"Job Hunting Strategies for an Unstable Economy" |
"Whether you were recently laid off from your job, looking to change careers or are a student trying to navigate this uncertain economy, this course has actionable tips that can be implemented immediately to help with your job search! Instructor Anna Mazurek is a university lecturer who has last few months researching the effects of COVID-19 on the job market by looking at studies from the Great Recession and interviews with economists, business professors and human resource managers at large media companies to help her students navigate the job market during an unstable economy. She has complied this information together to focus on helping a broader audience. The course covers the following topics:~ History of Pandemics & Recessions~ Lessons from Great Recession (2007-9)~ Instructor's Personal Experience during 2008 Recession~ What to do RIGHT NOW~ Approach Letters (The best tactic for getting hired!) ~ How to Recession Proof Your Career~ What if You Cant Find a Job Right Away~ Money & Personal Finance~ Fear Setting~ Inspiration Each section includes an activity to help build your career action plan with downloadable PDFs and other resources! There are FIVE activities to help you create your own Career Action Plan and a list of resources of all books, articles and research mentioned in the course."
Price: 19.99

"A-Level Maths: Mechanics (Year 1 / AS)" |
"AUGUST DISCOUNT: use the code AUGUSTDISCOUNT at check out to get the course for 13.99.A-Level Maths: Mechanics (Year 1 / AS) is a course for anyone studying A-Level Maths:This course covers everything in the mechanics component of maths A-Level AS content, usually covered in the first year of study (Year 12). The course is suitable for all major exam boards, including Edexcel, OCR, AQA and MEI as well as the Cambridge International A-Level course. It is also a great introduction to mechanics for anyone interested in getting started.The main sections of the course are:Kinematics - the study of movement, where we look at graphs of motion (displacement-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time), constant acceleration formulas (SUVAT equations), projectiles, and how to solve problems involving multiple stages of a journey, and problems involving multiple moving objects.Dynamics - the study of forces, where we look at Newton's laws of motion, forces (and how to model them as vectors), combining force problems with constant acceleration problems, connected particles questions, and problems where the forces change part way through, such as when a connecting string breaks.Variable acceleration - where we look at motion expressed as a function of time, and how to use differentiation and integration to solve mechanics problems.There are also two extra sections at the end. The first is a short video where I show you how to use a Casio ClassWiz calculator to speed up mechanics problems. The second is four extended videos where I go question-by-question through the mechanics content in the specimen papers of Edexcel, OCR, AQA and MEI.What you get in this course:Videos: Watch as I explain each topic, introducing all the key ideas, and then go through a range of different examples, covering all the important ideas in each. In these videos I also point out the most common misconceptions and errors so that you can avoid them.Quizzes: Each sub-section is followed by a short quiz for you to test your understanding of the content just covered. Most of the questions in the quizzes are taken from real A-Level past papers. Feel free to ask for help if you get stuck on these!Worksheets: At the end of each chapter I have made a collection of different questions taken from real A-Level past papers for you to put it all together and try for yourself. At the bottom of each worksheet is a full mark-scheme so you can see how you have done.This course comes with:A 30 day money-back guarantee.A printable Udemy certificate of completion.Support in the Q&A section - ask me if you get stuck!I really hope you enjoy this course!Woody"
Price: 29.99

"AZ-500 (September Update)" |
"Microsoft's AZ-500 Azure Security Engineer exam is the first security certification from Azure. Getting that Azure Security Engineer certification is the ultimate proof of your expertise in Azure.This practice test course contains two complete practice tests so that you can prove your skills as an Azure Administrator. A perfect tool to assess your readiness, and find those one or two spots that you can study in the days before taking the test.The test covers:* Manage identity and access (20-25%)* Implement platform protection (35-40%)* Manage security operations (15-20%)* Secure data and applications (30-35%)There are questions about each of these areas in this practice test course which have the same weighting as the real exam."
Price: 350.00

"Aprenda a Vencer a Timidez!" |
"Este curso no feito por um profissional, e sim, por uma pessoa que cresceu na timidez e que diante de muitos desafios se propoz a mudar isso. Vencer a timidez foi essencial para que o instrutor conquistasse posies importantes em empresas, universidade e como uma liderana em suas empresas. Neste curso, que na verdade poderia ser classificado como uma discusso aberta e franca, o instrutor ensina como superou a timidez usando exerccios e aprendendo a entender o pensamento das pessoas ao seu redor!"
Price: 44.99

"Validating Your Idea w/ a Proof of Concept and an MVP" |
"Do you have a product idea, but you're unsure if you should pursue it? Startups, corporations and individuals are always juggling business priorities, human capital, and monetary capital to develop their product idea. In this crash course, I provide you with concepts and strategies you can apply to your product ideas to validate their viability, without having to invest too many resources into them.We will focus on these concepts throughout the course:PoC vs. MVPHow they're applicable in a corporate vs. start up vs. individual settingsThe different types of PoC testing Prioritizing Features for a PoC, and subsequently an MVPBuilding out a PoC (no coding experience required!)Analyzing resultsHow to transition to an MVPThese concepts are applicable to any product idea you might have. The content and examples in the course do skew towards tech-based products, but in reality, they can easily be applied to non-tech products as well!"
Price: 34.99

"Come creare rendite passive: 5 modi per guadagnare online" |
"Benvenuto/a in questo corso di formazione dove apprenderai cinque metodi di business online, completamente gratuiti, che daranno una svolta alla tua situazione finanziaria. Sappiamo bene che oggi, con Internet, il mondo completamente cambiato: tutti abbiamo accesso alla rete e ad almeno un apparecchio elettronico con il quale navigare, e possiamo scambiarci informazioni, prodotti, servizi e messaggi da qualunque parte del mondo.Questa un'ottima notizia, perch significa che anche tu puoi iniziare a sfruttare il mondo digitale a tuo vantaggio e iniziare a guadagnare. Se il tuo sogno quello di raggiungere la libert finanziaria, di essere libero dai debiti, dal tuo capo, dalla routine oppressiva che ti si presenta davanti ogni mattina appena apri gli occhi, allora questo corso fa proprio al caso tuo! Non aspettare! La TUA libert ti aspetta...A presto,Michelle"
Price: 19.99

"DREAM JOB: 18" |
", ? , ? , ? ? , . ? ?. ! ? ? HR? ? -, -, : . , HR , , . HR- . , Mail, PwC, EY, Ancor, , . , "" "" 9 10? , - ! ! , ? !! !. , Udemy 30 . , """" , . , ... )) !"
Price: 1799.00

"Excel drslri 0-dan pekara (Azrbaycan dilind)" |
"Excel Drslrimiz 12 drsdn ibartdir. 12 drsdn ibart proqrammz bitirdikdn sonra Excelin byk bir qismini mnimsmi olacaqsnz.12 drs rzind Excelin btn menyular v Exceld n ox istifad olunan 80-dn ox funksiya izah olunur.Tlim zaman istifad olunan Excel sndi giri blmsind ykly bilrsiniz.Hr bir drsin sonunda drs zaman yrdiln mlumatlar test etmyiniz tvsiyy olunur.mumilikd cmi 7 saat ayraraq Exceli pekar sviyyd yrncksiniz.Hr biriniz uurlar arzu edirik!"
Price: 19.99

"Quickstart European Portuguese" |
"You'll learn the rules of European Portuguese pronunciation and some basic sentences as a survival kit, when you come to Portugal, so you won't feel completely lost.Follow the three lessons of the course and feel confident that you'll know how to call a taxi/ask for a room in a hotel/order an espresso or eat a meal at a restaurant."
Price: 24.99

"Yin yoga con 30 posturas restaurativas" |
"El yin yoga es la clave para desarrollar flexibilidad y complementar con otros estilos de yoga ms activo. Este curso es muy completo, desde los fundamentos de la medicina tradicional china hasta las secuencias para equilibrar los meridianos energticos, un recurso fundamental tanto para los estudiantes como para los profesionales del yoga"
Price: 19.99

"Les Clefs du dessin - Volume 2A - Contours & cadrages" |
"La russite d'un dessin est essentiellement li la qualit de lobservation du modle.Pour bien dessiner il faut donc regarder son modle souvent, attentivement et objectivement. Pour cela il est indispensable de savoir quoi regarder, mais surtout, comment en extraire les informations indispensables pour dessiner. Cependant, lorsque vous voulez recueillir ces informations fondamentales sur votre modle, vous tes bien souvent confront une multitude de donns dont vous ne savez pas trop quoi faire.Dans ce cours vous apprendrez suivre une mthodologie simple et rapide vous permettant de canaliser la masse dinformations qui vous parvient lors de lobservation de votre modle, afin de les intgrer progressivement votre dessin.Vous avez envie dapprendre dessiner, mais vous hsitiez car vous ne savez pas si ce cours peut vous aider.Il existe en effet de nombreuses formations proposant d'apprendre dessiner qui ne sont en ralit qu'une suite de leons sans cohsion ni relle mthode d'apprentissage. Ce que je vous propose avec la srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN c'est un cours complet qui regroupe au total 4 volumes pour vraiment apprendre le dessin d'observation. La mthode qui y est explique, nomme la mthode synthtique, est directement inspire des enseignements qui taient dispenss dans les acadmies de dessin du XIXe sicle.Des leons et des exercices pour VRAIMENT apprendre dessinerLa srie de cours LES CLEFS DU DESSIN a t conue pour tre la fois plaisante et efficace. Les diverses leons sont structures de manire pdagogique avec une partie thorique abordant les principes fondamentaux du dessin d'observation, accompagnes de nombreux exercices qui vous permettront de mettre en pratique les notions tudies afin de progresser rapidement tout en vous faisant plaisir.Chaque volume de cette mthode particulirement infaillible pour apprendre dessiner, traite une comptence essentielle du dessin. Vous verrez ainsi tous les aspects du dessin, depuis les bases jusqu la matrise de techniques avances. Les vidos contiennent des instructions claires qui vous guide tape par tape dans votre apprentissage et si vous rencontrez des difficults, je rpondrais vos questions afin de vous aider les surmonter.Pour que ce cours soit bnfique et vous permette vraiment d'apprendre dessiner, je vous conseille de parcourir les sept parties de la srie LES CLEFS DU DESSIN dans l'ordre suivant :Attitude & observationContours & cadragesMesures & proportionsFormes & volumesEspace & perspectiveVolumes & lumire Valeurs & ombrage"
Price: 19.99

"Data Science:Hands-on Diabetes Prediction with Pyspark MLlib" |
"This is a Hands-on 1- hour Machine Learning Project using Pyspark. You learn by Practice.No unnecessary lectures. No unnecessary details.A precise, to the point and efficient course about Machine learning in Spark.About Pyspark:Pyspark is the collaboration of Apache Spark and Python. PySpark is a tool used in Big Data Analytics.Apache Spark is an open-source cluster-computing framework, built around speed, ease of use, and streaming analytics whereas Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. It provides a wide range of libraries and is majorly used for Machine Learning and Real-Time Streaming Analytics.In other words, it is a Python API for Spark that lets you harness the simplicity of Python and the power of Apache Spark in order to tame Big Data. We will be using Big data tools in this project. You will learn more in this one hour of Practice than hundreds of hours of unnecessary theoretical lectures.Learn the most important aspect of Spark Machine learning (Spark MLlib) :Pyspark fundamentals and implementing spark machine learningImporting and Working with DatasetsProcess data using a Machine Learning model using spark MLlibBuild and train Logistic regression modelTest and analyze the modelWe will build a model to predict diabetes. This is a 1- hour project. In this hands-on project, we will complete the following tasks:Task 1: Project overviewTask 2: Intro to Colab environment & install dependencies to run spark on ColabTask 3: Clone & explore diabetes datasetTask 4: Data CleaningCheck for missing valuesReplace unnecessary valuesTask 5: Correlation & feature selectionTask 6: Build and train Logistic Regression Model using Spark MLlibTask 7: Performance evaluation & Test the modelTask 8: Save & load modelMake a leap into Data science with this Spark MLlib project and showcase your skills on your resume. So click on the ENROLL NOW button and start learning, building and testing model."
Price: 19.99

"BI-01 Python For Absolute Beginners. - Banking Oriented" |
"This course is teaching programming essentials in Python for absolute beginners and its use in banking and business. It help students to develop software components to support in Open Banking data sharing.This Course is aiming to produce good programmers who understand Algorithms , Data structure and can implement computer science concepts in banking sector.Course ideal for beginners who have never done programming before to implement real banking project with an industry expert who is developing applications in banking sector since year 2000 for a number of financial institutions. Curriculum of this course is designed to convert people who have no previous knowledge or academic background in computer science into considerable programmers. The Course deliver knowledge not only in Python language itself, but its business implementations . Furthermore combining algorithms with Python in a banking implementation manner. it's something that's missing from most other programming courses , that focus too much on the language itself, while ignoring to show students the big picture and makes sure they understand the logic of what they are doing and how it can help them answer business questions. This is means students come out of the course with a holistic understanding of computing as a business function, instead of a standalone concept.The course uses python language to achieve its goals as well as focus on the programming and algorithms essentials that are important to qualify participants to learn any previous or future programming language alone based on foundation they learned in this course."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Fire Suppression System (FM200) Training Course" |
"About the course and contents:1. Learn Complete Fire Suppression System (FM200) by Simplex Training Course Practically.2. This is a fully On-Site Practical Training Course for All Levels to boost your career.3. After completing this course you can work as an industry expert in FM200 System4. I covered all topics of Fire Suppression System (FM200) practically to make it understandable for all.5. This Fire Suppression System (FM200 Training course contains a lot of practical videos from our different projects which will help you easily to understand this system.6. More than 2 hours of video lectures will let you have full practical knowledge of the FM200 system.7. This Fire Suppression System (FM200 Training course is for all Engineers and Technicians and Operators either you are working as a contractor or a consultant8. I ensure you, once you complete this FM200 course, you will be an Expert as Engineer.9. At the end of this Fire Suppression System (FM200), you will find a full detailed project to explain to you the system completely10. A lot of 5 stars reviews have been rated by trainees from all over the world, which reflects the benefits and the high quality and information you will find in this course.11. This Fire Suppression System (FM200) course is a summarized course, which is very helpful to anybody who is interested to learn the FM200 System in a very fast way. Without wasting a lot of time.Some of the topics which you will find in this course:1. What is Fire Suppression Release System ( FM200 ) full detail Overview2. Fire Suppression Release System by Simplex Architecture and Connection Reference3. FM 200 Fire Suppression System Operation and Devices Wiring Connection4. Fire Suppression Release System (FM200) - 4098 Smoke Detector Wiring5. FM200 Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Detectors, MCP, Abort Switch, Maintenance Switch, and Actuator.6. FM 200 Use of Actuator Maintenance Switch MCP and Abort Switch in FM2007. FM 200 Troubleshooting of Actuator, Maintenance Switch, Pushbutton, Abort Switch, Detectors and Panel8. FM 200 Earth fault Troubleshooting of FM200 Panel9. FM 200 Interfacing with Fire Alarm System10. FM 200 Major 5 Application and Use of FM20011. Fire Suppression Release 4004 R Panel by Simplex Programming12. FM200 by Simplex Site Installation and Commissioning Pictures13. Which gas used in FM200?14. Piping, agent cylinder size, Nozzle size, and distance coveredThese are the first courses on Udemy which provide Onsite Company training with in-depth knowledge.I suggest you never miss these courses to enhance your skill and get trained with the best videos on Udemy.As an instructor, I always consider the level of my course for beginners to experts.Any beginner and professional can join the courses to enhance his/her skill. After course completion, these courses ensure you become an Industry expert.I wish you a great career.Thank you"
Price: 3200.00

"Facebook Ads para Dropshipping para Principiantes" |
"Facebook Ads, se ha convertido en la plataforma publicitaria ms importantes del mundo digital. Factores como su facilidad de implementacin, bajo costo y amplias posibilidades de segmentacin, entre otros, hacen que cada vez ms TIENDAS ONLINE opten por promover sus productos a travs de la publicidad en Facebook.Si quieres aprender a crear y administrar campaas publicitarias efectivas en Facebook Ads para tu Tienda Online hemos creado este curso para ti, si ests empezando y quieres conseguir tus primeras ventas y conseguir resultados este es tu curso sin duda.El curso est hecho para que vayas a tu propio ritmo, por lo que puedes registrarte y empezarlo en cualquier momento as pues, tendrs acceso de por vida."
Price: 19.99

"ECOnnect: No nonsense non-dualism" |
"A course to connect to yourself, to others and to the more-than-human world, to create resilience and an increased capacity to respond in the ecological emergency. By the time you finish this course, you will have an insight into the scientific and the East Asian nature of nondualism, and you will be able to use the practices of realisation as agency and compassionate attunement as well as understanding the importance of attitude to address the personal and the wider issues facing us all at this time."
Price: 49.99

"PostgreSQL Databases & Python" |
"In this class you will learn how to install and use PostgreSQL databases, SQL commands, how to host an interactive website on the cloud with a PostgreSQL database. We provide a small example website with user interaction hosted on the cloud using PostgreSQL , PHP and HTML : we show how to configure your Webserver for PostgreSQL. The last part is about python and PostgreSQL interfacing for more advanced usage of PostgreSQL databases"
Price: 19.99

ksa-tasi |
". . . ."
Price: 139.99

"Energy Risk Professional (ERP) Part 1 2020 Practice Exams" |
""" This is an unofficial course and is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with GARP in any way""Energy Risk Professional Part 1 focuses on the physical energy markets.You have made a very valuable decision to pursue the Energy Risk Professional designation. It is a very huge investment in time, energy, and financial resources. This practice exam will help you run your certification race in one lap and ensure that you do not repeat the rigorous process!. Congratulations!!These most likely 80 exam-style questions with full solutions and explanations are distributed over 6 practice tests. The first two tests have 10 questions each and a test duration of 30 mins. The last four practice tests have 15 questions each and a test duration of 45 mins.The 80 exam-style practice questions will help you review the key learning objectives of ERP Part 1 ( Physical markets). The questions are very well designed in line with the ERP Part 1 2020 curriculum. As you aim for 80 percent in the practice tests, you build your knowledge and test skills for the actual ERP Part 1 exam in October/November 2020."
Price: 199.99

"L'investimento perfetto 1 - Investire con la testa" |
"E se le tecniche di investimento contassero meno di quel che si crede? E se fosse il nostro comportamento ad essere responsabile dei rendimenti che otterremo in futuro?Investire davvero semplice. Ma se fosse facile ci sarebbero molte pi persone che guadagnano. Invece la maggior parte degli investitori auto sabota il proprio guadagno a causa di errori sistematici e prevedibili. Una volta che li avremo riconosciuti e snidati sar possibile aumentare il rendimento del portafoglio, semplicemente cambiando i nostri pensieri e le nostre azioni sui mercati.Perch il rendimento finale dipende per l'80% dal nostro mindset e solo per il 20% dalla tecnica usata."
Price: 19.99

"L'investimento perfetto 2 - Portafogli perfetti" |
"Chi non convinto che per guadagnare con gli investimenti sia necessario trovare i titoli migliori e prevedere il futuro andamento dei mercati? E se invece la realt fosse un'altra? Il corso ""Portafogli perfetti"" insegner a costruire un portafoglio a prova di stress, adatto per la maggior parte del tempo per la maggior parte degli investitori.Esso ha offerto rendimenti straordinariamente stabili nel tempo grazie alla diversificazione razionale e alle basi su cui poggia. Invece di ""indovinare"" quale sar il rendimento di domani, il portafoglio perfetto sfrutta l'incertezza che ogni investitore deve affrontare, per guadagnare grazie ad essa.Il portafoglio perfetto, in sintesi, quello che massimizza i rendimenti attesi a prescindere da ci che accadr in futuro."
Price: 24.99

"Comment faire une vido inoubliable sur Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"Imaginez un monde sans limiteCe monde, cest celui de la vido. Que vous soyez nouveau ou expert dans ce milieu vous aurez toujours de quoi apprendre, que ce soit l'utilisation d'un nouveau logiciel, une nouvelle technologie, une nouvelle vision.Dans cette formation je veux vous aider surpasser vos limites. On sest dj tous retrouv dans la situation suivante : lenvie de raliser une vido mais ne pas avoir les connaissances ncessaires pour raliser 100% notre ide.Je veux que vous soyez fier de vous et satisfait de votre travail.Cest pourquoi, dans ce cours, je vais vous apprendre utiliser, comprendre et matriser Adobe Premire Pro CC en partageant avec vous ma vision. Vous pourrez alors vous inspirer de mes mthodes de travail, les appliquer pour dvelopper votre propre workflow si vous nen avez pas encore.Pour cela jai cr une formation en 2 parties :Premire partie : Mon explication de Adobe Premiere Pro CCJe vais vous apprendre utiliser Premiere Pro tout en vous dvoilant des astuces de professionnels. On va voir ensemble :1 - Organisation :Vous allez apprendre organiser vos fichiers sur votre disque dur et dans le logiciel Premiere Pro pour vous y retrouver facilement, vous allez aussi dcouvrir linterface de Premiere pro et comment lutiliser en fonction de ltape de production laquelle vous vous trouvez.2 Derushage et outils de montage :Nous verrons ensemble comment on derush une vido ainsi que les bases du montage et les outils pour le faire. On verra galement comment conformer nos fichiers vido pour viter des problmes de saut dimage, comment on cre une squence parfaite pour notre projet, quoi sert le panneau options deffets et pour finir je vous parlerai de comment et o trouver une musique pour votre vido.3 Montage :Dans cette troisime partie nous verrons comment monter sa vido, je vous montrerai ensuite comment jutilise les calques et les transitions vido. Je vous montrerai comment fonctionne loutil de titrage de Premiere pro et pour finir je vous ferai une dmonstration de ce quest le speed ramping qui est une technique de montage trs la mode.4 talonnage :Nous voil arrivs dans la partie concernant ltalonnage, dans cette partie je vous montre comment et par quelles techniques jamliore limage de mes vidos pour leur donner un look professionnel. Je vous expliquerai ce quest une LUT, je vous montrerai comment utiliser les masques en talonnage et pour finir on verra ensemble les paramtres supplmentaires auquel vous accdez si vous avez film avec une camra qui enregistre en RAW.5 Les effets qui amliorent nos images :Dans cette partie on va voir ensemble comment stabiliser nos images. Je vais ensuite vous montrer comment rajouter du grain sur vos images pour leur donner une texture plus filmique. Pour finir je vais vous parler de plusieurs plug-ins, ce sont des effets payants que vous ne retrouvez pas de base dans Premiere pro mais que je trouve gniaux et que jutilise dans toute mes productions.6 Audio :Maintenant on va parler de laudio dans Premiere Pro. On va voir comment utiliser les effets audios, les keyframes pour modifier le gain, les transitions audios et pour finir je vais vous parler du mixage des pistes audio qui est lquivalent des calques deffet mais pour les pistes son.7 Export :Notre montage vido et audio est prt tre export. Nous allons voir comment exporter vos vidos avec la meilleure qualit dimage possible. On va crer ensemble deux pr configurations dexport. L'une que vous pourrez utiliser pour mettre vos fichiers en ligne sur YouTube, vimeo, ou autre et une deuxime pour garder vos vidos sur votre ordinateur mais avec un poids de fichier moins important.8 Archivage :Notre vido est maintenant 100% termine, ce quon veut maintenant cest la stocker quelque part avec un poids de fichier le plus petit possible. Pour ce faire, je vais vous montrer comment supprimer vos fichiers non utiliss, on verra ensuite 2 possibilits de stockage une peu coteuse mais dangereuse dans le temps et une autre plus coteuse qui sadresse plutt des professionnels mais qui est la plus scurise ce jour.---------------------------------------Deuxime partie : Ma mthode de travail / Le cas pratique.Dans cette partie je vais monter devant vous une vido de A Z et le meilleur dans tout a cest que je vous mets disposition tous les plans de cette vido pour que vous puissiez la monter ensuite vous-mme. Il est en effet bien plus simple de comprendre et dassimiler beaucoup de connaissances en appliquant celles-ci.Que vous la montiez l'identique ou votre manire, cette cration vous permettra de vous rendre compte de vos normes progrs la fin de cette formation.De plus je serai disposition par mails / messages pour rpondre vos questions et vous donner mon avis sur votre montage final. Jai hte de dcouvrir les futurs talents de la vido.Amusez vous et apprenez un maximum de choses.Max Freyss"
Price: 99.99

"Allemand Grammaire: 3 minute promise" |
"La dure du cours est 3mn, vous trouvererez des exemples de grammaire de differents verbes importants dans la langue allemande qui vous facilitent la tche dapprendre le cours et comprendre le contenu. la fin de chaque vido, jai voulu vous donner un aperu sur lAllemagne, les traditions, les factcurs caractri sant ce pays, qui vous permet denricher votre culture gnrale.Le contenu du cours:1. lauxilliaire ""sein"" et sa conjugaison au prsentExemples sur la conjusation de lauxilliaire "" sein"".2. Exemples avec lauxilliaire ""haben"".3. Conjugison de lauxilliaire ""haben"" au prsent .4. lauxilliaire ""werden"" .Les exemples.5. la conjugaison de ""werden"" au prsent .6. le prtrit en Allemand, les exemples .conjugaison de lauxilliaire ""sein"" au prtrit.7. le prterit de ""haben"" la conjugaison de ""haben"" au prtrit.8. le pass .Les exemples.9. Liste de verbes qui de conjusuent avec lauxilliaire ""haben"".Liste de verbes qui se conjusuent lauxilliaire ""sein"".10. Les verbes sparables en langue allemande .Liste des verbes sparables.11. Le passe des verbes sparables en langue allemande .Les exemples .Liste de verbes qui se conjuguent avec ""haben"".12. Le pass des verbes sparables.Liste de verbes sparables avec ""sein"".Les verbes insparables.Les exemples .Liste de verbes insparables .13. Le pass den verbes insparables .les exemples.14. Liste de verbes insparables qui se conjuguent avec ""haben"" et ""sein"" au pass."
Price: 199.99

"Become a Firefighter!" |
"Do you want to be a Firefighter? What does a Firefighter actually do? How do I apply to be a Firefighter?All of these questions will be answered and more. Learn insider tips from an industry expert. The UK Firefighter Selection Process is competitive and demanding, with good reason. Firefighters are unique and relied upon to help others. This requires a certain type of person and aptitude to do effectively. This course is designed for anyone interested in joining the Fire and Rescue Service. No experience is necessary to join, but it is a challenge. An insight into the selection process is crucial for any applicant to attain their dream job. This course includes over four hours of premium content hosted by an ex-firefighter, detailing the Selection Process and offering expert tips to help you get ahead with your application."
Price: 39.99

"Problem solving session in Indefinite Integration" |
"In this course you will see 26 problems on Indefinite integrals which are worth solving if you are a calculus student. You will see wide variety of problems solved like Trigonometric , Exponential, Logarithmic integrals and mixture of these. You will learn the power of Complimentary method of evaluating integrals and integration by parts."
Price: 1600.00

"Vue.js - Nuxt.js: Balangtan leri Seviyeye 2020" |
"Vue Js ve Nuxt Js ile sfrdan ileri seviyeye web gelitirme nasl yaplr renin !Bu kursta tamamen Vue JSin temellerinden balayarak en detayl bilgilere kadar Vue Js Nuxt JS gelitirme nasl yaplr reneceksiniz. Ayrca sfrdan hi bir hazr kod kullanmadan iinde server admin paneli online database balants olan gerek bir e-ticaret sitesini kodlayarak full-stack web developer olmak iin gerekli tm bilgi ve beceriye sahip olacaksnz.Vue.js - Nuxt.js: Balangtan leri Seviye 2020 kursumuzda ileyeceimiz konular:Temel Seviye Vue.jsSfrdan Proje OluturmaDirectivelerMustaches InterpolationComputed ve Watch PropertiesStillendirme lemleriComponentlerComponent OluturmaSingle File ComponentsComponentlerde Veri GnderimiLocal StorageSession StorageCookiesBcrypt ve JsonWebTokenMixins ve FiltersAnimasyonlarVue-ResourceAxiosVue Yaplandrma AyarlarVue-RouterBootstrapVueVuexTemel Seviye Nuxt.jsClient Side ve Server SideNuxt Config Dosyas AyarlarNuxt Page Ve Layout YapsNuxt RouterNuxt le Kullanlan FonksiyonlarKursumuzda yapacamz rnek projeler:Faiz Hesap Botu ProjesiRol Model Pin ProjesiRent Car Sayfas ProjesiAlveri Sepeti ProjesiAuthenticaton ProjesiFirebase BalantsE-Ticaret Sitesi ProjesiFront-End TasarmServer OluturmaAdmin Paneli OluturmaMongoDB le Authentication OluturmaAyrca eer JavaScript, MongoDB , NodeJS ve SourceTree Github Birlikte Kullanm konularnda bilgi eksiiniz olduunu dnyorsanz, bu eksiklii kapatacak temel bilgiler kursumuzun ieriinde crash course olarak yer almaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Osmanl Trkesi Ariv Belgelerini Okuma ve Anlama" |
"Osmanl paleografyas ve diplomatikas alannda kendini gelitirmek isteyen bata Tarih ve Edebiyat blmlerinde okuyan talebeler veya akademisyen arkadalarmz olmak zere Osmanlcaya gnl veren herkes bu derslerimizden istifade edebilir.Buradaki derslerimizde belgeler zerinden giderek metinleri okuma ve anlama almalar yaparak Osmanlca belgeleri daha iyi okuyup anlayabileceiz.Bin yllk yazmz olan Osmanl Trkesini renerek kendi tarihimizi orijinak kaynaklardan okuyabileceksinizNot: Udemy'de eitim setlerinin referans ile indirilmesi halinde, satn alm cretinin ou vergiler dtkten sonra eitimciye byk ksm yatmaktadr. Bu cihetle satm almlarnzda bizden referans linki istemeniz rica olunur. Referans link talebinizi mavihece@gmail.com adresimizden talep ederseniz sevinirim. Teekkrler.Not 2: Arkadalar, 2 dersimizde (13. ve 26. dersler) teknik arzadan dolay son ksmda okumalarmzdaki eksiklik 'indirilebilir kaynak' blmne geri kalan ksm video olarak eklenmitir."
Price: 99.99

"Practical Implementation of Cloud Computing in IT Businesses" |
"Use Coupon Code ""CC-P-IMPL"" to access the course for free. This offer is valid only for limited period.""Practical Implementation of Cloud Computing in IT Businesses"" is a must-have course for those who wants to become Cloud Architect. If you want to become Cloud Expert, this course will give you a transformational experience. You will learn - 1. How to take architectural decisions leveraging cloud computing. 2. How to grow career in Cloud related work in IT? 3. What is future of Cloud Computing?4. How Large IT organizations are using Cloud Computing?5. How Small online business and Start-ups can use Cloud Computing to grow their businesses?Are you learning Cloud services since last couple of months but still not able to implement that at workplace? That's because you simply learnt Cloud Computing and started learning Specific Cloud Services. You must have understanding of use cases where those services will be used from architectural perspective. Practical implementation knowledge is must if you want to pursue career in Cloud in IT.This is a to-the-point and a crisp course covering everything you need know before learning any cloud service. The couple of hours spent on this course will help you save many hours when you will learn any cloud service and then you will try to find the areas where the services should be used for better architecture and other benefits."
Price: 19.99

"Exmenes de simulacin COMIPEMS 2020" |
"Hemos diseado para t pruebas con un gran parecido al examen que presentaras, ayudndote a evaluar tus conocimientos, donde tambin podrs consultar los resultados agrupados por materia.Son exmenes diagnsticos a partir de reactivos que, en nuestra experiencia como docentes, aparecen en la prueba oficial.Realizaras cada uno de los exmenes, los cuales, uno a uno, irn dndote un resultado aproximado al puntaje real; ayudndote a saber cules son las reas en la que debes poner mayor atencin y/o esfuerzo, as cuando te sientas listo podrs presentar la siguiente prueba hasta completarlas."
Price: 270.00

"Flutter & Dart - Beginners Guide In Arabic" |
Price: 149.99

"Uniube Mega Exatas Reviso - pr vestibulares" |
"O curso bem prtico, so 4 blocos de vdeos com as 3 disciplinas, matemtica, fsica e qumica e uma aula de questes abertas de qumicas com todas as dicas de como resolv- las no momento da prova. Voc ter disponvel os videos com aulas e todas as listas de exerccios referente s aulas. As matrias so revisadas baseadas nas resolues de questes, tornando o curso bem objetivo e prtico"
Price: 29.99
