"Mastering Spanish Accent Marks" |
"Making mistakes with accent marks are a pet peeve of many Spanish speakers and degrade the quality of your writing. Correct usage of the acento also referred to as the tilde in Spanish writing is make-or-break when it comes to demonstrating your academic or professional Spanish writing skills. These small marks may seem confusing or arbitrary, but there are a set of rules with few exceptions that you can follow to get it right every time. This course will teach you how to use accent marks in your Spanish writing so that you can impress with your proper Spanish orthography!The course is taught in English so that it is accessible even to beginner Spanish students who would like to get accent marks right from square one. It will also help more advanced Spanish students to level up their existing skills.Master Spanish accent marks!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Botanical Art - Eucalyptus Leaves" |
"I teach botanical and insect illustration and through this experience I've learnt the problems that you might come up against when you first start out with watercolour. I will walk you through the whole process from beginning to end. We'll cover basic equipment required, setting up your specimen, sketching, tonal study, transferring the image to your watercolour paper, and then the real fun begins. We'll go through building up your painting from wet in wet, all the way to dry brush to add those final details at the end. Along the way I'll include lots of tips and techniques to help you learn to paint Eucalyptus leaves, and these techniques can be applied to other subjects."
Price: 69.99

"Photoshop CC van beginner tot pro" |
"Photoshop is zonder overdrijven 's werelds beste software voor beeldbewerking en grafisch ontwerp en staat aan de basis van vrijwel elk creatief project, van fotobewerking en composities tot digitaal schilderen, animatie en grafisch ontwerp.In deze cursus leer ik je alle tools die nodig zijn om foto's te bewerken.We bekijken oa.de Photoshop werkomgevingverschillende manieren om te selecterende lagen/layers komen uitgebreid aan bodtekst plaatsensmart objects, smart filters en aanpassingslagen"
Price: 99.99

"CSM Scrum Master certification exam" |
"As a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), youll help the Scrum Team perform at their highest level. CSMs also protect the team from both internal and external distractions. anyone can get certified : Students, Graduates, Post graduates,Experienced consultants, project team members, support professionals, end users, all people who are interested in the scrum framework, we recommend to pass the scrum institute exam"
Price: 19.99

"Controle a Ansiedade e a Preocupao: Curso em Videoaulas" |
"Ol! Seja bem vinda(o) ao curso que pode mudar a sua vida para melhor. Em primeiro lugar, eu gostaria de agradec-la(o) pela visita!Neste curso contendo 22 aulas em vdeo voc vai entender os aspectos mentais, emocionais e comportamentais da ansiedade e vai aprender a reorganizar os seus pensamentos causadores de ansiedade exagerada para, finalmente, poder controlar a sua ansiedade e a preocupao.A inteno aqui no lhe prometer cura, mas de ajudar voc a lidar com a sua ansiedade de forma mais saudvel e adaptativa, para que voc possa desfrutar de mais qualidade de vida.Portanto, se voc tiver disciplina e dedicao acima de tudo, a sua sade mental e qualidade de vida vo melhorar significativamente aps a concluso do curso, porque voc se tornar apta(o) para dominar a ansiedade e a preocupao, antes que elas dominem voc.Para quem serve este curso?A ansiedade e a preocupao causam sofrimento a ponto de tirar o sossego de uma pessoa, ou at mesmo causar prejuzo em qualquer rea da sua vida, como adiar tarefas, produzir menos no trabalho e at evitar certas situaes que causam ansiedade. Se voc est vivenciando esse tipo de situao, certamente este curso para voc.VANTAGENS1 Voc ter acesso exclusivo s orientaes mais atuais e cientificamente comprovadas da psicologia para trabalhar no controle da ansiedade e da preocupao, proporcionadas por profissional experiente, pautado nos pressupostos da terapia cognitivo comportamental;2 Acesso a aulas extras e exerccios em cada aula para serem praticados no cotidiano;3 Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta: voc tem 30 dias para testar o curso. Se no gostar, o valor gasto ser devolvido de forma integral sem nenhuma burocracia.DURAO12 horasPBLICO ALVOPessoas que sofrem com os sintomas da ansiedade Quem tm algum prejuzo em qualquer rea da vida por causa da ansiedade e da preocupao Alunos e profissionais da rea da sade e da psicologia"
Price: 39.99

"Become a Budget Master" |
"This course will teach you how to create your very own personalized budget from scratch using Microsoft Excel. This is by far the best way to learn so you can completely understand your budget and personalize it to your needs whenever you want. In the coming tutorials your will be given step by step visual instructions on how to create your budget and manage your budget from month to month. You'll also learn some helpful ways you can make money and save money with your budget."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Printing in Autocad LT For Mac 2021" |
"Learn how to print in Autocad step by step from setting a paper size to printing multiple layouts across multiple CAD drawings. Titleblocks with attributes are included in the course to make it easy to create layouts and follow along. This course is made for interior designers & architects mainly but can be used by other disciplines."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Run Facebook and Instagram Ads Using the Phone" |
"This course is designed to walk you on how to create amazing and stunning Facebook and Instagram ads directly from your mobile phone. It contains How to run a website traffic campaign, How to use your Instagram profile as a landing page, and creating messenger ads directly from your mobile phone.You don't need a laptop to take this course as most of the course modules were done strictly with the phone and it's very easy to follow through each course module.The course has specific notes and assignments that are there to help you make progress on each course module, kindly go through each assignment every day.There's also a class project at the end of the course to help you with understanding more closely the course details.I look forward to seeing you in the training and getting started on your journey"
Price: 19.99

"Crea tu web o blog con WordPress y convirtelo en tu negocio" |
"Se lo que sientes, te atrae la idea de tener un blog, pero no sabes cmo conseguirloCuando dise este curso, lo hice con mi mujer a mi lado. Le preguntaba en todo momento que dudas le impediran crear un blog.Evidentemente, he aadido al curso lecciones que son muy importantes. Pero me he centrado en sus dudas para que t puedas crear tu web desde cero y sin ayuda.Y por ese motivo tengo la seguridad de que este curso es para ti.Pero es necesario un blog o web?Imagina lo siguiente... Decides crear una tienda en Amazon, pasan los aos y te haces importante dentro de la marketplace. Creas tu equipo y empiezas a ganar dinerito del bueno. Pero...Llega un da, y sin previo aviso, Pam! Amazon quiebra y cierra sus puertas. Dnde est tu negocio?Dejar el poder en manos de plataformas que no controlas es muy peligroso. Qu haces?Una web. Que sea el eje de tu negocio y a partir de ah, puedes vender en todas las marketplace como Amazon que quieras sin depender exclusivamente de ellas. Y la mejor forma de hacerlo es con WordPress, y que para que lo domines, he creado este curso donde repasamos las partes ms importantes de este CMS y te desvelo los secretos que he aprendido todos estos aos. Digamos que soy tu atajo a tener una web profesional. Empezamos a construir?"
Price: 149.99

"Curso de Instagram: Conquista la red social del momento" |
"Tienes que ser Cristiano Ronaldo para triunfar en Instagram?Para nada, y te digo ms, no te fijes en las cuentas de los famosos como modelo a seguir.Por qu?Por que ellos gozan de un GRAN apoyo meditico debido a las profesiones que ejercen y no siempre necesitan saber todas las tcnicas para ganar ms visibilidad o Followers.Y como ni t ni yo somos famosos, ni tenemos ayuda meditica, nos va a tocar hacer las cosas bien para garantizar buenos resultados.Entonces, qu hay que hacer para triunfar en la red social del momento? Pues simplemente, como he dicho antes, las cosas BIEN.Y para ello he preparado este curso donde repaso todas las funcionalidades de Instagram pero sobre todo te descubro herramientas y trucos que van a hacer tu vida en Instagram ms fcil. Comenzamos?"
Price: 44.99

"Atrae miles de visitas desde el primer da con Pinterest" |
"Imagina que abres un negocio fsico en la calle menos concurrida de tu ciudad. Qu ocurrir?Que nadie la visitar!No importa si tienes los mejores productos, los mejores precios y la mejor atencin, No tienes clientes!Este curso, va a trasladar tu negocio, a la mejor calle de esa misma ciudad, y en cuanto realices lo que te digo, vas a ver como la gente hace cola para entrar en tu web. Lo mejor de todo, no necesitas meses para ver resultados, en Pinterest los resultados se ven en poco tiempo.Y de forma gratuita!En mi caso, pas de tener una media de 10 visitas diarias a tener ms de 3.500 visitas diarias en tan solo 2 meses y medio.Y el 99,99% de las visitas venan de Pinterest sin gastarme si un solo euro!En ese tiempo yo me equivoqu muchsimo, aprend a base de prueba y error pero hoy tienes la oportunidad, con este curso, de hacer las cosas mejor que yo. Tu techo es el cielo!"
Price: 94.99

"Unleash your Powers with Emotional Intelligence" |
"This course is going to teach you the 4 pillars of Emotional Intelligence. If you want to unleash your powers and live up to your fullest potentials privately and professionally than this course is the right one for you. Important: You have to be willing to put in the work! Emotional Intelligence is a life long process. You will get better and better but there will always be space to improve for the rest of your life. A high level of emotional intelligence doesn`t mean, that you will never get annoyed, sad or triggered again or feeling bad, but it will help you to get out of it much faster than without emotional intelligence. The 4 pillars are: 1. Self-Awareness 2. Self-Management 3. Social-Awareness 4. Relationship-Management. This course includes Worksheets, Quizes and Handouts for you.Enjoy and make the most out of it!Music credits: Good For You by THBD and""Sappheiros - Dawn"" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright"
Price: 24.99

"Crea un Memorama con JavaScript Moderno y otros proyectos" |
"En este curso crears un juego de tipo Memorama utilizando JavaScript como lenguaje de programacin. Aparte de descubrir e indagar cmo funciona un juego de este tipo, reforzars tus conocimientos en este lenguaje y mejorars tu comprensin de la programacin orientada a objetos (OOP) en este lenguaje.Emplearemos el uso de mtodos asncronos as como la integracin de Fetch API para peticin de datos a servidores o archivos.Adicionalmente crearemos otros proyectos que seguirn implementando las caractersticas ms modernas de JavaScript y que te permitirn entender cmo funciona dicho lenguaje de programacin."
Price: 270.00

"Breathing Mastery for Physiological State Regulation" |
"According to Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges, PhD, breathing is both a reflection of, and an efficient gateway into, your current physiological state. Through deliberate and skillful breathing awareness and techniques, you will learn to manage, manipulate and ultimately master your own nervous system for optimal health, growth, resilience and performance.This class provides you with an experiential practice and a simplified summary of tons of research related to topics such as breathwork, Polyvagal Theory, respiratory sinus arrythmia, heart rate variability, baroreceptor efficiency and chemo sensitity to carbon dioxide.This is an evidence based approach where you will learn, understand and implement the 3 key components of proper breathing, including biomechanics, biochemistry and cadence for maximizing the vagal regulation of your heart and anchoring your nervous system in the ventral vagal complex of your parasympathetic nervous system.This course is appropriate for anyone interested in improving their overall health, resilience, longevity, performance and quality of work, relationships and life, through the portal of breathing combined with leading-edge science, specifically related to Polyvagal Theory."
Price: 84.99

"Understanding Container Internals with Docker" |
"This course delves into the details of docker components and characteristics like1. Docker Daemon and its workings2. ContainerD and its workings3. Namespaces and Control Groups4. Overlay File System5. Shim and RuncThere are some practical implementations in C. However, this is not a full fledged container implementation. The aim of the course is to bring the readers to a point where they can appreciate the beauty of Docker and the thought process of its creators. This is also not an exact representation of working of Docker. This tutorial does not discuss about docker commands in general. There are plenty of tutorials on the internet on Docker commands. Please refer to those to get an insight on Docker.This tutorial also expects that the users are conversant with basics of1. UNIX and UNIX shell2. familiarity with fork and exec3. mount command4. Basic idea of UNIX network interfaces like eth0, lo and5. UNIX terminals"
Price: 19.99

"Best Physics Crash Course For JEE / NEET / Class 11 / 12" |
"Hello Everyone! This is a complete digital animated Physics Crash Course For Class 11 / 12 / JEE / NEET. This course has been designed based on repetitive analysis of problems faced by the students to revise the physic syllabus . If you are able to complete the course we will be happy to upload all the lectures. Your feedback is very important for us.Thanks & Regards Prof. BK Sah"
Price: 1280.00

"NIKECMAdobe Premiere Pro from U.S.A" |
"MVCMK.OSNSYouTubeAdobe Premiere Pro"
Price: 99.99

"Apple iOS Programlama 1 - Objective-C Programlama Dili" |
"Apple dnyasn kefetmek isteyenler ho geldiniz. Bu kursta Objective-C dilini balangtan itibaren alnp ileri seviye kadar adm adm reneceiz. iPhone ve iPad uygulamalarn kodlayabilmeniz iin Objective-C programlama dilinin ok iyi derecede bilimeniz iinizi kolaylatracaktr. Objective-C programlama dili ile iPhone ve iPad eitimine ok gl salam bir temel oluturmu olacaksnz. Kendi Apple iOS mobil uygulamalarnz Objective-C programlama dili sayesinde kolayca hazrlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Apple iOS Programlama 2- iPhone ve iPad Uygulama Gelitirme" |
"Apple'n iPhone ve iPad modellerinin leblebi gibi satt bir dnyada bu pastadan pay almak istemez misiniz?iPhone, Applen yldz olmaya devam ediyor! Sadece bu yln ilk eyreinde bile yaklak 48 milyon iPhone satlmtr. Sat ve ciro asndan iPhone zirvede olsa da, iPad getiimiz seneye gre satlarn %% 50 arttrmtr. Bu da demek oluyor ki iPhone ve iPad uygulamalarna olan ihtiya nmzdeki zaman diliminde daha da artarak devam edecektir! iPhone ve iPad Uygulamalarn kefetmek iin doru yerdesiniz."
Price: 49.99

"How To Increase Your Sales: One Simple Strategy To Get There" |
"""Wonderful Course. In one word awesome course, All the concepts are clearly explained. I will recommend this course to my friends"" - Girish (Student)Excellent course. It draws my attention to important new practices. Thank you - Sobhi (Student)Increase Your Sales - One Simple Strategy To Get There is a simple no fluff actionable strategy that covers how you can increase your sales in the shortest time The course will cover all you need to know about:How to create products that sellHow to get your clients to tell you what they want to buyHow to stay ahead of your competitorsHow to increase sales month by monthPlus many other lectures that help fine-tune your sales.So what are you waiting for? Click Take This Course and remember it included my Personal 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!In under 1 hour you will learn a strategy you can action straight away! You will also gain the necessary insights on:How to increase customer lifetime value, How to get people to buy more How this simple strategy will work for you!so that; after you have completed the course, you will have the breadth of knowledge to be able to take your sales to the next levelSo what are you waiting for Click Take This Course and remember it included my Personal 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain!"
Price: 19.99

"UiPath: Top 20 FAQs Solved" |
"Note: This course is for the candidates having 6+ months of working experience in developing RPA solutions.Robotic Process Automation (RPA) allows businesses to automate repetitive rules-based business processes. Thus enabling users to spend more time to serving customers or doing higher-value work.In this course, you'll learn to enhance your knowledge by solving the top 20 frequently asked UiPath questions on: RegexOrchestrator Data ScrapingSelectorsGoogle CloudAutomating ExcelThese FAQs are based on the real-life problems which will help professionals to grow technically. It will also help you to enhance broader vision when a problem statement comes in front of you.For more information check out the course outline."
Price: 24.99

"Communication Skills - SAP, IT Consultant & Project Managers" |
"Communication, Communication and Communication !! This is a vital skill for any SAP, Technical, Business Consultants as well as Managers and Project Managers. This course is made exclusively for those professionals who have critical requirement of communication skills which is key to their success. This course is made with a specific focus on requirements of SAP, Technical, Business Consultants as well as Managers and Project Managers by an experienced SAP Business consultant who is a Project Manager too. Course touches all aspects of communication by a thorough analysis of a consultant's role in his job and requirement to deal with various challenges with an effective communication skill. This also discusses various contributing elements of a good communication skills in detail. This will help to the student to understand where he/she is lacking in his skills. The elements mentioned in the course jointly work in shaping up a good, effective communication skill when applied practically.Differentiators in the Course is well defined, practically proven tips to improve the skills in an effective way. The tips are derived by practical experience of the trainer during his 20+ years of experience. If applied with right intent they will be helpful in improving communication skills and achieve success in the career.Course takes very methodical approach. First discusses various elements followed by detailed explanation of each and tips along with that to improve the communication. Course is designed keeping working professionals and aspiring professionals. This should be helpful to all category of professionals to improve their skills. All will not be experts in all elements. So, students can figure out their weak areas and apply the tips to improve upon.Lastly, this course never outdates. It is our policy to keep the course updated every now and then when we discover something which we feel helpful to students. This gives value for your investment. Course has 10 different section with 20 lectures along with recap quiz. This is delivered by Global Learning Labs who has their presence in Udemy since 2014 and has students around 128 countries with 18 courses. Certainly the course will benefit you with its structured approach and we are sure you will be able to achieve bigger success in your endeavors."
Price: 169.99

"Chakras Alignment & Balancing Sound Healing with Pranayama" |
"Chakras Alignment & Balancing Sound Healing with Pranayama is the latest program from CHA Method created by expert sound healer and yoga expert Zayra Mo.""These 7 sessions are timeless because I combined specific sound healings to align and balance the chakra system with mindfulness techniques and ended it with pranayama or breathing exercises"".Is a program which invites all enthusiasts in chakra system, sound healing, mindfulness and pranayama / breathing exercises!Is AN EASY BUT POWERFUL INTRODUCTION to all who are curious about these topics and NEED TO START IN THE MOST EASY AND FUN WAY!The beauty of these sound healings are that you'll learn that align and balance each of your chakras is more than a color, it's about notes, frequencies and a perfect combination of it. This is one of my passions and vocation to produce and teach this power for all.And I always said, what better way to combine meditation, mindfulness, intentions and pranayama / breathing exercises to be uplift and in a creative mode thanks to the space and time these sessions create to give you the opportunity to create the lifestyle you want, you desire, you deserve...I'm super sure you'll like this program which you can repeat again and again... Hey, Im giving this every day to my students, to myself and now very happy to film it and to do it for you here in UDEMY..Join NOW and start today!"
Price: 119.99

"SAP Supply Chain : Learn EDI & Idocs Interface Architecture" |
"Future proof your career by expanding your knowledge into SAP EDI Supply Chain, one of the most in demand skills in today's SAP market.This is not just another Idoc or EDI course. SAP jobs don't stop at Idocs creation so why should this course! Instead, this course covers the how to implementation the Supply Chain Interfaces using industry standard messages (like EDIFACT and X12), middleware, and SAP Idocs. If you want to know about SAP interfaces, this is the course.Want to improve your knowledge in SAP's Supply Chain EDI technology? Want that role in SAP? Want to know how SAP inbound and outbound interfaces are configured and what values are required to get them work? Should you update the delivery date or confirmation date on a purchase order once it is confirmed? Or why the purchase order and sales order uses the ORDERS Idoc? This course answers all of that!With today's growing complexity in the area of Supply Chain and all most, if not all communication being done electronically, , having experience, expertise and knowledge in this area is essential in today's job marketplace. That is why I am excited about this course. This course covers BOTH the business context how the process should work and how it is to be configured in SAP R/3, across the different modules in SAP. No other course will cover these SAP modules in this kind of scope as to give you an end to end vision of the SAP Supply Chain EDI & Idoc Architecture. This is usually the role of SAP SCM Solution Architect and it takes years of experience to understand all of the integration points. The course will cover Supply Chain topics such as : The Purchase Order & Sales Order model. This includes both order creation and order confirmationOutbound delivery, Post Goods Issue and ASN process and Idoc creationShipment tendering and status updatesInvoice creation and clearingThis course covers the Sales and Distribution (SD), Material Management (MM) , Purchasing, and Transportation, Account Receivable modules of SAP.On the SAP side, we will be covering The configuration of each and every Idoc used in the process. This includes both the partner determination and message outputsA cheat sheet so that you have all of the setting at your finger tips as to implement any of these IdcosWhat values, qualifiers and setting are required to process an inbound Idoc SAP ""Best Practice"" when implementing Idocs."
Price: 104.99

"Complex Analysis" |
"Complex Analysis:Complex Analysis for Electrical Engineering and Engineering Mathematics Students Hi students, How are you studying? Hope you are doing well. So, What is Complex Number? Complex numbers can be applied in Electrical Engineering. What is Complex Analysis? In this course, you are going to learn about Complex Analysis. In lower classes,you learnt about number SYSTEM from Natural Numbers, Whole numbers, Real Numbers. And also you learnt Calculus concepts like Differentiation and Integration. Now,in this course,you will learn aboutComplex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable. Complex Analysis is the branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of complex numbers. So, In this course you will learn aboutComplex NumberCauchy Reimann EquationsAnalytic functionPolesPower SeriesContour IntegralsCauchy's TheoremZeros and PolesReside TheoremSingularlyBilinear TransformationLearn above concepts from this course Udemy is great platform to learn. And you have 30 days money back guarantee here. ***Mathematics in my point of view: ""Mathematics/Math:Math is a simply a language. In School grade/Classes,covered Algebra,Trigonometry,Geometry, and Precalculus.In College,covered Algebra 2,College Algebra,Probability,Statistics,Calculus:Calculus 1,Calculus 2,Calculus 3(Multivariable Calculus like Differential Equations,Engineering Mathematics), And University Math topics are Abstract Algebra,Linear Algebra,Discrete Mathematics,Number Theory,Real Analysis,Complex Analysis,Functional Analysis,Matlab. In Test Prep:SAT,Act, GRE,GMAT,LSAT are with Quantitative Aptitude Section.Application of Math:Engineering,Physics,Science,Computer sciences like in Games development,Programming, Machine learning,Data science"".***So enroll in this ""Complex Analysis-Complex Analysis for Electrical Engineering and Engineering Mathematics Students"" course and start learning. All the bestThank you"
Price: 19.99

"Complete English Course for Shop/Sales Assistants" |
"If you work in a shop it's important that you can speak English with customers. Knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it can put you at the top of your sales team or help you get that promotion or that job that you've been waiting for.Words are a great tool for convincing someone to do business with you or to hire you. Especially, if you say all the right words in English.This course focuses on you learning the right words, words relevant to your industry. In this course you will work on your general sales vocabulary, gaining the ability to deal with specific sales situations. The listening exercises and dialogues have been designed in such a way that you can learn some easy to remember phrases to get you out of tricky sales situations. Sometimes the trickier the situation, the more difficult it can be to find the right words in English. In the dialogues we have included words and phrases that you must know, you will also find additional phrases that are extremely helpful for those situations where you just don't have time to think about what to say."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Technical Essentials - Ultimate Training Program" |
"Welcome to the AWS Technical Essentials Course!In this introductory course, you will learn about core AWS services and products. You will also gain hands-on experience through our step-by-step video demonstrations on how to build common cloud solutions. With this fundamentals course, you can make informed decisions about IT solutions based on your business requirements and start learning how to build highly available, fault tolerant, scalable and cost effective cloud solutions.Whether you are a business looking to migrate your applications to the cloud or an IT Professional wanting learn more about the AWS platform, this course is a foundation starting point. You can then go on to take further certification courses to specialize for different job roles and starting building cloud solutions for your organization and clients.Course ObjectivesThis AWS course will help you learn and understand the following:AWS platform terminology and cloud conceptsThe AWS Global Infrastructure and use casesBasic AWS cloud architectural principlesCloud security concepts and AWS securityAWS storage conceptsAWS networking conceptsAWS compute services with block storageAWS Database concepts and managed database servicesDeployment and Management optionsCourse StructureThe course comprises of core theoretical concepts as well as several hands-on demonstrations to help you build your practical experience on the AWS platform. By the end of the course, you will gain confidence in architecting, designing and implementing solutions on AWS to support a wide range of applications.Project AssignmentThe course also includes a Project Assignment, where we look at a typical real world scenario and learn how to fulfill a business requirement. The Project Assignment section will walk you through architecting a solution for the given scenario and demonstrate complete end-to-end implementation. At the end of the project section, you will requested to carry out the project in your own AWS Free Tier account and submit your assignment to your instructor. Your instructor will then check your assignment and grade your work. Note: Completion of the assignment is mandatory if you would like to receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.Intended AudienceIndividuals responsible for articulating the business benefits of AWS servicesIT Professionals new to AWSSysops administrators and developers who are interested in using AWS servicesCourse OutlineSection 1 Introduction to Cloud Computing, AWS Services and History of AWSSection 2 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and other security conceptsSection 3 Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)Section 4 AWS Networking ServicesSection 5 AWS Elastic Compute Cloud and EBS, Elastic Load Balancing and Auto ScalingSection 6 - AWS RDS and DynamoDB NoSQL DatabasesSection 7 - AWS Management Tools - CloudWatch and Trusted AdvisorSection 8 - Project Assignment - Design and Implement a cloud solution on AWS for a typical business use case"
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager" |
"Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager permite que IT administre PCs y servidores, mantenga el software al da, establezca polticas de configuracin y seguridad, y supervise el estado de los sistemas mientras se otorga a los clientes acceso a las aplicaciones corporativas con los dispositivos de su preferencia.Anteriormente conocido como System Center Configuration Manager el cual haca parte de la Suite de System Center y que a partir de la versin 1910 Microsoft decidi cambiarle de nombre y agruparlo con soluciones como Microsoft Intune y as crear la suite Microsoft EndpointEn este curso realizaremos el proceso de planificacin, instalacin, configuracin y administracin de MECM donde realizaremos el despliegue de aplicaciones, actualizaciones y sistemas operativos para nuestra empresa as facilitndonos la vida como administradores de TI."
Price: 59.99

"Entrepreneurship: From Idea to Open for Business" |
"This course is designed to take you from your business idea and open the doors on the first day of business. If you are wanting to open your own business or already have your own business but are wanting to take it to the next level...then this is the course just for you.We have also included basic bookkeeping within this course so that you can keep control of your finances both before and during your business. This course is packed with resources for you to use to get your from your idea all the way to trading for many years.LET'S TURN YOUR IDEA INTO CASH!!"
Price: 1500.00

"Houdini 18 - Procedural Prop Modeling - Chinese Knife" |
"In this next Indie-Pixel Mini-Course we will walk through the entire process of creating a Chinese Knife prop for your game development projects. You will be taken through each step of the process from procedural modeling in Houdini, to texturing in Substance Painter, then finally setting up the the prop in a Unity scene.You also get a complete guide to the Basics of Houdini's User Interface, as a bonus, so if you are completely new to Houdini, you can get up to speed quickly and learn how to navigate the Houdini 3D application.What you Get:Complete Houdini ProjectOver 4 Hours of Video Training in 1080PIf you are new to Procedural Modeling or Procedural content creation for games, and want to jump start your learning in Houdini, then this course is perfect for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Houdini 18 - Procedural Prop Modeling - Skate Ramp" |
"Throughout this mini course we will learn to build a procedural prop with Houdini 18 and look at a bunch of techniques that help us procedurally model and generate uvs. We then will wrap everything up into a Digital Asset so we can make unlimited variations of our Ramp model and prep them for texturing in Mixer 2020.Once we bake and export everything out from Houdini, we will then learn how to use Mixer 2020 from the ground up. We will learn to create clean texture layers, place decals, and apply imperfections elements to our ramp model in Mixer 2020. Once we are finished with our Ramp model we will then get it into Unity and Unreal and get it set up with materials and lighting.By the end of the course you will have a solid understanding of modeling procedurally with Houdini 18 and how to use Mixer 2020 for texturing."
Price: 19.99
