"Siemens TIA-Portal - Crashkurs fr Einsteiger" |
"! Aktuell zum Einfhrungspreis !In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir die wichtigsten Grundlagen der SPS-Programmierung - du kannst also ganz ohne Vorkenntnisse starten.Wir werden zusammen ein bisschen Theorie durcharbeiten und dann bringe ich dir im TIA-Portal (der Programmierumgebung) anhand verschiedener Beispiele und Aufgabenstellungen die Programmierung sowie Aufbau und Bedienung der Programmierumgebung (TIA-Portal) nher.Bitte beachte dass dies ein Crash-Kurs mit relativ stark komprimiertem Inhalt ist. Solltest du eine etwas entspanntere und ausfhrlichere Stoffeinteilung und -aufbereitung bevorzugen, so empfehle ich dir meinen ""normalen"" Einsteigerkurs (befindet sich noch in Entwicklung). Gerne kannst du dich auch direkt bei mir melden, um Untersttzung zu erhalten. Meine Kontaktdaten sind auf UDEMY sowie in jedem Kurs-Video zu finden.Als Teilnehmer dieses Kurses erhltst du einen Rabatt auf meine folgenden Kurse.Als Teilnehmer meines ersten Kurses mit der Nummer #1 erhltst du ebenfalls einen Rabatt - melde dich vor dem Einschreiben bei mir.Mit 2 kleinen Ausnahmen werde ich dir die verschiedenen Themen direkt im TIA-Portal zeigen und somit weitestgehend auf Theorie in Form von PDFs, Prsentationen etc. verzichten.Konkret werden wir zusammen folgende Themengebiete bearbeiten:Grundlagen / Begriffe / FunktionsweiseEinfache Logik / Grundfunktionen Teil 1 (UND, ODER, XOR, Zuweisungen, Flanken, SR, RS)Einfache Logik / Grundfunktionen Teil 2 (Vergleicher, Zeiten / Impulse, Umwandler, Mathematik)AnalogwertverarbeitungVisualisierung (TIA WinCC)bung / realer AnwendungsfallBeleuchtungssteuerung Tunnelanlage"
Price: 39.99

"Ethical Hacking for beginners" |
": nmapburpKaliSqlmapniktovirtual box"
Price: 19.99

"Changeability - Managing and Leading Constant Change" |
"When we want to effect a change, we need to bear in mind the complexity of what we are facing. Changeability looks at personal and project management, communication and effective leadership skills.There are a lot of change models. I have chosen nine of my favourites that I hope you will find as useful as I have. They are:Burke & Litwins Drivers for ChangePESTEL AnalysisThe POWER SWOTBusiness Model CanvasGreiner's Growth CurveKubler Ross Change CurveGleicher's Change formulaVrooms Expectancy TheoryAnd the ADKAR Change ModelMore importantly, I have created some tools that will help you to apply the theory to your own experience. Each session comes in three parts to make it easy for you to return to a particular section at a later date.The introduction includes the downloadable templatesThe theoretical change model described along with how to apply the tool.A relevant example, story, case study and links to additional learning resourcesLike all learning, the more we apply, practice and reflect on the content, the more powerful the results.As we go through, you may find you have questions. Either message me directly or post a question in the group forum. I love it when we get to learn from our peers dont you?"
Price: 49.99

"Leading Good People to Do Good Work" |
"Leading Good People to Do Good Work is critical in these days of immense global turbulence and uncertainty. Every community, neighborhood, and nation needs wise and effective leaders.Do you want to learn more about how you can be a wise and effective leader leading other good people to make a positive difference in this world? This course is for you.This online course will offer you insights into 9 principles of leadership and offer practical suggestions on how you can assess and improve your leadership.The principles (the 9 Ps) include person, purpose, passion, people, planning, plumbing, process, progress reporting, and party. Rick Stiffneys teaching includes a blend of perspectives from literature and research on leadership, deep personal experience in leading others, and stories from the leadership of others.Dr. Rick Stiffney is a seasoned professional. He has led organizations. He has consulted widely with hundreds of executives, senior leadership teams, and oversight boards on mission, identity, strategy, and governance. He has created and co-facilitated several different leadership development programs, including a one-year program for health sector leadership in Ethiopia.Your Instructor: Rick Stiffney PhDRick has served in leadership capacities since late adolescence. For nearly 40 years he served in various professional leadership roles leading organizations to produce results week in and week out. He has consulted with a broad range of organizations across the U.S. and beyond. ""I want to give my best energy to developing the leadership of others. I am married, a father of two and grandfather to three. Family and faith are central themes in my life. I hope both offer a moral compass for my life and leadership.Most of Rick's consulting work has been with executives, senior leaders, and boards on issues of executive leadership, corporate mission and identity, strategy, and governance. He has also had the honor of developing leadership programs and teaching leadership to aspiring and mid-career leaders in various settings. Rick served on a variety of nonprofit governing boards and served in various volunteer leadership positions in churches where he attended.Rick uses an approach to teaching that blends the best of research and literature, the stories of others, and his own experience - both the successes and the setbacks. He believes that as adults we learn more as take a principle and practice a new behavior. His teaching sessions always include a take-home assignment to focus learning through practical application.Rick characterizes his current stage of life as 'tapering and tempering'. ""I'm delighted to have opportunities to encourage others in their leadership. Our world so desperately needs good people engaged in doing good work bringing light and hope to others. This requires wise and effective leaders.This course is not for the faint of heart. Each session ends with an assignment. You will have the opportunity to reflect on and practice something in a new way. This applied learning is how we as adults learn to do things differently and better!For some, this course will be helpful for a group with whom you are already working. It can support you and group improving your team and your teams efforts.I invite you to join me in this course. I too continue on a journey of learning about leadership. I look forward to the questions and perspectives you will share with me.Looking forward to seeing you inside the course!""- Rick Stiffney (PhD)"
Price: 199.99

"Neuromarketing e Gatilhos Mentais - Curso COMPLETO" |
"Junte-se a mais de 45 mil alunos inscritos nos cursos de marketing da M2up aqui na Udemy.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a utilizar o neuromarketing para conectar-se com a essncia do seu consumidor e criar aes e campanhas de marketing muito mais assertivas!Cada vez mais as empresas esto investindo em Neuromarketing...Como o processo de deciso de compra? Como funciona a mente humana nesse processo e como as marcas podem influenciar positivamente isso? Quais fatores impactam emocionalmente os consumidores fazendo com que eles escolham uma determinada marca ao invs de outra?Sabemos hoje que 95% das tomadas de deciso dirias de um indivduo so tomadas inconscientemente. O neuromarketing surge da necessidade de entender as verdadeiras motivaes do consumidor - no basta apenas um gatilho para levar uma pessoa a uma deciso de compra. O crebro funciona como um todo e vrias coisas tm que estar em concordncia para haver uma ao.Esse curso de neuromarketing pretende ajudar voc a entender melhor como seu consumidor toma as decises, assim, voc aprender tcnicas para posicionar sua marca de forma mais eficaz na cabea dos consumidores.Entenda conceitos e tcnicas de neuromarketing para diferenciar a sua marca dos seus concorrentes!O que neuromarketing?Como funciona a mente humana na tomada de deciso;Vieses cognitivos como truques da mente;Tcnicas de neuromarketing (disposio de produtos, storytelling, design, psicologia das cores);Marketing sensorial;Gatilhos mentais;Cases que aplicam na prtica;E MUITO MAIS!Overview/resumo do cursoO primeiro captulo mais terico, vamos entender conceitos bsicos de neuromarketing, para compreender bem esse campo de estudo que se origina da neurocincia com o marketing e tambm vamos ver como funciona o crebro humano.No segundo captulo vamos nos aprofundar mais na mente humana e compreender o processo de compra do consumidor, vendo como funciona o nosso crebro na tomada de deciso - algo que fundamental das marcas entenderem para serem assertivas e se conectarem emocionalmente com seu pblico. Para isso, vamos ir fundo no conceito de dopamina (a famosa substncia do prazer), vamos saber o que so neurnios-espelho e como aplicar no marketing e tambm entender a diferena entre o inconsciente e consciente para tomar uma deciso.Em seguida, vamos estudar o Efeito Priming e Halo - que so estmulos capazes de influenciar nosso comportamento com base em experincias vivenciadas. Voc tambm vai aprender sobre vieses cognitivos e heursticas e os truques que eles causam na mente (sendo alguns deles: vis da ancoragem, vis da averso perda, vis da confirmao, entre outros, e a aplicabilidade deles no marketing e dinmica de compras).Para entrarmos nas tcnicas de neuromarketing, vamos entender a base desse estudo: emoo, ateno e memria. A partir disso, vamos abordar o poder do storytelling, merchandising comercial e publicidade subliminar - entendendo esse conceito, aplicabilidade e alguns exemplos.Depois vamos entrar em um captulo sobre Branding Sensorial, entendendo como as marcas podem explorar os 5 sentidos humanos para criarem aes, campanhas e ambientes que aumentam suas conexes e resultados com o pblico. Ainda aqui vamos conhecer alguns cases de empresas que souberam como utilizar o marketing sensorial para se destacar e as 10 principais regras do branding sensorial, que as marcas devem entender como aplicar nos seus negcios.Aps isso vamos nos aprofundar na psicologia das cores, onde voc vai ver que cada cor produz um efeito distinto nos seres humanos. De acordo com um estudo realizado por Satyendra Singh, com a Universidade de Winnepeg, 85% das decises instantneas relacionadas s compras so tomadas por influncia das cores. Por isso, essencial compreender como elas podem ser utilizadas. Para isso, vamos trazer os significado de diversas cores e exemplos da aplicao delas em marcas de segmentos variados. Para encerrar o curso, vamos falar sobre gatilhos mentais - que so muito poderosos quando falamos em marketing. Existem inmeros gatilhos que estimulam as as decises que nossos crebro toma no piloto automtico. Nesse captulo, voc vai conhecer alguns desses gatilhos, entender como funcionam e ver como aplicar na prtica!Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 diasBom, agora eu s posso dizer mal posso esperar para trocar experincias com voc. Afinal, os consumidores j no compram produtos para satisfazer apenas as suas necessidades bsicas, eles querem experincias e ""algo mais"" dos negcios. Assim, as marcas precisam se posicionar cada vez mais dentro do mundo emocionado e experiencial de seus consumidores.Por que esperar? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria de Neuromarketing, s clicar no boto! :)"
Price: 189.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Prof) Practical Exams #1" |
"The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Solution Architect Professional Exam #1 and #2 are intended for individuals who will prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Prof) exam together with two or more years of hands-on experience managing and operating systems on AWS. Abilities Validated by the CertificationDesign and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWSSelect appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirementsMigrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWSDesign and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWSImplement cost-control strategiesRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceTwo or more years of hands-on experience designing and deploying cloud architecture on AWSAbility to evaluate cloud application requirements and make architectural recommendations for implementation, deployment, and provisioning applications on AWSFamiliarity with AWS CLI, AWS APIs, AWS CloudFormation templates, the AWS Billing Console, and the AWS Management ConsoleExplain and apply the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected FrameworkDesign a hybrid architecture using key AWS technologies (e.g., VPN, AWS Direct Connect)Ability to provide best practice guidance on the architectural design across multiple applications and projects of the enterpriseFamiliarity with a scripting languageFamiliarity with Windows and Linux environmentsMap business objectives to application/architecture requirementsArchitect a continuous integration and deployment processPrepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant AWS Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Other than these practical exams, please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam. Good Luck."
Price: 19.99

"Flask - Dveloppement web avec Python de A-Z" |
"Flask est un framework de dveloppement Web simple mais puissant pour Python. Bien que Flask soit qualifi de micro-framework, il ne manque pas de fonctionnalits; il existe de nombreuses extensions disponibles pour Flask qui l'aide fonctionner au mme niveau que d'autres grands frameworks tels que Django et Ruby on Rails.Cette formation vous guidera travers les bases de l'apprentissage de l'application de vos connaissances de Python au Web.En commenant par la cration d'une application Flask Hello world, vous dcouvrirez les API Flask les plus courantes.Vous apprendrez stocker et rcuprer des articles de blog partir d'une base de donnes relationnelle l'aide d'un ORM et mapper des URL des vues.De plus, vous parcourrez les blocs de modles, l'hritage, les tlchargements de fichiers et les actifs statiques.Vous apprendrez authentifier les utilisateurs, crer des fonctionnalits de connexion / dconnexion et ajouter un tableau de bord administratif pour le blog.Plus loin, vous dcouvrirez comment effectuer des requtes Ajax partir du modle et dcouvrirez le Restfull avec flask"
Price: 139.99

"HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) For Busy People" |
"You're About To Discover The MostEffective Strategies For Rapid Fat LossIll Personally Show You A Workout MethodThat Can Be Done In MinutesThat Can Bring Amazing ResultsYou Dont Have To Believe Me, Just Believe The Proven StudiesThat Backed This Method!The cold season is coming to an end and it's time to get ready for the epic Summer!People are getting excited to let their skin soak in the sun soon.Only if you're NOT downright embarrassed of your body.But the sad truth is, most people have baggy clothes to hide the unattractive flaps and folds.I should know because this was me once. Clothes were unflatteringly large and always black in colour.I wanted to improve my health and appearance, but was disheartened by the time to do it!Who has time to exercise (at least) 30 to 60 minutes a day, 3 times a week when you have a career, a family that needs your attention and kids to take care of...I also enjoyed my nights out with friends and lazy Sunday which made me feel guilty for not working out.Six pack abs seems like an unachievable goal.Luckily, I stumbled upon an Amazing Solution. A powerful method which is highly effective, time-saving and fun!HIIT - The Future Of ExercisingRemember how Oprah had so much trouble losing weight? She was following diets and workouts recommended by every fitness guru.Unfortunately, she didnt know about HIIT. If she did, she mightve achieved eye-popping fitness results!So what is HIIT? Also known as High Intensity Interval Training.HIIT means exercising at an intense pace for a short period and scientists have found that this workout method is MILES better than a moderate pace workout.Studies show that the intensity of exercise is one of the greatest factor in rapid fat loss.Imagine how happy I was to find out that I can get closer to my fitness goals by spending less time working out!Do you remember when you had dial-up internet and you had to wait 30 minutes just to load up a video? Now, it takes seconds.This is exactly what HIIT did for my body!The results came so fast I couldn't even believe it.HIIT is:Fun. Old-fashioned cardio takes hours for results and you easily get bored of the repetitive motion on the treadmill. On the other hand, HIIT is fun, more variety and engaging.Efficient. HIIT lasts only 30 minutes, but the after-brun effects will last hours after the exercise.Minimalistic. You don't need expensive equipment to do them. Just use your bodyweight, maybe a few dumbbells, a jump rope... That's it!Location-independent. You can perform the workouts anywhere! Do it in the living room with your kids, do it in your office on lunch break. If you're daring enough, do it at the side of the road when you're stuck in a traffic jam! (But please don't disrupt the traffic).A brain booster. HIIT has been shown to boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), a protein involved in brain-cell repair, learning, memory, mood regulation and cognitive function. Conventional exercising methods do not release this brain-boosting protein.A muscle-builder. HIIT promotes muscle synthesis if done right. Furthermore, HIIT boosts growth hormone levels which helps the muscle-building process.Customizable. Because it is a method of exercising instead of a list of exercises, HIIT is customizable. Anyone from beginner to seasoned athlete can use HIIT to improve their performance, health, and aesthetics.Scientists Preferred Method Of ExercisingI'm sure you'd agree that scientists LOVE the idea of making workouts more effective and efficient.That's why they love HIIT so much!In fact, a scientist called Izumi Tabata created his own version of HIIT that takes only four minutes to improve both aerobic and anaerobic performance (This program is shared in the book.)There are also the legions of celebrities who swear by HIIT as their answer for aesthetic bodies.Hugh Jackman, Britney Spears and David Beckham all do some form of HIIT.If you think about it, HIIT just makes sense.Mo Farah is a famous marathon runner whose feats are impressive to say the least. However if you look at his physique, it's not what you have in mind when you think of a fit body.Compare that to Usain Bolt. He's ultra lean, athletic and has the aesthetic body that most men wish for.It just makes sense that training intensely for a short period of time will make you more athletic than training moderately.I'm guessing you're sold on the benefits of HIIT and finally convinced that building the beach body you've always dreamed ofis no longer a pipe-dream...Introducing...HIIT 2 FitA Life-Changing Blueprint On The Best Method For Rapid Fat Loss And Building Chiseled Muscles In Matter Of Minutes!I've compiled for you everything you need to know about HIIT, so you don't haveto do it yourself.All you have to focus on is the dream body you've always wanted andin a couple of weeks, your WILL have a healthy, strong and aesthetic body!No more hours of jogging.No more starving nights.No more fitness fads by average looking fitness gurus.This blueprint will chisel your abs, melt away the flab, give you an aesthetic body... and other health benefits such as better memory and cognitive function, youthful looks and unstoppable energy.Here's What I'll Be Sharing With You Exclusively:How to melt fat like butter ""the no-BS way"" that can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone with a minimal budget for maximum results.How HIIT can radically spike your Growth Hormone levels for muscle-building and denser bones.Secret Supplements that will turn your body into a fat burning furnace (Hint: One of these supplements might be in your kitchen right now!)How to enjoy a rich and delicious meal 3 times daily while getting a six-pack!Why lazying around the house is just as important as working out for weight loss.... and SO much more for you to learn inside!Why This Blueprint Is Perfect For You:Save precious time by working out the most efficient way possible for fat loss and building muscle at the same time. That means more time for you to spend with family and friends, improve your career and use your new physical capabilities for new hobbiesLook good without giving up your soul. You don't have to give up sports night or your favorite six-packs of beer to have an aesthetic physique.Enjoyable exercises that will get you excited for your next workoutTo sum it up, you will:Get your body ready for the beach in a matter of weeks doing short workouts that are fun and customized to your bodyHave a sharper and smarter brain. Scientists suggest that HIIT brings more benefits to your brain than playing sudoku or crossword puzzlesSlow down aging, giving you better skin and higher energy levelsAnd that's only the tip of the iceberg.As you keep improving your health and physique, you will start to see the benefits spreading to other areas of your life.Your friends will start turning to you for health advice and you'll be looked at as their fitness mentor.And here's the good news...This will not cost you an arm and a leg.For a one-time investment, you'll get a blueprint that you can return to for the rest of your fitness journey.This MasterPlan is worth so much more than what I'm offering you right now. But I am having a launch promotion where you can have the book for only a fraction of its total value.-------------------------------------HIIT IT HARDThink Working Out And Getting In Shape Requires Spending HoursIn The Gym Each Day? It Doesnt...Discover How To Quickly Melt Your Extra Fat, Build Muscle, And Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life With Short Workouts That Take Just Minutes...Let me ask you a quick questionWhats the first thing that comes to mind when you start thinking about working out?Most people conjure up images of spending countless hours in the gym every single week doing grueling monotonous workoutsGoing on long, never-ending, multi-mile runsPainful and sore muscleAnd having to wait weeks or even months to start to see any type of decent resultsSounds HORRIBLE, doesnt it?The good news is...Burning Fat, Building Muscle, And Getting InGreat Shape Does NOT Have To Be That Difficult...The fact is this...You DONT have to spend countless hours in the gym each week to get results.Did you know that working out too much can actually slow down your results with working out?Its true.Over-exercising is one of the big reasons people struggle to get results and in some cases even end up injured from it.Forget about fad dietsForget about long, grueling gym sessionsForget about working out for hours each dayIf youre serious about melting fat, building muscle, and getting stronger faster than ever...You Need To Focus OnHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)...If youre not familiar with high intensity interval training or HIIT, you need to pay very close attention...Heres why HIIT is superior to almost any weight loss or muscle-building program out there...Anyone can do it and get results regardless of current fitness levelsYou dont have to spend a crazy amount of time at the gym each day you can do HIIT in just minutes per dayResearch shows us that results with HIIT are better than traditional exercise and fitness programsNot only is it fun and rewarding, youll feel a lot better after your workouts and avoid overtrainingYoull begin seeing noticeable results EXTREMELY quickly forget about waiting weeks or months most people start getting results in as little as a week or two (sometimes even days)At this point, youre probably wonderingIf HIIT Is So Great, Why Are PeopleStill Working Out The Old Way?The biggest reason is because people really do believe the longer and more frequent your workouts, the better results youll getAlthough thats just not true, many people just arent in the loop or quite possibly have NEVER heard about HIIT.And even though HIIT is pretty simple, getting results is all about the detailsIf you do things the right way, you can get MASSIVE results extremely quickly...but if you do things wrong, you run the risk of not getting solid results, wasting time, or even putting yourself at risk of injury.I dont want ANY of those things to happen to you.Its important you have someone thats an expert at HIIT showing you the ropes.Because of all of the misinformation out there about high intensity interval training, Ive put together the next best thing to hiring a personal training to show you how to lose weight and build muscle with HIIT the right way!IntroducingThe Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To High Intensity Interval TrainingHeres What Youll Discover Inside...The old way of doing cardio training, why its not all that effective, and how to do cardio the HIIT way for faster, better results...The science behind HIIT, why its so powerful, and how to understand your own body to get the most out of it...The power of energy systems is revealed in detail inside and how we progress through energy systems for max results...If youre starting from scratch and havent worked out in a long time, youll discover how to build a basic level of fitness...Should you use machines in your HIIT training? The answer is revealed inside...How to maximize your results with kettlebells...The power of the kettlebell swing and how to do it the right way for amazing results...Advanced HIIt methods such as Tabata, cardio acceleration, Fartlek, and MetCon...Create whole-body circuit routines and the exact steps to design the PERFECT circuit routine...Why you may be working out too much and how to workout less and lose more fat and gain more muscle...And, how to incorporate HIIT with an overall healthy lifestyle...Plus, a whole lot moreWho Should Get This?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYoure looking to get in the best shape possibleYouve tried fitness programs in the past that didnt get you the results you were looking forYoure busy or you travel a lot, so its hard to get to the gym every single day (and then spend tons of time there)Youre looking for a workout plan that is fast, fun, and extremely effectiveYoure looking for a PROVEN method for losing weight and building muscle without sacrificing your healthYoure looking for something that actually works and will give you the best results possible as quickly as possible...----------------------------------------------""High-intensity interval training (HIIT), also called high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training (SIT), is a form of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods, until too exhausted to continue. Though there is no universal HIIT session duration, these intense workouts typically last under 30 minutes, with times varying based on a participant's current fitness level.[1] The duration of HIIT also depends on the intensity of the session.HIIT workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition as well as improved glucose metabolism. Compared with longer sessions typical of other regimens, HIIT may not be as effective for treating hyperlipidemia and obesity, or improving muscle and bone mass.[3] However, research has shown that HIIT regimens produced significant reductions in the fat mass of the whole-body. Some researchers also note that HIIT requires ""an extremely high level of subject motivation"" and question whether the general population could safely or practically tolerate the extreme nature of the exercise regimen."" Source: Wikipedia"
Price: 19.99

"Vray 5 ve 3ds max 2021 ile gereki d mekan mimari render dersleri sayesinde gereki grseller, render sonular elde edebilirsiniz. Gereki im ve peyzaj nasl yaplr, aydnlatma ve render ayarlar, malzeme atama gibi konulara hakim olabilirsiniz. Temel seviyede 3ds max ve V-ray render kullanma beceriniz varsa bu kurs daha faydal olacaktr. Ksa bir sre geerli bu fiyat karmayn! Facebook 3ds max akademi sayfamza katlarak kupon kodlarndan haberdar olabilirsiniz.Eitimde kullanlan dosyalar satn alma sonras Udemy mesaj sistemi zerinden indirme linki olarak gnderilecektir.Sorularnz ve zel ders talepleriniz iin: 3dsmaxakademi@gmail.com"
Price: 229.99

"Blender 2.83' Sfrdan renin!" |
"Ceka Akademi ile Blender'n en gncel srm olan 2.83' en bandan renmeye balaynTamamen cretsiz olan Blender' btn fonksiyonlaryla kullanmay renin ve hayalinizdeki eyleri geree dntrnOyunlarnz iin karakter ve evre tasarmlar yapp oyun motorunuza aktarn.Photoscan yntemi ile kendinizi veya bir nesneyi bilgisayar ortamnda oluturun.2 boyutlu veya 3 boyutlu ksa film animasyonlar hazrlamay renin"
Price: 49.99

"Structural Masonry with ETABS - Module 7" |
"Structural Masonry with ETABS 17.0.1Prepare a real housing project with structural masonry walls, using the most powerful tool on the market in structural calculation. Software ETABS 17.0.1Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulations for Design and Construction of Buildings in Structural Masonry R-027. and the latter will be compared with the recommendations of ACI318-14 regarding the design of shear walls.Explain in detail everything related to the regulations: Regulations for Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures R-001.Detailing of a Structural Masonry Wall.Incorporation to the Model of the Design of Foundations of running footings, using Interaction-Soil-Structures. In addition, there will be a Real Soil Study of the AreaSpecific goal:Structural Masonry with ETABS 17.0.1-Module P7Design by cut in Wall, Optimize the Wall, Detailed Wall, Design of Wall, Designer of Sections, Design of Beam, Design of Foundations.This module includes:Lecture 1: IntroductionLecture 2 and 3: Wall Design and DetailingLecture 4: Design by Cut and Detailed WallLecture 5: Beam DesignLecture 6 and 7: Foundation DesignThe AulaGeo team worked hard on this course. It was developed in Spanish by Orozco, voiced by Gabriella for English speaking students."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Python easy! - English Asia" |
"This is an Introductory Python Course which will enable students to pursue some higher and more advanced material and courses on Python.Particularly, this course teaches students the following things:What is Programming in general and how to do it using Python?How to get started with coding in python?Python variables, data types and input handlingHow to perform conditional programming in Python?How to declare functions and use them effectively?"
Price: 49.99

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Price: 49.99

"XMind 2020 ." |
", - , 1960- . , ( ) , () . . , XMind 2020 . , , . XMind, ."
Price: 34.99

"Mastering LookML: Looker's Modeling Language" |
"Welcome to our course in LookML, Looker's data modeling language. The revolutionary data platform will add several positive vibes on your resume and or that next job promotion you are looking for. If you have developed in Tableau, Power BI, or any other BI tool, you have to learn Looker's way of doing it. Our course helps you understand the architectural depths of Looker and takes you on an adventure of learning the nitty-gritty of LookML. At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently Perform on the job to develop state of the art modelsMake architectural decisions or the pattern to use for a specific problemBe able to look at the big picture of problem-solvingBe hunted by headhunters and hiring managersWelcome Aboard"
Price: 99.99

"Big Data: Simulador de Examen & Material de Estudio" |
"Big Data es un trmino global que se refiere a datos extremadamente grandes, muy rpidos, muy diversos y complejos que no se pueden administrar con las herramientas de administracin de datos tradicionales. Big Data incluye todo tipo de datos y ayuda a entregar la informacin correcta a la persona adecuada, en la cantidad correcta y en el momento adecuado, para ayudar a tomar las decisiones correctas.Elementos del Curso:Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Simulador de Examen de 50 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Un 20% de descuento en el examen de Big Data Professional Certificate (BDPC) en espaol, al adquirirlo con nosotros. Incluye segundo intento Gratis.Informacin Relevante:Este curso NO incluye videos.El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 1 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. Udemy NO entrega certificado de finalizacin al completar este curso, porque es del tipo Examen de Prueba.Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Tarot Reading (with certificate)" |
"This is a self-paced home study course allowing you to learn at your own speed. You are free to go away and come back at any time. In fact, I encourage you to take regular breaks so that you dont become overloaded with information, and are able to process and digest each module. Once you have completed this course, you will have lifetime access to the resources and videos, and are free to revisit whenever you need to. Remember, as a teacher I can only show you the door. It is up to you to open it and walk through.At the end of this course you will be confident enough to continue your own studies, and perform readings for other people."
Price: 99.99

"First-Time Agile Manager 2. Toolbox" |
"First-Time Agile Manager to kurs, ktry pozwoli Ci spojrze na projekty w nowy, zwinny sposb i skutecznie nimi zarzdza.Bycie skutecznym menederem projektw zwinnych wymaga ukszatowania zarwno zwinnych postaw i specyficznego sposobu mylenia o wartoci dla klienta, a take poznania unikatowych metod i narzdzi pozwalajcych wprowadzi zwinn filozofi w ycie. Dlatego, ze wzgldw praktycznych, peny kurs zosta podzielony na 2 czci:First-Time Agile Manager 1. Principles, 2 godz. First-Time Agile Manager 2. Toolbox, 5 godz.Cao obejmuje 7 godz. praktycznych warsztatw projektowych, co odpowiada 2-dniowemu kursowi stacjonarnemu.W pierwszej czci dowiedziae/a si, w jaki sposb stosujc pryncypia, zasady i praktyk zwinn moesz dostarcza rezultaty biznesowe szybciej, lepiej i bardziej efektywnie.W TEJ CZCI First-Time Agile Manager 2. Toolbox dostaniesz ponad 20 gotowych do wykorzystania metod, technik i szablonw narzdzi, ktre radykalnie zwiksz Twoje szanse na dowiezienie produktu do koca. Jest to kompletny ""narzdziownik"" menedera projektw zwinnych niezbdny kademu, kto chce osiga maksymalne efekty. Jeli zaley Ci na praktyce i skutecznoci, jak daj sprawdzone metody i narzdzia, wybierz ten wanie kurs. Ponadto:Autor doskonale rozumie zwinno, bo by przy narodzinach Agile Manifesto i zwinnoci uczy si od jego twrcw. Wiedza, ktr dostaniesz jest skuteczna i przetestowana w setkach praktycznych sytuacji projektowych.Autor ma due dowiadczenie projektowe - przez 20+ lat poprowadzi ponad 150 projektw, penic kad moliw rol projektow. Wie zatem doskonale, co moe Ci pomc osignc sukces tu gdzie jeste teraz lub tam, gdzie zaraz bdziesz.Kurs jest niezwykle praktyczny. Znajdziesz w nim tylko praktyczn wiedz, zdobdziesz praktyczne umiejtnoci i skorzystasz z wieloletniego dowiadczenia autora."
Price: 489.99

"Entscheidungen treffen Menschen manchmal sehr schwer" |
"Entscheidungen treffen manche Menschen sehr schwer. In der heutigen, schnelllebigen Zeit ist es von groer Bedeutung, dass man die passende Entscheidung in kurzer Zeit trifft.Dieser Kurs erklrt das Bauchgefhl sowie die Intuition - dazu gibt es die passenden bungen.Eine wichtige Entscheidung hat Dich heute in diesen Kurs gebracht. In der Meditation bekommst Du die einzigartige Mglichkeit beide Wege und die daraus entstehenden Konsequenzen zu sehen. Egal ob Du an ein Spirit, Geistfhrer, Engel oder ein hheres Selbst glaubst (kann durchaus etwas komplett anderes sein), Dein persnlicher Begleiter wird Dich in der Meditation begleiten. Lasse Deiner Phantasie freien Lauf!"
Price: 29.99

"Part1: Converter monolito para microservices com Spring Boot" |
"** Voc que est procurando conhecimento em microservices, seja muito bem vindo. Saiba, que fundamental ter em mente que existe uma gama diversa coisas pra voc aprender. Sendo assim, sempre gosto de destacar que as tecnologias avanam, verso novas so lanadas todo ano, mas o princpio que o conceito base, no. Ento, voc pode usar mensageria com RabbitMQ, SQS, Kafka ou algumas outras que tem no mercado. Mas aqui o objetivo ensinar o conceito de mensageria. ** Meu proprsito ensinar vrios conceitos sobre microservices, de forma gradual, prtica, descontrada, e leve. Mas, sempre que puder, aprofunde mais. Pois, no se engane. No se aprende microservice com apenas 1 curso (material), se aprende, estudando os conceitos passo a passo e sempre buscando novos materiais.Parte 1 do curso. Hoje vemos muitas discusses, apresentaes, sobre microservices, sobre monolito, sobre como temos que mudar a arquitetura de monolito para microservice. Mas no to simples, para quem no acostumado com microservices, entender o porque devemos mudar, o que vamos ganhar com a mudana e como iniciar essa mudana.Vou tentar colocar aqui a minha experincia na converso de um sistema complexo, e por onde comeamos.Para facilitar o aprendizado, vamos criar um cdigo simulando um sistema monolto, e vamos usar as estratgias para quebra-lo em microservices, sem quebrar o ambiente de produo.** Conceitos do curso:1. Monoto;2. Microservices;3. Strangler - Estrangulamento;** ImportanteFazer um curso e publicar na Udemy no simples. Alguns dos meu cursos eu crio o cdigo antes, para saber melhor como explicar na aula. Alguns eu crio na durante a gravao, por ser algum conceito mais simples. Sempre publico todos os cdigos dos cursos, para os alunos poderem acompanhar mais facilmente. Alguns gostam que o cdigo esteja j pronto e outros gostam de cursos que criam o cdigo nas aulas. O meu objetivo sempre explicar da melhor forma possvel, de forma simples, conceitos complexo, preparando antes ou no. ** Tenho mais de 9 cursos na Udemy que fazem parte da minha trilha de cursos, todos focados em microservices. Se precisar, estou disponvel para dvidas e sugestes."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Excel Aplicado a las Finanzas / Excel Financiero" |
"El Curso estar conformado por:Fundamentos Tericos: Destinados a la presentacin de la teora bsica de forma sencilla, que servir como fundamento para la aplicacin de Microsoft Excel al mundo de las Finanzas.Laboratorios Dirigidos: Destinados a la aplicacin de los fundamentos tericos aprendidos a datos simulados y reales mediante casusticas, a travs del uso del paquete Microsoft Excel.Interpretacin de Datos: Destinados al fortalecimiento de juicios de valor, adaptabilidad y capacidad de anlisis de la teora y la prctica tratados al finalizar cada temtica desarrollada."
Price: 24.99

"Empresrio Digital - Marketing Digital - Curso completo" |
"Voc empresrio, j pensou em aprender as melhores estratgias de marketing digital para crescer o seu prprio negcio nas redes sociais?Com o nosso curso, voc ir criar postagens profissional, descobrir seu pblico alvo e criar campanhas irresistveis para seus futuros clientes, mesmo no sabendo absolutamente nadaVoc aumentar a visibilidade da sua empresa e crescer as vendas com estratgias que realmente funcionam. Voc ver resultados reais acontecendo no seu negcio ao colocar na prtica as estratgias e ensinamentos do nosso curso."
Price: 39.99

"Controller Masterclass" |
"AllgemeinUnter Controlling wird meistens immer die ""Kontrolle"" verstanden. Dabei lsst sich der Begriff aus dem englischen Wort ""to control"" ableiten, was steuern heit. Und so ist es auch im Controlling. Die Controller sind die Lotsen des Unternehmens, die das Schiff in schwierigen Gewssern steuern. Mit anderen Worten, die internen Unternehmensberater.Ich verfge ber 15 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Controlling und habe neben dem Controller's Diplom der Controllerakademie auch eine Ausbildung zum Trainer sowie E-Trainer absolviert, so dass Sie bei mir in guten Hnden sind, was das Thema Controlling, Excel und E-Learning betrifft.Sie werden in der Controller Masterclass die Techniken und Methoden aus 20 Kursen erwerben, die sich in der Praxis erfolgreich bewhrt haben und mit denen Sie in Ihrem Unternehmen erfolgreich agieren knnen.GESAMTWERT: 1.075,87 EUROInhalte oder warum Sie dabei sein solltenber 200 LektionenControlling mit ExcelDashboards mit ExcelBuchhaltungKostenmanagementFinanzcontrollingMarketing- und Vertriebscontrollingprofessionelle ManagementberichtePowerPoint fr Controllerzahlreiche fertige Excel-VorlagenHrbuch: Controller - Die Meister der MnzenFachartikel3 eBooksHinweis: Die Excel-Lektionen wurden mit Excel 2016 erstellt, knnen allerdings auch bei einer vorigen Version angewendet werden.Natrlich knnen Sie die Kurse auch einzeln buchen, um einen ersten Eindruck zu erhalten."
Price: 199.99

"Ace Oracle 1Z0-457 Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Essentials" |
"Want to ace the Oracle 1Z0-457 Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Essentials Examination and become an Oracle CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the Oracle 1Z0-457 Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Essentials Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Oracle Absolute Beginners. No prior Oracle experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99

"Problem Solving" |
"Affrontare un problema richiede la scelta del giusto approccio e delle corrette metodologie per realizzare la migliore decisione possibile. Il corso fornisce un modello strutturato di problem solving, adottabile in tutti i contesti lavorativi e ha unimpostazione pratica e pragmatica.Saper affrontare un problema in maniera razionale e con metodi adeguati una grandissima risorsa per ogni azienda perch permette di rendere il posto di lavoro pi sereno e di mantenere il proprio team focalizzato sullobiettivo. Essere in grado di individuare le cause di un problema e le leve necessarie a risolverlo: ecco la mission di questo corso di Problem Solving.Il corso pensato per permettere a tutti i partecipanti di apprendere le tecniche non solo da un punto di vista teorico ma anche da un punto di vista prettamente pratico. Grazie a questo corso avrai la possibilit di applicare concretamente le tecniche spiegata al tuo lavoro, gi durante lerogazione del corso stesso. Le esercitazioni sono infatti strutturate su casi concreti e reali che ciascun partecipante potr scegliere e sperimentare."
Price: 129.99

"How to Draw Dogs with Big Eyes in Procreate on iPad" |
"You will learn how to draw your dog with big eyes from sketch to color in Procreate on your iPad. I will teach you how to use many tools in Procreate that you will be a master by the time you are done with this course. Learn to draw your dog and friends and families dogs for money. This is the course for you if you want to learn how to turn your dog into a cartoon with big eyes."
Price: 19.99

film_critics |
Price: 59.99

"AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Practice Test" |
"ComTech is offering 150+ UNIQUE practice questions for AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.3 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 50 Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real Microsoft Azure Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 150+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 3 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 50 Questions each with a pool of 150+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99

"Curso De Hipnose Clnica - Torne-se Um(a) Hipnoterapeuta" |
"Aprenda a Profisso que est Transformando Vidas e Oferecendo Altas Remuneraes. Seja um(a) hipnoterapeuta. Como funciona a hipnoterapia?A terapia atravs da hipnose utilizada no auxlio de tratamentos de problemas emocionais, dores, de hbitos e sentimentos indesejveis. O hipnoterapeuta, atravs da hipnose, far com que o cliente acesse o prprio subconsciente e descubra o que est causando aquele transtorno. Dessa forma, ele age diretamente na origem do problema, sendo mais efetivo do que vrias terapias tradicionais. Alm de traumas e medos mais brandos, a hipnoterapia eficaz no tratamento de problemas graves, como depresso, ansiedade, pensamento suicida, fobias, alergias e dores crnicas.Portanto, a hipnoterapia no pode ser vista apenas como um modelo de tratamento, e sim como a possibilidade de trazer de volta a liberdade do indivduo. poder faz-lo voltar a comer sua comida preferida; poder viajar sem medo de avio; aprender a ter mais foco e alcanar os prprios objetivos; abandonar a tristeza e solido e voltar a socializar com amigos e familiares.Como ser sua vida aps o treinamento?Aps a Formao de Hipnoterapeuta voc vai se sentir um profissional muito mais capacitado para lidar com as emoes dos seus clientes. Por ser focada em conhecimentos prticos e tericos, voc sentir seu poder de transformao j nas primeiras sesses.No s voc perceber isso, como tambm os seus clientes, fazendo com que os resultados apaream mais rpido e eles te indiquem para outras pessoas. Alm disso, muitos sero os ramos possveis para a aplicao da hipnoterapia, como auxiliar diretamente no tratamento de doenas e transtornos, educao, desenvolvimento e performance pessoal e nos esportes.Aqui voc aprende tratamentos e protocolos para:TRATAMENTOS E PROTOCOLOS Para Atendimentos Online e Presenciais Ansiedade, Depresso, Gagueira, Vcios, Fobias, Procrastinao, Timidez, Autoestima, Hipnose e Emagrecimento, Anestesia com Hipnose, Tcnicas de Controle de DorAprenda como trabalhar como hipnoterapeuta e seja muito bem pago ajudando as pessoas a tratarem seus problemas emocionais."
Price: 399.99

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Price: 19.99

"Learn to Preach" |
"Whether you've been asked to preach for the first time or you're seasoned at Preaching, I'm sure this course will help you gain the confidence you need to preach better sermons.Join Pastor Rob Nieves as he walks your through this 10 session series which addresses issues that every pastor has encountered. How do you prepare to preach a sermon more effectively? How long should you dedicate to preparing your sermon? How do you effectively engage your audience as you preach? One thing will be certain after finishing this series; you will be a more Skilled Pastor."
Price: 199.99
