"Curso Forex Bsico - Trading Simple, Seguro y Efectivo" |
"En este curso encontrars informacin bsica y esencial para el dominio y aprendizaje del mercado Forex. Podrs contar con un contenido de alto nivel de calidad que te permitir adquirir habilidades y destrezas para expandir tus oportunidades de desarrollo personal, profesional y triunfar como Trader en el mercado de divisas.El conocimiento bsico es primordial para poder operar correctamente; como en muchas otras reas de conocimiento, es importante tener claridad de las bases para lograr obtener los mejores resultados y en este caso, tener xito realizando inversiones en los mercados financieros de forma simple, segura y efectiva.Al finalizar este curso estars en la capacidad de comprender el mercado y realizar anlisis tcnico y anlisis fundamental adecuadamente, aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos en el curso.Este curso ser actualizado continuamente y estar aqu para aclarar tus inquietudes.Espero verte pronto en clases, Futuro Trader.Atentamente,Juan Borrero."
Price: 59.99

"Curso de violo prtico" |
"um curso super prtico , rpido e objetivo que voce pode estudar onde quando quiser, com videos aulas curtas entre 2 e tres mintos de durao indo direto ao ponto, com certeza voce vai entender e comear a tocar suas musica favoritas, praticando alguns minutos por dia, ento no perca tempo comece agora mesmo."
Price: 99.99

"DevOps Fundamentals" |
"DevOps is not only a set of processes and tools but is more rightly represented by the culture of enhanced communication and collaboration between IT operation guys and Developers. DevOps culture is guided by principles of DevOps such as Automation, infrastructure as code, practices such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and implemented by a large set of DevOps tools. In this course, DevOps concepts are explained in easy to understand language along with hands-on examples on basic tools of DevOps. It will help you to begin your journey to DevOps."
Price: 19.99

"Docker Course for Beginners" |
"Containerization of the applications is going on in the full swing across the IT industry. Docker's course covers the fundamental concepts of Docker containers. Along with the concepts it also covers the most useful commands related to container management, image management, and Dockerfile. After studying this course one would be ready to dive deeper into the world of container orchestration. Docker's course becomes the necessary prerequisite for learning Docker Swarm and Kubernetes."
Price: 19.99

"Frmula da Abundncia" |
"Voc est vivendo a vida que voc nasceu para viver?Seu destino ser feliz, viver a vida dos seus sonhos e ter a vida financeira que voc merece. E se isso no est acontecendo, sinal de que h algo errado.Todos os dias somos bombardeados por todo o tipo de crenas limitantes. Elas nos dizem que dinheiro sujo e que traz infelicidade que poucos so merecedores e que voc no est entre eles.Isso no verdade e eu vou te dizer o porque: a abundncia e a prosperidade so uma frequncia que se emite para o universo. No destino ou privilgio, qualquer pessoa pode aprender a sintoniz-las e se livrar dos bloqueios que a impedem de chegar at voc.Mas como acessar a estao da abundncia? Como transformar a prosperidade em sua realidade?Neste curso ensinarei a voc como atingir o estado que voc tanto deseja chegar, com tcnicas para se desvencilhar de bloqueios mentais, meditaes para alterar seu padro vibracional, livros best-seller internacionais lidos e resumidos para voc e lies que iro transformar a sua vida financeira e tambm todos os outros aspectos de sua vida, afinal tudo est interconectado!"
Price: 414.99

"Strings and Comprehension In Python Course" |
"This Python course has everything you need to know to start coding in Python and not even that, by the end of the course you will know how to build complete programs and also build graphical user interfaces for your programs so you can impress your employer or your friends. I will guide you step by step starting from the basics and always assuming you don't have previous programming experience or a computer science degree. In fact, most people who learn Python come from a vast variety of careers."
Price: 179.99

"O Poder Dos Arqutipos e Suas Aplicaes" |
"Curso composto por vdeo aulas exclusivas contendo 8 Mdulos, 36 aulas, apostilas em PDF para serem baixadas seguindo a seguinte estrutura;Estrutura do Curso ApresentaoMdulo 01 O Conceito de Arqutipo Carl Gustav Jung Energia, Fsica Quntica e EletromagnetismoMdulo 02 Mente Consciente, Subconsciente e Inconsciente Mensagens Subliminares e Arqutipos Arqutipos e Suas Comprovaes CientficasMdulo 03 Os Neurotransmissores Os Arqutipos e Suas Aplicaes A Dopamina O Hormnio da Ao A Serotonina O Hormnio Antiestresse A Ocitocina O Hormnio do Amor A Noradrenalina O Hormnio Do Foco e Ateno A Acetilcolina O Hormnio do AprendizadoMdulo 04 As Doze Personalidades Arquetpicas Segundo Jung O Arqutipo do Explorador O Arqutipo do Sbio O Arqutipo do Heri O Arqutipo do Fora da Lei O Arqutipo do Mago O Arqutipo do cara Comum O Arqutipo do Bobo da Corte O Arqutipo do Amante O Arqutipo do Criador O Arqutipo do Governante O Arqutipo do PrestativoMdulo 05 O Arqutipo da guia e Seus Benefcios O Arqutipo do Cavalo e Seus Benefcios O Arqutipo da Coruja e Seus BenefciosMdulo 06 Como Ativar Os Arqutipos Com Imagens Como Ativar Os Arqutipos Com Sons Como Ativar Os Arqutipos Com Documentrios Como Ativar Os Arqutipos Com Histrias e Metforas Como Ativar Os Arqutipos Com a Visualizao Aula Final de Como Se Ativar Os Arqutipos Mdulo 07 Mensagem Final Prosperidade Uma Escolha"
Price: 294.99

"HIIT-Training - Hochintensives Intervalltraining" |
"Lerne nach der effektivsten Trainingsmethode der Welt zu trainieren. Verbrenne innerhalb krzester Zeit enorm viele Kalorien und baue zeitgleich Muskeln auf. Du profitierst von einem Nachbrenneffekt, der bis zu 72 Stunden anhlt! Mit ca. 60 Minuten Trainingszeit in der Woche wirst Du Deine Wunschfigur garantiert erreichen, Deine Ausdauer verbessern und Deine Gesundheit frdern. In diesem Kurs sind 10 Workouts enthalten, fr Anfnger, Fortgeschrittene und fr Profis. Zustzlich gibt es ein Workout ohne Springen. Du erhltst hier fast 5 Stunden Videomaterial. 20 verschieden bungen mit dem eigenen Krpergewicht werden die ausfhrlich in separaten Videos erklrt und vorgemacht. Dieser Kurs ist perfekt fr Dich geeignet wenn Du folgendes willst:Abnehmen Fett verbrennenMuskeln aufbauenHaut straffenGesundheit frdernHerz-Kreislauf-System strkenFitness steigern Beweglichkeit und Agilitt steigernGelenkiger und flexibler werden Kraft aufbauenAusdauer verbessernKoordination verbessernKrperspannung aufbauen Als lizenzierter Trainer habe ich die perfekten Workouts fr Dich zusammengestellt, die alle Bedrfnisse abdecken und fr jedes Fitnesslevel geeignet sind. Wir trainieren den gesamten Krper, Beine, Po, Bauch, Arme, Schultern, Brust, Rcken etc. und das sowohl im Kraft- als auch im Ausdauerbereich. Du wirst Fett verbrennen, Muskeln aufbauen, Deine Haut straffen, Kraft zulegen und Deine Kondition verbessern. Warum sollte man mehr Zeit fr das Training investieren als notwendig? Das hochintensive Intervalltraining nutzt die neuesten sportwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse. Trainiere auch Du so effektiv wie es die professionellen Sportler machen. Wann und wo immer Du willst, ganz ohne Equipment und Vorkenntnisse. Schreibe Dich jetzt in meinen Kurs ein und wir werden gemeinsam schnell und effektiv Deine Ziele erreichen - Jetzt gibt es keine Ausreden mehr! Ich freue mich auf Dich!"
Price: 19.99

"AI IoTRaspberry Pi LINE IoT" |
"Raspberry PiLINEOpenCVHTTPWebAPIAIIoTRaspberry PiIoTAIRaspberry Pi Google Colab AIIoTRaspberry Pi AIIoTIoTIoT101IoTPythonLinuxPythonLinuxPython LinuxRaspberry PiRaspberry PiRaspberry PiOpenCVmobilenet SSDOpenCVTensorflowCocoRaspberry PiAIIoTLINELINEHTTPWebAPI"
Price: 4800.00

"DESAFIO CO OBEDIENTE: 14 passos essenciais p/ a disciplina" |
"Fazer xixi na casa toda, no deixar colocar a coleira para passear, morder quando algum pega na comida e no obedecer o dono, so alguns problemas, dentre vrios outros, causados pela falta de disciplina do co e na maioria das vezes desencadeada pela falta de conhecimento sobre comportamento canino por parte do seu dono.Fazer o seu co te obedecer mais simples do que voc imagina! Quando voc colocar esse programa em prtica ver as coisas chegando ao seus devidos lugares, e poder mostrar ao seu co, de forma leve e descontrada, ""quem que manda na casa""..."
Price: 39.99

"Home Office para PYMES" |
"Eres empresario o tienes un negocio? Este curso es para ti.Aprenders a genera ingresos trabajando tu negocio desde casa.Veremos las herramientas y al final del curso sabrs utilizarlas para poder guiar a tu equipo.Este curso est diseado para lderes de proyecto, emprendedores y empresarios que deseen poder trabajar desde casa y coordinar actividades con su equipo de trabajo. Si nunca antes has utilizado ests herramientas o has trabajado documentos en la nube, este curso es para ti. Si ya lo has hecho, te garantizo que en este curso aprenders nuevas herramientas y conocers los alcances de ciber seguridad que conlleva utilizar home office."
Price: 19.99

"ISO 14001:2015 - Formao de Auditores Internos" |
"Na parte 1 do curso de Formao de Auditores Ambientais teremos o seguinte contedo:- Interpretar os requisitos da ISO 14001:2015;- Entender o conceitos de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel;- Entender os Aspectos e Impactos Ambientais;Na parte 2 do curso de Formao de Auditores Ambientais teremos o seguinte contedo:- Treinamento nos conceitos de Auditoria;- Treinamento nas prticas de Auditoria;- A importncia da Ao Corretiva como forma de melhorar o Sistema de Gesto Ambiental.O auditor avaliado pela sua:- Habilidade na Comunicao;- Habilidade na Anlise de Informaes- Habilidade na organizao do tempo- Maturidade e Profissionalismo na Conduta- Habilidade no relacionamento com os outros"
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0" |
"In this course, you will learn advanced linear regression technique process and with this you can able to build any regression problem. Starting from TensorFlow 2.xLinear RegressionGradient Descent AlgorithmWith this intuition we will work on project: Customer Revenue Prediction.Problem Statement: A large child education toy company which sells educational tablets and gaming systems both online and in retail stores wanted to analyse the customer data. The goal of the problem is determine the following objective as shown below.Data Analysis & Preprocessing: Analyze customer data and draw the insights w.r.t revenue and based on the insights we will do data preprocessing. In this module you will learn the following.Necessary Data AnalysisMulti-colinearity Factor AnalysisFeature Engineering:Lasso RegressionIdentify optimal penalty factorFeature SelectionPipeline ModelEvaluationWe will start with basic of tensorflow 2.x to advanced techniques in it. Then we drive into intuition behind linear regression and optimization function like gradient descent."
Price: 54.99

"Audit and Assurance AA - 115 Practice Test Questions-Part 2" |
"Are you preparing for Audit exam and want to practice questions on Internal Controls part of the syllabus?Do you want to learn Internal Controls and Auditing?This course is for you.This course on ""Audit and Assurance - Internal Controls Questions - Series 2"" covers 100 Practice Questions and 15 Bonus questions on ""Internal Controls"" which is a main part of Audit syllabus.This practice test course is for the students who are preparing for Audit exam. Internal controls system developed and implemented by management play a crucial role in setting the direction of audit by the statutory auditors. Audit strategy and plan is linked with test of controls TOCs.What Will You Learn?These 115 practice (15 Bonus Questions) test questions are designed on following key areas of audit:Internal controlsThe importance of internal control The elements of internal control Limitations of internal control systems Internal controls in IT environmentIT Controls - application and general controlsEvaluation of controls and audit risk assessment The risks of specialized IT systems Tests of controls and the main transaction cycles The sales system The purchases and expenses system The payroll system The bank and cash system The inventory system and non-current assets Other issues with tests of controlsWho Is This Course For?This practice test series is for the students of following qualifications who are preparing for audit exam:ACCACACPACMACGAICMABBA / BS FinanceB COM"
Price: 19.99

"AutoCAD 2021 von A bis Z auf Deutsch" |
"* AutoCAD 2021 KOSTENLOS INSTALLIEREN* 2D Befehle durch einfache beispiele lernen* 3D Befehle so einfach verstehen* Blcke und Attribute Die Blcke erstellen und einfgen.Dle Atribute definieren.Ein Block ist ein teil eine Zeichnung, Man kann dies einmal zeichnen und dann speichern, dieses Teil kann man immer spter verwenden.Ein Atribute ist eine automatisation von Zeichnungen.Die Atribute-Informationen kann man in andere programme nutzen, wie Z.B. im excel usw..Die Blcke sind si wichtig, wir erstellen genug Blcke fr unsere Arbeit, diese speichert man eine sogenannte Bibliothek, so kann man sie einfach finden und benutzen.Die Atribute knnen auch unsichtbar sein, jeder teil kann so viele Informationen enthalten. AutoCAD stellt ein Basis-CAD-Programm dar. Wenn Sie AutoCAD 2021 inklusive branchenspezifischen Spezialwerkzeugen abonnieren, erhalten Sie Werkzeuge fr: Architektur und Bauwesen den Anlagenbau in 3D die mechanische Konstruktion die 3D-Kartografie die elektrotechnische Planung Rasterbilder die Gebudetechnik Vorteile von AutoCAD Als Planer, Entwickler oder Konstrukteur untersttzt Sie das Programm bei der Erstellung Ihrer 2D- und 3D-Entwrfe. Sie verwenden eine zuverlssige 3D-Konstruktionssoftware, die von Millionen Anwendern weltweit genutzt wird. Das zugrunde liegende Dateiformat DWG ist eines der verbreitetsten Formate fr Konstruktionsdateien. Sie knnen rasch und flexibel auf nderungswnsche reagieren. mit geringem Mehraufwand Alternativvorschlge oder Varianten konstruieren. eine neue Konstruktion z. B. dadurch realisieren, dass Sie eine bestehende CAD-Zeichnung ndern, wobei nur eine entfernte hnlichkeit bestehen muss. Modelle aus zahlreichen Anwendungen importieren und zusammenfhren. bei der Erstellung von 3D-Konstruktionen entsprechende Kontrollfunktionen nutzen."
Price: 19.99

"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Exam Simulator" |
"Dear Aspirant,The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) formally acknowledges your understanding of agile principles and your skill with agile tools and techniques. Therefore, it's important to be well prepared in order to pass the certification exam in the first attempt. Get ready for your PMI-ACP Exam and feel one hundred percent confident to pass: use The PMI-ACP Exam Simulator.You can test your understanding of 6 simulated PMI-ACP Exams. That's a total of 720 realistic PMI-ACP exam sample questions. The questions have been developed by a team of certified project managers who have modelled the format, style, and difficulty closely to the questions that they have themselves encountered on the exam. These practice tests have been created in accordance with the PMI-ACP certification objectives and cover all 7 domains:Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset 16%Domain II. Value-driven Delivery 20%Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement 17%Domain IV. Team Performance 16%Domain V. Adaptive Planning 12%Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution 10%Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) 9%The questions are regularly updated to stay current with the latest PMI-ACP certification exam.The Benefits of PMI-ACP Exam Simulator As an aspirant who is using The PMI-ACP Exam Simulator for exam preparation you will immediately benefit in the following ways:Prepare with practical questionsPerfect for active PMsLearn to manage your exam timePrepares you effectively and efficiently Boosts your confidenceReduces your preparation timeThis PMI-ACP Exam Simulator is for:PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) aspirants should definitely take the PMI-ACP test.Project ManagersTeam Lead or Tech LeadManagement Professionals"
Price: 199.99

"How to Solve a 2x2 Puzzle Cube" |
"Welcome To How To Solve A 2x2 Puzzle Cube For Beginners Course!Upon finishing this course, you'll have all of the knowledge required to solve your own 2x2 Puzzle Cube from ANY random scrambled order.This Course Starts From The Very Beginning Of How To Approach This Puzzle For The First Time! Included In each Section Is A .PDF Document Reference Guide That Shows You Step By Step Exactly How To Solve The Puzzle Without Needing To Look Back At The Videos After Practicing Through The Lessons! Additionally, a Bonus Section is Included to Showcase More Algorithms That Can Be Used to Solve the Puzzle Even Faster!In this course you will learn:Problem-Solving and Analytical Thinking SkillsHow To Solve A 2x2 Puzzle CubeHow To Distinguish Between Each Side Regardless of its OrientationThe Set of Moves Involved to solve each LayerAn Analysis of What Exactly the Algorithm is DoingAn intuitive 4-step process for each layer that can be replicated to Solve Larger PuzzlesMy name is Aarya Kapani and I will be your course instructor. The 2x2 puzzle is a great introductory way to get into solving cubes and puzzles in general as it focuses on perfecting the essential problem solving concepts. The skills learned in this course will also make it far easier when trying to learn harder puzzles such as the 3x3 and 4x4. This method cannot be found anywhere else on the internet as I have created this curriculum through years of experience solving a wide range of puzzles. This course is for anyone who is just starting to get into solving puzzles and would like a gentle introduction into problem solving and algorithm development. For all ages, this course would provide them a fun and intuitive challenge that will help them develop their brains. Not only will it keep them occupied for hours, but it can also help them learn new concepts such as mathematics, reading comprehension, and science.As an engineering student myself, I hope to mediate the frustrations and stigma that come from this puzzle and show you that anyone who is willing to learn can solve the ultimate brain teaser!If you don't have a 2x2 Cube, you can still follow along by remembering the algorithms and various stages/patterns required to solve the Cube.Thanks for checking this course out! Who this course is for:The course is for anyone who wants to learn how to solve a Puzzle cube.The course is intended to help beginners, however, experience puzzle solvers may enjoy the simple and intuitive curriculumFor all ages, this course would provide them a fun and intuitive challenge that will help them develop their brains. Not only will it keep them occupied for an extended period of time, but it will also help them in learning new things such as mathematics, reading comprehension, and science. Promotional Background Music: Jazz Frenchy from Bensound"
Price: 19.99

sanskritgrammar |
", , "
Price: 19.99

"Armona Tonal. Acordes de la Escala Mayor" |
"En el Curso veremos que acordes tridicos conforman una escala mayor y como combinarlos en cadencias para poder formar nuestras composiciones musicales. Las cadencias son la base de toda composicin musical, conocelas y crea tu msica de una forma profesional. Estas herramientas te acompaarn toda tu vida musical, siendo til para todos los estilos de msica clsicos y populares."
Price: 34.99

12-principles-of-animation |
"'' 1981 "" : . -"
Price: 19.99

"Master Mac Shortcuts Say No to Trackpad Boost Productivity" |
"This Course will Take you From absolutely no idea to Mastering Mac Shortcuts and you will be able to Finish Task More Simply and More professionally saving a whole lot of Time, after finishing this course you will be mostly using the keyboard to cycle through different parts of Mac Section and will reduce the usage of using Trackpad which will result in reducing the time to finish a particular task, okay So open your bag and Charge your Mac and Let's Launch the Spotlight!See you inside ?"
Price: 19.99

"Cisco Virtual Private Network (VPN) Training in Urdu/Hindi" |
"A virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses the Internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization's network. In this course you will learn how to configure and manage Virtual Private Networks using all but GNS3. We will start from understanding basic concepts of cryptography. VPNs such as packet exchange and configuring Site to Site VPNs. We will then move on to advanced VPNs such as DMVPN, GETVPN and FLEXVPN. You can reach out to me with any questions while you go through this course. I discuss VPN protocols, encryption, hashes, certificates, remote and site to site VPN details as well. ."
Price: 24.99

"Palo Alto Networks Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE)" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Practice Exams with 170+ Unique Questions from ""PALO ALTO NETWORKS CERTIFICATION ACCREDITED CONFIGURATION EXPERT (ACE)"" covering all the topics for the ACE Exam.What do you get in this course?3 Mock Tests with 170+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Palo Alto Networks Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the Palo Alto Networks Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) certification syllabus. Simply, these ACE practice exams builds readiness and confidence for the ACE certification exam.PALO ALTO NETWORKS CERTIFICATION ACCREDITED CONFIGURATION EXPERT (ACE)OVERVIEWThe Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE) exam tests your knowledge of the core features and functions of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls. The ACE exam is web-based and consists of 72 multiple-choice questions. The exam is not timed, and you can retake it as many times as necessary to earn a passing score.BENEFITSPassing the ACE exam indicates that you possess the basic knowledge to successfully configure Palo Alto Networks firewalls using the PAN-OS. The exam also serves as a study aid for you to prepare for CNSE certification. Finally, the ACE exam is a requirement for access to the migration tool.ACE EXAM OBJECTIVESThe primary goal of the ACE exam is to serve as an objective indication of your ability to configure Palo Alto Networks firewalls using the PAN-OS. To pass the ACE exam, you need a foundational knowledge of, and hands-on familiarity, with PAN-OS configuration.RE-CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTSThere are no re-certification requirements for you. Currently, the ACE accreditation is tied to a specific PAN-OS version. For example, the ACE 5.0 exam is based on PAN-OS version 5.0. Partners may have re-certification requirements.GET PREPAREDPalo Alto Networks strongly recommends that the candidate attend the following courses: Palo Alto Networks Firewall 8.0: Essentials Configuration and Management 210 , Palo Alto Networks Panorama 8.1: Managing Firewalls at Scale 220 , and Palo Alto Networks Firewall 8.1: Troubleshooting 330"
Price: 19.99

"PEGACPDC74V1 - Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant (CPDC)" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Practice Exams with 100+ Unique Questions from ""Pegasystems PEGACPDC74V1 - Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant (CPDC) 74V1"" covering all the topics for the PEGACPDC74V1Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Mock Tests with 100+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual Pegasystems PEGACPDC74V1 - Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant (CPDC) 74V1 exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the Pegasystems PEGACPDC74V1 - Certified Pega Decisioning Consultant (CPDC) 74V1 certification syllabus. Simply, our Pegasystems practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the Pegasystems CPDC 74V1 certification exam."
Price: 19.99

"A00-211 - SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 Practice Exams" |
"In this course, you will get 3 Practice Exams with 180+ Unique Questions from ""A00-211 - SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 Exam"" covering all the topics for the A00-211 - SAS Exam.What do you get in this course?3 Mock Tests with 180+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed A00-211 - SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 practice exams to help you prepare for the A00-211 - SAS certification exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual A00-211 - SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the A00-211 - SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 certification syllabus. Simply, our SAS A00-211 practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the A00-211 certification exam.Know the Complete Details about A00-211 SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Exam :The Base Programmer knows how to query databases and perform analyses, including importing and exporting raw data files, manipulating data, combining SAS data sets and creating reports. The certification exam features 50 to 55 multiple-choice questions, a 100-minute time limit, and candidates must answer at least a 70 percent of the questions correctly to pass the exam.SAS Base Programmer Certification is the key to success of your professional career. Candidatesarmed with SAS certification go a long way in their career and stand out in the average crowd.Exam Name : SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9Duration of the exam : 110 minutes to complete examNumber of questions in real exam : 60-65 multiple-choice and short-answer questionsPassing score on A00-211 exam : 70%Exam Topics : Accessing Data, Creating Data Structures, Managing Data,Generating Reports, and Handling Errors Prove to be very helpful in the preparation"
Price: 19.99

"A00-212 - SAS Certified Advanced Programming for SAS 9 Exam" |
"In this course, you will get 2 Full Length Practice Exams with 130+ Unique Questions from ""A00-212 - SAS Certified Advanced Programming for SAS 9 Certification Exam"" covering all the topics for the A00-212 - SAS Exam.What do you get in this course?2 Full Length Mock Tests with 130+ Unique and Latest QuestionsReliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknessesQuestions are frequently reviewed and updated frequently.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.We have designed A00-212 - SAS Certified Advanced Programming for SAS 9 practice exams to help you prepare for the A00-212 - SAS certification exam. These practice exam provides you with an opportunity to become familiar with the question topics and formats found in the actual A00-212 - SAS Certified Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam. It also helps you identify topics in which you are already well prepared and topics on which you may need further training. We have rigorously maintained the topic weights, passing score, exam duration and question format in our mock exam as per the A00-212 - SAS Certified Advanced Programming for SAS 9 certification syllabus. Simply, our SAS A00-212 practice exam builds readiness and confidence for the A00-212 certification exam.All things you need to know about the SAS A00-212 exam : Exam Name : SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9Exam Duration : 120 minutesExam Questions : 60-65 multiple-choice and short-answer questionsPassing Score : 65%SAS A00-212 exam Syllabus :Accessing Data Using SQLGenerate detail reports by working with a single table, joining tables, or using set operators in the SQL procedure.Generate summary reports by working with a single table, joining tables, or using set operators in the SQL procedure.Construct sub-queries and in-line views within an SQL procedure step.Compare solving a problem using the SQL procedure versus using traditional SAS programming techniques.Access Dictionary Tables using the SQL procedure.Macro ProcessingCreate and use user-defined and automatic macro variables within the SAS Macro Language.Automate programs by defining and calling macros using the SAS Macro Language.Understand the use of macro functions.Use various system options that are available for macro debugging and displaying values of user-defined and automatic macro variables in the SAS log.Create data-driven programs using SAS Macro Language.Advanced Programming TechniquesDemonstrate the use of advanced data look-up techniques such as array processing, hash objects, formats, and merging.Reduce computing resource requirements by controlling the space required to store SAS data sets.Use the FCMP procedure to create a user-defined function.Perform effective benchmarking.Use SAS indexes.Compare techniques to eliminate duplicate data."
Price: 19.99

"Kardiowarrior Fitness and Personal Protection INSTRUCTIONAL" |
"Kardio Warrior is the Ultimate Fitness Work-Out and Personal Protection programme taught by renowned Fitness Expert and former World Karate Champion Ravi Moodley. Kardio Warrior combines martial arts with western Boxing performed to energetic dance music. Kardio Warrior is a safe, fun and effective workout that accommodates all, men, women and children from beginner to advance in the comfort of your own home. Kardio Warrior is the highest fat burning workout designed to tone and shape your abs, buns and thighs like never before. See consistent amazing results in no time.Kardio Warrior is a dynamic fitness programme which enhances cardio-respiratory endurance, co-ordination, flexibility, balance, agility, power and muscular strength.Kardio Warrior is one of the highest calorie burning workouts available today with simple punching and kicking ""combos"" designed to tone and slim.Kardio Warrior is the ultimate self protection training program that delivers an effective yet practical approach to providing men, women and children with the necessary skill to deal with confrontation and violence.Kardio Warrior focuses on the practical application of these kicks and punches so as to enhance the participants self defence skills which ultimately gives more meaning to ones workout.The target market of Kardio Warrior extends beyond normal fitness enthusiasts and includes people from all walks of life, prone or not to exercise.Kardio Warrior INSTRUCTIONAL Workout: duration 59 min. (plus a warm-up routine of 13 min.)Kardio Warrior is designed for the beginner participant.You will start off with a systematic warm up routine preparing you to perform basic stances, punches and kicks. You will learn how to apply important principals and guidelines such as form, balance, breathing and muscular strength to enhance your workout. The step by step instruction enables you to perform these techniques with effectiveness and confidence. This low intensity workout will leave you feeling energized."
Price: 19.99

"Speak English confidently - Basic English" |
"Learn and improve your English conversation skill by practicing our English speaking interactive conversations practice tool. These English conversation lessons will help you with English speaking and also while giving you the confidence to speak with others. This is perfect for beginners wanting to improve their English conversational skills. The best way to learn English is to practice spoken English in conversations by opting in the listed course.This best course help you to practice at your comfortable place and time. The conversations practice mentioned in this listed topics with present scenarios that covers almost all aspects of the daily lives. You will soon find the results of listening English practice effectively, affecting your speaking skills. "
Price: 1280.00

from-zero-to-stardom |
". :1. 2. 3. 6 4. 5 , 5. , 6. 7."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Contrabaixo mdulo 1" |
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao curso ""Bassmetria"" - A matemtica controlada no Contra-baixo mdulo 01.Nesse primeiro mdulo voc que iniciante aprender a afinar seu Contrabaixo, saber as diferenas entre Tom e Semitom, aprender qual postura certa para tocar o Baixo, aprender como ler partituras, vrios exerccios entre cordas soltas e saltando cordas, exerccios de digitao, Escala Cromtica, Tercinas, Escala Maior com 2 digitaes, entre outros exerccios.Deixo uma frase inspiradora de Steve Jobs: ""Cada sonho que voc deixa para trs, um pedao do seu futuro que deixa de existir!""Com isso, creio que seus sonhos de tocar melhor seu instrumento se tornaro realidade. Basta voc se dedicar, persistir, empenhar pois; o material que voc precisava agora est em suas mos !Eu acredito muito no meu mtodo e, voc ver e comprovar o rendimento e conhecimento que ter aps o trmino dele.Um curso que foi minunciosamente preparado em etapas sendo degrau por degrau.Nesse vdeo de boas vindas, deixo comprimido todos os PDF`s para que caso queira, possa os imprimir e assim sendo, tornando uma apostila pois existem complementos nesse arquivo comprimido que nos PDF`s individuais no tem. Porm cada vdeo daqui para frente, voc ter o PDF especfico daquela aula. Isso foi uma ""sacada"" que tive para aqueles que pretendem estudar tocando junto acompanhando.Bons estudos e vamos l !"
Price: 39.99

"ECCouncil 412-79 Certified Security Analyst Practice Exam" |
"232 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil 412-79 Certified Security Analyst Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil 412-79 Certified Security Analyst Practice ExamTotal Questions : 232Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (174 of 232)"
Price: 159.99
