"Use PowerPoint Like a Professional Designer" |
"Hi, my name is Anna and I am dedicated to helping you create outstanding PowerPoint presentations and data visualizations to accelerate your career and achieve more in less time.This course includes examples based on my professional experience as well as the help-desk support I provided for the clients. Also, many of the tips and tricks I share with you are based on the questions received from my colleagues during the training sessions and team projects.This course is divided into six parts:Getting Started:In this section I will teach you how to manage your PowerPoint working space by using the Quick Access Toolbar as well as VBA macros which I created specifically for this course. You will also learn how to become faster and more efficient in creating slides by using the keyboard shortcuts.Creating Professional Templates:In this section I will teach you step by step how to build a professional PowerPoint template and how to solve common problems related to the template creation process. This will help you to save tones of time when working on big projects and make your presentation-creating process very fast and smooth.Extra Skills for Template Makers:In this section you will learn how to extend the number of colour options in your PowerPoint palette and make them automatically appear every time you or your colleagues open the presentation. You will also learn about the function of XML in PowerPoint and how to manage this code properly. I will also show you how to create a beautiful colour palette from scratch and which online tools would make the whole process fast and easy.Managing Photographs in PowerPoint:In this section I will show you how to properly manage photographs inside PowerPoint. You will also learn how to remove background from images and how to fix common problems related to the photo editing process. Together we will create an employee profile as well as quote slide.Customizing Shapes, Pictures and Typography:In this section I will introduce you to the Merge Shapes command. We will use this knowledge to build a professional concept diagram and transform the ordinary graphical content into a remarkable product.Creating Impressive Animations:In this section you will learn how to use Side Zoom, Section Zoom as well as Morph tool to bring your slides to the next level and impress your audience."
Price: 369.99

"Aprende AutoCAD desde cero, hasta la impresin de tus planos" |
"El alumno se familiarizar con la interfaz grfica del programa, conocer y manipular los comandos bsicos para que ste sea capaz de dibujar de manera gil y rpida en un formato de 2D Esto le permitir visualizar ideas grficamente y ayudar a mejorar la interfaz comunicativa con los clientes.Este curso esta dirigido a estudiantes de arquitectura o de diseo, ingenieros, arquitectos, as mismo personas que no tengan ningn conocimiento asistido por computadora o personas que ya conozcan el programa y quieran mejorar su trabajo.Este curso ser muy interesante ya que abordaremos temas y problemticas que tal vez hayan pasado y no has sabido como resolver y si no tienes conocimiento, aprenders de una manera divertida y fcil este programa.El curso esta divido en 9 Clases, con ejercicios en cada clase y explicaciones de cada tema que contempla el temario, es 100% practico con el cual realizaras ejercicios los cuales podrs emplear en arquitectura, ingenieras y en otras reas."
Price: 89.99

"Bilinguismo em Famlia" |
"Este curso tem como propsito ensinar ingls para crianas desde a gestao at os 4/5 anos de idade atravs de tcnicas e atividades explicadas nas aulas. um curso destinado para pessoas que tm convvio com crianas e querem ensinar ingls na rotina diria, como pais, avs, tios, babs, funcionrios do lar, professores, etc.No h necessidade de saber e ser fluente em ingls para realizar este curso, pois foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de todos aprenderem! Ento, vamos comear? Vamos tornar sua famlia bilngue!"
Price: 84.99

"O segredo de como vender mais no WhatsApp" |
"O curso O segredo de como vender mais no WhatsApp traz tcnicas de Neuromarketing, Neurovendas, PLN e Gatilhos mentais. O nosso curso d uma viso sobre como voc pode conquistar a ateno do seu cliente ou futuro consumidor, de maneira dinmica, direta e simples. Este curso indicado para todos aqueles que querem vender mais, at mesmo aquelas pessoas que ainda no tiveram nenhuma experincia de vendas. indicado para vendas consultivas, vendas passivas e ativas, vendas de produtos e servios, marketing Multinvel e afiliados. Descubra ferramentas e tcnica includas no WhatsApp que alavancaro as suas vendas em menos de uma semana."
Price: 39.99

"Vegas Pro 17 - Edio na prtica" |
"Voc em algum momento da sua vida j pensou em editar vdeos de maneira profissional e poder utilizar todo seu potencial de edio para poder criar qualquer coisa que venha a sua mente?Neste curso irei abordar vrios assuntos importantes para iniciar nesse ramo que a edio de vdeos. Atravs de um programa muito intuitivo e cheio de funcionalidades, o Vegas Pro na sua verso 17.Voc ir aprender tcnicas que editores utilizam pelo mundo a fora e poder criar seu prprio estilo de edio.Vou apresentar desde o comeo do curso curiosidades e funcionalidades importantes, sendo um curso que comea no seu ritmo e a partir do momento que ir progredindo iremos tratar de coisas mais avanadas, mas com a base do que foi ensinado no incio de cada mdulo. Vamos ver edio bsica, trilhas de udio e vdeo, posteriormente aplicao de transies e efeitos, cores, animaes e tudo mais.Voc Ir partir do mais bsico at o avanado, podendo no final do curso se sentir seguro para trabalhar com edio de vdeo e poder prestar seus servios da forma que quiser."
Price: 384.99

"Curso de Violo Popular" |
"Nesse curso o aluno ir aprender desde as noes bsicas do violo, postura, cifras, tcnica de dedilhado, batidas rtmicas e tocar muitas msicas. um curso dinmico com uma linguagem muito simples a nvel do violo popular. O curso exige que o aluno tenha muita fora de vontade e disciplina e o requisito mnimo para o aluno, ter um violo e um celular."
Price: 39.99

"Harmonia Funcional Acordes Quartais e Alterados Sem Segredo" |
"Nesse curso o aluno ir aprender Acordes Quartais e Alterados Tcnicas e Aplicaes. um curso muito dinmico totalmente em vdeo com uma linguagem muito simples a nvel do tecladista e pianista intermedirio. O curso exige que o aluno tenha noes bsicas de teoria musical, formao de escalas do sistema tonal e montagem do campo harmnico."
Price: 39.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Microsoft Word Eitimi" |
"Metin biimlendirme gibi temel ilemlerle balayan ""Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Microsoft Word Eitimi"" kursumuz makro oluturma, bo form tasarlama gibi uzmanlk gerektiren konularn tamamlanmasyla son bulacaktr. rencilik hayatndan i hayatna tm alanlarda gerekli olan Microsoft Word programn tm ksayollar ve detaylaryla renebileceiniz bu kursta dosya mensnden gelitirici sekmesine kadar her blm hakknda fikir edinecek bolca uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz."
Price: 149.99

"PNL Programao Neurolingustica (Bsico ao avanado)" |
"Nesse treinamento voc vai efetuar uma reconfigurao mental, quando a gente alinha novas crenas e valores a mudana certa.Aceite os pressupostos da PNL na sua vida que grandes novidades comearo a surgir.Utilize as Tcnicas que eu ensino para que mude estados emocionais e ajude mais pessoas a fazer o mesmo.Se comunique melhor atravs dos nossos auxiliares lingusticos e saiba como utilizar as palavras no momento certo.Tcnicas como swish podem ajudar pessoas a comer menos, parar de fumar, serem mais produtivas e quem sabe at mais bem humoradas.Outra tcnica poderosa a cura rpida de fobia que a tcnica mais famosa da PNL e eu ensino como fazer nesse curso.Pra mim um prazer ser seu guia nessa jornada incrvel que a Programao neurolingustica."
Price: 39.99

"Coach your Clients on Debt-free Personal Finance" |
"This course is about learning the art of coaching on personal finances and living a debt free life. With the help of this course, you will be able to become a successful financial coach and help your clients live a life with financial freedom. In this course we look at various aspects of personal finance and also understand client's behavioural patterns."
Price: 19.99

"How to Become an Engineer" |
"Are you a student looking for a degree to major in? Are you the parent of a high schooler? Or, are you just someone who is looking for a change in career. Are you looking for greater challenge, great starting pay, and to have meaningful and impactful work? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider a career in the engineering field. After taking this course you will walk away with a deeper understanding of what engineers do, how to become an engineer, and what are the benefits of undertaking a career in the engineering industry. What you will walk away with after taking this course, is a deeper understanding of what the engineering industry is, what engineers do, how to become an engineer, and what are the benefits of undertaking a career in the engineering industry, so that you can determine the best course of action for your academic and professional future."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Ukulele Completo (Atualizao 2020)" |
"Todo mundo pode tocar! O Ukulele o instrumento perfeito para comear sua jornada na msica. O curso foi desenhado tanto para completos iniciantes que querem aprender DO ZERO, quanto para ukulelistas que j tocam algumas canes, mas querem ter um conhecimento mais profundo sobre a msica. Voc pode tocar e entender o que est tocando! Aps completar esse curso voc vai poder tocar vrias msicas sem precisar de assistir tutoriais na internet.Vamos fazer msica juntos?"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Registro de Marca no INPI - Na Prtica" |
"Curso de Registro de Marca no INPI um curso prtico, voltado para a pessoa fsica ou jurdica que queira registrar sua prpria marca.Muitas empresas cobram um valor alto para realizar este registro para voc. Neste curso, iremos ensinar na prtica, como realizar o registro da sua marca no site do INPI.Quando digo na prtica, porque conforme explico como registrar a marca, eu j estarei mostrando no vdeo o registro de uma marca real em todas as fases.Uma pessoa consegue registrar sua prpria marca, procurando por artigos, tutoriais e vdeos na internet. Porm necessrio muito tempo e estudo para conseguir entender todo este processo. Eu mesmo, no registro da minha primeira marca, no consegui ler todos os manuais e acabei cometendo erro no registro da minha marca, perdendo o objetivo do registro e tambm cai em golpe, o que me causou muita dor de cabea.Assim, neste curso, alm de trazer toda a informao mastigada que levei muito tempo para estudar e entender, tambm dou dicas importantes sobre o processo, para que o aluno no perca o processo e tambm no caia em Golpe, pois acredite, o golpe do registro de marca bem diferente e oportuno."
Price: 39.99

"Impara a giocare a scacchi con una campionessa" |
"La campionessa italiana under 20 Tea Gueci ci insegna a giocare a scacchi con questo corso semplice ed avvincente.30 lezioni in cui imparerai le basi del gioco e come vincere le tue prime partite di scacchi.Un modo semplice e pratico per perfezionare le tue abilit di gioco.Iniziamo con il movimento dei pezzi e le regole di base, per poi imparare piccole tecniche strategiche per vincere ogni partita.Al termine del corso avrai imparato le aperture, a sviluppare i pezzi e a giocare i finali basilari. Questo corso non solo ti permetter di imparare uno dei giochi pi antichi e pi praticati al mondo, ma ti dar un modo facile e divertente per allenare la tua mente!"
Price: 44.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice+Notes 2020" |
"Updated as per September 15, 2020 New Course OutLine.Our Well Designed Result Oriented Self Study Practice Test Bundle includes ""6 Tests + Study Notes + Last Hour Notes"". This Practice Course is designed to cover all the aspects to prepare and crack AZ-900 Exam. To Follow our ""Notes + Practice Tests"" simultaneoulsy is 100% Result Gaurantee to pass AZ-900 Exam.Skills Measured: Cloud Concepts (20-25%) Core Azure Services (15-20%) Core Solutions and Management Tools on Azure (10-15%) General Security and Network Security Features (10-15%) Identity, Governance, Privacy, & Compliance Features (20-25%) Azure Cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%)Enrollment Objectives: 24/7 QA support + Updates To build the Cloud Skills To advance career by passing AZ-900. To get your Doubt Clearing in real-time by Author. To gain the knowledge needed to take the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam. To transform your business through studying Cloud Computing and Azure Services."
Price: 39.99

"Biology Midterms" |
"In this course you will learn about high school biology and feel confident for you midterms! You can ask as many questions as necessary and I will do my best to answer them all! Sign up if u need that extra boost to your confidence in biology. I am so excited to start with all of my new students!"
Price: 24.99

"Find Your Perfect Clients" |
"Are you finding it hard to get engagement on social media?Do you struggle with finding your dream clients online, and instead get spam or other jewelry designers following you?Are you bummed that you just aren't making sales online?Knowing your target market is the key to success for your jewelry business!If you don't know who your customers are, your sales efforts could be falling seriously flat.In this training I show you tried and true ways to create your own personal avatar for your jewelry business so you can get inside your customers head and make an impact in your marketing online.If you do this right, your customers will feel like you are reading their mind, come again and again to purchase from you AND spread the word online about your business!I will show you step-by-step how to craft your avatar even if you don't know where to start, discover the right questions to ask for faster success and how to physically find your customers online.Make sure you are attracting the right customers and learn how to shift followers to buyers with this essential training!Enroll now and get immediate access."
Price: 19.99

"SAP GUI R/3 Live Practical Master Course" |
"With the digitization of the present times the proliferation of software that too one as SAP GUI R/3 was inevitable. So in this regard the spread of the knowledge of SAP GUI R/3 seems only understandable given the competent technological environment demands the skill in people. This brings in our SAP GUI R/3 Master class for entrepreneurs where fresh minds can learn the technicalities of the interface in order to face the technological requirements of todays world boldly. We tend to explore the significance of SAP GUI R/3 not just in recent times but its impact for its experts. Keep on reading!WHY SAP GUI R/3?Before we jump to how beneficial this master class will prove for students it is crucial to discuss the basics of SAP GUI R/3 in complete elaboration to understand the influence of this class. SAP GUI R/3 is a software that exhibits to view the combination of physical and virtual resources t manage your major data centers. It helps you in managing assets in your data centers by viewing dashboards, graphs and charts and presents a high level picture of the assets. It is also involved in drilling down details as either granular, power usage or CPU status. Noteworthy feature about it is that multiple users can login to its console simultaneously and be able to manage data centers. These can be one or multiple data centers. It does provide one with CLI and API commands however it also does not fail to deliver the robust functionality of the system.Seeing from visual perspective, the home page includes a dashboard summary of the all managed assets. In addition to the dashboard summary there is a navigation pane that carries organized information and tasks. All other details are present in the center pane.Other visual features include the Jobs pane on the bottom of the page. It provides details about operations that are either scheduled, in progress or completed. For instance, in order to create a report, expand the Reports section and select the report. So whenever you run the report, a job is launched. The job status appears at the bottom of the user interface.So this is a great course for entrepreneurs as it covers BOTH the business context i.e. how the process should work and how it is to be constructed in SAP R/3, along with the different modules in SAP. No other course offers to cover all of these SAP modules in this kind of scope to deliver an end to end vision of how SAP Supply Chain is unified and works. This is usually the role of SAP SCM Solution Architect and it takes years of experience in order to understand all of the integration points.1. What will students learn in your course?Students will be able to make out and compile in depth portfolios ranging from billing orders fulfillment, managing human resources and Production / supply chain. In addition to these some other learning outcomes include:1. To understand the basic concepts of supply chain logistic2. To execute the end to end SAP logistic processes and also the transactions in SAP R/3.3. To apply some of SAP exceptional practices to the Logistic Processes.4. To construct the logistic process in SAP including modules such as SD, WM, MM, HU and transportation too.5. To be able to build a complete end to end, unified supply chain solution in SAP.6. To be able to present end to end integration knowledge of the SAP Supply Chain process.7. To acquire the skills required in order to be a SAP SCM Solution Architect8. To be prepared for SAP Logistic interviews.These and many other benefits awaits the interested students.2. Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?The only pre requisite of this exceptional course is to have access to a SAP client.3. Who are your target students?Target audience include those who want to join fortune 500 companies or any Conglomerate that uses software for managing inventory HR and billing which is the case with almost all multinational companies around the world. Moreover, it is for people who genuinely want to improve their knowledge of SAP's Supply Chain Logistics Execution and also want the role in SAP. People interested in either wanting to know how inbound and outbound deliveries are linked or how to design a cross docking solution in SAP? Then this course is perfect for you and welcomes you with open arms.With present growth complications in the field of Supply Chain Logistics, having not just experience but also expertise and knowledge in this area is vital in today's job marketplace.ConclusionAll these factors combined together makes it easier to conclude that SAP GUI R/3 is the need of the hour and learning the expertise of it from the best professionals is truly a dream come true. So what are you waiting for opt for this course today!"
Price: 199.99

"Authentic Fighting Tai Chi-Chen New Frame Routine (XinJia) 1" |
"There are 84 postures and around 2000 movements in New Frame Routine ( called Xin Jia). Each detailed movement contains its application in fighting, very similar to Karate style. Go through such deeper topics are challenging but exciting for me! Tracing back to the original and know the reason and logic behind it! I may start a new courses to compare Chen Tai Chi style Lao Jia (Old Frame Routine), Chen Style Tai Chi New Frame Routine and Yang Style Tai Chi. Let we continue our amazing journey to explore and decode the Essence of Tai Chi together! Keep fit! Keep fun! Chen Style Tai Chi New Frame Routine ( called Xin Jia), can traced back to Chen Fake or Ch'en Fa-k'e (; 18871957), a Chinese martial artist who taught Chen-style t'ai chi ch'uan. He was born and raised in Chen Family Village (Chenjiagou, ) in Henan province. In 1928, Chen Fake moved to Beijing to teach his family's inheritance; Chen-style t'ai chi ch'uan. Chen Fake did not leave any written articles. In ""Chen Style Taijiquan"" , edited by Shen Jiazhen and Gu Liuxin, and was published by People's Sports Publishing House in December 1963, we can see illustrations based on Chen Fake'd posture photo. Chen Zhaokui (, 1928 1981) was the third son of Chen Fake. He trained many of the current Chen style t'ai chi ch'uan practitioners throughout China. His son, Chen Yu (, 1962 ) is teaching Chen style around the world. His student Ma Hong (1927-December 22, 2013) who wrote Chen Style Taijiquan Illustrations"". I keep Shen Jiazhen and Gu Liuxin's book ""Chen Style Taijiquan"" and Ma Hong's Chen Style Taijiquan Illustrations"" book for many years. ""Chen Style Taijiquan"" is great in theory and keep Chen Fake postures (in Er Lu) and Chen Zhaokui posture (in Yi Lu). Ma Hong's Chen Style Taijiquan Illustrations"" give the detailed documentation of New Frame Routine. I am determined to present this New Frame Routine ( called Xin Jia) in detail and explain in English."
Price: 129.99

"Udemy Expert - Five Complete Courses in One - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.This is five complete courses in one. That's five courses for the price of one.In these five courses, you'll learn all the methods I use to get good results on Udemy. You,ll learn about course creation, selling, and marketing.My name is Ian Stables. I've been a Udemy instructor since afafasdf. In that time I've learned how to be successful. I learned the hard way. I've watched countless Youtube videos, took many courses on Udemy, read many books, and discovered many things on my own. I've tried many different things to see what works and what doesn't. I tell you what I discovered in these five courses.These are the five courses:The Easy to Follow Udemy Course Creation System (Unofficial)This teaches you my personal system in creating quality courses in the shortest time. This is a step-by-step system is developed over time to streamline the process.- It shows you how to plan so that recording is quick and easy.- Very effective simple ways of making you relaxed and sounding natural- A way to overcome the retake after retake problem when recording videosand lots moreHow to Design Professional Course Slides - For InstructorsNine steps to creating slides that engage students and look professional. This will fix the mistakes many make when recording lectures using slides.How to Make Your Udemy Course Sell - UnofficialThis will show how to create your landing page so your course sells when student look at your course landing page.- Creating a title that attracts students- The formula I have used to create promotional videos. Get's me good results. What to say first, second, third, etc., and what to show.- Step-by-step process for writing course descriptions- How to make the course curriculum sell your courseHow to Massively Increase Course Sales - Change One ThingThis is about the main thing that makes a big difference to getting course sales.Udemy Course Marketing That Gets Real Results - UnofficialShows the marketing methods I found to get the best results.Get these five courses in one now. Click the button in the top right of your screen to enroll"
Price: 174.99

"Violin Christmastime! Christmas carols: easy and fun!" |
"Have you ever wanted to be able to play some of the best Christmas carols, but have been struggling where to begin? Or after trying to learn them for a while, you gave up, because it was too difficult to read the music, or to find a consistent fingering, or simply to establish a good practice routine? Well, you are lucky! There is no need to search any more! The Violin Christmastime online course is offering a quick and easy way to learn some of the most popular Christmas carols. The video lessons include explanation on how to organize the tunes, so you memorize them easier. Simultaneous sheet music and close-up shots of the fingers show you exactly what to do. Play-along practice sessions, starting slower and moving up to a faster tempo give a steady learning pace, and finally, simple directions on how to make the song more musical, will make you sound like a true professional! Improve your violin technique while having fun learning these beautiful tunes!"
Price: 24.99

"3 Minute French - Course 8 Language lessons for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute French - Course 8"" The aim of this course is to make French accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute French Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad. My method for teaching French is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception. With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the French language in a simple, logical and fun way. You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to France or any other French speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"Security Analysis and Portfolio Management using Excel" |
"This is a 4hr 8min course with 45 lectures. This course is a step by step approach to master the art of investing and investment returns. Your learning starts with basic concepts of investments and ends with advanced understanding of security analysis and portfolio management. Lectures are supplemented with quizzes, practice tests, and assignments."
Price: 19.99

"The Gluten Free Sourdough Masterclass" |
"Delicious GF sourdough breads, baguettes, brioches, doughnuts and crackers are all within your reach!Do you worry about your GF starters and leavens?Are you frustrated by inconsistent/unpredictable behaviour?Do you know how much starter to use to make a leaven?Can you handle the time and temperature levers?Do you know the Four Pillars of gluten free baking?Can you modulate hydration and binders to achieve different crumb effects?If not, then you are going to love this Masterclass.If your only wish is to bake more beautiful, authentic, artisan breads with gluten free sourdough leaven, the recipes on this course will make you love it too.And if you want to know the secret of developing recipes specifically for sourdough gluten free then get enrolled now!In Part One of the Masterclass, we cover:the fundamentals of fermentationhow to build and maintain your brown rice, sorghum, teff, or buckwheat starters,how to turn starters into leavensyoung, ripe and old leavenswhen to refresh and what to do with discardthe crucial relationship between time and temperaturethe four leaven leversa recap on the basics of gluten free baking: rise, bind, balance and blendIn Part Two, we dive into a series of original vegan and dairy sourdough recipes:Sunflower Sour (vegan or dairy)Cheese & Chilli BaguettesVegan Almond BaguettesDairy and Vegan Brioche Dairy and Vegan DoughnutsDairy and Vegan Cinnamon SquigglesSourdough Chocolate Heaven (vegan)Focaccia Art (vegan)Beetroot & Buckwheat Boule (vegan or dairy)Crackers (vegan)In Part Three, we share our secrets! How to use the Four Recipe Levers to create the texture of crumb and crust that you desireevery time.How we teach:Our approach is always friendly, practical and hands-on and, wherever possible, more showing than telling. This is not the place to overwhelm you with the (considerable) science, but to give you the benefit of all the know-how weve acquired after 12 years teaching and decades more of baking.We spare you the fails, and share the secrets of all our successes. Its win-win.We also provide useful practice exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge.At The Artisan Bakery School, we believe that baking your own naturally gluten free sourdough bread is fundamental to improving your personal health and happiness. Making great starters and leavens is the base of all that.This courses empowers you to:understand your startersleverage your leavenbake wonderful breads with true confidencetroubleshoot problemsmeasure your progress from amateur to amazingcreate your own recipesWe can't wait for you to join us!5-STAR REVIEWS for our other GF coursesKara MitchellI liked this course a lot because every details was accounted for with explanations, every time I thought, but why ? there would be an answer :) My type of learning - thank youAdrienne PacieraUpdated 10 days agoThe teacher is precious. The pace is great. I wish we would have had the hint to print the guides/ resources first thoughHailey AndlerPenny is the absolute best! She is adorable and thorough and incredibly helpful. My sister and I have been working through these recipes diligently and are convinced she should adopt us. Dragan and Penny have done such a great job setting this up. One tip: read the recipes and watch the videos simultaneously and take notes there is often someone you miss in one that gets filled in in the other.SvetlanaTranslate - , . . . . , , ! . ! , !Emily NiedobaUpdated 18 hours agoAs a traditional hearth bread baker, this course has opened my eyes to all of the flours I haven't been playing with yet!Hind MahrougUpdated 3 days agoThank you it was amazing course <3SuzieUpdated a month agoIt was very well presented, clear explanations. Cant wait to start baking bread.AlessiaUpdated 22 days agoottimo! Questa signora molto simpatica e spiega molto bene"
Price: 39.99

"Switchwords For Health and Weight Loss Miracles" |
"Bionic Rats, Hyper-Evolution & Your Health!At first...it was just genetically modified rats.Then it was genetically modified rats with fat burning drinks & bionic arms and legs.Then they started doing fat burning product launches and stealing your health.REST ASSURED THAT THE ACCELLERATION IS NEVER GOING TO STOP!This means you must adopt entirely different outlook and apply SWITCHWORDS!Apply the power of MAGICAL WORDS to improve your health and lose weight fast. WARNING! Cookie-cutter weight loss advice is at epidemic proportions. Case in point: The world is fatter than ever before, despite the books shelves bulging with diet advice! Most guys have no idea that a major obstacle to you having a slim and toned body is in what you eat. This problem is made 100X worse by all the fad diets and crash weight loss programs out there - low carb, ketogenic, etc. This is a huge problem because everybody responds to nutrition differently. Odds are 90% that any particular program will only make you flabbier and pastier. I created a simple combination of MAGICAL WORDS called SWITCHWORDS that will solve this problem. The words we speak, our beliefs, actions, visions contribute to the reality we create. If you would like a different reality, then you have to start by changing the WORDS you speak every day."
Price: 39.99

"Drops-Services Passive Income: Fiverr and other MicroService" |
"In this course I reveal more than 10 strategies that will help you start on micro services website like Fiverr without any skill or experience in addition to some tips and tricks that will help you grow fast and turn this into a business What you will learn in this Course:What are drop services?What are the most common drop service websites online?How to sign up on Fiverr?How to add a new service on Fiverr?Case Study and our earnings revealedTips and Tricks to create a successful serviceMake passive income from Fiverr even if you dont have anything to sell with our most profitable 10 strategies revealed (you can replicate)Tips to maximize your earnings from Fiverr"
Price: 199.99

"Adsense Arbitrage: Everything You Need to Know" |
"Before talking about AdSense Arbitrage, let's first get to know Arbitrage as a concept on its own...Arbitrage in summary is buying and selling at the same time but in two different markets.AdSense Arbitrage relies on purchasing ""visitors"" by doing ads from a particular platform and selling the same traffic to other advertisers at a higher price.Marketers often rely on buying ads from the Facebook platform, converting visitors to their site and profiting from these visitors via Google Adsense. The difference between one marketer and another is the profit margin, there are those who come out with losses and there are those who triple their money.What is AdSense Arbitrage?If you understand how investments usually work, you know it takes some capital to start with, which will hopefully give you decent returns after a certain time and course of action being met.Likewise, this is how AdSense arbitrage works. You, the publisher with intent to make good ROI 1) invest X amount to derive traffic for your website; 2) have AdSense ads placed on that very website/web page; 3) compel visitors to click those ads to earn via AdSense.Now in clear ad tech language, AdSense arbitrage (traffic arbitrage) means getting traffic using paid means (coming up), and converting that traffic into paid clicks by running AdSense ads.While here, the catch is to earn higher revenue through AdSense ads than the initial expense made on buying the website traffic.What You Will LearnWhat is AdSense ArbitrageWhat do you need to start working with AdSense ArbitrageBest hosting optionsBest AdSense Arbitrage THEMEBest AdSense Arbitrage PluginsHow to find a successful articleHow to make a Facebook ad to get visits to your articleHow to test an articleHow to Scale and make more profit"
Price: 199.99

"Get Started with Video Marketing" |
"Learn simple, effective techniques to create beautiful marketing videos easily in under 1 hour, Learn how to create marketing videos for your business easily and Transform your content into great videos easily using in under 1 hourHow do you get started with video marketing in 2020We can talk about how videos are irreplaceable in 2020How they can get started with video marketing without spending too much time and effortWe will show them how they can create a video a day in 2020 ( How they can create videos for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube)"
Price: 199.99

"Japanese HistoryMapping Japanese History vol.1 and 2" |
"The History Map"" will show you from rough structure of the history to specific details round by round, which is the opposite way of usual school learning from details to the end. Find new face of Japan through historical background of Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara or Kamakura through Long ago, Noble and Samurai Period.This course is for anyone who is tired of learning history through rote memorization. Mapping Japanese History will help you learn Japanese history through real understanding. This method of learning has been taught since 2003 at my Tokyo-based school, Crea Academy. I would like you to join us in this ""Trunk to Branches"" approach to learning history. It shows you the main concept, the Trunk, first, then adds on the details, the Branches, as we repeatedly go round and round through the map of Japanese history. I have a feeling your views may change, not only of Japan and its history, but also of the nature of learning itself and your relationship to it.For this oversea version, my friend Amanda helped translate into English over years. Thanks Amanda."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - DAX-TABLE FUNCTION" |
Price: 9000.00

"Final Cut Pro X" |
"MaciMovieFinal Cut Pro XFinal Cut Pro XiMovieAdobe Premiere ProDaVinci Resolve16Final Cut Pro XYouTubePremiere Pro1.Mac2.Premiere ProOK3.iMovieYouTubeMacFinal Cut ProOKFinal Cut Pro XBGMFinal Cut Pro X"
Price: 39.99
