"Voc quer aprender tocar contrabaixo?" |
"Este curso para voc iniciante no contrabaixo que est afim de ""Aprender Tocando"".Isso mesmo APRENDER TOCANDO j nas primeiras aulas!Como Msico, pedagogo e professor fazem 20 anos elaborei um super programa de aulas onde voc aprende os conceitos bsicos e essenciais do contrabaixo e pode ao mesmo tempo criar seu repertrio musical no contrabaixo.Voc aprender:Teoria base para baixistas iniciantes em PDF.Exerccios de Coordenao MotoraAulas sobre notas no braoAfinao (de ouvido)15 msicas para que voc aprenda e exercite os conceitos na prtica.As msicas aqui inseridas o faro tocar estilos como o Pop, o rock, o Blues, o Funk e at temas de Jazz Fusion."
Price: 24.99

"Financial Modeling of Solar Plant in Premium Excel Sheets" |
"Welcome to your course ""Financial Modeling of Solar Power Plant in Premium Excel Sheets"" this course is designed for the Solar Industry Business Persons and Investors who wants to invest in solar project. Solar accountant who wants to learn balance sheet of Solar Project and the solar technicians who wants to learn the financial modeling of solar power plant.This course explains the Following Parameters in Detail:A) Financial Modeling of 10kW of Solar Power Plant considering 100% equity and 0% Loan InvestmentB) Financial Modeling of 50kW of Solar Power Plant Cosidering 75% Loan and 25% Equity Investment. In the excel Sheet where all parameters are club together to obtain the Final Master Excel Sheet. - Formulation of Initial Parameters - Profit and Loss Account Statement - Taxable income and Tax Calculation - Cash Flow Analysis - Calculation of Internal Rate of Return - Calculation of Cumulative Saving Over 25 Years Lifespan - Calculation of Net Present Value - Calculation of Exact Payback Points - Calculation of Debt Service Coverage Ratio"
Price: 49.99

"X4000 5G Introduction Module" |
"This course provides a introduction to 5G wireless technology and a range of topics to provide you rich content on 5G New Radio and the 5G global evolution. This course is designed to provide education and training to individuals which require knowledge of 5G technology to enhance individual skills and understanding of the basic components for 5G architecture and the new services the technology brings to the market. "
Price: 24.99

bwwxofij |
Price: 54.99

"Audacity From an Expert - Voice Over, Podcast, and Much More" |
"Hi, I'm Josh Meyer. I'm a professional Voice Over Talent, Audio Engineer, Music Talent, and Teacher/Coach. I've completed over 3,000 paid voice-overs and have helped thousands of people with using recording software. I also happen to be an expert in Audacity. I will give you so much more value than you'd ever expect in this course along with bonus pro tips, tricks, and creative solutions that I've developed as a working talent that will save you so much time. You're in good hands! In this tutorial, you'll learn --Safe Installation -Microphone, Speaker, Headphone Selection-Audio Import and Export-Additional Pro Tips and Hidden Gems That will Seriously Advance Your Audio Game-Create New Mono and Stereo Tracks for Recording-How to Record Yourself-Setting your Microphone Levels-Improve the sound of Your Recordings-Reduce Background Noise-Add Music-Audacity's Tools and How to Use Them-Audacity's Effects and How to Use Them-How to Record Your Computer Audio-Speed up Editing with HotKeys-Hidden Gems-Clean up Recording-Editing and Workflow-Add Plugins-EQ Tips-Compression and Normalization-Fix Siblants-Fix Plosives-Split Stereo Tracks-Create a Stereo Track from Mono-File Type Selection during Export-Saving Your Project"
Price: 69.99

"Cracking the System Design Interview" |
"This is the only course you need to crack your system design interviews.System design problems have become a major part of the interview process at big tech companies. This is a great way to test a candidate's knowledge of computer science as well as his problem solving capability.However, these problems are especially difficult for students who are fresh out of college and have no experience in developing real world applications. This course has been designed keeping this problem in mind.This is a 'learn by doing' course. We believe in giving you enough theoretical knowledge followed by getting our hands dirty with practical problems.Various assignments, quizzes, coding exercises, case studies and reading materials have been included in this course to ensure you have complete grasp over each topic. Completing all the exercises will help you to understand the content in greater detail.The field of system design is very wide. There is no fixed roadmap which students can follow and then confidently proceed to pass their system design interviews. We have accumulated all the scattered topics to create a well defined course which will teach you everything you need to crack any system design interview.What will you learn?Core concepts like scalability, latency, CAP theoremLoad balancersDatabases and their different typesShardingCachingMessage queues (Kafka)GFS, Hadoop and SparkReal world system design problemsHow to design scalable systems with great performanceInterview preparation is all about time. Do not waste it any further and join this course to excel in your system design interview course.Note: This is a growing course and latest design questions are added here frequently !"
Price: 1280.00

"MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams Practice Tests" |
"Today I brought you a set of practice tests for the MS-700 certification: Managing Microsoft Teams. Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Team Administrators in their organizations. The Microsoft Teams Administrator sets up, implements and manages Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams for efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment. The Teams Administrator must be able to plan, deploy and manage chat Teams, applications, channels, meetings, audio conferencing, live events and calls.The Team Administrator is also responsible for updating Skype for the Business Team. Exam candidates must be proficient in managing Teams definitions. Teams Administrator has a fundamental understanding of integration points with applications and services, including, but not limited to SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Exchange, Azure AD and Office 365 Groups. Teams Administrator is aware of how to integrate external applications and services .This practice test ms-700 aims to bring references to the official exam with questions and answers in the last references to facilitate the lives of our students who wish to pass this certification. I'm sure it will be extremely useful to all of you.Features and benefits:You only buy once and have lifetime access.You have all future practice test updates.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reasons.Why choose Microsoft MS-700?The Microsoft MS-700 is a highly acclaimed certification. This exam makes your resume shine and catches the eye of your potential employers.Exam Details: Microsoft MS-700:Exam Name: Managing Microsoft TeamsExam Type: Microsoft 365 Exam Code: MS-700Total no. of questions: 40-60 questionsExam Format: Multiple Choice and Multi-Response QuestionsExam Language: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), KoreanTotal Duration: 120 minutesExam Cost: $165 USDCertification DetailsUpon successfully completing the MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams exam, you will receive the Microsoft 365 Certified Teams Administrator Associate certification. This is definitely a great reason to have this exam so admired in your academic records.Skill included in the practice test:Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams Environment.Manage Chat, Calling, and Meetings.Manage Teams and App Policie.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 104.99

"Web scraping - zero to pro! (scrape & display on a website)" |
"In this amazing four part series you will go from absolute zero to setting up a flask server to run websites from (we'll be using Bootstrap to display your beautiful web scrapings on!) and set up the back end with Flask, Beautiful Soup, lXML and requests to ready to start coding in Python for some web scraping. Most tutorials cover the back end but not displaying scraped data on a website. This is full stack, completely awesome and in four lessons you WILL want to share this series! During the series you learn the basics by scraping simple quote sites, Wikipedia and even re-create the essence of the $8 million covid-tracking website that was set up by seventeen year old Avi Shiffman. Lots to learn and everything is done in a truly engaging, student and beginner-friendly way. This is one course you won't regret enrolling in! All the best and enjoy! Based on some feedback, I should note this is not an advanced, super complex series but something that will give you a perfectly solid foundational understanding and structure for the future. Do check out the advanced web scraping (follow-on from this series) which takes you through scraping dynamic data, displaying it on a chart and more..."
Price: 19.99

"Sade Espiritual e Superao de Conflitos Emocionais" |
"Voc quer descobrir como alcanar sade espiritual?Voc quer superar os conflitos emocionais que o aprisionam?Voc quer descobrir como superar a ansiedade, o medo, o ressentimento e amargura?Voc quer aprender a gerenciar suas emoes e cultivar uma qualidade de vida interior como nunca experimentou antes?Ento esse curso para voc!Nesse curso online, de maneira informal e dentro de uma perspectiva crist, voc vai aprender como desenvolver e cultivar uma qualidade de vida interior, conforme o propsito eterno do Criador. Durante nossa vida vamos construindo amarras interiores e nos vemos em becos emocionais que parecem sem sada. Podemos aprender a vencer as resistncias interiores, a olhar as coisas e agir de forma diferente para que no sejamos derrotados por nossos prprios inimigos internos. Inscreva-se! Esse curso Credenciado pela ABRATHEO - Associao Brasileira de Teopsicoterapia"
Price: 294.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 6 Practice Exams 820+Quest" |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Test Made Easy Course consists of 6 Practice tests having more than 840 questions overall. All latest questions are being updated. Each topic has sub topics and all similar questions are grouped together. All questions you could find in any other practice exams, guides , dumps will all be covered in this topic wise. This will make it easy to revise and answer questions asked in any manner."
Price: 19.99

"How to Get Your First Clients: Personal Branding" |
"Stop depending on CVs to get the next job and stop cold calling to get the next client. Personal Branding is the one secret recipe that will bring people to your door.In this class, we will take the ""Inside Out"" approach to creating your solid personal branding in your chosen industry and we will follow The 3-D Method to create a holistic, authentic and unforgettable brand around you.Because, remember people buy YOU.Whether you're an entrepreneur or looking for your next job, if you leverage the power of personal branding, you can leap to a level that would otherwise take you years.Let's get started!"
Price: 39.99

"Lean Six Sigma White Belt" |
"If you want to become a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, this is a great place to start. Or maybe you just want a basic understanding of these often mysterious terms. Either way, this brief course will give you all the information you need in a clear, concise and simple manner, so that you understand what Lean Six Sigma is, where to apply it, and the key principles and tools. This is a great first step on the way to becoming a Lean Six Sigma expert!"
Price: 19.99

TransforMake |
"Um novo conceito de destacar sua beleza. Simplificando tcnicas e produtos (nacionais e internacionais).O CURSO INCLUI:. Mais de 15 videoaulas com contedo pratico e terico (apostila). Linha direta para dvidas, disponvel por 24hrs, mediante comprovante de pagamento.. Descontos exclusivos em produtos utilizados nas videoaulas.O contedo programtico inclui temas como:. Tipos e funes de pincis; . Preparao de pele : hidratante x primer;. Tipos diferentes de esfumado (qual a melhor opo para seu olho);. Delineado clssico e suas derivaes;. Melhores marcas de produtos para investir e muito mais ...Inclui certificado digital."
Price: 39.99

"Painting watercolour with Kathy Karas- Curvaceous Pears" |
"Join me as I unpack my toolbox of watercolour tips and skills to share how I paint this still life in watercolour.In this class, I will be sharing my 25 plus years of painting skills on the best art materials to use, how to build washes, how to add tonal value right through to completing the work.Are you ready to take your painting from meh to magic? Come and join me in my studio"
Price: 44.99

"Value Added Tax (U.A.E)" |
"This course is about the VAT Law of UAE where we will discuss in detail about The basics of UAE VAT Law; VAT registration process including the calculation of the registration threshold, time to apply for the VAT registration with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) and completing the VAT registration application; Date of Supply;Place of Supply;Various categories of Supplies;Detail calculation of the VAT return; andSteps to complete and submit VAT return using E-services portal of FTA. Successful completion of this course will increase your chance of employability to fit you in the multitasking environment. This course is also equally useful for SMEs and small Entrepreneur to save them consulting cost for the basics VAT return filing in UAE."
Price: 59.99

"PDGC - Interpretao do Eixo Gesto - Primeiros Passos" |
"Este curso proporciona o acesso a conceitos e prticas de gesto avanados, o entendimento do instrumento de avaliao do PDGC - Programa de Desenvolvimento da Gesto das Cooperativas, permitindo realizar a autoavaliao de forma que reflita um diagnstico real da gesto da sua cooperativa.Este treinamento contm 09 Mdulos com vdeo aulas separadas por critrios, com aproximadamente 4 horas de durao."
Price: 219.99

wuegufcr |
Price: 24000.00

"Nuclear Power Plants - STEM Essentials" |
"Get confident in nuclear power plants, all in only an hour! Learn how they work, and how to build and run them. Whats important to engineers when designing, improving and using nuclear power plants? What are all the key components? How does the energy flow? What are the big concrete towers are for? You'll be able to answer these questions after taking this course!Daniel is your navigator of all things Engineering, and also the founder of Engineering All Sorts, where were all about Engineering for Educators - STEM education to help you to be confident in the details."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Data Analysis" |
"Data analysis is critical in business. Get ahead in your career with this important skill.Management depends on decision making and problem solving. They depend on analytical findings. Not only do we need good sources of data, but we need skills that allow us to interpret and report the results.Discover techniques and best practices for analysis by learning the analytical process."
Price: 24.99

"Escritura mgica para los ms pequeos" |
"Aprender a escribir no debe ser un proceso desgastante sino ms bien amigable si tenemos en cuenta los principios de la naturaleza de lo escrito. La escritura surgi en la humanidad como una necesidad de comunicacin, de mantener en el tiempo la fugacidad de la oralidad y de construccin de sentido y sociedad. Es por lo anterior que este mismo enfoque debemos comprenderlo y aplicarlo en la enseanza de esta habilidad a los nios y las nias. Se aprende a escribir, escribiendo, se aprende a escribir comunicando y expresando, pues escribir no es solamente codificar, es permitir que los nios y las nias exploren a travs del universo que representan las grafas escritas en una hoja de papel."
Price: 49.99

"Learn SQL basics from postgresql" |
"It is the first step to learn POSTGRESQL.we can create, update, delete, rename a table.we can fetch data.we can remove duplicate records .you can go to next challenge to make spring boot.we can edit and manage a data.This essential for web development.It is used in data analytics and data visualization.Looking for learning PostgreSQL fast and easily.Developing applications using PostgreSQL as the back-end database management system.Migrating from other database management systems such as MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL."
Price: 1280.00

"Orthography & Pronunciation - French - Advanced" |
"Bonjour, et bienvenue dans ce cours sur lorthographe et la prononciation de la langue franaise. Je mappelle Christelle, et je serai votre professeure particulire de franais. Je suis franaise, ma langue maternelle est le franais, et je suis linguiste. Ce cours sera intgralement en franais, mais comme vous lentendrez, je mefforcerai de parler lentement.Que vous vouliez vous perfectionner pour des raisons professionnelles, par passion pour la langue franaise, ou par intrt culturel, dans ce cours vous approfondirez vos connaissances et vous consoliderez votre confiance et vos capacits. Je vous guiderai travers les complexits de la langue franaise, et nous pratiquerons ensemble les connaissances avances que vous allez apprendre.*****Contenu du cours :Dans ce chapitre, nous verrons en dtail la prononciation et lorthographe des lettres et des groupes de lettres dans la langue franaise. On pourrait considrer ces notions comme trs basiques, mais en ralit ces notions sont essentielles car elles vous permettront davoir la prononciation dun locuteur natif de la langue franaise.Cest parce que ces points sont trs prcis que je considre ce cours adapt aux tudiants ayant un niveau intermdiaire ou avanc. De plus, lintgralit de ce cours sera en franais. Cela vous permettra dentendre parler franais un maximum. Je noterai la traduction de certains mots et certaines phrases en anglais.*****Pratique de la langue franaise :Dans chaque section, vous aurez de nombreuses occasions de pratiquer vos connaissances avec des exercices dcriture et des exercices de prononciation. la fin du cours, une section entire sera entirement consacre des dictes.Je vous conseille de souvent mettre les vidos en pause, et de rpter aprs moi, mme lorsquil ne sagit pas des exercices de prononciation. Ainsi, vous pouvez rptez les phrases que je donne en exemple dans les vidos de cours, ou les phrases des exercices dcriture. Nhsitez pas galement regarder plusieurs fois les vidos, et pratiquer autant de fois que vous le souhaitez. Prenez votre temps, vous ntes pas presss.Ces exercices et ces rptitions sont importants car cela vous permet avant tout de pratiquer et de mmoriser les connaissances acquises. Il me semble extrmement important de rajouter que vous NE DEVEZ PAS avoir peur de faire des erreurs. Vous tes l pour apprendre, et pratiquer vos connaissances, il ny a pas de honte se tromper !"
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap 5 : Le guide complet" |
"Bienvenue dans ce guide complet sur la dernire version en date de Bootstrap : Bootstrap 5 !Avec deux formateurs cumulant plus de 10 ans d'exprience dans l'apprentissage du dveloppement et du design sur le web, vous allez apprendre toute la thorie ncessaire l'utilisation de cet outil ainsi que crer trois projets uniques : la page d'accueil d'Instagram, une boutique e-commerce, ainsi que le site de streaming Twitch. Vous serez guid pas pas et, la fin de ce cours, vous serez 100% autonome ! Vous serez donc capable de dvelopper vos propres sites internet et applications web avec Bootstrap 5 et ce peu importe leur complexit.Le plus beau dans tout a c'est que vous avez uniquement besoin de connaissances de base en HTML et CSS pour suivre ce cours.Prt crer vos premiers sites internet avec Bootstrap ?"
Price: 154.99

"Write in Persian (Farsi) - Beginners" |
"This course is designed to explain how the Persian alphabet works and how each letter links (or doesnt link) to the other letters within a word. By focusing on writing, you can learn about every letter of the alphabet and understand when and why they take a certain shape.At the end of each section, youll find a little writing task. Its not a test, but a way of applying the things youve already learnt to new words."
Price: 34.99

"Irish Banjo Lessons For Beginners." |
"In this course, you'll learn some of the most popular and easy Irish melodies on the tenor banjo. These are the most popular Irish tunes that are played in trad music sessions all over the world. Hi I'm your instructor, Karen Dolan and I've been playing the banjo for 18 years and teaching for approximately 13 years. I know how much of a struggle it is to pick the right tunes to learn and how to combine the melody with all the correct techniques that are essential to smooth banjo playing. That's why I created this course. I wanted to help beginner banjo players and beginner trad heads, get on the fast track to start playing Irish tunes and to eventually become a session player. This course will take you on a step by step journey of laying the foundation and building on each lesson. Before you know it, you will realise how easy it is to start learning on your own!"
Price: 44.99

"The Legion Growth Sprint" |
"This right here is the exact action plan I have to use to ramp up remote sales teams and generate tons of online demos for SaaS businesses and online entrepreneurs and I want to give it to you.I also want to explain to you exactly how to adjust it to your situation, and not just the action plan but how to prospect properly without having to cold call people randomly and bother them so your clients are seeing great value from your services instead of looking desperate.Most online entrepreneurs I helped, conduct growth activities in the wrong order and run out of money before they get traction.So I called it The Legion Growth Sprint. This is a zero BS course to quickly WIN more businesses in a difficult time like nowadays and structure a remote sales team together in no time.All you got to do is join, youll get access to this exact action plan as well as all our templates and the videos on teaching you exactly how to build a high performing sales team.I see you inside"
Price: 89.99

"Como fazer LIVE com o StreamYard." |
"Vou te ensinar do bsico ao avanado a como criar, conectar e fazer sua LIVE com o StreamYard de um jeito fcil mais profissional. Vamos juntos abrir seus olhos para um mercado que est crescendo muito e com certeza voc no pode ficar de fora. LIVEs so uma realidade para o empreendedor, micro empresrio e chegando megas empresas. Saber criar e fazer uma LIVE profissional uma necessidade. O StreamYard vai ser a sua porta de entrada neste mercado, onde pouco a pouco voc poder crescer e tornar seu sonho em realidade!"
Price: 29.99

"The Sacrament of Baptism - What's it All About?" |
"This course is ideal for parents and sponsors preparing for an infant or young child to be baptized. It is also appropriate for a confirmation class or an adult study group who are learning more about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The course includes a resource list and additional background information attachments for deeper study. While this course is taught from a Lutheran perspective, it may be useful to other traditions which also practice infant baptism."
Price: 19.99

"SAP TM Certification Sample Questions" |
"One could test their learning and can practice with the mock tests available on this course. We would soon add new questions and practice tests in the course.The questions covers the following topics.SAP Transportation Management Overview and FundamentalsCharge Calculation & Freight SettlementPlanning Basics & Manual PlanningFreight Order Management and ExecutionAdvanced Planning & VSR OptimizerSubcontractingForwarding Order ManagementSAP ERP Integration for Order ManagementStrategic Freight ManagementLSP based planning & executionAdvanced Charge Management"
Price: 39.99

"Cmo hacer KPIS para sistemas ISO fcil y rpido?" |
"Este curso pretende que conozcas las generalidades de un KPI (key performance indicator), las aplicaciones y funciones que poseen dentro de las organizaciones. Durante el curso tendrs ejemplos paso a paso para que identifiques como se estructura un indicador, adems te dejare formatos que puedes utilizar para guiarte, adems de algunos indicadores ya establecidos que puedes utilizar y aplicar en tu lugar de trabajo. Al finalizar el curso seras capaz de estructurar cualquier indicador de un rea, norma o sistema."
Price: 29.99

"Guitar Course" |
"Course Outline:- In this course you will learn Guitar right from the beginning, you will learn everything from finding the best position to hold the guitar to playing chords, scales and right notes! It involves regular practice and few exercises taught in the course itself. It will help you play your favorite songs or compose your own music. This course teaches you the fundamental pillars of playing guitar."
Price: 1280.00
