"Adobe Illustrator CC: Basics Masterclass; with a Pie Chart." |
"Making, Editing and Styling a Pie Chart in Adobe Illustrator using 30+ Adobe Illustrator tools from the basic shapes to complex Transformation and Blur EffectsIn a number of different Videos You will learn how to Start using Illustrator as a complete beginner.I'll start with opening Adobe Illustrator, creating a new document and add a pie chart and then proceed to editing the pie chaart and adding more components to it.This course will teach you how to create and completely edit and stylize the individual components of a pie chart in adobe illustrator followed by creating a legend(key) for this pie chart and finally adding a decent hand lettering styled heading and subheading to the graph. This is a great course for beginners and regular users of Adobe Illustrator who are looking to learn and try out new ways to use the vast variety of tools and options that Adobe Illustrator has to offer"
Price: 19.99

"HR COMPETENCIES QUESTIONSExample Question: Once the new policy goes into effect, many employees are upset with the HR manager and develop a negative attitude toward HR. What should the HR manager do to develop and maintain mutual trust and respect with employees?Answers:A. Walk around the plant to talk to employees and get to know them better.B. Meet with the corporate HR director to identify a legally acceptable activity to replace the lottery.C. Organize a company-sponsored picnic for all employees and their families.D. Organize one-on-one interviews with employees to discuss what the HR manager can do better.Explanation:A is correct. Building trust is critical to the success of the HR function. Given the recent changes spearheaded by the HR manager, it is even more important to focus on the relationship with the employee population, as it has most likely been impacted by the policy change. The most effective way to determine the level of impact and work toward changing perceptions is to have face-to-face interactions with the employee population.B is incorrect, as providing an alternative to the lottery attempts to win a popularity contest versus developing the relationship.C is incorrect, as HR is then seen as a party planner, and this action is not a step to developing the relationship with employees.D is incorrect. Given this recent policy change spearheaded by the HR manager, this would not be the best point in time to obtain objective feedback and would most likely result in more emotionally charged feedback, further eroding a positive relationship."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to the Study of Myth" |
"Have you ever found the narratives which surround us fascinating? Have you ever wanted to further explore the world of mythology? Do you ever wonder what it all means?Explore a variety of approaches, definitions, and ways of analysing mythology. From those who see myths as all being the same, to those who scrutinise myths to find some underlying cultural structure - from popular culture to the environment - you can traverse the divergent fields of the study of myth.This course is divided into seven sessions:(1) What is a myth?(2) Universalist Approaches(3) Myths and Dreams(4) Structuralist Approaches(5) Space and Place(6) Myth and Popular Culture(7) Conclusion: Future of Myth"
Price: 19.99

"EBP Gestion commerciale PRO 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel EBP Gestion Commerciale PRO 2019 pour bien mettre en place votre activit commerciale. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour la cration des articles, clients, fournisseurs, le circuit des documents de ventes et d'achats. Vous verrez galement la mise en place des gestions tarifaires clients et fournisseurs, la gestion des stocks, les rglements clients et fournisseurs, les nouveauts 2019 comme les gammes ou les nomenclatures commerciales ainsi que le transfert de vos critures de vente et d'achat votre expert comptable ainsi que toutes les statistiques et tableaux de bord pour bien piloter votre activit.La formation vido sur EBP gestion commerciale PRO 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome pour grer votre activit commerciale.."
Price: 59.99

"CIEL Gestion commerciale volution 2019" |
"La formation vido comprenant vous apprendra bien prendre en main le logiciel CIEL Gestion Commerciale volution 2019 pour bien mettre en place votre activit commerciale. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits du logiciel avec des cas concrets pour la cration des articles, clients, fournisseurs, le circuit des documents de ventes et d'achats. Vous verrez galement la mise en plage de gestion tarifaire client et fournisseur, la gestion des stocks, les rglements clients et fournisseurs ainsi que le transfert de vos critures de vente et d'achat votre expert comptable ainsi que toutes les statistiques et tableaux de bord pour bien piloter votre activit.La formation vido sur CIEL gestion commerciale volution 2019 vous permettra d'tre autonome pour grer votre activit commerciale"
Price: 59.99

"Meditations and Hand Mudras For The 5 Elements" |
"A course for learning and exploring the 5 elements of yoga and ayurveda through mudra (hand gesture) meditations. Each class is a specific mudra which relates with an element. We'll go over meditations for these elements and also learn a few other tools to help embody the element. From learning about the elements we'll also share in how to use these to create greater balance in your daily life. Your teacher, Andrew, is a Certified Yoga Therapist, Certified Rolf Structural Integrator, Certified Meditation Teacher, Certified Energy Healer and much more. He has over 5000hours of studies across numerous Body and Mind Subjects. The classes are broken into short instructional videos and are then to be practiced by you on your own for the following week before beginning the next class.This class has a ton of information that you can incorporate and integrate into your daily life for brining better health and life balance.I can't wait to share this with you!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Inkscape no ambiente Windows" |
"O Inkscape uma ferramenta de design grfico e vetorial totalmente gratuita disponvel no ambiente Windows e Linux. Voc no precisa pagar caro por um software para desenvolver seus projetos grficos, com o Inkscape voc realmente resolve todos os problemas de produtividade. uma ferramenta muito intuitiva, tem manual na internet alm de vrios cursos como este disponvel em vrias plataformas na rede. Ou seja voc no tem como no saber as mais diversas funcionalidades desta ferramenta, mesmo as menos usadas."
Price: 39.99

"Stock Market Trading in 14 Days Technical Analysis (Hindi)" |
"Language: Hindi (easy Hinglish)Prerequisite: Simple Maths.What's not PreRequisite: No Mathematics expertise required, No finance or economics education required. Who should purchase: Anyone who wants to make extra income from the market regularly.Why should purchase: Current situation is a unique situation in the Share market. Learn to trade and enter the market with the right knowledge & confidence.Who are we: TradeByRules. What we teach: The Rules.Learn Technical Analysis in-depth for Trading in Indian Share Market (Nifty & Sensex)Learn all important concepts and aspects of Trading which can be used to trade any stocks & commodities."
Price: 1280.00

"MD-100 and MD-101 Practice Tests" |
"Explore your skills with hours of practice tests in the latest exam references so you can test your knowledge and have a chance to pass the first try and stand out with the title: Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate.We have created a complete question pack for the MD-100 and MD-101 exams to help you know where you need to improve and prepare for the real official Microsoft testing environment.Modern desktop administrators deploy, configure, protect, manage and monitor client devices and applications in an enterprise environment.Job role: AdministratorRequired exams: MD-100 MD-101Features and benefits when purchasing our Practice Tests:You only buy once and have lifetime access.Content updated frequently.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reason.Windows 10 frequently asked questions (MD-100)What is the knowledge requirement for the MD-100 exam?Candidates applying for the exam must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must have proficiency and experience in deploying, configuring and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.What is the MD-100 exam?The MD-100 exam is for candidates who are administrators and know how to deploy, configure, secure, manage and monitor client devices and applications in an enterprise environment. Candidates manage identity, access, policies, updates and applications.Frequently asked questions about managing modern desktops (MD-101)What is the MD-101 exam?The MD-101 exam is for administrators who deploy, configure, protect, manage and monitor client devices and applications in an enterprise environment. Candidates manage identity, access, policies, updates and applications.What should the candidate do as an administrator?As an administrator, candidates often collaborate with Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to design and implement a device strategy that meets the business needs of a modern organization. MD-100: Windows 10 Skills measuredDeploy Windows (15-20%)Manage devices and data (35-40%)Configure connectivity (15-20%)Maintain Windows (25-30%)MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops Skills measuredDeploy and update operating systems (35-40%)Manage policies and profiles (25-30%)Manage and protect devices (20-25%)Manage apps and data (10-15%)IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 29.99

"Inbound Marketing - O marketing que as pessoas buscam" |
"O curso de Inbound Marketing foi criado pensando na viabilizao das aes, ou seja, a ideia fazer voc colocar a mo na massa para conseguir tirar as estratgias do papel.A forma como o curso foi montado segue exatamente o modelo e sequencia das aes que utilizamos em clientes como Probel, Ferrero Rocher, De Fitness e outros. O objetivo trazer estratgias validadas no mercado para que voc tenha pleno entendimento do que deve ser feito.Neste curso de Inbound Marketing voc ter a oportunidade de aprender todo o conceito estratgico do mtodo e tambm ver os processos acontecendo de verdade nas ferramentas, plataformas e materiais que sero utilizados no curso.Para quem se destina?O curso de Inbound Marketing destina-se profissionais da rea de marketing, vendas e atendimento ao cliente (pr-venda ou ps-venda) que buscam alavancar suas carreiras e tem como objetivo implantar ou evoluir as estratgias de Inbound e marketing dentro de sua empresa.O Inbound Marketing vem sendo uma estratgia cada vez mais utilizada por empresas, pois tem o potencial de tornar as estratgias de marketing muito mais sustentveis e aumentam exponencialmente a taxa de converso do time de vendas.A metodologia Inbound abre portas para que todas as equipes que se relacionam com o cliente tenham condies de entregar o melhor de cada rea, uma vez que o resultado final depende do empenho de todos.As reas que comumente esto diretamente ligadas de forma direta ao cliente so Vendas, Marketing e Ps-Vendas. Todos os profissionais que operam nestes departamentos vo encontrar nas estratgias de Inbound Marketing solues que vo fazer a abordagem e comunicao com o cliente ser muito mais assertiva e personalizada.Introduo ao Inbound MarketingO que Inbound Marketing?Fundamentos e conceitosPor que Inbound Marketing?Marketing Tradicional x Inbound MarketingProcessos e objetivos do Inbound MarketingConstruir contedo relevante, atrair, engajar e converterA evoluo do mercado e dos usuriosObjetivos do Inbound MarketingProcessos e estratgias de InboundA importncia de um bom planejamento antes do incios das aesFluxo de leads e metodologia de FlywheelConhecendo as etapas de atrao, encantamento e envolvimentoO caminho do leadEtapas de troca de responsabilidade do leadEquipes que fazem parte do processo de Inbound MarketingDefinindo Personas e Jornada de ConsumoO que so personas e qual a importnciaComo gerar oportunidades de mercado conhecendo as dores das personasOnde minerar dados para suas Buyer PersonasCriando pesquisas para entrevistasEstruturando sua personaOrganizando os times que fazem parte da criao das personasO que jornada de consumoQual a importancia da JornadaDefinindo jornadas para cada personaComo estruturar aes de contedoA importncia na construo de autoridade digitalComo escrever um contedo ricoPlanejamento de contedo de Inbound MarketingContedo por jornada de consumoPotencial de atrao de contedoPlanejamento de palavras chavePor que importante ter um canal prprioA importncia na construo de autoridade digitalRedes sociais como ferramenta de distribuioEstratgias de qualificao de leads e lead scoreComo qualificar o seu cliente idealDefinio de oportunidadesEstratgia de pontuao de leads (lead score) para qualificaoEntendendo o momento ideal de entrar em contato com o leadVisitantes em Leads: landing pages e estratgias de conversoConverso: o que e suas definiesBoas prticas de designCriao de formulrios e conceitos de cadastro de usuriosCall to actionsEstratgias de captao (on site, redes sociais e canais de terceiros)Landing pages e tcnicas de otimizao de pginaTransformando leads em clientesGerando oportunidades para o time de vendasCanais de contato com o leadTiming ideal para entrar em contatoConhecendo a oportunidade antes de entrar em contatoPipeline de vendasAlinhando vendas com marketing e ps-vendasDefinio de metas InboundDefinio de metas globais e metas por equipeComo calcular metas por etapa do leadMensurao de mtricasPrincipais mtricas do InboundAprendendo com os dados gerados"
Price: 279.99

"Texto em 3d para Redes Sociais" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender do 0 como criar textos em 3d no Blender 2.8 e export-los e Finalizar no Photoshop para que possam ser utilizados em posts de redes sociais ou qualquer trabalho de Design Grfico!Ensino a voc como criar e dar volume s palavras, enfeitar o texto com um traado e uma borda que do muito destaque para seu trabalho, colorir e texturizar seu texto e tambm como dar perspectiva e curva para que seja um elemento dinmico e diferenciado, alm de mostrar na prtica como fazer uma ps produo e montar o post final para postar!"
Price: 39.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Question Bank - ITIL World" |
"6 full ITIL 4 Foundation verified exams by (Nooreddin Tahayneh, ITIL 4 MP, ITIL Expert) 400 best-in-class questions with no duplication , explanation of answers, linked to the study material chapters (shared with you after enrollment)The exams are updated periodically based on the latest ITIL 4 Foundation exam syllabusIn addition to the exams , you will get access to the study material, study plan, and continuous mentorship till passing the official exam ( more details in ""ITIL World"" Facebook group)The exams and the training material is more than enough to lead you till successMany students already passed the official ITIL 4 Foundation exam using these exams and study materialTraining Plan :Read the 1st 4 chapters from the study material (Available in Facebook group ""ITIL World"")Solve Practice Exam 1Read the last chapter from the study material (Practices)Solve Practice Exam 2Solve Practice Exams (3,4,5,6)if you achieve 80% or more in all exams , then you are more than ready to pass the official ITIL 4 Foundation examInstructor details:Nooreddin Tahayneh (ITIL 4 MP, ITIL Expert)"
Price: 39.99

"Business Analyst & Product Owner Course 2020 With Agile" |
"This 2020 course is designed as a Bootcamp course to get you up and running so you can kick-start your Business Analyst or a Product Owner Career. This Business Analyst/Product Owner course will train you in a practical manner with real-world case studies, ensuring that you're market-ready. BenefitsWe will start off by discussing Business Analysis vs Product Owner job duties, job numbers, market trends, and how you should position yourself for success.Hands-on exercises with User Stories, Use Cases, and real-world examples. Templates are also provided so you can do the exercises together. Hands-on with using Product Management Software, and how to create user stories, use cases, and manage tasks. Agile methodology is hot and in-demand! Learn about using Agile methodologies so you can get an edge over other job seekers. Learn about Agile methodologies - Kanban and Scrum. We will also go over how Google used Agile to build Gmail and why companies are shifting to Agile! Learn from two instructors! The main instructor for this course is a Product Manager - Vic Saini. Manisha Peddinti will provide hands-on training and examples on User Stories, Use Cases, Diagrams, Product Management Software, testing, etc.After completing this courseAs mentioned, this course was designed to get you up and running so you can kick-start your career. In the last chapter, the mentor will go over job strategies, resume tips, experience questions, and job placement help. Have additional questions? Reach out to Vic on LinkedIn.Free additional coaching and mentorship provided. Reach out to Vic on LinkedIn and schedule an hour-long complimentary session to go over your goals, the next steps, resume tips, listing experience, and a job placement help that is provided to our students. The ultimate goal of this course is to help you become a successful Business Analyst or a Product Owner."
Price: 194.99

"Aumentando as chances de salvar seu emprego" |
"Definir que segundo pesquisas 50% dos funcionrios e gestores no entendem como expectativas das organizaes e 46% das pessoas so demitidas por que no realizam como entregas esperadas pelas organizaes. Este curso tem como objetivo principal Aumentar as chances de os candidatos SALVAR e seus usurios serem reconhecidos como bons profissionais, desenvolvendo nos participantes como usar os requisitos para elaborar Elaborar um Plano de Ao com foco no alinhamento das expectativas e no desenvolvimento dos candidatos utilizados pelas avaliaes.O curso tem como referncia o Modelo Mindset Capacidades , que um modelo mental com foco no desenvolvimento de Capacidades.Empresas com Google, Apple e IBM percebem que condicionam ou produzem potencialmente seus novos profissionais a diplomas acadmicos com problemas de erro lgico. O segredo a capacidade e o potencial de desenvolvimento."
Price: 354.99

"Simple Munch" |
"With this course I offer short videos that teach you effectively and fast how to make awesome food for yourself and the people around you so that you can better yourself as well as the food you make. I will talk to you one on one in a step by step process telling you how to cook certain meals, tips and tricks, my story of how I learned about my passion for cooking and how it affected me and everybody around me, and I also offer some bonus info randomly along this course."
Price: 89.99

"Camtasia Crash Course for Beginners" |
"Make awesome videos with Camtasia!In this Camtasia crash course for beginners, you will learn how to import, edit, and export your video footage to create engaging content. You don't need any prior knowledge of the program to follow this course, as you will learn everything from scratch.This course is aimed at beginners that want to start using the program with an easy workflow and without diving into more complicated editing software. The course can also provide some helpful tips and tricks for more intermediate and advanced users that want to try the new features in the latest version of Camtasia.You will be able to edit all your videos easily, like I have been doing for more than 5 years. This is a step-by-step guide designed to edit, export, and upload your videos without wasting any time. With this Camtasia video editing course you will master the basics of the program in under 40 minutes, allowing you to create engaging content and clutter-free screen recordings quickly.Happy editing!"
Price: 19.99

"Building Trust in Business as a Catalyst for Performance" |
"Students will learn that creating conditions of trust and safety will bring out the very best in the people they lead. They will gain a deep understanding of trust and how it activates inner drive which boosts performance and success. They will learn exactly what principles drive and grow trust so they may move from a leader with a title, to a leader with loyal partners who follow them toward one common purpose."
Price: 350.00

"Forex Trading Risk Management Strategy" |
"Learn a groundbreaking Forex Trading Risk Management Strategy that can maximise your profitability in every trade you take! In this course I will show you a risk management strategy that uses extremely simple, beginner level concepts and basic maths to increase your potential profitably in every single Forex trade! I will breakdown exactly what the logic of this strategy is and how you can use it in your trading plan, without learning any complex analysis or adding 200 indicators to your Forex charts. This risk management strategy can be seamlessly added into any trading strategy ruleset and provide a great increase in returns per trade. Nothing is kept a secret in this course - this is the exact risk management strategy I used to get profitable in Forex. Before utilising this simple strategy, I was mostly having breakeven months, small wins and small losses. Now I have consistently profitable months, with huge wins and small losses. I've kept this course as simple and to the point as I possibly can, I don't want to waste your time with 7 hours of content, for such a simple concept. With that being said, you will continue to get constant updates and examples added to this strategy! Take this course and leverage my 4.5 years of Forex trading experience! Are you going to win every trade? Absolutely not, I'm not selling you a dream here. But are you going to make up to 2x as much profit on winning trades, without any extra risk? Yes you are. This course is perfect for traders with basic knowledge of the Forex markets, but struggling to find consistency. Or for traders with a wealth of experience, just looking to increase their profitability and potentially get funded. You will have - Access to every update for free, with new content constantly coming.My dedicated support should you need it. I look forward to seeing you inside! Forrest"
Price: 19.99

"Colagem digital em arquitetura" |
"O mdulo de colagem digital consiste na apresentao de estratgias apropriadas para edio do modelo eletrnico tridimensional, composio de cenas e ps-produo, para o desenvolvimento de imagens e diagramas a partir de colagens digitais, buscando exprimir atmosferas do espao arquitetnico.Para isso, apresenta-se breve introduo da histria da colagem e conceituao base deste processo na arte e arquitetura, visando apresentar fundamentao terica e repertrio para composio das imagens a serem elaboradas.Aps a etapa de conceituao terica, apresenta-se a introduo e caracterizao da interface do SketchUp para construo e organizao adequada do modelo eletrnico em distintos momentos do cotidiano profissional e acadmico. Posteriormente, aborda-se a caracterizao da interface do Photoshop e suas ferramentas para desenvolvimento da ps-produo das imagens. No campo prtico do mdulo retrata-se a aplicao e construo metodolgica dos conceitos apresentados anteriormente no modelo tridimensional do SketchUp. Em seguida, desenvolve-se composio de cenas de perspectivas e diagramas no modelo eletrnico e, como concluso, realiza-se a exportao e ps-produo digital no Photoshop.O objetivo principal deste mdulo apresentar aos alunos a metodologia de produo grfica deste meio de expresso, possibilitando ao aluno autonomia para desenvolver seus projetos pessoais com uma linguagem pessoal prpria.Nas Aulas 8 e 9 disponibilizamos arquivos para download para auxilia-los no processo de desenvolvimento do trabalho. O acervo disponvel consistem em:-Contedo do acervo de imagens do mdulo de colagem;-Biblioteca de imagens e texturas de alta resoluo com 977 itens;-04 Pacotes de Brushes para Photoshop;-02 Plugins para SketchUp;-Acervo de imagens com referncias de colagem digital;-Template padro do SketchUp nas verses 2020 e 2017.obs: No disponibilizamos o modelo tridimensional do SketchUp utilizado durante o cursoRecomendao de Software:Sketchup Pro Verso 2020Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 ou superiorRecomendao bibliogrfica:John Berger - Ways of Seeing (1972)Atmosferas Peter Zumthor (2006)"
Price: 204.99

"Aruba Certified Design Associate Exam HPE6-A66" |
"Gather and analyze data, and document customer requirements Given an outline of a customer's needsfor a simple campus environment determine the information required to create a solutionEvaluate the requirements, and select the appropriate Aruba solution for the designGiven a scenario, evaluate the customer requirementsfor a simple campus environment identify gaps per a gap analysis, and select components based on the analysisresults. Given a scenario, translate the business needs of a simple campus environment into technicalcustomer requirements.Plan and design an Aruba solution percustomer requirementsGiven a scenario, select the appropriate products based on the customer'stechnical requirementsfor a simple campus environment Given the customer requirementsfor a single-site campus environment design the high-level Aruba solution Given a customer scenario, explain how a specifictechnology or solution would meet the customer'srequirementsProduce a detailed design specification document.Given a customer scenario for a simple campus environment, choose the appropriate componentsthat should be included in the BOM. Given the customer requirementsfor a simple site environment determine the component details and document the high-level design. Given a customer scenario of a simple site environment, design and document the logical and physical network solutions. Given the customer scenario and service level agreements, document the licensing and maintenance requirements.Recommend the solution to the customerGiven the customer'srequirements, explain and justify the recommended solution."
Price: 84.99

"Faa ou melhore sua flexo de brao" |
"Com nossas aulas, voc ser capaz de executar uma srie de flexo de brao.A flexo de brao um dos exerccios mais completos, se for bem executado. Ele trabalha todo o corpo, alm de melhorar a postura e prover fora para que consiga realizar outras atividades mais ldicas, como subir e descer em uma corda, ou sustentar o corpo pendurado pelos braos, por exemplo.Muitas pessoas no conseguem realizar o movimento, seja por falta de conscincia corporal ou por falha na ativao da musculatura correta. Aps realizar as aulas deste curso, ser possvel realizar o movimento perfeitamente, para um melhor resultado."
Price: 39.99

"UiPath RPA Associate Certification Exam Practice Questions" |
"UiPath is a first step for anyone who wants to start their journey in the RPA world and assess their knowledge and skills towards building small or large automated solutions. This course contains in total 90 practical exam questions based on the official UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam 2020. The first part is a warming up exam that contains 30 questions. You are given 45 minutes to answer all 30 questions with the passing score of 70%. The second part contains 60 questions and has a higher level or difficulty. For the second part of the exam you are given 90 minutes to answer all 60 questions with the passing score of 70%.The 90 practical exam questions gives you a good understanding of what to expect on the official exam as they contain basic, advanced and tricky questions and answers. After completing this course you will become 100% confident to attend the exam on UiPath Certification Platform.Please note that as of 1st of April 2020 UiPath has changed their certification program and switched to paid exam. Please find an overview of the new certification program below.New UiPath Certification Program 2020Starting from the 1st of April 2020 you have 2 levels of Certification:UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA): is suitable for any RPA role such as Junior RPA Developer, RPA Architect, RPA Solution Architect, RPA Business Analyst and anyone who just started their journey in exploring the RPA world. UiPath Certified Advanced RPA Developer (UiARD): is more technical, assesses more deeper-level RPA expertise and your ability to build complex and efficient RPA solutions. Therefore is best suitable for technical RPA roles such as Senior RPA Developer, Advanced Solution Architect and Advanced RPA Architect.Please note that this course is only for the 1st level of the new UiPath Certification Program 2020 (UiPath Certified RPA Associate v.1.0 Exam).How long is the ""UiPath Certified RPA Associate"" certification valid?The UiPath Certified RPA Associate Certification will not expire! After passing the exam you will become Certified Professional for lifetime.How many questions do you get on the official UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam?On the official exam you will need to answer 60 questions within given 90 minutes. Therefore the second part of this practice exam has 60 questions aswell and you are given 90 minutes to answer all the practice exam questions.What is the passing score on the official UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam?The passing score is 70% on the official UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam."
Price: 19.99

"Speed Reading Academy" |
"Snowed under with reading?Lose concentration and have to reread?Forget most of what you read?Worried about failing exams?Under pressure to get through tons of reading that just keeps pouring in?Are you a student with too much to read in the time available?Or a 'knowledge worker' having to read reports or keep up to date with changing information in your industry? (Legislation changes, product knowledge)."
Price: 194.99

"Curso de Piano Salsa Aprende todos los secretos Vol.2" |
"Seguramente alguna vez has escuchado la magia de los ritmos latinos en un piano o teclado, dedos mgicos que ""bailan"" sobre las teclas del piano y logran con sus ""montunos"" y cadencias cautivar a quien los escucha. Ahora es tu turno de aprender a tocar el piano o teclado con las tcnicas de estos fascinantes ritmos latinos explicados de manera clara y sencilla, un curso que no puede faltar en tu arsenal educativo. Con este curso aprenders a tocar salsa, rumba, montuno, merengue, guajira y muchos ritmos latinos ms, as tu repertorio se ampliar y tu interpretacin del piano se ver enriquecida con nuevos estilos de msica. El curso de Piano Salsa Teclado Latino de Virtuosso te ensear todas las tcnicas que necesitas para tocar salsa. Aprenders las claves y patrones ms populares, todo para que tu piano suene con sabor latino. Adems, podrs practicar todas las tcnicas aprendidas con el material adicional que incluimos como regalo en el curso. Se trata de pistas de msica en formato mp3 para que empieces a tocar con ese ritmo que buscas. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Piano Salsa Aprende todos los secretos Vol.3" |
"Seguramente alguna vez has escuchado la magia de los ritmos latinos en un piano o teclado, dedos mgicos que ""bailan"" sobre las teclas del piano y logran con sus ""montunos"" y cadencias cautivar a quien los escucha. Ahora es tu turno de aprender a tocar el piano o teclado con las tcnicas de estos fascinantes ritmos latinos explicados de manera clara y sencilla, un curso que no puede faltar en tu arsenal educativo. Con este curso aprenders a tocar salsa, rumba, montuno, merengue, guajira y muchos ritmos latinos ms, as tu repertorio se ampliar y tu interpretacin del piano se ver enriquecida con nuevos estilos de msica. El curso de Piano Salsa Teclado Latino de Virtuosso te ensear todas las tcnicas que necesitas para tocar salsa. Aprenders las claves y patrones ms populares, todo para que tu piano suene con sabor latino. Adems, podrs practicar todas las tcnicas aprendidas con el material adicional que incluimos como regalo en el curso. Se trata de pistas de msica en formato mp3 para que empieces a tocar con ese ritmo que buscas. "
Price: 270.00

"Git Kraken - Advance Git Topics" |
"Following topics will be covered in the courseSSH authentication with Git HubPush to Remote RepositoryWorking in a Team environmentHow to Push to repo and Pull from repoHow push fails and how to handle itUnderstanding Rebasing concepts and implementationFork and Pull RequestsImportant Note:This course is a continuation of our first Free course on Git Kraken named Git Kraken: A Useful Git GUI Tool. Please enroll in this course and understand the basics of Git Kraken. The first course is not a per-requisite for this course.Instead of writing long paragraphs in course description, we would like to keep it short and crisp.Hope that you will enjoy this course as you have enjoyed other."
Price: 19.99

"Programacin orientada a objetos en Java en un da" |
"En este curso se abordaran los conceptos y principios de la programacin orientada a objetos de la forma ms simple y fcil de entender posible. Se realizarn ejemplos prcticos as como se explicar como el lenguaje de programacin hace uso de ellos.El instructor tiene mucha experiencia tanto utilizando el lenguaje como enseando as que cualquier duda que se tenga ser resuelta a la brevedad."
Price: 270.00

"SAP HANA Obtn la certificacin internacional C_HANADEV_16" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms acerca del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un consultor con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo.Uno de los mayores retos es sortear con xito una entrevista por parte de un experto que te har preguntas desafiantes.Otro de los mayores retos pero una de las mayores satisfacciones es poder decir que eres un consultor certificado.Cmo puedes superar estos retos?Lo cierto es que la prctica hace al maestro. Inscribete y prctica con lo que tendrs acceso a dos tests los cuales contienen preguntas suficientemente complejas para que tengas la confianza de contestar rpidamente aplicando lo que ya has aprendido e incluso puesto en prctica con clientes pero que no has podido dominar hasta el momento. Y despreocpate pues tendrs todos los intentos que desees en ambos tests.La plataforma informtica hace un poco difcil el que puedas obtener las respuestas debido a que la intencin es que estudien a profundidad, sin embargo, la forma en que debes proceder para obtenerlas es que tienes que finalizar la prueba y abajo de tu resultado numrico aparecer un botn que indica ""Repasar las preguntas"" si presionas dicho botn tendrs acceso a cada pregunta con su respectiva respuesta para que al practicar te des cuenta que preguntas tuviste bien (marcadas en verde) y cuales tuviste mal (marcadas en rojo) para que sepas que debes estudiar con detenimiento para as poder presentar con seguridad el examen de certificacin y/o entrevista de trabajo.Tendrs acceso de por vida, as que no te preocupes podrs practicar tantas veces como sea necesario y con nuestro apoyo logrars cualquiera de los objetivos que te hayas planteado. Podrs adems detener cualquiera de las dos pruebas pues son tan extensas que tendrs que dedicar bastante tiempo, sin embargo con la funcionalidad de pausa no tendrs que preocuparte si te surge un imprevisto.Puedes adems dejar pendiente una pregunta que sea tan difcil que prefieres revisar al final y de hecho podrs repasar todas estas preguntas que hayas marcado antes de enviar la prueba para as estar seguro de tus respuestas.La plataforma tambin hace un poco confuso el resultado y es que si al finalizar el examen, el resultado dice que has suspendido, significa que no has aprobado ese intento de examen y debes seguir repasando (no significa que detuviste el intento).Por el contrario, si aprobaste te felicitar al igual que todos tus colegas una vez que hayas obtenido la certificacin oficial y/o ese trabajo deseado en cualquier pas del mundo!No lo pienses ms! Ya no hay excusas para obtener eso que tanto has buscado as que inscribete y a comenzar a practicar!"
Price: 199.99

"Paper Quilling Clock" |
"Paper Quilling is an art form wherein thin paper strips are rolled, given desired shape and glued to form a fabulous articleIn this course, you will be introduced to various quilling shapes that includes:Learn to form 3 types of flowersCreate variants of foliagesDesign a very intricate and beautiful butterflyFinally you learn, the most interesting part of all the assembling all the elements together, creating the layout of the wall clock. Once mastered this art , you can create outstanding articles like photoframes, nameplates, jewellry boxes, envelopes and so much more."
Price: 1920.00

"Instala tu Central Telefnica VoIP y Call Center con Issabel" |
"En este curso aprenders como configurar fcil y rpido una central telefnica Issabel, adems aprenders como configurar el mdulo de call center, de tal forma que al final del curso no tengas ningn inconveniente para poner esta central en produccin.Programa de clases: Elementos de una Instalacin Dimensionamiento del Hardware Descargar VirtualBox Donde Descargar el ISO de Issabel Instalacin de Issabel La instalacin de Issabel Configuracin de Red Y Preferencias Asginar una IP fija a la Central Asignar Default Gateway y DNS a la Central Personalizar tu Central con tus PreferenciasConfiguracin PBX Crear extensiones Configuracin Por Lotes Configurando los Softphones Instalando un Telfono IP Fsico Configurando un Telfono IP Fsico Cambiar el idioma de las Voces Como crear Sigueme o Follow Me Como subir grabaciones al sistema Como crear un Grupo de Timbrado o Ring Group Como crear una Cola O Queue Como Cargar Msica En Espera Que es un Anuncio y Como Crearlo Como crear Conferencias o Meet Me Room Como Crear IVR o Menu de Opciones Como Crear Grupos Horarios y Condiciones Horarias Como crear un Troncal y una Ruta Saliente Como Configurar Una Ruta EntranteModuo de Call Center Como Crear Agentes Para el Modulo de Call Center Como Crear una Campana Entrante Como Crear Campanas SalientesSeguridad y MantenimientoCortafuegos / FirewallCreacin de usuariosFail2banBackup"
Price: 64.99

"Preparatrio para a Certificao Linux LPI prova 101-500" |
"Curso prtico de administrao de sistemas linux pela linha de comando com foco 100% na certificao LPIC-1 prova 101-500. Curso prtico e rpido, direto ao assunto. Voc vai estar dominando em uma semana, dependendo da sua dedicao ao estudo. O contedo proposto torna voc apto a realizar a prova de certificao, alm de obter conhecimento prtico para atuar em qualquer empresa que tenha o linux como sistema operacional."
Price: 69.99
