"Advanced Mobile Penetration Testing Course" |
"Welcome to my course. The course will focus on the tools and techniques for testing the Security of Android Mobile applications. Android, the Google operating system thats on 80% of the worlds smartphones. In extreme cases, hackers with malicious intent can do much more than send premium text messages. In this video you will learn how to hack Android applications."
Price: 194.99

"IOS Penetration Testing For Ethical Hacking Course" |
"This course is created with an idea of saying Bye Bye to outdated iOS application penetration testing tools and techniques. Let us learn iOS Application Penetration Testing the right way with right tools and techniques.This course introduces students to the security concepts associated with iOS Apps developed.This course covers a variety of concepts such as iOS Application structure, Reversing iOS Apps using Hopper, Bypassing client side restrictions such as Jailbreak detection, SSL Pinning etc."
Price: 194.99

"Curso Trader Esportivo para Escanteios" |
"Este curso vai direto ao assunto, sem enrolao, direto s tcnicas, levando em conta que voc j sabe utilizar os sites de apostas, este curso para as pessoas que querem aprender tcnicas para apostar nas casas de apostas pr-live e ao vivo, aqui voc vai aprender a analisar e a apostar no mercado de escanteios.Trazendo para voc mais experincia, conhecimento e viso das possibilidades de apostas com o aprendizado das tcnicas, dos mercados de apostas para escanteios, dos valores das odds, quando entrar e quando sair de uma aposta, trazendo-lhe mais consistncia nos ganhos de suas apostas. Vou apresentar a voc mais de 45 tcnicas para fazerem suas apostas com inteligncia e conscincia do que est fazendo e onde est apostando e colocando o seu dinheiro, mostrando tambm planilhas de controle de banca, programas de anlises, sites de pesquisas e sites de anlises para escanteios e com muito mais vdeos para sua aprendizagem."
Price: 39.99

"XK0-004 - CompTIA Linux+ - Latest Practice Tests" |
"CompTIA Linux+ validates the skills of IT professionals with hands-on experience configuring, monitoring, and supporting servers running the Linux operating system. CompTIA Linux+ validates the competencies required of an early career system administrator supporting Linux systems. CompTIA Linux+ is the only job-focused Linux certification covering the latest foundational skills demanded by hiring managers. CompTIA Linux+ covers tasks associated with all major distributions of Linux, setting the foundation for advanced vendor/distro-specific knowledge. CompTIA Linux+ covers common tasks in major distributions of Linux, including the Linux command line, basic maintenance, installing and configuring workstations, and networking.The exam is focused on a number of key topics and they are as follows :SecurityKernel modules Storage VisualizationDevice management at an enterprise level, Git & AutomationNetworking & FirewallsServer-side & command lineServer (vs. client-based) coverage Troubleshooting and SELinuxXK0-004 exam info :No. of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions per exam Type of Questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based Length of Test: 90 Minutes per exam Passing score: 720The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource.Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 24.99

"FC0-U61 - CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ - Practice Tests" |
"CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) is an introduction to basic IT knowledge and skills.CompTIA ITF+ helps professionals to decide if a career in IT is right for them or to develop a broader understanding of IT.ITF+ is the only pre-career certification that helps students or career changers determine if they have competency for information technology and if it is the right career path for them.ITF+ is the only single certification that covers all areas of IT foundations, creating a broader understanding of IT making it ideal for non-technical professionals.ITF+ establishes an IT education framework for students in middle school and high school.The exam is focused on a number of key topics and will assess your skills on the following:IT Concepts and TerminologyInfrastructureApplication and SoftwareSoftware DevelopmentDatabase FundamentalsSecurityFC0-U61 exam info:Number of Questions: Maximum of 75 questions per examType of Questions: Multiple choiceLength of Test:60 MinutesPassing Score:650 The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get a pass in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"After effects rigging characters kickstart 2020" |
"Rigging A character can vary in difficulty from a very simple rig to a complex one, In this Course You will learn simple techniques , You will be able to Rig any character , animal or even any object with different ways some of them are very simple and others are complicated but with this course , these difficult ways will be clear and easy.You will learn alot of secrets and techniques that we learnt though hudreds of projects we rigged thousands of characters in them. so You will be able to rig easily whatever the project requirements You are working on.You will learn the basics of rigging.You will learn How to rig a character using the limber script. How to change its style. how to create a templete limb to use for your future charaters.Learn how to rig animate faster even you have a slow computer"
Price: 19.99

"Harmony For Music Producers - Produce Better Tracks Faster" |
"Harmony For Music Producers and Songwriters- Produce Better Tracks FasterThis course is designed to be the most condensed course there is in the field. It's main purpose is to give ONLY the tools needed to EXCEL in how you approach your keyboard, and how you create your own unique style of composing using tools that have been proved to be the most efficient.No more struggling through endless, and sometimes, irrelevant theory content.This course gives you EVERYTHING you need, and ONLY the things you need in order to unleash your creativity and to perform at your best as a music producer or a composer, while implementing principles needed to finding your own style of composing and producingThe course is divided to 6 sections:1. Notation on the keyboard (does not include notation on paper)2. Intervals on your keyboard 3. Scales - What are them, why are they important,and how are they related to harmony melody.4. Melody - Principles that will help you with writing better sounding melodies.5. Chords and Harmony - The holy grail of the course, where the magic happens.What this section will cover:Major, minor, diminished and even suspended chords - how to construct them yourself in a special method, without needing to remember each and every position.Different ways to use those chords in every harmonic environment.Chords inversions - What are them, and why they can make your songs sound better.Methods to lead the harmony in an optimal way using chord inversions, consecutive fifths avoidance and other useful principles.7 chords - Ways to construct them yourself, and understanding how they function in your harmonic environment.6. Harmony and Melody - Section that will include extra tips and practices of combining both harmony and melody in various ways.If you are a producer or a songwriter that wants to take your skills one big step forward by being more productive and more intuitive with every project you are working on - This is the course for you.What this course does not include:- Music production techniques- Music software (although it will be best if you have one and if you have some experience with one)- Any kind of programming (like beats or synthesis)- Any kind of music notation that is not on the keyboardIf that is what you are looking for, this course is not the one for you."
Price: 64.99

"Herkes in Yapay Zeka ve Yapay Zeka Algoritmalar" |
"2011de Dnya teknolojik olarak yeni bir alana evrildi. Endstri 4.0 ile hayatmza teknoloji entegre oldu. Bu teknolojiler bulut teknolojisi, makina renmesi, kripto paralar, nesnelerin interneti Saydmz ve sayamadmz bu teknolojilerin merkezinde YAPAY ZEKA yer almaktadr. Artk btn cihazlar akll olarak gelitirmek ve kullanmak amz iin elzem bir ihtiyatr. Sizde eer teknolojiyi tketen deil reten olmak istiyor ve gelecee imdiden yn vermek istiyorsanz doru kurstasnz. Unutmayn ki temeli salam olmayan herey kmeye mahkumdur. Sizde teknolojilerin temeli olarak grlen yapay zekay ve algoritmalarn mantalitesini kavrayarak btn teknolojileri yeniden kefedin.Kurs ile renecekleriniz1) Yapay zekada bayapt olan ""Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach"" kitabndan dersleri kresel lde renebileceksiniz.2) Yapacanz snavlar ile kendi yeterliliinizi test etme imkann yakalayacaksnz.3) Prolog programlama dili derslerinde onlarca rnek yaparak programlamann mantalitesini kavrayacaksnz.4) Derslerin dokmantasyonuna eriim salayarak srekli renme yetkinliine sahip olacaksnz.Kurs erii What is Artificial Intelligence(AI) Solving Problem by Searching Informed Search and Exploration Games Logical Agent First Order Logic Prolog Neural Networks Genetic Algorithm Fuzzy Logic"
Price: 399.99

"100 MCQs on Business Communication - Self Test Course" |
"Are you studying Business Communication subject? Do you want to test your knowledge of Business Communication before final exams? This course is for you.This course is designed on core topics of Business Communication and consist of 100 MCQs. This course is to help students in testing their knowledge and understanding of business communication topics. Main topics covered are:Process of business communicationBusiness communicationSeven Cs of Effective CommunicationIntra-personal and Interpersonal CommunicationDifferent Forms of Business CommunicationWritten Business MessagesIf you have studied Business Communication subject and want to test your knowledge and understanding of Business Communication before final exams, you should join this course.Who should attend this course?CA StudentsACCA studentsB Com StudentsBBA StudentsMBA studentsComputer Science studentsEngineering students andOthers who are studying business communication subject"
Price: 19.99

"QGIS Completo" |
"Neste curso online voc vai aprender os conceitos bsicos e avanados de Sistemas de Informaes Geogrficas (SIG), atravs de exemplos prticos com o software QGIS 3.0. Veja as ferramentas do software, como executar banco de dados geogrficos, como trabalhar e elaborar mapas temticos, sistemas de referncia e georreferenciamento de imagens, edio de dados avanada, acesso a dados remotos e manipulao de dados e tudo sobre elaborao de layout de mapas e as melhores prticas.Alm disso, execute e compreenda as principais ferramentas de gesto de tabelas, geoprocessamento, dados matriciais, anlise topolgica, model builder, Phyton e muito mais."
Price: 189.99

"Beyond the Licks" |
"Are you just noodling around on the guitar without any real goals?Do you feel like you haven't progressed in a while or have a lack of motivation?Perhaps you're bored with the same licks you play over and over...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello and Welcome to Beyond the Licks!In this course, not only do we dissect 20 diverse licks, but we alsoLearn Proper TechniqueApproach the Fretboard differentlyUnderstand the Music Theory BEHIND each LickLearn how to APPLY these licks in the REAL WORLD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So why learn from ME?I started playing the guitar almost 20 years ago. I went to university and got my Bachelor's Degree in Commercial Music with an emphasis in Classical Guitar. Right after graduating, I was offered a full-time teaching position in the local public schools where I have built the BEST guitar programs in my city. I currently hold two teaching certifications with over 500 Professional Development hours. While teaching High School, I focused on expanding my musical career. I have worked with many artists such as:Khalid (Artist)John Karpowich (5-Time Grammy Producer/Engineer - Santana, Ricky Martin, Ana Gabriel)Jaime Merrill (Artist)Enrique Ponce (Film and Video Game Composer)Erick Boseman (Rhianna, Whitney Houston)And many moreAside from teaching and being a session musician, I have authored two books and release my own music available on Amazon, iTunes, & all major streaming websites respectively.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q & AWhat exactly am I learning from this course?You will be learning 20 different licks in many different genres of music. I am breaking down each lick and expanding on the music theory and techniques used in each different lick as well as their real-world applications.Can any skill level guitarist enroll in the course?I would recommend that you be playing guitar for at least a few months before attempting any of these licks.Does acoustic or electric guitar work best for this course?There are licks in this course for BOTH but you can use either or.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So all that being said,I look forward to our first lesson! Let's plug in and get ready to have an enjoyable course where you LEARN in-depth TECHNIQUE and THEORY and we go...BEYOND THE LICKSJorge ""George"" Salas Jr.-Instructor"
Price: 24.99

"Montando Looks Estilosos" |
"No curso voc vai adquirir Autoconhecimento e ter uma Identidade Prpria para se vestir e conquistar seus objetivos, sejam ele pessoais ou profissionais. Aulas de Estilo, Bitipo, Cores, Readequao de Guarda-Roupas, Compra consciente e tambm de como usar acessrios e montar looks autnticos e estilosos.E ainda tem as aulas especiais: uma aula de Automaquiagem e uma de Visagismo, tudo em um curso com um preo super-acessvel, com aulas bem explicativas e visuais, e materiais de apoio para baixar."
Price: 189.99

"The Mechanics of Taekwondo Kicking Technique - Volume 1" |
"11 lessons breaking down the body mechanics of each technique, how to develop the technique, and common errors students face when practicing them. These techniques are what I consider to fall under the beginner to intermediate range and are a prerequisite In this volume we will go over:Concept TerminologyFront Snap KickFront Thrust KickAxe KickSkip Roundhouse & Skipping TechniqueParachagi (Counter Roundhouse)Switch Kick TechniqueCircular Roundhouse KickSide KickCut Kick & Sliding TechniqueCrescent Kick"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de croch online passo a passo" |
"Ola, seja bem vinda (o) ao curso de croch online passo a Passo.Sou Keyla Oliveira professora de croch, neste curso temos aulas incrveis com didtica simples e bem explicativa.Pegue sua agulha e linha de croch e venha aprender tcnicas incriveis.Aguardo voc no curso. Onde voc ir fazer peas de croch para uso prprio ou venda. Keyla Oliveira"
Price: 39.99

"Potenciando tus capacidades de liderazgo" |
"Potenciando tus capacidades de liderazgo, aporta elementos conceptuales que le permiten a cada participante realizar un proceso de autoanlisis, con lo cual puede montar e implementar un plan de trabajo personal para fortalecer sus competencias en liderazgo, en los diversos temas trabajados a lo largo del proceso.Proporciona caractersticas del lder hoy, estilos de liderazgo que puede utilizar o implementar segn el interlocutor con el que interacta, brinda elementos actuales para el lder gil y e lder en la era digital."
Price: 29.99

"IATF 16949:2016 Clauses Awareness Training" |
"Automotive industry believes in continuous line production and consistent quality. Automotive industry is very dynamic industry, where there are quick innovations. To be a preferred supplier to automotive industry your organization need to be in position to accept quick changing scenario as challenge. IATF 16949:2016 along with automotive industry core tools provides guidelines for achieving this goal."
Price: 1920.00

"C Programming" |
"Suitable for those who like to learn more in less time. Grow your computing skill by learning programming. Learn Programming from 15 Years experienced teacher. A unique way of teaching and an easy method of explanation of programming concepts. Course Syllabus :IntroductionConstant, Data-types and VariablesOperators & ExpressionsDecision MakingJump statementsIteration/LoopArray-IArray-IIPointersFunctionsStructure and UnionFile I/O"
Price: 1600.00

"Curso Powershell com implementao SQLSERVER" |
"Neste curso ser mostrado como se fazem scripts de powershell desde o bsico. O Windows Powershell uma framework baseada em shell desenvolvida pela Microsoft e que se destina aos Administradores de Sistemas.Ser implementado o mdulo no Powershell para interao com uma base de dados SQLServer atravs de operaes CRUD (Create, Read, Update e Delete).Ser mostrado como fazer scripts com objetos Windows Forms, para que fiquem com um aspeto mais agradvel para os utilizadores."
Price: 24.99

"It carries 100 Exam-style MCQs from Chapter 1 Governance & Enforcement from CGSS Textbook. This exam will not only test your theoretical knowledge that you have taken from the textbook, but it will also prepare you how to respond to the case studies/case scenarios style questions in the exam. Completing this test will give you a boost in confidence that you have a good grip on the topic. All answers are supported with Textbook page references or/and narration wherever applicable. We are working hard to bring quality material for the remaining chapters."
Price: 19.99

"English for Business: Professional Business English course" |
"Do you need to improve your English for your job or career? If so, English for Business is the course for you! It will help you communicate better in everyday professional situations.This intermediate-level Business English programme contains 20 lessons focusing on essential vocabulary and useful phrases and expressions for the workplace.English for Business includes: Over 300 useful business phrases and expressions for the workplace 10 different accents in the listening activities (British, American, Canadian, Australian, Irish, Indian, Chinese and more)Listen and repeat (with phrases spoken by Native English speakers)Listening activities and realistic simulations The course is divided into four sections:Business English basicsIntroductions for businessMaking small TalkMaking phone calls Attending job interviews Networking for businessBusiness English essentialsTalking about your company and jobExpressing your opinions Problems and suggestions Apologising, making excuses and promises Showing a visitor around English for meetingsThe language of business meetingsDiplomatic language Leading business meetings Business expressions and responses Talking about errors and queries Business communication skillsDescribing charts and graphs Business presentation skills Negotiation skillsProfessional Email structure Email formality and styleEnglish for business also includes:Regular quizzes to test your progressEnd of course final test Lessons on Business English idioms"
Price: 39.99

"SCRUM MASTER TWO- Practice Tests - 2020" |
Price: 19.99

"Hi there, If your goal is to maximize your Reading band score within 2 months or less, this is the course to take. Ive been training IELTS for over seven years, and have helped thousands of students successfully achieve their IELTS target from 7.0 to 8.0 IELTS.Some of the things you will learn in this course include: The most effective way to deal with each kind of questions in IELTS Reading Understand the basic formula that the Reading test questions are often based on. Quickly locate the correct answer in the passage thanks to a small yet super-efficient tip. Practice with real IELTS Reading recent questions to familiarize yourself with a real test. Clear explanation between common traps and the correct answer to help you identify how to choose the correct one. Much more!If you are serious about mastering the IELTS Reading Test, your next step is simple: Sign up for this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Beginner's Tarot With Rin" |
"This course will help you to learn the basics of Tarot and begin your personal Tarot journey. While some courses will promise to teach you Tarot in a day the truth is that Tarot is something you spend your life learning. This course is taught with cognitive and learning psychology principals in mind. Students will not simply quickly memorize and forget what they've learned but rather students will be able to commit the material to their long-term memory through lessons and plenty of hands-on exercises. "
Price: 59.99

"Aprende: PLSQL -Oracle Bsico-Intermedio" |
"En este primer curso vamos a empezar desde la instalacin de las herramientas que necesitas para poder hacer tus prcticas,.Siguiendo con los conceptos bsicos e intermedios de la administracin de las bases de datos y sus principales usos.Por ltimo nos enfocaremos a la creacin de objetos de base de datos, su funcin e interaccin entre ellos mediante el lenguaje PLSQL, y su uso correcto.No solo vas a aprender lo que dictan los libros, en mi experiencia es ms productivo Fortalecer el nivel de lgica de programacin y relacional.Vamos a pasar por el ciclo de vida de los sistemas con casos prcticos que ustedes tendrn que resolver con lgica, y programacin que estaremos aprendiendo.Como valor agregado les voy a ensear varios trucos que he aprendido durante todos estos aos de experiencia y que no van a encontrar en ningn libro de texto."
Price: 270.00

"Metodologa 5S" |
"Se trata de un curso de orden y limpieza bajo la metodologa 5S, explicado de forma sencilla a travs de ejemplos e imgenes de la rutina diaria, con el fin de que obtengas conocimientos tericos que te permitan ensear, guiar e implementar la herramienta en cualquier entorno, ya sea en t vida personal como laboral.Alguna vez has perdido las llaves de casa?Te ha costado encontrar un archivo en tu PC?Inviertes mucho tiempo a diario buscando objetos en tu hogar o lugar de trabajo?Hay muchos accidentes laborales?Tienes muchos papeles sobre tu mesa de trabajo?Si has respondido s a alguna de las interrogantes anteriores, este curso es para ti!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn how to play volleyball, from zero to great, modul 1&2" |
"This is course contains module 1&2 of a 3-module complete guide to teach you everything about volleyball, from basic passing to accurately placing your jump-serve.ContentIn module 1&2, you'll learn how to develop proper technique for every major skill in volleyball. For each, there is a comprehensive tutorial that teaches you everything you need, likebody orientationstancehand positionpoint of contactmovementvariationswhen to employ itand much more. All tutorials are very detailed, easy to understand and adaptable to various playing situations. Demonstrations from various angles, in slow motion, and with different speeds and adaptations will help you to replicate them easily.Further ModulesModule 3 (which includes Module 1&2) is all about advanced techniques, like: Passing to defend, jump setting, jump float serve, spiking, swing blocking, the pancake and jump serving. You can find it on Udemy when you search for volleyball.What doesn't this course teach me?There are no exercises for teams of more than two players. This course is specifically made that you, and your friend, can progress as fast as possible.Tactics. There are no videos about in game transitions, playing systems with specializations or any further tactical elements. The basic strategy however, is outlined, so you'll learn how the game is played on a professional level.EquipmentThe drills are designed so that you don't need any special equipment, you wouldn't have lying around at home anyway.Time requirementIf your schedule is entirely empty, you can go through the whole course within a weekend. If you only have one hour per week to train, you can take yourself 6 months. As long as you keep a consistent rhythm, you can go with whatever pace fits your current lifestyle.Make 2020 the year in which you made the decision to take matters into your own hands. Get the course, go outside and just do it!"
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Guide Camtasia 9- Screen Casting & Video Editor" |
"Learn to use The Complete Guide Camtasia 9 - Screen Casting & Video Editing. Camtasia is a very good tool for screen recording and video editing and in this course you will learn from the basics to details. From beginners to experienced users, who wants to capture and edit videos in Camtasia with the ease of a professional? Then you are at a right place.In this course you will learn All the basics tools of Camtasia Quickly record your screen in high definition with no limits Built-in video editor with Click-and-drag effect Remove errors and gaps with Pro video editing tools. Create Professional Video tutorials and e-learning videos easily. Make Appealing Marketing Presentation videos with the use of modern transitions & effects. Create stunning text videos with text behaviors & cool annotations. Record your voice with Voice Narration. Remove noise removal with advanced audio effects. Transcribe your videos with adding Captions CC. Produce high quality videos with HD quality audio.Step by step you can easily follow the course because most of the videos are only 2 to 3 minutes and you will cover all tips and tricks in a short span.So enroll today!And become a Professional."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 4" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contra-baixo mdulo 04.Nesse mdulo voc aprender sobre o Ciclo de Quartas e Quintas, Ttrades Diminutas, vrios e vrios exerccios para colocar em prtica as Ttrades Diminutas e Ttrades Maiores e Menores pelos Ciclos de Quartas e Quintas, exerccios para salto de cordas, ir explorar as Escalas Pentatnicas Maiores e Menores e tambm aprender sobre Escalas Relativas.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

"IBM 000-815 E-Business Design Solution Certify Practice Exam" |
"113 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM 000-815 E-Business Design Solution Certify Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM 000-815 E-Business Design Solution Certify Practice ExamTotal Questions : 113Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (84 of 113)"
Price: 144.99

"CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Networking Certification Practice Exam" |
"217 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Networking Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA E2C JK0-019 Networking Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 217Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (162 of 217)"
Price: 164.99

"HP0-092 HP-UX Administration System Certified Practice Exam" |
"134 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-092 HP-UX Administration System Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-092 HP-UX Administration System Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 134Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (100 of 134)"
Price: 149.99
