot of people, very rich.Why Selling Digital Products/Affiliate Products Is Ultimately a Limited Business ModelIf you want to make money online, then there are LOTS of options for going about it.You might become an affiliate, you might sell a digital product like a course, or you might run a blog and place ads on it. These are all viable options that work for a lot of people.BUT they are also somewhat wishy washy. No one really gets anything at the end of the transaction here. You are selling information, or helping to sell someone elses information that you dont really know anything about.Everything goes around in circles before eventually, someone, somewhere, makes a sale.Whatever happened to REAL business?At the end of the day, people still prefer to buy REAL products. That means physical products that they can actually use.While some people are happy to spend money on PDFs, that number PALES in comparison to the people who spend money on pots and pans, clothes, televisions, and dumbbells. Everyone Shops On AmazonThink about the people that you know. Probably all of them shop on Amazon, while very few of them probably paid for an ebook (that wasnt through Kindle).Studies confirm this. If you replace the ebook on your website with something tangible, you will multiple your sales MANY times over.So, if youre an internet marketer and you want to make REAL money, then the best way to do that is to sell REAL products. And the only place to do that of course is Amazon.But thats where a lot of marketers will bow out. Why? Because it seems intimidating, complicated, and expensive. Youd have to order lots of inventory, store it in your home (somehow), make sure it all got sent to the right addresses package it by hand, deal with carriers and freight forwarders.With all that said, how do youget started?I'd like to introduce you to...AMAZON FBA SUCCESSYour Guide To Starting and Launching a Successful Amazon FBA BusinessSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"ap 6th class tests ." |
"This tests are for check how the student understand the lesson . this test have some question and options .technology was not created by teachers. There has been some consultation between those who promote its use in schools and those who teach with it. Decisions to purchase technology for education are very often political decisions."
Price: 1280.00

"The Complete Android Ethical Hacking Practical Course CAEHP" |
"Use this coupon code to get the best Deal Use the COUPON CODE : SEPTEMBER New Annoucement : Course Update for August Month Hello Everyone !Welcome to the CAEHP i.e. the Complete Android Ethical Hacking Practical Course . My name is DEBAYAN DEY and i will be your Instructor for the CAEHP Course. CAEHP is one of the Most Comprehensive Real World 100% Hands-On Practical Approach on Android Ethical Hacking...!!!Now this course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning how an attacker attack and get the information from the victim. CAEHP is designed by keeping in mind that most of us are not having laptops or computer machine to work for most of the time. Thats why in this course curriculum , you need not require any laptop or computer system. Only you need an android device and this entire course is 100% practical based ! isn't this amazing ??? Yess , plus the most important thing , you need not to root your Android device. waaoo !!! so all in one , you just require an android phone and turn it into powerful ethical hacking machine. Lil brief about my name , i am Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU) v2 , and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH V10) from EC COUNCILalso i am certified Google IT support from Google , and currently doing micromaster in the Field of Cyber Security from Rochester institute of technology (RIT) New York in edx . here are few of my other accomplishments in the field of cyber security , Introduction to Cyber Attacks , New York University introduction to Cyber security for business , University of Colorado System Palo Alto Networks academy cybersecurity foundation , Palo alto networks International cyber conflicts , The State University of New York Cyber Attacks Countermeasures , New York University Networking ans security Architecture with Vmware NSX Enterprise System Management and security ,University of Colorado System Rest we'll have a meet and greet section to know other Learners ...!!!so whats there in this CAEHP COURSE?First of all i would love to tell you , that this course is not limited to time . You may see 6 or 7 section today , once you land in this course after few weeks , you'll see more sections and videos are added up. so this is the advantage of taking this course that you'll get regular updates about the new features and attacks and how you , as an individual can prevent yourself from such an attack. so currently in CAEHP course , we have 6 Section + 1 Optional Section and 1 Bonus SectionSECTION 1 : Meet and Greet Introduction of the SectionWhat is Termux ?What is Shell ?Why Termux ?Installation What is F-Droid ?Package Management Q/A Session with instructor and various Social Media availabilitySo , we'll turn our Android device to a complete ethical hacking powerful device by installing termux. SECTION 2 : Next we'll cover , termux basics by learning various CLI commands.Installing TERMUX from Google Play StoreStorage Setup , Update and Upgrade Learn why we use apthidden files , versionsVarious Text EditorLearn how to check IP Various other Network Related CommandsLearn why we change various modes Learn how to use GIT Repositoryand much more cool stuffs...!!!!SECTION 3 : There after we'll cover one of the most powerful tool in penetration testing and ethical hacking , i.e. Metasploit Framework.We'll see how an attacker create payloads perform LAN and WAN i.e local area network and wide area network attacks using port forwarding and how the attacker creates persistent Payload Learn BASH Scriptingand how an attackers takes the control of the victims mobile device and get all the data.and much more cool stuffs...!!!SECTION 4 : next we'll learn what is Encryptionwhat is Decryption how we can encrypt our fileshow we can Decrypt our files Learn how we can protect our files and folders with passwords so in this section we'll cover installation of 3 very important tools used for Encryption and Decryption in Linux What is SALT in Cyprography ?Further we'll learn how we can perform Encryption and Decryptionand much more cool stuffs...!!!SECTION 5 : most exciting Section IntroductionWhat is Phishing Attack ?We gonna learn how an attacker do phishing attacks. here we'll mirror any website We'll also learn how we can clone Facebook , Instagram , twitter or any social media installation of PHP starting of PHP server Run the Cloned Website in your LocalHostThen uploading the files onlineRun the Cloned Website OnlineLearn Social Engineering Share the link to the Victim and get the Username and the Password once the Victim tries to Login and then creating an app of the cloned websiteShare the Android App with the victimAgain learn how to do Social Engineering so that the Victim downloads the AppGet the Username and the Password once the Victim tries to Login from the APPSo in this section , we'll see how an attacker sends a link or an app to the victim and once the victim tries to login with login credentials , bang , victims password is with the attacker . and much more cool stuffs...!!!!SECTION 6 : next section is pretty much interesting we'll see how we can do port forwardinggenerate an HTTP or HTTPS url Linkhow by simply sending a link an attacker gets complete camera access and receives the photographs after every few interval of time of the victim.Next we'll see how to Uninstall such Dangerous PackageWe will learn how to stay safePrevent from getting Hacked Learn how to Aware your Family Members and known person by teaching them how to stay protectedand much more cool stuffs...!!!!OPTIONAL SECTION : this section named as optioal section , we gonna cover various tools which can be very handy for the rooted android device. Ok so those who are having rooted android device can go through this section. Learn working of Wifi Network Learn what is AIRCRACK-NGInstallation of the package Learn how to use AIRMON-NGand much more cool stuffs to be added up...!!!!REWARD ( BONUS) SECTION : and last but not the least we have bonus section.We'll see how we'll run kali Linux in our Android device No need to Root your Android DeviceApps to install Installation of Kali Linux Learn using SSH Client Turn your Android Device into a Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Deviceand much more cool stuffs to be added up...!!!!So all the sections will cover Quizzes , Assignments and Reading Materials .Also , all the sections will be updated on regular basis and new sections will also be added up , so once you are enrolled in the course , you'll surely gonna learn various techniques how attackers attack and how we can safe ourselves from getting attacked.Most importantly , this course is completely for educational purpose all the attacks which an attacker perform are demonstrated to you so that you understand the technology and the art behind it and you're not fooled by any kind of social engineering. This course is for educational and awareness purpose , to make everyone aware and be safe and protect your data. Its a request , please do not perform any illegal activities , Udemy and me ( Debayan Dey ) is not responsible for your illegal activities you perform.so, Welcome to the world of complete android Ethical hacking practical course. Feel Free to Reach out at any point of time , i will be happy to Help you , and if you face any PROBLEM , just post your DOUBTS , you will be Answered within 24hrs to 48hrs of time ..!!!!!ARE YOU EXCITED to learn 100% complete practical course and help your family stay secured and safe from data theft and from hackers ?Wish you all the best...!!!! See you in the course landing page ....!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"The Absolute Python Beginner Course" |
"Get a simplistic introduction to Python. If you're new to programming this course can help you get started with Python. This course covers the installation process, the basic Python syntax, and an example of how to construct and run a simple Python text based game.This course specifically focuses on the core concepts in programming. You will learn the absolute basics, starting from zero knowledge and will finish with the basics in Python, such as data types, variables, functions, sequences, conditional statements and iteration. Forgot making programming difficult to learn, with this course, you can learn the basics in a very simplistic way.Learning PointsInstalling PythonChoosing an editor or IDETypes of dataStoring data using variablesFunctionsLists and tuplesConditional statementsIteration with loops This course will constantly be updated with new content.Check out my YouTube channel: CodeCommand for more content!"
Price: 44.99

"Curso de Locuo Personal Speaker - Prtico e Dinmico" |
"Apresentao do Curso de Locuo Personal SpeakerO rdio no morre!Muitos apostaram nisto com o surgimento da televiso, da internet, e de Aplicativos de msicas.Mas o rdio, que no discrimina idade, condio social ou gostos pessoais, sobreviveu e sobreviver a qualquer surgimento tecnolgico.O Rdio, com sua diversidade e capacidade de adaptao ao pblico e suas tecnologias, permanece na histria dos meios de comunicao e na vida de diferentes pblicos.Isso o Rdio!O curso!O objetivo deste treinamento oferecer a prtica de locuo acompanhando as necessidades especficas de cada treinando, seja de profissionais que desejam aprimorar sua locuo, de realizar pequenos ajustes com a inteno de mudar de segmento, ou ainda, para aqueles que ainda no tem a prtica para conseguir entrar no mercado.O curso de locuo Personal Speaker, permite ao aluno, treinamento bsico e vivncia de diferentes estilos de locuo. Favorece ainda, a desinibio e o aprimoramento na comunicao para situaes de exposio.As locues realizadas no treinamento so orientadas na descrio da aula, por um professor / locutor que atua no mercado radiofnico e televisivo.Estas gravaes ficam com o aluno ao trmino do curso, que, oferece ainda, certificado digital de concluso de curso.Todos os textos, udios, vdeos e figuras oferecidos para download so exclusivamente para uso didtico dos alunos. proibido o compartilhamento deste material."
Price: 414.99

"CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (Exam- CLO-002) Practice Test" |
"These CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (Exam- CLO-002) Certification Practice Exams provide you with the latest test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback to help you pass the exam with confidence.In my tests and after you finish each one you will get an explanation as to why the right answer is the right answer, and why the incorrect ones are incorrect, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further !!Included in this CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (CLO-002) Certification Practice Exam course:182 questions CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification practice test, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification domains, as you will see on the real exam.- 3 practice tests- More practice for studying- Practice like the real CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification exam- Targeted studying, don't waste time studying for topics you already know- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the wrong answers are incorrectCompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 182Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 60 min for 75 questionsPassing Score : 77If you dont have Necessary experience, You can take and pass the CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification exam to earn a CompTIA designation.30-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel - Anlisis de Datos con Tablas Dinmicas" |
"Lee por qu este es uno de los cursos de Excel MEJOR EVALUADOS de Udemy:(reseas originales del curso en ingls traducidas al espaol)""Este es un gran curso de Excel. Puedes agregar estas habilidades a tu CV con confianza, y las clases son profundas y fciles de seguir. Le recomiendo este curso a quien busque no solo APRENDER de tablas dinmicas en Excel, sino convertirse en un verdadero EXPERTO en tablas dinmicas.""-Monique C.""Contiene explicaciones claras y detalladas y te ensea a usar tablas dinmicas en Excel para extraer detalles escondidos usando datos reales. Los exmenes y las tareas refuerzan las clases y la estructura del curso facilita el repaso de secciones pasadas. Este curso es exactamente lo que necesitaba para dominar tablas dinmicas en Excel. Gracias!""-Paul M.""Una de las mejores clases de Excel que he tomado gran contenido, asombrosa produccin, muy exhaustivo y sumamente til. He adquirido otros cursos de Excel y Maven Analytics y ya quiero llevar esos tambin.""-Ernie A.__________DESCRIPCIN COMPLETA DEL CURSO:Las tablas dinmicas de Excel son una herramienta absolutamente esencial para cualquiera que trabaja con datos en Excel.Las tablas dinmicas te permiten explorar y analizar datos en Excel rpidamente, revelando informacin y tendencias poderosas que permaneceran escondidas de otra manera. En otras palabras, te dan respuestas. Ya sea que ests explorando ventas de productos, analizando tcticas de mercadotecnia que impulsaron las mejores tasas de conversin o preguntndote cmo se han comportado los precios de condominios en los ltimos 10 aos, las tablas dinmicas en Excel proporcionan soluciones rpidas, precisas e intuitivas hasta para las preguntas analticas ms complicadas.Este curso te da un entendimiento profundo y 100% comprensivo de tablas dinmicas y grficos dinmicos en Excel. Te voy a ensear cundo, por qu y cmo usar tablas dinmicas en Excel, introducir a herramientas de ordenar, filtrar y calcular, y guiar con demostraciones y ejercicios de Excel interactivos.__________Iniciaremos cubriendo todo lo que necesitas saber para empezar a trabajar con tablas dinmicas en Excel, incluyendo: Estructura de datos de origen en Excel Formatos y estilos de tablas dinmicas Diseo y opciones de formato Herramientas de ordenar, filtrar y agrupar Campos, elementos y valores calculados Grficos dinmicos, segmentacin de datos y escalas de tiempo Tableros interactivos en Excel__________De ah, vamos a explorar y analizar conjuntos de datos en Excel de una serie de casos de estudio de la vida real, incluyendo: Calificaciones de pelculas en IMDb Registros de ataques de tiburn de 1900-2016 Datos de publicaciones de Facebook de Spartan Race Calificaciones de burritos en San Diego Estadsticas de equipos de las Ligas Mayores de Beisbol (MLB) Salarios de empleados en San Francisco Datos diarios de la bolsa de Valores Calificaciones de aplicaciones del App Store de Apple Descripciones y evaluaciones de vino__________Ya sea que busques una introduccin rpida a las tablas dinmicas, quieras diversificar tus habilidades de Excel, o desees mejorar tus capacidades analticas en una gran medida, ests en el lugar correcto. En estos tiempos impulsados cada vez ms por datos, hay poca oferta de habilidades analticas y una demanda increblemente alta, y aquellos capaces de transformar datos en conocimiento llevan la delantera. Inscrbete hoy y empieza tu camino hacia convertirte en un profesional en analtica con Excel!Nos vemos en el camino!- Enrique (Instructor, Maven Analytics) y Chris (Fundador, Maven Analytics)__________Buscas el catlogo complete de cursos de inteligencia de negocios? Busca ""Maven Analytics"" para ver todos los cursos en ingls, incluyendo cursos de Excel, Power BI, MySQL, y Tableau!*NOTA: El curso completo incluye recursos, archivos de Excel de proyectos y tareas disponibles para descarga, exmenes rpidos, acceso de por vida y 30 das de garanta de devolucin de tu dinero. La mayora de las clases son compatibles con Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 u Office 365."
Price: 174.99

"MICROSOFT TEAMS: Optimize Project Processes & Collaboration" |
"In this Course, Youll Use the Free Version of Microsoft Teams To Manage and Collaborate On Projects of All Shapes and SizesIntroducingThe Connect Effectively with Microsoft TeamsUsing Teams to Connect and Collaborate OnlineHere's exactly what you'll get inside the course:20 Step By Step Over the Shoulder VideosWhat you'll discover in this video course:Teams OverviewThe Teams InterfaceAttaching the Mobile ApplicationInviting Team MembersStarting a Channel within a TeamMeet Now Within a Channel Within TeamsUsing the Channel Wiki Within A TeamAdding Microsoft WordAdditional Considerations of WordAdding Microsoft ExcelAdding Microsoft PowerpointAdding Microsoft One NoteDictationDocument SharingOne DriveChannel SettingsTop Level Channel SettingsThe Website TabConclusion of Basic Teams CourseLearn how to optimize the 3 most common processesProcess One - Project ManagementProcess Two - Creating Live EventsProcess Three - Live Streaming with Zoom and Go To Meeting+ Advanced Microsoft Teams Tips and Q&AAdditional Resources:Ebook - Project Management Made EasyEbook: Ins and Outs Of Training a TeamEbook: How-to-Effectively-Build-Teams-and-Make-Them-Work"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Web Design in Bangla - From Zero 2 Hero" |
", HTML5, CSS3 JavaScript Responsive web design"
Price: 144.99

"Diseo 3D usando CREO Parametric" |
"Este es un curso enfocado en diseo mecnico usando el software CREO Parametric.En su primer captulo se explican las generalidades de la interfaz para la construccin de piezas.La segunda seccin explica los principales comandos de dibujo CAD, y la tercera seccin modela la tercera dimensin en comandos como extrusin, revolucin y barrido; culminando con un ejercicio prctico.Las siguientes secciones explican rutinas como modelado de chafln de orificios, redondeos y bordes. El ejercicio prctico desarrolla estas funcionalidades en el mismo elemento del captulo anterior.El curso es totalmente prctico, explicado por un experto que gradualmente desarrolla los comandos en un objeto que culmina con la asignacin de colores, presentaciones, ensamblaje y mecanismo de simulacin."
Price: 199.99

"You are a graduate seeking industry experience? Or a working professional requiring procedural knowledge on Electrical Transformer Testing? Rest assured. I have created this course for you, we will increase your understanding about various steps involved in testing electrical transformers. The course will start with the theory and practical application of each transformer test and then proceed further with detailed steps involved in actual testing process."
Price: 1600.00

"Vibraphone for all - From Zero/Intermediate to Improvisation" |
"The course is divided into 2 sections: 1. Vibraphone LessonsVibraphone - Other names : Vibes, Vibraharp. Classification - Percussion .This section contains information about how to hold four sticks, the correct position of the hands. You will also take practical lessons that will help you improve your vibraphone playing skills.2. Vibraphone Improvisation. Trance / New Age style ImprovisationThis section will be interesting for both beginners and experienced players to learn. In this section you will learn a new technique of improvisation on the vibraphone.The purpose of this technique is to quickly teach you to improvise and create beautiful tunes on the go and without learning musical notation!You will transfer your thoughts and feelings to the vibraphone, and our specially designed formula will guide you into it.About the formula:This formula was created to save energy and time at the initial stage of studying the vibraphone playing. The motto of this formula is Right here right now, as using the formula provides you with a great opportunity to get melodies with accompaniment without knowing notes (using a certain schematic formula) in the shortest possible time.This formula is based on good knowledge of the theory of music, and then adapted to the perception of an individual who has no musical education. It is designed as schemes of particular keys, they are easy to find on the vibraphone and remember how to use them!Using this basic formula you will quickly learn how to play and improvise on the vibraphone!In addition to the basic formula, you will also get access to files with more than 30 formulas for improvisation. Using them you will be able to develop your improvisation level."
Price: 49.99

"ATDD with PHP and Behat - Acceptance Test Driven Development" |
"The Workshop is explaining basics about ATDD and Behat and will have an exercise where you implement an Bowling Game the ATDD way.We're gonna play a bowling game, and by that we learn how to use the ATDD approach to write a software to calculate the results. ATDD is an approach within the BDD methodology. After this tutorial attendees will describe features using the gherkin language and implement them a test cases using Behat.ATDD is the Business version of Test Driven Development- Acceptance Test Driven Development vs Behavior Driven Development- Test Driven Development and Acceptance Test Driven Development where is the difference"
Price: 59.99

"1996 ylnda Toronto niversitesinde kurulan Rocscience, geoteknik, inaat, maden ve jeoloji mhendisleri iin 2D ve 3D yazlm gelitirme konusunda uzman bir firmadr. Geomekanik alannda yeni yazlm rnleri yaratmakta, aratrma ortamyla fikir ve teknolojinin gelitirilmesine katk salamaktadr. Kurs kapsamnda bu firmann yazlm ele alnmtr:Slide zeminlerin veya kayalarn oluturduu evlerdeki dairesel ve dairesel olmayan krlma yzeylerinin gvenlik faktrn veya krlma olasln deerlendirmeye imkan tanyan 2 boyutlu ev stabilite programdr.Settle3D zeminlerin; temeller, setler ve dier yzey ykleri altnda konsolidasyon ve ani oturma analizi iin kullanlan boyutlu bir programdr.Phase2 zemin ve kaya uygulamalar iin gl bir 2D sonlu eleman programdr. Kaz tasarm, ev stabilitesi, yeralt suyu sznts, olaslk analizi, konsolidasyon ve dinamik analiz yetenekleri gibi ok eitli mhendislik projeleri iin kullanlabilir.Kurs kapsamnda Slide programyla 25 rnek, Settle3D programyla 10 rnek ve Phase2 programyla 10 rnek ilenmitir.Kursiyerlerin eitimi satn almadan nce programlar tedarik etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu konuda sorumluluk kursiyere aittir. ndirim kuponu edinmek isteyenlerin sosyal medya hesaplarmn birisinden ulamalarn rica ederim."
Price: 49.99

"Construire son site avec Oxygen Builder pour WordPress" |
"Dans ce cours, nous allons appendre crer et personnaliser un thme WordPress grce au plugin Oxygen Builder. Oxygen Builder est un ""page builder"" ou constructeur de page comme Divi ou Elementor qui sont plus connus. Ct performance, nous verrons les avantages d'Oxygen Builder face ses concurrents.Pour illustrer cette formation, nous allons construire un site internet sur la thmatique d'un club de yoga.Nous allons d'abord crer une page d'accueil tape par tape pour commencer prendre en main Oxygen Builder.Nous verrons ensuite comment crer des templates de pages pour l'affichage des catgories d'articles, l'affichage de l'article en lui-mme. Nous terminerons sur un template de page ""Erreur 404"" personnalis.Pour aller plus loin, nous aborderons galement le responsive design pour que votre site internet soit optimis pour toutes les plateformes mobiles."
Price: 24.99
