"Be Productive Ninja : 10x Your Productivity & Have more time" |
"I know you want more out of Your life, you have more things to do than you have time and you frequently get overwhelmed with all your priorities and tasks. No worries :)you are in the right place!Hey, welcome to my course on productive ninja daily routine for health and success.Productive ninja is not just another course, it's a set of guidelines to fight through the day like a ninja and return to the bed as a monk satisfied?This course can literally change your life just for the price of lunch. Also, it comes with a 30-day return policy.So, it shall be a no brainer for you. Join me and Try for yourself"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete guide to 3d Motion Graphics in Cinema 4d" |
"This course is designed for absolute beginners and intermediate level, it focuses on the skills needed to create clean and amazing Motion Graphics in cinema 4d and octane render.If you want to pursue a career in Motion Design, this is the course for you. This course position you properly as a Motion Design artist with the necessary skills needed to start creating Stunning Content in a matter of hours.At the end of the course you will be grounded in skills needed for a 3d Motion Design Artist to build a solid career."
Price: 99.99

"Emagrecimento Saudvel: Estratgias para todos os nveis" |
"Voc sofre com o efeito sanfona?Neste curso, vamos lhe ensinar como emagrecer sem sacrifcios e damos todas as informaes de como no engordar mais. Este curso timo para qualquer pessoa e ajudar na perda de peso, principalmente perda de gordura para mulheres.Ele ensinar a voc o planejamento adequado das refeies, ideal para sua dieta e planos de perda de gordura, para alcanar o domnio da perda de peso.No conforto da sua casa, eu o levarei em sua jornada de emagrecimento saudvel.Mostramos em nossas aulas as estratgias, conceitos e ferramentas de coaching para restaurar a sua sade, eliminar crenas limitantes e padres comportamentais negativos, que te impedem de emagrecer."
Price: 579.99

"Neurocincia no meu dia a dia" |
"Como entender sobre o seu crebro te ajuda a melhorar como pessoa, aumentar o seu potencial e ser mais feliz?Neste curso, voc aprender o que o crebro faz que o torna to especial. Vamos falar de sua estrutura, seu funcionamento, de forma muito simples, rpida e direta. Sempre pensando no nosso dia a dia, vamos examinar como so formadas nossas percepes, como elas formam a base para o nosso comportamento e o nosso humor (como nos casos de ansiedade, depresso e estresse), e como podemos mudar nossas atitudes e crenas com base na experincia. Vamos navegar tambm pelas influncias inconscientes produzidas no crebro que guiam o nosso comportamento e a nossa relao com o mundo e as pessoas ao nosso redor. Por fim, vamos discutir tambm sobre as nossas necessidades mais ntimas, buscando conhecer quais as nossas reais motivaes em vida, a fim de possibilitar a busca por uma vida mais feliz, que atende s nossas prprias expectativas e desabrocha o seu potencial enquanto indivduo."
Price: 219.99

"Build Web Search Engine like Google with Django 3" |
"Search engine, one of the most useful tool on the world wide which provides us the platform to search for any thing online, curious about search engine and would love to build yours that will be on par with Google, hop in right away. In this course, you'll build a search engine ground-up very quick with available data mining tools and Django web framework, all you need is the most basic Django experience. At the end of this course, you will be armed with the skills to build your own branded search engine, acquire knowledge on how to mine data from other platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Duckduckgo, Yahoo and Wikipedia with a single tool. "
Price: 89.99

"3D Modellieren in Vectorworks - Teil 1 - Der 3D Raum" |
"Wir starten unseren dreiteiligen Kurs und besprechen die Orientierung und Navigation im Raum, die Ausrichtung von Objekten, sowie einige Darstellungsarten und die Arbeitsoberflche mit mehreren Fenstern. Der Kurs ist fr alle Vectorworks Anwender geeignet. Sehr gute Vectorworks 2D Kenntnisse sehen wir als Voraussetzung fr eine gutes Verstndnis der Inhalte. Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 79.99

"3D Modellieren in Vectorworks - Teil 2 - Der 3D Krper" |
"In dem zweiten Teil des Onlinekurses zeichnen wir die kleine Kapelle von Mario Botta in 3D und setzten dazu diverse Werkzeuge zur Erstellung und Bearbeitung von 3D Krpern ein. Der Kurs ist fr alle Vectorworks Anwender geeignet. Sehr gute Vectorworks 2D Kenntnisse sehen wir als Voraussetzung fr eine gutes Verstndnis der Inhalte. Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 79.99

"3D Modellieren in Vectorworks - Teil 3 - Die 3D Szene" |
"Im dritten Teil des Onlinekurses setzen wir das Modell des 2. Teils mit verschiedensten Ausleuchtungstechniken in Szene, erstellen eigene Renderstile und geben Tips, wie man die Renderzeiten minimiert.Der Kurs ist fr alle Vectorworks Anwender geeignet. Sehr gute Vectorworks 2D Kenntnisse sehen wir als Voraussetzung fr eine gutes Verstndnis der Inhalte. Viel Erfolg!"
Price: 79.99

"Curso bsico de Sistema Didrico" |
"Curso de Sistema Didrico desde cero, comenzando con los fundamentos de este sistema de representacin, cmo funciona y para qu se utiliza. En este curso veremos los tres primeros temas, el punto, la recta y el plano, que son la base de todo lo que viene despus.Adems de los videotutoriales tendrs multitud de ejercicios descargables para practicar, con sus correspondientes soluciones, adems de diferentes pruebas tipo test para verificar tu comprensin de cada leccin. Y una prueba final con ejercicios ms complejos.Al final de este tema habrs solucionado seguro tus problemas de base sobre didrico."
Price: 29.99

"MINDSET MAKEOVER: Transform Your Life in Just ONE Week" |
"If you want to change your life, then you need to change the way you think.As a recovering perfectionist and anxiety fighter, I know what it's like to want to do #allthethings. However, the reality is that more time wont solve your problems. So if having more time won't fix your issues, what will?MINDSET.If I've learned anything in the past 15 years studying mindset, psychology, and success strategies, it's that's mindset is everything. Yes, it's a hashtag (#mindsetiseverything), but it also happens to be very true.During this Mindset Makeover, you'll break bad habits. You'll identify the negative thinking patterns that are holding you back from achieving the success you crave. You'll learn how to shift your mindset to one of peace, joy, gratitude, hopefulness, and optimism #alllthefeels"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Operar Forex na Iq Option ( S p/ iniciantes)" |
"Neste curso chamado especialmente de Mdulo II com o ttulo de Aprenda a Operar Forex na Iq Option diretamente na prtica, foi criado pensando em voc que quer iniciar e ter mais habilidades, e j abriu a sua sua conta na corretora Iq Option. Caso no seja este momento que voc esta, recomendo comprar o mdulo I , onde todos os passos so passados direitinho pra voc. Neste Mdulo II, voc aprender como operar na prtica o mercado Forex na corretora Iq Option, entendendo qual o melhor momento de entrar e sair da operao. Alm de aprender a usar Linhas de Tendncias de Alta e Baixa, Fractais e Bandas de Bollinger. Tambm aprender a traar linhas de Suporte e Resistncias seguindo padres e dicas exclusivas que eu mesmo uso nas minhas operaes vou ensinar a voc, e repito, na prtica."
Price: 234.99

"Music Production in Logic Pro X" |
"***Included in this Course***Logic pro x template IncludedVocal Track for ProjectPermission to remix and releaseStart to finish guide of every step to create the projectWant to produce finished music with Logic Pro but find it difficult? This logic pro x track from scratch guide is for you.Writer's blockNot sure what to do nextOverwhelm of toolsIn this course I take you from blank project to finished track, You can follow along step video by video an use what you learn to create your own ideas or simply try and copy the project Im making. Need to see it for yourself?No problem the finished logic project is included with the purchase of this course so you can open it an look at exactly how it was created and modify it yourself. This is not a beginners course for logic but instead aims to take you through the journey of actually finishing some music using logic pro x.We will cover logic pro x mixinglogic pro x gain stagingMixing and manipulating vocalsDrum patterns and designSynth sound design you can reuseBuilding custom risesAudio EQ techniquesAudio Compression techniquesBus routing and Aux routingHow to use Reverb effects for spaceHow to make sound feel wider but work in monoAnd SO much more"
Price: 99.99

"Treinamento para professores de Baby Ballet" |
"Neste curso eu apresento a voc os principais fundamentos da aula de baby ballet.Sero aulas tericas e prticas com muitos recursos como apostilas, planilhas e muito mais.Ao final do curso voc saber fazer um planejamento efetivo, saber aplicar o contedo programtico, desenvolver atividades criativas, criar lindas coreografias e encantar suas crianas, envolvendo tambm pais e diretoras de escola, que valorizaro seu trabalho!Voc receber um certificado ao final, que poder usar numa futura entrevista de emprego e at mesmo publicar em suas redes sociais. Estarei disposio durante todo o curso e ficarei muito feliz em responder suas perguntas."
Price: 44.99

"Computer Architecture & Organization" |
"During this class we will explore the truth behind computer architecture. The most fundamental topic for all developers. This class will give you a solid foundation as a developer/computer scientist.In this class we will cover:Computer Architecture:IntroductionGeneral Purpose RegistersSpecial Purpose RegistersThe Arithmetic and Logic Unit with Example InstructionsBits, Bytes and WordsThe Memory: Load, Store and Example InstructionsDecimal and BinaryOctal and HexadecimalControl Unit and Example InstructionsThe StackCache and Virtual Memory:IntroductionHow does it Work?: Real-life exampleLocality: Temporal and Spatial LocalityCache Designs: Direct-Mapped, Fully-Associative and Set-Associative CacheRelationship Between Caches: Dealing with Write Hits and Dealing with Write MissesVirtual Memory: Pages, Frames and Page TablesInter-Process ProtectionPipelining:IntroductionAssembly-Line Car ProductionThe Fetch-Decode-Execute CycleA Pipelined Cycle and An ExampleControl Hazards: Control and Data HazardsARM PipelinesSpectre and Meltdown:IntroductionSpeculative ExecutionAn AttackSpectreVirtual Memory Paging and PipeliningAnother AttackMeltdown"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Organic Chemistry (Part II)" |
"This course begins with a discussion on different types of effects which are responsible for electron displacement in a molecule Inductive, Mesomeric and Electromeric effects. Each of these have been explained in detail with relevant examples. The impact of these effects on various behavioural properties of molecules have been highlighted.The next section of the course is based on acids and bases of organic nature. The general acid-base concepts (Arrhenius, Bronsted - Lowry and Lewis Concept) and their quantitative expression have been explained in the beginning. Later, the course primarily focuses on organic acids and bases, their properties and behaviour.The course is supported by practice problems and NOTES (downloadable) at the end of each section."
Price: 99.99

"Desbloqueie sua vida" |
"O curso ""Desbloqueie sua vida"" tem como objetivo trabalhar nas questes do inconsciente, desbloqueando programas mentais, crenas, padres e traumas, que interferem diretamente na qualidade e do desenvolvimento da vida. Atravs das aulas abordadas a partir de uma linguagem clara e acessvel e dos exerccios guiados, entra-se num processo interior de cura, libertao, compreenso e lucidez acerca dos mecanismos da mente inconsciente e de como se desenvolvem as programaes que modulam a realidade. O material composto de cinco aulas em vdeo. Tpicos das aulas: Aula 01 - O poder do ""no""Aula 02 - Auto-hipnose e programas do inconscienteAula 03 - O poder das histriasAula 04 - Quem eu realmente sou?Aula 05 - Exerccio - Desbloqueio e Programao do Inconsciente "
Price: 84.99

"This is English:- Elementary Speaking, Grammar and Skills." |
"Welcome to THIS IS ENGLISH:- Elementary Speaking, Grammar and Skills. The most effective, interactive and enjoyable English grammar course you will find today. If you really want to improve your overall English language ability then this is the course for you. When learning English it is impossible to study and improve just one single skill. You need to learn, practise and work on all of the skills. This is where THIS IS ENGLISH is different from all the other courses out there. It focuses on:-LEARNING, UNDERSTANDING and USING GRAMMAR RULES EFFECTIVELYand provides multiple:-INTERACTIVE LISTENING ACTIVITIESINTERACTIVE READING ACTIVITIES INTERACTIVE SPEAKING ACTIVITES. There is no quick fix, magic wand or instant result when trying to learn ENGLISH. The process takes TIME, EFFORT and most importantly EXPOSURE. All of these elements are necessary to truly acquire and learn English. Think how long it took you to master your own language, probably about 10 to 12 years by the time you were able to use it fluently so the idea of going from a beginner level student to an advanced level student in a couple of weeks is impossible. But in order to reach achieve any meaningful level of English ability you need a solid understanding of the basics and this is where THIS IS ENGLISH can help. Through completing this course you will greatly increase your UNDERSTANDING and KNOWLEDGE of the grammar points provided and through completing and repeating all the interactive practise activities you will notice:-IMPROVED FLUENCY, IMPROVED COMPREHENSION IMPROVED OVERALL ENGLISH ABILITY So if you genuinely want to improve your overall English language ability through interactive and enjoyable practise then THIS IS ENGLISH is the course for you. Thanks and I look forward to your feedback. Please note this is NOT a course for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS."
Price: 19.99

"Effective BJJ - De La Riva Guard - Intermediate to Advanced" |
"In this course we cover the strategies and attacks that successful De La Riva Guard players use in competitions and in the gym. The course is set up to be a blue print for how to think about the De La Riva guard in a systematic way. The course breaks the De La Riva Guard down into three sub positions: Collar-Sleeve DLR, Collar Ankle DLR and Far Sleeve DLR. On each position we get into the entries and exits, the mechanics of the technique, common mistakes and key details to be aware of. I hope that you enjoy this course and looking forward to seeing you on the mats soon! -Brick"
Price: 39.99

"Diventa un freelance di successo" |
"Sei un professionista o aspirante tale? Diventa un imprenditore di te stesso. Cresci, guadagna trovando nuovi clienti a cui vendere i tuoi servizi, fallo in modo efficace ed efficiente. Diventa un freelance di successo e poi? Poi se lo vorrai diventerai un imprenditore, dovrai strutturarti creandoti un team e quindi prendere il volooo. Tutto parte dall'Analisi di noi stessi, dei nostri valori, passando dal COME studiare e ricordare ci che si studia e quindi puoi iniziare il Percorso, dove parleremo di tanti concetti, come la vendita, la fiscalit e il risparmio correlato all'investimento, questi sono solo alcuni dei concetti che illustriamo nel percorso per freelance."
Price: 19.99

molecular-docking-with-moe-software |
""""" """
Price: 29.99

"Calculus MASTER, Zero To Mastery" |
"Calculus MASTER, Zero To MasteryBeing CALCULUS MASTER. Zero To Mastery. From PreCALCULUS to CALCULUS IIIPre CALCULUS, CALCULUS I, CALCULUS II,CALCULUS IIICalculus is the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. The two main types are differential calculus and integral calculus.Calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of rates of change. Before calculus was invented, all math was static: It could only help calculate objects that were perfectly still. But the universe is constantly moving and changing. No objectsfrom the stars in space to subatomic particles or cells in the bodyare always at rest. Indeed, just about everything in the universe is constantly moving. Calculus helped to determine how particles, stars, and matter actually move and change in real time.Calculus is used in a multitude of fields that you wouldn't ordinarily think would make use of its concepts. Among them are physics, engineering, economics, statistics, and medicine. Calculus is also used in such disparate areas as space travel, as well as determining how medications interact with the body, and even how to build safer structures. You'll understand why calculus is useful in so many areas if you know a bit about its history as well as what it is designed to do and measure.PreCalculus, This course will present the following concepts: non-linear inequalities, matrices and determinants, polynomial and rational functions, conic sections, theory of equations, sequences and series, mathematical induction.Calculus I, This course will introduce the student to the basic concepts of the calculus. It will give the student an appreciation of the calculus and its applications in the real world and will prepare the student for future work in mathematics and the sciences. Course includes functions, limits, continuity, derivatives and their applications, and integration and its applications.Calculus II, This course will expand on the applications and techniques of differentiation learned in the first quarter and give a depth study of integration including the fundamental methods of integrating elementary algebraic and transcendental functions. It will include the applications of the calculus to transcendental functions, analytical geometry and other relevant topics.Calculus III, This course will expand on the applications and techniques of differentiation learned in the first and second quarters. It will introduce the student to the calculus of sequences and series and the use of the MacLaurin and Taylor series to approximate functions. It will introduce the student to the calculus of curvilinear functions and the concept of the vector and vector functions. It will also introduce the concept of a partial derivative and the maximization of functions given in more than one independent variable.You will zero to mystery about CALCULUS."
Price: 29.99

"How To Start a Cleaning Business From Scratch" |
"THIS ONLINE COURSE PROVIDES YOU WITH THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO START OR GROW A PROFITABLE CLEANING BUSINESS!The Perfect Home Based Business? YESThis type business can be run out of your own home._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Office Cleaning Business is an evergreen business that is almost never affected by the current economy. This business just keeps on growing and growing. The cleaning industry is a 78 Billion Dollar industry._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why should you be left out?How do you get started making a ton of money without wasting time?Do you need to get started the right way and avoid costly mistakes to start in a profitable way?How do you cherry pick the right contracts and which ones do you avoid and why?What are the very basic equipment and supplies that you will need to get started?How do you price your cleaning contracts the right way and boost your business income?What does a professional cleaning routine look like that will boost productivity and profits?How in the world do you submit a successful cleaning bid?In this Certificated Course with you'll have access to downloadable PDF resources and calculators as 15 year veteran Commercial Cleaning Business Owner, Todd Rose, reveals The Cleaning Business Master Formula. Its a formula that provides you with your own money making Office Cleaning Business.This course is going to provide a great value to the absolute beginning entrepreneur as well as the seasoned professional.Taking a step by step approach, Todd organizes a simple and effective formula to have you create a cleaning business of your very own quickly and generate income fast.Take this course today and be in business within the week. It can be truly life changing for you. Click the ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" button now and begin your new future. Join the ranks of those who have hugely benefited from The Cleaning Business Master Formula and started and are running their own Office Cleaning Business now. Click the Take This Course"" button and get access to all these Bonuses!ONE BIG BONUSAs a bonus you'll gain access to several important and necessary resources. First you get The Cleaning Business Master Formula Workbook. Created to help you follow along the online course. The workbook asks probing questions to help you gain a clean insight and allows you to take action in a systematic way.Next you'll receive Commercial Cleaning Templates (Service Agreement, Advertising Letter). Download and use the exact service agreement and letters that I've been using in my business. Updated and ready to be customized for your very own cleaning business.Then you'll receive Pricing Calculators (Square Foot and Detailed Pricing). Never lose money when submitting your quote. The last thing you want to do make minimum wage and end up worse then if you never started. These are truly valuable spreadsheets that take a lot of the guesswork out of creating a realistic and reasonable proposal that gets accepted.One last perk is you get access to is my Resources Listing. I've spent years cultivating these resources and now you will gain access to them when you purchase this course.You'll have lifelong access to not only this course, but also to all of that in the bonus.Stop throwing money away into things that wont work for you. Click the Take This Course"" button now and let's get started!Don't forget - you have a 30 money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Price: 94.99

"PyQt5 Python - (GUI)" |
"PyQt5. , . ?1. QtDesigner2. QT , , pushButton, PlainTextEdit, Label3. RadioButton, CheckBox. 4. ListWidget , , 5. ComboBox, LineEdit, PlainTextEdit, ProgressBar. 6. , 7. , , menubar, statusbar8. QThread Event . 9. , ? , QT . . . PyQt5 , , . , , , ."
Price: 34.99

"Growth Mindset" |
"Growth mindset and fix mindset is an amazing course. This course gives you an overall view for OUT OF BOX thinking and its importance. Most people have fix circle of thinking. They believe in what they know and learn only. While this world is full of possibilities. My job in this course is to motivate people to think beyond their knowledge and learning and to know the possibilities in their lifetime. Due to my huge Global exposure I learned many such stories. Today I know that anything is possible. Anything is possible is not bookish thing for me actually it is a reality.What ever is our age and life today, our future depends on the kind of mindset we nurture. One is growth mind set which is always ready to learn and grow. Or could be fix mindset, which says the size of life is fix and predetermined. Hope we all know that Humans are best creation of God. God never create junk. Best cannot attract worst. And if we can understand this, our tools and actions towards life can totally change.In my course I have discussed many theories, tools and techniques required to achieve this mindset. I know if anyone goes through this course can change his life. All the very best. My 20 years knowledge and understandings are stored in this. See you all soon on a different platform and mindset."
Price: 1600.00

"Introduction to offender profiling" |
"The aim of this course is to help students understand how to define crime and the various ways in measuring it. Students will also have an understanding of the FBI approach to Offender Profiling and how this differs from Investigative Psychology. Students will gain an understanding of the ways in which established psychological theories are applied to offending behaviour. The various modules outline the ways in which information can be gathered and how profiles can be created. You will learn about how psychological principles can enhance the work of law enforcement agencies."
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Basics - Learn on Live E-Commerce Data Lab" |
"This is the first of the series of courses aimed to provide students an acquaintance with Google Analytics and how they can derive actionable insights from simple descriptive reports. The course uses a data lab from a popular online grocery portal Salt n Soap.The first lectures cover fundamental concepts of Google Analytics like account structure; sessions and users; dimensions, metrics and segments; engagement metrics like bounce rate, pages per session and average session duration and the various types of descriptive analytics like audience, acquisition, behavior, conversion and real time.The students then learn to read standard Google Analytics reports including various filtering options and their use and reporting on various segments of users. After familiarization with the reports, the students learn geo analysis of visitors and their engagement with the eCommerce portal. Defining different types of reports like Pie chart, Bar chart, Pivot table are also discussed in this section. This helps students to derive actionable insights for business. Measuring goals or conversion is a very important aspect of any analytics. The next series of lectures exposes students to measuring conversions or goals for a company through Google Analytics. Using custom reports the students can learn how to create interesting actionable insights on business questions like ""Which day of the week is my sale the highest and which day is it the lowest?""Finally, in the conclusion, the students are given a brief exposure to the admin section of Google Analytics."
Price: 1280.00

"Desenvolvedor iOS: Prepare-se para o Mercado de Trabalho" |
"Voc quer se tornar um desenvolvedor iOS?Quer trabalhar com Desenvolvimento iOS viajando pelo mundo inteiro?Voc quer tirar aquela ideia brilhante do papel e desenvolver um aplicativo?Voc j trabalha com desenvolvimento iOS mas quer se preparar para conquistar a sua to sonhada vaga de emprego?Se voc se identificou com algumas dessas perguntas, posso lhe garantir que esse curso vai te ensinar do incio ao fim na criao dos seus aplicativos para iOS e na sua preparao para o mercado de trabalho.Se liga no resumo do curso que eu preparei pra voc:Aprenda a instalar e configurar o XcodeEntenda o funcionamento do StoryboardAprenda tudo sobre alertasAprenda tudo sobre tabelasEntenda na prtica sobre vetores, funes, estruturas condicionaisVrios desafios com solues para voc aprender tudo sobre tabelasVrias dicas para voc se tornar um desenvolvedor iOS diferenciado no Mercado de TrabalhoConhea as ferramentas inditas que todo desenvolvedor iOS Jnior deveria saber para surpreender no Processo SeletivoAprenda a navegar pelo site de Guidelines da AppleAprenda a navegar pelo site do Swift DocsAprenda a navegar pelo site da WWDC Saiba como foi a conquista da minha primeira vaga de emprego como Desenvolvedor iOS JniorSe voc quer mudar de vida, a hora agora! Invista no seu futuro gastando pouco e aprenda de uma vez por todas a criar seu aplicativo iOS e a se preparar para conquistar a sua to sonhada vaga de emprego no Mercado de Trabalho."
Price: 579.99

"CompTIA A+220-1001 & 220-1002 Practice Questions." |
"The CompTIA A+ 220 -1001 & 220-1002 covers the following domains.HardwareNetworkingMobile DevicesOperating SystemsHardware & Network troubleshootingVirtualization and Cloud ComputingSoftware TroubleshootingSecurityOperational ProceduresThe 100 practice questions will cover the above-stated subjects. We have also provided a bonus test paper for our students If you are starting a new career in Information Technology these subjects are so crucial must to advance your career. Remember there are two separate exams that a candidate needs to clear to be able to gain CompTIA A+ certified."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Solutn Architect Associate Practice Test SAA-C02 July-20" |
"This has the updated new questions according to the recently changed certification patter SAA-C02. This course is for complete preparation of AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice It has 3 Practice Tests with 150+ questions. All questions have been designed based on real exam questions. . Each question and answer will have explanation section which will give you solid justification on why we are choosing that option. Go through this and you can easily pass the exam."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Bsico de Fotografia Profissional" |
"O Curso bsico de fotografia profissional foi especialmente feito para voc aprender a dominar sua mquina e dar um salto na qualidade de suas fotos e iniciar sua carreira como fotgrafo profissional. Neste curso vamos aprender tcnicas como Fotografia Macro, Efeito BOKEH (fundo desfocado), como trabalhar a luz em seu ensaio, Book modelo, Book infantil, paisagens e muito mais!Voc tambm ir aprender a editar e tratar suas fotos no Adobe Camera RAW, para aprender a entregar um trabalho de qualidade para seu cliente. Tambm vai aprender como montar seu site profissional. Espero voc l, bom curso!"
Price: 174.99

"CPA Exam practice test 500 questions AUD section (Auditing)" |
"This is a set of 5 practice tests consisting of 100 questions each. This practice test covers all areas of AUD exam. Students are recommended to go through the CPA exam blueprints to know the importance of areas, though we have tried our best to incorporate the whole subject so as not to leave anything behind. This practice test can help you crack the US CPA exam. Good luck."
Price: 5120.00
