"Digital Marketing using Google Ads - Google Ads for Beginner" |
"Master how to setup and run Google Ads through a step by step guide with tips and tricks on Google Ad setup.Know basics of keywords in ads and ad budgeting with bidding strategies.Enroll in this course to grab this knowledge.Go ahead and give a review and rating for this course after going through it.Thanks."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Teach Your Kids (Ages 6 to 12) About Business" |
"In this program, we will guide you on how you can teach your kids to become an entrepreneur and how they can manage their money the right way.Our goal is teach your children how to start and run a business.Our modules are created specifically for parents as a tool for children to learn about business with exciting physical activities led by award winning British Celebrity Kids Entertainer and funtivity expert, Amanda Frolich from Amandas Action Club. The children will participate in interactive business lessons, quizzes, activities, trivia and puzzles.At the end of this program, your kids will have a running and earning business.Our program gives children the opportunity to learn about the wonderful world of entrepreneurship.Here are the topics that your kids will learn in the course:Introduction to BusinessBrainstormingCostingProfitBrandingFinding customersMarketing your productsMoney managementCharacteristics of Good EntrepreneursSample Business Plans"
Price: 39.99

"The Submarine & Shark Attack" |
"This is the story of arguably the largest shark that ever lived in modern times. The Submarine was seven meters long and I encountered this magnificent animal on three occasions. There is much debate about whether this animal is or was real - you make up your own mind after hearing our about our enthralling interactions with The Submarine. In the shark attack part of the series I dispel the myth surrounding shark attack. Most individuals out there believe that sharks just mindlessly attack, and this could not be further from accurate. I go into intrinsic details regarding how sharks attack, specifically focused on how the Great White Shark attacks and why."
Price: 19.99

"Curso- Segurana de Celebridades,Executivos e Autoridades." |
"Ol AlunoEste curso no ir formar seguranas, pois sabemos que o curso de VSPP (vigilante de segurana pessoal) deve ser feito em academias devidamente autorizadas pela Policia Federal, contudo, cursos considerados livres, de aprimoramento profissional sempre so bem vistos por empresas ligadas a este ramo de atividade.Ou seja, os cursos livres, so sim bem vistos por empresas, pois servem para demonstrar que o aluno possui um conhecimento mais do que o adquirido nos cursos em academias de vigilantes, possuindo um diferencial frente aos demais concorrentes.Nosso curso possui:03 vdeo aulas devidamente explicadas sobre como atuar na segurana ativa de Autoridades, Executivos e Celebridades01 vdeo explicativo sobre embarque e desembarque01 vdeo explicativo sobre noes de combate a incndio01 vdeo explicativo sobre noes bsicas de primeiro socorrosEste curso diferente dos demais, esta focado diretamente naquilo que todo agente precisa possuir para atuar com perfeio."
Price: 39.99

"Big Data Analytics Using Apache Spark & Scala" |
"Spark is one of the top job destination of the world . This course is aiming at addressing the common daily tasks the developer are getting and how to resolve the tasks in effective way . This course is also introducing Big Data to understand the basic concept of the problem because of which we are learning different tools and technologies to address the problem.Introducing Big Data & HadoopBasic Hadoop CommandsApache Spark On Different platformApache Spark: Databricks Community Edition/Integration With AzureUnderstanding RDDRDD TransformationRDD ActionSpark SQLSpark RDDAzure Databricks & SQL Data WaraehouseIntroduction To Scala Basic Scala Functionalities & Working In Intellij IdeaWorking In Scala-If ElseWorking In Scala-For LoopWorking In Scala-While LoopWorking In Scala-Do WhileWorking In Scala-FunctionWorking In Scala-Anonymous FunctionWorking In Scala-Object & ClassesReading & Writing File using IntellijUnderstanding Partitioning With Demo"
Price: 1280.00

"How to choose the best real estate investing niche" |
"This course will guide new real estate investors to select the best-suited real estate investing niche for themselves. It will help you uncover your personality, your skill set, your bandwidth, and unlock your desire to succeed in real estate investing. It is absolutely essential to complete the homework to be able to assign the best value of real estate investing niche to yourself."
Price: 54.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"The AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification is one of the most challenging exams. This Practice Exam will help you on your final preparation for AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam. After successful completion of this tests you will be easily able to pass AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam in 1st attempt. These Practice Questions are designed especially from exam perspectives to evaluate your preparation.This AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam."
Price: 39.99

"Tcnicas en la deteccin de amenazas de Ciberseguridad" |
"En la actualidad la informacin es el objeto de mayor valor para las empresas, como resultado del progreso de la informtica y de las redes de comunicacin se nos presenta una nueva situacin, donde los objetos del mundo real estn representados por bits, los que ocupan lugar en otra dimensin y no poseen el mismo valor que sus objetos reales, y en muchos casos, llegan a tener un valor superior. Este escenario ha originado que gran parte de las empresas en el mundo entero se vean amenazadas constantemente en sus activos, situacin que representa miles o millones de dlares en prdidas; es por esto que conocer las amenazas a los activos de las empresas y las tcnicas para prevenir esta situacin se hace fundamental para todas las organizaciones que valoran sus activos."
Price: 19.99

logicalthinkingandwritingfundamentals |
Price: 24000.00

"Hire Your First Virtual Assistant Today (5 Step System)" |
"Could one outsourcing decision really change your life? (read my story) Well...it certainly did for me. (and hundreds of my students and clients) Let me explain...Back in 2001 I was running a local company with 5 full time office staff and a dozen field staff. I was paying for expensive office building rent, computers, parking, office supplies....etc. Then I had a conversation with a friend that would change my life forever. Here's why...This friend of mine ran an IT help desk here in the US. Thing was...He only had 2-3 guys in his office....but he staffed 20+ computer geeks were on the other side of the world!This was 2001 mind you.anyway...It got me thinking...what if I could pawn off some of the mundane tactical work to someone overseas?That would give me more time to focus on my core work. (cool?) long story short...I hired my first VA that year and never looked back.My life has not been the same. In this course, I'm going to teach you my 5 step system for getting YOUR first VA to help you. things like...Designed for solopreneurs in overwhelm. (finally!)Why 95% of hires will fail unless you do this one thing. (easy)Learn my #1 secret that will guarantee you hire the perfect VA every time...for every project. (on auto-pilot)How would you like to hire the perfect VA in the next 48hours? (fast!)Start working on your business instead of constantly working in your business.More productivity tips wont solve the problem.you need HELP. (get it now)My proven 5 step formula for hiring the best VA for $3-$5 per hour. (part time or full)The #1 biggest mistake most business owners make and exactly how you can avoid the same trap! (new)Who is this course for? bloggerssolopreneureslife coacheswork from home momsdigital marketersconsultantsfreelancerssocial media agenciesonline businessesremote workersstartupsdigital nomads(sound good so far?) How this course is designed?I designed this course for speed. I know your time limited ...so I included only the most relevant content. It's just enough to get you'r first outsourced assistant hired.No fluff course so that you can get outsource your busy work in the next 24 hours!20 Years of trial and error an you get only the good stuff. I've used this 5 step formula in 20+ different industries and it works for large and small projects. Why should YOU take this course? Why reinvent the wheel? Take this course and get my almost 20 years of experience in just a few hours!Learn how to 10x your productivity while working fewer hours.This course will save you from making countless mistakes (how do you think I know that?) so that you can shorten your path to success."
Price: 19.99

"Evitando o absentesmo, gerando lucro e produtividade" |
"A aviao possui um treinamento chamado CRM (Corporate Resource Management), cujo objetivo est em treinar os profissionais em conhecer as ameaas presentes nos ambientes, nas equipes e em si mesmo, de modo que estas ameaas sejam da melhor forma gerenciadas e que os erros derivados das mesmas sejam evitados.Mas quem disse que acidentes so uma prerrogativa exclusiva da rea da aviao? E por que no utilizar esta importante ferramenta de conhecimento e preveno de acidentes curso de CRM para as demais reas?35 anos de trabalho na aviao, sendo 15 na rea de QSMS (Qualidade, Segurana, Meio Ambiente e Sade), com qualificaes de ps graduao pela USP em Qualidade, auditor lder nas normas ISO, Investigador de Acidentes Aeronuticos pelo CENIPA e instrutor de CRM; me permitiram criar um treinamento customizado para reas no aviao.Gerencie os riscos atravs do conhecimento - esta a misso da Mitigaction"
Price: 174.99

"(How to successfully publish a book)" |
" : .( ) "
Price: 24.99

"Scrum Master II Exam Prep 2020 - Pass on your FIRST try!" |
"What do students say?""Yet another great product for preparing for certification from Scrum dot org. This product is in alignment with the PSM II criteria and will prepare the Scrum Master to further their skills and certification to a new level. I have used 3 of the study courses now and all have led to complete success and were more than useful.""""The course was very useful in aiding me to pass the exam.""""Unbelievably great course. This exam prep gave me confidence going into the test. I passed on my first attempt!!!!""READY TO TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL?Scrum Master II is an advanced level assessment aimed at demonstrating that you know Scrum theory and how to apply it in the real world. This course will help you see if you are ready and prepared for the PSM II assessment.HOW DO I PASS THE SM II ASSESSMENT?Our carefully formulated questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of the Scrum framework and help your team become a high performing unit. The official assessment is structured in a similar way to PSM I. It consists of 30 multiple choice questions. You have 90 minutes to complete the assessment and must score 85%+ to achieve the certification. The LEVEL II questions and answer options tend to be longer than in PSM I and it takes more time to read and understand. As with all official assessments, it is challenging and designed to test your real understanding of Scrum. This will teach you with real world examples to bring your learning to life. It is of course possible to take and pass the official assessment without attending a course if you have sufficient knowledge and experience.The LEVEL II assessment is a more advanced assessment than the LEVEL I and tests your knowledge of Scrum theory, the Scrum Guide and expects some real world experience to allow you to pass.How much does a Scrum Master make?The national average salary for a Scrum Master is $97,319 in the United States. Compare this with the average salary for a Project Manager, $66,137 in the United States. The ability to help organizations change the way of working is more important than ever as our world rapidly changes. Companies will depend on Scrum Masters to help teams and organizations rapidly adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive.How can this course help you?This course contains ADVANCED Scrum scenario questions and practical real world cases that will help you validate your deeper understanding of the concepts and theories of Scrum.I have helped dozens of Agilists become certified.All tests are formulated to be long enough to gain practical knowledge but short enough to take at your own leisure. Take them before work, during breaks or after work as many times as you want. Practice makes perfect!DisclaimerThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org and Scrum Alliance makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 99.99

"Investir maratona" |
"O Investir maratona pretende descontruir alguns conceitos que so senso comum na cabea dos investidores brasileiros.O curso tem a pretenso/objetivo de ser a porta de entrada para que as pessoas comecem a planejar sua prpria liberdade financeira, independente de condio financeira e principalmente independente do sistema previdencirio brasileiro.Se apenas uma pessoa for impactada com as informaes passadas aqui, j ter feito todo sentido, espero que gostem."
Price: 54.99

"Mastering Authentic Communication" |
"This Communication course utilises coaching tools to help you improve your communication style and develop a goal-oriented strategy.You will gain personal learning about how you interact with others, how this impacts you and how to develop a communication strategy that works for you.This course includes exercises that will allow you to reflect and change behaviour.The course will help you:Understand your communication StyleIdentify your Unconscious BiasIdentify your Values & StrengthsDevelop your own communication strategyCoaching client testimonials:After a life-altering experience, I was feeling lost and struggling to find myself and my way. I was is a good job, but I wanted to find something more fulfilling to do with my life. When I started working with Carolyn, I realised I had so many limiting beliefs about myself, beliefs that had held me back from developing myself. I had never worked with a coach before, but I valued the focus that came from our sessions!Sharon T - WashingtonWorking with Carolyn helped me find the clarity and confidence to start my Business. The process helped me become more aware of what I wanted to do and how to go for it. I had always suffered from low self-esteem and I found her energy to very empowering! I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and how it has changed my life.Eva K London"
Price: 24.99

"Crea Tarjetas Interactivas: coloridas y fciles!" |
"Las tarjetas con elementos interactivos son nicas y divertidas! Aprende a crear 10 tarjetas interactivas utilizando tcnicas bsicas de Pop-up, Slider (deslizante) y Shaker (agitadora). Hacer este tipo de tarjetas genera felicidad, no solo para quin las crea, sino tambin para quien las recibe. En este curso descubriremos las tcnicas elementales para crear el efecto didctico en nuestras creaciones. Sin importar el motivo de la tarjeta o la ocasin, siempre se puede agregar ese elemento interactivo que genera sonrisas! :)Durante el curso crearemos tarjetas para diferentes ocaciones con el fin de darte muchas ideas e inspiracin para crear tus propios diseos. En las primeras clases revisaremos la informacin bsica, tres reglas de oro para creaciones armoniosas y te explicar con detalle los materiales y herramientas que se utilizaremos. Luego, te guiar en cada uno de los proyectos explicando y dando consejos. A lo largo del curso compartir tcnicas para disear creativos fondos utilizando tintas de colores y herramientas de diferentes tipos. Este curso es adecuado para principiantes as como para crafters con ms experiencia que deseen aprender a incluir elementos interactivos en sus creaciones. Desde hace aos creo mis propias tarjetas y estoy convencida que este es un hobby divertido y que genera muchos sentimientos positivos. Es felz quien crea y ve su hermoso proyecto terminado y quien recibe esa nica y preciosa tarjeta."
Price: 19.99

govexcellence |
": : : : : : - : ( ) : - : - /"
Price: 199.99

govt_excellence |
"/ - / : - : 2030 2030 - 1 : - 2 : - 3 : - 4 : - - :"
Price: 44.99

egeaplan |
": ( ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
Price: 29.99

"A Guide to AACE Certified Cost Professional Certification" |
"INTRODUCTION TO CCP CERTIFICATIONSECTION 1 COSTChapter 1: Cost ElementsChapter 2: Pricing and CostingChapter 3: MaterialsChapter 4: LaborChapter 5: Engineering Role and Project SuccessChapter 6: Machinery, Equipment, and ToolsChapter 7: Economic CostChapter 8: Activity-Based Cost ManagementSECTION 2 COST ESTIMATINGChapter 9: Cost EstimatingChapter 10: Process Product ManufacturingChapter 11: Discrete Part ManufacturingSECTION 3 PLANNING AND SCHEDULINGChapter 12: Project PlanningChapter 13: SchedulingSECTION 4 PROGRESS AND COST CONTROLChapter 14 Earned Value OverviewChapter 15 Performance and Productivity ManagementSECTION 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENTChapter 16 Project Management FundamentalsChapter 17 Project Organization StructureChapter 18 Project CommunicationsChapter 19 Project Labor Cost ControlChapter 20 Leadership and Management of Project PeopleChapter 21 Quality ManagementChapter 22 Value EngineeringChapter 23 Contracting for Capital ProjectsChapter 24 Strategic Asset ManagementChapter 25 Change Management Practical GuideChapter 26 Overview of Construction Claims and DisputesSECTION 6 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, PROBABILITY AND RISKChapter 27 Financial and Cash Flow AnalysisChapter 28 Practical Corporate Investment Decision-Making GuideChapter 29 Statistics and ProbabilityChapter 30 OptimizationChapter 31 Risk Management FundamentalsChapter 32 Risk Management Practical GuideChapter 33 Total Cost Management Overview"
Price: 199.99

"Matemtica Bsica 2 (lgebra )" |
"No curso Matemtica Bsica 2 vamos estudar a lgebra. Comeando por monmios, polinmios, operaes, grau, valor numrico. Produtos notveis, fatorao. Calculo de mmc e mdc de expresses algbricas. Vamos aprender racionalizar denominadores. Vamos resolver equaes do primeiro e segundo grau. Estamos tratando de um contedo muito importante para continuar o estudo da matemtica."
Price: 99.99

"Learn python from scratch and put your first step." |
"As clearly mentioned, this course is for absolute beginners, you can start to learn even if you don't know any other programming language. So no worries. I will get you started with python from beginning. Also after completing this course you will end up learning all the basic fundamentals of python and advance further."
Price: 1280.00

"Resoluo COAF n 31" |
"A resoluo COAF n 31 tornou obrigatrio o treinamento desta resoluo para todos os empregados ou pessoas fsicas que exercem uma das atividades descritas na Art. 9 da Lei 9.613/98 que so regulados pelo COAF.Assim, se voc ou sua empresa exercem uma das atividades: - Comercializam joias, pedras e metais preciosos; - Comercializam bens de luxo ou de alto valor; - Atuem na promoo, intermediao, comercializao, agenciamento ou negociao de direitos de transferncia de atletas ou artistas; - uma empresa de fomento comercial;Deve realizar esse treinamento e assim cumprir com a exigncia descrito no Art. 2 II, da resoluo COAF n 31"
Price: 39.99

"Introduo na Lgica de Programao com Portugol" |
"Se voc iniciante na programao e no faz ideia de como criar um programa bsico, esse curso especialmente para voc! Abordaremos fundamentos e conceitos de programao do ZERO, com o objetivo de que a compreenso e absoro dos contedos apresentados seja feita da melhor forma possvel. Teremos tambm aulas tericas e prticas para auxiliar no entendimento dos contedos, com desafios e exerccios para o aluno treinar o que foi apresentado. Alm disso, o curso disponibiliza um material de apoio em PDF para ajudar no seu aprendizado e desenvolvimento. Estarei disposio para solucionar qualquer dvida ou problema, e te espero, para que possamos aprender juntos, a introduo na Lgica de Programao!"
Price: 39.99

"GASP...Smarter - How to use Google Apps on your Smartphone" |
"Google Office Apps (Drive, Docs, Slides & Sheets) are amazing products that can help make a major difference in your future business efficiency and performance. The Apps are FREE to download onto your device which is in your pocket almost every day! So lets take that step and turn your device and your eagerness to become GASP Smarter into outstanding business employees or leaders.Within this course I take the time to show you how to setup the Apps up on your Smartphone , getting to know how to navigate in each of the Apps. Then create and share files with your team members with different accessible rights. Once you are comfortable with that then I show you how to collaborate in real-time with any person directly from your phone and how to see who is online and where they are making changes on the files. I also share important pointers when choosing to share files so that you can feel more confident in knowing that the files being shared are done in a controlled manner to your requirements.At the end of the course you will be fully able to create any type of document (either blank or from a template list). Be able to share files to many people and allocate specific accessible rights to each. Most importantly you will be able to collaborate in real-time with any one you choose and will be able to see with them where each person is working within the document.This real-time collaboration will help cut down working hours to more than 50% to create presentations or spreadsheets or documents within a team as any shared file can be worked on concurrently by all.Get started now and learn to take the first steps to becoming 100% GASP Smarter."
Price: 39.99

"SketchUp Pro ( )" |
": - ( Google ) , , , , 3 , , , , , , , , , , ( ) : - Google 3 Google 3 , , , , , , , , : -, , , : - Google 3 Google : -, , , , 3 -- : - : - 2 , 3 3 , , , / , , , , 3 - , , 50 , 3D 3 , :- 2 3 3 .."
Price: 1600.00

5JavaScript/JQuery |
Price: 10800.00

"Corso Computer Essentials - ICDL" |
"Il primo modulo della certificazione ICDL illustra i concetti e le competenze essenziali relative a:uso del computer e dei dispositivi collegaticreazione di file e loro gestionereti e la sicurezza dei datiNel corso troverai:video con la spiegazione teorica e pratica degli argomenti richiesti per la certificazione ICDLtest di valutazione alla fine di ogni moduloschede di supporto alla preparazionetest finale riepilogativo degli elementi trattati"
Price: 49.99

"Curso para ser Au Pair na Frana" |
"O curso ideal para voc que gostaria de obter todas as informaes completas necessrias para realizar seu intercambio de au pair na frana, com segurana e facilidade.Se voc pretende fazer seu intercambio sem a ajuda de uma agencia, aqui est um tutorial completinho do inicio ao fim de todo o processo, com dicas e conselhos de quem est no terceiro ano do intercambio de au pair na Frana.O curso ainda inclui um mdulo extra, com vocabulrio de francs bsico voltado para o mundo de au pair."
Price: 219.99

"Violo Sem Frescura" |
"O curso Violo Sem Frescura pra os iniciantes no violo. Qualquer pessoa pode aprender de forma simples os primeiros passos para saber tocar violo atravs deste curso. No existe promessa nesse curso, pois tudo depende do esforo do aluno, mas creio que se forem dedicados pelo menos 30 minutos por dia aos ensinamentos aqui passados, tocar violo de maneira agradvel ser apenas uma questo de tempo. O curso Violo Sem Frescura possui uma linguagem para quem no msico e tem o objetivo de ensinar violo para aqueles que no necessariamente querem ser profissionais da msica."
Price: 39.99

"Treinamento de Coaching em Vendas" |
"Venda mais, melhor e mais rpido!O treinamento de coaching em vendas foi desenvolvido utilizando tcnicas de PNL, Coaching e Neurovendas. Atravs dele voc aprender a identificar o perfil de seu cliente, agregar valor, contornar objees, vender mais rapidamente e estreitar o relacionamento com seus clientes.Milhares de pessoas j fizeram o treinamento e conquistaram resultados como aumento de vendas, aumento de rentabilidade, aumento de vendas do mix de produtos e ampliao da carteira de clientes.Voc aprender tcnicas de como agregar valor e despertar maior interesse de seus clientes em investirem no produto ou servio oferecido, sem necessitar dar descontos constantes.Ir aprender a conhecer as tcnicas de comunicao que dever utilizar para ser mais persuasivo e ter sucesso em suas vendas, atendimentos e prospeces.Aprender tcnicas de programao neurolingustica, utilizando a neurovendas para identificar pistas de perfis comportamentais de seus clientes para mudar sua comunicao e ter maior eficcia.Far um teste de perfil comportamental para conhecer melhor a voc, suas caractersticas, necessidades de melhoria, foras e como se adaptar para se relacionar e negociar com perfis diferentes, iguais e opostos ao seu.Voc desenvolver habilidades para utilizar com sucesso os gatilhos mentais e ter maior assertividade em sua negociao.Aprender vrias tcnicas de fechamento e negociao, para atuar nos mais variados segmentos e lidar com todos os tipos de clientes.Contedo Abordado:IntroduoBoas Vindas1.1.- A importncia de agregar valor2.0.- Valores Pessoais2.1.- Compreendendo os valores pessoais3.0.- Controlando a comunicao3.1.- O controle da comunicao3.2.- Perguntas de Necessidade, Aprofundamento, Soluo, Fechamento e Objeo3.3.- A Comunicao Positiva3.4.- Atividades de Perguntas4.0.- Sistema representacional (VAC)4.1.- O que o sistema representacional4.2.- Pessoas Visuais4.2.1.- Pessoas Visuais (ilustrao detalhada)4.3.- Pessoas Auditivas4.3.1.- Pessoas auditivas (ilustrao detalhada)4.4.- Pessoas Cinestsicas4.4.1.- Pessoas cinestsicas (ilustrao detalhada)4.5.0.- Resumo ilustrado4.6.- Resumo Sistema Representacional4.7.- Atividade identificao de clientes (V A C)5.0.- Perfil Comportamental: Compreendendo os clientes5.1.- O que o perfil comportamental5.2.- Atividade de identificao de perfil5.3.- Perfil Pragmtico5.4.- Perfil Expressivo5.5.- Perfil Analtico5.6.- Perfil Afvel6.0.- Rapport6.3.- Cruzamento Inverso6.4.- Expresses Verbais6.5.- Como eliminar barreiras do rapport6.6.- Qual a melhor tcnica?7.0.- O processo de vendas7.1.- O que o processo de vendas7.2.- Atividade roda das competncias em vendas8.0.- Gatilhos mentais8.0.0.- O que so gatilhos mentais8.1.- Gatilho da Dor x Prazer8.2.- Gatilho Histria8.3.- Gatilho Autoridade8.4.- Gatilho da Prova Social8.5.- Gatilho da Escassez8.6.- Gatilho da Urgncia8.7.- Compromisso com a coerncia8.8.- Gatilho Inimigo Comum8.9.- Gatilho da Simplicidade9.0.- Atendimento ao telefone9.1.- Dicas importantes sobre o atendimento e negociao ao telefone10.- Script mentais10.1.- Desenvolvendo Scripts mentais11.0.- Tcnicas de fechamento11.1.- Tipos de Fechamento12.0- Administrao do tempo12.1.- Entendendo a administrao do tempo13.0.- Tcnicas de negociao13.1.- Minimax13.2.- Concesses13.3.- Negociador Bom e Negociador Mau13.4.- Troca de negociador13.5.- Tcnica de Cenoura13.6.- Tcnica do jogar para baixo14.0.- Follow up"
Price: 294.99
