"Laravel with Ajax and Jquery Yajra DataTables" |
"Laravel, being the most popular web development framework currently, it is a good tool for managing data.This course will cover how to implement, use and customize jquery Datatables plugin on Laravel project so as to be able to deal with data efficiently. To do so, we will be using Yajra Datatables Laravel package. Also, on this course you will learn how to create, read, update and delete data to database with laravel and ajax. We will learn while building a medical provider manager application."
Price: 24.99

"plan x" |
"x . : - - - - - - - .- 7 3 .- - 8 - 8 - . 141"
Price: 19.99

"speaking X" |
":) ;)"" ""- "" "" :)- - ;) - - ****************************** .. 1000 8"
Price: 19.99

"ServiceNow Domian Separation in the latest Orlando Release" |
"In this course you will learn how to Implement domain separation in the latest release of ServiceNow from the scratch. The course will include step by step procedure for implementing Domain separation in ServiceNow's latest release. Right from the activation of plugin to the creation for specific form and scripts will be covered."
Price: 1280.00

"Ultimate GMAT Math Prep Course Master GMAT Problem Solving" |
"7.5 hours 100+ lectures GMAT 740 instructor High Quality Super Low Price Master GMAT Math!Recent Reviews-""Excellent Teaching methodology, all concepts explained crystal clear !! Great Job by the instructor.""""Excellent course. The concepts are explained beautifully through many good quality questions.""The internet is full of expensive preparatory material for GMAT. When there is so much information at once, it becomes difficult to kick off your preparation due to an overwhelming amount of resources to start off with. This course contains 100+ problem solving lectures to help you prepare for the GMAT Exam.What you get: 7+ hours of problem solving videos covering over 15 different topics asked in Quant section of the GMAT exam.100+ lectures containing Easy, Medium and Hard level problems.Tips and tricks to solve questions quickly in the GMAT exam.BONUS- GMAT Analysis sheet to track your performance.All this without burning a hole in your pocket!What's more? This course provides you a specially designed MS-Excel based GMAT Analysis Tool. This tool can be used to keep track of your preparation and can help you identify your weak areas.This course covers important topics like-Percentage and DiscountTime and Distance ProblemsWork Rate ProblemsSimple and Compound InterestAveragesRatiosAlgebraHCF & LCMDivisibility RulesPermutations and CombinationsProbabilityTrianglesQuadrilateralsCirclesSurface Area and VolumesThis course is being provided at the lowest possible price in order to help more and more people achieve their GMAT dreams. If I was able to crack the GMAT through self-study, anyone can. And this is the right place to start!"
Price: 54.99

"CMOS Analog Circuit Design - Amplifiers with Solved Examples" |
"""Analog circuit design is like chess - just because you know how the pieces move doesnt mean you know how to play the game"". - Patrick LaheyThis course is a continuation of another Analog IC Design ""CMOS Analog IC Design - MOSFET, DC BIAS and Transconductance"". This 6 hour course allows you to learn, design and analyze CMOS amplifiers, Current Mirrors and Active loads in detail. Each topic has multiple (atleast 4) worked out examples to allow hands on design. Consequently, we're seeing analog job requisitions in several key areas including Sensor Design and Sensor interfaces, WiFi (wireless LANs and Internet access), ultra wide band technology (UWB) and power management. Demand for designers with expertise in high-speed data conversion seems to be high across a variety of industries.We would like to thank Dr Mohammed Hashimi, IIITD for agreeing to use his lecture slides to educate the Analog Circuit Design Community across the world."
Price: 6400.00

"Critical Thinking & Understanding Arguments" |
"We will be discussing interesting points on what makes a critical thinker, and how you can become one. Critical thinking is one of the top 5 most wanted skills in 2020 that employers look for when looking for candidates. I have boiled it down to its essence!The course discusses the following:1) Critical Thinking definition2) Critical Thinking process3) Mindset of Critical Thinkers4) Cognitive Bias5) Alternatives and opportunities6) Arguments"
Price: 19.99

"Bu kurs da reneceiniz tm bilgilerle artk kozmetik makyaj uygulamalarn profesyonel olarak yapabileceksiniz.gndz ve gece makyajlar gelin makyajlar hatta fotoraf ekimlerinde makyaj sanats olarak almanz, izim derslerini renin karmlarn yaparak onlarn elde edebilmelerini grmek iin srekli taslaklar zerinde ya da kendi el ya da yznzde kk denemeler yapnz.hepinize iyi dersler diliyorum, umarm elenerek, renerek birlikte gzel vakit geirebilirsiniz."
Price: 209.99

"The Complete Java Programmer: From Scratch to Advanced" |
"Hey guys! I welcome you all to my course The Complete Java Programmer: From Scratch to Advanced. This course is designed for the learners of all categories: Beginners - who don't have prior knowledge in programming and interested in learning a new skill, Programmers from other languages who wish to learn Java. This course is an experiment that tries to relate almost all the programming concepts in Java to the real world scenarios. In this, we will discuss some real-world scenarios and try to code it using Java. You will also have a very deep insight on Object Oriented Programming in Java which is simply the need of the hour. With bewitching analogies, you will be motivated to pursue in this course with a decent pace so that you can complete the course and earn a certificate. For example, We will be dealing with the core concepts of Object Oriented Programming(OOP) through examples like lion and his cubs so that it will be easy and interesting for you to understand the concept as well as keeps you engaged. You will also have access to all the source codes, some optional problem sheets and quizzes for you to practice and master the skill. Using your knowledge in Java after this course, you can also start learning how to develop Android Apps in Android Studio. Java is the one of the most required skills in IT Industry. Get certified as the complete Java programmer now!"
Price: 1280.00

"User Stories schreiben - aber richtig (agile/Scrum/Kanban)" |
"Optimiere Deine Produktivitt und Projekterfolge indem Du die Wnsche Deiner Kunden mit starken Agile User Stories in das Zentrum stellst!Das Verstndnis der Nutzerbedrfnisse ist eine der Schlsselkomponenten fr jedes Projekt. Es gibt verschiedene Methoden, wie diese gesammelt und dokumentiert werden und wie man diese mit dem Entwicklerteam kommuniziert. Die populrste fr - insbesondere, aber nicht nur agile Projekte ist die Nutzung von User Stories.Eine User Story ist eine einfache Beschreibung eines Features, erzhlt aus der Perspektive eines End-Nutzers. Whrend User Stories kurz sind, haben Sie einen groen Einfluss: mit nur 1-2 Stzen geben sie den Kontext fr eine umfassende Konversation um die gewnschte Funktionalitt umfnglich zu beschreiben.Dieser Kurs wird Dich vom Anfnger zum User Story Experten bringen. Ich zeige die wichtigsten Praktiken inklusive dem User Story Format, Nutzung von Akzeptanzkriterien, wie Du mit den blichen Herausforderungen umgehst, User Stories runter brichst, priorisierst und noch vieles mehr!Egal, ob Du schon seit Jahren mit User Stories arbeitest oder noch nie etwas davon gehrt hast dies ist der richtige Kurs fr Dich!Was ist alles beinhaltet?Video Material in HD Qualitt - alles, was Du brauchst um User Stories zu schreiben, priorisieren, aufteilen und Akzeptanzkriterien zu identifizieren!Handouts als Download - um Dich bei dem Lernen zu untersttzen sind alle gezeigten Grafiken als Download verfgbar!1-on-1 Support - Dir ist etwas unklar? Schreibe mich an und ich sorge fr Aufklrung!MVP Kurs - der Kurs wird weiter entwickelt - mit Hilfe des Nutzer Feedbacks wird der Content weiter verbessert und zu bezahlst nur den aktuellen Stand - als weiteren Content kostenlos!Lebenslanger Zugang - der Kurs steht die lebenslang zur Verfgung. Du kannst in Deiner eigenen Geschwindigkeit lernen und immer wieder darauf zurck greifen wann immer Du noch mal einen Refresh bentigstHier einiges Feedback von Kursteilnehmern: Der Kurs ist super! Schon allein, die Idee, den Kurs agil und basierend auf Feedback der Teilnehmer, zu gestalten und zu verbessern, ist grandios! Der Kurs fasst das, was man als Product Owner wissen muss, sehr gut zusammen. Didaktisch ist der Kurs sehr gut aufgebaut, so dass er fr alle PO Neulinge und alle, die den Job schon lnger machen, geeignet ist. Ich wnsche allen Teilnehmern viel Erfolg auf ihrer agilen Reise. Mit dem Kurs habt Ihr schon mal ein wichtiges Werkzeug in Euren Rucksack gepackt. - Dietmar Kurz und knackig: wesentliches KnowHow ohne den Content unntig aufzublhen - Sonja guter Kurs, viel breites wissen ber Agilitt und Handwerkszeug fr einen Product Owner oder auch Business Analysten - StephanNoch nicht berzeugt? Schreib dich ein - Du hast eine 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie.BonusWenn Du den Kurs abschliet uns eine Bewertung abgibst erhltst Du meinen Kurs ""Mit digitaler Visualisierung und bikablo Technik zeichnen"" fr 9,99 . Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du ein tiefes Verstndnis von User Stories haben und wie Du diese einsetzt um das Nutzererlebnis Deiner Kunden zu optimieren und diese glcklich zu machen!DetailsMit Personas die Nutzer beschreibenUnterschied zu klassischen AnforderungenDefinition of Ready & Definition of DoneINVEST- und AkzeptanzkriterienUser Stories richtig schneidenDie 3 Cs der User StoriesTechniken zur PriorisierungBacklog schtzen und Forecast erstellenRefinementDer Kurs ist sehr gut fr Anfnger und Mittelstufe geeignet - Profis knnen hier noch mal Ihr wissen abgleichen. Leider kann man im Kurs nur ein oder alle Levels angeben..."
Price: 34.99

"Clear Your Clutter and Make Space for Your Dreams" |
"Your home has the potential to be a peaceful and inspiring retreat and supportive foundation that helps you live your best life!But for so many people, clutter gets in the way. The average home has over 300,000 items. Who could possibly care for all that stuff and still have time for the people and experiences that truly bring us joy in our life? No one can!Research shows clutter and disorganization make us feel stressed and overwhelmed. Clutter makes us feel bad about ourselves, drains our time and energy, weighs on our minds, keeps us stuck in the past, blocks new things and opportunities from coming into our lives, and can be a source of conflict in relationships. And clutter has a ripple effect that touches all areas of our lives. For example, having to rummage through piles and piles of papers in a packed filing cabinet to find an important document may make you snap at your spouse, which in turn puts you and your partner in a bad mood and affects your relationship. Or it may make you late for work, which in turn affects your job. Or it can simply make you feel bad about yourself for being disorganized, which is a feeling you carry with you throughout the day. and on and onThink of how much time and energy we spend taking care of our stuffwe have to buy it, return it, clean it, organize it, maintain it, repair it... it's overwhelming. If your stuff is serving you it may be worth it the energy, but if its just clutter then its taking away from your ability to focus on, and attend to, and enjoy whats truly important.Clutter isn't just the obvious broken items or things disrepair or worn out. Clutter can also be something thats in perfectly good condition that simply no longer has meaning for us, or worse, is associated with a negative or upsetting memory. It can become an anchor to the past that prevents us from moving forward. The physical clutter is often tied to emotional baggage.When you let go of clutter you will feel lighter and you will make space for whats truly meaningful to you here and now. You will make space for more joy and love in your life. As you clear clutter in your physical space you will also clear your mind. So lets get started with our simple step-by-step process for clearing all your clutter that even busy parents and professionals can achieve. By taking our course you will learn to:Identify the types of clutter that may be less obvious, but can have the biggest impact on your wellbeing.Truly understand and appreciate why clutter holds us back and negatively impacts our life to help inspire you to make a change.How to declutter in a way that isn't overwhelming.How to incorporate intention in every step of the process to maximize the impact of clutter clearing.Tips for letting go of the items that have sentimental value or we feel obligated to keep.Steps to maintain a clutter-free home and prevent new clutter from accumulating."
Price: 59.99

"Cisco ASA Firewall 9.X Training" |
"This course teaches you how to implement the Cisco ASA Firewall from scatch. No Firewall knowledge is required. In this courses, feature lecture and hands-on labs, you will learn to install, configure, manage and troubleshoot Cisco ASA Networks firewalls, gaining the skills and expertise needed to protect your organization from the most advanced cyber-security attacks.The student will get hands-on experience in configuring, managing, and monitoring a firewall in a lab environment.This course dives deeper into Cisco ASA firewalls network configuration to give the students a clear understanding on several topics. You will learn all commands needed to install the firewall.configure a Cisco ASA 5505 from no configuration at all to outbound filtered and NAT:ed internet-access with DHCP and access-lists. There are also materials included with this class.With every video you will get step by step notes. Topics cover Basic Configuration, Interface configuration, Security Levels, Management Telnet, SSH, HTTP,FTP, TFTP, Routing RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, NAT [Dynamic/Static NAT, Dynamic/Static PAT, Manual NAT], Access Policies, Transparent firewall, Initialization, Access policies, Ethertype ACLs, Redundancy, Security Contexts, Failover [Active/Standby & Active/Active], Clustering, Deep-Packet Inspection using MPF, Tuning the global policy and many more topics."
Price: 49.99

"Manage your Boss - Accelerate your career" |
"'People don't quit their jobs, they quit their Bosses'. We've heard and seen this happening!Why does this happen? Because we have not developed a healthy and rewarding relationship with our boss. Any relationship takes intention and effort! And yet, there is very little formal or informal training available about developing a relationship with your manager.This course is an honest attempt to fill that gap. It is finding out answers to this question - 'How to Manage Relationship with my Boss?'My experienceI have 14 years of corporate and 5 years of entrepreneurial experience. I worked with 10 different bosses. And, I've been a manager to at least 5 teams. I supervised multiple individuals including associates, leads, first-time managers and mid-managers.The course is built on my experience and time-tested professional and interpersonal best-practices. This provides you with sound guidelines to build a great rapport with your boss!Why should you take this course?After completing this 45-minute course, you will be able to:Reduce unnecessary friction and develop harmony with your managerShow ownership and come across as highly dependable associate for your bossAdopt your manager as your mentor and secure his/her partnership into your careerUndertake next big responsibility of your role and department jointly with your boss Do you think you have Narcissist (very difficult) Boss?Sorry to learn that! Honestly, I've NOT designed this course with 'that' kind of boss in mind; don't want to set any wrong expectations with you. Ideas in this course are aimed at turning a cold (=indifferent) relation with your Manager into a warm one and even a good (=neutral) relation into a great one.However, if you are not so sure about your boss, this course could be a good start. Is the course updated?The course is launched in June 2020. I've compiled three proven management strategies as 3-Golden Rules for developing a great relationship and a career. Under the Golden Rules, you will be presented with multiple soft skills that are easy to understand and can be practiced every day.That said, I am totally committed to keeping updating the course based on direct student feedback as well as course questions I will receive. At any time, up-to-date content comes to you at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and the Q&A section.What if you have questions?I understand that everyone has a different boss and you may have unique challenges specific to your work situation. It is only natural to have questions as you want to understand the principles and practices shared in the course. In fact, I strongly recommend that you ask any and all questions! I offer full support, responding to questions you post within one working day.This means youll never be stuck on a topic or concept. Additionally, with my guidance, through Q&A and even after course completion, you can be confident in applying the techniques presented in the course.Zero-risk deal!You either end up energized and equipped to develop a rewarding relationship with your boss and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itThat's true - You cant lose!Here's quoting from some course reviews posted by students:""I really enjoyed your course, in particular the golden rules. They're easy to remember and well articulated. Thank you!""-Deborah Simon""Exceptional Course a must take for all professionals!This course has helped me change my thought process and given a whole new perspective on improving my relationships with my manager better."" -Sameer ShaikhYou can check out more student reviews further down. Finally, sincerely appreciate your desire to learn and grow! See you on the course!P.S.:Of all the bosses I worked with, I had the privilege of working with Mr.Harish Nayak for 5 years, in Capgemini! Those were amazing 5 years - filled with joint-problem solving, mentorship, debates, aligning, and winning together! It was one of the best learning and growing experience for me! I offer this course to Harish and our time together!"
Price: 19.99

"Writing press releases or other forms of releases" |
"Why and How to Write a Press Release?What do the products and experiences that have become iconic have in common? A narrative strongly anchored in the collective imagination. And behind each effective storytelling, it has an equally relevant press release.How to build a narrative around a product?I often see houses making the mistake of launching a new product without associating a story with it. This is the story that we remember.It is once again thanks to the B.A.V model that I thought from concrete examples, that we will be able to state clear principles to build a narrative.The objective of this training is simple: to give you the essential elements to build or strengthen your storytelling. And it is in the press release that everything is played out.Indeed, at a time when houses and brands have more means of communication at their disposal - Instagram, influencers, Tiktok, traditional press - I notice that the key to the marketing message is in the press release.Receiving a number of press releases from the houses since I created my Icon-Icon webzine, this is where I read the keywords which will then be peddled ...Whether in the lines of a journalist or blogger's post, or even in the mouth of an influencer (a training is also dedicated to this subject). Behind each flagship product is a powerful and intelligent narrative.Influencers, Journalists, Bloggers However, they do not give the same echo to storytelling.I explain more precisely these differences in training, but it is about understanding that the heart of communication lies in the creation of an immediate association. Between the right brain and the left brain, to use a principle dear to Einstein.As usual, I base myself on convincing examples, like Chanel's N 5, Steve Jobs keynotes or even Levi's jeans!The phenomenal success of these communications anchored in our minds: the rebel in Levis, the revolution of Steve Jobs, the eternal N 5 These successes are to be explained in terms of concrete story-telling.For example, Chanel knew how to mix anecdotes, quotes, amalgam of stars like Marylin Monroe and Brad Pitt But above all, the house Chanel knew how to enrich its storytelling through time and eras. From 1921 to 2020, its narration marks the spirits!Because the narration around a product should not stop at its launch. Otherwise, we forget it. Quite simply.How to write a press release?Following all these examples, I dissect the lines to follow to write an excellent press release - to the point!The key words to introduce. The different little stories that can be used for the great epic of the product ... Nothing is anecdotalepic of the product ... Nothing is anecdotal since it serves to capture and keep the attention of journalists, influence, bloggers and that of the public, then.Anchoring your product in the imagination, in the mind of the consumer, starts with a story. You will see, there is no laughing sorcerer in inventing beautiful ones."
Price: 99.99

"How To Create An Iconic Product" |
"How much between the little black dress from Chanel, the Birkin bag by Herms or the Cartier jewelry?The pieces often listed among those are the ones to have in your life - sovereign desire and iconic objects are only rarely the result of luck.Concept Of Sacred And Cult ObjectsIts been nearly 10 years that I have dissected the life of the iconic pieces of our heritage. As luxury, fashion or artistic, the storytelling of houses often places chance or lightning at the heart of the success of an iconic product.It is true that, unlike the viral pieces of our time, icons seem to belong to the realm of the marvelous, of the very myth.The Birkin is the result of a Jane Birkin and Jean Louis Dumas meeting by chance on a plane ... The little black dress is the fruit of Coco Chanel's monastic inventiveness ... The Burberry trench coat is a functional coat imagined for the army, which has become the prerogative of chic. Almost by chance, once again.The intervention of chance or the genius of a designer seems to be enough to explain the irrational desire for these key pieces of the locker room. However, it is otherwise.On closer inspection, we can draw the main lines contributing to keeping these products anchored in a collective memory - untouchable collective desire, as well.There is something else that makes certain pieces interesting to across generations!"
Price: 99.99

"Reinforce Your Brand With Instagram" |
"""Sell me this pen!""If you're looking for the branding method that matches its time, here you are.Brand N.A.V model is the cornerstone to reinforcing your brand with instagram. The N.A.V. branding method is the one that matches its time, since in 2020, we no longer sell a pen, but the emotion that accompanies it.Communicators.Entrepreneurs. Students. Community Manager. Or anyone who wants to embark on the adventure of creative business.I propose to explain to you a concrete method adapted to the time to satisfy your need for effective branding today. The N.A.V.We are indeed living a very flourishing period for creatives and entrepreneurs. A time when it was never so easy to create a brand or to make it known.What's more, there is no need today to invest large sums of money or to have a minister's address book to successfully launch your brand. A tool makes branding and marketing accessible to everyone. Provided you know how it works, Instagram is the perfect tool to create, communicate or strengthen your brand.An ideal tool in 2020, because selling is no longer a question of product or idea. In 2020 we sell emotions, values and a sense of belonging.So I developed a communication method exclusively based on the Instagram tool through experience. After having been Marketing Director France then Europe Middle East Africa for Motorola, and Marketing Director Europe for LG / Prada Phone, I saw marketing change at high speed with the arrival of social networks."
Price: 99.99

"Deploying Node.js on GCP" |
"In this course, journey with me as I guide you through how to deploy a Node.js application (a sample Bookshelf Express app) on GCP to:App EngineCloud Functions (yes, Express on Cloud Functions!)Cloud RunCompute EngineKubernetes EngineI walk through deployment steps, as well as debugging and solving deployment issues to make the deployment work. I point out pitfalls and gotchas to be wary of. I also give tips on how to optimize and secure your deployments on GCP. Even if you don't use Node.js, the principles that are taught in this course applies to any programming language you use."
Price: 29.99

"The Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds In Interiors" |
"Are you overwhelmed by what to put on your, or your clients, windows? Are you paralyzed by the options and styles available and dont know where to start? Are you fearful of making the wrong decision and wasting both money, time and fabric either yours or your clients?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is here to help.Whatever the interior space requires, this course has been designed to give you the right tips, techniques, and approaches to make the most out of your curtains and blinds, both functionally and aesthetically.IMPORTANT NOTE:All of our courses have been designed to be stand-alone courses and can be done in any order. However, if you are interested in taking all of our courses wed like to recommend an order in which to do them (although its not required): Popular Interior Design Styles and How to Use Them Design Principles & Elements in Interiors Introduction to Colour In Interiors Textiles & Fabrics Introduction to Space Planning Staging and Styling Interior Spaces Simple Guide to Curtains and Blinds in Interiors Simple Guide to Furniture Styles in Interiors"
Price: 1050.00

"Progresso Aritmtica e Geomtrica - Direto ao Ponto!" |
"Vamos direto ao ponto!O que vou conseguir aprender nesse curso?Conceitos Bsicos de ProgressesAplicaes em questes mais difceisQual o pblico?Alunos que busquem aprender de forma direta e prticaO que esse curso inclui?2 horas de vdeo aulas5 Listas de exerccio, divididas por nveis, com aulas dedicadas a resoluo de alguns exerccios;Monitoria 24 horasVem com a Gente! T esperando o que pra aprender?!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo Mais Completo" |
"No curso ""Bassmetria"" - A Matemtica Controlada no Contrabaixo, voc tem ao todo 5 mdulos com 205 aulas de carga horria de 17 Horas e 50 minutos. Um mtodo mais completo de toda a plataforma e, ainda inclui o Bnus que mais parece outro mdulo pois composto por 30 vdeos dando carga de 3 Horas e 55 minutos. Ao todo voc ter uma carga de 21 Horas e 5 minutos de curso com 235 aulas. Voc aprender tanto na parte terica ""exerccios"" quanto prtica inmeras tcnicas como Pizzicatto, Slap, Harmnicos Verdadeiros e Falsos, Todas as escalas (Maiores, Menores (Natural, Harmnica e Meldica), Pentatnicas Maiores e Menores, Maior Harmnica, Menor Hngara (Cigana), Bachiana, Pelog, Blues, Chinesa, Japonesa, Octatnica Simtrica, Cromtica, Napolitana, Enigmtica entre outras em diferentes digitaes, aprender vrios estilos musicais, como improvisar, Modos Gregos em diferentes digitaes. Aprenda em curto prazo com quem conhece e domina. Tudo em Vdeos, MP3 e PDF`s."
Price: 294.99

"Mi carrera universitaria ideal" |
"Hola, soy Alberto, y en este curso aprenders lo bsico para poder elegir tu carrera universitaria ideal.Sabas que un 30-40% de jvenes se equivoca al elegir una carrera universitaria?Las principales razones son: Falta de auto conocimiento. Presin de familiares y/o amigos. Cuestiones econmicas. Mayor probabilidad de trabajo o empleabilidad.Pero, qu crees? Es an peor la presin que cada uno de nosotros nos ponemos en nosotros mismos. Solemos decirnos tengo que estudiar esto porque a esto se dedica mi familia o todos mis amigos ya decidieron y yo no o si estudio tal tendr mayor probabilidad de conseguir un mejor empleo o como est de moda esa carrera, es la que estudiar. Pero en el fondo, todas estas creencias guardan algo en comn: el miedo de ser t mismo y de tomar tus propias decisiones.Sabes algo? Yo pas por esa misma situacin y s: me equivoqu de carrera.En esos momentos todava no tena el conocimiento suficiente sobre mi mismo, no lograba encontrar ningn tipo de propsito y tampoco hallaba las reas en donde pudiera explotar mis habilidades.La nica manera en la que pude empezar a tomar mejores decisiones para mi mismo, fue tratando de conocerme mejor y de una manera ms profunda. Esto implic sacar de mi vida todas las opiniones exteriores y empezar a priorizar las mas. En conclusin: empec a ESCUCHARME.Dentro de este curso aprenders qu tipo de personalidad tienes, sus caractersticas y cules son las carreras afines a ti. Y no solo eso! Tambin aprenders cules son las mejores herramientas para conocerte y de esta manera podrs conectar tu personalidad junto con tu conocimiento propio y as elegir tu carrera universitaria ideal en un corto periodo de tiempo.Este curso es para ti si:-Quieres crear tu propio camino hacia el xito eligiendo tu carrera universitaria adecuada.Funciona inclusive si:-Te cuesta trabajo creer en ti mismo.-Te sientes perdido, sin opciones en mente.-No conoces tus habilidades y/o gustos.-Eres indeciso.-Sueles tener un pensamiento negativo.Eso no es todo. Este curso es completamente GRATIS. No, no ests soando, es neta, GRATIS, y est abierto a cualquier persona que est lista para encontrar o afirmar su rumbo.Gracias por tu tiempo, te veo dentro del curso.Con carioAlberto Hamui"
Price: 345.00

"Hoy en da se han implementado diversas estrategias para la transformacin digital en las organizaciones para ser ms competitivos, una de esas estrategias es la automatizacin de procesos robticos o RPA.La Automatizacin robtica de procesos, o RPA, es una tecnologa revolucionaria que permite dinamizar y automatizar las tareas repetitivas, y minimizar as los errores hasta el punto de hacerlos desaparecer, y elevar la productividad a nuevos niveles.El objetivo de este curso es brindarle una visin general sobre RPA y prepararlo para desarrollar robots de software usando UiPath."
Price: 24.99

"Nutricin y Alimentacin" |
"Acompaado del instructor, doctor en nutricin, en este curso aprenders, de una manera sencilla, todos esos conceptos bsicos de nutricin y alimentacin, los cuales te permitirn comprender mejor este mundo. Empezaremos conociendo los nutrientes principales y poco a poco iremos resolviendo cuestiones cada vez ms complejas, hasta comprender, perfectamente, los pilares bsicos de una buena alimentacin. Adems incluiremos cuestiones que llaman la atencin como, por ejemplo: Por qu nos gusta lo que ""engorda""? Es lo mismo nutrir que alimentar? Hay alimentos malos? Qu nutriente es peor? Todo esto y mucho ms, lo desarrollaremos en el curso. Aprende! ;)"
Price: 19.99

"70-647 Microsoft Window Server Enterprise Administrator Exam" |
"325 UNIQUE practice questions for 70-647 Microsoft Window Server Enterprise Administrator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 70-647 Microsoft Window Server Enterprise Administrator ExamTotal Questions : 325Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :210 minsPassing Score : 75 (243 of 325)"
Price: 174.99

"Google Ad-words Advertising Bases Certified Practice Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad-words Advertising Bases Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad-words Advertising Bases Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 154.99

"SAP C_TSCM62_65 Associate Order Fulfillment Review Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TSCM62_65 Associate Order Fulfillment Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TSCM62_65 Associate Order Fulfillment Review ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 164.99

"Create Resume and CV with Zero Graphic and Writing Skills" |
"Your resume, CV, and cover letter are the things that could either increase or kill your chance of getting a great job. They are either a deal-maker or a deal-breaker, it's that simple. They are your most powerful and even the only marketing tools that you have to market yourself in front of promising companies that are in search of their future team members. Don't let that chance slide away right in front of you like it probably has happened many times before. Seize that chance by making a complete makeover of your resume, CV, and cover letter! It's not that hard as you think that it is. To have an ATTENTION-GRABBING resume, CV or cover letter doesn't mean you need to have a great graphic and writing skills, in fact, you don't need to have any. However, there is one thing that you definitely need to have - the necessary resources and someone to guide you through that process that could transform your career! In this course, I - a professional Freelance Content Writer and Resume and CV Creator with extensive experience in this field, will do exactly that. I will help you to create an eye-catching resume, CV, and cover letter in the easiest way possible. Enroll in this course and create yourself a resume, CV, and cover letter that would be impossible for the recruiter to ignore!BONUS: I will also show you where and how you can become a Freelance Resume, CV and Cover Letter Creator and start earning extra income because let's be honest, extra cash never hurt anyone, right?"
Price: 34.99

"Learn CNC Programming" |
"In this course you will learn cnc programming in Turning as well as Milling.In Turning you will learn-1. what is coordinate system2. what is the functions of G codes M Codes3. Roughing cycles4. Canned Cycles5. Grooving Cycles6. Threading Cycles7. Drilling Cycles8. Boring Cycles In Milling you will learn -1. Coordinate system2. Linear cutting3. Circular Pocket Cutting4. Sub- Programming5. Mirror Image6. Rotation 7. Polar coordinates8. Tool Dia Compensation9. Tool Length Compensation10. Drilling Cycles11. Boring , Reaming, Tapping Cycles"
Price: 1600.00

"VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional vSphere Practice Exam" |
"294 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional vSphere Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional vSphere Practice ExamTotal Questions : 294Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (220 of 294)"
Price: 169.99

"TE0-141 Teradata 14 Basics Certified Practical Test" |
"122 UNIQUE practice questions for TE0-141 Teradata 14 Basics Certified Practical TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TE0-141 Teradata 14 Basics Certified Practical TestTotal Questions : 122Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (91 of 122)"
Price: 154.99

"HP0-Y30 Implementing HP Technology Regulation Practice Exam" |
"121 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-Y30 Implementing HP Technology Regulation Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-Y30 Implementing HP Technology Regulation Practice ExamTotal Questions : 121Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 121)"
Price: 154.99
