simply-put-python |
". . - - - - - - -"
Price: 39.99

blackboradzoompptlms |
"- - - "
Price: 49.99

"Juniper Design Associate (JNCDA ) JN0-1101 : Exams 2020" |
"Juniper Design Associate (JNCDA ) JN0-1101 : Exams 2020Juniper Networks Certification Program (JNCP) Design Track allows participants to demonstrate competence with Juniper Networks design principles and associated technologies.This exam designed for networking professionals and designers with beginner knowledge of network design, theory, and best practices, this written exam verifies the candidate's understanding of network design fundamentals.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking JNCDA in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Juniper in any way."
Price: 24.99

"9A0-044 ACE Adobe Photoshop Certified Practice Exam" |
"130 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-044 ACE Adobe Photoshop Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-044 ACE Adobe Photoshop Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 130Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (149 of 130)"
Price: 144.99

"Google Adwords Advertising Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Adwords Advertising Fundamentals Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Adwords Advertising Fundamentals Practice ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 169.99

"Fundamentos para Emprender Online. 6 pasos para tomar accin" |
"Fundamentos para Emprender Online. 6 pasos para tomar accin, es un curso con 6 pasos esenciales para lanzar un emprendimiento online con las mejores estrategias y no cometer errores durante su proceso. Este curso te ayudar a conocer las herramientas digitales para encontrar un nicho de mercado, verificar que dicho de mercado es factible, o averiguar si tu negocio actual, tiene demanda en internet, y tomar las mejores estrategias.Tambin te ayudar a segmentar tu idea de negocio, y usar el concepto de longtail; el cual es un concepto que puedes usar para centrarte en un nicho de mercado especfico (servicio o producto). Cada paso, ha sido grabado con lecciones de teora y videos prcticos para profundizar ms del tema. Conocers, la teora del Costo Cero y su importancia para poder usarlo en tu proceso de negocio y te ayudar a disminuir tu inversin inicial o tu capital semilla, sin perder la calidad.Si te inscribes en el curso, tienes la oportunidad de obtener el libro que te acompaar en tu emprendimiento, y el cual podrs descargarlo con toda la libertad, y estudiarlo. Este libro, ser tuyo por siempre. Este curso, te ayudar a emprender un negocio online, o un emprendimiento en internet desde cero, o tambin te ayudar a transformar tu modelo de negocio actual, al internet, y te mostrar todos los recursos que existen para poder lograrlo. Qu tipo de negocio puedo emprender? Con este curso, logrars entender toda la teora para emprender cualquier tipo de negocio que sea til y ayude a la sociedad. Puedes emprender un negocio de tienda virtual, o de ecommerce, o puedes hacer un negocio de suscripciones...etc. Este curso viene con 2 talleres para que puedas comprender los fundamentos de un Plan de Negocio, y su importancia. Pero adems, tendrs un taller que te ayudar a segmentar tu negocio online, y seguir las recomendaciones de los expertos para crear un ecosistema de innovacin de tu emprendimiento, sin ser una empresa grande.Finalmente, este curso viene con un bonus, que te ensear los fundamentos de Costos y Presupuestos, y tendrs a tu disposicin una Plantilla de Excel para usarlo en tu propio emprendimiento. Te veo en el curso!"
Price: 199.99

"WaterColors You Can Do...Trees and Foliage and Custom Greens" |
"Painting realistic looking trees that mimic what you see in a natural setting can be challenging, especially finding the proper ""greens"" in watercolor paints. Many artists struggle with finding just the right shade of green that will give their painting the ""pop"" that it needs for leaves and other foliage to stand out and take center stage in the painting. This can mean buying many tubes of green paint and mixing in a trial and error fashion to create the desired shade of green. Money, time and wasted paint can be frustrating, especially if it delays your getting to the fun part of actually putting brush to paper.What to do? Well, Sharon Long can solve this puzzle for you with her Magic Palette of pre-filled Winsor Newton paints and her recipe guide for mixing greens using just 2 colors, Burnt Sienna and Antwerp Blue. Many artists do not realize that these two colors mixed together will yield beautiful greens. That is because Burnt Sienna is actually a ""yellow""! Following a recipe and using just 3 drops of water from a pipette in each well, you can mix amazing shades of green. In this workshop Sharon will take you on a step by step journey to creating a beautiful watercolor painting of trees and foliage that will delight you, your friends and relatives for years to come. Marry this painting with a really nice set of mats and a frame and you have a beautiful gift or just display your work at home for others to see. Do you want to learn great tips and new techniques? Even if you are an accomplished artist you can always benefit from the knowledge of other artists. Sharon Long can pull from over 35 years of painting and teaching to help you improve your craft.Why should I purchase a Magic Palette Kit from Sharon Long Watercolors website? Well, you don't have to. You can use your existing watercolor paints and use the workshop to learn from Sharon. But the main benefit of the Magic Palette is that you will have a complete kit that includes a strong plastic palette made from airline quality plastics. The palette will come filled with high quality Winsor Newton paints and has mixing wells built in for ease of creating custom colors. Also a set of 7 Brushes that Sharon recommends, a ""recipe"" card for spot on color mixing and a must have guide to keep your color mixing perfect every time! Get those greens, blacks, purples and browns you have always wanted from one palette using just 4 colors!"
Price: 24.99

"The Complete MBA in Risk Management" |
"Management of risk is now a key issue for all major businesses and effective risk management is an essential element of successful organizational performance. Assessment and formal treatment of risk and uncertainty is needed in all aspects of management including: investment decisions, business continuity, corporate security and strategic decision making.Effective risk management is increasingly becoming recognized as a necessary condition for successful organizational performance. The complete MBA in Risk Management will train managers to deal with risks internally, inter-organizationally by skillfully financing it. Attention will also be paid to international dimensions of risks which have become growing aspect of risk management with continued globalization.This risk management course intends to build and nurture necessary competence for Risk Management strategist. It provides knowledge and skills in the use and application of risk management tools and nurtures the details of Risk management and internal control framework. It covers the knowledge and skills on utilization of Risk Management techniques for effective decision making and provides competence and proficiency necessary for identifying and solving complex Risk situations such as fraud, project, procurement and other corporation areas in a multi discipline business environment.The examination scheme intends to cover the meaning, scope and purpose of Risk Management, Risk Management framework, risk governance, risk aware culture, risk assessment, risk response and insurance, operational risk management, risk assurance, risk analytics and future of risk management.The course is designed for students who want to develop organizational and analytical skills in a number of financial risk management roles in industrial, commercial and governmental organizations. The course will enable students to critically evaluate and utilize new and established risk management tools in national and international contexts and measure the effectiveness of risk policy implementation."
Price: 199.99

"Matriser le Graphisme sur Canva en quelques minutes" |
"Vous souhaitez rendre vos visuels plus professionnels pour votre activit ?Engager un graphiste peut coter des centaines d'euros alors que Canva est GRATUIT et au travers de cette formation vous allez apprendre utiliser Canva.Crez autant de design, logos, postes Instagram et Facebook que vous dsirez sans plus jamais faire appel un graphiste ! Cette formation est accessible tous, aucune comptence n'est requise rien de compliqu, uniquement votre imagination pour donner vie vos design !En moins de 2 heures matrisez la cration de design. (S'adresse aux dbutants)On se retrouve sur la formation :)Portez vous bien !Valentin,"
Price: 19.99

"Hands-on CAD Modelling from Scratch using PTC Creo" |
"After successfully completing this hands-on course, one would be:Familiarized with the layout of different sections in PTC Creo 5.0Able to use various sketching tools in creating the 3D parts.Able to integrate various parts and create assembly by providing suitable constraints.Able to create rendering, animation/simulation of the working model.By the end of this course, I am sure you would be in a position to design and simulate any of the complex mechanical or any other engineering components.Looking forward in the course,Sriram."
Price: 1280.00

"PaloAlto Networks Certified CyberSecurity Practice Test 2020" |
"PaloAlto Networks Certified CyberSecurity Associate (PCCSA) possesses knowledge of cutting-edge technology in CyberSecurity.PCCSA is one of the popular CyberSecurity Certifications that is launched by PaloAlto. This is a Basic/Intermediate level of certification that evaluates your understanding of basic concepts and skills on CyberSecurity and the PaloAlto products.PaloAlto the global Cybersecurity leader & shaping cloud-centric future with technology to securing your enterprise starts.This course is for individuals who are preparing to gaining the official PaloAlto (PCCSA) certification. Note: This course will be updated with latest questions & will be include in some interval."
Price: 19.99

"Programming For Beginners with c++ (part 1)" |
". . ."
Price: 24.99

"Bancos de dados relacionais e SQL" |
"O objetivo deste curso ensinar bancos de dados relacionais para iniciantes. Assim, o aluno aprender o conceito de bancos de dados e poder depois aprender uma linguagem de programao SQL de sua preferncia com muito mais facilidade. Por isso, o curso baseado em conceitos e no padro ISO; e no em uma linguagem de programao SQL especfica.Durante o curso, o aluno aprender: Bancos de dados relacionais; Criando um banco de dados; Tabelas e tipos de dados; ndices e performance tunning; Integridade referencial (chave primria, chave estrangeira, constraints check, unique e default); Selecionando e filtrando dados (select e where); Agrupando dados (group by e having); Joins (inner join, left join, right join e cross join); Trabalhando com subqueries; Modificao de dados (insert, update e delete); Consultando metadados; Programando objetos para recuperao de dados (views, functions, stored procedures e triggers); Usando tcnicas avanadas;O pr-requisito para este curso a Lgica de Programao. Este curso pr-requisito para qualquer curso de programao, incluindo os cursos de banco de dados da Escola Para.TI."
Price: 54.99

"Comunicacin Telefnica" |
"El curso esta conformado por una clase introductoria, ms siete(7) lecciones, donde encontrars,contenidos,algunos videos complementarios,tareas para que reflexiones como lo estas haciendo y al final de cada leccin tendrs un cuestionario que te permitir validar los conocimientos adquiridos. Desde la primera leccin vas revisar la historia del telefno su significado e importancia para las empresas en la actualidad; ya en la segunda leccin vas a relacionar la comunicaci;on telefnica con la percepcin del cliente o interlocutor; despues vas valorar la comunicacin como clave del proceso , elementos, reglas y actitudes; posteriormente como vender por telefno paso a paso y competencias como vendedor para hacerlo; asimismo como manejar las objecciones y clientes dificiles ; como negociar por telefono paso a paso , estrategias y habilidades requeridas ; finalmente aprenders a concluir con extito la comunicacin telefnica y medir la calidad de la misma."
Price: 19.99

"3/5 - process" |
"/ exec, fork Linux / Unix System Programming process handling and its related system calls MacOS, , Android, Windows C/C++ ."
Price: 29.99

"MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Exam MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops: Practice TestsThis exam is valid for the Exam MD-101: Managing Modern DesktopsThe course contains 3 practice tests, with 100 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.You have the chance to mark questions for review, saved and skip questions. "
Price: 19.99

"S que todo lo que gira en torno a la suplementacin es bastante heterogneo, por ello surge mi inters de profundizar sobre ello y, de esta manera, comprenderla de la mejor manera posible y consigas aprender muchsimo para que puedas aplicarlo a tu vida y poder ahorrar en aquellos que no se adapten a nosotros. Adems, se han revisado artculos cientficos de alta calidad para poder mostrarte el mejor contenido. A qu esperas? NETE."
Price: 29.99

Price: 79.99

"GPU Programlama" |
"Yapay zeka, GPU programlamanin kolaylamas ve grafik kartlarnn glenmesi ile zirveye ulat.Gezegende bulunan veri bykl her gn artarak devlemeye devam etmekte.Byk veri ve yapay zeka bir araya geldiinde insanlk olarak insan st sonulara ulatk.Bu kurs ile Grafik Kartna (GPU) hkmedeceksiniz.Milyonlarca Thread sizin iin alyor.Yeni algoritmalar ile gelecei siz kodlayacaksiniz.Yeni ve farkl bir eyler yapmak iin farkl olmak, farkl dnebilmek gerekir."
Price: 199.99

"[Redux] Redux Tool KitReact HooksReact" |
"201910version1.0ReduxToolKitReact ReduxReduxReduxRedux ToolKitReduxReactReact HooksRedux ToolKitReactReact() -Redux -Redux Tool KitReact Hooks -Redux Tool Kit () -Redux DevTools -ToDo (Redux) -API(createAsyncThunk)() : App (Redux Tool Kit + React Hooks + Django RestFramework) - Redux StateState - Django RestFramework API Endpoint() - (JWT + localstorage) - CSSmodule"
Price: 19800.00

"Crashkurs Microsoft Teams: digitale Team- und Projektarbeit" |
"Die Arbeitswelt verndert sich und somit auch die Programme, die wir tglich nutzen, um den neuen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Der Crashkurs Microsoft Teams zeigt dir, wie du das Programm optimal fr deine digitale Projekt- und Teamarbeit nutzen kannst. Die Hauptbereiche Chatten, Zusammenarbeit im Team und Videotelefonie, sowie Desktopsharing (d.h. die Zusammenarbeit auf einem Bildschrim) werden ausfhrlich und einfach erklrt. Auerdem wird auch auf alle weiteren Features wie z.B. Zusammenarbeit in Dateien und das Suchen & Finden, sowie die mgliche Nutzung der vielen verschieden Apps, eingegangen.Fr Fragen und Ergnzungen stehen wir dir jederzeit zur Verfgung, auch gerne, bevor du den Kurs erwirbst.Beste GreLea & Freya#seikeinMaisPS: Der Kurs ist im ""Du"" verfasst, da wir dies einfach persnlicher finden."
Price: 24.99

"Italian for Beginners A0-A1-A2 Complete Grammar + Writing" |
"Are you looking for a course of Italian for Beginners? Then look no further! I have been teaching Italian online for a couple of years, and developed what I consider a solid and grammar focused curriculum, specifically designed to take absolute beginners to speaking through the understanding of grammar basics. I designed a pdf for all students, developed and improved over two years of teaching online, containing all the grammar and many exercises.In this A0 to A2 course, I start from the very beginning and take you all the way to the beginning of an intermediate level. This course is designed for absolute beginners who are at their first shot with another language.GOAL: If you finish the course and practice along the way, by the end you will be able to have a simple conversation in ItalianLevel A0:Basic nouns of family and foodSentence structureArticles, and how to use themGender and number of nounsPresent tense of all conjugationsEssere, Avere e Stare (to be, to have, to stay)Level A1:NumbersVocabolary: items of clothing, name of days&months, the houseThe plural of nounsAdjectives and how to use themIntroduction to AdverbsIrregular verbs: Fare, Andare, Potere, Dovere, VolereItalian culture: songs, the ConstitutionThe Passato Prossimo (most used past tense)Possessive Adjectives and PronounsSimple PrepositionsLevel A2:Vocabulary: weather, objects, travelling, Italian holidays, the human body, politics, names of buildings and shopsGerund (-ing verbs)Imperfetto (another past tense)Imperativo (to give orders)Present Conditional (I would)Simple Future (I will)Verbi IncoativiPreposizioni ArticolateDirect and Indirect PronounsNE and CI particlesComparisonsIn this course, the focus will be on learning a few simple phrases, and the basic structure of sentence creation, creating the blueprint that will allow you to later add new words, tenses and idioms. The grammar will be rather basic at the beginning, but it is important to follow along the course carefully. It will get harder as you progress, and Italian is quite a bit harder than English grammar-wise. You don't want to get lost.This course targets English speakers and it is entirely in English. However, I also speak Spanish and French, and reference them at specific points during the course so to help students who should know these languages.Here is what you get with this course:Over 50 classes covering the basics of ItalianPDFs of each class, including the grammar topics covered Exercises in order to practice: translation of sentences, composition of texts increasing in complexityMany external, free resources to maximize your learning efficiencyPossibility to interact with myself and the other students to create a great community!"
Price: 59.99

"-. HTML CSS" |
"-. . . . HTML, CSS, Sass, . . . . Front-End ."
Price: 24.99

"AZ-103 & AZ-104 - Microsoft Azure Administrator - Tests" |
"Cloud computing is rapidly gaining popularity across the world and the power to seamlessly deploy the solutions to a cloud environment is game-changing. Qualified individuals currently who are AWS, Azure or GCP Certified Solutions Architect are in huge demand and the salaries are pretty attractive too in the job market. Microsoft Azure is a great start for you to take your first steps into cloud or perhaps to support a career change it is advantageous, highly desirable for the individual to possess practical, core knowledge of cloud computing for a successful career. Candidates for AZ-103/104 are Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate. Candidates for AZ-103/104 should have proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.AZ-103 is outlined in a total of 5 modules. The questions are focused on :Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%)Implement and manage storage (15- 20%)Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%)Configure and manage virtual networks (30-35%)Manage identities (15-20%)We have added AZ-104 practice test questions in this course. AZ-104 is a fairly new variation to AZ-103 with minimal overlap. Topics that are not tested in AZ-104:NOT: Azure Functions; Logic Apps; Event GridNOT: selecting a container solution architecture or product; container registry settingsNOT: Implement Application Security Groups; DDoS NOT: Traffic Manager and FrontDoor and PrivateLinkNOT: Network monitoringNOT: SQL or HANAIt is essential to be familiar with the modules before you attempt your exam that's why we offering reliable practice tests with detailed explanations that can boost your exam preparation.The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned modules. The practice tests are accurate and proven correct by test-takers.Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 24.99

"MS-500 -Microsoft 365 Security Administration-Practice Tests" |
"Candidates for this exam implement, manage, and monitor security and compliance solutions for Microsoft 365 and hybrid environments. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator proactively secures Microsoft 365 enterprise environments, responds to threats, performs investigations, and enforces data governance. The Microsoft 365 Security Administrator collaborates with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator, business stakeholders, and other workload administrators to plan and implement security strategies and ensures that the solutions comply with the policies and regulations of the organisation.Candidates for this exam are familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and have strong skills and experience with identity protection, information protection, threat protection, security management, and data governance. This role focuses on the Microsoft 365 environment and includes hybrid environments.The exam is focused on a total of 4 modules and they are as follows:Implement and manage identity and access (30-35%)Implement and manage threat protection (20-25%)Implement and manage information protection (15-20%)Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 (25-30%)The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you cant get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"Acrylic lesson - Winter evening - Landscape" |
"Today we paint with acrylic! We learn how to use acrylic retarder in this tutorial. Same time lets paint a beautiful evening landscape! The light here giving nice colors to the landscape - violet to clouds and snow, orange to the sky and clouds. I really like sunsets! The silhouette of the trees is nicely visible against the gentle background colors and giving a nice contrast. Silhouette is a simple but effective technique and even if you beginner, following this tutorial you can create a photo-like looking painting!Techniques in this tutorial: layering, flat brush, gradient, work with different types of brushes."
Price: 19.99

"Investing in Cryptocurrencies-A Whiteboard Explanation" |
"In the last several years, investment in Cryptocurrencies has gained in popularity. We have also seen an increase in security, infrastructure, and acceptance by large and small investors. In this course, we take our years of experience as Financial Advisors, and provide you with the knowledge you need to get started investing, rather than speculating. By the end of the course you will know:Several Crypto Investment strategiesHow Crypto fits in your overall investment portfolioHow to buy CryptoHow to safely store your CryptocurrencySome ideas on valuation How to get started with Decentralized Finance to earn income"
Price: 94.99

"Formao de Auditores Internos e Segunda Parte ISO 9001:2015" |
"- Treinamento nos conceitos de Auditoria;- Treinamento nas prticas de Auditoria;- Explicar os princpios de Gesto da Qualidade- Interpretao da Abordagem de Processo e todos os requisitos da ISO 9001:2015.- Abordagem de Riscos e Oportunidades- A importncia da Ao Corretiva como forma de melhorar o Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade"
Price: 99.99

"Wix & Wix SEO- Wix Master Course" |
"Wix makes it easy for any person to create websites no design or coding skills needed! Wix is the best place to design a stunning website that looks and performs exactly the way you want. No need to hire a web developer anymore for Building a Website. You can Do it!In this course, I will be providing you with a step by step guide on how to create a Wix website in 1 hourTHIS COURSE IS PERFECT IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO:Create a Wix Website from start to finish in 1 DayLearn how to plan for creating your website (organizing your wording & photos)Learning the basic features of Wix and the advanced features of WixLearn what search engine optimization is (SEO) and how you can be found on Google, Yahoo, etc.Learn how to maintain your website and keep it up to date"
Price: 24.99

"Basic English Grammar in real life" |
"In this course you will learn all you need to know about grammar as an elementary English student and it will boost your self-confidence to continue learning English. I have talked about all different kinds of grammar with a lot of examples in real situations. There are also more practices for you to download."
Price: 19.99

"Japons - Hiragana e Katakana" |
"O curso de escrita japonesa - hiragana e katakana oferece muito mais do que somente alfabeto. Chegou a hora de aprender como este pas funciona a nvel de escrita e com apenas 2 aulas por dia conseguir aprender tudo isto de 2 a 4 semanas.Aulas curtas, rpidas e sucintas com durao mdia de 3 a 5 minutos para no cansar o seu crebro com o desnecessrio.Este curso oferece-lhe: o alfabeto katakana e hiragana escrito passo a passo; outras formas de formar slabas (palatalizao e o som oclusivo); vocabulrio para praticar o que aprendeu; e ainda fichas com exerccios para por prova o seu conhecimento."
Price: 19.99
