"The Ultimate Training Guide To The Self-Coaching System" |
"This training is based upon a book that Iwrote on the topic of Self Coaching. This information is divided into 4 parts to make it easy for you to learn. Part one is the introduction to coaching and self coaching. The second part is the theory behind self coaching and goal setting.The third part includes the self coaching exercises that can be used for each goal you want to obtain. You can print out the exercise section if you want to write out your answers to the questions being asked. The last section is the conclusion of the training.Self coaching is a viable solution for you to reach new goals and get improved results. In order for it to be more successful you need the right process, discipline and dedication.First things first: Most people want to know when they should try self-coaching? Typically the main reason people search out a coach is to make a change in their life. This change can be personally or professionally related; such as a promotion, starting a difficult new project, moving, making a career change, losing weight, or trying to stop smoking .One of the true signs that you may need coaching is if you feel anxious, unsupported or depressed about a particular aspect of your life. Reasons for seeking out coaching are as unique as the individual searching for the coaching.Follow this ultimate success guide and you will be more successful!"
Price: 24.99

"In this course you will learn how to develop a successful personal development change plan in 5 easy steps. Each section of this training will include actions steps for you to take. These actions will take you through each step of your journey to successful change and goal achievement. All change and goal achievement begins from within. When you want to change anything in your life you need to work on your confidence, competence, communications, cooperation and create your action steps. These are the five main steps in the process of completing your journey to goal achievement, creating habits, and undergoing change. As you work through this training you will build upon each step until you are successful. This training will work for any change you want to make and any goal you want to achieve.In the end, you will proudly say to yourself that you are the one who has shaped your character and existence. Your world is constantly changing and if you let it change you, you will always be impacted by external forces. You have to take the reins and try to own the responsibility of changing yourself. By changing from within, you can radically change the outside world. Change from within is more substantial and meaningful. Likewise, you can put yourself in control of your destiny if you will take the initiative to change and improve ourselves from within. Follow the action steps in this training to build upon your desire for change and learn to implement successfully."
Price: 24.99

"The Ultimate Training Guide To AFFIRMATION STATEMENTS" |
"This Training Is For People Who Want To Build The Proper AFFIRMATION STATEMENTS But Are Afraid To Get Started.Develop your conscious mind, sub-conscious mind, and Self-Image so they are aligned for optimal performance. When you complete this training you will improve your Mental Authority using the BE-DO-HAVE Affirmation Statement Technique.This course teaches a successful way to do affirmations. You will learn an entirely new skill set in acquiring success using your mind in the scientific steps of creating affirmations and attaining goals.Understand how your conscience, sub-conscience and subliminal messages are interlocked and how they work.Know WHY protecting your mind from negative thoughts is so urgent.Know HOW to protect yourself from unwanted mental influences.Add affirmation messages to your life in a safe and successful manner.A process is provided to help you reprogram your mind so you can reach for more confidence, success and love.Learn Exactly How to Improved your life in just 30 Days. Use this system to make positive improvements in your life by using your mind. Once you understand that your performance is 90% mental you will be able to do anything you set you mind to do. Build your own Be, Do, Have affirmation statement and start making positive change in your life! This training is developed and presented by your Leadership Life Coach in association with the Personal Coaching Center.Welcome to Discover How to Make Your Own Personal Change Action Plan Certification! We are honored that you have chosen to share your journey with us. Great to have you here! This course is specially designed to help you reach your goals, become super productive and achieve your dreams."
Price: 19.99

"Membuat Slide Presentasi yang Menarik dengan PowerPoint" |
"Anda sedang mempersiapkan presentasi yang penting namun waktu terbatas?Kursus ini akan membantu Anda untuk membuat slide presentasi secara cepat dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Anda akan belajar bagaimana secara efektif dan efisien menggunakan PowerPoint untuk menghasilkan slide-slide yang sederhana namun berkualitas.Dalam kursus ini Anda akan belajar hal-hal berikut:Bagaimana cara membuat slide judul presentasi dengan kontras yang kuatBagaimana menyusun banyak gambar sekaligus secara cepat, rapi dan konsistenBagaimana menggunakan grafik batang (bar) dan grafik kue (pie) untuk menyajikan data dengan penekanan tertentuBagaimana membuat tabel yang rapi sekaligus profesionalBagaimana menampilkan diagram secara cepat dan mudah untuk menunjukkan sebuah prosesBagaimana menambahkan video dan audio untuk membuat presentasi yang dinamis dan menarikBagaimana menggunakan teknik gradasi untuk menghasilkan slide layaknya karya seorang desainer grafisKursus ini akan memberikan Anda dokumen (file) untuk latihan sehingga Anda dapat belajar langsung bagaimana menggunakan teknik-teknik yang dibahas.Di akhir kursus, Anda akan memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat Slide Presentasi yang Menarik secara cepat dan mudah menggunakan PowerPoint.Kursus ini menggunakan Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 untuk Windows sebagai contoh. Buat Anda pengguna versi PowerPoint yang berbeda (2007, 2010, 2016 dan lainnya) kursus ini tetap relevan meskipun ada beberapa letak menu yang berbeda dari berbagai versi PowerPoint.Untuk pengguna Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac, Anda masih tetap dapat mempelajari prinsip-prinsip yang diajarkan. Walaupun demikian, ada perbedaan yang lebih signifikan terkait menu, toolbar dan pengaturan yang sedikit berbeda untuk versi Mac."
Price: 280000.00

"Tcnicas para dominar o marketing Digital" |
"O curso Tcnicas para dominar o Facebook um curso completo que ensina tcnica on e offline para quem quer ser bem sucedido na Marketing Digital. Neste curso voc aprender a ser um analista completo, criar o pblico alvo e persona ideais, psicologia das cores, briefing, inbound marketing, outbound marketing, branding, comportamento do consumidor e muito mais."
Price: 39.99

"Einstieg in Digistore24 - Passives Einkommen" |
"AllgemeinAls ich vor ber 15 Jahren im Controlling angefangen habe, erstellte ich sehr viele Excel-Vorlagen fr verschiedene Bereiche. Nachdem ich mich selbststndig gemacht hatte, wollte ich Excel-Vorlagen auf meiner Website zustzlich verkaufen.Mit 10 Excel-Vorlagen bin ich gestartet, jedoch war es mir zu mhselig, dem Kunden/in die Excel-Vorlage separat per E-Mail zu senden. Es musste also eine Lsung her, dass der Kunde/in sofort Zugriff erhlt, nachdem bezahlt wurde.Bei meiner Recherche bin ich auf Digistore24 aufmerksam geworden und war von Anfang an begeistert, was das System alles konnte.Heute verkaufe ich mit Digistore24 ber 200 Produkte!In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie in krzester Zeit, wie Sie Ihre digitalen Produkte bei Digistore24 anlegen und erfolgreich verkaufen.InhaltGrundlagenProdukt anlegenBestellformulare erstellenConversion Tools - mehr Bestellungen erzielenZustzliche Funktionen"
Price: 79.99

"OET Insights Reading: All Professions" |
"This course will give you an insight into the OET Reading sub-test and will guide you through it step-by-step. Each sub-section is worked on individually, with parts A, B, and C looked at in turn.Stage 1In the first stage for each of the 3 reading parts, the teacher will talk you through how to understand the texts efficiently and effectively. Were not worried about time at this stage; just skill-building and technique-development - both aspects which are instrumental to scoring well on test day.Practise test-taking techniques such as skimming and scanningactivating schematop-down and bottom-up skillsintensive reading andcritical thinkingLearn:how to anticipate the type of answer requiredhow to avoid distractorshow to differentiate between main and supporting ideashow to understand gist and global meaningsStage 2In Stage Two youll get some guidance to point you in the right direction, but youll be timed and get a chance to answer the questions yourself before going through the answers with the teacher.Stage 3Stage Three - and its over to you. Download the test and answer the questions under exam conditions by yourself. Check the answers and see how youve scored.Extra ResourcesTheres also a language library with handy vocabulary guides and learner-training guidance for further study.Thanks for finding out more about us, and we look forward to seeing you soon on our course. "
Price: 34.99

"Azure Storage + Asp.Net Core ( Sfrdan )" |
"Bu kursumda BackEnd projelerinizde Azure Storage servislerini nasl kullanacanz reneceksiniz.Bu Kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.Azure Storage nedir ?Azure Storage Account nasl oluturulur ?Azure Storage Explorer nasl kurulur ve cloud hesaplar ile nasl ilikilendirilir ?Azure File Storage nedir ?Azure Table Storage nedir ?Azure Table Storage ile nasl allr.Azure Table Storage servisini kullanarak CRUD ilemleri gerekletirmekAzure Blob Storage nedir ?Azure Blob Storage ile nasl allr ?Azure Blob Storage servisini kullanarak dosya upload, download ve delete ilemlerini gerekletirmekAzure Queue Storage nedir ?Azure Queue Storage ile nasl allr ?Azure Queue Storage servisini kullanarak kuyrua mesaj yollama, mesaj alma ve mesaj silme ilemlerini gerekletirmekGerek Dnya rnei (Watermark projesi) - Kullanlan teknolojiler Azure Table StorageAzure Blob StorageAzure Queue StorageAzure Function TriggerSignalR"
Price: 119.99

"Dark And Moody Photography" |
"Hey guys!! Thanks for taking an interest in my Dark & Moody photography class :)In this class we will cover-History of moody image.Using a colour paletteCreating Faux Frost on GlassUsing Faux Ice (I thought of this ice substitute myself. Im going to try it and see it works. :)Making Super easy and quick placeholdersTwo DIY Backdrops techniquesCamera angles and distance in relation to the backdrop and subject.Moody Composition tipsSimple StylingBest camera settings for moody imagesWhat is white balance.Setting white balance on DSLRUnderstanding Plane Of FocusBeginner (1 light only) lighting setupColour Correction in PhotoshopThis is what were going to need-DSLR camera or any digital camera that allows you to shoot connected to a tripoda light sourcesome dark backdropsblack foamcore or black books (any flat black surface really)Access to post processing programs for editing picturesBeing familiar with some of the technical concepts of photography, such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO.Like anything in life though, Im always learning so if you have any other tips-pass them on! :)For your class project, I advice you to a) go on a treasure hunt in your kitchen (fridge is a good place to start :) ) and find a subject that inspires you to capture a dark and moody image. You don't have to photograph a popsicle. The subject could be as simple as a couple of eggs or a bunch of almonds if you don't have any ice cream in the fridge. The important things is to find a subject that will inspire you to take pictures. b) Capture a dark and moody picture of your selected subject.I recommend you use an artificial light setup, howeverrrr..., if you don't currently own any artificial lights, and are inspired to work in daylight, then don't hold yourself back.Good Luck."
Price: 64.99

"Primavera P6: Oracle Primavera Project Scheduling Training" |
"The objective of this course is to provide you with the fundamental concepts of building project schedules, using the Oracle primavera P6 professional software. The fundamentals of project schedule management concepts along with the schedule building process has been discussed, for easy understanding and developing the schedule logic. The aim of the course is to deliver the concepts, so that you can build and develop your own project schedule using the Primavera P6, according to the industry or service sector you are working with.The step by step instructions has also been provided to download and install the Oracle Primavera P6 professional software (trial version) from the oracle software delivery website.The course is useful for Any One working on the projects (any size), who intend to learn and build their project schedules using the Oracle Primavera P6."
Price: 94.99

"Nonprofit Google Grant: Ultimate Nonprofit Approval Guide" |
"WHAT IS THE GOOGLE AD GRANT?The Google Grant is not a traditional grant and does not require grant writing skills. The Google Ad Grant is a digital advertising grant Google Offers U.S.-based 501(c)3 nonprofits. This grant requires you to use the Google Ads platform (Digital Marketing). Once qualified, you receive access to $10,000 per month of FREE ADVERTISING in the Google Advertising platform (known as Google Ads). This means you get to advertise your nonprofit for free on the Google Search Engine. If you spend the full $10,000 per month, you can expect to increase your website traffic by 4,000 to 10,000 viewers per month. This course teaches you how to get approved for the Google Advertising Grant and navigate the Google Ads Platform.RequirementsEntry Level Course - This course takes you from Zero to Hero! Just be prepared to learn how to use ""Google Ads"" - an online advertising platform created by Google. DescriptionAT THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO:Your Nonprofit will be approved for your $10,000 Per Month Google Ad Grant. Be able to navigate your Google Ads account through Google Ad Grant compliance policies. Operate your new Google Ads account like a pro.WHAT THE COURSE FOCUSES ON#1 -Step-By-Step live walkthrough on how to get approved for the Google Ad Grant.#2 -Step-By-Step live walkthrough on how to set-up your Google Ads Account CORRECTLY From A-Z.#3 -Training on keeping your Google Grant compliant.WHAT YOU'RE REALLY GETTINGWhen you purchase this course, you're getting Google Ads training from a professional digital marketer and you're getting even more specialized education into the rules and requirements that are required by the Google Ad Grant. (Most professional marketing firms can't do that.) You're setting up your Google Ad Grant account from start to finish. Totally Free 1-Hour Meeting With Your Instructor You're really getting an advanced Google Ads account creation training. You're getting specialized Google Ad Grant training. You're learning how to navigate the rules surrounding the Google Grant so your monthly grant stays compliant.WHAT YOU'RE NOT GETTING You're not getting the endless hours of confusion that comes when trying to set up the Google Ad Grant alone.You're not paying a large amount of money for Google Grant Management services!THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF:-You are looking into the Google Ad Grant for your church or nonprofit organization and aren't sure what to expect.-You want step-by-step instructions that hold your hand as you go through the Google Grant setup process (I made this because I wish I had it myself the first time I set up a Google Grant)WHAT'S IN THE COURSE? 4 Hours of Video content. Step-By-Step PDF note files for every video. Lifetime Access to the course and all updates. Totally Free 1-Hour Meeting With Your InstructorI CREATED THIS COURSE TO HELP YOU NAVIGATE THAT MAZE OF RULES, REGULATIONS, & CONFUSION WHEN SIGNING UP FOR THE GOOGLE AD GRANT YOURSELF.The first time I signed up for the Google Ad Grant I had no idea it would become a large part of my future career. I also had no idea what I was in for. The Google Grant signup process can be a nightmare if you're not sure what you're doing and if you don't have some degree of Google Ads training. After setting up & running dozens of Google Grant accounts, I wanted to give you the guidance I wish I had. If you're not sure how to sign up for the Google Ad Grant, this course will 100% pay for itself in the time it will save you in the setup process (easily a dozen hours or more).Who this course is for:This course is for you if you aren't sure if you should pursue the Google Ad Grant.This course is for you if you would rather not spend dozens of hours on the phone with Google's Tech Support Team.This course is for you if you don't know how to create your Google Ads account CORRECTLY.This course is for you if you aren't sure how to STAY COMPLIANT, every month.This course is for you if you're just looking for clarity about the Google Ad Grant.Click the ""Buy Now"" button and join me in this course. -Brett"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube -" |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube - "" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 99.99

"Initial public offer(IPO),FPO and private placement" |
"This comprehensive course helps students and professional to learn about IPO,FPO,OFS and private placement.This course gives a basic understanding of Public issue and the procedures to do the same.The course can enhance the understanding about the way stock markets work . This course contains the following topics:1.Shelf prospectus2.red herring prospectus3.abridged prospectus4.private placement memorandum5.offer documents6.Book building issue7.Fixed price issue8.initial public offer9.Further public offer10.Private placement11.Offer for sale12.IPO Grading13.preferential allotment"
Price: 1280.00

"The Power of the Pattern Tool for Polishing in Illustrator" |
"In this course, The Power of the Pattern Tool for Polishing, Im sharing everything Ive learned for checking and fixing design errors with my pattern design. The goal is to make our patterns as polished as humanly possible! This course follows up the Folk Art Inspired Half Drop Toss Pattern Course, and the Pattern Design Optimized Workflow, where we worked with templates, transformation, and many other Illustrator functions to create the patterns and optimize our workflow. I will be using all the assets developed during that course, so it is perfect as part of the continuum. At this point, I review 6 different patterns to show you what to look for to present the most professional finished patterns.Ill show you my step-by-step process, from my tricks to recognizing errors and design flaws in the first place to specific methods for correcting these. We will work with the assets created in the previous classes so I can explain every step I take, and I will share the rationale of everything I do. We will be using the Pattern Editor for almost everything! Simply double-click the pattern swatch and you are in! All the concepts can be used in any patterns you make down the line, and the skills are transferable to any software that has similar functionality. The value of a course like this, especially when you are first starting out, cannot be underestimated! I wish I had been given this info when I first started designing patterns!As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of pattern-making with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of pattern repeats. Well discuss all the foundational approaches which enhance and reinforce training your eye. I will be demonstrating using Illustrator, but its the concepts that are important, and these could easily be applied to similar software as well. Although some of the steps may seem confusing, I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Illustrator somewhat, and, also knowing the basic principles of creating pattern repeats, but most steps are explained very thoroughly. If you took the other two courses in this continuum, you are all set. I suggest pausing and repeating sections and possibly even slowing the speed in your browser when trying to work through any difficult parts. Adobe Illustrator is recommended for this class, as that is what is being featured here, but its the methods you are learning, so those will apply to whatever software you currently use.The key concepts I will include:review of my techniques in viewing and critiquing your own workmethods to edit and deal with specific issues like striping, banding, imbalances, etcorganizational considerations replacing original patterns with the new, edited versionsgood examples, reference and inspiration for reinforcing the goalother approaches you can take in your creative surface pattern design workThis course is packed with ample amounts of information for you no matter what stage you are at in your career. Embark on your learning journey to creating beautiful patterns with this series of classes, so you can be benefitting from this practical knowledge in your design practice! Being efficient and working faster and more effectively is absolutely obtainable with this small investment of time. Lets dig in!"
Price: 24.99

"Optimized Workflow for Pattern Design in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Once you have been doing pattern design for a while, you will feel like it is an issue to stay organized with all the files and steps necessary to fill out an entire collection. There are the initial development files, the experiments, the tests and then all the final content including the hero pattern, the secondary, blenders and coordinates. It can become a crazy mess if you dont have a system. While keeping this all straight, you are also trying to get faster at it all, because we all know, in the design game, time is money! In this course, Optimized Workflow for Pattern Design, Im sharing everything Ive learned in optimizing the pattern design workflow which I have learned from hours of creating and perfecting. You will see my personal technique for staying organized in the design of an entire collection and all the ways I have found to be as efficient as humanly possible. With my process, you can literally create multiple patterns or an entire collection is a few days. With experience, you will soon improve that! I hope you will learn from all my techniques. I will be providing you with FREE valuable assets that will shave time off the process for you and help you become a better professional designer in the process. This course follows up the Folk Art Inspired Half Drop Toss Pattern Course, where you learned how to create a specific toss pattern with a half-drop. I will be using all the assets developed during that course, so it is perfect as part of the continuum.Ill show you my step-by-step process, from using the easy master document (which I am providing for free), to best practices for its use. We will work with this document so I can explain every step I take, and I will explain the rationale behind using it. We will be creating the template with transformations (which I am also providing for free), and I will also explain why it is so useful, and how it saves time. All the concepts can be used in any patterns you make down the line, and skills are transferable to any software that has similar functionality. The value of a course like this, especially when you are first starting out, cannot be underestimated! I wish I had been given this info when I first started designing patterns!As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of pattern-making with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of workflow optimization. Well discuss theory which enhances and reinforces total organization. I will be demonstrating using Illustrator, but its the concepts that are important, and these could easily be applied to similar software as well. Although some of the steps may seem confusing, I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Illustrator somewhat, and, also knowing the basic principles of creating pattern repeats, but most steps are explained very thoroughly. I suggest pausing and repeating sections and possibly even slowing the speed if you are in your browser. Adobe Illustrator is recommended for this class, as that is what is being featured here, and it makes use of the Transformation Effects and the Appearance Panel.The key concepts I will include:review of my techniques in creating the repeat pattern using the transformation templatemethods to automate with transformations and why they help you be more productiveorganizational considerations for naming protocols when exporting assets or naming artboardsgood examples, reference and inspiration for reinforcing the goalother approaches you can take in your creative surface pattern design workThis course is packed with copious amounts of information for you no matter what stage you are at in your career. Kick-off your journey to efficiency today, so you can be benefitting from this practical knowledge double-time in your design practice! Being efficient and working faster and more effectively is absolutely obtainable with this small investment of time. Lets dig in!Intro: Optimized Workflow for Designing Pattern CollectionsThis short intro will give you an overview of the class and rationale for use of templates.Lesson 1: Organizing the WorkflowIn this lesson, I review the use of the attached template (found in the class resources). I explain the processes I went through in the last class and give you an idea of the strategies I employ to improve efficiency and productivity.Lesson 2: Value of the Transformation TemplateIn this lesson, I demonstrate the use of the template and explain its virtues. I take the opportunity to reinforce keyboard shortcuts and I share a few other tips and tricks.Lesson 3: Working with the TemplateI continue to demonstrate the use of the template and I explain the value of the icons and saved brushes. The layers panel is explained thoroughly in this lesson. I also show moving the swatch back into the main document and what to do with it there. I explain the use of the Navigator as well.Lesson 4: Motifs, Brushes and SwatchesI review the positive attributes of brushes, icons, and motifs and how they improve my speed when designing. I also explain the differences between the main pattern and its coordinates.Lesson 5: Last Checks and Asset ExportingAt this stage of the game, we will be doing final checks and I explain the kinds of thigs I look for. Next, we will export the assets using the asset export panel and I explain the ins-and-outs of that procedure. We talk about resolution requirements and saving.Lesson 6: Efficient Mockup HandlingDoing final checks is definitely enhanced with the use of mockups. I explain why in this lesson.Lesson 7: Exporting Pattern SwatchesIn this lesson, I discuss the best practices for exporting pattern swatches. I show you one of the main issues facing pattern designers when importing Illustrator swatches into Photoshop; the edge artifacts that lead to a hairline around the pattern repeat. Then we talk about the fix! Also, I cover the method I use for exporting a pattern swatch for a half drop repeat into a grid format that can be used as-is for a pattern swatch in Photoshop.Lesson 8: Persistence with Swatches and PalettesAnother quick trick will be revealed in this lesson, and its all about having brushes, swatches and colors available every time you create a new document in Illustrator.OutroWe will conclude everything in this lesson with a chat about next steps.Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to pattern design, repeated patterns, surface pattern design, Illustrator repeat, Illustrator pattern design tool, Illustrator transformation effect, working with transformation templates, the Appearance Panel, arranging motifs, using Illustrator brushes, essential Illustrator keyboard shortcuts, optimizing Illustrator workflow, organizing and renaming swatches, efficiency habits, double-checking, naming protocols, persistence, saving swatches, saving brushes, and much more!You will get the bonus ofapprox hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education for over 40 yearsawareness of multiple approaches to resolve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education into surface pattern design."
Price: 24.99

"Simple, Quick Retro Floral Coordinates - Adobe Illustrator" |
"Design touches everything we see and do. Being able to design for surfaces, and to be prolific, is important for success. Learning some key efficiency skills can contribute to your over-all ability to produce in a timely fashion. Another key skill you need is to be able to create coordinates and colourways. We will be using bold, unexpected color palettes woven with nostalgic tones from the 60s and 70s creating designs that are unique and engaging. Sound like fun?I love the excitement of new creative ideas and playing with lots of different tools to make those ideas come to life! In this class I cant wait to share all the things I know about shortcuts with Illustrator filters and functions, plus a bunch of little tidbits for designing a cohesive and beautifully co-ordinated collection! This class will arm you with all the knowledge necessary to design quick and simple coordinates to create your own complete fabric collection from scratch.In this course, Im sharing everything Ive learned about making quick co-ordinates using filters and functions in Illustrator, hidden away in the menus. Ill show you my step-by-step process, from my tricks to working with the filters, to creating full and complex patterns using functions like Pathfinder to do most of the work for us. We will design at least ten though the course of this class and I will give you plenty of ideas for creating alternates.As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of Illustrator with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of creating simple and quick patterns. I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Illustrator to a certain degree. I suggest pausing and repeating sections and possibly even slowing the speed in your browser when trying to work through any difficult parts. Adobe Illustrator is recommended for this class, as that is what is being featured here, but any other draw (vector) software is suitable, as long as it has the same functionality.The key concepts I will include are:review of several filters to distort and transform, like pucker and bloat, roughen and the zigzag filtermethods to edit and deal with specific issues like divide, minus front, and exclude in the Pathfinder paletteuse of the pattern maker tool and all its settingsmany other considerations to do with designing repeating patterns efficientlyexperiments with the re-color tool in the last lessonThis course is packed with many tender morsels of information for you no matter at what stage you are in your design career. Take a chance and find out some fun little things you may never have seen or even thought of before! You can be applying this practical knowledge in your design practice tomorrow. Creating a pattern collection can be done relatively quickly with this small investment of your time. Lets get at it! Hit your play button now!Intro and Overview Simple, Quick Coordinates Retro FloralThis short intro will give you an overview of the class. We will discuss retro patterns from the 60s and 70s with plenty of examples and resources for you to follow up on.Lesson 2: Pucker, Bloat and Twist FiltersIn this lesson, I will give you background on the production of the hero pattern, referencing back to the simple, fast folk art pattern produced in a previous class. Then we will review the pucker and bloat for producing motifs. Finally, I will show you the use of the twist filter for the first time in my classes.Lesson 3: Pathfinder TricksIn this lesson, we will take an in-depth look at the Pathfinder Tool. I also show you the use of offset path to create an alternate motif for a pattern. I explain best practices for its use as well as using it to help produce multiple patterns.Lesson 4: Radial Duplication and BlendingI will give you some ideas for using functions like Illustrator Rotation and Blending to create some unique, alternate patterns. You will use the scissor tool here and learn new Illustrator keyboard shortcuts.Lesson 5: Using Brushes to Make PatternsThere are at least 4 or 5 methods to create patterns with brushes in this unit. This will open up a whole new set of skills for you to be really creative in your co-ordinate pattern designs.Lesson 6: Geometric Ideas for CoordinatesWe will use Pathfinder and the Zig Zag Filter to produce some really funky co-ordinates based on some great reference from Pinterest. These ideas and techniques are sure to get your creative juices flowing!Lesson 7: Roughened Stripe PatternWe review the process of creating another pattern using the roughen filter; jagged stripes. You will also learn more advantages to using the Pathfinder Palette.Lesson 8: Fun Experiments with the Re-Color ToolI will give you a quick rundown of some of the functions of the Re-color Tool in this lesson. Stay tuned for the wrap-up where I will show you a couple applications of the patterns on a mockup.Outro and Wrap-UpI will summarize the class in this lesson and will show you a quick mockup incorporating a number of the patterns I produced.Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to the pattern tool, the pucker and bloat filter, the twist filter, the roughen filter, offset path, the rotate tool, using pathfinder to create motifs, the zig zag filter, the blending tool, the scissor tool, the anchor point tool, Illustrator brushes for pattern design, pattern repeats, easy geometric patterns, easy floral patterns, creating stripes in Illustrator and much more.You will get the bonus ofapprox. one hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education for over 40 yearsawareness of multiple approaches to resolve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education"
Price: 24.99

"YouTube Viral Master - Cmo crear vdeos virales en YouTube" |
"Descubre en menos de 2 horas como VIRALIZAR TU CONTENIDO en Youtube. En este curso encontrars TODO lo que necesitas para viralizar tus Vdeos para impactar a MILLONES de PERSONAS. Te muestro como hice 19 Millones de VISITAS en 1 solo Ao. y MAS DE 40 MILLONES EN 2 AOS Y MEDIO."
Price: 39.99

"YouTube SEO - Como Crescer um Canal e Ganhar Dinheiro" |
"O YouTube como eu costumo chamar se tornou uma ferramenta muito importante para quem sabe utilizar a plataforma com sabedoria e estrategia, o Marketing de Afiliados e o Marketing Digital juntos a um canal no YouTube bem trabalhado uma das estrategias que mais funcionam para crescimento do seu negocio digital.Grande parte das pessoas que criam um canal no YouTube se frustam nos seus primeiros vdeos pois no conseguem visualizaes, no recebem likes e muito menos engajamento nos comentrios. Mas isso causado por que simplesmente as pessoas comeam o canal sem entender nada e nem que existe robs que comandam o site do youtube.O YouTube por inteiro completamente movimentado por algoritmos e robs que voc precisa saber usar eles ao seu favor, sem isso, sem saber usa isso ao seu favor, voc ser apenas mais um no meio da multido frustados por no conseguir visualizao.Eu vou te passar dentro desse curso um conhecimento aprofundado sobre crescer um canal e ganhar visualizaes. Eu vou te mostrar exemplos de crescimento e que todo conhecimento para CRESCER no YouTube.Ento eu te espero dentro do curso para te ensinar tudo sobre crescimento de canalVoc ira aprender como ganhar mais visualizaes no YouTube, como criar e crescer um canal do zero."
Price: 54.99

"Azure Data Engineer Certification: DP-200 & DP-201" |
"Hi,If you are aiming for Azure Data Engineer Certification, you need to clear two exams i.e DP-200 & DP-201. This course will provide all the content you require to clear both these exams. And all the concepts are explained using practical lab sessions.Azure Data Engineer is the most lucrative job profile and those who possess the skill sets require to become Azure Data Engineer are always in great demand and easily can get a 6 figure salary in USD as per the market trend.But, it can be overwhelming for a beginner to start his/her journey to become a Azure Data Engineer since there are so many different technologies and services offered by Azure.Hence below I have provided step by step guide of the skill sets require to start your Data Engineer journey and then progress gradually to become an Intermediate level or Expert Azure Data Engineer.Beginner -> Azure SQL Database, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Power BIIntermediate -> Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Analysis Services, Azure Cosmos DBExpert -> Azure Databricks, Azure Stream AnalyticsIn this course, I am going to continously add all of the above mentioned Azure Services so that you can become an Expert Azure Data Engineer.NOTE: ALL THE AZURE DATA SERVICES PRESENT IN THIS COURSE ARE FOR BEGINNERS SO PEOPLE WHO ARE EXPERIENCED AZURE DATA ENGINEERS MAY FIND THE CONTENT OF THIS COURSE TOO BASIC.Following are the topics currently this course covers:1. Basics of Cloud Computing2. Azure SQL Database3. Azure Data Lake Storage4. Azure Data Factory V25. Implementing Real World Use Cases6. Power BI7. Azure Synapse Analytics8. Azure Cosmos DB9. Azure Stream AnalyticsAlso, all the topics in this course are explained using practical examples and lab sessions which makes it easy to understand and also practice at home for students.I have also added a section containing ""REAL WORLD USE CASES"" where some common and important scenarios which you would come across in real life when you work as a Azure Data Engineer in an organization. Do not miss this section as its very important and will also help you in the interview.All the Best and Happy Learning !!"
Price: 1280.00

"O Jeito mais fcil de criar seu Site - WIX" |
"Wordpress que nada ! Crie seu site utilizando o WIX, plataforma inovadora, com diversas funes e templates prontos para criao do seu site com mais agilidade e qualidade. Hospedagem barata e facilitada e tudo isso somente aps o seu site ficar pronto. Qualifique-se mais para criar seus site, ou crie voc mesmo o site para o seu negocio em apenas 1 ou 2 dias. Aqui no curso, voc vai aprender desde a criao da conta, at a associao final do domnio e disponibilizao do site."
Price: 39.99

"310-090 Sun Business Component Developer Practice Exam" |
"293 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-090 Sun Business Component Developer Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-090 Sun Business Component Developer Practice ExamTotal Questions : 293Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (219 of 293)"
Price: 164.99

"Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE5 components Practice Exam" |
"213 UNIQUE practice questions for Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE5 components Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE5 components Practice ExamTotal Questions : 213Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 213)"
Price: 154.99

"MuleSoft Integration Real Time Use Cases : for newbies" |
"This course is for newbies, students, developers, and architects who want to get hands-on lab experience using the Anypoint Platform to build APIs and integrations.1) Learn CRUD Operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) step by step.2) University Project API-Led Connectivity along with REST Connect Connector Generator.3) Salesforce and MySQL DB Integration along with CloudHub deployment.4) Complete Led Connectivity Project on Jira & ServiceNow & Salesforce Integration - How to Design, Develop, and Build a SystemAPI, ProcessAPI, and ExperienceAPI Layers.End of this course you will be a confident developer who is ready to take challenges on MuleSoft (Mule 4 x)This course has 100% Practical real time use cases."
Price: 19.99

"Impara ad investire in azioni (metodo @imparalaborsa)" |
"""Eccellente. Spunti interessanti e ottime informazioni. Sono un nuovo investitore, questo corso aiuta davvero. Gli investimenti nel mercato azionario possono essere dominati da chiunque e per coloro che apprendono davvero i concetti chiave e le migliori pratiche saranno in grado di raggiungere i loro obiettivi finanziari"".Sfortunatamente, molte persone non ricevono le informazioni educative chiave e le migliori pratiche che fanno la differenza tra successo e fallimento quando investono in azioni.QUESTO CORSO COMPLETO TI insegner COME ESSERE UN INVESTITORE DI SUCCESSO.Teoria non noiosa. Imparerai consigli pratici e migliori pratiche che possono rendere fino al 100% l'anno (obiettivo difficile ma non impossibile, raggiungibile con una buona dose di rischio, ovviamente senza far ricorso alla leva finanziaria).Questo corso ha una missione e si tratta di condividere esperienza e saggezza da un investitore azionario di successo a lungo termine e insegnarti come puoi applicarlo ai tuoi obiettivi personali."
Price: 199.99

"Certified Advanced Deep PEAT Solo practitioner training" |
"Deep PEAT is a technique for personal and spiritual development. With the help of this method, you can free yourself from burdening thoughts and emotions tied to various life situations. During this seminar you will learn to integrate all polarised perceptions you have, what leads you to free yourself from the dualistic perception of reality into unified consciousness-as one, whole, and integrated being. You can apply this method for all situations in life and relationships you are challenged with. In this advanced level of the course, we will repeat the main elements of the Deep PEAT process and then we will focus on new elements: dealing with the future and dealing with the roles of all participants in the situation. After that, the focus is on primordial polarities and how to recognize the main polarities in yourself and in your life. In the end, you get 3 real full session recordings (one with the integration of primordial polarities)."
Price: 164.99

"Communication crite" |
"Les principes de base- Les erreurs- Les principes de base de la communication- La grammaire de baseLes courriers lectroniques- Problmes des courriels- Rdaction des courriers lectroniques- Rgles de rponse- Rgles de prcautioncrire un article- Les quatre phases- Sinformer- Structure de texte descriptive- Structure de processus- Structure squentielle- Structures dductives et inductives- Structure analytique- Structure de persuasion- Structure dialectique- Corrigez et publiezRdiger dans un blog ou un site WordPress en respectant les rgles de SEO- Structure dune page pour crire sur le web- Crer une page et optimisation on page- Comment structurer la page- Contenu de la page- Lcriture dans la page- Les mots cls- La duplication de contenu sur le webConclusion"
Price: 44.99

"Performance Evaluation:" |
". , . . . , , , . -. , , . . . , , , ."
Price: 34.99

"Child Psychology (Social, Emotional & Cognitive Development)" |
"Child psychology is one of the most frequently studied subdivisions of psychology.And for good reasons! The development that one undergoes through childhood and his experiences during that time, have implications that last his whole life.I will guide you step by step, through every lecture of this course. We will learn everything you need to know about the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children.Not only that but, we will also explore the developmental milestones that kids progress through as they grow up. By the end of this course, you'll be able to identify influences that interact with a childs development, get a firm grasp of how children grow, think and behave, and use everything you learned to improve you parenting and teaching skills.Everything you will learn in this course will have a positive impact on how you take care of and educate children.Knowing child psychology isnt just a nice thing to know, it is essential in assisting childrens healthy growth! Enrol now and lets get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning in GIS and Remote Sensing: 5 Courses in 1" |
"This course is designed to equip you with the theoretical and practical knowledge of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in QGIS and ArcGIS as applied for geospatial analysis, namely Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing. By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand the Machine and Deep Learning applications in Remote Sensing & GIS technology and how to use Machine and Deep Learning algorithms for various Remote Sensing & GIS tasks, such as land use and land cover mapping (classifications) and object-based image analysis (segmentation, object detection) and regression modeling in QGIS and ArcGIS software. This course will also prepare you for using GIS with open source and free tool (QGIS) and a market-leading software (ArcGIS).This course is designed to take users who use QGIS & ArcGIS for basic geospatial data/GIS/Remote Sensing analysis to perform more advanced geospatial analysis tasks including object-based image analysis using a variety of different data and applying Deep Learning & Machine Learning state of the art algorithms. In addition to making you proficient in QGIS for spatial data analysis, you will be introduced to another powerful processing toolbox Orfeo Toolbox, and to the exciting capabilities of ArcMap and ArcGIS PRO!In the course, you will be able to apply such Machine Learning algorithms as Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Convolutional Neural Networks (and others) for Remote Sensing and geospatial tasks. You will also learn how to conduct regression modeling for GIS tasks in ArcGIS. On top of that, you will practice GIS & Remote Sensing by completing two independent GIS projects by exploring the power of Machine Learning and Deep Learning analysis in QGIS and ArcGIS.This course is different from other training resources. Each lecture seeks to enhance your GIS and Remote Sensing skills in a demonstrable and easy-to-follow manner and provide you with practically implementable solutions. Youll be able to start analyzing spatial data for your projects and gain appreciation from your future employers with your advances GIS & Remote Sensing skills and knowledge of the cutting edge geospatial methods.The course is ideal for professionals such as geographers, programmers, social scientists, geologists, GIS & Remote Sensing experts and all other experts who need to use maps in their field and would like to learn more about Machine Learning in GIS.One important part of the course is the practical exercises. You will be given some precise instructions and datasets to create maps based on Machine Learning algorithms using the QGIS and ArcGIS software tools."
Price: 19.99

"A professional is incomplete without a strong portfolio. With lifetime access of courses, we will take care of your resume & portfolio development too.Social Media Courses/Certificate By Facebook Authority.You Can Add In Your Resume You Can Grab Complete Web Groups/Web-Pages Knowledge By This Our Course.LEARN ALL SKILL IN FEW MINUTES VIDEO INFO-GRAPHIC PRESENTATION VIRTUAL ROBERTS SCREEN TEST [RESUME] COVER-LETTERYou Learn Linked -InFree Website Build and DevelopFree Web-page and Web-Groups as A PortfolioTHIS IS A BIG ACHIEVEMENT FOR YOU.YOU CAN EASILY CRACK YOUR GOVERNMENT JOB TEST ,YOU CAN GET JOB IN ANY BIG COMPANY AND MANY TYPES YOU CAN ALSO DESIGN WITH OUT SOFTWARE KNOWLEDGE LIKE GRAPHIC-DESIGN,VIDEO-EDITING AND ANIMATION MORE SKILL ,YOU CAN GET IN THIS CLASS WITHOUT LOSS OF MONEY IN INSTITUTIONS.YOU SAVE MONEY TIME AND YOUR SAVE MONEY,TIME YOU CAN SPEND TO FULFILL YOUR GOAL.SO THIS IS BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU.AFTER THIS CLASS YOU CAN BECAME YOUR CAREER ALSO VIRTUAL EDUCATOR AND ENTREPRENEUR ALSO..OUR TEAM TRAIN YOU IN BEST WAY SO DON'T BE PANIC AND START LEARN WITH FUN.ENJOY THE COURSE.I Hope You Also Learn A Lot, Many Times A Simple Skill Gives Us More. Comparison To Hardly Study.A Needle Work Cannot Do By Sword Thus A Simple Skill Work Cannot Do By Anything.So Do Smart Work Work And Save Time, Became A Creative In All Field So You Can Achieve Your Goal In Accurate, Right Time.I Hope You All Of Us Message Me How Much You Like Course.~deevaaanshi"
Price: 1280.00

"iOS 13 & Swift 5: To Do List App like Google Task w Firebase" |
"Welcome to the iOS 13 & Swift 5: To Do List App like Google Task with Firebase course.In this course, we will build a Google Task clone app from start to end. In this course you will learn to:Implement the fundamentals of CRUD - Create, Read, Update, DestroyStore data using Firebase Firestore (with FirestoreSwift SDK)Learn FirestoreSwift new Decodable and property wrappers like @DocumentID and @ServerTimeStampReactive programming using Combine framework with UIKitAdd real time listeners to databaseAuthentication - sign up a new user / log in / log outProtocol extensionsProtocol & delegate patterns & closuresUI AnimationsWeak & unowned self for avoiding retain cycles / memory leaksCoding views programatically with UIKitThis course is designed for iOS developers with at least 6-9 months experience and is not a beginners' course. These are some comments from my students:Excellent Content, I appreciate the different styles of onboarding screens and all the great explanation! - Carey MThe course is very concise but informative . I really like the project based approach that this course takes. It cuts straight to the chases and show you how these abstract concepts are put into real life problems . Highly recommended - AN DinhReally easy to follow and great for beginners. Really enjoyed the course, thanks Kelvin! - Atiqah A.KPerfect course to help me get started on ios programming! - Tan Kel VinThe instructor is knowledgeable and clear with his instructions. The course is great and informative for those who are planning to build a skeleton they can build on their own app projects Instructor is also helpful. - Raphael Lim"
Price: 19.99
