"Banking Law - Loan Documentation" |
"Banking Law in the UK and commonwealth jurisdictions context Structure of Loan Documentation Typical terms in a Loan Agreement and Loan Mechanics Common Types of Security Interests and Security Documents Mortgages, Assignments, Fixed and Floating Charges, Debentures Deeds of Undertaking and Deeds of Subordination Intercreditor Agreements and Security Trust Deeds Quasi-security"
Price: 34.99

"Short and Sweet Accounting Course for beginners.." |
"This course is not only about the basics, it is more than basics. You will be able to identify the Assets and Liabilities after this course. Accrual accounting ""the most important concept"" of accounting is covered under this. Ratio analysis is one of the important topics.In a nut shell, after going through this course you will be able to understand the basics of accounting, Questions that are frequently asked in Interviews, some important excel formulas, how your resume should look like and how your job hunting should be on portals.You will be able to understand below topics in this course-1. What is accounting (Father of accounting)2. Accounting Concepts and Conventions,3. Types of Accounts,4. Golden Rules,5. How to identify Assets and liabilities in accounting,6. Financial Statements,7. Reconciliations,8. Depreciations,9. Reserves and Surplus,10. Capital and Revenue Expenditure (Deferred revenue expenditure),11. Inter-company Transactions,12. Accrual Accounting,13. Contingent liabilities/Assets_Fictitious Assets_Preliminary Expenses,14. Ratio Analysis,15. Excel Formulas,16. How Job portals work,17. Do's and Don't while writing Resume."
Price: 1280.00

"START: Primeiro investimento e finanas pessoais" |
"Existe o mito de que investir um assunto complexo e para profissionais, que so necessrios anos para aprender. O curso START foi criado com o propsito simplificar o mundo dos investimentos e ensinar de maneira rpida e prtica por onde comear!Seja para garantir sua aposentadoria, ou realizar algum sonho, aprender a investir necessrio! Esse curso ir te ensinar no s os principais tpicos de investimentos e economia, mas tambm como organizar suas finanas, a fim de atingir seu objetivo. Voc vai aprender sobre os principais indicadores econmicos, os investimentos em renda fixa e as melhores maneiras de se organizar financeiramente. Tudo isso de maneira simples, sem nenhum pr requisito."
Price: 99.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect 2019 (SAA-C01)" |
"La informacin en espaol las tienes a la finalizacin del texto en Ingles. Las preguntas y respuestas estn en InglesThese AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are designed according to the latest official exam format and are regularly updated. Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate test exams ensure at least 75% correct answers on the actual exam. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) is consistently among the highest-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world's leading cloud services platform with nearly 50% of market share. This AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Exam Course is for anyone looking for study material that provides the following: 255 real questions SIMULATE THE CURRENT EXAM ENVIRONMENT: Imitate the current and latest AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam to help you pass and even take the AWS exam. UPDATED 4-8 TIMES PER MONTH: We have a dedicated team that updates our question bank on a regular basis, based on feedback from thousands of our students about what appeared on the actual exam. These AWS Solutions Architect practice exams are designed to focus on important exam topics (like EC2, EBS, S3, and many others), therefore the above mentioned topics have more questions than the other AWS knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic is carefully selected based on the 5 domains of the actual AWS certification exam. Some people are using brain downloads for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification exam, which is totally absurd and unprofessional because these dumps will not only prevent you from gaining a deep understanding of AWS, but can also result in you failing the exam. Actual AWS certification as Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage. Also note that these AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are not brain dumped and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is almost impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests should do.Exam details:This practice simulator contains 5 exams of 64 questions each, which must be answered in 130 minutes, these can be taken as many times as you want. The official AWS SAA-C01 exam is currently not in Spanish, so the questions on these exams are also defined in English. The format of the questions is as follows:Multiple choice questionsMultiple choice questionsTrue or falseYes or noWho is this course for?This training is for anyone preparing to take the AWS Solutions Architect - Associate examFor all IT professionals who want to test their AWS knowledge for their next job interviewFor anyone who wants to take their career and salary to a whole new level with an AWS certificationSupport EngineersCloud EngineersSupport EngineersIT staffUniversity studentsUniversity teachersPre-sale engineersPre-Sales EngineersSolution ArchitectsIT ManagersIT administratorsEstas pruebas de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate estn diseadas segn el ltimo formato del examen oficial y se actualizan regularmente. Nuestros examenes de prueba AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate aseguran por lo menos 75% de aciertos en el examen real.AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) se encuentra constantemente entre las certificaciones de TI que ms pagan, teniendo en cuenta que Amazon Web Services (AWS) es la plataforma de servicios en la nube lder en el mundo con casi el 50% de cuota de mercado.Este curso de examenes de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate es para cualquier persona que est buscando un material de estudio que proporcione lo siguiente:255 preguntas realesSIMULA EL ENTORNO DE EXAMEN ACTUAL: Imita el actual y ltimo examen de certificacin de AWS Solutions Architect Associate para ayudarlo a aprobar e incluso obtener el examen de AWS.ACTUALIZADO 4 a 8 VECES AL MES: Contamos con un equipo dedicado que actualiza nuestro banco de preguntas de manera regular, en base a los comentarios de miles de nuestros estudiantes sobre lo que apareci en el examen real.Estos exmenes de prctica de AWS Solutions Architect estn diseados para centrarse en los temas importantes del examen (como EC2, EBS, S3 y muchos otros), por lo tanto, los temas antes mencionados tienen ms preguntas que las otras reas de conocimiento de AWS. El nmero de preguntas sobre cada tema se selecciona cuidadosamente en funcin de los 5 dominios del examen de certificacin de AWS real.Algunas personas estn usando descargas cerebrales para el examen de certificacin de AWS Certified Solutions Architect, lo cual es totalmente absurdo y poco profesional porque estos volcados no solo le impedirn obtener un conocimiento profundo de AWS, sino que tambin pueden resultar en que falle el examen de certificacin AWS real ya que Amazon actualiza regularmente la cobertura del examen.Tenga en cuenta tambin que estas pruebas de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect no son volcados del cerebro y dado que Amazon baraja el contenido del examen real de un banco de preguntas con cientos a miles de preguntas, es casi imposible hacer coincidir lo que puede ver aqu con las pruebas reales. Una vez ms, la clave para aprobar el examen es una buena comprensin de los servicios de AWS y esto es lo que deben hacer nuestras pruebas de prctica de AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate.Detalles de los exmenes:Este simulador de prctica contiene 5 exmenes de 64 preguntas cada uno, los cuales deberan ser respondidos en 130 minutos, estos pueden tomarse tantas veces lo desee. El examen oficial de AWS SAA-C01 actualmente no se encuentra en Espaol, por lo tanto las preguntas en estos examenes tambin estn definidas en ingls. El formato de las preguntas es el siguiente:Preguntas de opcin mltiplePreguntas de respuestas mltiplesVerdadero FalsoSi noPara quin es este curso?Este entrenamiento es para cualquier persona que se est preparando para tomar el examen AWS Solutions Architect - AssociatePara todos los profesionales de TI que desean evaluar su conocimiento de AWS para su prxima entrevista de trabajoPara cualquiera que quiera llevar su carrera y salario a un nivel completamente nuevo con una certificacin AWSIngenieros de SoporteCloud EngineersSupport EngineersPersonal de ITEstudiantes UniversitariosProfesores UniversitariosIngenieros de pre-ventaPre-Sales EngineersArquitectos de SolucionesIT ManagersAdministradores de IT"
Price: 19.99

"Curso bsico sistema de gestin ambiental ISO 14001:2015" |
"El material de este curso se basa en todo el contenido de la norma internacional ISO 14001, en el cual estudiaremos cada una de las etapas de la norma (contexto de la organizacin, liderazgo, planificacin, soporte, operacin, evaluacin de desempeo, mejora), sus exigencias y sugerencias para la adecuada implantacin de un sistema de gestin ambiental, en conjunto con las acciones necesarias que se deben llevar a cabo para cumplir con la norma. Tambin aprenderemos sobre los tipos de documentos en ISO 14001, los documentos, registros obligatorios que se deben realizar para cumplir con la norma, la jerarqua de la estructura para la adecuada documentacin del sistema de gestin ambiental y la elaboracin de documentos para procedimientos."
Price: 19.99

"Analisis financiero y tecnico,forex,inversion bolsa,trading" |
"Hoy mas que nunca necesitamos tener conocimientos que nos permitan obtener ingresos de forma alternativa a un trabajo. Con el trading eres tu propio jefe y puedes ser rico no solo en dinero sino en tiempo. todo el mundo puede conseguirlo, y tu tambien, sin importar si vienes de cero o de otras formaciones. Por qu empec a hacer trading? Porque soy igual a ti. vi en los mercados la posibilidad de:Ingresos que me permitieran vivir de forma estable y cmoda.Pagarme mis caprichosAhorros para viajar con mi familia y sentirme tranquilo.Es decir, veo el trading como un medio para tener el estilo de vida que quiero.En este curso te voy a dar todo el material y conocimiento necesario desde lo mas basico que debes saber hasta conocimiento en profundidad para hacer del trading tu profesion. Esto incluye:-PDFs-Imagenes explicativas-Mas de 9:30 horas de video explicando todo lo relacionado con el mundo del trading, mi estrategia, psicologia, como gestionar las operaciones, qu necesitas hacer y como hacerlo... etc."
Price: 189.99

"1Z0-067:Upgrade Oracle 9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle 12c OCP" |
"Exam Detail:Exam Title:Upgrade Oracle9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle Database 12c OCPExam Number:1Z0-067Format:Multiple ChoiceDuration:150 MinutesNumber of Questions:102Passing Score:60 %Validated Against:Exam has been validated against Oracle Database Topics review:Backup and RecoveryOracle Data Protection SolutionsExplain Oracle backup and recovery solutionsDescribe types of database failuresDescribe the tools available for backup and recovery tasks Describe RMAN and maximum availability architectureUse the SYSBACK privilegeUse RMAN stand-alone and job commandsConfiguring for RecoverabilityConfigure and manage RMAN settingsConfigure database parameters that affect RMAN operationsConfigure persistent settings for RMANView persistent settingsSpecify a retention policyConfigure the Fast Recovery AreaExplain the Fast Recovery AreaConfigure the Fast Recovery AreaConfigure control files and redo log files for recoverabilityMultiplex control filesMultiplex redo log filesImplementing Backup StrategiesUse various RMAN backup types and strategiesEnable ARCHIVELOG modeCreate tape and disk based backupsCreate whole database backupsCreate consistent and inconsistent backupsCreate backup sets and image copiesCreate backups of read-only tablespacesEmploy best practices for data warehouse backupsConfiguring RMAN Backup Options and Creating Backup of Non-Database FilesUse techniques to improve backupsCreate compressed backupsCreate multi-section backups of very large filesCreate proxy copiesCreate duplexed backup setsCreate backups of backup setsCreate archival backupsPerform backup of non-database filesBack up a control file to traceBack up archived redo log filesBack up ASM diskgroup metadataDiagnosing FailuresDescribe the Automatic Diagnostic WorkflowUse the Automatic Diagnostic RepositoryUse ADRCIFind and interpret message output and error stacksUse the Data Recovery AdvisorHandle block corruptionDetect block corruption using RMANPerform block recovery using RMANDetect database corruptions using the ANALYZE and DBVERIFY utilityDetect database corruptions using the DBMS_REPAIR package Implement the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameter to detect corruptions Recovering Files Using RMANPerform recovery for spfile, control file, redo log filesPerform table recovery from backupsPerform recovery of index and read-only tablespaces, temp fileRestore a database to a new hostRecover using incrementally updated backups Switch to image copies for fast recovery Perform disaster recoveryUsing Flashback TechnologiesDescribe the Flashback technologiesConfigure a database to use Flashback technologiesGuarantee undo retentionUse Flashback to query dataUse Flashback Query Use Flashback Version QueryUse Flashback Transaction QueryFlash back a transactionPerform Flashback Table operationsPerform Flashback TableRestore tables from the recycle binDescribe and use Flashback Data ArchiveUse Flashback Data ArchiveUse DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE packageTransporting DataDescribe and use transportable tablespaces and databasesTransport tablespaces between databases using image copies or backup setsTransport databases using data files or backup setsTransport data across platformsMonitoring and Tuning of RMAN OperationsTune RMAN performanceInterpret RMAN error stacksDiagnose performance bottlenecksTune RMAN backup performancePerforming User-Managed Backup and RecoveryPerform user-managed backup and recoveryDescribe the backup mode Back up and recover a control file Recover from a lost temp fileRecover from a lost redo log group Recover from the loss of a password file Perform user-managed complete database recovery Perform user-managed incomplete database recovery Creating Multitenant Container Databases and Pluggable DatabasesCreate and configure a CDBCreate a PDB using different methodsUnplug and drop a PDBMigrate a non-CDB to a PDB databaseManaging Storage in a CDB and PDBsManage permanent and temporary tablespaces in CDB and PDBsManaging AvailabilityPerform backups of a CDB and PDBsRecover PDB from PDB datafiles lossUse Data Recovery AdvisorDuplicate PDBs using RMANPerform Flashback for a CDBMoving Data, Performing Security Operations, and Interacting with Other Oracle ProductsUse Data PumpUse SQL*LoaderAudit operationsUse other products with a CDB and PDBs: Database Vault, Data Guard, LogMinerUsing Enterprise Manager and Other ToolsUse EM ExpressUse DBCA to create and manage databasesUse Oracle Database Migration Assistant for UnicodeStorage ManagementCreate and maintain bigfile tablespacesRename tablespaces Create a default permanent tablespace SecurityConfigure the password file to use case-sensitive passwordsEncrypt a tablespace Use Secure File LOBS to store documents with compression, encryption, de-duplicationConfigure fined-grained access to network servicesUse and manage Oracle Data Redaction policiesPrivilegesUse administrative privilegesCreate, enable, and use privilege analysisAutomating Tasks with the SchedulerCreate a job, program, and scheduleUse a time-based or event-based schedule for executing Scheduler jobs Create lightweight jobs Use job chains to perform a series of related tasks Create Windows and Job ClassesUse advanced Scheduler concepts to prioritize jobsManaging Resources Configure the Resource ManagerAssign users to Resource Manager groups Create resource plans within groups Specify directives for allocating resources to consumer groupsInformation Lifecycle Management and Storage EnhancementsUse ILM featuresPerform tracking and automated data placementMove a data file onlinePerforming Basic Backup and RecoveryBack up and recover a NOARCHIVELOG databasePerform backup and recovery in NOARCHIVELOG mode Use SQL in RMANUsing the RMAN Recovery CatalogCreate and use an RMAN recovery catalogConfigure a recovery catalogRegister target databases in a recovery catalogCatalog additional backup files Resynchronize a recovery catalogUse and maintain RMAN stored scriptsUpgrade and drop a recovery catalogProtect the RMAN recovery catalogBack up the recovery catalogRe-create an unrecoverable recovery catalogExport and import the recovery catalogCreate and use Virtual Private Catalogs Performing BackupsPerform full and incremental backupsCreate full and incremental backupsUse the Oracle-suggested backup strategyManage backupsConfigure and monitor block change trackingReport on backups using LIST, REPORT commands Manage backups using CROSSCHECK, DELETE commandsUsing RMAN-Encrypted BackupsCreate RMAN-encrypted backupsUse transparent-mode encryptionUse password-mode encryptionUse dual-mode encryptionRestore encrypted backupsPerforming Restore and Recovery OperationsDescribe and tune instance recoveryPerform complete and incomplete recoveryUse RMAN RESTORE and RECOVER commandsRestore ASM disk groupsRecover from media failures Perform complete and incomplete or point-in-time recoveries using RMANPerform automated TSPITRUsing Oracle Secure BackupConfigure and use Oracle Secure BackupUsing Flashback DatabasePerform Flashback DatabaseConfigure Flashback DatabasePerform Flashback DatabaseDuplicating a DatabaseChoose a technique for duplicating a databaseFrom an active database, connected to the target and auxiliary instancesFrom backup, connected to the target and auxiliary instancesFrom backup, connected to the auxiliary instance, not connected to the target, but with recovery catalog connectionFrom backup, connected to the auxiliary instance, not connected to the target and the recovery catalogDuplicate a database with RMANCreate a backup-up based duplicate databaseDuplicate a database based on a running instanceUsing Automatic Storage Management Use Automatic Storage ManagementExplain Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Set up initialization parameter files for ASM and database instancesAdminister ASM diskgroupsExecute SQL commands with ASM file names Perform startup and shutdown for ASM instances Use the ASMCMD command-line interface Set up ASM fast mirror resynchUse RMAN to migrate your database to ASMMultitenant EnvironmentMultitenant Container and Pluggable Database ArchitectureDescribe multitenant architectureExplain pluggable database provisioningManaging CDBs and PDBsEstablish connections to a CDB/PDBStart up and shut down a CDB and open and close PDBsEvaluate the impact of parameter value changesManaging Security in a CDB and PDBsManage common and local usersManage common and local privilegesManage common and local rolesEnable common users to access data in specific PDBsManaging PerformanceMonitor operations and performance in a CDB and PDBsManage allocation of resources between PDBs and within a PDBPerform Database ReplayDatabase AdministrationInstalling and Upgrading to Oracle Database 12cInstall Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a stand-alone serverInstall Oracle Database softwareUse Oracle RestartUpgrade to Oracle Database 12cMonitoring and Managing MemoryImplement Automatic Shared Memory ManagementManually configure SGA parameters for various memory components in the SGA Use Automatic PGA Memory ManagementImplement Automatic Memory ManagementSpace ManagementManage resumable space allocationReclaim wasted space from tables and indexes by using the segment shrink functionalityRebuild indexes onlineReduce space-related error conditions by proactively managing tablespace usage Use different storage options to improve the performance of queries Use automatic undo retention tuning and temporary undoImplement partitioning methods AuditingEnable and configure standard and Unified Audit Data TrailCreate and enable audit policiesUsing Globalization SupportCustomize language-dependent behavior for the database and individual sessions Specify different linguistic sorts for queries Use datetime datatypes Query data using non-case-sensitive and accent-insensitive searchesObtain globalization support configuration informationLoading and Unloading Data Explain Data Pump architecture Monitor a Data Pump job Use Data Pump export and import Create external tables for data populationManaging Database PerformanceUse the SQL Tuning AdvisorUse the SQL Access Advisor to tune a workload Use Database ReplayImplement real-time database operation monitoringUse Adaptive Execution PlansUse enhanced features of statistics gatheringUse Adaptive SQL Plan ManagementPerform emergency monitoring and real-time ADDMGenerate ADDM Compare Period (Use AWR and ADDM)Diagnose performance issues using ASH enhancementsExplain Multiprocess and Multithreaded Oracle architectureUse Flash Cache In-Database Archiving and Valid-Time TemporalDifferentiate between ILM and Valid-Time TemporalSet and use Valid-Time TemporalUse in-database archiving"
Price: 19.99

"Automatic Stock Trading with Python Trading Bot Included!" |
"This course will guide you through the steps that will enable you to have a trading bot operating automatically. With Python, a commission free broker and your laptop you will have a trading bot performing real time orders into the stock market. Learn you way towards an automated trading bot that will be able to place orders following your own strategy, implemented by you, under your control and understanding.This course includes a trading bot already programmed in Python3.The course aims to explain how does the code work and how can you implement your strategyAll the code is explained so you can learn how it works (or simply run it!)The trading bot is included, you will learn how to use and modify it plug and play!With a very basic level of Python you will be able to understand all the codeThe trading strategy is explained and its theory introduced, without it being a finance courseThis course goes straight to the point, without spending a lot of time on tools that you may not needWe will not be coding every line, as done in other courses, but we go straight to the pointThis course works with Alpaca, which currently works with CFDs (stocks). It is not aimed to work with crypto currency or other platforms. You will finish the course with your bot running, as you can see at the introduction video.Credits:Landing page image by freestocks and pixabay from PexelsMusic by Bensound"
Price: 59.99

"Writing a Book: How to Write a Book for Beginners" |
"PracticalComprehensive Expert Advice Have you ever dreamed of being an author? A professional writer? In this course, Award-Winning poet & Author Adam Levon Brown takes you through the whimsical wild process of writing a book. This course is a basic overview of writing a book. While it's not entirely a masterclass, it does set the beginning author on a journey as a professional author. If you've ever wondered about Book writing, and want to learn more with an overview, or primer, then this is the exact course for you."
Price: 19.99

"Rhinoceros 6 para el sector naval" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de rhinoceros 6 para el sector naval. Aqu vais aprender herramientas de diseo para aplicar en los cascos del buque. Subir vdeos de ejercicios. Otros ejercicios, no har vdeos para que practiquis vosotros. Por otra parte, os adjuntar pdf y los ejercicios en formato 3dm para rhinoceros."
Price: 59.99

"Energy Management Principles Revealed" |
"This course presents in detail and with examples for a better understanding, the principles of Energy Management, in order to allow YOU the advantage of learning ways to SAVE Energy, Costs and Carbon Emissions. Because this offers significant VALUE to employers, it is a NEW and effective way to up-skill in a booming industry experiencing significant growth.The lectures In this course provide you with the following value;Expectations - What you can expect to learn and utilise following completion, how to make use of available resources, Next steps/courses to further develop your knowledge, what you can expect from me outside of course.What is Energy Management - Terminology to easily understand the what, why and how of Energy Management. understand the financial, operational and behavioural advantages of implementing Energy ManagementPersonnel - How and Why to develop an Energy Champion / Energy Team, where to gather support and provide most value.Establishing a Baseline - How much energy do you use now and how much does it cost, and where do you use it? Assess against historical and seasonal pattern data, Verify energy costs align with consumption. How to develop a starting line for measurement if none in place.What an Energy Management Cloud system looks like.Bench-marking - Compare your consumption against similar organisations, how does your company rate, where are improvements needed. How to analyse data to develop SMART Targets and objectives which offer most VALUE.Plan & Organise System Improvements - What is involved in an Energy Policy and a typical template.Where do you want to go, how will you achieve it, what resources are required.SAVE on Energy Costs - How to spend less for the same amount of energy consumption, understanding energy bills, tariffs and units.How to generate on-site energy FREE to use.Using Less Energy - How to use less energy whilst maintaining optimal business conditions and NOT disrupting operations. How to conduct an energy audit with colleagues, identify energy saving measures and understanding constraints of such.Typical examples of effective energy saving measures.Control, Monitor & Review - Develop systems to monitor performance and capture alarms or in-efficiencies. Reviewing actions on regular basis to ensure continuous improvement. Important of cyclic process in Energy Management, understand why it is not a one-off processCase Studies - Learn real-life Tips, Techniques and effective Energy Management approaches from Case Studies. View of potential savings in energy, costs and carbon emissions with indirect advantages such as sustainability, employee retention & attraction and reputation.Bonus Slides - Vital content to allow for further understanding of Energy Management revealed."
Price: 19.99

"Healing From Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal" |
"Learn why releasing the pain of the past is so difficult. You'll learn strategies to make letting go easier.Everyone has been hurt in relationships. Few people are able to let that pain go so they can move on with their lives without the past mudding their joy.People have a tendency to get caught in their anger and pain after they've been hurt. There are mental, emotional, and physical reasons why it is difficult to release this pain.One area that can make it difficult to release the past is the misunderstanding of what forgiveness is. People often think forgiveness absolves the other person of anything that happened. Youll discover this is incorrect.Strategies and exercises to release the past range from recognizing your personal power, nurturing yourself, changing your thoughts, and discovering how to manage your feelings.Bullet PointsIn this course, youll learn: Why forgiveness is crucial to your mental, emotional, and physical health How childhood beliefs can interfere with releasing the past You have the power within you to release the past Forgiveness brings freedom Strategies to assist you in forgiving and letting goQuestionsAre there requirements or prerequisites for this course?There are no prerequisites for this course. Its open to anyone who desires to know more about how to release the pain of the past.Your success in this course depends on your ability to put the information into action. The information is simple, but understanding the information is insufficient. You have to be willing to do the exercises and implement the strategies in your life.What benefits will I receive from this course? Youll learn why releasing the past is difficult and what you can do to make it easier for yourself. Youll learn the emotional, mental, and physical causes of your pain. Youll discover misconceptions about forgiveness. You'll receive specific strategies and exercises to assist you in letting go of your pain and moving forward toward the life you want.Is there a particular audience this course is geared toward?This course is geared toward those who are tired of hurting from broken relationships, betrayals, and loss and are"
Price: 29.99

"Promuovi il tuo Business con tutte le Strategie Web & Social" |
"Questo corso pone le basi per rendere digitalmente autonomi tutti gli imprenditori che hanno un'attivit avviata, imprenditori che desiderano creare un nuovo Business o Freelance che scelgono di inserirsi al meglio nel mondo della comunicazione digitale.Il corso sar strutturato in modo tale da formare tutti i partecipanti nell'ambito della Grafica Pubblicitaria, della promozione sui Social Network e sulla creazione di una piattaforma Web personalizzata e responsive.Un corso completo che ti guider passo passo nel mondo digitale, senza avere competenze iniziali."
Price: 19.99

"Amazon FBA Using Software's to source products for resale" |
"Welcome message along with a tutorialLearn how to navigate using Source Mogul softwareLearn how to use Source Mogul to find retail items at a discount for resale. We will actually go through and find at least one item I purchasedLearn how to navigate using Scan Unlimited softwareLearn how to use the filters that are best for you with Scan UnlimitedI use every software myself to source for online arbitrage and other selling platforms"
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Exam 2020" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 44.99

"URDF simulation ROS" |
" URDF Simulation (Robot Operating System : ROS) URDF (Unified Robot Desciption Format) Simulation () Simulation ROS (ROS) ROS Melodic Morenia SImulation Gazebo ( Open Source ) Simulation !!! "
Price: 600.00

lhofrego |
". () . . . ."
Price: 29.99

"How To Create A Loop Animation" |
"In This Course, We Are Going To:Create A CharacterCreate A Looping Animation With That CharacterFrame By Frame Animation In KritaExporting Animation For InstagramUsing Davinci ResolveTo follow along you need to have a graphic tablet and the free software Krita. We are going to design our own character and we are going to make first a simple loop animation frame by frame. Next, we are going to do another loop animation but this time we are going to animate the whole character by using simple guidelines."
Price: 99.99

"Bread Baking Success" |
"If you are interested in making your own great tasting breads at lower cost than what is available at your local supermarket, then this course is for you. In this course you will see that making you own bread does not take that much time, talent or special equipment. Most breads can be make in less than 4 hours with equipment and ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen.In this course we will show you how you can add the ingredients you want in a bread and how to form it into the shape you want. No chemical preservative and there are endless bread making variations that you can try. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination so you may never make the same bread twice.Homemade yeast breads are excellent contributions to a pot luck dinner, fund raising bake sale or a special occasion. They also add a nice touch to an otherwise ordinary dinner.This course assumes that you have no prior knowledge or experience with making yeast breads. Thats the way I started 35 years ago and have been baking my own breads ever since rarely do I eat store-bought bread. This course is geared for beginners and we will introduce you to six different bread recipes that use basic ingredients and kitchen skills. There are no exotic ingredients that you will need to buy or any special equipment. Everything you will need you probably already have in your kitchen, with the possible exception of yeast. Once you become hooked on baking your own yeast breads, there are plenty of resources available to expand your bread baking horizons to make more exotic breads.In this course, after explaining the basic equipment and ingredients that you will need, you will learn how to make 7 different breads. These breads include:Basic white breadItalian breadWhole wheat sandwich breadCoffee can breakfast breadPizzaDinner rollsEasy rye breadEach of these breads will be make start-to-finish in this course in real time nothing will be omitted, with the exception of the required rising (proofing) of the dough. All of these breads can be completed in 4 hours. The downloadable resources include 11 recipes, list of needed equipment and ingredients, glossary of bread baking terms and some helpful hints."
Price: 34.99

rech-rebenka |
" , -, . - 2 4 , , . . 12 , 2 , , . , , , . . , . , , , . , , , , . , . : , . : , , , . , , . -. 1-2 , . , , , , . : , , , . . , -. , , . , , , , , . 1-2 . , - , , . , . , , . :- , - , - , - , ,- . 3- . . - 10 . :- , - (, , , , ), - : , , , , , , , , , , , .- : , , , ; - - , , , - : ? ? ? - , - , ."
Price: 2299.00

"Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CC : Zero to Hero" |
"In this course we will explain in detail how to add video transitions audio transitions so all those affect you so in movies and dramas can be done in Premiere Pro to your own videos. And, we recommend you to use professional recording Apparatus so we get HD videos as we have better quality video. We could add much better quality effects as well the same goes to the audio. You can change audio, make your voice sound different, you can also add Supernatural effects in your video and give it an unearthly look.We will also be showing you have to do a demo reel which is basically a video that the people who recruit you if you want to become a full-time professional video editor. Your resume will be your demo reel so that is something we will help you to work on as well.Video editing is made easier simple and much faster learning process for beginners for people who are in a bit hare and are caught up with day to day life work. You could actually watch all of our videos in your spare time for at least 20 minutes a day and you will get a good idea of how the software works. Premiere Pro is very similar to that of aftereffects but is a strictly video editing software and has a few similarities with the latter.We will also see layers and how we should organize the Premiere Pro layout. The interface itself is quite dynamic so that is something we will go through as well and we will also learn important to source and adding changes cutting down videos and all those basics which are available on most mobile apps but even a few more advanced things which are not available on the same apps as well.By the end of this course you will have a deep knowledge on Premiere Pro and could use it for any professional or personal applications.We will also going to deal with exporting of the videos which has the lowest storage size because depending on your system and application you have to think about the size of the file before just randomly exporting your video file and since it is a video file output it is going to be a bit heavy on your computer or laptop. As an instructor Premiere Pro is one of those software we initially learnt. It is one of the the first video editing software most people even in YouTube community learn. As of now there are many alternatives to video editing but not all effects can be found or I would say downloaded as a plugin in most software. There will always be advancement in video editing is a very open and important field for video creators and content makers and editors alike.The concept of editing videos basically came since the time of movie making and creating a full length movie is possible only on a few software which have a very fast time to render the output and even if the branded speed is not up to mark has to be able to facilitate certain functions such as the duration most cinematographic movies in the past have installed on physical states and magnetic tapes. But, the question of editing comes in to picture when you are looking for special effects also known as VFX and SFX which mostly is the trend in up-to-date cinematography.Not only is Premiere Pro used for movie editing it can also be used for YouTube video editing, effects tinkering with the background doing green screen video shoots adding a separate background and also for making advertisements for TV and commercials. For commercial breaks also be used for logo animation and introduction videos for slides in any presentations.Premiere Pro is also useful if you are trying to make your own content. You can edit your own videos that you short somewhere it can also be taken as for a personal project of a personal use if you have a recording of may be a programmer to college or school and you wish to make it a bit more graphically perfect and want to make it make a mini movie or sorts of that it can be very useful it has a lot of audio changes.Lot of few other software switcher similar to that of Premiere Pro premiere pro not only is used for editing videos are adding from subtitles it can also be used for audio transitions and adding audio effects that is a two in one benefit of using premiere Pro so as suggest you to use this software as well. It is also an all rounder software for you can also crop out or at effects you can also use green screen blue screen and matte screen effects in premiere Pro."
Price: 99.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC Masterclass for Beginners - Zero to Hero" |
"In this Photoshop course we will be dealing with photo editing, adding filters in the gallery. Will also be teaching new model editing now so adding digital cosmetics and makeup which is quite a essential in magazine editing and photo app brushing as well. We will also cover greeting card making and specially the infamous layer maneuvering in Photoshop as well. Also see how each tool and the menu suggest filters edit image and layers come into picture and how Photoshop is somewhat superior compared to the other minimal photo editing tools and software in the market.We will also have a few Demos to show you how we edit photos from the beginning to the end and how you can add extra additional effects as per your requirement and even if you want to learn this as a hobby for professional usage. Even photographers have a necessity of knowing Photoshop and its usage. The same goes to graphic designer or someone who is into fashion, you will require basic Photoshop skills and alongside Illustrator Photoshop is one of the most powerful digital at work tools.We will see a few similarities here and there with up-to-date mobile apps which also has a few Photoshop like applications and variations but you will understand that Photo Shop has much more superior effects and much more benefits compared to that of a small applications.Photoshop has been around for more than 30 years by now. The first version was released in 1997 which was the monochrome version of it. This tool is not only used to create incredible drawings, but to edit your already existing pictures and any existing picture you have you can alter it and also Paint on it which is quite amazing. There are lot of people who took this as a full-time career and it also encapsulates paintings which can be drawn as same as in paper by using extensions . Notepad with your device and you could get even more pen and paper feel using Photoshop. Now Photoshop also has a lot and lots of plugins and has a beautiful animation features which are quite nice.Another thing about digital networks is that you don't have to actually use paper and send a Eco friendly and I would suggest painting in Photoshop is much easier compared to painting or in actual paper. Photoshop is an all rounder ranking at platform which anyone can use to advance or monetize their own skill."
Price: 99.99

"Fsica - Leis da Conservao - Vol.1: Trabalho e Energia" |
"Neste curso irei te ensinar tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre Trabalho de uma ForaEnergia CinticaEnergia Potencial GravitacionalEnergia Potencial ElsticaAlm de todo o contedo terico, com uma didtica diferenciada e uma linguagem de fcil compreenso, irei ensinar voc o passo a passo de como resolver questes de bancas examinadoras que cobram estes contedos, por meio de um mtodo interativo que, com certeza, ser muito proveitoso para os seus estudos."
Price: 159.99

"Professional Azure SQL Database Administration (Part-1)" |
"This course would helpful for the people, who want to work on cloud AZURE SQL DBAThis course would helpful for the people, who want to crack the interview AZURE SQL DBAThis course would helpful for the people, who want to write certification exam DP-300 AZURE SQL DBAThis course would helpful for the people, who want to migrate from On-Premise SQL DBA to AZURE SQL DBAThis course covered both IaaS & PaaS modelsInterview questions & answers also covered on each topicOne can easily learn day by day one topic in total 10 daysStudents doubts got clarified on each topic"
Price: 199.99

"Trading Criptomonedas BITCOIN" |
"Muchos creen que el anlis tcnico o ganar dinero de las criptomonedas es muy complicado.Nosotros lo hemos simplificado, aprende nuestra tcnica de HOLDING TRADING para ganar dinero, minimizando los riesgos al ser el dueo de las monedas sin depender de un broker, de las altas comisiones y spread.En menos de 6 horas aprenders a saber si tu criptomoneda favorita va a subir de precio o bajar, ya no dependers de otros anlisis, podrs hacer el tuyo propio.Las criptomonedas son el futuro!, gana ventaja del resto al hacer trading con ellas ya mismo!Disclaimer - Los resultados pueden variar de persona a persona. Los artculos y anlisis de mercado escritos en este curso no constituyen una recomendacin u oferta de inversin, ni una solicitud para comprar o vender un valor negociable analizado o comentado, ni una promesa de resultados futuros, son simplemente una opinin del autor."
Price: 99.99

"10 Passos Para Implantar o Programa 5S - HouseKeeping." |
"O Curso 10 Passos Para Implantar o Programa 5S - HouseKeeping, foi desenvolvido para apresentar conceitos, definies e evoluo do programa 5S, demonstrar a importncia da implementao dos 5 sensos na organizao e apresentar tcnicas e ferramentas do programa. O programa 5S visa conscientizar a todos da importncia da qualidade. Para que o 5S seja implantado com sucesso, deve contar com o comprometimento e participao de todos. S assim possvel atingir os resultados esperados, ou seja, ter ambientes limpos e bem organizados para proporcionar melhores condies, maior produtividade e sade."
Price: 39.99

"Curso completo Raspberry Pi. Aprende Python desde 0" |
"Bienvenido al Curso Completo sobre la Raspberry Pi, en donde te acompaar durante todo tu viaje a travs de este fascinante mundo de la programacin y la la electrnica. Durante el curso aprenderemos uno de los lenguajes ms populares y poderosos de la actualidad, el lenguaje de programacin Python, as como tambin aprenderemos lo necesario para comenzar a desarrollar proyectos de electrnica de manera autodidacta, sentando las bases tericas y prcticas para que puedas continuar tu camino en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologas.Este es un curso pensado para que aprendas de manera progresiva, la metodologa de enseanza se basa en aprender mientras se hace, resolviendo problemas de la vida diaria para obtener la habilidad de pensar y razonar enfocado a resolver problemas del da a da.Durante el curso aprenders:Introduccin general al mundo de la Raspberry PiTrabajar y realizar tareas de manera rpida utilizando la terminal de LinuxFundamentos de programacin con PythonProgramacin Orientada a ObjetosDesarrollo de Videojuegos con PythonDesarrollo de Interfaces Grficas de usuario para aplicaciones de escritorioPrimeros pasos con el mundo real, interactuar con los GPIO de la RaspberrySensoresMotoresControl del mdulo integrado para la cmara de la RaspberryNo son necesarios conocimientos previos de electrnica o de programacin, ya que el curso parte desde las bases e iremos progresando y aumentando la dificultas conforme vayamos avanzado en el curso.Durante el curso, estar ah para resolver todas las dudas que se te vayan presentando conforme avances entre las clases, slo deja tu duda en el sistema de comentarios de la clase y yo te responder para ayudarte con las dudas relacionadas al curso.chale un vistazo con ms detalles a todas las clases incluidas en el Contenido del Curso. nete al curso y convirtete en un NINJA de la RASPBERRY PI !"
Price: 1545.00

"Geometry Explained" |
"What will you be able to do at the end of this course?Be ready to A's your geometry class. Since this online course explains in detail all topics of geometry in an easy and comprehensive way, you would be ready to succeed in your classes. GuaranteedWhy is this course better than others? This course was created by an experienced engineer and it has been approved by professors in academia to guarantee excellence in math online learning using the latest techniques. It offers 11 chapters explained in 105 videos content and interactive material. Script for the entire class to help you follow each lecture easily and clean, more than 300 solved examples, self-evaluation sheet at the end of each chapter to measure your understanding, and relevant tips.What is unique about this course?This course follows the Feynman Technique in the following steps:Learn: this is the process that we go through to get knowledge about a certain topic. But staying in this step does not guarantee that you will retain the knowledge in the long run. To efficiently apply what you have learned you need to go to step two.Do: In this step, we face all the problem-solving processes where practice makes perfection and to consolidate this information in our heads we go to step three.Explain: This final step was created base on the Feynman Technique. This technique was invented by the Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman and the goal for him was to understand what he studied better than anyone else. For this final technique, we encourage you to explain the concepts you have learned to a kid. By doing this technique you will notice that the vocabulary you use is very simple not only easy to understand but also to memorize. By following these three steps to consolidate the information, you will be prepared to successfully complete your geometry class and the following math classes."
Price: 19.99

"ORATRIA EXPRESS Edgar Caetano" |
"O curso online ORATRIA EXPRESS tem 05 mdulos com 40 aulas. A estrutura de contedo segue os cinco pilares da Frmula da Comunicao de Sucesso: Mente, Voz, Corpo, Contedo e Apresentao. um curso que reune conceitos, tcnicas, ferramentas, melhores prticas e muitos desafios para voc colocar a mo na massa e praticar a oratria moderna."
Price: 249.99

"Managing database versions with Liquibase and Spring Boot" |
"Do you want to stop frustration caused by manual database updates? Do you know that there is a free tool to help you out? If your answer is YES, it means that you might benefit from this course.I start from the very beginning of using Liquibase. You should have some database and SQL knowledge. Basics of Java will increase your final satisfaction as I will also show you Liquibase integration with Spring Boot. I believe in practice so there will be mostly coding with some necessary theory. You will have many chances to try using Liquibase yourself because I included some exercises for you as well.Get ready for an exiting journey to through Liquibase functionalities."
Price: 84.99

"Power BI - Descomplicando do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O Power BI uma coleo de servios de software, aplicativos e conectores que trabalham juntos para transformar suas fontes de dados no relacionadas em informaes coerentes, visualmente envolventes e interativas. Os dados podem estar em uma planilha do Excel ou em uma coleo de data warehouses hbridos locais ou baseados na nuvem. Com o Power BI, voc pode se conectar facilmente a fontes de dados, visualizar e descobrir contedo importante e compartilh-lo com todas as pessoas que quiser.Como o Power BI corresponde sua funoA forma de uso do Power BI pode depender de sua funo em um projeto ou uma equipe. Outras pessoas, em outras funes, podem usar o Power BI de modo diferente.Por exemplo, voc pode usar principalmente o servio do Power BI para exibir relatrios e dashboards. Seu colega de trabalho responsvel pela criao de relatrios empresariais por meio de clculos numricos complexos pode fazer amplo uso do Power BI Desktop para criar relatrios e public-los no servio do Power BI, no qual possvel exibi-los. Outro colega de trabalho, da rea de vendas, talvez use principalmente o aplicativo para telefone do Power BI para monitorar o progresso das cotaes de vendas e analisar detalhes sobre novas vendas potenciais.Caso seja um desenvolvedor, voc pode usar APIs do Power BI para efetuar push dos dados para conjuntos de dados ou para inserir relatrios e dashboards em seus prprios aplicativos personalizados. Ter uma ideia de um novo visual? Crie-o voc mesmo e compartilhe-o com outras pessoas.Voc pode tambm usar cada elemento do Power BI em momentos diferentes, dependendo do objetivo ou da funo em determinado projeto.A maneira de usar o Power BI depende do respectivo recurso ou servio que seja mais adequado como ferramenta para o caso. Por exemplo, possvel usar o Power BI Desktop para criar relatrios para sua prpria equipe sobre as estatsticas de participao do cliente e exibir o inventrio e o progresso da fabricao em um dashboard em tempo real no servio do Power BI. Todos os elementos do Power BI esto disponveis para voc. Por isso, ele um programa to verstil e interessante."
Price: 99.99
