"Investimentos inteligentes - O guia definitivo" |
"O caminho das pedras para saber tudo sobre as melhores opes de investimentos.Uma abordagem totalmente diferente de todos os cursos que voc j fez at agora.Ao terminar o curso voc vai saber exatamente o que fazer para comear a investir ou mesmo potencializar os seus investimentos com diversificaes que no estavam no radar.Insights e estratgias matadoras para voc dominar o mercado e saber exatamente onde procurar as informaes que voc precisa."
Price: 39.99

"RF/ Microwave Basics for Engineers and Techs" |
"This course will give you a basic introduction to the world of RF/Microwave. We will look at components, systems and common test equipment. A follow up course will look at noise measurements, testing transmitters and receivers and common RF Test. This course may be shared with students entering the RF field or interns at companies designing 5G, IoT, Communications or Radar, or other RF applications."
Price: 19.99

"Performance Optimization & Science Behind Time Management." |
"In our life, we get results of what we do in day-to-day activities once if you will be master of your time management and learn to be creative and more productive with what you do, you will come in a group of most successful people in the world. To achieve this you need to be master of your Will power, Focus, Attention, and Concentration to Boost your cognitive abilities with motivation and self-esteem you need to know to use this in advantage. When we talk a lot about ourself we like to talk for long mins and even hours, we like to hear a lot about ourself from others thats whats happening is we get dopamine rush inside our brain, thats why people love to talk about themselves, thats why dopamine is not helping you, you are unable to manage your time or schedule your task., you will learn lots of tool and techniques to excel in life.Our life long journey in the professional world starts with our education. That's exactly why study skills are essential for students who aim to make their educational journey a successful one. Study skills can take student's performance to a whole new level, it gives them the ability to finish more tasks, in less time, and have more free time for themselves.Moreover, through the tools and skills, you will acquire, you'll be able to ensure better grades and bigger success in school and university. You will learn the ways that students, become top students, and you will become a top student after implementing those habits and skills in your daily scholastic life.Get ready to learn revolutionary study skills that will take you to a whole new level.Who this course is for: People who want to enhance and optimize their performance and skills in school and university People who want to learn how to manage their time properly and organize their daily tasks efficiently People who want to learn techniques and tools to help them in their educational journey People who want to dominate their educational journey and ensure major successWhat you'll learn You will be able to become one of the top students in your class through all theskillsets and knowledge you will acquire You will be able to enhance and optimize your cognitive performance You will be able to enhance your memory and your recalling ability You will learn how to become more productive, use your time efficiently and effectively, become more productive, and organize your daily tasks to ensure proper execution You will also learn tools such as using procrastination to your favor, mind mapping, creativity enhancement, and ways to ensure that your educational journey is a successful one1. The Science Behind Time Management - Starting With The Study Skills2. The 80/20 Pareto Principle3. The Power Of One4. The Law Of Three5. Improving And Enhancing Your Skills6. Optimizing And Taking Advantage Of Your Talent7. Pressuring Yourself Effectively8. The Power Of Powers9. Using Adrenaline And Dopamine To Your Favor10. Using Procrastination To Your Favor11. What To Do Before Anything12. Why Multitasking Can Kill Your Productivity13. Setting SMART Goals To Ensure Proper Organization And ExecutionEnhancing And Optimizing Your Focus, Concentration, And Attention1. Improving Your Concentration And Focus2. Training Your Brain Muscles For Cognitive DominanceStudy Skills Enhancement - Tools And Skillset For Academic Success1 The 4 Learning Stages2. The 5 Essential Steps Of Mind Mapping3. Mind Mapping - An Insight4. Starting With The Core5. Branching Out The Ideas6. Sub-Branching The Details7. Core Enhancement For Mind Mapping8. Structure Enhancement For Mind Mapping9. Proper Information Structuring10. Increasing Your Overall Productivity11. Enhancing Your Creativity12. Mapping Your Essays Properly13. Effectively Mapping Your Exams"
Price: 1920.00

"Online Japanese beginner course (22 lessons)" |
"This online course for beginners in Japanese is intended for those who have interests in the Japanese language. We will go through Japanese pronunciation and writing in Hiragana and Katakana. Although it seems like a difficult language, that mind set would soon change with our courses! We will thoroughly explain each concept and nobody will be left behind. Each lesson would be quite short so you wouldn't have to use great amounts of time each day to complete this course. Additionally, every lesson would contain English subtitles so learners can gradually get used to hearing the Japanese language."
Price: 29.99

"Micro/Nano Fabrication" |
"( )This course takes you on a tour inside the cleanroom facility and explains the basic idea behind each of the micro/nano fabrication techniques. It is an introductory course that demonstrates the basic idea behind each technique along with its pros and cons without going through the mathematical details. However, this course provides a very comprehensive view of these processes with separate modules for: Patterning techniques OxidationEtchingDeposition techniquesDopingMetallizationProcess integration & simulationsMoreover, some design practical aspects are also considered. So, it draws a comprehensive picture for the techniques used in most fields within the scope of Nanotechnology"
Price: 119.99

"Ultrassonografia na Reproduo de Bovinos" |
"A Ultrassonografia na Reproduo de Bovinos uma das principais ferramentas no auxlio de uma boa eficincia reprodutiva. O diagnstico de gestao precoce, a triagem para protocolos de IATF, a sexagem fetal e o diagnstico de patologias so apenas alguns exemplos do potencial desta tcnica. Porm, para que seja bem aproveitada, o tcnico precisa ter conhecimentos slidos de gerao e interpretao das imagens, assim como a tomada de decises, frente aos resultados fornecidos pela ultrassonografia. Domine esta tcnica e tenha um grande diferencial na prestao de servios."
Price: 144.99

"Learn Management Consulting: My 10 Years Inside The Firm" |
"This course gives you the inside track on one of the most lucrative professions in the world. Management consultants are highly sought after by firms who want to achieve higher performance and need experts in best practices and solving complex business problems. In this course I draw on my ten years of experience in management consulting to teach you how the profession works, what you can expect as a consultant and how they work with clients to add value. If you ever wanted to learn about management consulting from someone who has truly been there and worked their way up through the system, then this course will give you that outcome. Each lesson includes a handy worksheet that provides quick reference to the key skills and insights that I teach you.In this course you will learn the following about management consulting:Which are the big firms and how do they differ from the specialist consultanciesA typical management consulting career path and how you can work your way up the ladderThe typical skills that you need to deliver value on client engagementsPricing and billing of client engagements and the role you play in managing financesThe reasons a firm will engage a team of management consultantsWhat type of roles you can expect if you become a consultant and how to position yourselfThe importance of always demonstrating business value to a clientThe increasing importance of delivering sales targets as you advance in a consulting careerA typical day in the life of a management consultantThe importance of being mobile in your management consulting careerThe reason I left management consulting despite enjoying numerous international projectsHow to integrate into the client's organisational culture and the pressures this createsWorking with multiple consultancies and my experience of working with McKinseyThe stages of a client engagement from the RFP through the project and close-outKnowledge exchanges and the importance of access to the skills of a global workforceThe reason that management consultants use case studies in their interviewsFixed price versus Time & Materials as different methods of billing and the pros and consBest practice in different industries, functions and what clients expect when they hire consultantsThe important difference between knowing best practice and being able to apply itTypical expectations of the different levels such as analyst, consultant and managerHow to understand the difference between specialist consulting and management consultingThe importance of delegating to empower younger, cheaper consultantsThe increasing levels of ownership that you need to demonstrate to get promotedThis course provides you with an indepth look at management consulting that can only come from extensive experience in the industry and inside knowledge. The lessons all build on eachother and fit together to give you a holistic learning experience that will position you with the knowledge and insights about management consulting that you need."
Price: 79.99

"Techniques of Construction Planning" |
"The Techniques of Construction Planning course are for the Civil Engineering students, site supervisors, contractors, construction developers, and project managers, who deal with construction project timing and cost. this course can help you to learn and understand how we can increase the efficiency of our construction project by applying different planning techniques which can help you to decrease project time, resource requirements like funds, material, labours, machinery, etc. This course contains different techniques of planning with detailed explanations of how to apply that technique to the live project. This course helps increase project efficiency in the field, competitive exams, interviews. Majorly used construction planning techniques in the field are the Gantt Bar chart method, Milestone chart method, Critical path Method, PERT, Precedence Network, and Line of Balance Method. all of these techniques are included in the coarse.Cvil Foster ensures the subscribers that this course will be helpful to them in the exam as well as to apply on-site situations of Construction Projects. feel free to leave a message for any queries regarding the course or any other civil engineering problems you might face. Our company will keep posting more and more innovative projects which help you to solve your civil engineering problems."
Price: 2880.00

"The Ultimate Play Piano By Ear Course Easy Piano Lessons" |
"This is a great course for people who need a quick but well-structured system of learning to play the piano by ear. In this course, you will be exposed to easy and quick systems that will help you play the piano easily in all 12 keys. No prior music knowledge or piano knowledge is required to take this course. You will learn to play common piano chords and progressions and easy systems needed to take those progressions into all 12 keys.With the knowledge obtained from this course, you will be well equipped to play in different music styles. e.g. Gospel, Rock, Pop, RnB, Jazz, Salsa, etc."
Price: 99.99

"Hundeernhrung - Grundlagen Barf Rohftterung" |
"Der vorliegende Kurs wurde fr Euch vom Team ""Napfsache"" in Kln produziert. Unser Leitspruch lautet: Tiergesundheit ist ""Napfsache"", da wir wissen, dass die Gesundheit unserer Vierbeiner bei artgerechter Ernhrung beginnt. Es gibt viele Mglichkeiten und Meinungen, wie man seinen Hund am besten ernhren kann. Viele bevorzugen es, Ihren Hund zu Barfen. Und wir zeigen Euch, solltet Ihr die Methode auch fr Euch in Erwgung ziehen, dass Barfen nicht kompliziert sein muss. In diesem Kurs zeigen wir Euch Schritt fr Schritt, wie Ihr Rohftterung praktizieren knnt und was Ihr beachten mt, um Euren Hund auf diesem Weg gesund, artgerecht und hochwertig zu ernhren."
Price: 89.99

"GC Academy - Screenshare profissional A FUNDO." |
"Ol, me chamo arquivos e sou GC Profissional a mais de 5 anos, decidi por motivo prprio criar o meu prprio curso de screenshare, e para ajudar a todos temos um preo super acessvel para a comunidade!, menos de 60 reais o curso, abordando diversos temas em relao a cheats de Minecraft, est preparado para destruir essa parte negativa do nosso jogo? Vamos l!Cronograma de aulas:Aula 01: Introduo e primeiros passos Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAula 02: Orientao aos programas e ferramentas Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAula 03: Verificao da .minecraft Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAula 04: Anlise de downloads suspeitos Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAula 05: Identificao de mtodos bypass Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAula 06: Coletando strings de arquivos suspeitos Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAula 07: Comportamento da entidade in-game Screenshare RPIDA E SEGURAAulas Extras:Aula 01: Formatao e otimizao simples no Windows 10 Windows VELOCIDADE e SEGURANAAula 02: Ativao do Windows 10 sem ERROS ou VRUS Windows VELOCIDADE e SEGURANAAula 03: Proteo e Privacidade do Windows Windows VELOCIDADE e SEGURANAAula 04: Dicas para uma melhor produtividade no Windows 10 Windows VELOCIDADE e SEGURANA"
Price: 579.99

"Seguridad y Determinacin al Hablar en Pblico" |
"En este curso aprenders cuales son los talentos naturales que debes usar para triunfar ante cualquier tipo de pblico o medio de comunicacin, adems entenders como se aprende a hablar en pblico y desarrollaras retos y ejercicios para hablar desde la primera leccin, existen dinmicas esenciales para aquellos que necesitan manejar sus nervios en escena y tambin ara aquellos que quieren desarrollar discursos de excelencia."
Price: 34.99

"Apprendre Blender pour l'Architecture : La modlisation" |
"Blender est un logiciel de modlisation 3d qui cumule pas mal d'avantages. Lger, il est galement trs puissant. Autant qu'un 3ds max ou un Cinema4D.Complet, il est galement simple et intuitif. Presque autant qu'un Sketchup. Libre, il existe une communaut ingale d'utilisateurs et de dveloppeurs. Comme pour Apple, pour tout ce que vous voulait faire, ""il y'a une application pour a"". Et en plus de tout a, il est TOTALEMENT GRATUIT et le restera toujours !!! Pour toutes ces raisons, il nous semble opportun d'introduire Blender dans le monde de l'Architecture, un monde largement domin par les logiciels propritaires et payants.Ces premiers cours se proposent donc d'explorer les possibilits de Blender pour l'Architecture, en commenant par explorer les diffrentes mthodes de modlisation : modlisation par primitives, par boite, polygonale, non destructive (par splines et modificateurs), par sculpture, lmentaire (avec des lements d'architecture comme avec ArchiCad ou Revit), paramtrique (comme avec Rhino et Grasshopper).Oui, Blender sait et peux faire tout a ! Alors allons-y et venons dtailler tout a.Ce cours se finira par une mise en pratique, une modlisation de A Z d'un btiment, en utilisant toutes les techniques cites plus haut."
Price: 19.99

"Umut Yenilmez Nota Eitimi [Pratie Dayal Bona almalar]" |
"Umut Yenilmez Bona almalar dersine ho geldiniz.Bu metodun asl amac temel nota bilgisi olanlar ve kendini gelitirmek isteyenler iin detayl bir kaynak oluturmaktr.Nota hakknda hi bilgisi olmayanlar da dnerek, temel nota, tanmlar ve daha birok konu hakknda kendilerini ve ufuklarn gelitirecekleri bir ierik olmasn istedim.Daha ok pratie dayal olmas iin bona almalarn, zellikle ezberden kp, bu iin mantn anlamak isteyenler iin, yazl ve grsel videolar hazrlayarak, konularn daha anlalr olmasna altm.PDF formatndaki testler ve devlerin olduu kaynan bir zeti niteliinde, 2 video hazrladm. Bu video sizin iin notalarla tanma olacaktr. Asl kaynak olan metot PDF formatndadr ve anlalmayan baz teknik konu ve tanmlarn rehberidir. Ayrca sizlere zel testlerin de olduu detayl bir kaynaktr.Anlamadnz ya da eksik olduunuzu dndnz konular tekrar etmekten hi ekinmeyin. Unutmayn ki daha hzl ilerlemenin yolu, sabrl ve yava almaktr, konular iselletirmektir. Gerekirse eitim 1 sene srsn; yeter ki 1 senenin sonunda, mant kavram ve notaya hakim olmu olun. Bu ok daha nemlidir. abanzn boa gitmesine izin vermeyin.alma disiplini iin de birka nerim olacak:Genel olarak metotlardan, evrim ii eitimlerden renmek istediiniz konular gerekten anlamak istiyorsanz, kendi alma disiplininizi oluturmanz ve buna gerekten zaman ayrmanz ok nemlidir. Eitim esnasnda, karnzda soru sorup cevap alabileceiniz bir eitmen olmad iin, dikkatli ve zeki olmalsnz; en nemlisi de yaptnz hatalar fark etmenizdir.En ok yaplan hatalar ya da gzden kaan detaylardan bahsedeyim, bunlar da aklnzn bir kesinde olsun:1. Konuya deil sonuca odaklanmak.2. Hzlca dersi tamamlayp bir sonraki aamaya gemeye almak.3. Detaylarda boulup amacn dna kan sorular sormak:Bu iaretler neden byle? Kim bulmu bunlar?.. gibi sorular.4. Mant anlamak yerine ezber yapmak.5. Hzl almak: Daha nce de dediim gibi, hzl almak sizi hzlandrmaz, aksine yavalatr.6. Tekrar etmekten kanp zaman kazanmaya almak: Bu da size zaman kazandrmaz, aksine zaman kaybettirir.7. Yapamaynca brakmak: Biraz olsun inat davranp konunun zerine gitmeniz, kendinizi zorlamanz lazm. Ltfen bunun iin ekinmeyin.8. Videolar baa sarp almaya enmeyin nk bol tekrar, bu ii renmenin kilit noktasdr.Sabrszlk ve aceleci davranarak zamannz, emeinizi boa harcamamaya zen gsterin.Nota okumay renmek, tamamen sizin elinizde:nemli olan hatalarnz fark edip sabrla, disiplinli bir almayla eitimin hakkn vermektir."
Price: 99.99

"Sfrdan 2D Oyun Gelitirme Eitimi GameMaker Studio 2" |
"""RENCLERE ZEL NDRM KUPONU"" ile eitime sahip olabilirsiniz. Detayl bilgi Tantm videosunda.Bu kurs ierisinde hem temel kodlama mantn hem de GameMaker Studio 2 oyun gelitirme motorunu "" 6 ADET "" birbirinden farkl oyunu gelitirirken reneceksiniz. Bu oyunlar ierisinde Survival, RPG, Shooter tarznda oyunlar bulunmakta. Bu oyunlar gelitirirken tm gerekli grselleri ve kaynak bilgilerini eitim ierisinde paylamaktaym.Ve srekli olarak eitim setini gncel tutup, sorularnz cevaplyor olacam. Ayrca bu kursa balamak iin herhangi bir kodlama bilgisine sahip olmak zorunda deilsiniz. GameMaker Studio 2 ierisinde kullanlan GameMaker Language'i ayrntlaryla anlatmaktaym.Ayn zamanda ""SIFIR KOD"" ile oyunlar gelitirebileceimiz DnD yani srkle brak metodunu kullanarak da oyunlar gelitireceiz.Bunun yannda her blm iin hazrladm oyun gelitirme sektr ve ilham verici oyun tantmlar videolar ile hem elenceli hem de eitici bir kurs hazrlamay amaladm.Umarm bu eitimle birlikte hayallerinizi gerekletirme konusunda bir adm daha ilerleyebilirsiniz!"
Price: 99.99

"500 Most Essential Words + Honing Your French Pronunciation" |
"Levels: A1 / A2 / B1 (beginner and intermediate levels)Strengthen your pronunciation in French while learning or strengthening your knowledge of the 500 most frequently used words. - pronunciation : more than 10 hours of practice and repetition- acquisition of vocabulary : the 500 most used words in French---- Niveaux : A1 / A2 / B1 (niveaux dbutant et intermdiaire)Renforcez votre prononciation en franais tout en apprenant ou consolidant votre connaissance des 500 mots les plus frquemment utiliss. - la prononciation : plus de 10 heures de pratique et de rptition- l'acquisition du vocabulaire : les 500 mots les plus utiliss en franais"
Price: 59.99

"Java (and Cucumber) for Automation Testing" |
"Are you thinking of moving from Manual to Automation Testing? Do you believe Coding is the key to Automation Testing Career?Then you should also be aware that Test Automation is certainly in high demand and that Java is one of the most common programming language used for Automation Testing. So, learn Java for Automation Testing covering Java Beginners to Advanced - from Automation Testing Projects view-point. This realistic course covers How to get started with Java for Automation Testing to How to use SOLID principles to become an Automation Tester. Learn Java for Automation Testing practically and as industry expects from an Automation Tester.The key objective of the Course is to learn numerous Java Practical concepts from Automation Testing Projects perspective and put the Java essentials into practice. This approach helps students to quickly and productively showcase Java as a key skill in their CV. Also the exposure to Automation testing approach via project based learning would help students establish confidence in coding and think like an Automation Tester. Likewise, students would learn Cucumber (a massive bonus) as a key skill for Automation Testing, in the context of Java OOP. With the right exposure to Cucumber framework and hands-on experience with Java, you can subsequently learn Selenium WebDriver for UI Automation or REST-assured for API Automation.Note: this course caters for Java and Cucumber only and does NOT cover Selenium WebDriver or REST-assured."
Price: 99.99

"Machine Learning en Python y MATLAB: mapas auto-organizados" |
"CURSO EN LNEA CON ACCESO PARA SIEMPREEsts preparado para empezar tu camino para convertirte en un Data Scientist? Este curso completo ser tu gua para aprender a usar el poder de Python para analizar datos, crear visualizaciones asombrosas y usar algoritmos de aprendizaje automtico potentes!Ser Data Scientist est considerado como la profesin ms atractiva del siglo XXI, por lo que si ests interesado en este mundo, este es el curso perfecto para ti.Data Science es una carrera gratificante que te permite resolver algunos de los problemas ms interesantes del mundo! Este curso est diseado tanto para principiantes sin experiencia en programacin como para desarrolladores experimentados que buscan dar un primer paso a la ciencia de datos y al machine learning!Este curso est diseado para equilibrar la teora y la implementacin prctica, con guas completas de cdigo para Jupyter, diapositivas y notas fciles de referencia. Tambin tenemos muchos ejercicios para probar tus nuevas habilidades en el camino!Este curso cubre una variedad de temas, incluyendo:Introduccin a Machine LearningIntroduccin a PythonNumPyPandasMatplotlibExplicacin completa del algoritmo SOMImplementacin del algoritmo SOM con y sin libreras en PythonImplementacin del algoritmo SOM en Matlab"
Price: 49.99

"Become Calorie Wise for Type 2 Diabetes & Pre-Diabetics" |
"This is a course in which you'll be able to understand thoroughly...-WHAT the benefits are to tracking your calories & fat intake daily-HOW to easily track your calories intake & fat grams daily-WHY calories are essential to be aware of-HOW to map out your eating schedule to hit your goals -EASY ways to measure foods -HOW to check your calories & fat grams for success -WHAT foods should be limited, swapped or avoided-HOW to keep consistent blood sugar levels-HOW to handle unmet needs without involving food-ADDITIONAL tools & resources You'll discover YOU'RE NOT ALONE! You have hope & support.Full easy to understand explanation of calories in & fat grams, how they are a simple measurement to aid in your success in creating a healthy lifestyle that promotes optimal health for pre-diabetics or type 2 diabetics. Clarity & awareness brought to a few key daily practices that will improve your energy, confidence & steps to learn how your own unique body responds to foods, gaining control once again over your health & life. A community of support is here to: provide encouragement, hold you accountable, offer tips, advice & resources.Additional checklists, worksheets, planner tools, guides, and many more resources."
Price: 39.99

"IELTS prep" |
Price: 39.99

"Basic CSS for Absolute Beginners to Advanced Level" |
"Basic CSS for Absolute Beginners to Advanced Level .... HTML and HTML5 Javascript ..."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Figma Essentials for UI/UX Design (2020)" |
"In this Figma UI UX essentials course for beginners you will learn how to use Figma from the ground up.You dont need any prior experience with Figma as this course will cover all the basics during the first section of the course.This course is divided into two sections: in the first one you will learn the basics of Figma (so no prior experience with the software is required) and the second part we will create two projects so that you can consolidate what you learned in part one and see efficient workflows that will help you tackle design projects.You will learn everything you need to know to create any design project in Figma, as well as ways to collaborate with team members and clients through Figma using a clean and efficient workflow (suitable for both remote and local designers).In just around 4 hours you will be able to learn everything you need to start creating beautiful designs in Figma, turning your ideas into reality and being able to perform efficiently at your job or in your freelance practice.Most of these advanced techniques are the same used in large companies and will give you an edge as a designer so that you can work smart and not hard.The best part about this is that Figmas essentials dont take a long time to learn, and its quite the opposite!But why should you learn Figma UI UX from me?Ill briefly introduce myself: my name is Pierluigi and Im a full-time designer with over 8 years of experience.After graduating with a BA Graphic Design from one of the top Design Universities in London I worked and managed hundreds of design projects for companies of all sizes and tech backgrounds, from Fortune 500 companies to Million-Dollar Companies that needed to raise their next round of funding.On the side, I have also designed over 20 design products and my designs have been downloaded over 50000+ times.I also have a design channel on Youtube with over 300 videos and Im active on Dribbble and Instagram with over 30000 followers.I had a deep passion for design ever since I was in high school and since this industry gave me so much, I want to give back by sharing the knowledge I gathered as a designer over all these years.So join me today in this course and let's learn Figma, so that you can bring your designs to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo?...Spanish subjunctive in a nutshell" |
"Course description:Spanish subjunctive is a topic used in all basic conversations. Spanish native speakers used the subjunctive continually, whereas English speakers no. Due to it, the subjunctive is going to be explained in a progressive, constructive, easy, and fun manner. Available for everyone who wants to improve his/her Spanish linguistic skills. We are talking about the productive skills speaking and writing as well as the passive skills listening and reading.This Spanish subjunctive course is an intermediate-upper-level course, built up in a step-by-step manner, where both languages Spanish and English, English and Spanish are used. I will break down the subjunctive, by giving you the key information and tools, you need to apply it with confidence in a practical manner without hesitation. As a result, you are going to use your active skills, your speaking and writing skills to communicate efficiently and effectively. By using your sentences with the appropriate tense insight of the subjunctive mood because it has its own tenses and conjugations. For instance, in the present tense, we have simple present and present perfect, and in the past tense, we have imperfect, preterite and past perfect. In this manner, you are going to be understood as straightforward by millions of Spanish native and non-native speakers. By enhancing your subjunctive, you are going to feel yourself linguistically freer. And as a consequence, your communication will be more fluent and clearer giving you the possibility of communicating better with Spanish speakers as well as enjoying in depth its culture and everything involved.In this Spanish subjunctive course, the difference between tense and grammatical mood will be explained because these two grammatical concepts could be confusing. The word subjunctive denotes grammatical mood. The subjunctive does not express time, does not express when something is happening; it reveals the viewpoint of a speaker. Also, the consolidation of what a clause is and the distinction between a main or independent clause (oracin principal u oracin independiente) and a subordinate or dependent clause(oracin subordinada u oracin dependiente)will be addressed. It is important to lay down solid grammatical foundations for the Spanish subjunctive learning. Besides, the second and third English conditional will be reviewed, too.This course will start with a consolidation of the English subjunctive to introduce the Spanish subjunctive smoothly. The explanations of these different grammatical concepts will be done in English and in Spanish. The power point slides are in English and Spanish, too.Consolidation of the English subjunctive will be required to get you into the acquisition and learning of Spanish subjunctive. Moreover, to be able to improve your listening skills, I will explain to you English subjunctive in English language and Spanish subjunctive in English and Spanish language. Additionally, Spanish verbs will be broken down to teach you the relevance of the different verbal endings inflexiones gramaticales when we conjugate the Spanish verbs.Furthermore, the present and imperfect subjunctive will be explained gradually and consistently, by pointing out how, when and where they are used, the different scenarios where you can use both of them along with examples of each case and exercises and the end of every lesson with the corresponding transcripts. The contrast between regular and irregular verbs will be taught and stressed the paramountcy of knowing well the irregularity of Spanish verbs. In the beginning, this irregularity could be scary for some learners; for this reason, I will remove this element of fear, by explaining the most important of them with many real examples.This Spanish subjunctive course is vital as the present, and imperfect subjunctive are very often used in the Spanish language.The present subjunctive is used for subordinate clauses after certain expressions that indicate an action in the present or future. Concerning the imperfect subjunctive (past subjunctive)=Pretrito imperfecto, Pretrito means past. It is often used to indicate a viewpoint in the past, maybe you have already noticed it.I have done this course because I know that many students think that the Spanish subjunctive is very difficult to understand, learn and use and I would like to show you that it is not accurate. Both tenses the present and imperfect subjunctive are available for all of us, Spanish native-speakers, and non-Spanish native-speakers. The tip here is to understand the present subjunctive how, when, and where is used to learn the next step of the subjunctive that is the imperfect subjunctive. The imperfect subjunctive expresses the same subjectivity. The only peculiarity is the timing; it is in the past. So, the more we learn about the present subjunctive, the better we are going to be able to use both of them.Somebody said: Practice makes perfect 30 minutes of your time every day, your commitment to learn the subjunctive and my passion, linguistic knowledge and teaching skills will be more than enough for you to master this key grammatical feature of the Spanish language.To master the Spanish subjunctive, you need to build up your linguistic knowledge step by step, starting with your desire for keeping on learning the Spanish language. The process could be:Desire + dream + faith + commitment + action=success.Alongside with this, your internal process, you need to have lots of self-love, love, patience, and practice. It is the only way to make your dreams come true.My tip to you is to enjoy every step of this, your learning journey. Please do not try too hard to learn it, keep yourself light-hearted, fun, and hopeful.Mi consejo es disfruta cada momento , cada paso de tu proceso de aprendizaje. La vida esta hecha de pequeos momentos, de pequeos pasos y la suma de ellos dara como consecuencia que tus deseos se cumplan.With this course, you will develop your four linguistic skills in all areas of your life, personally and professionally speaking and empathy and understanding towards the astonishing Spanish culture:Listening skill- by listening to my explanations in Spanish and in English.Reading skill- by reading the different learning resources assigned for you: extra-explanations: main or independent clause (oracin principal u oracin independiente) and subordinate or dependent clause(oracin subordinada o dependiente), second and third English conditionals related to the subjunctive mood in English and Spanishslides, ejercicios and transcripts in Spanish and English.Writing skill-by doing the different ejercicios done for you.Speaking skill- after permeating your brain and mind with this beautiful and magical language, you will be able to produce the Spanish language on your own. You will have a good command of this cervantino idioma (de Cervantes- el autor de Don Quijote de la Mancha-)by using the Spanish subjunctive mood appropriately and effectively. As a result, your active skills will grow up, exponentially speaking.Cultural input-through the different quotations( frases clebres) at the end of each lesson."
Price: 19.99

"Der Festrock - Faltenrock nhen" |
"Online-Nhkurs fr einen schnell genhten Faltenrock mit Gummizug, der ganz ohne Schnittmuster auskommt.Egal, ob im Dirndl-/Trachtenstyle, oder als lssiger Sommerrock - dein FESTROCK wird einzigartig!Wir orientieren uns nur an Maen! Du kann in daher fr jede Gre (auch fr Kinder) nhen.Durch den Gummizug wird auf das Einnhen eines Reiverschlusses verzichtet. Auerdem sparen wir uns das lstige Kleben und Ausdrucken eines Schnittmusters, da der FESTROCK nur mit Hilfe deiner Mae zugeschnitten wird.Im Kurs enthalten sind zudem viele Zusatz-Tutorials wie Nahttaschen, Bindeband oder Grtelschlaufen.Durch unsere Offline-Kurse wissen wir, was dir beim Nhen Schwierigkeiten machen knnte. Deshalb haben wir den Kurs so gut wie mglich aufgebaut und aufbereitet.Mit der sehr ausfhrlichen bebilderten Schritt-fr Schritt-Anleitung und den dazu passenden Videos kommst du auch mit wenigen Nhkenntnissen ans Ziel. Wir legen groen Wert auf eine verstndliche und Erfolg bringende Anleitung."
Price: 19.99

"Designing a Full Solar System ( )" |
"At the end of this course you will be able to:1- Definition Solar Energy.2- Identify PV Cells Types.3- Identify Solar system Types.4- Designing OFF-Grid Solar System.5- Designing ON-Grid Solar System."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Departamento Pessoal - Mdulo 2 - Folha de Pagamento" |
"O objetivo deste curso colaborar com sua carreira e empregabilidade, trazendo informaes prticas sobre esta rea valorizada que o departamento pessoal. Envolve desde legislao, as rotinas, at os clculos. Com este conhecimento tcnico e atualizado, voc ter segurana para atuar na rea e responder s necessidades da empresa em que atuar.Neste 2o mdulo voc ir aprender a calcular a folha de pagamento individual, remunerao fixa, remunerao varivel, jornadas, horas extras, DSR, adicional noturno, adicional de insalubridade, adicional de periculosidade, salrio famlia, FGTS, desconto de INSS, IRRF, vale refeio, vale transporte, faltas e atrasos.Este curso composto por 4 mdulos, para facilitar tanto sua compra, quanto seu estudo, veja como ele est organizado, assim voc pode planejar sua participao nos prximos mdulos e fazer na sequncia, conforme sua possibilidade:No 1o mdulo (Caso voc j tenha feito), voc conheceu as atribuies do departamento pessoal, o que as empresas esperam do profissional, como funciona a legislao trabalhista, sindicatos, tipos de contrato de trabalho, tipos de trabalhadores, admisso e sade e segurana do trabalho. (Caso voc no tenha feito, no tem problema, mas podem surgir dvidas quanto a alguns conceitos, ento sugerimos que voc faa assim que puder).No 3o mdulo voc ir aprender a calcular dcimo terceiro e frias, com as obrigaes, remunerao fixa e varivel, aboo pecunirio de frias, adiantamento de dcimo terceiro nas frias, mdias, frias fracionadas, frias coletivas, descontos de INSS. IRRF e outros.No 4o mdulo voc ir aprender a calcular a resciso de contrato de trabalho, com anlise de cada verba e cada desconto, documentao, estabilidades, aviso prvio trabalhado, aviso prvio indenizado, Tipos de resciso conforme contrato de trabalho, tempo de empresa e iniciativa de demisso, com as respectivas verbas.Veja alguns depoimentos de pessoas que j participaram em outras plataformas, antes de entrarmos para a Udemy:Fabyelle Cristina Wagner - ""O curso extremamente didtico, as aulas e os materiais deixam o contedo mais leve e mais fcil de entender. Parabns a professora e a equipe por contribuir de forma excepcional para rea de Departamento Pessoal! Sou muito grata pela oportunidade de aprender tanto"". Eliane Floriano - ""Gostei bastante, acho que o material foi bem elaborado e os vdeos foram bem explicativos. Obrigada! Abs"" .Deise Aparecida Nascimento - ""Curso de tima qualidade com professora qualificada favorecendo a aprendizagem e tornando as aulas fceis de entender e com um contedo muito bem explicado e sempre pronta pra tirar as dvidas. Aulas com um clima descontrado, sem se tornar cansativo. Super indico o curso para quem realmente tem vontade de ampliar o conhecimento com qualidade. Gratido!""Venha crescer com a gente!!Silvana."
Price: 144.99

"Curso edio de vdeo completo no Adobe Premiere CC 2020 BR" |
"O Premiere Pro CC um software de edio de vdeo da Adobe mais utilizado para edio e produo de vdeos no mundo. Este software muito usado em agncias, emissoras de TV, canais do YouTube, empresas privadas e etc.Hoje em dia, alm de imagens estticas, usado para criar muitos anncios veiculados na internet, principalmente em redes sociais, so editados com o Adobe Premiere. O Software tem uma gama de ferramentas muito ampla que permite deixar seu vdeo profissional e bem feito.Por ter uma interface simples, o Adobe Premiere Pro sem dvidas o software ideal para quem est iniciando neste mundo incrvel de edio de vdeos. E isso tudo utilizando as principais ferramentas de edio de vdeo j em sua nova verso com diversos novos recursos.Voc ver ainda vrios conceitos de edio, organizao, tcnicas, efeitos, transies, tratamento de cor, exportao para diversas plataformas, j que ele se integra a outros aplicativos como o After Effects, outro poderoso software da Adobe de Ps Produo de Vdeos.Alm disso, o curso ainda aborda modos de edio, redimensionamento, edio na timeline, criao de texto, utilizao de efeitos e conceitos de color granding usando o lumetri, efeitos de cmera lenta, chroma key, edio de vlog e renderizao."
Price: 69.99

"How to Learn Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Complete Guide" |
"ABOUT THE COURSEAdobe Premiere Pro Complete Video Editing Masterclass 2020Edit your epic video. All assets like video footage, awesome music and templates that will be provided all through out the course. At he end of this lesson. You will have a solid understanding how to use Premiere Pro. You will know how to import, edit video, edit audio, titles, transition, green screen, color correction, export and many more!The Lessons in are created so that you can learn video editing at your own pace. The screen was was captured big enough that you can watch it even in your phone. If you are a beginner you will learn all the essential concept for video editing and features to use the Adobe Premiere efficiently. This course will also teach you tips, techniques and some advance features using the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro. It also includes many bonus tutorials. It also include ACTIVITY Exercises and Hands on practice to efficiently Edit your Video Professionally. We will guide you all through out the course. Video editing should be fun and simple. Also, Adobe Premiere did a great job designing a user friendly interface that is easy to use and easy to understand. CURRICULUM Carefully Designed and Outline below:1. Introduction to adobe Premier pro2. Setting up a project3. Import Media4. Organising media5. Edit Video Basics and Essentials6. Organise Markers and Clips7. Add video transitions8. Advance Editing Techniques9. Add motion to clips10. Edit Audio11. Enhance Audio12. Add video Effects13. Color Correction and grading14. Composition and Green Screen15. Create Video Slide Show16. Create new Graphics17. Add titles18. Video Speed and Time remapping19. Export Video20. Congratulations21. Many Bonus Tutorials ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORMy name is Paul and I am a professional videographer and video editor. I love Adobe Premiere Pro and I have been editing videos for almost 10 years now, from family videos, to travel, to corporate, to youtube videos, wedding videos, documentary, almost everything. I have produced and edited tons of videos over the last decade and with that I have learned a lot. I will teach you the simplest and easiest approach to editing amazing videos using Adobe Premiere Pro.I know what its like to start from scratch. I remember when I first opened Adobe premiere and saw all the tabs, I was intimidated and discouraged but with research and hard work I was able to create a workflow that will greatly help people like you who are just starting out. This course will also teach you all the necessary tools to make epic videos as well as shortcuts to make editing fast and fun. All through-out the course I will guide you in making a short video so by the end of this course you have created and edited your own amazing video. See you inside of Video Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro Complete Masterclass 2020. ENROLL NOW! And let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"(25+Saat) C Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Uygulamal Programlama" |
"Bu kursta balang seviyesinden itibaren C Programlamann temellerini ve programlama mantn reneceiz. Eer ki yeni balyorsanz ve nereden balayacanz bilmiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.Kurs leniiKurs boyunca siz de bunu fark edecekseniz ki 1.Blmle ilgili tm temel bilgileri derinlemesine reneceiz. 2.Blmde rendiimiz bilgilerin daha anlalr ve kalc olmas iin kodlama egzersizleri yapacaz. 3.Blmde rendiimiz tm konular kapsayan dev sorular ile nce sizin zmeniz hedeflenecek sonra benim zmlerim ile kafanzdaki tm soru iaretleri ortadan kalkacak. Kursun sonunda dev sorularnn ve cevaplarnn alma dkmanlarna ulaabileceksiniz. Bu sayede dersleri takip etmeniz daha kolay bir hale gelecek. 4.Blmn sonunda sizlere sunulan testler ile kendinizi test edebilecek ve yanl yaptnz zaman neyin eksik olduunu soru aklamalaryla birlikte grebileceksiniz.Kurs eriiKurs boyunca aadaki konular grmeye ve renmeye alacaz.DeikenlerTemel Veri TipleriOperatrlerKoul YaplarDnglerDiziler(Arrays)Karakter Dizileri(String)Fonksiyonlararetiler(Pointers)Dinamik Bellek YnetimiYaplar(Structs), Ortaklklar(Unions), Numaralandrmalar(Enumerations)n lemciler(Preprocessor)Dosya lemleriKursun sonunda bu rendiimiz konularn hepsini ierisinde kullanabileceimiz iki adet proje yapacaz.Otel Rezervasyon Sistemi ProjesiKtphane Projesi"
Price: 199.99

fastmodelingtp |
"1) 3d Modeling 3dsMax - , , fbx2) Substance Painter texturing - , , 3) Unreal Engine 4 - , , 4) Finish!:)"
Price: 1799.00

"Protocolo Spanning Tree - Curso Completo" |
"Este curso voltado para todos que querem definitivamente aprender sobre os conceitos do protocolo Spanning Tree, suas ferramentas e como implement-lo em uma rede de forma eficiente. So mais de 9 horas de curso explicando em detalhes o protocolo Spanning Tree.O curso cobre os tpicos referentes ao protocolo Spanning Tree nos exames da Cisco, como CCNA e CCNP, por exemplo. Pode tambm ser utilizado como referncia para certificaes de outros fabricantes. tambm voltado para profissionais de redes que precisam aperfeioar seus conhecimentos sobre o Spanning Tree, pois so explicados detalhadamente cada ferramenta do protocolo.Se voc nunca entendeu o protocolo Spanning Tree, este curso inicia com tpicos extremamente bsicos, para nivelamento de conhecimento e vai progredindo para tpicos mais avanados.Voc certamente entender tudo sobre o protocolo Spanning Tree com este curso!"
Price: 129.99
