"Tcnica S.M.A.R.T.: Construindo Metas Inteligentes." |
"Aprenda como criar metas e objetivos mais alcanaveis e melhorar suas entregas e projetos com um metodo passo a passo!Aprenda a elevar a entrega e a montagem das suas metas tanto para usos pessoais como para usos profissionais.Neste curso vamos aprender como funciona a contruo de objetivos, a origem da metodologia, seus principais conceitos e como aplicar essa ferramenta para a construo de metas e marcos mais focado na entrega, transformando os seus objetivos em projetos que realmente sero atingiveis e relevantes para o que se busca alcanar.Vamos montar uma estrutura para que o mtodo funcione com voc, apresentar como construir esse objeitvo. Voc tem dificuldade em atingir seus objetivos? Vamos te ajudar nisso.David Eloan."
Price: 39.99

"Master in YouTube Marketing - 2020" |
"Go from Beginner to AdvancedYouTube Marketing course is dedicated to teaching advanced strategies & practice! Learn and become a YouTube Master in just 45mins22 videos of advanced YouTube Marketing. From theory, all the way through to hands-on practice, take your skills to the next level.A lot of hard work goes into creating a successful YouTube Video, and it can be overwhelming.In this YouTube Marketing course, you will learn everything to get started!Throughout this course, you will learn all the features and parts of Youtube. To Content Idea, Creative, Audience, Demographic and Targeting. You will also get a solid hold from basic to the expertise of Youtube Marketing and how it works. After completing the course, you will be loaded with the knowledge, and ready to run your first youtube campaign.Each lesson includes:An in-depth video lessonA screencast walkthrough using a live YouTube accountIn-Depth Understanding Hero, Hygiene and Hub Concept The course is module-based and not run to a particular order, so you can choose a module or technique that seems useful to you, learn about it and apply it to your own practice.I hope you enjoy the courses!"
Price: 19.99

"GDPR Certification Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Are you wanted to pass your GDPR New Practice exam?Are you searching for High quality GDPR Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this GDPR Certification Practice Exam (2020) course Tech Hub Provide you 95 unique & updated Quality GDPR Questions for your upcoming GDPR exam.These GDPR tests cover material from each topic of the GDPR main exam.This 95 questions help you to get prepared for the main GDPR exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 95 Questionsii.All GDPR Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on GDPR exam & check their skills on GDPR Examii.Those who confident enough to crack their GDPR exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (GDPR)ii.Although you have to know the basics of GDPR exam topic & GDPR exam curriculum"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Exam (2020)" |
"Are you wanted to pass your CFE exam?Are you searching for High quality CFE Practice Questions?If yes...then you are in the right place.In this Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Practice Exam (2020) course Tech Hub Provide you 230 unique & updated Quality CFE Questions for your upcoming CFE exam.These CFE tests cover material from each topic of the CFE main exam.This 230 questions help you to get prepared for the main CFE exam environment. Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 230 Questionsii.All CFE Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Who this course is for:i.Those who want to get knowledge on CFE exam & check their skills on CFE Exam.ii.Those who confident enough to crack their CFE exam In their first attemptiii.have an open mind and desire to learnRequirements:i.No prerequisites needed as this is a practice test (CFE)"
Price: 24.99

"Crypto Asset Investing Coins Picking Strategy & Fundamental" |
"In this course, you will learn step by step what to do, what tools to use and how to filter, pick and buy cryptocurrencies at the right price at the right time selecting the only coins that have the potential to make big profits in a short period of time within the ocean of cryptocurrency market."
Price: 99.99

"Reuniones de Trabajo Productivas en Oficina y Teletrabajo" |
"Domina la planeacin, coordinacin y ejecucin de las juntas de trabajo para que sean realmente efectivas y entreguen resultados de alto valor para la organizacin.Incorpora buenas prcticas usadas por equipos de trabajo de alto desempeo para maximizar la colaboracin, el mejor uso del tiempo, la productividad, el seguimiento a compromisos y la moral de los equipos de trabajo.Si crees que en tu empresa no es necesario planear las reuniones porque los temas son muy sencillos o no vale la pena porque son muy complejos o porque la planeacin mata la creatividad y lo mejor es adaptarse mientras se realiza una junta sin estructura, piensa acerca de las siguientes estadsticas acerca de las juntas de trabajo en las organizaciones: - 91% de los participantes se distrae durante la reunin - 39% se duerme en algn momento - 96% se pierde alguna reunin y no asiste - 45% se siente agobiado por la cantidad de juntas que tiene que asistir - 73% se distrae haciendo otras cosas durante las reuniones de trabajo - 47% se queja de que las reuniones de trabajo son una prdida de tiempo en el trabajo (a veces con mucha razn)Existen competencias profesionales que parecen muy bsicas pero que pocos dominan y eso por eso que quien las domina destaca fcilmente en el mercado laboral.Aumenta tu valor en el mercado laboral y convirtete en un profesional indispensable para tu organizacin coordinando o participando en juntas de trabajo que contribuyan a que logres una alta efectividad en los compromisos que hagan dentro de ellas."
Price: 64.99

"Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (ENSDW)" |
"The Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (ENSDW) v1.0 course provides an overview of the Cisco Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solution and SD-WAN components. You will learn how to create, manage, and operate a secure extensible network using Cisco SD-WAN products. The course covers how to configure, operate, and monitor overlay routing in a secure extensible network. In addition, you will learn about policies and Quality of Service (QoS) in the SD-WAN overlay network.The Cisco SD-WAN solution is a cloud-delivered overlay WAN architecture that facilitates digital and cloud transformation for enterprises. Cisco SD-WAN significantly reduces WAN costs and time to deploy new services. With Cisco SD-WAN, you can build a robust security architecture thats crucial for hybrid networks and provides a strong policy framework.After taking this course, you should be able to:Identify the various components and architecture of the Cisco SD-WAN solutionDeploy vEdge routers in a secure extensible networkCreate templates to aid in the deployment and operation of the secure extensible networkConfigure and verify overlay routing in the secure extensible networkCreate simple policies to control traffic flow in the secure extensible networkHow you'll benefitThis class will help you learn to use Cisco SD-WAN to:Establish transport-independent WAN for lower cost and higher diversityMeet SLAs for business-critical and real-time applicationsProvide end-to-end segmentation for protecting critical enterprise compute resourcesExtend seamlessly into the public cloudOptimize the user experience for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applicationsCourse Outline:Section 1: IntroductionLecture 1:Introduction of the CourseSection 2: SD-WAN Solution ComponentsLecture 2:SD-WAN Solution OverviewLecture 3:SD-WAN ComponentsLecture 4:Managing SD-WAN ComponentsSection 3: Secure Extensible Network DeploymentLecture 5:Secure Control Plane OperationLecture 6:Secure Control Plane DeploymentLecture 7:Secure Data Plane OperationLecture 8:Cloud Deployments and Redundancy - Part 1Lecture 9:Cloud Deployments and Redundancy - Part 2Section 4: SD-WAN Template DeploymentLecture 10:Templates OverviewLecture 11:Feature Templates Part - 1Lecture 12:Feature Templates Part - 2Lecture 13:Device TemplatesLecture 14:Attaching device to TemplatesSection 5: SD-WAN Overlay RoutingLecture 15:Overlay Routing OverviewLecture 16:OMP Route AdvertisementsLecture 17:OMP Route RedistributionLecture 18:Network SegmentationLecture 19:Configuring and Verifying OMPLecture 20:Configuring Network Segmentation (VPN)Lecture 21:Configuring and Verifying OSPFLecture 22:Configuring and Verifying BGPSection 6: SD-WAN Policies & QOSLecture 23:Policy Overview and Framework Part - 1Lecture 24:Policy Overview and Framework Part-2Lecture 25:vSmart Policy Operation & ConstructionLecture 26:Forwarding & QOSLecture 27:Configuring & Monitoring QOS Forwarding Part-1Lecture 28:Configuring & Monitoring QOS Forwarding Part-2Section 7: Day N Monitoring and TroubleshootingLecture 29:Troubleshooting Control ConnectionLecture 30:Health Status Check on vEdge Part-1Lecture 31:Health Status Check on vEdge Part-2"
Price: 49.99

"Camtasia 2020: Anleitungs-Videos erstellen fr Anfnger" |
"In diesem Camtasia 2020 Online-Kurs fr Anfnger lernst du schnell und einfach eigene Videos zu erstellen. Der Kurs richtet sich in erster Linie an Selbstndige, die selbst ihren eigenen Online-Kurs erstellen, einen YouTube Kanal erstellen oder Marketing Videos erstellen wollen.Camtasia ist eine sehr gute Software fr alle, die anderen etwas mit Videos beibringen wollen (neben Selbstndigen und Marketern also auch Pdagogen). Es ist ein Programm, mit dem du Anleitungs/Tutorial-Videos erstellen, Bildschirmaufnahmen/Screencasts erstellen und Prsentationen aufzeichnen und bearbeiten kannst.Neben Bildschirmaufnahmen, die du in Camtasia erstellt hast, kannst du zustzlich auch Videos bearbeiten, die du mit deinem Smartphone oder deiner Kamera aufgenommen hast.Meine Erfahrungen mit CamtasiaVorteil 1: Sehr bald ganz einfache Videos erstellen / schneiden / bearbeiten knnen: Meiner Erfahrung nach knnen auch komplette Videoschnitt-Anfnger mit Camtasia sehr schnell ihre ersten Videos erstellen. Gleichzeitig bietet die Software aber sehr viel mehr Mglichkeiten, wenn man etwas tiefer einsteigt, die Videos viel professioneller zu gestalten - vor allem was die Qualitt deiner Videos betrifft.Vorteil 2: Nach diesem Kurs besonders professionelle Videos erstellen knnen und wissen, wie man dabei Zeit spart: Wirklich hochwertige Videos kannst du aber mit Camtasia am besten schnell erstellen, wenn du die Software und ihre Mglichkeiten einmalig richtig verstehen lernst und anschlieend auf dich und deine Marke anpasst. Sobald du alles einmalig eingerichtet hast, kannst du Videos auf sehr hohem Niveau sehr schnell und einfach erstellen. Und genau dafr bietet ich diesen Kurs an."
Price: 19.99

"C# Programming Skills Test With Explanation" |
"C# was designed by Anders Hejlsberg, and its development team is currently led by Mads Torgersen. C# is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, lexically scoped, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed around 2000 by Microsoft as part of its .NET initiative and later approved as an international standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) in 2002 and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270) in 2003. Mono is the name of the free and open-source project to develop a compiler and runtime for the language. C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).This test divided into two tests:1) C# Test: 01 (50 MCQs) (With Explanation)2) C# Test: 02 (50 MCQs) (With Explanation)After completion of these tests, your programming skills will increase/enhance/improveAnd, This test will help you for interviews and exams preparation also. Best of luck!Course Instructor: Ramish Masood Computer & Software Engineer"
Price: 19.99

"Cyber Security Skills Test With Explanation" |
"Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security (IT security) is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.The field is becoming more important due to increased reliance on computer systems, the Internet, and wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and due to the growth of ""smart"" devices, including smartphones, televisions, and the various devices that constitute the ""Internet of things"". Owing to its complexity, both in terms of politics and technology, cybersecurity is also one of the major challenges in the contemporary world.About test:Every topic like: Types of Cyber Attacks, Elements of Security, Information Security Technologies, Generic Steps for Security, Social Engineering and Physical Hacking, Security Protocols, Hacking Terminologies, Ports and Its Types, Firewalls, VPNs, Linux OS and its Security, Buffer Overflow, Enumerating in Cyber, Hacking and Security Skills, Fingerprinting, exploits, and popular tools for security, etc. are covered in this testThis test divide into two tests:1) CyberSecurity Test: 01 (50 MCQs) (With Explanation)2) CyberSecurity Test: 02 (50 MCQs) (With Explanation)This test will improve your skills and help for interviews and exams preparation. Best of luck!Course Instructor: Ramish Masood Computer & Software Engineer & CyberSecurity Expert"
Price: 19.99

"6 Gnde Yazlmc Ol (Temelden-Zirveye)" |
"2,5 ve 6. gnler temponu drme ve kursu bitirmeye odaklan !! Kurs bitince kendini dllendirmeyi unutma !!DKKAT !!Kursu satn aldktan sonra bana udemy zerinden mesaj atarak whatsapp grubumuza dahil olmay unutma !! Bylece sorularn daha rahat biimde sorabilirsin ve eklenmesini istediin konular benimle paylaarak eitimi gelitirmeme yardmc olabilirsin.Buna ek olarak her gn sohbet ederek kendini gelitirebilir ve yazlm ortamna adm atabilirsin.Grubumuzda olan herkese cretsiz mentrlk yapyor olacam.Yeni eitimler geldike indirim kuponlarn whatsapp grubumuzdan paylayor olacam.----------------------------O--------------------------------zellikle eitim srelerinde videolar izledikten sonra aklna taklan en ufak soruyu sormak ve eklenmesini istediin konuyu eitmenine bildirmek geliimin yap talardr.Bu srete rencinin eitmenle iletiimde olmas motivasyonu ve istei arttrr.Bu yzden verdiim her eitimde bu kolayl salamak benim amacmdr.Ayrca grupta yapacam egzersizlerle edindiiniz bilgileri iyice zihninize kazmay amalyorum.Yazlmn gelimesiyle beraber farkl sektrlerdeki meslek sahipleri yazlma ayak uydurmak istiyor.Ben bu eitimde farkl bir meslekten olun veya olmayn temelden balayarak , yazlm dinamiklerini kavratmay hedefliyorum."
Price: 299.99

"Entendendo o Borderline" |
"Curso destinado a todas as pessoas que convivem com o borderline e precisam entender o transtorno de forma objetiva e como lidar em situaes de crise.O curso trabalha exerccios para o dia a dia com foco em gesto de estresse e autoconhecimento.Exerccios inditos criados por Taty Ades exclusivamente para pessoas que convivem com o TBP(borderline)."
Price: 189.99

"Qi Gong: 30-Day Challenge with Lee Holden. 30 short workouts" |
"3 hours 45 minutesQi gong combines stretching, strengthening, flow, mindfulness, breath, and energy into one simple practice. Qi Gong 30-Day Challenge is the easiest way to gradually build up your qi gong practice and improve your health and well-being.This simple series of 30 short daily routines with Master Lee Holden is designed to cut your stress levels and boost your energy as efficiently as possible. Anybody can find a few minutes each day to practice qi gong, and thats long enough to shift you out of that fight or flight stress mode and help you relax deeply.After 30 days, youll have built a healthy habit that helps you improve your mood, clear tension, and recharge quickly every day. This series is also a perfect way to introduce someone you care about to qi gong.Youll feel better on day one, and as you continue to progress and revitalize your mind, body, and spirit, youll find that wonderful things happen in all aspects of your life.30 short daily qi gong workoutsWeek 1: Build your foundation of self-disciplineWeek 2: Enliven your Mind, Body and SpiritWeek 3: Feel abundant Qi (energy) and great healthWeek 4: Express positive energy in all areas of your life30 days of videos / 225 minutes / 3 hours 45 minutesQigong Master Lee Holden studied with Master Mantak Chia, worked on staff with Deepak Chopra, and later attended Five Branches University in Santa Cruz earning a degree as doctor of Chinese medicine, and is now owner of the Santa Cruz Chi Institute."
Price: 69.99

"tica Pblica Para Concursos Pblicos" |
"Nesse curso o aluno resolver juntamente com o professor 60 questes de tica pblica divididas em 6 aulas, sobre o Decreto 1.171 e 6.029. Tambm resolver mais 100 questes de direito constitucional, totalizando um total de 160 questes comentadas em vdeo.Contedo Programticotica Pblica 60 Questes ComentadasBloco 1 em PDF & VDEOBloco 2 em PDF & VDEOBloco 3 em PDF & VDEOBloco 4 em PDF & VDEOBloco 5 em PDF & VDEOBloco 6 em PDF & VDEOBnus - Direito Constitucional 100 Questes ComentadasBloco 1 em VDEOBloco 2 em VDEOBloco 3 em VDEOBloco 4 em VDEOBloco 5 em VDEOBloco 7 em VDEOBloco 8 em VDEOBloco 9 em VDEOBloco 10 em VDEO"
Price: 84.99

"Happy Body: Yoga from Head to Toe" |
"HOW DOES YOUR BODY FEEL ON A DAILY BASIS?Do you feel discomfort somewhere in your body? Do you feel stable? Do you move with grace and ease? Do you have a feeling of lightness in your body? How well do you handle change? According to the yoga tradition, the answers to those questions define our health and wellness. Your yoga practice is meant to make you structurally stable, enable you to move with grace and ease, free you from physical suffering and enable you to withstand changing circumstances.HOW DO WE DO IT IN THIS YOGA SERIES?WE STRENGTHEN THE MUSCLES THAT SUPPORT ALL MAJOR JOINTSToo often in yoga practice flexibility is being advanced at the expense of stability. Excessive stretching is rarely useful because it leads to overall structural instability, overworked muscles that have to both move the body and hold it together, sacroiliac joint pain, dislocations and so on. Instead, we want to focus on strengthening the muscles that help the body maintain its structural integrity, so that it stays properly balanced both at rest and in motion.WE MOVE IN AND OUT OF POSES BEFORE HOLDING THEMBy moving in and out of the pose we increase circulation to larger skeletal muscles and surrounding tissues. Muscles are designed to contract and relax in succession; doing repetitive movements in a yoga practice helps us to dynamically warm up the body, lubricate our connective tissues (fascia, joints, ligament, etc.), minimize the risk of injury, develop healthy muscle tone, release chronic muscle contraction and improve range of motion.WE USE POSE ADAPTATIONS TO TARGET SPECIFIC BODY AREASEvery pose has a classical form; those are the images that we are used to seeing in yoga publications and doing in yoga classes. But in many poses we can change the form slightly by repositioning the arms or legs, for example, creating a Pose Adaptation. By altering the form of the pose we can achieve a drastically different structural effect and target specific body area with more precision.WE INCREASE AWARENESS OF THE BODY, MOVEMENT AND BREATHBy paying attention to how our body feels at every point of the practice, we learn to differentiate between different types of sensations. This helps us better understand our physical, physiological and mental-emotional responses, and, eventually, regulate them.ABOUT THE SERIESThis yoga series will help you Get rid of physical aches and pains, Become more stable and balanced, Move with grace and ease, Feel more vibrant and resilient.You can do the practices in order for a complete tour of your body or choose the ones you need most. THIS YOGA SERIES IS FOR YOU IF YOU:1. Experience occasional tension somewhere in your body;2. Sit a lot during the day;3. Want to use yoga to work with each body part methodically and systematically;4. Dont have a lot of time and need a short movement practice;5. Want to understand which movements can help specific body areas and why.WHAT YOU GETThis series consists of 15 chapters. Each chapter introduces a specific body area (like neck or back, hips or knees) and includes an introductory video about it and a 20 to 40-minute yoga practice specifically for that area. Each chapter also features an in-depth article (or two!) with reasoning for why we do what we do in our yoga practice, and how to make it more effective. We put all those articles together into a handy 67-page pdf file to give you a fuller picture of how your body works, and how you can take care of it with your yoga practice.HOW IT WORKSYou can do the practices included in this series in order, or pick and choose the ones you need most. In each practice we will use movement, breath and awareness to attend to every part of your body, so that your entire structure becomes more stable and your movement more fluid, so that you get rid of physical discomfort, and continue to cultivate physical agility and resilience.WHAT TO FOCUS ONWhen you follow the videos, please be sure to pay attention to small details and specific instructionsin yoga how you do movements is just as important as what you do. You will also need to move with your breath and keep your attention focused on the target area to avoid injury and get the most out of each pose. Try to stay present with your experience and notice how each movement impacts the body. And if you experience pain while attempting any movementstop, evaluate, skip it for the time being, and rest in a comfortable position for few breaths before you continue. You can try it again next time and see if your sensations change.PLEASE NOTEThe practices in this yoga series are intentionally short to make it easier for you to fit them into your day. These practices are meant to oil up your entire body, so to speak, NOT to address ongoing chronic physical challenges in specific areas."
Price: 29.99

"MikroTik Router's Basic Security" |
"This course is for those who want to secure his MikroTik router from the hacker. We shared in this course how to configure a MikroTik router, moreover shared how to change winbox port number, login user management, unsued and port and in interface disable, neighbor discovery disable process, mac disable, upgrading, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Come Creare Landing Page Gratuite" |
"Ciao, in questo video ti insegner come creare delle Landing Page efficaci in modo completamente gratuito.Ti insegner a:- Creare Landing page Efficaci- Quali sono i migliori servizi online- Come ""catturare"" l'email dell utente e inviarli email automatiche- Come utilizzare Wordpress per avere il miglior risultato possibileSe hai qualche domanda contattami al mio indirizzo email: zanconatof@gmail.com"
Price: 19.99

Coaching |
"Aprende cmo aplicar estrategias y tcnicas de coaching para elevar el desempeo de tus empleados y crear compromiso hacia la misin del equipo.Implementa un Modelo de Coaching para Mejorar el Desempeo de tus Empleados e Incluirlos en su Propio Desarrollo.Establece objetivos apropiadosDefine opciones de desarrolloProporciona retroalimentacinReconoce posibles obstculosConstruye la confianzaAdapta principios de mentoraUna Habilidad Esencial para Lderes a Cualquier Nivel.Sin importar la etapa en tu carrera profesional, logrars un amplio beneficio al adoptar un proceso estructurado e informado para coaching que logra resultados para ti y para tus empleados.Al guiar a tu equipo mediante estrategia y con habilidad logrars mejoras dramticas en los resultados.Contenido y ResumenNuestro curso est diseado para profesionistas a cualquier nivel que buscan mejorar como lderes a travs de coaching.En este curso presentamos las diferencias entre mentora y coaching; el poder del modelo GROW para coaching; cmo establecer objetivos con caractersticas SMART; un proceso para identificar obstculos; una tcnica para formular preguntas; un modelo para estructurar planes.Presentamos tambin estrategias de motivacin; pasos para construir confianza; un mtodo para retroalimentar; y la forma de personalizar coaching y mentora para acomodar las metas de desarrollo de tus empleados.Sin importar la etapa en tu carrera profesional, logrars un amplio beneficio al adoptar un proceso estructurado e informado para coaching que logra resultados para ti y para tus empleados.Un curso completo con lecciones en video, discusiones en grupo, plantillas descargables y recomendaciones de recursos adicionales. Recibe un certificado de finalizacin verificable al completar el curso."
Price: 104.99

"1Y0-312 / 1Y0-403 Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7" |
"1Y0-312: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Advanced AdministrationThe 1Y0-312 exam is focused on topics that are most important to those who manage and support a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 in an on-premises environment or Citrix Cloud looking to expand their Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops skills to an advanced level. Those who manage and support complex environments may hold various job titles such as: Desktop Virtualization Engineers Desktop Virtualization Consultants Citrix Engineers Citrix Partners Systems Administrators1Y0-403: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced ConfigurationThe 1Y0-403 exam was developed for candidates who have successfully performed tasks related to the requisite knowledge and skills required for assessing, designing and completing advanced configurations for a practical Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment. The tasks tested in this exam will represent those tasks which are deemed integral to the domains that cover assessment and design principles for creating a practical Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment. The intended audience for the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Assessment, Design and Advanced Configuration exam is determined to be Architects/Consultants who: Possess senior-level expertise with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and supporting technologies Analyze and make recommendations for existing environments Design and implement Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environments"
Price: 19.99

"How to have difficult conversations" |
"A couple of months in the relationship your girlfriend or boyfriend doesnt want it as much as you. How do you broach the subject without pushing them away?Your boss is micromanaging you with daily catch ups, unnecessary reports and frequent emails. Its noticeably hurting your productivity. What do you do?Your friend seems to enjoy having arguments. Youve heard a few people comment on it. Do you speak up and let him know?Your housemate is in the habit of leaving her dirty dishes in the sink and thats really pushing your buttons. Whats the best way to discuss this with her?The purpose of this course is to teach you how to effectively deal with these types of situations.Youll have your cake and eat it too: learn how to discuss almost any topic, without damaging the relationship. Instead of feeling helpless youll feel empowered to speak up, in your personal life and at work.Well examine the forces which affect the outcome of a difficult conversation and cover specific, actionable techniques you can apply straight away. Above all, this is a practical course - the focus is always on real world results. You can begin to develop a skill set that will serve you for the rest of your life.In fact, if you run into any challenges implementing the content of the course, Ill be available to answer questions and happily respond to your feedback. These methods have been stress-tested by hundreds of people, but theres always room for improvement.And if unfortunately this isnt what youre looking for - no hard feelings. Claim a refund, while still benefiting from what youve learned.Sink your teeth in and lets get going."
Price: 19.99

"curso Massagem Xam com Martelos (Tok Sen )" |
"tecnica originaria da Tailndia que se espalhou pelo mundo devido a sua simplicidade e eficiencia. Adaptamos e aculturamos ao nosso povo , nosso biotipo, nossas crenas e surgiu a ""MASSAGEM XAMANICA COM MARTELOS-tok sendescrio do curso em etapas apresentao do mestreintroduobanho com ervas sagradasdefumaoradiestesia com cristais e cartas dos portais xamnicosreflexologia podal inter relaes com os portaisferramentas noes bsicas de anatomianoes bsicas de fisiologiaprincipais lesesprocedimentos da tcnica decbito dorsal 01procedimentos da tcnica decbito dorsal 02procedimentos da tcnica decbito dorsal 03ferramentas xamnicasprocedimentos da tcnica decbito frontal 01procedimentos da tcnica decbito frontal 02procedimentos da tcnica decbito frontal 03atendimento na cadeirafinalizo da terapia"
Price: 579.99

"Telegram Python" |
":Telegram - . WhatsApp Viber, , , , , ! Telegram - YouTube, , , , - , ! Telegram . , , , ., , . , Python, , . API TelegramIDE Pycharm aiogram ( ) ( ): , (Chatbase) ( ) Django ( )"
Price: 24.99

"Music Theory Grade 1 - Theory and Practice" |
"The course is designed to help those who want to learn the basics of Music Theory, as well as to those who prepare for ABRSM, Trinity, or similar board Music Theory Grade 1 Exam. The lectures include examples of how the knowledge can be used, and they are followed by quizzes to check student's understanding."
Price: 19.99

"Remote Tables & Integration possibilities in ServiceNow" |
"In this course you will learn the following,1) What is Remote Tables?2) How to create Remote Tables?3) How to Integrate Remote tables with an another ServiceNow Instance and report on the Data without actually storing the data in the target Instance.4) How to Integrate Remote table with a Weather API to report on the Information.5) How to Integrate Remote table with a Covid API to report on the Information."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Ingls do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Contedo de ingls completo e objetivo com as principais estruturas utilizadas divididas em 5 nveis: bsico, pr-intermedirio, intermedirio, pr-avanado e avanado. O mtodo objetivo facilita o aprendizado do aluno de forma que ele no perca tempo com estruturas pouco utilizadas. Assim, consegue ver mais rpido o progresso ficando cada vez mais motivado."
Price: 199.99

"Os segredos do emagrecimento" |
"Esse curso para pessoas que querem ser protagonistas no seu processo de emagrecimento ou de ganho de massa e contaremos com vdeo-aulas com contedo exclusivo sobre: Modulo 1 - Dficit energtico - Como planejar, organizar e atingir isso com a dieta?-Balano energtico -Elaborando um plano-Proteina-Carboidratos-GorduraModulo 2 Consistncia-dietas da moda jejum/ low carb/ comer carbo depois das 18h-Hbitos, o que so e como muda-los?-No sobre oque voc come e sim como come! Ambiente propcio -Refeio livre-RecadasMdulo 3 Amor prprio- Achar o pote de ouro propsito- Fazendo as pazes com a comida compilao sobre entendimento de dieta, se permitir comer- amor prprio (diferena de amor e paixo)- Recadas - consistncia- Transtornos alimentares e compulso alimentar- passos para construir o amor prprio- Colocando na pratica juntando tudoE ainda, voc vai receber de maneira exclusiva - E-book Nutrio: Um livro sobre energia e amor- Tabela de clculo de gasto energtico- Tabela para valor nutricional de alimentos"
Price: 219.99

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Price: 159.99

"Java Persistence API (JPA)" |
"Herkese Merhabaimdiye kadar 100lerce arkada Java eitimlerime katld.5 sene kadar online eitimlerde bir ok arkadala birlikte emek harcadk. bulmalar noktasnda beraber aba gsterdik.lk olarak mevcut eitimlerimin kaynaklarn aktaracam sonrasnda sfrdan Udemy iin eitimler ekmeyi hedefliyorum.(OCA11 OCP11 , temizinden bir Spring Framework , Spring Boot eitimi vs.)Bu egitim injavawetrust ta yer alan More JavaEE & Spring egitimi kapsaminda olan JPA bolumunu icermektedir.Bu egitimlerde farkli konulara deginmek adina genel olarak kapsami 5 hafta ile tutmustum.Faydali olmasi dileklerimle."
Price: 59.99

"Coronavirus: le responsabilit di rspp e datore di lavoro" |
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Price: 29.99

"SAPERP6 EHP4_OrderFulfillment_C_TSCM62_64Certification Exam" |
"Is getting SAP ERP6 EHP4 Order Fulfilment (C_TSCM62_64) Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP ERP6 EHP4 Order Fulfilment (C_TSCM62_64 Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP ERP6 EHP4 Order Fulfilment (C_TSCM62_64) concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TSCM62_64) Order Fulfillment with ERP6.0 and EHP4Exam: 80 questionsExam Passing Score: 60%Exam Duration: 180 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 20 question each and 80 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP ERP6 EHP4 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_64) Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99

"SAPERP6 EHP5_OrderFulfillment_C_TSCM62_65Certification Exam" |
"Is getting SAP ERP6 EHP5 Order Fulfilment (C_TSCM62_65) Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP ERP6 EHP5 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_65) Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP ERP6 EHP5 Order Fulfilment (C_TSCM62_65) concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TSCM62_65) Order Fulfillment with ERP6.0 and EHP4Exam: 80 questionsExam Passing Score: 60%Exam Duration: 180 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 20 question each and 80 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP ERP6 EHP5 Order Fulfilment (C_TSCM62_65) Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99
