"Renkli eviri kitabmz Trkiyede alannda baslan ilk kitap olma zelliini tamaktadr. Renkli eviri almamzda FL, BALA, ZARF ve KISALTMA yaplar renklendirilmitir. Bu sayede hem bu yaplar daha etkili bir ekilde renilmi olacak, hem de kelime renimini daha hzl bir ekilde yapm olacaksnz. Her bir szck iin tekrar tekrar szle bakma ihtiyac olmadan, ve doru kullanmn da grerek daha iyi renmi olacaksnz. Yoruma bal olarak baz evirilerde en uygun anlam verilmeye allmtr. eviri almasna ve genel gramer tekrarna katk olsun diye QUICK GRAMMAR ad altnda KISA AIKLAMALI ve VDEO ANLATIMLI bir KONU TABLOSU da verdik. Bu sayede eviriye balamadan nce iyi bir gramer tekrar yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Buy Bitcoin The Right Way" |
"The quickest and most secure way to get your hands on Bitcoin!Guided walk-through showing you how to buy, sell & transfer bitcoinPractical education on using best-in-class toolsIndustry best practices that prioritize your personal digital securityOngoing support and revisions to ensure the skills you learn are up to dateTake advantage of our combined 10 years experience and quickly learn everything you need to know to master your use of Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency."
Price: 34.99

ybrftdoe |
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Price: 19.99

"Learn Data Structure Using 'C Programming Language" |
"Learn Data Structure Using 'C Programming Language, In this course, you will learn about data structure from very basics to an intermediate level This course you will Teach you About Stack, Queue, Searching Sorting, and Many More....It is a Beginner level course and more following courses are coming up soon.So what are you waiting for?Enroll now."
Price: 99.99

"AltspaceVR Events DYI PRO Series" |
"Welcome everyone! You will learn in this course how to set-up your event, prepare the venue and helping materials, host your event and record it. Also, very important what are the tools available for your to market the events that you organize.You will find a modular formar with video tutorials and an SOP for each step that you need to do."
Price: 149.99

"Cert Prep- Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician" |
"Master these topicsNetwork FundamentalsLAN Switching FundamentalsRouting FundamentalsInfrastructure ServicesInfrastructure MaintenanceStudent Feedback-""I've gone through skillsoft and Cbt Nuggets, the differance between this is that its in laymans terms and very easy for me to understand, compared to others,""-""I am slowly starting to understand I am anxious to get to the next video. The training videos I watched from other companies didn't go into detail like he does"""
Price: 139.99

"CCNA (200-301) Cert Prep- Security, Automation, and Programm" |
"This course is crafted to help students prepare for the CCNA Certification. The course provides in depth information on the functionality of networking tools and is followed up by comprehensive labs.The information covered ranges from the OSI model, routing and switching, trunking and more. These topics are followed up with lab based examples on how they function in the network environment.1. Security Concepts This section includes security principles, threats, cryptography, and network topologies. It constitutes 12% of the questions asked in the exam.2. Secure Access This section deals with secure management, AAA concepts, 802.1X authentication, and BYOD. It makes 14% of the exam.3. VPN (Virtual Private Networks) This focuses on VPN concepts, remote access VPNs, and site-to-site VPNs. It is 17% of the exam.4. Secure Routing & Switching This section concentrates on VLAN security, mitigation techniques, layer 2 attacks, routing protocols, and overall security of Cisco routers. That is 18% of the exam.5. Cisco Firewall Technologies This section is 18% of the exam and focuses on stateful and stateless firewalls, proxy firewalls, application, and personal firewalls. Additionally, it concentrates on Network Address Translation (NAT) and other features of Cisco ASA 9.x.6. IPS It is 9% of the exam and this portion focuses on network-based and host-based IPS, deployment, and IPS technologies.7. Content and Endpoint Security Constituting 12% of the exam, this section checks your understanding on the endpoint, web-based, and email-based threats. Later it leads to apt and effective mitigation technology and techniques to counter those threats."
Price: 99.99

"Cisco Network Security - Cisco Firewall Technologies" |
"It is not enough to go through videos to pass the CCNA Security exam (210-260 IINS). Do you think you're ready for this challenge? Maybe you need to focus on labs and go through all the main topics in a few days? You've come to the right place. This course is perfect if you are familiar with CCNA Security topics and you are looking for a supplement to book and video courses. Here you'll find 7 big labs for 7 days plus exam tips. Includes a lot of practice questions, quizzes, and a final exam (25 questions!). What's more: when things go wrong - I keep recording. Learn how to troubleshoot network security issues. This is great for Network Engineers looking for real world scenarios and tips as well.There are two unique features of this course:Labs cover multiple areas at the same time (e.g. Zone Based Firewall and Router Hardening, ASA Firewalls and Radius)All commands used in the labs, tasks, and network topologies are attached to the course as an ebook you can download!Pass the Cisco CCNA Security exam (210-260 IINS) first time and master all skills in 7 days.Please note the course is designed for students who have already covered most of the CCNA Security exam topics and need a quick review or are looking for a supplement to practice labs and simulations."
Price: 149.99

"Learning Cisco CLI Router and Switch Configuration" |
"CISCO is the leading Networking equipment provider with a large product portfolio ranging from small Enterprises to large Data Centers. CCNA (R&S) certification is one of the fundamental certifications that will help you in realizing the computer networking concepts and its implementations in real world.This course has been designed for beginner level IT Engineers. It will take you through the physical installation of the CISCO devices to the very epitome of configuring them and make amazing network topologies. This course will ensure that you understand the dreaded concepts of subnetting and spanning tree protocols. You will observe actual packets as they move through the wires and make those dots connect. While configuring the devices you will feel as if you are doing it yourself, its that close and personal. By following this course you will not only be able achieve your CCNA (R&S) certification but it will pave the foundation for your CCIE certification as well."
Price: 124.99

"The Complete Cisco CCNA - IP Addressing" |
"CISCO is the leading Networking equipment provider with a large product portfolio ranging from small Enterprises to large Data Centers. CCNA (R&S) certification is one of the fundamental certifications that will help you in realizing the computer networking concepts and its implementations in real world.This course has been designed for beginner level IT Engineers. It will take you through the physical installation of the CISCO devices to the very epitome of configuring them and make amazing network topologies. This course will ensure that you understand the dreaded concepts of subnetting and spanning tree protocols. You will observe actual packets as they move through the wires and make those dots connect. While configuring the devices you will feel as if you are doing it yourself, its that close and personal. By following this course you will not only be able achieve your CCNA (R&S) certification but it will pave the foundation for your CCIE certification as well.This course is meant for aspiring network engineers with little or nill knowledge of computer networking. And please if you are going for CCNA cert only, then this course is probably too long for you. Because my aim is to teach you and make you a better networking professional, CCNA will come as a by product."
Price: 114.99

"The Complete Cisco CCNA 2 - Routing and Switching Essentials" |
"We all know that the Cisco CCNA is one of the most sought after certifications in IT. It's also one of the hardest testing your knowledge and hands-on experience configuring and troubleshooting topics such as:IPv6 addressingConfiguring VLANsApplying IPv4 and IPv6 access listsConfiguring BGP, EIGRP, OSPF and RIPUnderstanding Cloud Computing modelsSecuring routers and switchesConfiguring DHCP, DNS and NTPUnderstanding WAN technologies (PPP, HDLC, MPLS)In order to pass the exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.Students will get a thorough understanding of switching and how we would implement it in a real world environment.We will discuss the following concepts switching services and rules we should follow when segmenting networks. We will also compare bridging vs. LAN switching focusing in great detail on the Spanning-tree protocol. We will look at the switch Functions at layer two, such as how a switch learns about the nodes on the network and how it makes its decisions to forward the information and most definitely how to secure our ports on the switches.Once get an understanding of how switches work and their administrative configurations we will then go into explain and creating vlans and inter-vlan connectivity and what would be the benefits of using VLANs on our network. You will learn the different port types and encapsulation methods we use when using vlans, and will fully understand the difference between trunking a port and the VTP protocol.This is a lecture based course using the Touch-IT Technology Smart board, which will make learning very interactive and engaging. Hands on labs will be used to drill down the concepts learned in each lecture using Ciscos Packet Tracer."
Price: 94.99

"Applying The Art and Science of Sales Enablement" |
"What if sales enablement stopped being perceived as a cost center? What if, instead of thinking of it as training, or onboarding, or the resting place for an organizations broken things, we thought of sales enablement as a strategic investmenta proactive function that actually enables sales to sell more, sell higher and sell faster?The biggest problem with Sales Enablement is that there is no one universal definition. If you were to ask 10 different people What is Sales Enablement? you would get 10 different answers, ranging from training to tech to messaging & positioning. None of these answers would be wrong but none of them would show the whole picture. And when the answer to such an apparently simple question is so complicated, it becomes difficult to convey to senior leaders the value of Sales Enablement.Roderick Jefferson, CEO and top sales enablement consultant, is here to provide some much-needed clarity. After 20+ years in the Sales Enablement space, he has narrowed his definition down to this:Breaking the complexity of the buying & selling process into practical ideas through scalable, repeatable, and measurable practices that leads to decreased time to revenue and increased productivity.If it sounds simple, it isnt but it can be done, and in this course, youll discover exactly how to do it.In this course you will:Define Sales Enablement and its value to the organizationArticulate the impact Sales Enablement has on revenueUnderstand the roles and responsibilities of a high functioning Sales Enablement teamDevelop a Sales Enablement charter and craft a blueprint to success for your Sales Enablement teamBuild a culture of learning in your sales organization and learn to lead Sales Enablement in a virtual environment"
Price: 99.99

semanticheskoe_yadro |
", . . , . Google . . , 100% . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Moodle 3.9. para profesores" |
"Moodle es la plataforma gratuita para educacin a distancia o eLearning ms utilizada en el mundo. Usted podr construir cursos en lnea con o sin fines de lucro. En este curso aprender a instalar Moodle en un servidor o en una computadora personal, ya sea Mac o Windows. Crearemos desde un inicio los cursos en sus diferentes modalidades: curso social, de tpicos, semanal o de una sola actividad. Asimismo, daremos de alta alumnos, tanto en forma manual como de un archivo, y los inscribiremos a los cursos. Agruparemos los cursos en categoras para una mejor gestin de nuestra plataforma. (incluye el eBook del curso).Construiremos los cursos con ""recursos"" que son material que no interacta con el usuario, como son textos, archivos PDF, vdeos, pginas web, que forman una parte importante en el aprendizaje del estudiante.Tambin crearemos actividades, en las cuales el alumno tendr comunicacin con la computadora, el profesor u otros compaeros de curso, como son tareas, lecciones, encuestas dirigidas y lecciones.Elaboraremos un banco de preguntas y revisaremos cada uno de los tipos de preguntas disponibles en Moodle 3.9. Posteriormente crearemos los exmenes o quizes (llamados cuestionarios en algunos pases).Aadiremos actividades sociales a nuestros cursos, como son el chat, el foro, los wikis, glosarios o los talleres (workshop). En la ltima seccin revisaremos las actividades propias del profesor cuando inicia el curso, como son los reportes de seguimiento, las bitcoras, las calificaciones, crear grupos y agrupamientos. Tambin crearemos actividades condicionales, con las cuales tendremos todas las herramientas para crear poderosos cursos e-learning con Moodle 3. Incluye los plugins Big Blue Button y Zoom para realizar videoconferencias con Moodle.Este curso no es un curso sobre diseo instruccional, ni abordamos los aspectos del administrador, como respaldos o manejo de los crons de la plataforma. Est enfocado a profesores que deseen construir cursos en la plataforma Moodle 3.x.Este curso est dirigido a cualquier persona que deseen crear cursos en lnea en la plataforma eLearning ms utilizada en el mundo: Moodle."
Price: 270.00

"Serverless Django with Docker & Google Cloud Run" |
"Deploy a production-ready Serverless Django Application by using a Docker Container, Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud SQL, & Google Cloud Run.Serverless allows us to focus on our code and deploy more. What's better, our serverless applications only cost us money when they're used.Docker Containers make it easy to create our own isolated environment on the operating system level. This is exactly what we need in so many applications.Learn to build and deploy a serverless Django application on Google Cloud Platform's Cloud Run service.Serverless apps using containers is seriously amazing. Let's see why.We'll cover:Minimal Dockerfile for Containerizing DjangoCloud BuildCloud SQL with PostgresCloud SQL Proxy for Local Dev AccessCloud Run"
Price: 59.99

"B2B Sales: Sales Skills To Close High Ticket Sales" |
"B2B Sales: Sales Skills For Closing High Ticket SalesPain: Are you struggling to improve your Sales Skills?Pain: Do you need to close more B2B Sales?Pain: Are your Sales Closing Skills letting you down?Let us take your PAIN away!Firstly, lets be blunt - it makes much more financial sense to focus on High Ticket Sales than selling loads of low ticket itemsIts easier, its quicker and its more profitableIts also scarier which puts a lot of sales people offWe are going to remove that FEAR!To sell successfully...You need a strategyYou need a frameworkYou need to practiceSales do not happen by accident - This course provides you with the answer to all three - and much more!Firstly we are going to show you how to CONNECT with your prospect and really understand themWhy is this important? Because making a purchase is an emotional decision, later justified logicallyWe are going to show you how to become UNCONVENTIONAL in your approach to salesOut goes - product features and focus on commissionsIn comes - focusing on the needs of your prospectThis requires you to fine tune your Communication Skills - making your non verbal signals consistent with your sales conversationRemember we all hate to be sold towe all want to be understoodThis is the heart of Effective Communication - the core skill of successful sales people.This brings us to the importance of Sales Psychology which is a central part of this course. This means understanding the psychology of your prospectWe are going to show you how to uncover the problems that your prospect desperately wants you to solve for them. How to move your prospect from being distant and suspicious of you to being trusting and embracing what you have for him. We also will show you the important connection between the intangible benefits of your high end products and services and their emotional desirability to your prospect - the KEY to closing your sale.We will open the Sales Psychology Pandoras Box for You. Show you the Three Levels of Selling, the PAIN invovled and explain to you how you need to address them with your prospectWhat are these three levels?Logical PainFinancial PainEmotional PainWe will show you how you have to deal with all three of these to move your prospect to the point where they are ready to buy from you.. You will discover how to communicate the benefits of each of these three Pain levels and how to close the gap with your prospect.At this point we are just warming up! Armed with this knowledge we are going to share with you the complete framework of a sales conversation. The step by step mechanics of a sales closing conversation in a very easy to follow processThen we will show you how to create your own sales scripts for both B2B and B2C sales situations. You will see sale closing role plays which will bring all these strategies and techniques into focusIf that is not enough, we are also going to give you a complete sales career blueprint to help you to personally advance your career what ever stage you are at.To wrap up the course, we have three interview with top sales closers for you to learn from, exclusively created and recorded for this course.Why am I telling you all this right up front?Because although this course will require you to go through it without skipping lectures and completing the quizzes and assignments, we want you to really understand the potential this course has for you... up front!Your unfair advantage and competitive edge lies inside the course.Subayal says... ""Anyone, from any background, can close high-ticket sales or start a solid sales career by following this course which will take you through a six-step process which I followed to go from an introvert scientist to becoming an authority in the area of high-ticket sales. My current clients include some of the best names in the personal development space and consultants who have fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Disney and Southern California Edison secure and public sector actors like The United States Government.""See you inside the Course!John and Subayal"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Motivation Course: Motivation for Your Success" |
"The Complete Motivation Course: Motivation for Your SuccessMotivation for Your Personal Development and Personal Success - Take Action Today for a Successful and Meaningful FutureYou can have all the knowledge in the world, but without motivation, you cannot use your knowledge to live a more meaningful, purposeful and enjoyable life. Motivation is the key to living a successful life.In this course you will learn how motivation is a skill that you can build. You do not have to wait for motivation to strike. You dont have to wait for good days for motivation to find you. You can apply a step-by-step process whereby you control what youre motivated to do.Motivational expert TJ Walker will teach you his proprietary SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) method of instilling the motivation you want into your brain and body on a daily basis. No longer will you allow the outside world to motivate you to take actions that are against your long-term best interests, for your health, career or relationships.The cell phone and pervasiveness of social media today unfortunately motivates most people to eat poorly, waste time, and fixate on things that will not contribute to a meeting for life. After completing this motivation course, you will have the skills to be in complete control of your own life.If you are tired of going through life feeling like you are only achieving 50% or even 10% of your potential, then this is the course for you. You no longer have to sleep walk through life. You can motivate yourself daily to live the life of your dreams!Enroll today in this complete motivation course. You have nothing to lose but your current status quo life."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Jazz y Ritmos Latinos en la guitarra Vol.2" |
"Si ya ests cansado de tocar siempre lo mismo, ahora podrs convertirte en un experto en acordes cromticos y extendidos en la guitarra; adems aprenders a improvisar, tocar la meloda y armona simultneamente e inventar canciones espontneamente sin sonar a ""escala"". El curso cubre todos los aspectos bsicos de armona, meloda y acompaamientos, con tcnicas y ejercicios que te permitirn desarrollar eficazmente tus habilidades musicales para tocar jazz. Aprenders a tocar tus canciones favoritas, acompaarte mientras cantas, o tocar el ritmo que ms te guste; es un curso totalmente en espaol, desarrollado por msicos profesionales. Este curso en video tiene acercamientos de cmara detallados, de modo que puedas observar correctamente la tcnica demostrada por el instructor. Adems, para que tu aprendizaje sea an ms completo, en el tercer volumen de este curso conocers todos los secretos de los ritmos latinos; as podrs darle a tus ejecuciones un toque de bossa nova, samba, cumbia o el que ms te guste. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Jazz y Ritmos Latinos en la guitarra Vol.3" |
"Si ya ests cansado de tocar siempre lo mismo, ahora podrs convertirte en un experto en acordes cromticos y extendidos en la guitarra; adems aprenders a improvisar, tocar la meloda y armona simultneamente e inventar canciones espontneamente sin sonar a ""escala"". El curso cubre todos los aspectos bsicos de armona, meloda y acompaamientos, con tcnicas y ejercicios que te permitirn desarrollar eficazmente tus habilidades musicales para tocar jazz. Aprenders a tocar tus canciones favoritas, acompaarte mientras cantas, o tocar el ritmo que ms te guste; es un curso totalmente en espaol, desarrollado por msicos profesionales. Este curso en video tiene acercamientos de cmara detallados, de modo que puedas observar correctamente la tcnica demostrada por el instructor. Adems, para que tu aprendizaje sea an ms completo, en el tercer volumen de este curso conocers todos los secretos de los ritmos latinos; as podrs darle a tus ejecuciones un toque de bossa nova, samba, cumbia o el que ms te guste. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Improvisacin en la guitarra elctrica Vol.2" |
"Despus de nuestro exitoso curso de guitarra elctrica te presentamos una segunda serie que te abrir las puertas a nuevas posibilidades de interpretacin con tu guitarra. El curso de improvisacin y efectos especiales en la guitarra elctrica te llevar a nuevos niveles de tcnica y ejecucin. El curso est dividido en tres volmenes: en los primeros dos aprenders las mejores tcnicas para improvisar, te explicaremos los diferentes estilos de improvisacin y cmo utilizarlos segn el contexto en el que te encuentres. Adems, conocers los modos gregorianos, te ensearemos a armonizar las escalas y a generar melodas a partir de ellas, lo que te permitir mejorar significativamente tu ejecucin de la guitarra. El tercer volumen se enfoca en la produccin de efectos especiales. Conocers los secretos de los pedales de efectos y diversas tcnicas para hacer brillar tu guitarra. Tambin aprenders sobre los tipos de pastillas de las guitarras elctricas y te daremos los mejores consejos para manejar adecuadamente tu amplificador. Con el curso de improvisacin y efectos especiales en la guitarra elctrica tambin aprenders a crear y tocar tus propios ""solos"", a realizar figuras meldicas a partir de fragmentos de las escalas pentatnicas y de los modos gregorianos. Adems, conocers la escala de blues y descubrirs cmo puedes ampliar considerablemente tu nivel de ejecucin. Los ejercicios incluidos en el curso fueron creados por expertos en la enseanza de la msica con el objetivo mejorar tu nivel de ejecucin del instrumento y de ayudarte a forjar tu identidad como guitarrista. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Improvisacin en la guitarra elctrica Vol.3" |
" Despus de nuestro exitoso curso de guitarra elctrica te presentamos una segunda serie que te abrir las puertas a nuevas posibilidades de interpretacin con tu guitarra. El curso de improvisacin y efectos especiales en la guitarra elctrica te llevar a nuevos niveles de tcnica y ejecucin. El curso est dividido en tres volmenes: en los primeros dos aprenders las mejores tcnicas para improvisar, te explicaremos los diferentes estilos de improvisacin y cmo utilizarlos segn el contexto en el que te encuentres. Adems, conocers los modos gregorianos, te ensearemos a armonizar las escalas y a generar melodas a partir de ellas, lo que te permitir mejorar significativamente tu ejecucin de la guitarra. El tercer volumen se enfoca en la produccin de efectos especiales. Conocers los secretos de los pedales de efectos y diversas tcnicas para hacer brillar tu guitarra. Tambin aprenders sobre los tipos de pastillas de las guitarras elctricas y te daremos los mejores consejos para manejar adecuadamente tu amplificador. Con el curso de improvisacin y efectos especiales en la guitarra elctrica tambin aprenders a crear y tocar tus propios ""solos"", a realizar figuras meldicas a partir de fragmentos de las escalas pentatnicas y de los modos gregorianos. Adems, conocers la escala de blues y descubrirs cmo puedes ampliar considerablemente tu nivel de ejecucin. Los ejercicios incluidos en el curso fueron creados por expertos en la enseanza de la msica con el objetivo mejorar tu nivel de ejecucin del instrumento y de ayudarte a forjar tu identidad como guitarrista. "
Price: 270.00

"Curso de Salsa Clsica Cubana 100 Pasos para ti Vol.3" |
" El curso 100 Pasos de Salsa de nuestra nueva coleccin Salsa Secrets by Virtuosso te ensear a bailar salsa clsica cubana, sin duda el ms elegante y tradicional estilo de salsa. Este curso contiene 100 pasos de salsa, desde el paso bsico y la postura en pareja, hasta las realizaciones ms complicadas que te permitirn brillar en la pista de baile. Aprender este sensual y elegante baile sin duda te har sobresalir en la pista. Desarrolla tu talento y muestra tus habilidades con los mejores pasos de salsa que Virtuosso te presenta en una coleccin exclusiva. Ya no te quedes sentado ni te dejes impresionar por los dems, descubre los secretos de este curso y aprende a bailar salsa de una vez por todas! Este curso en video te ofrece adems pistas de msica de salsa para que practiques los pasos de salsa que te ensearemos. "
Price: 270.00

"Criando jogos em javascript com Phaser" |
"O curso lhe ensinara:Como baixar o phaser e rodar o projetoComo criar um mapa usando tiledComo exportar o mapa e usar em seu projetoComo importar o mapa e o seu personagemAndar com seu personagem e inimigosColiso com pedras e arvores e inimigosGame overPublicar seu projeto onlineEntre neste curso e saiba como pode desenvolver jogos usando apenas o javascript."
Price: 19.99

"DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals Exam Prep In One Day" |
"LEARN AZURE DATABASE AND DATA PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES IN ONE DAY!The course is completely up-to-date with new requirements.A brand new course, just launched! Complete preparation for the new DP-900 Azure Data Fundamentals exam.This brand new course completely covers the DP-900 exam from start to finish. Always updated with the latest requirements. This course goes over each requirement of the exam in detail. If you have no background in databases and want to learn about them and want to learn more about database concepts and services within Azure, or have some background in databases and want to progress eventually to an Azure Data Engineer or Data Analyst type role, this course is a great resource for you.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest-growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding well-qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing on the data side.Sign up today!"
Price: 29.99

"Monitor Project Communications (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Monitor Project Communications (PMI - PMP) is course 20 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Sometimes on projects, things don't go according to the communications management plan. Stakeholders' information needs might change or your team members find a better way to use technology to communicate with each other. Or maybe someone drops the ball and keeps forgetting to send you important status updates. It's your job to monitor the flow of information and determine whether the plan needs to change or whether people's actions need to change, so they comply with the planned approach for project communications.1. Monitor Communications Overview2. Data and Documents for Monitoring Communications 3. Other Inputs to Monitor Communications4. Using a PMIS to Monitor Project Communications5. Using Techniques to Monitor Communications6. Outputs of Monitor Communications7. Exercise: Monitoring Project CommunicationsThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Emotional Intelligence Master Class: Complete CERTIFICATION" |
"WATCH THE PROMOTIONAL VIDEO FIRST! :-)This Emotional Intelligence Master Class, Comes with a Certificate upon 100% CompletionThe Emotional Intelligence Master Class Course is OVER 18 HOURS LONG and explores over 160+ Emotional States to MasterHave you ever felt frustrated that others didn't understand you? Do you feel that you could have a bigger impact on others if you could only have more enthusiasm? Are you ever confused about why some people live a life that runs smoother, while you see others who are struggling to get by?Human nature dictates that it is virtually impossible to accept advice from someone unless you feel that that person understands you. -John M. GottmanThe truth is, that people who don't have access to their fullest range of emotional intelligence are severely disadvantaged in life. People who don't have available access to their own internal resources are far more likely to develop all kinds of issues, including depression, anxiety, illnesses, substance abuse, and are far more susceptible to committing a crime in their lifetime.""People who fail to use their emotional intelligence skills are more likely to turn to other, less effective means of managing their mood. They are twice as likely to experience anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and even thoughts of suicide."" -Travis BradberryThe Fact is, that according to the Famous Emotional Intelligence author Daniel Goleman, OVER 80% of our life success is determined by our level of Emotional Intelligence and our ability to effectively tap into all of our own internal resources.The Emotional Intelligence Master Class Course explains the importance of having a High EQ, and more importantly,How to GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT IN LIFE.==> Are you ready to jump aboard this Train? Tap the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button and let's take massive action! In this course, you will find a tried and true framework that is masterfully adept at helping you improve every dimension of your life. There are TONS of Powerful tools and strategies for developing your Emotional Intelligence in this Course. Using the Four Ancient Greek Humors: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic (Air, Fire, Earth, and Water) we are going to use this ancient system with BRAND NEW techniques that were developed between Jake and one of his personal mentors.By Completing this Course to 100% Completion, you can Gain a Certificate to Prove your Accomplishments==> Are you ready to Fly away onto the adventure of your lifetime? Tap the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button and let's take off like a jet plane!Really, there is nothing to lose, because there is a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee. There really is no risk in trying this course out and seeing if it is for you. In fact, you can watch several preview videos by clicking the course trailer above. And if you like my teaching style, then please go ahead and tap the buy button now.This is the most comprehensive course on the Practice of Emotional Intelligence on the market. Included in this course are over 160+ Emotions that we explore in-depth and with a high level of comprehension.By going through this course and walking through these exercises, you are Guaranteed to improve your emotional intelligence. It is scientifically Proven that Improving your level of Emotional Intelligence Will Benefit Your Life in Tremendous ways:Learn to Eliminate Your AngerOvercome Feelings of DepressionReducing FearfulnessEase AnxietyMastering Stress ManagementManaging Overwhelm Through MindfulnessOvercome all Feelings disappointment through finding Resilienceand much, much more!==> Are you ready to hop aboard our ocean voyage journey through our emotions? Tap the ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button and let's get this ship moving!"
Price: 199.99

"Laravel 7 Sfrdan E-Ticaret Seri : 2 Multi Theme Robot" |
"Bu kursun konusu Laravel 7.* versiyonu kullanlarak sfrdan E-ticaret (E-commerce from scratch) uygulamasnn Multi ThemeManager blmn gelitirmek bu arada da Laravel'i tm ynleri ile ele almaktr.Bu kurs yazlm gelitirme sektrnde ok byk bir eksiklik olan e-store uygulamas ihtiyacna bir cevap olarak, her seviyeden rencinin anlayp alglayaca bir dilde ve stdyo kalitesinde hazrlanarak, bu konuda eitime ihtiyac olan her kes iindirr.Kurs ierisinde kullanlan frontend ve backend temalar indirilebilir materyaller olarak sisteme eklenmi ve rencinin birebir olarak kursu uygulama ve takip edebilme imkan hazrlanmtrAyrca kurs tamamlandnda kaynak kodlar da siteme eklenecek bylece tm kodlamanz orjinali ile karlatrabileceksinizKurs rencinin kafasn kartracak ve ucu akta kalabilecek anlatmlardan kanlarak hi bilmeyen birinin kursa baladnda kursu bitirmeye geldiinde uzman seviyesine yetimesi planlanmtrBu kurs birden fazla kurstan oluan bir serinin ikinci blm olup bu seri 0'dan balayarak numaralandrlmtr, kurslarmn tamamn inceleyerek bilgi seviyenize gre gerekiyorsa Seri : 0'dan balaynz.E-ticaret yazlm gelitirme aamalar ok geni ve kapsaml olduundan hepsini tek bir kursa sdrmak mmkn deildir, rnein sadece sepet blm 25-30 saatten fazla ierik alacaktr, Kategori ve rnler, sipari ynetimi gibi daha bir ok mdl kapsayan e-ticaret projesi tek kursta anlatlamayacak kadar genitir, eer tek kursluk bir proje ile karlayorsanz yzeysel bir ekilde anlatldndan emin olabilirsiniz, ben ok teferruatl bir anlatm yapmak istediim iin, e-ticaret kursumu serilere blerek her seride anlatlan konuyu iyice renicinin zihnine yerletirmek ve yzeysel deil derinlemesine irdelemek istedim, bylece tam manas ile bir e-ticaret sitesi yapabilin istedim...Bu nedenlerden tr bu serideki amacm yzeysel bilgilerle standardn altnda bir e-ticaret projesi ile karnza kp baya bir kurs olmasn istemediimden, her konuyu tm detaylarna kadar anlatp bundan sonra aklnza hi bir soru taklmadan kendi e-ticaret sitenizi yapabilmeniz ve kredi kart entegrasyonu ile hemen satlarnza balaya bilmenizdir.Bu kursun tm serilerini bitirip algladnzda kendi e-ticaret kiralama ve satnz dahi yapabileceksiniz, byle olacan garanti ederim, yeter ki dersleri iyice anlayp hazmedin...Bu kursa kayt olmalsnz nk iddia ediyorum dnya apnda bu denli detayl ele alnm bir e-ticaret kursunu daha nce grmediniz :)Balang derslerinden bir ka fikir vermesi asndan nizlenebilir olarak ak braklmtr izlemeniz ne dediimi anlamanz iin yeterli olacaktrKursumu beenmeniz durumunda, yorum ve puanlamalarnzla yaayacanz deneyimleri iyi yada kt , dier rencilerle paylamanz onlarn da doru seimler yapmasn benim de evkimi arttrarak daha fazla eitim hazrlamam salayacaktr, ltfen bunu unutmadan yorum ve puanlama yapmaya zen gsterin..Ksacas piman olmayacaksnz...."
Price: 169.99

"Como Criar e Vender eBooks na Amazon KDP em 7 Passos Simples" |
"Aqui o Ismar, e eu sou autor independente na Amazon KDP e tenho dezenas de livros publicados com meu prprio nome e com pseudnimos.E o que eu acho mais incrvel sobre ter um negcio de eBooks, que no importa se eu publiquei meu primeiro livro na Amazon em maro de 2016, ele ainda gera renda todos os meses.Mesmo que eu no faa nada com esse eBook, por ele j estar publicado, e estar a venda no site da Amazon, centenas de pessoas o compram todos os meses. E isso acontece com todos os meus outros eBooks.Achou a ideia interessante?Ento eu tenho uma tima notcia!Voc est a um passo de iniciar seu prprio Negcio Online de eBooks.E eu vou te mostrar exatamente como conseguir isso. Fica ligado ;)ESTE UM CURSO COMPLETO SOBRE AUTOPUBLICAO DE EBOOKS NA AMAZON KDPVoc vai aprender os mtodos exatos que usei para ampliar meu negcio de eBooks e gerar 2-3 mil reais por ms com royalties.Se voc est procurando pela maneira mais fcil de iniciar um negcio online, este curso para voc.Me diz uma coisa: Voc sempre quis escrever um livro, mas pensa que para isso precisa ser um grande escritor, uma pessoa rica ou celebridade?Bem, isso no poderia estar mais longe da realidade.Escute, nunca pensei que pudesse escrever. Eu sempre tive notas ruins na escola quando se tratava de escrever. To ruim que meu professor de portugus na 7 srie uma vez me disse para nunca pensar em escrever como profisso...E por muito tempo at acreditei nele, e achava que ele tinha razo.Mas adivinhe...Eu mesmo j publiquei mais de 30 livros na Amazon KDP e j tive mais de 1,5 milho de pginas lidas no Kindle Unlimited (o programa de assinatura de livros da Amazon).Todos esses livros digitais publicados na Amazon me geram renda residual, que me ajudam a manter minha casa e realizar sonhos.Eu sei que isso pode parecer clich, mas verdade. Ento o que eu posso fazer?Bem, se voc tem dvidas se deveria publicar seu livro digital, saiba que um livro pode ajud-lo a ampliar seus negcios, criar mais autoridade e obter mais clientes.Ento eu acho que qualquer um pode sim publicar um livro digital. Inclusive voc!MAS PORQUE UM NEGCIO DE EBOOKS?A Amazon a maior empresa de comrcio online do mundo. o melhor lugar para comear a vender seu prprio eBook - e agora um momento absolutamente INCRVEL para voc comear.O mundo est cada vez mais digital, quanto a isso no ningum tem dvidas - e os eBooks da Amazon j conquistaram seu lugar no mercado.Em vez de carregar livros de papel, as pessoas esto carregando dezenas, centenas, e at milhares de livros em seus dispositivos Kindle ou em seus celulares.Isso representa uma oportunidade incrvel para empreendedores e especialistas de todos os tipos comearem a obter um renda passiva.Ao escrever seu prprio livro, voc pode lucrar enquanto ensina outras pessoas sobre o tema de sua escolha.E se voc no gosta ou no tem habilidade com a escrita, no tem problema. Nesse curso eu tambm vou te mostrar como publicar e vender eBooks sem precisar escrever nada.Mesmo que voc nunca tenha pensado em escrever um livro (mas se estiver procurando maneiras de expandir seus negcios) considere seriamente que publicar um livro pode beneficiar muito voc e o seu negcio.Porque no to difcil quanto parece, e uma das melhores maneiras de expandir rapidamente seus negcios, ou de iniciar um negcio online.Por que voc acha que os livros so to populares entre celebridades, especialistas e empresrios de sucesso? porque o valor de um livro no pode ser expresso apenas em termos monetrios.Um livro ou eBook no traz apenas retorno financeiro, ele tambm te traz autoridade. Ele te posiciona como um especialista em seu campo. D a voc admirao de seus amigos, familiares e seguidores. por isso que voc v tantos youtubers, blogueiros e empreendedores publicando livros. Eles sabem que isso no s um alimento pro ego. Tambm uma forma de marketing e de conquistar mais credibilidade.E mesmo com todos esses benefcios, escrever, publicar e promover um livro, definitivamente no to difcil quanto voc pensa. Voc s precisa conhecer os detalhes e os passos do processo.Por isso, organizei este curso para mostrar a vocComo escrever, publicar e promover seu prprio livro digital em 7 etapas simples!E ento, voc est comprometido em escrever e Publicar seu livro nos prximos 30 dias?timo, se agora voc est dizendo: ""Ismar, eu entendi os benefcios e estou definitivamente comprometido em publicar meu livro nos prximos 30 dias"".Ento aqui est o que voc precisa fazer agora...Faa um pequeno investimento e garanta sua matrcula nesse curso.Em seguida, passe por cada mdulo do curso passo a passo.Siga as aes que eu vou te apresentar em cada aula.E pronto.Se voc seguir essas instrues e se comprometer a agir todos os dias...No final do curso, voc ter seu prprio livro totalmente escrito e publicado. Agora voc pode us-lo como uma ferramenta de marketing para promover e expandir seus negcios por meio de um fluxo passivo de renda!NESTE CURSO VOC VAI APRENDER:Como definir seu nicho e encontrar os tpicos mais lucrativos para comear a publicar livros digitaisConhecer as vantagens de investir em um negcio de eBooksDescobrir como Escrever um eBook de No-Fico sobre Qualquer AssuntoEntender Porque publicar na Amazon KDP a melhor forma de iniciar seu Negcio OnlineDicas e ferramentas para aumentar sua produtividade na criao de contedoComo encontrar problemas e definir solues para o contedoComo criar um contedo transformador que vai garantir que seu leitor resolva seus problemas e que voc venda mais eBooksComo estruturar, criar e publicar seu eBook na AmazonComo fazer pesquisa de referncias para tornar o seu contedo ainda melhor e mais completoComo editar o seu material para criar um contedo claro e objetivoAprender como Formatar e Publicar seus eBooks usando um Processo Simples Passo a PassoOs principais elementos para criar uma capa atraente e um ttulo que converte interessados em clientesDicas extras para criar uma descrio que aumenta o interesse e que valorize seu eBookComo cadastrar e publicar seu eBook de uma forma simples e rpida na plataforma de autor do KindleEnfim, voc vai conhecer um sistema completo de 7 passos para comear a ganhar dinheiro online com eBooks na AmazonEnto v em frente e CLIQUE EM COMPRAR AGORA para garantir seu acesso e descobrir como ESCREVER E PUBLICAR SEU EBOOK EM 7 PASSOS!Te vejo no curso ;)"
Price: 54.99

"Quit Smoking with Hypnosis & Self Hypnosis" |
"IF YOU COULD STOP SMOKING EASILY WITHOUT WITHDRAWALS OR CRAVINGS, WOULD YOU DO IT?Just suppose there were a MAGIC METHOD of stopping smoking which enables any smoker, INCLUDING YOU, to become a non-smoker in 2 weeks:PermanentlyWithout needing willpowerWithout suffering from withdrawal symptomsWithout weight gainWithout scare tactics, pills, patches, or other gimmicksWhat if when you used this method:There is no initial period of feeling deprived or unhappyYou gain control of your lifeYou enjoy social occasions moreYou feel more confident and better equipped to handle stressYou can concentrate betterYou do not spend the rest of your life having to resist the occasional temptation to light a cigaretteYou will clear your lungs, strengthen your immune system and decrease your risk of lung disease or cancerYoull have more money to do the things you want to doAnd... you not only find it easy to stop,but can actually enjoy the process and become more empowered.IF THERE WERE SUCH A MAGICAL METHODWOULD YOU USE IT?Chances are you would. This simple unique method is just like magic. And what makes it seem like magic? It has been designed after listening to many smokers and utilising the amazing mind tool, hypnosis and self-hypnosis in a pure positive way to deal with the subconscious habit that you have around smoking.Your mind is like a computer that runs many programs. These programs run on autopilot and help you do things quickly and automatically.Most of these programs are helpful and useful like driving a car or breathing.Some programs, arent.Smoking is a destructive program installed in your brain.It runs automatically because its been part of your daily routine for many years.How does Hypnosis work?Some of you may have already experienced or tried hypnosis before but unless you have been taught this particular method of self-hypnosis you have not experienced the full power of what hypnosis can do for you.Hypnosis is a process of relaxation and self-control. During this process we use the part of the mind which controls our habits and emotions (also known as the subconscious mind) to influence our thoughts and habits.Through direct and powerful communication with the subconscious mind, hypnosis allows us to communicate with our subconscious mind to re-program our habits and thoughts about smoking.Hypnosis is an incredibly relaxing experience. It is designed to help you gain control of your smoking habit and provide you with a new healthy life as a non-smoker.In this course I will teach you three methods to help you become a happy non-smoker.Firstly, I will teach you how to relax for powerSecondly, I will help you take control of smoking andThirdly , I will teach you how to say goodbye to smoking once and for all.At Last This uniquely designed stop smoking success system will help you stop smoking within two weeks without withdrawal symptoms or craving cigarettes.The wait is over!It will help you take back control of your life and easily become a non-smoker. This breakthrough system has helped thousands of people become, non-smokers.Its guaranteed or your money back!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Xamarin Forms 2020 - Apps para Android, iOS e UWP" |
"Sobre o curso:Bem vindo a 3 edio do curso de Xamarin Forms, neste curso totalmente regravado e com contedo atualizado eu apresento de forma clara como funciona o desenvolvimento de aplicativos na plataforma Xamarin, que traz como grande vantagem o desenvolvimento de aplicativos nativos de alto desempenho e fluidez alm de possibilitar a construo de aplicativos para a plataforma Android, iOS e UWP com o mesmo cdigo base.Nesta edio houve melhorias nos projetos desenvolvidos, prototipamos, refinamos, e adotamos as melhores ferramentas da atualidade na construo de aplicativos com Xamarin. Tambm houve um foco em desenvolver projetos reais, que entreguem valor e que demonstrem os desafios de desenvolver aplicativos no dia a dia do desenvolvedor.Neste curso abordamos at o momento os seguintes recursos:- Xamarin.Forms:-- Construo de Telas (Pages) e Navegao.-- Explicao detalhada de cada componente visual do Xamarin.Forms (Seo 04 e 05).-- Custom Renderer em projetos como o App - Tarefa e App - JobSearch para personalizar a exibio de alguns controles.-- Uso de Banco de dados.-- Construo de API - REST com ASP.NET Core.e diversas classes do Xamarin e Xamarin.Forms.AtualizaoNeste curso a ideia trazer atualizaes de forma mais frequente e abordar outras bibliotecas essenciais disponibilizada pela prpria Xamarin como o Xamarin.Essentials, Maps e etc em projetos de aplicao real. A principal diferena deste curso ser a aplicao e os desafios trazidos por projetos reais.Por que fazer esse curso?Esse curso para quem j conhece C# e o ambiente .NET e deseja usar os conhecimentos que j possuem para construir aplicativos mveis para os Sistemas Operacionais(SO) Android, iOS e UWP(Desktop) com economia de tempo e dinheiro."
Price: 99.99

"Learn To Create A Racing Game With Unity & C#" |
"Learn how to create your very own racing game using Unity, an industry-standard program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world. In this course you wont just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether youre a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:A car controller giving you full arcade-style actionA full race AI system to challenge your playersUnlocking tracks over timeDifferent types of cars to race againstFull Track and car selection systemsManaging Audio SystemsDesigning complete custom tracksFull user Interface with interactive menusAnd more...!Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!"
Price: 194.99
