"MBA ASAP Business Strategy" |
"The Importance of StrategyTo think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking. Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe importance of strategy is to provide a framework so we can act in accordance with our thinking. It provides a set of tools and techniques to help us achieve those hard things.Strategy in business is the big picture.Great strategy navigates between market conditions and a firms assets. Competitive Strategy is a firms answer to the following question:What can we do that is really hard?It is about picking goals for the enterprise and then figuring out what resources are going to be assembled to achieve those goals. Learn strategic thinking, planning, implementation, management and leadership ASAP with this comprehensive course.This course comes with my two Business Strategy books, lots of slidedecks, tons of articles from my award winning blog, and over two hours of lectures broken down into segments that address all aspects of Strategy. Strategy in business is the big picture. Implementing a strategic vision is how a business succeeds and is profitable.Strategy is about figuring out how to create a sustainable competitive advantage and barriers to entering your markets. Strategy is a firms answer to the following question: What can we do that is really hard?Great strategy locates and exploits the fit between market conditions and a firms assets.Leadership and Management are the key skill sets that rely on strategy. Leadership is doing the right things. Management is doing things right.Strategic Thinking and vision is the realm of leadership.Strategic Implementation and executing the strategy is the realm of management.Strategic Planning brings the skills of leadership and management together.Business Strategy is about picking goals for the enterprise and then figuring out what resources are going to be assembled to achieve those goals.Learn strategic thinking, planning, implementation, management and leadership ASAP with this comprehensive course.Achieve more, faster, and reach your full potential.Are you planning on getting a business degree? An MBA? Want a leg up in your classes and coursework?Looking for a way to turbocharge your career and level up? Thinking of changing careers or starting a business? Do you aspire to be a manager?Be an infinite learner. Leaders never stop developing their skills by refining old ones and learning new ones. Are you a new manager or interested in increasing your managerial influence? In any case, the challenges you face come in all shapes and sizes with little regard for your schedule. You need to be prepared.To reach your full potential you need to master new business and personal skills.Packed with practical advice the MBA ASAP Series are the primers you need to develop your managerial and leadership skills.Were MBA ASAP, our mission is to make advanced, quality business education accessible to capable students everywhere by leveraging technology at scale to deliver inexpensive online programs, courses, and books.We know that talent is distributed globally, but opportunity is not. We believe all capable and committed students deserve the opportunity to change their lives and to impact their communities.Education is most effective when educators, and students work together to create pathways for mutual success. Technology makes advanced learning locally available across geographies and enhances outcomes."
Price: 19.99

"R Programming for beginners" |
"This course will allow you to learn starting from basics of R. Once you complete this course, you will be in a position to read the R code and you will also can write the code on your own. This course will cover R from basics with real time examples.This course is mainly for those who do not have any programming experience and experience people can take this course to refresh their knowledge.This course will starts with fundamentals and then slowly will cover required concepts of R Programming. In this course for each topic, there will be a lecture and the same content has been attached in ppt format."
Price: 19.99

"Flipping the Switch!" |
"Have you looked at the News lately? Does it feel like the world has gone crazy? We are witnessing individuals sensing a need for ""Flipping the Switch!""Flipping the WHAT?Weve all had the experience of being in the zone. Its when you do an ideal job. However, it feels uncomplicated and easy because it fits together. You misplace time, even though the task is daunting, you do not feel tired. You seem like you can keep functioning all night. We usually enter into the zone or the flow accidentally. But suppose we want to create the flow purposely? Is it feasible to push a button at will to cause a flow state? Really?Flipping The Switch CourseFlipping the Switch is being in the zone when all things are aligned; the puzzle pieces fitting together effortlessly are excellent sources of motivation and satisfaction derived from eternal wisdom. Most of us have experienced it once or twice in our lifetime. Still, when we attempt to duplicate, it alludes to what this course is about making being in the Zone repeatable and at will utilizing eternal wisdom.Who Should Take the Flipping The Switch Course?Anyone who is looking to be in the Zone! tapping that eternal balance. Flipping The Switch is for just about anyone who is working on a project, who has short and long-range goals, enjoying active hobbies, along with those careers having complex duties and responsibilities over several fields of expertise.Here are some examples: business professionals, someone who works out, high school students, college students, grandparents, seniors, an artist, an engineer, and a hobbyist. This includes people who are leaders responsible for and leading several disciplines simultaneously. Yet, most importantly, its the invisible leader, the foot soldier within the team that is the doer who painstakingly implements the goals within their busy daily multi-tasking schedule."
Price: 19.99

"Java Nedir?Yazlm gelitirme ve programlama dili olan Java, veri yaplar gibi ilemlerin zahmetsiz bir ekilde halledilmesini salamaktadr. Java ile bir uygulama gelitirmek mmkn olduundan, insanlar Java renmeye almaktadr. lk kt zamana oranla byk lde gelitirilen Java, gnmzde ok gl bir dil haline gelmi bulunmaktadr. Her srmle birlikte Java gncelletirilmekte ve daha iyi bir program yazmak mmkndr. Programlama dnyasna giri yapacak olanlar, Java eitimi almaktadr.Java'y altrmak iin herhangi bir bilgisayar mimarisi gerekli deildir. Kurumsal ve mobil alanda byk zmler salayan Java, en popler programlar arasnda yerini korumaktadr. Her trde a uygulamasnn temelini oluturan Java, web tabanl ieriklerde adeta bir standart haline gelmitir.Java'nn n plana kmasn salayan en nemli zellii, bilgisayar platformlar iin tanabilir ve yksek performansa sahip programlarn gelitirilmesini salamasdr. Uygulamalarn kolay yazlp derlenebilmesi iin Java basit bir ileyie sahiptir."
Price: 379.99

"3G optimization" |
""" "" - Idle Mode Behavior.- Handover Algorithm- Power control Algorithm- Channels Switching Algorithm- Load Control - KPIs analysis and actions"
Price: 149.99

"Scrivere un libro nell'era di Amazon e dei social" |
"In questo corso otterrai gli elementi che ti servono per decidere dove e come pubblicare i tuoi scritti. Ti insegner in particolare come pubblicare un ebook e un libro cartaceo su Amazon.Ti dar elementi per scoprire come promuoverlo sui social, sui blog, offline. Ti condurr per mano attraverso i nuovi mondi digitali, dove per chi vuole scrivere albergano infinite opportunit. E qualche rischio da evitare. Per ogni ambiente ti dar consigli ma soprattutto ti mostrer casi di successo e di insuccesso."
Price: 19.99

"Perception - Energy Immersion A4.7" |
"Welcome to the ""Energy Immersion"" Course-Series where we learn the basics of managing and wielding the benefits of recognizing the energetic-platform of all the universe. This specific course is uniquely focused on Perceiving and experiencing the spiritual universe. This is the place to start in the series for the most benefit.The entire course-seres consists of these seven courses: Energy Awareness, Energy Dynamics, Energy Maneuvers, Energy Interchange, Energy Enhancement, Energy Conversion, and Energy (World) Perception.***Course Key: Everything is energy representing the consciousness of everything. Much like many different energy-focused modalities, these courses will teach you how to become aware of what your energy is, how it works and what it is about, how to move it around, remove blocks and hindrances, raise your vibration, channel knowledge and talents as well as become aware of the transparency and residence of the spiritual universe.The videos explain more than this text, watch the previews, and dive in!"
Price: 169.99

"Learn 4 Steps to Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing!" |
"Have you ever wanted to make money online even while you are sleeping?Would you like to spend time with your loved ones and earning money at the same time?It happens to me all the time.I still remember the day when I stumbled online and searched something like, ""How to make money online"".There was a young man from the United States who said that he can show me how to make money using the Internet.My first thought was, ""that must be a scam or something!""Well, I gave it a try...And guess what.I failed! The reason was that I just ""tried"" it. I didn't really commit at first.Then I saw dozens and dozens of examples:Someone made $2,000/month online.Another person made $5,000/month online.Some people made even $10,000/month online...And more...I realized that if they can do it, I can do it.And sure enough, I did it.I made a life-changing income online and I've traveled around the world in 40 countries in total.Nowadays I run a YouTube channel called ""Learn To Make Honest Money Online"" with over 200,000 monthly views helping ordinary people to make a life-changing income online too.I simply share the steps that I took to make money.And it works.In this course, you'll learn the steps that I have taken to make a life-changing income online and achieve the ultimate freedom in my life.I can't give you any income guarantees because it's against the law but I can tell that the steps that I teach have worked for me and dozens of my friends.I'll see you inside the lessons!Looking forward to helping you my friend!Cheers- Roope ""From a complete beginner to making a life-changing income online"" KiuttuPS. Imagine having a life that you've always dreamed of.Imagine having the freedom...It's Your Time!"
Price: 199.99

"Vietnamese Dictation Course 1 ( Northern Dialect )" |
"This Vietnamese Vocabulary 1 will cover all these topics based on Complete Vietnamese course - Basic level A1:1. Greetings - Cho hi2. Nationality - Quc tch3. Occupation - Ngh nghip4. Address - a ch5. Time - Thi gian6. Date - Ngy thng7. Giving direction - Ch ng8. Means of transport - Phng tin giao thng9. Family - Gia nh10. Order food - Gi mnEverything is in Northern Dialect"
Price: 19.99

"Destroy the Exam Fear" |
"Every hour, one student commits suicide in India.India has one of the worlds highest suicide rates for youth aged 15 to 29, according to a 2012 Lancet report, which illustrated the need for urgent interventions. And the primary reason for suicides is not doing well in academics!How sad is that, a life lost just because of failing in an exam or fear of failing in an exam, which anyway is not that important in the long run. There is no student that does not get stressed when s/he hears the word exam. But other than studying hard, do you do anything else to beat that fear?That is why we decided to create an E course in collaboration with Nakul Agarwal. Nakul is not some old guy with some foreign university certification, with which you will never connect with. He is the young Indian Spiritualist, who at just age of 27 has individually transformed thousands of youth and his NGO Renovatio has transformed millions.By the end of this course you will learn:Why the fear arises and types of exam fearsMindset shifts to tackle the fearSimple breathing techniques for increasing your efficiency (even many certified yoga trainers are not aware of these breathing techniques)Managing your negative emotions and with time getting rid of themWhy distractions occur while studying and how to get rid of them"
Price: 19.99

"Programao em R para Cincia de Dados" |
"A cincia de dados uma disciplina interessante que permite transformar dados brutos em entendimento, insight e conhecimento. O objetivo do curso ""Programao em R"" ajud-lo a aprender as ferramentas mais importantes no R que permitiro que voc faa cincia de dados. Aps concluir este curso, voc ter as ferramentas para enfrentar uma ampla variedade de desafios de cincia de dados, usando as melhores partes de R.O que voc aprender?A cincia de dados um campo enorme e no h como voc dominar isso atravs de um nico curso. O objetivo deste curso fornecer uma base slida nas ferramentas mais importantes.Primeiro, voc deve importar seus dados para o R. Isso normalmente significa que voc pega dados armazenados em um arquivo, banco de dados ou link Web e carrega-os em um quadro de dados (data frame) em R. Se voc no pode colocar seus dados em R, no pode fazer cincia de dados nele!Depois de importar seus dados, uma boa ideia organiz-los. Arrumar seus dados significa armazen-los de forma consistente que corresponda semntica do conjunto de dados com a maneira como eles so armazenados. Em resumo, quando seus dados esto organizados, cada coluna uma varivel e cada linha uma observao. Os dados organizados so importantes porque a estrutura consistente permite que voc concentre sua ""luta"" em perguntas sobre os dados, no 'lutando"" para coloc-los na forma correta para diferentes funes.Depois de arrumar os dados, um primeiro passo comum transform-los. A transformao inclui restringir as observaes de interesse (como todas as pessoas em uma cidade ou todos os dados do ano passado), criar novas variveis que so funes das variveis existentes (como calcular a velocidade a partir da distncia e do tempo) e calcular um conjunto de resumo estatstico (como contagens ou mdias). Juntos, arrumar e transformar so chamados de ""disputas"", porque colocar seus dados em uma forma natural de trabalhar costuma parecer mesmo uma 'luta'!Depois de organizar os dados com as variveis necessrias, existem dois mecanismos principais de gerao de conhecimento: visualizao e modelagem. Eles tm pontos fortes e fracos complementares, de modo que qualquer anlise real ser repetida muitas vezes."
Price: 39.99

"Print Production how to do it right" |
"How an image looks on-screen and how it ends up printing can be two totally different things. This course will show you what's happening on the press and why the differences arise and how to avoid them. It covers image calibration in Adobe Photoshop and shows you all about dot-gain, and highlight and shadow compensation. In these videos, anyone who has ever wondered how to make their images print properly will find the answers they need."
Price: 24.99

"Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster and devops in AWS (Part 1)" |
"Comprehensive explanation of the application deployment to AWS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster in AWS. Disclaimer !!! AWS EKS is PAID serviceProvision AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) in AWS by manually by clicking in AWS console,create AWS IAM rolescreate VPC subnetscreate AWS security groupsprovision AWS EKS Node GroupWrite Terraform code (IaaC Infrastructure as a Service) to provision AWS EKS cluster and Node Group automatically, Construct simple Nginx Web Server YAML specification and deploy it to AWS EKS clusterExplain everything in practical context so everybody can put together thoughts accurate to her/his thinking process. This course require to create AWS Free Tier account!!! This course is a Prerequisite for a follow up course: Learn AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster with Helm Charts (Part 2) where I will go over:writing Dockerfile-sdocker-compose specification for:backend,frontend,Nginx Reverse Proxy,PostgreSQL docker imageslearning about helm and helmfile binariesbackend helm chart (for dockerized custom written Python Flask application)fronetend helm chart (for dockerized custom written React application)Nginx Ingress Controller helm chart(used as reverse proxy)PostgreSQL database helm chart as dependency for backend helm chart"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Progressive House como Hardwell, Kaaze, Nicky Romero" |
"12 lecciones donde descubrirs paso a paso como alcanzar el sonido de este reconocido productor de Revealed RecordingsNo me dejo nada, lo nico que te pido es que ya ests familiarizado produciendo este estilo. Si todava no sabes producir te recomiendo no apuntarte, ya que lo que aqu trato es hacer pasar al siguiente nivel a aquellos que no consiguen sacar esa pegada en el kick, esos sonidos tan potentes. Alcanzar melodas que levanten a tus fans. etc..."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle EBS - ERP Techno-Functional Foundation" |
"This course is designed to provides you with a blue print to get started on your journey as a techno-functional consultant in Oracle EBS.The topic of coverage includes, Oracle EBS Overview Business flow introduction. Oracle EBS navigation What is responsibility?. Concurrent programming. Oracle EBS technical architecture overview System administration Custom program / report registration. Interfacing overview. ERP business flows overview. O2C, P2P and accounting E-R Diagram overview. Critical tables in various modules SCM & FIN. Customization approach Different environment in Oracle EBS Next stepPacked with Quiz at appropriate placesNote : The is no product demonstrations, but explained through screen shot as appropriate.Happy learning!!!"
Price: 1920.00

"Book Recommendations, academic literature/research" |
"In this course, you will learn how to effectively continue your research process. This course will make suggestions of what to reading pertaining to several topics (can be anything- ranging from history, science, education, psychology, video documentaries, etc.). The ultimate goal is to showcase a wide variety of content that is relevant to several aspects of good research. This course is recommended to anyone interested in research, video documentaries, or suggested books to read. Critiques on different books and documentaries will also be included. "
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Communication - The Art Of Communication" |
"Learn the Art of Communication. In this course I will teach you how to be a master communicator. Change the way you communicate and you change your life!This course is a transformational course that will not only help you master your communication skills, but it will deepen your relationships and give you a more profound understanding of life and all interactions. Let me show you the 9 steps to Mastering The Art of Communication. This will truly change your life!"
Price: 29.99

"FortiAnalyzer: De principiante a experto" |
"Las organizaciones crecen a un ritmo exponencial, introduciendo nuevos negocios y nuevas tecnologas. Este crecimiento acelerado supera su capacidad de proteccin contra ciberataques y las infraestructuras distribuidas exponen aun mas a la organizacin a eventos de ciberseguridad. En este curso aprenderemos como mitigar esto gracias a FortiAnalyzer, una herramienta de centralizacin y anlisis en tiempo real que nos brinda una vision global de la seguridad de toda nuestra infraestructura, reportes, auditoria y mucho mas!"
Price: 119.99

"SEO Tiendas Online - Posiciona tu E-Commerce" |
"Tienes una tienda online que no obtiene visitas orgnicas?Tus visitantes entran pero apenas tienes ventas?En este curso vas a aprender los fundamentos del SEO para tiendas online, descubrirs cmo puedes empezar a trabajar en tu web, optimizarla, crear contenidos, tener una estructura correcta y sobretodo, crear una estrategia que a largo plazo te ayude a conseguir trfico orgnico.El objetivo de este curso es que cualquier persona que cuente con una tienda online, sea capaz de saber cmo debe estructurar su negocio, encontrar las keywords sobre las que basar una estrategia de contenidos, como mejorar la autoridad de su tienda y cmo obtener ventas a largo plazo sin necesidad de invertir en campaas de publicidad."
Price: 19.99

"Naturopathie cours n1 - Alimentation et Sant" |
"Cette formation est conue pour l'apprentissage d'une bonne hygine de vie pour soi et dans le but d'accompagner son entourage, ses clients ou patients.Une formation EquilibreSante faisant partie du cursus complet en naturopathie enseign par Patrick Lelu.Cette formation, ""Alimentation et Sant"", apporte des connaissances pratiques pour soi et pour aborder l'accompagnement des clients, des patients, en intgrant l'alimentation en place centrale dans les dysfonctionnements organiques mais galement pour rquilibrer ces mmes dysfonctionnements.Cette formation, ""Alimentation et Sant"" prcde celle abordant la ""Nutrition et sant"" !Vous apprendrez votre rythme avec des supports complets et complmentaires. Chaque module de cette formation contient des explications vidos comme si vous tiez en prsentiel, avec des ""PowerPoint"" anims et comments. Des supports crits et tlchargeables accompagnent chaque module pour suivre les cours et pour tudier en dehors des cours. Vous avez galement accs des articles crits par votre instructeur.Dans cette formation vous tudierez les liaisons entre l'alimentation et la digestion, l'limination, le stress oxydatif et l'quilibre acido-basique.Vous apprendrez les glucides, les protines, les lipides, les lments pro-oxydants et anti-oxydants ainsi que les moyens pour grer l'quilibre acido-basique.Vous bnficiez donc de plus de 3 heures de cours vidos et prs de 200 pages de cours crits...Dans cette formation vous avez accs diffrentes ressources externes pour approfondir le contenu des cours.Rgulirement des QCM de connaissances vous permettent d'effectuer des rvisions.Des changes avec votre instructeur sont possibles tout au long de l'apprentissage par le biais d'une messagerie.Ce Cours Naturopathie n 1 complte le Cours Naturopathie n 2 !Des BONUS finaliseront votre apprentissage !Il s'agit d'une formation exclusive EquilibreSante."
Price: 149.99

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Tests" |
"These AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions, detailed explanations and proper references to AWS official documentation for you to refer and deep dive.We will prepare you for what it is like to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. We're providing 6 full-length practice exams (65 Questions each) with 390 unique questions and each of which is timed at 130 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives, so you can take and pass the actual certification Exam with confidence! Each time you take a test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 72% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Abilities Validated by our certification exam: Deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWSImplement and control the flow of data to and from AWSSelect the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirementsIdentify appropriate use of AWS operational best practicesEstimate AWS usage costs and identify operational cost control mechanismsMigrate on-premises workloads to AWSAverage Certification Salary: $125,149 (itcareerfinder)Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Tests 2020" |
"These AWS Certified Developer Associate ( DVA-C01 ) Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions, detailed explanations and proper references to AWS official documentation for you to refer and deep dive.We will prepare you for what it is like to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. We're providing 3 full-length practice exams (65 Questions each) with 195 unique questions and each of which is timed at 130 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives, so you can take and pass the actual certification Exam with confidence! Each time you take a test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 72% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Abilities Validated by our certification exam: Demonstrate an understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practicesDemonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWSAverage Certification Salary: $112,984 (itcareerfinder)Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam" |
"These AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions, detailed explanations and proper references to AWS official documentation for you to refer and deep dive.We will prepare you for what it is like to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. We're providing 6 full-length practice exams (75 Questions each) with 450 unique questions and each of which is timed at 170 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives, so you can take and pass the actual certification Exam with confidence! Each time you take a test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Abilities Validated by our certification exam: Design and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWSSelect appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirementsMigrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWSDesign and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWSImplement cost-control strategiesAverage Certification Salary: $136,259 (itcareerfinder)Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests 2020 - 325 Q" |
"These AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner ( CLF-C01 ) Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions, detailed explanations and proper references to AWS official documentation for you to refer and deep dive.We will prepare you for what it is like to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. We're providing 5 full-length practice exams (65 Questions each) with 325 unique questions and each of which is timed at 90 minutes, we have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives, so you can take and pass the actual certification Exam with confidence! Each time you take a test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 70% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Abilities Validated by our certification exam: Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics)Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud*Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"Dental applications of Nanotechnology" |
"This course discusses current concepts of nanotechnology and their applications in dental materials through highlighting on the nanostructures and various applications in dentistry and medicine. Preventive dentistry has also utilized nanodentistry to develop the nanomaterials for inclusion in a variety of oral health-care products. Methods for prevention of dental problems have been devised, discussed, and implemented since ancient times; however, there is a constant need for improved tools and techniques.This course is relevant academically for undergraduate and post-graduate dental students, dental practitioners, researchers, and faculties of dental universities, as it explores the application of various nanobiomaterials in dentistry, discusses current research in dental nanomaterials and potential future areas of interest, and examines the use of nanotechnology in various fields of dentistry.This course introduces the definition of nanotechnology, unique properties of nano-materials and nanotechnology and nature, In addition to their medical and dental applications, quiz included to pass the course and gaining of the course certificate.By the end of the course, participants will be able to recognize the following: The definition of nanotechnology. Dental applications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology hazards and future."
Price: 29.99

"Complete React Native Course with Router, Hooks and Context" |
"Hello there,Welcome to Complete React Native Course with Router, Hooks, and Context course.React-Native is a library developed by the React team and it is widely used to create mobile applications for both Android and IOS. You do not need to learn Java, Android, Swift, Objective-C, or anything of that. React is all you need to create awesome mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS.This course is for all levels. To be able to take this course, all you need is a basic understanding of JavaScript.In the course, we are going to tell you what dependencies you need to install and how in detail, to be able to create mobile apps on both MAC and Windows. We are going to use free tools and platforms so you don't have to buy any tool or app. You are going to learn how to run an Android and IOS simulator on your MAC or Windows computer. Besides, with the Expo app, you will be able to run your apps on your own mobile device as well.Later on the course, we are going to learn basics of React and React Navigation. JSX, 'props system' and 'state system' are going to be crystal clear for you at the end of the course. We are going to create nice looking reusable components. You are going to be able to use these reusable components in your own future projects. You are going to go to different screens from the app with React-navigation.Finally you are going to learn the latest React features ""Hooks and Context"" system. We are going to create two nice looking app, teach you ""Hooks and Context"" in a very detailed way. You are going to learn how to use ""state"" in functional components with the ""Hooks"" system and with ""Context API"" you won't need any third-party package to manage the Application state.We tried to tell all complex topics in very detail on the course. We used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a nice-looking mobile application. We showed two different ways to create a mobile app. We showed both react-native-cli and expo-cli in our course.At the end of the course;Basics of React, React-Native, React-Navigation librariesHow to send an HTTP request from a mobile applicationHow to use flex-box systemHow to create reusable componentsTo reach another app on the device from our appCreating your own mobile app both with react-native-cli and expo-cliCreating Context with Class Based and Functional ComponentsHow to Consume Context in Class Based and Functional ComponentsHow to Use Multiple Context in one single componentHooks Functions(useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext...)Creating Reducer andUsing Reducer is going to be clear for you.Why would you want to take this course? Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching. When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise. No prior knowledge is needed! It doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn it and the React is easy to understand for the beginners. This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn how to install the tools, some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices. I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts. Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises By the end of the course, youll have a firm understanding of the React and valuable insights on how things work under the hood and you'll also be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. The good news is since the Free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application.Video and Audio Production QualityAll our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience. You will be,Seeing clearlyHearing clearlyMoving through the course without distractions You'll also get:Lifetime Access to The CourseFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDive in now to our Complete React Native Course with Router, Hooks and Context courseWe offer full support, answering any questions.See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Growth Mindset For Business & Self-Improvement" |
"Who Is This Class For?This training class is for anyone, be you a student, an employee, or a business owner who is interesting in a growth mindset and wants to explore the techniques for business growth & self-improvement.If you intend to lead a life of purpose instead of the autopilot many people are adopting out there, then this class is perfect for you.But I must warn you that chosen to live life in your terms starts with responsibility. If that is clear to you then we can now start.Just so we can be on the same page, let me ask you these few questions: Have you ever turned down an important opportunity because of your fear that you might fail? Is your trying to be perfect holding you back from your personal and business growth? Are you living the life you really want or simply take what is available to you because you think that is what is possible for you?If any or all the above sound familiar, then you have a lot to benefit from this training class.Class DescriptionNow, this is what I have discovered. Of the main achievements in my personal life, it has always started with a growth mindset, and I strongly believe that you too can discover the same for yourself, through the simple to follow strategies in this class, backed up with years of research references and personal reflections, all tailored to help you advance in your personal and business growth.What You Can Gain In This ClassIn this training class, we will uncover such essential parts of a growth mindset for business & Self-improvement as: The Power Of Your Thoughts learn about the importance of our thinking process as it relates to what we eventually bring to manifestation through our actions. Increase Your Business Success With Growth Mindset learn how a growth mindset can help you improve your business success. Growth Mindset And Your Mental Health - Here our attention will remain focused on students mental health and how it can be improved through growth mindset, as against the glooming and depressing results they often get from a fixed mindset. How To Cultivate Your Growth Mindset here, you will learn how to cultivate your growth mindset so you can develop your human potentials to serve yourself and the people around you. Growth Vs Fixed Mindset In Business - In this lesson, you will learn about the difference between growth and a fixed mindset in business, and how to ditch the fixed mindset for a growth mindset. Interrupt Negative Thoughts For Purposeful Living - This is absolutely an essential lesson for you if you are interested in living life in your own terms, relying on the fundamental principles of a growth mindset. Say No To the Blame Games And Grow - In this lesson, you will learn how to forget the old enemy of blaming others for what happens to you so you can grow.Growth is the objective of this training class and growth is what you will get as long as you take responsibility for what you want and do your part of the bargain.Time for actionReally, are you serious about improving your business and leading a life you truly want through Growth Mindset?Then, do not stay there wasting time. Take action with this highly information-packed training class and run with it."
Price: 34.99

"Practical Cisco Networking Labs in Cisco Packet Tracer 2020" |
"This course's goal is to teach you some of the most important computer networking concepts, but also provide practical, real-life scenario labs & guide you through configuring those successfully. Some of the labs come from CCNA, but they're mostly original topologies I created for my Computer Networking students. They were very successful so I decided to post them on Udemy as well. Hope you will find them useful and feel free to send ideas on additional labs I might add!"
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Para RENDA EXTRA e Pequenos Projetos Publicitrios" |
"J pensou em produzir suas prprias artes? Muitas pessoas gostariam de fazer e at tem muitas ideias sobre artes para seus negcios. Entretanto, elas se veem limitadas em no dominar nenhum ferramenta de editorao para colocar em prtica suas ideias. Quem est no negcio, vivendo o dia a dia, e experimentando toda a experincia que produz, na maioria das vezes tem uma capacidade de pensar estratgica muito maior do que as empresas de marketing que eles contratam. Fora que as vezes, o investimento no barato e o material que chega at voc no bem aquilo que voc quer. No quero aqui desmerecer o profissional e as empresas de marketing. Pequenos negcios precisam ser organizados financeiramente. Os custos tem que ser otimizados. E foi pensando nisso que criei este curso. Pensei em voc que pode fazer suas prprias peas, tirando as ideias do papel e colocando-as em projetos de mdia digital ou impressa. Com este curso voc poder tambm desenvolver pequenos projetos publicitrios para gerar RENDA EXTRA. Existem dezenas de sites e empresas procurando bons profissionais para criar e desenvolver peas. O curso objetivo e de fcil assimilao. Voc conseguir rapidamente aprender as ideias e prosseguir desenvolvendo seu conhecimento para cada vez mais aprimorar sua tcnica. Dedique-se ao mximo e no se limite somente ao curso. Use as ideias como ponto de partida para aprender mais e pesquisar mais sobre o assunto.Neste curso voc encontrar todo conhecimento necessrio para no s pensar, mas tambm realizar suas ideias. Ficou interessado? Vem comigo. Utilizo o software mais usado e popular em editorao grfica do mundo: PHOTOSHOP. Vamos construir esse conhecimento juntos? Tenho mais de 12 anos de experincia em consultoria e sou empresrio h 5 anos em pequenos negcios. Por vrias vezes e at hoje, ainda desenvolvo muitas peas publicitrias para mim mesmo. Acredito que alm de economizar dinheiro, consigo expressar melhor o que eu quero e quem pretendo atingir quando eu mesmo fao o trabalho. No transformarei ningum em artista grfico, no esse o objetivo. Entretanto, voc ser capaz de criar e manusear as ferramentas de uma forma surpreendente. E poder criar excelentes peas. Eu sou professor desde 2009 e tenho didtica apurada para que voc possa aprender sem segredos. Tenho calma e pacincia pelo dom de ensinar que sempre me foi caracterstico. Espero que goste e se aprimore nessa viagem transformadora atravs da educao. Seja bem-vindo(a)! Abrao!"
Price: 39.99

"Google Sheets: Make a Loan Calculator With Extra Repayments" |
"Have you always wanted to know how much interest you can save by making extra loan repayments?Do you want to learn how to build a spreadsheet model in Google Sheets to do exactly that?Do you want to learn how to use intermediate functions such as EDATE and INDEX/MATCH?If so, then this course is for you!---------------------What will I learn from this course?In just over an hour, our Make a Loan Calculator with Extra Repayments course will teach you how to make a spreadsheet that will show you how much a loan will truly cost over time with and without extra repayments.During the course, you will learn how to use the PMT function to calculate the regular repayment amount for a standard loan.You will then learn how to create a basic amortisation schedule so you can see how the numbers work over time.Then, we will add extra functionality to the model to allow fixed or variable extra repayments.We will then build a summary table that will show you the magic number of exactly how much interest you will save by making extra repayments.This is the number youll want to see!---------------------What is the course structure?We use the free spreadsheet programme Google Sheets to create the models, which will be automatically saved on the cloud in your Google Drive.Not only will you grow your spreadsheeting skills, you will end up with a model that will belong to you so you can use it however you please!---------------------What topics are covered?This course uses beginner to intermediate functions and tools to build the loan calculator with extra repayments model.The functions we use include SUM, PMT, EDATE and INDEX/MATCH and we also do some basic calculations by using formulas instead of functions.We also use several tools such as data validation to enhance the security of the spreadsheet.After you have completed this course you will have expanded your Google Sheets skills and you will own a fully functioning model.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and learn how to make a loan calculator with extra repayments model in Google Sheets.See you on the course!"
Price: 24.99

safahatsms1 |
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Price: 114.99
