"Spring Framework Core" |
"Herkese Merhabaimdiye kadar 100lerce arkada Java eitimlerime katld.5 sene kadar online eitimlerde bir ok arkadala birlikte emek harcadk. bulmalar noktasnda beraber aba gsterdik.lk olarak mevcut eitimlerimin kaynaklarn aktaracam sonrasnda sfrdan Udemy iin eitimler ekmeyi hedefliyorum.(OCA11 OCP11 , temizinden bir Spring Framework , Spring Boot eitimi vs.)Bu egitim injavawetrust ta yer alan More JavaEE & Spring egitimi kapsaminda olan Spring bolumunu icermektedir.Bu egitimlerde farkli konulara deginmek adina genel olarak kapsami 5 hafta ile tutmustum.Faydali olmasi dileklerimle."
Price: 59.99

"Learn CBSE English Class 10 First Flight" |
"Full explanation of all the chapters and poems of First Flight for CBSE class 10 as follows 1.1 A Letter To God1.2 Dust Of Snow1.3 Fire and Ice2.1 Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom2.2 A Tiger in the Zoo3.1 Two Stories About Flying I. His First Flight II. Black Aeroplane3.2 How to Tell Wild Animals3.3 The Ball Poem4.1 From the Diary of Anne Frank 4.2 Amanda5 The Hundred Dresses - I6.1 The Hundred Dresses - II6.2 Animals7.1 Glimpses of IndiaI. A Baker From GoaII. CoorgIII. Tea From Assam7.2 The Trees8.1 Mijbil the Otter8.2 Fog9.1 Madam Rides the Bus9.2 The Tale of Custard the Dragon10.1 The Sermon at Benares10.2 For Anne Gregory11 The ProposalAll Textual questions explained in detail"
Price: 1600.00

"Practical Business Process Management Notation (BPMN 2.0)" |
"BPMN is widely used in current business environment and it is fun to work with, and it drives smooth IT implementation, narrowing the gap between what was designed by analyst and what was implemented by software developers.BPMN diagrams are easily and intuitively understood in general by business customers, which makes discussions easier between business and IT people.I have more than 25 years experience in IT, have got fundamental Applied mathematics education (Masters) and PHD in computer science.I worked in big internationals, FMCG, Pharma companies, banks, on senior IT positions; last 10-15 years mainly as architect and CTO.So, let me assure you, I input all my experience and knowledge into this training and will try to give you not only formal description of BPMN, but many insides and best practices.In short time you will learn everything which is needed to build valuable BPMN diagrams for enterprise-grade projects!Lets go ahead!"
Price: 44.99

"Curso Completo de Pneumtica Industrial - Nvel Bsico" |
"Ol pessoal,Sejam muito bem-vindos ao Curso Completo de Pneumtica Industrial - Nvel Bsico da MOVE Treinamentos Tcnicos!H muitos anos a pneumtica vem se destacando como uma das tecnologias fundamentais nas mais diversas reas da indstria e seus processos produtivos. responsvel pelo funcionamento de mquinas e equipamentos desde as mais simples aplicaes s mais avanadas.Este treinamento fornece ao participante uma excelente conhecimento tcnico na rea da pneumtica onde ele conhecer a funo dos principais componentes pneumticos e ser hbil de identific-los atravs de seus respectivos smbolos. Com isso, o profissional consegue interpretar diagramas pneumticos, especificaes tcnicas e realizar montagens de circuitos pneumticos bsicos de forma correta, reduzindo assim o tempo em que o equipamento permanece parado (downtimes).Com uma abordagem objetiva, este treinamento apresenta os fundamentos bsicos da tecnologia pneumtica e os principais componentes utilizados em aplicaes reais da indstria.Espero contar com sua participao e desejo que este treinamento atenda as suas necessidades e expectativas e te capacite para alcanar seus objetivos profissionais."
Price: 144.99

"Produccion Musical / Productor Musical" |
"En este curso exploraremos cmo el proceso de producir un proyecto musical interacta con los elementos de la composicin, desarrollo, planteamiento, grabacion y lanzamiento de la msica que se est produciendo, la labor del productor musical en todas estas etapas. Este curso muestra un amplio espectro de esta labor que va mucho mas all de solo realizar una cancin y conocer los mtodos de grabacion de audio, aqui compartiremos con ustedes el proceso completo que debe cumplir el productor musical. En la actualidad, la industria de la msica est experimentando un gran cambio. Es por esto que, cada vez ms msicos necesiten habilidades en diferentes reas, con el fin de tener xito incluyente la produccion musical."
Price: 34.99

"Website Design With HTML, CSS And JavaScript For Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry right now. These include tools and technologies used by the biggest tech companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc Its geared specifically for people that want to learn employable skills in 2020.When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the ""beginner friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:Basics of HTML and HTML5 for beginnersBasics of CSS and CSS3 for beginnersBasics of JavaScript for beginnersHow to create professional HomepageHow to create professional Media PageHow to create professional Blog PageHow to create professional Sign up pageHow to create professional Login pageHow to create professional Contact pageHow to create professional About pageHow to build a Responsive WebsiteHow to work with colorsHow to work with imagesHow to work with VideosHow to work with AudiosHow to work with TablesHow to create stunning websitesEmenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Python Programming Fundamentals And Sample Projects" |
"Complete Python Programming Fundamentals And Sample Projects starts from the very beginning by teaching you Python programming basics and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python programming so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.Some Fundamentals of Python programming that were covered in this course are as follows:1. Basic C programming Syntax2. Data Types3. Variables4. Loops5. Operators6. Decision Making Statement7. File Input/Output8. Sample ProjectsWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Python Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Python programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Java Programming Fundamentals With Sample Projects" |
"Complete Java Programming Fundamentals With Sample Projects starts from the very beginning by teaching you Java programming basics and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Java programming so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.Some Fundamentals of Java programming that were covered in this course are as follows:1. Basic C programming Syntax2. Data Types3. Variables4. Loops5. Operators6. Decision Making Statement7. File Input/Output8. Sample ProjectsWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Java Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Java programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Build Database Management System With TKinter and Python 3" |
"Build Database Management System With TKinter and Python 3 starts from the very beginning by teaching you Database Management System with Python programming basics and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python programming so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.Some Fundamentals of Database Management System that were covered in this course are as follows:How to setup a databaseHow to create tableHow to write queryHow to Add new recordHow to Edit recordHow to Delete recordHow to create message boxHow to create a menu barHow to create dropdown menuhow to write code to create date and timeWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Python Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Python programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Build Hotel Management System With TKinter And Python 3" |
"Build Hotel Management System With TKinter and Python 3 starts from the very beginning by teaching you Database Management System with Python programming basics and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python programming so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.Some Fundamentals of Hotel Management System that were covered in this course are as follows:How to build big display screens in Python 3How to develop amazing functional calculator in Python 3How to build project using ComboBox in Python 3How to build project using RadioButtons in Python 3How to build project using CheckBox in Python 3How to build drop down menu in Python 3How to build a Currency Converter in Python 3How to develop full working control buttonsHow to execute your projectsHow to build amazing projects using PyCharmWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Python Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Python programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Build Text-To-Speech Application With TKinter And Python 3" |
"Text-To-Speech Application System With TKinter & Python 3 starts from the very beginning by teaching you how to build e-learning application system with Python programming basics and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python programming so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.Some Fundamentals of text-to-speech application system that were covered in this course are as follows:Python GUI designHow to use voice command in pythonYou will know about EngineHow to use the entry boxHow to create buttonsHow to build a full text-to-speech alphabet application in pythonWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Python Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Python programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Image Processing Masterclass in Python For Beginners In 2020" |
"Image Processing Masterclass in Python For Beginners In 2020 starts from the very beginning by teaching you image processing with Python programming and Adobe Photoshop. Then it goes into advanced topics and different career fields in Python programming and Adobe Photoshop so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world.Some Fundamentals of Image Processing that were covered in this course are as follows:How to install pillow libraryHow to crop imagesRGB, RGBA, Pallate and so onImage splittingChannelsHow to mix multiple channelsBasic image transformationsHow to convert images from JPEG to PNG and Vice VersaSo many other amazing knowledge is included with full image processing documentationWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Python Programmer?This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful programmer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Python programming and prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Software developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"Getting Started with IoT" |
"About the CourseIn this Offline Course You'll learn about the technology of Internet of Things. This course is a basic course to get yourself started with IoT. You'll learn about IoT, its architecture, different communication models, Node-red and in this course we will be working on IBM's Node-red and Mqtt protocol. we will be learning about Arduino and we will see how to use Nodecmcu with Node-red to receive messages over MQTT protocol to make our home Automation system.We will be working on two Micro-controllers in this course. First one is arduino and the second one is Nodemcu.Additionally we will learn about the interrupts and how we can use interrupts in our programs. We will be using one wire communication protocol to add an IR sensor to the arduino board. Also you'll learn to transfer the data between the two boards using serial communication."
Price: 1280.00

"How to be a Successful Deputy Head or Vice Principal" |
"This course details the job of a school Deputy Head. It illustrates the wide range of practical skills required to do the job well. It also considers the crucial importance of recognising that schools are people businesses, and explores the capabilities of personality and temperament required while navigating this engaging arena."
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce Einstein Integration with COVID19 live Project" |
"Its a real-time Live project with hands on experience building an interactive Einstein analytics visualization dashboard, using real-time COVID19 India Statistics - integrated with REST Services in salesforce to visualize in desktop and mobile applications of Einstein Analytics Dashboard.Acquire knowledge in Designing, Preparing Datamodel, Creating Objects, Fields, performing callouts using Batch Apex, Schedule Apex and Einstein Analytics Visualization capabilities.This course is designed from very basic to advance level to get you hands-on covering Salesforce Development, Integration, and Einstein Analytics."
Price: 1280.00

"CLF AWS Cloud-C01 Certified Practice Test" |
"193 UNIQUE practice questions for CLF AWS Cloud-C01 Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CLF AWS Cloud-C01 Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 193Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (144 of 193)"
Price: 169.99

"A00-250 SAS Platform Administration SAS9 Practice Exam" |
"90 UNIQUE practice questions for A00-250 SAS Platform Administration SAS9 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : A00-250 SAS Platform Administration SAS9 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 90Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (67 of 90)"
Price: 144.99

"PMI-ACP PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"142 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-ACP PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-ACP PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice ExamTotal Questions : 142Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (106 of 142)"
Price: 149.99

"PMI-RMP Risk Management Professional Certified Practice Exam" |
"264 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-RMP Risk Management Professional Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-RMP Risk Management Professional Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 264Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (198 of 264)"
Price: 174.99

"Learn Easily Practical NLP Techniques That Actually Work!" |
"Change your life by learning and applying successfully NLP! In this course you will learn what NLP is all about. You will learn how NLP was created, what the best NLP techniques are and how they can be actually used to better your life. The whiteboard animation style of the videos will help you better understand and memorize with visual imagery the NLP material that has been systematized and explained in an easily understandable manner that you can enjoy."
Price: 44.99

"AI-100 & DP-100 Practice Test : 2020" |
"In this AI-100 & DP-100 course there are over 131 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your AI-100 & DP-100 examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 131 Questionsii.All AI-100 & DP-100 Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Want to pass the AI-100 & DP-100 certification.Want to find your weak areas for the AI-100 & DP-100 certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"Laplace Transform for Academician and Engineers." |
"This Course Contains all the concept of Laplace transform.Here, we will Cover Laplace transform of standard function and Advance function ,Along with that it will also cover all Properties of Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform and Application of Laplace Transform.In this course all problems are grouped into number of Exercises on the basis of similarity of problems and all types of problems are solved with clear explanation."
Price: 3520.00

"Learning from accidents" |
"The course presents the process of an accident investigation, that I prefer define as ""Accident Investigation Ritual"". Ritual is much more than a process! Ritual is to follow steps to achieve results but not mechanically! When we follow a Ritual, we do it emotionally, with the soul. The RITUAL starts on the reporting stage of the event and continue to the definition of the investigation group, investigation planning, data collection, organization and analysis of the data, the elaboration of the action plan, the investigation report until the follow-up of the action plan. The course will present you various techniques for organizing and analyzing data such as Chronogram of Events, Accident Timeline, Change Analysis, Barriers Analysis, Cause-Effect Diagram,5 Why's Analysis and Human Behavior Analysis, based on ABC - Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence theory approach. The investigation Ritual and the techniques of data organization and analysis are complementary to ensure the identification of the root causes of accidents without which, the opportunity to learn from accidents is"
Price: 69.99

"MS-100 Exam Prep ( September Update)" |
"This course will cover topics from the Microsoft MS-100 exam, which measures a student's ability to design and implement Microsoft 365 services, manage user identity and roles, manage access and authentication, and plan Microsoft 365 workloads and applications. In this course, students will review how to configure Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, how to work with Microsoft Pro Plus, and how to migrate to Microsoft 365. Students will also learn how to configure Microsoft 365 Tenant, how to manage user and security groups and licenses, and how to use authentication in 365."
Price: 350.00

"UX/UI Design Fundamentals. From Beginner to Intermediate." |
"This course covers the UX/UI Design fundamentals and teaches you a bit of the advanced stuff, so that both levels ( beginner and intermediate ) can benefit from the course. I dive deep into how to design correctly, so that at the end of the course you will be able to design your own software products, you will be able to land an internship or even to work in a company as a designer. This course makes you understand what design is and how to think like a designer because that's the most important skill that you need as a designer. ( the technical stuff comes with time )A quick overview of some of the topics the course has:What is UI and what is UX Design, what really design stands for, how design makes our life easier.Whats the difference between UX and UI and how they work together to create a good design.Design ThinkingWhat is User Persona, User Journey/flow.What are the principles of good interface design.Typography, Colors, Images and Font combinations.Psychology of colors.User Research, Intuitive DesignWireframingUsability TestingResponsive Designand others.This course teaches you Sketch, or Adobe XD or Figma. This course will teach you design, not just playing with the tools, because that's the easiest part."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Practice Tests" |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam Practice Tests*One test contains only 50 questions ( the official exam varies between 40 and 60 questions ) and the time limit is 90 minutes (instead of the official 85 minutes)**The minimum score to pass is 70% - same as the official exam*Mixed set of questions covering all sections and objectives of the AZ-900 exam, seen below:From the skills outline, the skills tested during this exam are the following:Describe Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Describe the benefits and considerations of using cloud servicesDescribe the differences between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)Describe the differences between Public, Private and Hybrid cloud modelsDescribe Core Azure Services (30-35%)Describe the core Azure architectural componentsDescribe some of the core products available in AzureDescribe some of the solutions available on AzureDescribe Azure management toolsDescribe Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25-30%)Describe securing network connectivity in AzureDescribe core Azure Identity servicesDescribe security tools and features of AzureDescribe Azure governance methodologiesDescribe monitoring and reporting options in AzureDescribe privacy, compliance and data protection standards in AzureDescribe Azure Pricing, Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)Describe Azure subscriptionsDescribe planning and management of costsDescribe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)Understand service lifecycle in Azure"
Price: 1280.00

"Liderana: Aprenda a ser um(a) Lder de Verdade!" |
"Este curso baseado na experincia de 15 anos de um empresrio, pai e professor, que teve a oportunidade de ter muitos bons mentores, sendo alguns deles lideres em suas reas, incluindo um bilionrio da rea de minerao, um dos maiores empresrios do setor imobilirio, um dos primeiros produtores de listas telefnicas automatizadas, um especialista em criao de produtos e outros. A soma do conhecimento passado por essas pessoas, adicionadas a anos de leituras tcnicas e experincia prtica como empresrio, capacitam o instrutor deste curso a mostrar uma viso diferenciada das qualidades que devem ser desenvolvidas por aqueles que desejam se tornar uma liderana, tanto no nvel profissional como no nvel pessoal."
Price: 59.99

"Curso de Excel (BSICO AO AVANADO)" |
"O Curso Excel Expert conta com um Certificado reconhecido em todo o Brasil e pode ser utilizado como capacitao profissional. Formao Completa desde os primeiros passos, primeiras configuraes, layout inicial, linhas, colunas, alinhamentos e fontes, at a parte mais avanada de funes, planilhas, grficos, macros e inteligncia do Software.Defina os seus prprios horrios de assistir as vdeo aulas e estudar, voc pode assistir as aulas quantas vezes quiser para o seu devido entendimento e desenvolvimento do software e tem ACESSO VITALCIO!Alm de todas as aulas voc tambm poder fazer o Download de diversas Planilhas j prontas no Excel (Oramentria, Logotipo para Empresas, Folha para oramentos, Fluxo de Caixa, entre outas...)Aprovao de diversos alunos de diferentes reas acadmicas e profissionais."
Price: 189.99

"/ Marketing for esoterics" |
", , , SMM"
Price: 3299.00

"Lepszy Gos w 7 dni" |
"To pierwszy taki kurs na polskim rynku - prowadzony przez zawodowego lektora filmowego i waciciela studia nagraniowego z ponad dziesicioma latami dowiadczenia w brany medialnej.Poznasz wiczenia, techniki i sposoby pracy nad gosem, ktre dotychczas zarezerwowane byy dla profesjonalistw brany filmowej, telewizyjnej czy radiowej. Zrozumiesz mechanizmy rzdzce prac Twojego aparatu gosowego, poznasz sposoby na zwikszenie wiadomoci, wzmocnienie i polepszenie swojego gosu. Nauczysz si budowa autorytet, pewno siebie i swj wizerunek za pomoc sprawdzonych technik stosowanych przez zawodowcw na caym wiecie.Nie musisz by wokalist, by pozna zasady zdrowego i profesjonalnego uywania gosu. Skorzystaj z tej wiedzy ju dzi i odkryj swj Lepszy Gos!"
Price: 594.99

"Desenvolvimento de Games 2D em Java para Android" |
"O curso voltado para programadores que desejam estender suas habilidades e entrar no mercado de games para celulares com o Sistema Operacional Android. Durante o curso sero apresentadas vrias tcnicas voltadas ao desenvolvimento de jogos bem como um Motor Grfico desenvolvido especialmente para a criao de Games 2D para Android."
Price: 39.99
