"Software Developer Interview Guide: Must Know SQL Questions" |
"Refresh your SQL knowledge and solve new problems with the most common beginner interview questions asked by FANG companies.Ultimate Coding Interview PrepLearn the most commonly asked questions by the likes of Facebook, Google, Amazon and Spotify for beginners.Preparing for the SQL portion of the interview is hard. You need to understand not only concepts but also be able to articulate your thought process as you plan and execute a solution.A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery800,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesREVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHCOURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in OOP and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift."
Price: 199.99

"Cria e Vende os teus prprios Livros e eBooks" |
"Todos os dias o sistema de impresso por encomenda ganha novos entusiastas, uma vez que o mercado editorial continua com uma estrutura muito rgida, pouco atenta a novos talentos. Neste curso vou falar de todos os aspectos necessrios para a auto publicao de livros, processo este que os autores tm toda a vantagem em assumir eles prprios:1. Caractersticas da Auto Publicao;2. Contexto do Mercado Editorial;3. Sites que permitem o Print on Demand;4. Formatao e paginao dos textos (Word, Pdf e ePub)5. Formas de Marketing disponveis para Autores;6. Criao de um Website de Autor de Livros;7. Anncios/ Ads em trs plataformas distintas lderes de Mercado."
Price: 19.99

"The Science, and Psychology, of Change Management !" |
"Change Management has been a buzzword for decades. And rightly so.Change is everywhere, whether we like it or not. We need to adapt to it, welcome it and often even initiate it.When you think about it, pretty much all change boils down to a change in behaviour, whether that be your own behaviour, or the behaviour of others.But, when you talk of changing human behaviour, you cannot do it without understanding how human behaviour works ! Without knowing about how people think, judge, decide, and act, how can you orchestrate or manage any change ? Without that, its pretty much a trial and error, and its unlikely that you will produce any sustainable or effective change !Thats where the unique contributions of this Course, come in ! This Course, gets into the Psychology and Science of Change, and how we react to it !I will first go through the Psychological Building Blocks associated with change. Then I will present an effective and sustainable Change Model, that is based on our understanding of Human Psychology and Behaviour. Change need not be hard at all, if you learn from the science, and research."
Price: 84.99

"5 Admda Etkili Sunum Teknikleri" |
"Fikirlerinizi etkili bir ekilde yaymak, kitlelere ilham olmak ve insanlar harekete geirmek zorlu olsa da bunlar baarmann en iyi yolu topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve sunum becerilerinizi en etkili ekilde kullanmaktan geiyor. Topluluk nnde Konuma ve Sunum Becerinizin etkinliini artrdka kelimeleriniz, sesiniz, vcut diliniz, SZ bir kadndan bir adamda daha fazlasna dnp adeta tutkunuzun, fikrinizin vcut bulmu hali olacaksnz. Gnmz koullarnda ister giriimci, retmen, mhendis, isterseniz renci ya da ierik reticisi olun, maksimum etki yaratan sunum ve topluluk nnde konuma becerilerine ihtiyacnz var. Bu kursla birlikte sunum ve topluluk nnde konuma becerinizin etkinliini konumanza uyguladnz anda artran 5 admlk yol haritasn veriyorum. BU 5 ADIMLIK TOPLULUK NNDE KONUMA VE SUNUM TEKNKLER AKSYON PLANI KURSUNDA NELER RENECEKSNZBu mini kurs, topluluk nnde konuma ve sunum becerilerinizin fark edilir derecede etkinliini artracak 5 admlk bir aksiyon plann paylaacak ekilde tasarlanmtr. Bu aksiyon plan ile: Herhangi bir durumda topluluk nnde konuma ve sunum tekniklerinizin etkinliini en hzl ekilde artran etkinlii kantlanm 5 adm Gerek hayattan sunumlar stnde vaka almas ve analizlerBU KURSA KMLER KATILMALI?Balang seviyesinde olanlar,Yaklamakta olan sunum ya da konumalarnda etki alanlarn artrmak iin bilgilerini tazelemek isteyen deneyimli konumaclar,Sunum ve konumalarna son dokunular yapmak isteyenler NEDEN BU KURSTA ETMENNZ OLARAK BENMLE YOLA IKMALISINIZ?Benim adm Evrim. Giriimciyim ayn zamanda angayda uluslararas bir okulun letme Blm bakan olarak iletme, ekonomi ve giriimcilik dersleri veriyorum. anghay'n nde gelen niversitelerinde yatrmc sunumlar dersleri veriyorum. Bir retmen ve giriimci olarak, her gn farkl byklkteki topluluklarn nndeyim. Hem kurumsal irketlerin ve komnitelerin etkinliklerinde hem de uluslararas giriimcilik etkinliklerinde konumalar yapyorum. TEDx inde 450 kiilik seyirciye ve ayn anda beni internetten canl yaynla izleyen 500bin kiiye bir konuma gerekletirdim. Farkl altyaplardan gelen kiilere topluluk nnde konuma, sunum teknikleri ve yatrmc sunumlar ile ilgili birebir danmanlk veriyorum. Daha detayl bilgi iin Eitmen profilime ve Linkedin profilime gz atabilirsiniz. Tecrbelerimi ve bilgilerimi sadece ders verdiim snftaki rencilerimle snrl tutarak deil, sizinle, yani dnyann her yerinden gelen rencilerle de paylamak iin kararlym. O yzden, bu kursta eitmeniniz olarak birlikte yola koyuluyoruz. Bu kurstan mezun olan baz rencilerimin dncelerini de sizinle paylamak isterim:'' Bu kursta sunulan bilgiler ve eitmenin retme tarz renme erisini hzlandrarak renciye byk avantaj salyor. Kursta retilen detaylar ve tavsiyelerin yaptm sunum ve konumalara son derece faydas oldu. Kursun mfredat son derece profesyonel ve takibi kolaylatracak ekilde hazrlanm. Eitmen son derece bilgili ve gzel anlatm ile kursu ilgi ekici klyor.''-Perihan lger, stanbul''Evrimin kurslarn ok seviyorum. Topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve sunum teknikleri kursunu Trke de yaynladn duyunca hemen kayt oldum. Eitmen, her bir videonun arkasndaki emek, konuya hakimiyeti ve kurs ieriini yaplandrma ekli ile ok keyifli bir renme tecrbesi sunuyor. Kursta anlatlan teknik bilgilerin gerek hayattan sunulan rnekler ve kendi tecrbesi ile harmanlanmasnn benim becerilerimi gelitirmemde byk faydas oldu. Sunum teknikleri ve topluluk nnde konuma becerilerini gelitirmek isteyenlere bu kursu iddetle neririm.''-Gken Kurt, Singapur''Son derece ilham verici bir kurs. Gerek hayattan verilen rneklerle eitmenin ok net bir anlatm tarz var.''-Sinan Erk Mutafolu, anghay''Harika bir kurs! rneklerle zenginletirilen ierik son derece faydal. Topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve sunum teknikleri benim iin kiisel bir ilgi olmasna ramen sunulan bilgileri hayatmn her alannda rahatlkla kullanyorum. Evrimin ak ve net anlatm ve retme tarz kursu elenceli klyor.''-Elif Atay, BaliSizleri, bu kursta anlatlan TED tarz topluluk nnde konuma sanat ve etkili sunum tekniklerinden baaryla mezun olmu ve rendikleri bu bilgiler sayesinde kariyerlerinde daha da st noktalara gelmi rencilerimin arasnda grmeyi diliyorum. Konuma sanat ve sunum becerilerinizi bir st seviyeye tamak iin ilk adm atp bu kursa imdi kayt olun."
Price: 99.99

"IBM Certified Associate-Tivoli Monitoring V6.3-Practice Test" |
"An IBM Certified Associate - Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fundamentals entry-level knowledge and experience with IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3. This individual is knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts of IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 through either hands-on experience or formal and informal education. The associate should have an in-depth knowledge of the basic to intermediate tasks required in day-to-day use of IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3.This Certification Exam Practice test is having 100 different questions with 2 sets where 50 questions in each. You have to clear each set of exams in 60 mins and 80% to clear the exam."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Microsoft Powerapps Training from Zero to Hero" |
"Join Now Because it's time to get started The Microsoft PowerApps with loads of Examples and projects. it's covers everything and will be contentiously updated. with more lectures every period. Let's Build a Mobile and Web applications using PowerApps Step by Step, not just Theoretical and ABC examples.This course is recommended as it covers not only Basics topics But additional material and concepts.The course Cover:-What's PowerAppsCreate Trial PowerApps accountPowerApps Tour Are There Lots of Examples? There are loads of examplesPay once, benefit a lifetime! with 30 Days money-back guarantee. Certification after course completion"
Price: 19.99

"Criando cursos online e experincias de aprendizado EaD" |
"Com a chegada da pandemia do coronavrus, vimos que existe uma fragilidade enorme nas nossas experincias educacionais.O EaD j antigo companheiro, mas ainda no funciona para todos, e grande parte das experincias educacionais online poderiam ser muito melhores do que realmente so, isso quando existem.Neste curso, vamos conversar exatamente sobre isso: como criar experincias de aprendizado online de qualidade, adaptadas ao contexto moderno, atuando como formadoras de alunos e/ou profissionais capazes de lidar com o futuro do trabalho e com o mundo atual. Falaremos sobre microlearning, nanograduaes, aprendizado gil, engenharia reversa, estruturao de contedo, material evolutivo e complementar, fragmentao de contedo, entre outras coisas.Esse o melhor momento para transformar o seu conhecimento em renda extra, trocar conhecimento com pessoas do mundo todo e oferecer toda sua expertise em formatos dinmicos, adaptados s necessidades modernas e geis como o mundo precisa que sejam."
Price: 219.99

"Mtodo do Carisma - 3 Passos Para Ser Mais Memorvel!" |
"*Ateno: Este curso para iniciantes *** Curso #1 da Udemy com mais de 2000 alunos!Nesse treinamento voc vai aprender:- Como ser uma pessoa mais carismtica, influente e que gera relacionamentos mais constantes e saudveis.O curso Mtodo do Carisma um curso incrvel, onde eu, Prof. Danilo Mota vou te ensinar a tecnologia por traz das pessoas que conseguem resultados atravs dos relacionamentos. Vou te entregar tudo o que aprendi ao longo de 15 anos em sala de aula, cursos, treinamentos e palestras aliado a pesquisas cientficas!Esse material vai ajudar alunos que tenham dificuldade de estabelecer conexes por causa da timidez, mas tambm vai ajudar pessoas interessadas em POTENCIALIZAR sua comunicao, sendo uma pessoa mais memorvel, bem quista e interessante.Existem regras de carisma e influncia que so quase um segredo, e eu vou ensin-las a voc.Esse curso prtico, com aulas curtas e tudo direto ao ponto. O contedo apoiado com exerccios, meu suporte e certificado ao final do treinamento. Alm disso, voc poder sempre rever o curso quando quiser!Vamos juntos?O que voc encontrar no curso:Fundamentos do carismaBoas-vindas;O que o carismaO que uma pessoa interessanteExerccioMtodo I: InteresseIntroduo ao mtodoO principal interesse das pessoasComo fazer as pessoas se sentirem importantesOuvindo e aumentando o carismaConversando de forma eficazExerccioTeste prticoMtodo II: EncantarIntroduo ao mtodo EncantarCriando primeiras impressesLinguagem no-verbalSorriso e empatiaAperto de moA importncia da vozExerccioMtodo III: ConexoSinalizaoGostamos de quem gosta de nsSimilaridade: gostamos de pessoas como nsTrabalhe seu carterSeja um expert em conexoConecte-se sendo vulnervelExerccio de fixaoAgradecimento e bnus do curso."
Price: 189.99

"Imerso full cycle" |
"O que iremos ver?Laravel ,ReactJS ,React Native ,SonarQube ,Netdata ,Docker ,Laradock ,Socket io ,NodeJsMicrosservios,grafana.Este curso tem o principal objetivo de descomplicar a criao de aplicaes web com a poderosa biblioteca reactjs utilizando a sua verso mais recente, com recursos fantsticos quer iremos aprofundar no decorrer do curso. Alem disso vamos ver tambm sobre o framework PHP Laravel.Nesse curso voc vai aprender na prtica os principais conceitos desse Framework que um dos mais utilizados no mundo PHP, por vez onde iremos construir totalmente uma aplicao em API REST. E consumir essa aplicao atravs do react.Vamos ver tambem como utilizar Docker para trabalharmos com containers , iremos ver tambe Sonarqube que utilizado para indentificar bugs e brechas em nossos codigos, seguinto alguns padres definidos pela comunidade e por fim e importante TDD.No laravel vamos aborda alguns conceitosCriar um ambiente com laradock.Voc aprender como criar APIs RESTFul com autenticao via token.Ensinaremos como trabalhar com Cache.Emitir relatrios PDF.Upload de arquivos.Validaes,Tratamentos de excees AJAXTratamento de errors na APIratamentos de CORS e muito mais...No reactJS, vamos construir nossa prpria estrutura e otimizar a forma de escrever cdigos, vamos trabalhar com os principais conceitos da nova verso.Iremos utilziar o AXIOS.Iremos aprofundar no uso de hooks e muito mais...Um forte abrao e vamos apreender muito na nossa trajetria.utilziar SonarQube para indentificarmos bugs, odores do codigo.utilizar Netdata para verificarmos o estado de consumo dos servidores do nosso ambienteSocket io e nodeJS para realizarmos eventos em tempo realReact Native para elaborarmos nossa aplicao mobiledocker e laradock para subirmos containers isoladose por fim RabbitMQ para trabalharmos com filas"
Price: 39.99

"Neu als Fhrungskraft - Der optimale Einstieg" |
"Von Anfang an akzeptiert werdenAls neue Fhrungskraft stehst du vor vielen neuen Aufgaben. Da sind ganz andere Verhaltensweisen ntig, als du es bisher gewohnt bist. Gerade am Anfang, wenn man einen guten Eindruck hinterlassen will, werden ohnehin schon anspruchsvolle Herausforderungen zur echten Sorge, wenn du nicht mit den richtigen Techniken herangehst. Deinen Mitarbeitern gegenber musst du das richtige Ma an Nhe aber auch Distanz zu finden und dabei deine Fhrungsposition konsequent weiter entwickeln. Der Mensch lernt bekanntlich aus Fehlern, aber viel schner ist es doch, wenn die Fehler nicht selbst machen muss. Vom Kollegen zum ChefIn diesem Kurs lernst du nicht nur, wie du die Herausforderungen, die der Rollenwechsel mitbringen kann, erfolgreich lsen kannst. Wir zeigen dir auch, wie du den unterschiedlichen Erwartungen gerecht wirst und dabei klar und motivierend fhrst. Denn gerade am Start kann zu viel oder zu wenig Autoritt negative Folgen haben. In den ersten Tagen entscheidet sich, ob du von deinem Team als kompetent wahrgenommen wirst und ob dein Team das neue Management als Glcksfall oder als Pleite ansieht.Das richtige Management zum ErfolgWenn in der Startzeit nicht alles exakt luft, wie geplant, ist das brigens gar nicht schlimm. Kaum ein Plan berlebt den Kontakt mit der Realitt. Da du in diesem Kurs aber Techniken aus der Psychologie lernst, um richtig zu fhren, werden dir Konfliktmanagement und auch Stressmanagement kaum noch Sorgen bereiten.Damit die neuen Aufgaben deinen Terminplan nicht sprengen, wirst du auerdem fortgeschrittenes Zeitmanagement mit auf den Weg bekommen, damit der Stress an deinem Arbeitsplatz kein Gast werden kann.Leadership und Change ManagementAls energiegeladener neuer Chef wirst du viele neue Ideen und groartige neue Wege finden knnen. Daran haben wir gar keinen Zweifel. Aber Vernderungen so kommunizieren, dass dein Team auch dahinter steht ist die Herausforderung. Wir haben schon mit Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet, bei denen Mitarbeiter geschenktes Geld fr Weiterbildungen abgelehnt haben - weil es einfach falsch kommuniziert wurde. Mit der richtigen Herangehensweise ist das aber kein Problem hier richtig zu kommunizieren.Unser VersprechenInnerhalb von 30 Tagen bekommst du dein Geld zurck, wenn dieser Kurs es nicht schafft, deine Fhigkeit, ein Team zu fhren, auf das nchste Level zu bringen. Da das ber Udemy passiert, werden wir nicht einmal erfahren, dass das passiert ist. Einfach, anonym, ohne ""Wenn"" und ""Aber"".Trailer Musik:Thunder by MAITTRE Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License"
Price: 99.99

"MATLAB Comprehensive Training" |
"MATLAB is the most reputed program for deriving the solution to engineering, scientific research, mathematics and real-life problems which can be converted into numbers. This course will teach you the commands, functions, tools and features of MATLAB and train you in their effective utilization.If you novice in MATLAB, you need not worry!. Our course will train you in MATLAB from beginner level."
Price: 19.99

"Estructuras narrativas" |
"En este curso de guion aprenders distintos tipos de estructuras narrativas para distintos medios.Estructuras para guiones de largometrajes.Estructuras narrativas para captulos, temporadas y series de televisin.Elementos de gamification.Principios de game design.Como trabajar en colaboraciones y adaptaciones.Veremos las estructuras de 3, 4 y 5 actos y como usarlas en distintos medios."
Price: 19.99

"CCNP ISE- 300-715 Implementing and Configuring Cisco ISE" |
"This Course will Cover the Topics below :Architecture and deploymentPolicy enforcementWeb Auth and guest servicesProfilerBYODEndpoint complianceNetwork access device administrationWhat youll learn in this courseThe Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v3.0 course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) v2.4, an identity and access control policy platform that simplifies the delivery of consistent, highly secure access control across wired, wireless, and VPN connections. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills to implement and use Cisco ISE, including policy enforcement, profiling services, web authentication and guest access services, BYOD, endpoint compliance services, and TACACS+ device administration. Through expert instruction and hands-on practice, you will learn how to use Cisco ISE to gain visibility into what is happening in your network, streamline security policy management, and contribute to operational efficiency."
Price: 49.99

"ExpressJS ve Socket IO le Chat Uygulamas Gelitirelim" |
"Bu kursu ExpressJs ve socketio ile ilgili temel bilgileri renmeniz iin oluturdum.ExpressJs ve Socketio ile ilgili temel bilgileri hi bilmeyen renciler iin chat uygulamas zerinde gsterdim. Bu kursu anlayabilmek iin temel seviyede javascript bilgisine sahip olmalsnz. Bu kurs sonunda ExpressJs ile basit bir Server uygulamas oluturma admlarn renmi olacaksnz. Ayrca socketio kurulumunu gerekletirebilecek ve emit ve broadcast fonksiyonlarn kullanyor olacaksnz. Kurs bir chat uygulamasn oluturarak devam ettii iin kurs sonunda basit bir chat uygulamas oluturmu olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Professional Adobe Photoshop CC Course With Advance Training" |
"A professional photoshop course with advance photoshop training where a student will learn about selection and masking, how to design logo, t-shirt, business card, resume, mug, bottle, calendar, cover, gif, along with that student will learn how to earn money by graphics designing work, retouching, advance use of photoshop tools etc."
Price: 199.99

"Etkili Anne Baba Eitimi" |
"ocuklar geleceimizi temsil eden eserlerdir. Ebevynlerin grevi ocuklar en iyi ekilde geleceini ina etmek iin doru davranlar gereklidir. Bu kurs ieriinde; ocuklarnza gsterdiiniz davranlardan Kanlmas Gereken Hatalar, ocuunuzun En yi Ynlerini Ortaya karan Ve Gelitirin davranlar renmeyi, Doru disiplin yntemlerini ve tekniklerini renmeyi, ocuklarmzn Olumsuz davranlarn olumluya evirmek iin ne gibi davranlar yapabileceimizi, ocuklar ile etkili iletiimin nasl kurulabileceini, ocuklarn benlik saygsnn nasl artrlacan ve daha fazlasn reneceiz.."
Price: 49.99

"Anne Baba Davranlarnn ocuk zerinde Etkileri" |
"Anne Baba davranlarnda, ocuun zeka ve kiilik geliiminin temelinde annenin ve babann davranlarn buluyoruz.ocuklarn tek tek kiilikleri, birbirlerine olan davran ve tutumlar ve ocuklarna gsterdikleri ilgi ve davran biimleri gerekten ok nemlidir.ocuun zeka ve kiilik geliiminde, zellikle anne ve baba davranlarnn byk rol vardr. Baz ocuk ileriki yaamnda tpk anne ve babas gibi davranr.Baz ocuk yle zorlanmtr ki, reaksiyon olarak, kendisine yneltilen davran ve eitim tarznn tam tersini seer. Doru ya da yanl olduunu gzetmeden... inde birikmi ac ve sorunlar nedeni ile... Bazlar da, kendi anne ve baba davranlarn bilinli bir yorum szgecinden geirir ve en iyisini, en dorusunu uygulamaya alr."
Price: 49.99

"Overcoming Generational Poverty & Living in Prosperity" |
"Welcome to the course which tells you practical steps to Overcoming Generational Poverty & Living in ProsperityThe course helps you overcome the state of being in generational poverty caused due to any of multiple of any reasons out of the 8 reasons listed below.Generational Poverty caused due to Taking DebtGenerational Poverty caused due to Prolonged illnessGenerational Poverty caused due to Death in FamilyGenerational Poverty caused due to Divorce / BreakupGenerational Poverty caused due to Alcoholism / DrugsGenerational Poverty due to Loss of Job / IncomeGenerational Poverty caused due to GamblingGenerational Poverty caused due to Natural DisasterAny of the situations can trigger the situation of poverty in the initial stages. It can be relative poverty in the beginning but if unchecked it can become a chronic poverty situation and if not dealt can lead to generational poverty.This causes emotional stress and a lot of unwanted things come in the picture. So, we are going to learn how to deal with a great number of things.You will understand why such a situation arises and know what to do when such a situation arises.What can be done? How can it be coped with? But the basic objective of the course is to see that you understand the cycle of poverty and thus break it faster and take your first steps towards prosperity.The course has been proven to set in motion and complete the process of overcoming the cycle of Generational Poverty.If you have never been into the financial trouble the course will equip you with the tools to divert the situation of poverty.This course will equip you to how to deal better with poverty and make you better prepared to face the emotional and financial troubles that come with the Generational Poverty.The course here is a direct solution to handle the situations raised from Generational Poverty."
Price: 24.99

"Personal Finance Guide: Save, Protect, Grow in Recession" |
"Here is a short description of the course. Personal Finance Guide: Save, Protect, Grow in RecessionThis description helps you know as what you can derive out of this course.This course helps you understand the cycle of recession. Once you understand the traits of the recession that is will be much easier to cope with the effects of the recession.This course helps you secure your finances and long gained prosperity. The course has been proven to set in motion the right mindset to deal with a situation caused due to the loss of regular income irregular income.As a part of any livelihood that a person gets a substantial income where he uses that amount to his day to day living. That's how his lifestyle is defined and that's how he budgets he plans and he aspires his future.There are many ways of income people get income in a short span but they don't have income regularly. This can be seasonal income but the seasonal income does not stand for long and especially when people are used to getting a regular income, they have no clue any idea to keep up with the situation where the income has stopped.So, when you go through the course it also emphasizes the importance of having savings and having a contingency plan in a situation where your income is drastically brought low or in a situation the income is suddenly stopped so that if you are well prepared.You need time for yourself so that you can bounce back. If you don't have the time you will immediately fall into debt and you will fall into different traps into a stressful situation which will never let you come out of this situation.The course here is a direct solution to handle the situations raised from the recession and economic slowdown."
Price: 24.99

"Live watercolor demo Learn how to paint my Spring lambs" |
"Watching a professional artist work live gives you many insights into his work. The fact that I am being asked questions from the live audience means that I address things which I normally wouldn't and also I have to solve problems there and then and of course you see how I deal with such problems.If you are looking for beautifully filmed footage and crisp clear sound these live sessions are not for you but if you want to learn straight from a real artists' experience then they certainly are!see you in the first lesson,David."
Price: 24.99

"Back Yourself - with Rinus le Roux" |
"The ways in which we have defined success, survival, education and mastery up to now have expired. We are at a new junction. Many of the practices and behaviours we adopted in the past in order to navigate our lives have lost their relevance and there is an urgent need to find new ways of thinking around behaviour that will sustain the future. The information and skills we acquired through the educational system and our own experience are outdated. In the new economy the mere fact that you have completed a degree, acquired a skill or learned a trade will no longer guarantee you a job or an income. We are now all in virgin territory when it comes to work, behaviour and earning an income. This book provides a number of concepts and behaviours that may assist you in reshaping your approach to work and to life, equipping you with a better chance to deal with both your present and your future. The new passwords are Knowledge, Connection, Context, Mastery and Action and the single most important skill you can acquire is to Back Yourself."
Price: 300.00

"Japons para Principiantes: Idioma y Cultura - Parte 2" |
"Este curso es una continuacin a mi curso de japons anterior. Podrs practicar tus conocimientos del Hiragana y Katakana, aprender ms vocabulario y frases nuevas, adems de algunas estructuras gramaticales para que puedas comenzar a formar enunciados sencillos. Tambin podrs encontrar datos interesantes acerca del pas y explicaciones detalladas a cada tema que veamos."
Price: 420.00

"AMOC Senior Contest invitational" |
"The Senior Contest is an invitational 4 hour test with 5 questions held after July that decides summer school selections and AMO invites. It is what year 11 and 12 students do instead of the AIMO though younger students also participate.Our preparation generally consists of learning the curriculum Algebra, Geometry, Number theory and Combinatorics (in other courses) then condition ourselves for 4 hours using the exams. While this is very good for first timers a different approach is required for returning students because the questions have been seen and the challenge may also be diminished. We try to put this approach here too which involves doing scattered questions like an assignment and a 4 hour test of similar difficulty. The contest problems are discussed in this course."
Price: 99.99

"Barycentric coordinates for problem solving" |
"Kept hearing the phrase ""Bary-bash"" which if you're from Australia might sound like a crime but if you are solving geometry problems it could in some situations be even more potent a tool than usual coordinate geometry methods (or Coord Bash). The Bary was for Barycentric coordinates, which started coming up from time to time and now we finally go through the background thoroughly. See my geometry course for where this fits in the grand scheme of things but in short we define coordinates using a triangle instead of x and y axes for example and this makes for solving problems which feature a prominent triangle very natural."
Price: 79.99

"Aloha y bienvenid@ a este curso de ukelele! Soy Alejandra y hoy vengo con una misin: que aprendas a tocar ukelele desde cero!De modo que corre y ve a por tu pequeo instrumento, porque ests a pocos pasos de aprender tu primera cancin en ukelele. Y mucho msAs como lo lees! En unos minutitos ya estars tocando y sonando bien ?Pero antes vamos a aprender cmo afinar el ukelele, que es lo primero que debes hacer antes de tocar cualquier acorde en tu ukelele bien parido. Te he preparado un vdeo donde afinamos el Ukelele paso a paso, as que"
Price: 24.99

"Azure Active Directory training" |
"Azure Active Directory training from Basics to Intermediate level.This course can be suitable for those who want to learn Azure Active Directory. This course covers all the topics that we use on day to day with Azure Active directory. Learn Azure Active Directory from very Basics levelWhat is Azure Active DirectoryHow is different from Traditional Windows Active directoryActive Directory Tenant creation and Subscription assigningAzure Active Directory Users, Groups Creation from Azure portal and PowerShell / bulk ActionsCreate Similar to Active directory Organisation Units / Azure Administrative UnitsAzure Authentication and Sing-in Process Azure Active Directory Licensing optionsWindows Active Directory + Azure Active directory = Hybrid Directory with Azure AD ConnectIn-depth of Azure AD Connect Sync rules and configurationAzure AD, Hybrid AD health monitoringJoining machines in Azure AD, hybrid ADConfigure Single Singin (SSO)Multifactor AuthenticationConditional AccessSing-in logs and Audit logsAzure Privilege identity ManagementAzure Identity protectionAzure Self Password reset ServiceAzure B2B & B2CHybrid integration to write password changes back to the on-premises environmentHybrid integration to enforce password protection policies for an on-premises environmentPasswordless authenticationYou can learn in this course on how Azure Active Directory and On-Premises Active Directory integrate and offer hybrid identity solutions."
Price: 19.99

"Pandemi ve COVID-19 Salgn Sorumlusu Sertifika Program" |
"Pandemi; dnyada birden fazla lkede veya ktada, ok geni bir alanda yaylan ve etkisini gsteren salgn hastalklara verilen genel isimdir. Enfeksiyondan korunma ve kontrol nlemlerini uygulayarak; enfeksiyonun toplumda yaylmasn azaltmak ve bylece pandeminin erken dnemlerinde enfekte olacak kii saysn ve pandemi nedeniyle ortaya kacak vakalar azaltmak mmkndr.Pandemi, Dnya Salk rgt (WHO) tarafndan ilan edilir. Yeni ortaya kan virsn insandan insana kolay bir ekilde hzlca yaylyor olmas nemli kriterlerdir. Pandeminin toplum dzeyindeki etkisi virsn bulatrclna, hastalk oluturma yeteneine (virlansna), toplumdaki bireylerin baklk durumuna, bireyler aras temas ve toplumlar aras ulam zelliklerine, risk faktrlerinin varlna, sunulan salk hizmetlerine ve iklime bal olarak deiiklik gstermektedir. Tarihteki pandemiler ve gze arpan epidemiler arasnda kara veba, kolera, grip, tifo, domuz gribi ve COVID-19 yer almaktadr.Yeni Koronavirs Hastal (COVID-19), ilk olarak inin Vuhan Eyaletinde Aralk aynn sonlarnda solunum yolu belirtileri (ate, ksrk, nefes darl) gelien bir grup hastada yaplan aratrmalar sonucunda 13 Ocak 2020de tanmlanan bir virstr. Salgn balangta bu blgedeki deniz rnleri ve hayvan pazarnda bulunanlarda tespit edilmitir. Daha sonra insandan insana bulaarak Vuhan bata olmak zere Hubei eyaletindeki dier ehirlere ve in Halk Cumhuriyetinin dier eyaletlerine ve dier dnya lkelerine yaylmtr.Koronavirsler, hayvanlarda veya insanlarda hastala neden olabilecek byk bir virs ailesidir. nsanlarda, birka koronavirsn souk algnlndan Orta Dou Solunum Sendromu (MERS) ve iddetli Akut Solunum Sendromu (SARS) gibi daha iddetli hastalklara kadar solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarna neden olduu bilinmektedir. Yeni Koronavirs Hastalna SAR-CoV-2 virs neden olur. pozisyonlar eitim seviyenize ve renim derecenize gre deikenlik gsterebilir. Potansiyel Pozisyonlar; Pandemi Sorumlusu, COVID-19 Sorumlusu, Koronavirs Sorumlusu"
Price: 389.99

"Improving Copperplate Calligraphy: Connections & Spacing" |
"If you've enjoyed learning how to write Copperplate calligraphy, but you're not quite sure how to string individual letters together to form beautiful words and sentences... this is the class for you!Hi, I'm Doris, and I love sharing insights from my own calligraphy practice.In this class, we'll talk aboutmathematical vs. visual evenness of letter spacingconnecting lowercase letters to one anotherconnecting uppercase letters to lowercase ones,how to make spacing decisions, andspacing specific letter pairs based on their anatomyLet's practice together as I talk you through the explanations, and join me in writing out specific exercises for connecting and spacing in real time.You'll be writing specific letter pairs, a couple of necklaces, and a couple of pangrams, thereby practicing how to connect and space all letters of the alphabet.Even if you're brand new to calligraphy, you'll find these simple exercises easy and effective to improve your writing."
Price: 19.99

"Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace" |
"Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is for all. It's not just a phase but a permanent behavior that needs to permeate corporate America. D&I impacts growth, morale, retention, talent management and so many other facets of work-life. It's critical that both employees and managers have the education, tools, and support to build inclusive cultures that are able to compete in a global economy. D&I creates a better organization for EVERYONE! The goal of this course is to provide education on the history of D&I, create experiences that cause reflection, and provide resources so that you can learn more.These lectures were built on four pillars which are:EducationReformReflectionAccountabilityReflection is probably one of the most important pieces of these four pillars and it's integrated deeply into all of my curricula because many people move too quickly from education to reform without deep reflection. Without a true change in mindset, behavior cannot be impacted and the goal is not to command people to diversify and be inclusive but to cultivate and plant seeds so that these behaviors are organic and grow behaviors without dictatorship. A lack of accountability is an obstacle to change. I will provide ideas on how to create accountability in this area but the choice is up to you.Creating diverse, anti-racist, and inclusive workplaces starts with personal responsibility, and I encourage anyone who is taking this course to start and keep a notebook and write down questions, and responses to the many reflection questions that will be presented throughout this course."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Ethical Hacking CEH Practice Test" |
"Ethical hacking is to scan vulnerabilities and to find potential threats on a computer or networks. An ethical hacker finds the weak points or loopholes in a computer, web applications or network and reports them to the organization.A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert who uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem."
Price: 1280.00

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Price: 44.99
