"Coser bolso de tela paso a paso 100% personalizado" |
"En este curso aprenders a coser un bolso de tela y a personalizarlo como ms te guste. Curso nivel bsico, ideal si ests empezando a coser.El bolso tiene un bolsillo exterior dividido en dos partes, un bolsillo interior y est completamente rematado con bies para que no quede ninguna costura a la vista, sin necesitar forro.Te ensearemos todos los trucos que necesitas saber para coser este bolso desde cero, desde elegir los tejidos, personalizar el diseo y patrn y coserlo paso a paso con muchas opciones.El precio del curso incluye el patrn del bolso que hacemos nosotras, pero te enseamos a personalizarlo y hacerlo de la medida que quieras.El bolso est confeccionado con tcnicas muy profesionales, aprenders muchsimos trucos que te servirn para hacer todo tipo de complementos y decoracin en casa."
Price: 29.99

"QGIS Bsico" |
"Neste curso online voc vai aprender os conceitos bsicos dos Sistemas de Informaes Geogrficas (SIG), atravs de exemplos prticos com o software QGIS 3.0. Veja as ferramentas do software, como executar banco de dados geogrficos, como trabalhar e elaborar mapas temticos, sistemas de referncia e georreferenciamento de imagens, edio de dados avanada, acesso a dados remotos e manipulao de dados e tudo sobre elaborao de layout de mapas e as melhores prticas.Obs: Esse curso faz parte do curso Completo de QGIS, caso queira se aprofundar, indico esse curso para continuao do seu aprendizado."
Price: 129.99

"Introuction to Ableton Live 10 - Make Your Own Music & Sound" |
"A Course targeting people interested in electronic music and want to express themselves through music. It is also an escape from the 9 to 5 boring job routine. The objective is to learn Ableton from an engineering point of view and to sum up all different sources of information about Ableton Live into one place. You will be able to make your own music using Ableton after finishing this Course."
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp Vray Lighting guide" |
"Hi there, my name is Khushal. This is a lesson on lighting in SketchUp Vray.This course is for people new to Vray and 3d rendering. The people who are not familiar with sketchup vray or any other rendering software.Learn about vray lighting options, change settings of lighting in vray asset editor, 1 point 2 point and 3 point lighting effects on your model to achieve maximum photo realism.This class is a follow up to my previous class on SketchUp Beginners guide and Make your first sketchup model and SketchUp Vray Realistic rendering Beginner Guide.Prerequisite knowledge of previous class is necessary in this lesson.If you have already watched it you could download the required files for this class from the Class Project section"
Price: 3200.00

"Conjuntos Numricos" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender de forma clara e objetiva todos os assuntos sobre conjuntos numricos e teoria dos conjuntos. Vou te apresentar a matemtica de uma maneira bem diferente, trazendo os conceitos e exemplos matemticos para o seu cotidiano. Este curso tambm apresenta varias listas de exerccios, para que voc possa verificar o seu aprendizado. Veja o contedo do curso a seguir:"
Price: 189.99

"Latin Fitness Workout TEIL 1" |
"Sie mchten sich mehr bewegen und dabei Spa haben, aber auch gefordert sein?Dann vergessen Sie die Kniebeugen und konbinieren Sie Lateintnze und Fitness miteinander.Das Ziel ist. Nicht aufgeben bis man es kann. Sobald es langweilig wird sind Sie bereit fr etwas NEUES!ES HEIT, MAN MUSS EINE BEWEGUNG 10.000 MAL WIEDERHOLEN; DAMIT DIESE SITZT. ;-)Sie brauchen keinen Partner.Sie lernen: - Technische Basics die Sie zum schwitzen bringen.- Gehirntraining- Multitasking- Koordination- Isolation- Ausdauer- Kondition- und Tanzen. Alles in einem.Viel Spa dabei!Bis gleich :-)"
Price: 39.99

"Fit fr die Bewerbung *inkl. Leitfaden" |
"Du musst dich bewerben, hast aber keine Lust dich stundenlang durch Internet zu kmpfen?Oder hast du bereits einige Absagen auf deine Bewerbungsunterlagen erhalten und kannst dir nicht erklren woran es liegt?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich! Hier erfhrst Du nmlich alles was Du wissen musst rund um das Thema Bewerbungsunterlagen!Hi, Ich bin Rebecca :-) Die letzten Jahre habe ich als Recruiterin tglich Bewerbungsunterlagen gesichtet, bewertet und Bewerbungsgesprche gefhrt. Ich kenne daher den Unterschied zwischen guten und schlechten Bewerbungsunterlagen.Und damit Du nicht die gleichen Fehler begehst, wie so viele andere Bewerber, mchte ich dir gerne helfen!In meinem Kurs erhltst Du exklusive Einblicke in die Gedankenwelt eines Personalers. Denn sie sind es, die deine Bewerbungsunterlagen als erstes in die Hnde bekommen und darber entscheiden, ob Du zu einem Vorstellungsgesprch eingeladen wirst oder eine Absage erhltst. Ich erzhle dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du aussagekrftige und klar strukturierte Bewerbungsunterlagen erstellst, sodass Du entspannt den Bewerbungsprozess starten kannst :-).Und das Beste daran ist: Der Kurs ist so konzipiert, dass Du innerhalb kurzer Zeit alles Wichtige erfhrst und danach direkt deine Bewerbung rausschicken kannst.Das bedeutet: Mit Hilfe des Kurses und den Zusatzmaterialien, bist Du in einer Stunde fit fr deine Bewerbung und glnzt mit TOP Bewerbungsunterlagen.BONUS: Zustzlich erhltst Du einen Leitfaden fr deinen Lebenslauf, das Anschreiben und Tipps & Tricks fr deine Jobsuche!!!Worauf wartest du noch? Lass uns jetzt deine Bewerbungsunterlagen fit machen, sodass Du heute noch Bewerbungen verschicken kannst :-)Ich freue mich auf dich!Deine Rebecca"
Price: 29.99

"How to Talk Finance" |
"Starting with the fundamentals of business finance, this workshop will enable you to develop your fluency in the language of business finance. From EBITDA to ROCE, from learning the difference between Operational and Financial Gearing to how Budgets & Forecasts are used to control the business, this workshop will provide you with an understanding of the key financial drivers of your business and will enhance your ability to contribute to the improved financial performance of your organisation. A fundamental understanding of business finance is essential for anyone looking to progress their career. This workshop will give you increased confidence when discussing the financial performance of your organisation."
Price: 34.99

"Premiere Pro by" |
Price: 4200.00

buildcontent |
Price: 19800.00

AI() |
Price: 19.99

"Qumica Bsica" |
"Curso com conceitos iniciais da qumica. Comeamos com mudana de estado fsico com os respectivos nomes das transformaes fsicas, estado de agregao, processo endotrmico e exotrmico, entendendo o conceito bsico de entropia, clculo da massa molar, frmula molecular, explicao porque no podemos beber gua pura, explicando de forma simples o mecanismo de funcionamento do lcool 70% no processo de higienizao contra o coronavrus."
Price: 39.99

"Create to Integrate" |
"Growth Space by Holding Space Practice presents this course which ispart art instructionpart therapypart meditationIf you want to change old ways of thinking and behaving, but find yourself slipping back again and again, try this course! While learning to draw and color in a style you make your own, you can shift toward your higher self!Learn a unique way to letter words and phrases that mean something to you. Learn to doodle color your own designs or print one of Carol's designs to color as you like. Above all, while working on your unique art form, this course is meant to help towardJoy not JudgmentProgress not PerfectionIt is to help youRelax not Relapse"
Price: 39.99

"Que tal, espero que se encuentren bien, en esta ocasin les presento un curso de Sql Server desde cero, donde aprenders una parte terica necesaria e importante para ejercer un rol como DBA y por supuesto veremos la parte terica donde a medida que vayamos avanzando iremos aprendiendo y ganando experiencia mientras realizamos los ejercicios.El curso va dirigido a cualquier tipo de persona que desee aprender los fundamentos bsico-intermedios de Sql Server."
Price: 19.99

"Learn COBOL Super Fast" |
"Yes, COBOL may seem like an obsolete language. But did you know the following...?COBOL powers about 80% of in-person financial services transactions and 95% of ATM swipes.On a daily basis, it processes $3 trillion in commerce.There are over 220 billion lines of code and 1.5 billion are written each year.In other words, COBOL is far from dead. If anything, the language appears to be poised for growth in the years ahead. Part of this is the need for digital transformation. After all, if companies want to leverage new technologies such as machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) there will be a need to work with legacy software systems.Oh, and by the way, there is already a labor shortage for COBOL programmers. Many Baby Boomers are retiring so there is a need to replace them in the workforce.But even the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for COBOL. How so? Well, look at what happened in New Jersey recently. The states unemployment system was unable to handle the surge in claims. Because of this, the Governor created a TV commercial to hire COBOL programmers to fix the problem!Now the good news about this language is that it was developed for non-technical people. So in this course, you will need to spend only a couple hours to learn the fundamentals. There will also be no need to install large amounts of software and frameworks on your computer. Instead, Ill be working with an easy cloud-based cloud app.Overview of the CourseMy teaching philosophy comes from the Nike playbook: Just do it! So in this course, I will go through lots of interesting examples that you can code along with. But I will also show you how to learn by making errors!In this course, well:See how to create the main structure for a COBOL language, such as with DIVISIONs, SECTIONs, PARAGRAPHs and so on.Look at ways to debug your programming.Use data types like strings and numbers.See how to use loops and conditional logic.Review the process of creating reports and working with files.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? Theres no programming experience required. Theres also no special software needed.Who this course is for: Anyone who wants a great beginners guide for COBOL. Those who are looking for a change in their career or to enhance their existing career."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Lightroom Workflow for Wedding Photographers" |
"Lightroom. One of the most powerful editing tools for Wedding Photographers. Our entire work is so dependant on it on a daily basis.Matching colours across the Wedding Set under different lighting conditions is the single most difficult task in our Editing Workflow.What if I told you, you can easily match colours across an entire Wedding Set? All you need to do is understand some basic concepts.Shooting high amount of Weddings over the last few years has forced me to cut the corners and find the shortcuts into effective, fast and enjoyable editing workflow. I have made many mistakes. I used tools or techniques that were sluggish or ineffective. I have carefully analysed each step of processing Wedding images. I'm super excited about putting all that knowledge together into this Ultimate Lightroom Editing Webinar for Wedding Photographers.WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS WEBINAR?COLOUR CONSISTENCYI will share my knowledge and experience to help You match the colours in your photographs across the entire Wedding Set, regardless of presets or light conditions! All you need is to understand some basic concepts, colour theory and fine tune your eye to the most important elements that we pay the most attention to in our photographs!LIGHTROOM WORKFLOWI will dive into all the aspects of my editing workflow. I will share my tips and tricks that help me to cull 4000 photographs in around 90 minutes and how I edit 800 selected images in about 4 hours max. Using one preset across the entire set.SPEED OPTIMIZATIONI will explain everything that you need to do to speed up your Lightroom so the entire editing process is fun again!FILE MANAGEMENTComplete file management, backup and archives workflow! Bulletproof system for storing your RAW files!CULLING IMAGESImage selection in Lightroom? I will show you a way to make culling of your images in LR the fastest way out there!EXTRA PLUGINSI will talk over two simple plugins that has simplified and sped up my entire editing workflow!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso Microsoft Teams, ideal para professores." |
"Com o curso, voc aprender a gerenciar suas turmas com o Microsoft Teams. Nas aulas, voc ver conceitos como equipes, canais, reunies, conversao privadas e em grupos. Alm destes recursos aprender a criar avaliaes, receber trabalhos e aplicar notas a seus alunos. Microsoft Teams uma plataforma de gerenciamento de aulas que est sendo usada por grandes universidades e escolas de renome. Aprender esta ferramenta, aumentar sua produtividades em aulas online."
Price: 69.99

"ArcGis for beginners" |
"The course is designed for beginners, it consists of practical lessons where you will be able to study each function in detail, it will help you to overcome difficulties and master the program in a short time. After completing this course you will be able to work on the GIS operator position."
Price: 104.99

"Meditation For Beginners" |
"Meditation is one of the most powerful things that you can do, as a human being. It trains you to be in control of you mind and your emotions, in ways that you never knew were possible. It allows you to be happy just to be alive, even in the most difficult of circumstances; even when you're injured, or suffering a loss, stressed out at work, overwhelmed, depressed or anxious. It allows you to find the basic happiness of being alive, and that pervades everything else, so that you can deal with everything else much better.Aside from just giving you that unshakeable happiness & joie de vivre, it also gives you control over your mind in ways that are hard to even imagine before you experience it. It gives you the ability to focus on whatever you want to focus on, which can make you extremely productive and successful in life.Tim Ferris studied hundreds of the world's most successful people: billionaires, celebrities, athletes, bodybuilders, and scientists at the tops of their fields. There was only one trait that over 80% of them had in common: a daily meditation practice. That's crazy when you think about it. It's not that they were all super intelligent, hard working, good looking, or born into wealthy families. The single most common trait among the world's most successful people is meditation. Isn't that weird?To experienced meditators, this is not a surprise at all. It makes perfect sense that the world's most successful people are meditators. Meditation is a meta-skill; it's a skill that improves all of your other skills. It improves your ability to focus, so that you can do everything else better. In that way, meditation improves every aspect of your life, from relationships to health, happiness, productivity, career... everything.In this course, you'll go from complete n00b to at least understanding the basics of meditation. This course is Meditation For Beginners. It will help you to get a good firm grounding in the basics of meditation, that you'll be able to take with you into daily life, to walk around in a meditative state, and to form the foundations for your own daily practice. All within about an hour and a half of course materials. Very easy, very simple, geared toward you, specifically, the beginner meditator. This will help you be happier in life, feel better, be healthier, and deal with pretty much anything that life will throw your way. The best hour and a half you'll ever spend in the rest of your life is this hour and a half, watching this course, learning to meditate for the first time.I'll see you inside!Namaste."
Price: 29.99

"RPA & Process Discovery for Human Resources (HR)" |
"Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Process Discovery for Human Resources HR Standard Processes including:Talent AcquisitionOnboardingTraining & DevelopmentDirect CompensationIndirect CompensationPaid Time Off (PTO)ComplianceEmployee RelationsPerformance EvaluationTerminationsDetermine which HR processes are potential candidates for automation. We will walk through detailed HR process flowcharts to identify tasks within those processes that may be good candidates for automation."
Price: 199.99

"Ancient Cave Art, Magic & Sorcery." |
"In this course, we build on our understanding of san bushman rock art, and journey north, into Europe and Asia. There we encounter the Paleolithic caves of Europe and uncover the shamanic practices of European ancestors. All this, with the help of Dr. David Lewis Williams's groundbreaking book, The Mind in the Cave."
Price: 24.99

"50 FREE Tools That Will Make You a Better Writer" |
"The American poet and writer Sylvia Plath once said: ""The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt"" and yet many writers are facing exactly that. We often doubt ourselves and our own writing skills and then we experience something that no writer would like to go through - writer's block. Nevertheless, considering that we are living in the digital era, there are millions of resources that could be the solution to our problems and they are just a click away. Therefore, it would be a real shame if we don't take advantage of them, right? Well, it doesn't have to be that way. Yes, finding those resources isn't just a click away like I just mentioned if you do it all by yourself because finding quality resources take a lot of research and effort. To save your time and to contribute to the entire writing community, I have decided to create this course and share with you 50 FREE tools that will make you a better writer. And those are NOT tools that I randomly found on the internet, those are tools that I have been using through my career as a professional writer... Or better said, those are tools that made me improve my writing and become a professional writer in the first place. If you are experiencing self-doubt as a writer and you want to ensure that your writing is THRIVING and SHINING then say no more, just JOIN THIS COURSE! Remember, you are just 50 FREE tools and other BONUS tips and resources from BECOMING THE WRITER THAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE!"
Price: 24.99

"MTA 98-364: Database Fundamentals Practice Exams 2020 Update" |
"Pass the MTA 98-364: Database Fundamentals Exam on you first attemptMTA certifications are a great place to start if you would like to get into the technology field. MTA certifications address a wide spectrum of fundamental technical concepts, assess and validate core technical knowledge, and enhance technical credibility.Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove introductory knowledge of and skills with databases, including relational databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server. It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies described here, either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in Microsoft Visual Studio. Although minimal hands-on experience with the technologies is recommended, job experience is not assumed for these exams.These MTA Database Fundamentals Prep Tests - Will test your knowledge on the following categories:Skills measuredUnderstanding core database concepts (2025%)Create database objects (2025%)Manipulate data (2530%)Understand data storage (1520%)Administer a database (1015%)Who this course is for:Anyone who are preparing for the MTA 98-364: Database Fundamentals ExamWhat our students say:""Superb. I recently got my certification with other exams, and just passed my MTA- 98-364 exam. Very happy with Ultimate exams. Thank you"" Jason Stevens""Fantastic real exam questions and all are up to date. I will definitely recommend this to my colleagues and friends"" JennyNote: Please note that you are responsible for registering and paying for the actual exam to Oracle. Register for this exam with Pearson VUE and pay for the exam using the voucher you purchase from Oracle University or with a credit card applied during exam registration.Best of luckTeam ClayDeskTeaching over 1+ Million students online"
Price: 49.99

"1Y0-992 Citrix Meta Frame Presentation Server Feature Exam" |
"135 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-992 Citrix Meta Frame Presentation Server Feature ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-992 Citrix Meta Frame Presentation Server Feature ExamTotal Questions : 135Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (101 of 135)"
Price: 149.99

"IBM C2010-656 Smart Cloud Service Request Management Exam" |
"119 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM C2010-656 Smart Cloud Service Request Management ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM C2010-656 Smart Cloud Service Request Management ExamTotal Questions : 119Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (89 of 119)"
Price: 144.99

"IBM C2010-597 TRIRIGA Application Platform Application Exam" |
"129 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM C2010-597 TRIRIGA Application Platform Application ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM C2010-597 TRIRIGA Application Platform Application ExamTotal Questions : 129Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 129)"
Price: 154.99

"Learn Python With 20+ Real World Projects [In 2020]" |
"Hey, Learn Python Programming From Very Basics To Intermediate Level With 20+ Practical Projects This Course Is for Python Beginners As Well As Intermediate Python Developers Who Wants To Create Real-World Applications / Projects Using Python Programming Language.Projects:- 1. Screenshot Application 2. Screenshot Application With GUI Interface 3. Password Generator 4. Email Sender Application 5. COVID-19 Updater / Notifier Bot 6. OCR - Image To Text 7. Chrome Automation 8. Text To Speech 9. Speech To Text 10. Webcam Application 11. Screen Recorder 13. Face Detection 14. Weather Application 15. URL Shortener 16. Internet Speed Test MANY MORE...Enroll Now...!"
Price: 199.99

"Start Your 6 Figure AirBNB Passive Income w/out Owning" |
"AIRBNB RENTAL ARBITRAGE IS NOW THE SIMPLEST METHOD TO MAKE MONEY WITH REAL ESTATE INVESTING WHETHER YOURE JUST GETTING STARTED OR A SEASONED VET. Using My AirBNB Rental Arbitrage I Help People Start & Grow their Own Airbnb Passive Income Business without owning property. For anyone who's focused and can follow simple directions, they can become the next airbnb rental arbitrage success Story Use my 29+ yrs of expertise & my proven 30 Day AirBnB Empire System to help you get an AirBnb property in 14-21 days!If You're Thinking of Starting or Growing your Passive income AirBnB business but not sure where to start and don't have a proven process or someone you can trust who'll mentor, guide and hand hold you to help ensure your success? Let me be your guide! Just follow my instructions you will succeed... Whether you're looking to start with 1 or build a portfolio for high cash-flow to support your lifestyle, vision & passions. I'm doing it every day... Now you can too!I'll show you exactly what I've done and still do today to Start and Grow my AirBNB Business without owning property so you too can have Real Independence & Real Freedom to start living your God given vision for your life like my students and I do.Ive been a real estate investor for 30 years. Ive made millions of dollars with creative real estate rent to own, seller finance, buy and hold, Fix and Flips, Wholesaling and now with Airbnb Rental Arbitrage. And Airbnb Rental Arbitrage real estate investing is now my #1 Best way to Get Started Real estate investing and can allow anyone to escape their 9-5 & immediately begin having independence & freedom to finally experience the vision they have for their lives every day by always being able to do the things that are most important to themAs a real estate investor my income comes from my real estate investments. So I DEEP DISCOUNT my coaching on Udemi to help you & as many other people as possible... Newbies, Seasoned Investors, Existing Hosts & Traditional Landlords all are welcome. All have & will continue to benefit in a Huge way! See my promo video for some of my AMAZING student testimonials and success stories."
Price: 19.99

"Teaching Adults in Further Education" |
"This course would be the equivalent of a level 3 teaching course in the UK. The modules that you have access to make up the fundamental processes of teaching. As a result of doing this course you will have a very clear understanding of what motivates adults to take courses to improve themselves and what their expectations are when they attend a one day or a series of lessons.When lesson planning you will learn how to help your students build on their learning so that their knowledge and understanding broadens and deepens while they are learning new skills or knowledge thereby strengthening their motivation to learn. You will develop both your confidence and ability to prepare learning objectives that meet the needs of your learners, providing learning opportunities that inspire them and switch them on to a life time of learning.Your presence in the classroom will be inspiring, enthusiastic, confidence and motivating and leave your learners asking for more."
Price: 24.99

"Knee pain types & their pain relief Exercises" |
"This Course is about different types of Knee pain and their different exercises. You will get complete knowledge of five types af knee pain which are Osteoarthritis, Patello-femoral pain syndrome, commonest Ligament injury (ACL), Meniscal injury & tendinitis and by the end of the course you will be able to differentiate each type of knee pain & can plan effective exercises."
Price: 4800.00

"O objetivo do curso bem simples: Te deixar apto a tocar suas msicas preferidas no violo, de forma independente, no prazo de 3 meses de estudo. Obviamente no uma tarefa fcil, mas eu estou aqui para te ajudar ao longo de todo o caminho. Ser um grande prazer te auxiliar a adentrar o mundo da msica. Seja muito bem-vindo!Essas so os assuntos abordados:-Compasso-Ritmos-Tempos-Partituras-Escalas-Exerccios para mudana de notas (agilidade)-Dedilhado-Tcnicas especiais-Como trocar as cordas violo-Dicas culturais de artistas e msicas -Afinaes no convencionais-CapotrasteDentre outros..."
Price: 39.99
