"SAPERP6 EHP6_OrderFulfillment_C_TSCM62_66Certification Exam" |
"Is getting SAP ERP6 EHP6 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_66) Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP ERP6 EHP6 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_66) Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP ERP6 EHP6 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_66) concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TSCM62_66) Order Fulfillment with ERP6.0 and EHP6Exam: 80 questionsExam Passing Score: 60%Exam Duration: 180 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 20 question each and 80 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP ERP6 EHP6 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_66) Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP ERP6 EHP7_OrderFulfillment_C_TSCM62_67CertificationExam" |
"Is getting SAP ERP6 EHP7 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_67) Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP ERP6 EHP7 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_67) Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP ERP6 EHP7 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_67) concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TSCM62_67) Order Fulfillment with ERP6.0 and EHP7Exam: 80 questionsExam Passing Score: 60%Exam Duration: 180 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 20 question each and 80 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP ERP6 EHP7 Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_67) Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP OrderFulfillment_C_TSCM62_64_65_66_67-EHP4/5/6/7 BUNDLE" |
"Is getting SAP ERP6 EHP 4, 5, 6, 7 (BUNDLED) Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_64_65_66_67) Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions. 4 Courses (C_TSCM62_64, C_TSCM62_65, C_TSCM62_66, C_TSCM62_67) is Bundled into one Course related to SAP Certified Application Associate in SAP ERP6 Order Fullfillment.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your SAP ERP6 EHP 4, 5, 6, 7 (BUNDLED) Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_64_65_66_67) Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the SAP ERP6 EHP 4, 5, 6, 7 (BUNDLED) Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_64_65_66_67) concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TSCM62_64_65_66_67) Order Fulfillment with ERP6.0 and EHP 4, 5, 6, 7 (BUNDLED)Exam: 80 questions in each courseExam Passing Score: 60%Exam Duration: 180 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices)What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 80 questions each and 320 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time SAP ERP6 EHP 4, 5, 6, 7 (BUNDLED) Order Fulfillment (C_TSCM62_64_65_66_67) Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99

"PVSOL Premium Bootcamp : From A to Z" |
"PVSOL is one of the world's most famous, reputable, and widely used PV solar systems design software. It's used in the process of design, visualization, and optimization of solar PV systems. Using PVSOL Premium will allow you to work faster, smarter, and leads to quicker projects' completion. It will also help you get a wider look at the parameters of the design of PV systems that will help improve your general understanding of the solar PV systems.In this course, we will not only explain the different design parameters that are part of PVSOL premium software design models. We will also have real-life examples of solar PV systems design using the software.In each section, there will be : Videos: Explaining in step-by-step approach how to use, calculate or predict each design parameter of the different solar PV system models used in PVSOL Premium 7.5 (Grid-Connected Full Feed-in, Grid-Connected with Electrical Appliances, and Grid-Connected with Electrical Appliances and Battery System )Notes: Helping students remember the most important tips, and points explained in every lecture. Also, containing graphs, plots, and solved examples that will help students study the course's material Knowledge Check Quizzes: Questions to check students understanding of the most critical points and ideas that the students should grasp in order to be efficient users of the software The course also includes : Practical Labs and Case Studies: Real-life examples and case studies of PV solar systems design according to customer requirements and targets to help the students understand how to read, interpret, and achieve customer's targets using the software Design Resources & Tools: Suggested online design tools, and resources. Also, Excel sheet that helps the designer predict the PV system's financial performance to save time and work efficiently Always ready for your questions and any inquiry. Hope you enjoy the course, and wishing you the best of luck in your career."
Price: 74.99

"Complete Oracle JavaFX Bootcamp! Build Real Projects In 2020" |
"Complete Oracle JavaFX Bootcamp! Build Real Projects in 2020 starts from the very beginning by teaching you Javafx basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in JavaFX so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world. You will learn the following in this course: You will learn how to setup JavaFX pluginYou will learn how to use Lambda expression in JavaFXYou will learn how to set up and use Scene Builder with Eclipse IDEYou will learn how to Style JavaFX projects with CSS and how to use the CSS DocumentationYou will learn how to work with ComboBox in JavaFXYou will learn how to create ListView in JavaFXYou will learn how to create TreeView in JavaFXYou will learn all about File Chooser and how to work with File Chooser in JavaFXYou will master how to use JavaFX propertiesYou will learn how to create ProgressBar and ProgressIndicator in JavaFXYou will learn how to create Slider with TextField in JavaFXYou will learn how to create MenuBar, MenuItems and so onYou will learn how to use CheckBoxes in JavaFXYou will learn how to create RadioButton in JavaFXYou will learn how to create a TableViewYou will learn how to use DatePickerYou will learn all about WebViewYou will learn how to build Charts such as PieChart and LineChart in JavaFXWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As JavaFX Developer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful JavaFX developer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of JavaFX development and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack JavaFX developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Responsive Website Design With Bootstrap 4 For Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc Its geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2020.When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the ""beginner friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:You will build a full Bootstrap website from scratchYou will understand how Bootstrap grid worksYou will learn about Bootstrap tablesYou will learn about Bootstrap buttonsYou will learn about Bootstrap carouselYou will learn about Bootstrap NavigationYou will learn about Bootstrap jumbotronYou will learn about Bootstrap wellYou will learn about Bootstrap contextual propertiesEmenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Blog Creation with Google Blogger Template & Basic WordPress" |
"In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc Its geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2020.When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the ""beginner friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:You will build a complete blog site in this courseYou will learn how to monetize your blogYou will learn how to select between different themesYou will learn how to upload YouTube videos on your blogYou will learn how to make amazing posts on your blogYou will learn blog design from start to finishEmenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Powerful Positivity for Success" |
"In this course, you will learn about what is positivity, how it benefits you, what stops you from being positive, what is the mindset of a positive person and what action to take to be positive. This course will help you to bring positivity into your life, whatever be the challenges that you are facing. It will help you to engage more proactively with people and to even help them to be more positive."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Basics of Web Design 2020 HTML CSS and Bootstrap 5" |
"learn how to build professional responsive websites. which look good on mobiles, tablets and desktop screens.We will build these sites together...a simple but elegant portfolio.Facebook clone.A responsive Landing page for any companyAlso you'll get free bootstrap themes worth 400$We cover everything you need to build your first website. From creating your first page through to uploading your website to the internet.We'll upload the websites that we made on Github and learn how to start freelancing and earn money. We'll upload our website to the webserver at 000hostingwebsite so that0 your website can be accessed directly from the 'world wide web'.You will...Learn how to work with responsive images and icons. and stunning full screen background images and probably one too many gradients.Learn how to create forms and to choose great fonts for your website.We will learn the latest Bootstrap 5Learn how to work with Bootstrap 5 to easily add carousels, cards and complex looking menus.Setup a domain name with hosting so that your website is live on the internet for others to see.By the end of this course youll have a great understanding of important web design topics like HTML5, CSS3, Flex box, Responsive design and Bootstrap.If that all sounds a little too fancy - dont worry, this course is aimed at people new to web design and who have never coded before. Well start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step."
Price: 99.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Latest Exam" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional AND be confident enough to pass your AWS certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 34.99

"Time Management And Goal Planning: The Productivity Combo" |
"What about setting 48-Hour Productivity from a 24-hour day? So many things, so little time, right? Wrong!Time management is all about working SMARTER, not harder!Time management, focus and motivation are the basis for planning and achieving our goals and being more productive. Distraction turns seemingly busy days into wasted time, producing a negative impact on our productivity.This course will show you the best time management and goal planning strategies to focus on what really matters, prioritizing those actions that lead to the achievement of our short and long term goals in order to fulfill your life. You will learn practical time management strategies to get more work done in half the time!What will I be able to do upon completion of this course?Develop the Time Management Mindset for Long Term SuccessIdentify the High-Value Actions to Maximize your Results And Plan Your GoalsGet the Right Things Done by Prioritizing Tasks In Your Time Management PlanCreate a Daily Success Routine And Effective Goal Planning To Improve Your Personal EffectivenessManage Your Time The Best Way To Stop Procrastinating and Complete your To-Do List Every DaySetting a Plant to Turn Your Long Term Goals Into Monthly, Weekly And Daily Smaller TasksCreate a Personal, Concrete and Strategic Action Plan Based on Your Personal and Professional GoalsBoost Productivity to Achieve More in Less Time With The Best Time Management TechniquesYou will learn the best effective time management strategies that allow you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time. Plan your goals, get the important work done in order to maximize results, lower your stress and improve any other aspect of your life.The Curriculum:- The Time Management Paradox: Work Less, Achieve More- Planning for Results- How to Prioritize When Everything seems Important- Mastering the Action Plan: From Theory to Practice- 8 Steps to Create a Success-Based Routine- Strategic Planning: Short-term and Long-Term Goals- Complete a task in under 2 minutes- Stop procrastinating using a tomato- Use Time-boxing And Get Things Done- Setting a Strategic Planning Process to Achieve Your Long Term Goals- 6 Golden Rules for Successful Goal SettingEXTRA BONUS - From Theory to Practice: exercises designed to put into practice what you have learned and which can be applied to your professional and personal life. Downloadable resources to use as a reference in order to manage your time in the best possible way and maximize your chances of success by developing goal-oriented habits."
Price: 49.99

"Certyfikowany Kurs: Trening Funkcjonalny typu Cross" |
"W dobie intensywnie rozwijajcej si wiedzy o zdrowym stylu ycia, aby skutecznie i zdrowo prowadzi swoich klientw naley nieustannie dy do perfekcji i odkrywa nowe moliwoci treningowe.Dlatego zapraszamy Ci do skorzystania z unikalnej formuy kursu, ktra nauczy i uporzdkuje Twoj wiedz z zakresu treningu funkcjonalnego. Przeprowadzimy Ci od podstaw przez zagadnienia teoretyczne z zakresu teorii treningu, anatomii i fizjologii czowieka do praktycznego ujcia i przedstawienia poszczeglnych wicze funkcjonalnych z objanieniem ich techniki, modyfikowania wzgldem moliwoci danej osoby i przydatnych wicze rozcigajcych i mobilizacyjnych. Nie zabraknie rwnie zagadnie okootreningowych, dotyczcych regeneracji, relaksacji, czy odywiania. Wszystko w przystpnej i przejrzystej formie nagra, z dokadnym praktycznym objanieniem i zastosowaniem.Chcesz mie bezterminowy dostp do skarbnicy wiedzy treningowej? Pracowa wasnym tempem i z kadego miejsca? Otrzyma 6 godzin materiau, certyfikat i nasze wsparcie merytoryczne?Nie zwlekaj tylko wykup dostp!"
Price: 279.99

"Angular School ERP" |
"This is course is about a web and responsive mobile application to make you education institute smart by taking the online attendance and managing the rating, exams, transport, guardians, students, employee, subject data via smart application which run on mobile and desktop devices. So you have no need to purchase the separate application for mobile devices.Single application is capable on running any kind of desktop devices as well as mobile devices."
Price: 12800.00

"The HVAC design Process has many variables that cover multiple aspects and it takes Knowledge and Experience in order to be able to create and design a system that works and meets the requirements.In this Course We Address the Design and Sizing of Air Distribution Terminals of the HVAC Ducting System. In which we will learn how to carry out the design steps to properly and efficiently select, locate and Size the air terminals based on best practices and design criteria.The Course provides knowledge and expertise by experts from the Field of HVAC with years in the industry along with exceptional educational backgrounds and who are certified Educators & Teachers. Therefore you will be receiving quality Education that supports your professional growth and development.The Course is a premium Master Class.The Information is provided by specialists in the field.The Master Class Covers aspects that surely you will not find it elsewhere.The Course will equip you the knowledge and practice to apply what you learn in real life projects rather than theory based teaching."
Price: 199.99

"The complete service based entrepreneurship course" |
"We will start with what is entrepreneurship and dive deep into understanding the core mechanisms behind successful service based businesses. This course gives you a solid understanding of the core principles on which service based businesses work. You will learn to analyze each principle and will be able to decide how your business must be designed to create great value to the customers. We will start from the very basics and build upon it to learn all the fundamentals of service based businesses. You will learn to think from the first principles and will develop a curious bent of mind towards coming up with various service based entrepreneurship opportunities after this course."
Price: 19.99

"Formacin para Ejecutivos de Ventas Senior" |
"Capacitar a los participantes en las Tcnicas de Ventas de Productos o Servicios , Gestion de Creditos y Cobranza, uso de herramientas adecuadas para la bsqueda de nuevos clientes, sistemas de cross selling, manejo de objeciones, cierre de ventas y medicin de gestin en ventas, gestin comercial integral que incluye la administracin y clasificacin crediticia de los clientes y la gestin de recupero y mora. KPi de Medicin, CMR, su uso e importancia."
Price: 74.99

YouTube96.4%JavaJava#1 |
"Java #1 JavaJavaJava50100JavaYouTubeJavaJava8Java11JDKOracleJDKAdoptOpenJDKWindowsMacQ&A"
Price: 3000.00

"CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice Exam" |
"128 UNIQUE practice questions for CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISSP Security and Risk Management Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 128Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 128)"
Price: 144.99

"1Z0-520 Oracle EBS R12 Purchase Essentials of Practice Test" |
"240 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-520 Oracle EBS R12 Purchase Essentials of Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-520 Oracle EBS R12 Purchase Essentials of Practice TestTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 240)"
Price: 169.99

"Monetize Your Podcast (Without Advertisers)" |
"With hundreds of thousands of podcasts in circulation and thousand more being added each year -- how will your show stand out? How will you cut through the noise, attract advertisers, and make money. It's simple -- you won't! Instead of following the same path as everyone else -- chasing sponsors for 15 second ads that only alienate your customers -- choose a different path. In this course, you'll learn how Myles Biggs was able to leverage his podcast (Relish The Journey) to land a TEDx Talk, write a book, and start a now highly sought-after coaching company. Myles tells you exactly how he did it and gives you the tools to do it as well."
Price: 49.99

"Angular 10 - Fundamentos + 8 APP" |
"Este curso desarrollaras 8 aplicaciones totalmente desde cero. Comenzaremos creado aplicaciones sencillas y a medida que vayamos progresando en el curso, y adquiriendo nuevos conceptos vamos a ir agregando una cuota de complejidad a las aplicaciones. Cada seccin introduce un nuevo concepto del framework con una pequea teora y crearemos una nueva aplicacin totalmente desde desde cero, independientemente de la anterior.Angular es un framework creado por Google para crear SPA (Single Page Aplication). Fue creado utilizando TypeScript y nosotros crearemos nuestras aplicaciones utilizando este superset creado por Microsoft. Con Angular vamos a poder crear aplicaciones modernas, roubustas, mantenibles y totalmente escalables. Detrs de este framework hay un poderoso equipo de Google trabajando y liberando nuevos releases con nuevas caracteristicas y mejoras cada 6 meses.Todas las herramientas que vamos a utilizar son open source al igual que los servicios que consumiremos son totalmente gratuitos."
Price: 49.99

"Creating resilient teams" |
"This course will help you develop and build personal, team and organisational resilience.It introduces seven practical strategies to strengthen your personal resilience, with step-by-step practices that help you deal with and/or recover from setbacks, adversities and challenges. It includes over 90 minutes of video content presented in 23 engaging episodes, with downloadable supporting pdf handouts for each strategy. There are multiple exercises and tools that will help embed and develop personal resilience.We then introduce four key strategies to cultivating team resilience, again there is step-by-step approach to each strategies, along with a number of team exercises to deepen understanding and growth of resilient teams.Key learning outcomes:1. To create a clearer understanding to what resilience actually is.2. To equip leaders to help with personally resilience and tools to help those in their teams.3. Develop their ability to create resilient relationships.4. Improve their leadership by helping colleagues manage their resilience.5. Enhance their skills to develop a resilient and emotionally healthy culture in the workplace.There is also a resilience test to determine how resilient you currently are; along with a survey to help assess the psychological safety of an organisation, to then gain further insight into building a culture of resilience.The course has been developed through key psychological understandings and insights of resilience; the 20+ years experience of the trainer as a leader in an organisation; along with personal challenges the trainer shares throughout the course."
Price: 24.99

reznik_presentation |
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Price: 29.99

"Mindful Creativity" |
"The full workshop includes meditations, videos, and writing exercises that will help you clarify and break those creative blocks in writing and life. This is as much about personal development as it is about writing. It is about creating the foundation from which you will create like never before. At the end of the course, you will have an assignment and the opportunity to get customized feedback and suggestions.Instructor: Jen KnoxOutline:Day #1: An introduction to what Creative Resilience is and how this class will help you to integrate basic practices to bring your creativity to the next level. This course utilizes meditations, writing exercises and personal accountability tools to help you align with your creative vision.Day #2: Today's meditation and writing exercise will take you deep into the future and past. Grab your notebook, a quiet space, and settle in.Day #3: Today, we're going to begin re-framing blocks and finding a sense of flow in our creative efforts. I recommend returning to today's content as often as needed.Day #4: Today is about looking to the emotion or feeling that leads us to habitual behaviors that keep us from creating what we want. We will examine our strength today but recalling a time when we were able to make a positive change, and we will focus on learning a technique to diffuse unwanted emotions with breath.Day #5: Today we practice a powerful meditation you can return to in order to remember your creative power during times that might otherwise derail you. Upon completion of this module, you will be invited to ask me questions or share your vision with me as a way of solidifying intention."
Price: 19.99

"The secret strategies of creative dressing" |
"'I have lots of clothes but I prefer wearing few of my favorites over and over again''I don't know how to mix and match which is why I end up with the same looks''I am not sure which colours suit me better''I don't have a clear differentiation between my social and work wear''My clothes don't flatter my body type''I spend money on my wardrobe but still my clothes don't make me stand out''I have no clue which styles suit my personality''I have never bothered about my dressing so I'm on ground zero''My wardrobe is outdated and boring'If any of these statements sound familiar to you, then this course is for you. What if I told you that people don't just dress for style, but also for psychological reasons? In this course, you can expect to learn the art and psychology behind styling and creative dressing. Why do some colours look good on us while some others don't? Why do some clothing styles flatter our body type while others make us look unappealing? What is personal style and why is it so important to understand our own style in order to learn dressing? Is it possible to do a wardrobe revamp at home without spending any money? All this and much more learning coming your way through this course. Often times the problem is not getting information, but it is the overwhelming and conflicting information that confuses us while trying to self learn dressing techniques. What's worse, appearance playing a significant role in our lives is not taught to us during our early foundational years. So my main aim in this course is to provide you with a step by step learning mechanism so that you understand styling the organic way. I have also designed this course with an assumption that you are excited to first explore your own wardrobe and shop as many looks from your own closet, before venturing out shopping! I am known for styling one garment in multiple interesting ways because it satiates my creative impulses, and I love sharing my mantra with others because the spark I see on their faces when I create stylish looks from their own wardrobe is truly a heart warming sight!This course is divided into 5 specific modules:1. Identify your personal style through a perfect personal style analysis2. Learn how to do your own professional wardrobe audit 3. Learn the science and art of colours in clothes, and identify which colours suit your skin tone 4. Identify your body shape and dress exactly as per your body needs 5. 5 step process to learn how to mix n match and convert your simple clothes into the most exciting outfits suiting all your lifestyle occasionsFor the first time in this course, I am disclosing my secret mantra on how to literally triple your wardrobe with a limited set of clothes. + BONUSBy the end of module 5, I have shown a real client's wardrobe and how I helped her shop from her own closet using my 5 step clustering process. So yes it works!My goals for you are crystal clear:By the end of this course, you will:- Identify your personal style range and start dressing appropriately according to your lifestyle occasions - Filter your complete wardrobe and divide it into clear categories and approach all these categories accordingly - Learn the best colors that suit your skin tone - Learn about a variety of colours and their characteristics for more informed choices while dressing up- Identify your own body shape and avoid making mistakes that highlight your problem areas - Guaranteed! Get three times the looks from a limited wardrobe if you follow my 5 step clustering process to create multiple looks - Have outfits for all your important regular lifestyle occasionsThis course is for anyone who wants to learn how to take complete charge of her wardrobe and styling needs!"
Price: 94.99

"Random Variable Mastery" |
"This course is a complete knowledge and insight in random variableFundamental and indepth ideas are talked about in simple manner to build a strong foundation that can assist students with deriving and learning better concept. It focus students to build skills in autonomous way. The course may take a short time to finish. However, it gives away a portion of significant learning of subject."
Price: 1600.00

zyadlashen |
". . . . . . ........0 ."
Price: 94.99

"Oil Pastel Secrets to Realistic Paintings" |
"Join award winning artist Raju Dyapur for his Oil Pastel Secrets to Realistic Paintings course. Paint along step by step, starting with the basics of planning, color application and gradually building your skills and confidence as you progress through the projects.If you love to apply those rich oil pastel colors with beautiful end results and learn all the nitty gritty of highlights, shadows and contrast,, this course is for you!Don't underestimate the power of oil pastel medium as it can produce very great looking results if you allow yourself time to learn and practice and by using proper materials.Who this course is for:Beginner to intermediate, starts with basic skills of drawing and application of colorsAdvanced students can use this course to understand edge control or enroll in my advanced course where you will learn more about layering, application of colors to a great painting.Question and Answers (Q&A)If you have any questions regarding the course or technique, please make use of Q&A section in your student panel."
Price: 2240.00

"Feedback essentials" |
"This course is build up so that it equips you with both theory and practice for your professional feedback sessions. Feedback is a great tool for the development and growth for you, as a provider, for feedback receiver as well as for the atmosphere and results in your organization. Moreover, we will discuss effective tools so that your feedback excess the growth instead of being received as criticism or punishment. Since feedback sessions is a two-way communication, we will also learn on how to accept the feedback professionally and how to deal with upcoming negative emotions.Feedback is one of a greatest gifts one can give to another. So we will learn how to do this in a manner, that leads to improved results and/or behavior, that inspires a receiver to take responsibility and actions as well as maintain persons self worth."
Price: 19.99

"9 (Advance Tally)" |
"GST Tally ERP 9 , , TALLY ERP 9 , , , """" : 9 Education Institute Accounting Under GSTMutual Fund Accounting Under GSTPetrol Pump Accounting Under GSTMedical Store Accounting Under GSTCommittee Related AccountingHotel Accounting Under GSTMobile Showroom Accounting Under GST"
Price: 1920.00

"Virtual Machine Forensics" |
"In this course you will learn about virtual machines, hypervisors, different type 2 hypervisors, installing VM on your machine. Files associated with popular hypervisors will be explained. Also you will be introduced to two powerful forensics tools FTK imager and OSForensics. You will learn how to install FTK imager and OSForensic. In addition you learn how to detect VMs on a suspect machine and finally how to conduct an investigation on a suspect machine."
Price: 19.99
