"Homemade Pepperoni Pizza - Learn How To Make It Easily" |
"Learn How To Make A Homemade Pepperoni Pizza From Scratch- If your a beginner or even just curious about how to make a homemade pepperoni pizza that's delicious and budget friendly, then THIS course is for YOU. Cooking should always be an enjoyable and fun experience, that's why I've included tips and tricks at 6th section of this course, to make your cooking experience easier."
Price: 19.99

"Engineering Economy ( )" |
" . ."
Price: 29.99

osnovimarketinga |
", , . , , , . "
Price: 24.99

"Preparao para entrevista de emprego e mentoria pessoal 1.0" |
"A entrevista de emprego uma das etapas mais importantes e temida por muitos, sendo voc experiente ou no, portanto preciso estar preparado para no perder oportunidades valiosas, pois so nelas que voc ter chances de vender seu talento realmente. Voc aprender a desenvolver a sua melhor verso para ter oportunidades extraordinrias.O que voc vai aprender nesse curso:Como elaborar um currculo que vai prender a ateno do recrutador.Como procurar uma vaga de emprego de forma assertiva.Como se vestir de maneira adequada.Como fazer uma apresentao impactante e encantar o recrutador.Como manter uma boa postura no processo seletivo.Como desenvolver o Autoconhecimento.Quais so as principais perguntas e como respond-las de forma adequada.Mentoria pessoal com especialista em RHMaterial complementar e-book com as 10 principais perguntas de entrevista com 3 exemplo respostas para cada uma"
Price: 69.99

"Stress Relief Using Psychology & Science" |
"Reduce your stress immediately, even if you're short on time, energy, or personal space. In less than 10 minutes a day, develop a time-saving, stress-busting skillset, using tools that work.Restore calm, and create your personalized stress-management plan.Confidently transform your wellbeing, by learning about the science of stress and wellness. Simple and effective techniques grounded in physiology, psychology, and neuroscience (no fluff, and no woo!)."
Price: 94.99

"Healthy Lifestyle on a Budget with Aromatherapy" |
"Section 1: Application Nuts & BoltsThis unit will introduce important knots and bolts of aromatherapy and will help to boost your confidence with using essential oils in your daily life. It covers safety guidelines with emphasis on sensitive population and conditions, all possible application methods, blending principles and dilution techniques, and exploration of carrier oils and natural bases.When using essential oils, its important to consider the best and safest application method for the particular purpose. For instance, massage is the best way to relief muscle tension while diffuser is the best way to support breathing functions. The chapter Application Nuts & Bolts covers benefits and safety precautions of the three major application methods: inhalation, topical, and internal. It lays a foundation for the future exploration of healing body and mind as well as creating personalized skin care products. Application methods chart provides information on the most common uses, products, and contraindications.Safety continues to be a prevalent theme throughout the unit as we dive deep into the art of blending, measurement, and dilution. This one is a fascinating chapter, meat and potatoes of the aromatherapy practice. Topics include aromatic blending factors, top, middle, and base notes, primary and secondary functions, and intensifiers.Downloadable Resources (PDF): General Safety Guidelines, Application Methods, Blending Guidelines and Measurements, Blending Factors, Carrier and Herbal Bases, Natural BasesSection 2: Aromatherapy for Wellness LifestyleLife of purity comes from a persons conscious decision to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. The first step to the life of purity is awareness. Yes, awareness dear one. Are you making conscious choices when it comes to nutrition, exercise, supplements, and stress management? Do you surround yourself with positive, inspirational, and motivational people? Do you make ME time for self-care, relaxation, massage, travel, or simply do things that make you happy? Living the life of purity requires conscious and consistent effort to better oneself in all areas of life. It is a fascinating topic with many books written by renowned personal development coaches and gurus in the industry.This unit offers natural do it yourself essential oils solutions and recipes for boosting your immune system as well as for your cooking and cleaning needs in addition to suggestions for creating a healthy home environment. Also, it explains the high price wellness lifestyle misconception. My 225 Drops of Lavender resource shows you unique and yet simple ways to save time and money while integrating top quality therapeutic essential oils into your daily life.Downloadable Resources (PDF): 225 Drops of Lavender"
Price: 59.99

"Saviez-vous que plus de 90% du trafic sur Google vient de la 1re page de rsultats de recherche ? Cela signifie que presque personne ne va consulter la 2me page, et encore moins les pages suivantes ... Pour obtenir des visites depuis Google, il est donc indispensable de faire apparaitre son site internet sur la premire page. L'optimisation du rfrencement naturel est une discipline qui va vous y aider. Cette discipline est pointue et complexe, mais elle reste accessible tous tant qu'on se forme correctement !Fort d'une exprience professionnelle de 7 ans en entreprise dans le domaine du rfrencement payant et naturel, je vous donne dans ce cours toutes les cls pour booster la position de votre boutique Shopify dans les rsultats de recherche Google !"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de HTML y CSS para principiantes" |
"Bienvenido a este curso de HTML y CSS En este curso aprenders todas las habilidades necesarias y bsicas para empezar a crear tus paginas web desde cero, desde como y por que se usa HTML y CSS, los programas para empezar a desarrollar, el uso de material multimedia, hasta la publicacin de tu pagina en internet."
Price: 870.00

"Comment attirer le bon conjoint ?" |
"PrrequisDsirer ardemment marcher dans la volont divine par rapport au choix de son conjoint Vouloir comprendre mais surtout appliquer une mthode base sur les principes enseignes dans la BibleDescriptionBeaucoup de femmes qui aspirent profondment rencontrer le bon conjoint, celui que Dieu approuve pour elles. Mais, la MAJORIT font une ERREUR MONUMENTALE :Elles se concentrent sur le conjoint idal au lieu de se concentrer sur elles-mme.Et oui, c'est aussi simple que cela, mais c'est aussi EXTRMEMENT PROFOND.La plupart investissent dans le paratre :avoir l'attitude de la femme la plus soumise, la plus respectueusetre celle qui participe le plus aux runions & diverses activits de l'gliseAlors qu'elles ngligent considrablement leur intrieur & leur relation avec Dieu.RSULTAT : ELLES ENCHANENT RELATION SUR RELATION, MAUVAIS GARS SUR MAUVAIS GARSEt c'est le drame total dans leurs vies !!Cela les conduit :dvelopper toutes sortes de maladies de l'me (colre, jalousie, rancune, haine de soi, personnalit rebelle, colrique.....rentrer dans une spirale d'auto-destructions'loigner lentement de Dieu, le rendant responsable de leurs malheursenchaner relation sur relation, croyant trouver la gurison et le bonheur dans le bras de l'autreavoir une image errone des hommes, du mariage, des relations, de l'autorit, de la femme, de la famille....etcEt cest pour cette raison que jai cr le cours : COMMENT CHOISIR LE BON CONJOINT ?Plus qu'une formation sur les techniques de ""sduction"", ce cours a t conue pour vous aider travailler sur vous, attirer & choisir la bonne personne tout en sassurant de la validation divine.Voici ce que vous dcouvrirez l'intrieur de ce cours :connatre les diffrentes faons dont Dieu vous parlecomprendre pourquoi et comment dvelopper une intimit avec Dieu spcialement pour le choix du conjoint ?savoir comment prier pour son futur conjoint & son mariagecomprendre le principe d'attraction du conjointobtenir les cls pour attirer son futur conjointcomprendre & activer le pouvoir de la vision critecomprendre l'importance des critres de slection du conjointcomprendre le processus de slection des rencontres aux fianailles ?tout en s'assurant de mettre Dieu au centre de votre dcision ? qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Aux femmes essentiellement mais galement aux hommes chrtiens dsirant comprendre et appliquer les principes bibliques concernant l'attraction du conjoint idal"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a cocinar un men griego / mediterrneo" |
"Un men tradicional y moderno a la vez, fcil de hacer, para compartir con familia y amigos.Pescado a la sal, entero, cocido a la perfeccin, aromatizado con hierbas y limn amarillo.Ensalada griega, feta y verduras frescas.Chips de calabaza y berenjena, crujientes para acompaar con tzatzikiTzatziki, tradicional con pepino y hierbas. El dip perfecto para acompaar todo el men.Papas y espinacas rostizadas la limn amarillo.Saganaki, queso frito, envuelto en fyllo con un toque dulce."
Price: 24.99

"Hands on Python3 Regular Expressions for Absolute Beginners" |
"This course provides you clear cut concept in regular expression,external modules and data scrapping using python and you will learn different types of pattern matching,use of dollar,caret,plus,question mark symbols and also VERBOSE,IGNORECASE functions also some of third party module like pyperclip and built in module which is re module and you will gain good skill as email and phone number scraper.Learn some basics about Python also....its also like bootcamp in python for absolute beginner...Python regular expression will be taught in this module which is a greatest and useful module in python"
Price: 19.99

"Como Montar uma Impressora 3D" |
"Neste curso, voc vai aprender como montar uma impressora 3D caseira, de baixo custo, usando peas recicladas e reutilizadas.Uma mquina com timo custo x benefcio, mas que vai remeter uma tima qualidade e preciso.Voc deve imaginar que montar uma impressora 3D seja complicado e at mesmo caro, mas, vou te mostrar que no! trabalhoso, porm, simples! Voc no precisa de nenhum conhecimento especfico, basta ter CRIATIVIDADE e IMAGINAO!E quanto ao custo, vers que no muito alto.Montei duas verses, a 0.1, que foi a primeira, gastei APENAS 150 REAIS!J a segunda, investi um pouco mais e gastei 435 reais.Ento, se acha que montar uma impressora 3D caro ou complexo, te digo que no!No curso te mostro o passo a passo, com tudo que usei e como montei.A nica coisa que voc precisa CRIATIVIDADE E IMAGINAO!Ter uma impressora 3D um mximo, e mais emocionante ainda olhar pra ela e dizer: FUI EU QUE MONTEI!No h nada mais gratificante para um Maker que, olhar para um projeto com orgulho de ter montado!Adquirindo o curso, voc ter contato comigo, para tirar dvidas e informaes, alm de sugestes e feedbacks.E ento? Bora montar essa mquina?"
Price: 39.99

"CEH v10 312-50 Latest Exam Practice Test (SEP 2020 Updated)" |
"Our 312-50v10 practice exam questions are created by EC-COUNCIL Certified Professionals who are always looking for updates and how to better improve our 312-50v10 study guides. Mostly all of our EC-COUNCIL Product Exams come with Questions & Answers and explanations so you wont just learn the answers, you will understand them."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with EC-Council in any way.""If you want to become a Certified Ethical Hacker and this Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Practice Exams Course comprises of 06 Practice Tests with 500 Most Expected CEH questionsEach practice test contains 125 questions These practice exam questions are based on the Exam Objectives for EC-Council's Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam for all areas of the exam to help better prepare you for the real certification exam.After practicing these tests and scoring 92% or higher in them. guarantee You will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-take fees, saving you time and money.This course is the latest course on Udemy and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!WHAT'S COVERED?CEH Practice Test domainsBackgroundAnalysis/AssessmentSecurityTools/Systems/ProgramsProcedures/MethodologyRegulation/PolicyEthicsWhat youll learnThis Latest exam practice questions and answers cover all topics and technologies of 312-50 CEH v10 exam allowing student to get prepared and then pass exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Interest in study of 312-50 CEH v10 examWho this course is for:This exam practice questions and answers cover all topics and technologies of 312-50 CEH v10 exam allowing student to get prepared and then pass exam."
Price: 1600.00

"SAP Financial Accounting Associate Practice Exam C_TFIN52_67" |
"Get Certified in minimum timeMain Features:240 QuestionsNo repetition of questionsScenario-based questions4 Practice testsSpecially designed for SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial AccountingIdeal for C_TFIN52_67SAP Certification Exam Facts:80 questions3 hoursPassing 60%All question have same weighting ( every question is worth 1 point )No partial scoring ( you get one point for the entire question or nothing )Questions from same topic stay together, topic sequence is randomizedSource material is course handbook / e-bookSame 80 questions for everyone and every timeAlways objective, never opinion basedNo true/false questions01. Which line item field is filled automatically by the sort key field of a master record (G/L account, customer, or vendor)?Please choose the correct answera) Item textb) Assignmentc) Amount in document currencyd) Number of the invoice to which the transaction belongsAnswer: b02. Which two data sections are part of every asset?There are 2 correct answers to this questiona) Account determination data sectionb) Depreciation data sectionc) Master data sectiond) Valuation area data sectionAnswer: b, c03. Which options are available to define the number range of a document?There are 2 correct answers to this questions.a) Ledger group specificb) For every fiscal year variantc) For every fiscal yeard) ContinuousAnswer: c, d04. What is the purpose of account determination in the accrual engine?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) To determine the CO object.b) To determine the correct posting period.c) To determine debit and credit accounts.d) To determine the document type.Answer: c, d05. For which scenario can you use the cash journal?Please choose the correct answer.a) To manage cash in local branches and offices.b) To make remittances to vendors.c) To post incoming and outgoing payments in any transaction currencyd) To record documents that will not be included in the general ledger.Answer: a06. What are the prerequisites for setting up cross-company cost accounting?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) The same fiscal year is used for all company codes.b) The same variant for open periods is used for all company codes.c) The same chart of accounts is used for all company codes.d) The same currency is used for all company codes.Answer: a, c"
Price: 1280.00

"Terapia com Florais de Bach" |
"Esse encontro com os Florais de Bach tem como objetivo realizar uma prtica teraputica integrativa que possibilita autoconhecimento e transformao, utilizando prticas como mandala e os mantras para cada floral , compreendendo toda essa dinmica com uma viso sistmica e Transpessoal, olhando para as ressonncias mrficas e sincronicidades relativas a cada floral. Esses podem ser recomendados para crianas, adultos, idosos, animais e plantas. reconhecida como Prtica Integrativa e Complementar em sade. "
Price: 234.99

"Primeiros passos para INVESTIR!" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender mtricas que iro te ensinar a investir em todos os produtos aqui abordados como crdito privado (Debnture, CRI e CRA), emisso bancria(CDB, LCI e LCA) e Tesouro Nacional (LTN, NTN-F, LFT,NTN-B, NTNB-Principal) sem intermdio de terceiros. Sero abordados tipos de investimento de acordo com os cenrios existentes ,como pr-fixados, ps-fixados e ps fixados IPCA."
Price: 39.99

"Excel Administrativo - do bsico ao intermedirio" |
"Este curso ideal para aqueles que querem e precisam dominar o principal e mais conhecido software na criao e edio de Planilhas Eletrnicas de Clculo. Aqui o aluno aprender a criar, formatar e editar Planilhas; Comandos calculados com Frmulas e Funes; Ilustraes e Grficos; Banco de Dados; Funes Compostas e Financeiras; e Macros.O curso inicia desde noes bsicas e finaliza na parte Intermediria, ou seja, com esse curso o aluno estar pronto para trabalhar em Rotinas Administrativas em uma Empresa, Home Office e/ou Escolares.Atravs desses conhecimentos aluno ser capaz de trazer solues e melhorar procedimentos em seu local de trabalho, tornando-se um colaborador eficiente auxiliando no crescimento da empresa e em seu prprio. Sejam bem-vindos a UOTI-MX e boas aulas!"
Price: 39.99

"Jovens no Mercado de Trabalho" |
"Durante o Curso ""Jovem no Mercado de Trabalho"", alm de descobrir como acelerar a sua entrada no Mercado de Trabalho, voc tambm vai descobrir quais so as tcnicas, atitudes e comportamentos que podem te ajudar a conquistar uma promoo no trabalho, independente de onde estiver trabalhando.Ao longo dos ltimos 15 anos, eu j entrevistei centenas de jovens candidatos, e tambm conquistei muitos amigos recrutadores.O contedo desse curso contm tudo o que voc precisa saber para comear a sua jornada."
Price: 54.99

"Entdecke deine Kraft in dir!!" |
"Du bist genau richtig hier!!! Schn, dass du da bistWir werden uns gemeinsam die 3 Bewusstseinsebenen genauer anschauen, um zu verstehen wie sie gemeinsam zusammen richtig Groes bewirken knnen...Das TagesbewusstseinDas UnterbewusstseinDas berbewusstseinIch werde dir meine kraftvollsten bungen zeigen, die mir persnlich am meisten geholfen haben, ENDLICH wieder in meine Kraft zu kommen.Auch wenn du vielleicht schon ein sehr bewusster Mensch bist, erlaube mir, meine Erfahrungen mit dir zuteilen...Wir werden uns auch im Laufe des Kurses mit dem mchtigen berbewusstsein verbinden um alte Informationen, die dir nicht mehr dienlich sind, aus deinem Unterbewusstsein zulsen...Mein Wunsch mit diesem Kurs ist es, das du wieder Zugang zu deiner inner Kraft findest oder noch eine strkere Verbindung aufbaust...Sei gespannt, sei offen fr Neues und vor allem lass Wunder geschehen ;Alles Liebe fr dich Katrin"
Price: 149.99

"WordPress direto ao ponto - Crie e publique site em 24hs" |
"J imaginou poder trabalhar de qualquer lugar do mundo criando sites profissionais e sendo muito bem remunerado por isso? Eu sei, essa uma daqueles promessas que sempre ouvimos e que parecem boas demais para ser verdade no mesmo? Eu tambm pensaria isso se fosse voc, no entanto, exatamente por isso que esse curso se diferencia.Desenvolvi esse curso refazendo a minha prpria trajetria profissional com o desenvolvimento de sites e condensei nas aulas o contedo necessrio para voc desenvolver sites profissionais, com possibilidades quase infinitas de personalizao e completamente gerenciveis no WordPress. Para que voc entenda como esse contedo poderoso, com esse conhecimento eu abandonei meu emprego em 2004 (pois meu salrio no era suficiente nem para pagar a faculdade que eu queria fazer) e comecei a viver nica e exclusivamente da criao de sites institucionais ou seja, sem a necessidade de desenvolver sistemas complexos j que tambm no era programador. Descobri que quase 80% de todos os clientes precisam de sites simples, que sejam capazes de abrir rapidamente em qualquer dispositivo e transmitir com clareza sua mensagem, para que o cliente possa fazer contato de maneira direta e eficiente, assim que a converso acontece, ou seja, um bom site nada mais do que uma pgina de vendas e os bons sites, so capazes de contribuir significativamente para o crescimento de qualquer negcio. Essa foi a minha nica fonte de renda at 2011, quando fui convidado para ministrar aulas em escolas particulares e universidades, alm de me tornar consultor de marketing digital pois quando voc desenvolve sites comum que os clientes lhe peam tambm outros servios relacionados.Focado na criao de sites comerciais, ao final do curso voc ser capaz de construir sites profissionais de uma ou mltiplas pginas, landing pages (pginas de captura), pginas de apps, produtos e blogs, sem conhecimento algum de programao, mesmo que seu conhecimento em desenvolvimento de sites ou WordPress seja absolutamente zero. Para que voc tenha uma ideia, os sites que voc aprender a desenvolver so comercializados por valores que variam entre R$ 2000,00 a R$ 60000,00 e voc vai levar em mdia dois dias para finalizar cada um deles at pegar prtica e desenvolver ainda mais rpido, tenho ex alunos que desenvolvem um desses por dia.Seja voc um estudante ou profissional, que quer desenvolver o prprio site ou viver disso, esse curso traz o necessrio para que voc consiga excelentes resultados em um curto perodo de tempo, sem enrolao e sem ensinar milhares de recursos que so vo te confundir e te afastar da prtica que o que realmente me moveu a compartilhar esses conhecimento.Se voc busca um curso prtico, direto ao ponto e que te prepara para iniciar a construo profissional de sites comerciais, sem dvidas essa a sua melhor oportunidade. Aproveite e matricule-se agora mesmo, com a certeza de que esse conhecimento tambm pode transformar a sua vida.Um abrao e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 99.99

"Diksiyon, Doru ve Gzel Konuma" |
"Kiisel geliimin her alannda olduu gibi, Diksiyon ve Doru Trke Kullanm konusunda da ncelikle kendinizi, geliim ve dnm ynnde ikna etmi olmanz gerekir. Doru bilinen yanllardan kurtulmaya ve konumanz gelitirmeye hazrsanz bu kurs ile birlikte doru Trke kullanm konusunda bir farkndalk yaayacaksnz. Dersler esnasnda, sizler de telaffuzlar tekrar ederek pratik yapma ansna sahip olacaksnz. Ayrca diksiyonunuzu nasl gelitireceinize dair tavsiyeler edineceksiniz."
Price: 69.99

"ngilizce Dinleyerek ve Konuarak ngilizce ren" |
"Neden biz? Kursumuz sizleri gramer kurallar ile skmadan, dinleyerek, cmle kalplarn renerek ve baz blmlerde dekonuarak sizlere yabanclar ile iletiim kurabilmeyi retecek. Kartoonglish olarak, ngilizce renme serveninizi kursumuzda bulunan animasyonlu eitimler sayesindeelenceli hale getirmeyi amalyoruz. nk; bir insann keyif almad eyleri renirken verim almadn da ok iyi biliyoruz. Kurs ierisindeki animasyonlar; Animasyonun altyazl hali, Animasyonda geen diyaloglarn trke halleri, Animasyonda konuma etkinlii, Animasyonun altyazsz hali,eklinde siz deerli rencilerimize sunuyoruz.Kursumuzun ierii unlar kapsamaktadr: ngilizce Cmle Yaplar (Animasyonlar ile) Temel Seviye Kelimeler (Animasyonlar ile) Geni Zaman (Animasyonlar ile) Have-Has (Animasyonlar ile) Possesive Adjectives (Animasyonlar ile) Object Pronouns (Animasyonlar ile) imdiki Zaman (Animasyonlar ile) Gemi Zaman (Animasyonlar ile) Gelecek Zaman (Animasyonlar ile) Modals (Animasyonlar ile) Orta Seviye Kelimeler (Animasyonlar ile) ngilizce reniminde Kullanlabilecek UygulamalarKursumuzdan memnun kalmadnz takdirde, kursumuzu 30 gn ierisinde iade etme hakkna sahip olduunuzu bildirmek isteriz."
Price: 59.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Professional (1Z0-997)" |
"Demonstrate the knowledge required to specify, architect and implement applicable OCI services/solutions by earning an OCI Certification. Develop next generation skills to manage infrastructure in the cloud. If you score more than 90% in test, you are ready to face the actual exam. This is only for practice and reference purpose."
Price: 1280.00

"Race, Culture And Religion In The Workplace" |
"Understand the Race, Culture & Religion dynamics and identify ways to manage this in your organization, so that you can better channel the diverse potential in the workplace for greater performance and innovation.How does your workplace need to respond?Whenever making business decisions, involve people from different Races, Cultures and Religions, make decisions based on multiple perspectives where all people can be heard and represented. Your companys success depends on providing the right tools and support to maximize social cohesion and minimize legal risks."
Price: 24.99

"MPLS on MikroTik with LABS" |
"MPLS is a protocol that runs inside the ISP networks. Deploying MPLS is always a challenge because of its complexity. However, MPLS has a much better performance than any other routing protocol because it works on Labels for the routing decision and it works on layer 2.5 instead of layer 3 as other routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF and BGP.Using MPLS, the ISP will be able to have a lot of benefits from feature that it provides such as Layer 3 VPN using VRF, Layer 2 VPN using VPLS, Traffic Engineering Tunnels and much more.In this course, I will go through MPLS from scratch, so I am going to explain to you what MPLS is exactly and how it works, then i am going to start doing labs to cover all topics possibles in MPLS.Topics that I am going to cover in this course are:Introduction to MPLSMPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS FilteringMPLS Layer3 VPN - VRFMPLS Layer 2 VPN - VPLSMPLS Traffic EngineeringAll the course will be based on hands-on LABS, so by end of the course you will have a big understanding of how to deploy MPLS in your ISP using MikroTik Routers.To be able to follow this course, you can use GNS3 because in some LABS we require to have up to 7 MikroTik Routers. Of course if you have those routers than you can deploy them and work on physical routers to to the LABS.Finally, If you have to master MPLS on MikroTik and understand how it works, I highly advise you to register in my course and get all the information that i am going to share with you."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Financial Ratio Analysis" |
"Are you in for some financial ratio analysis?Have you ever wondered what the ROE, P/E, EPS, ROA, GPM abbreviations mean and how to interpret them?You have come to the right place!Among all the benefits of the course, its integrity is what makes it so comprehensive and easily digestible. It will help you understand how ratio analysis works in practice.We will train you to recognize whether a company:- Is generating sufficient profits to cover its expenses- Is heavily in debt and headed to insolvency- Has some liquidity issues and significant cash shortages- Is under- or overvaluedIn fact, this is essential for those of you who have taken on a career in Finance, such as:Finance ManagerFinancial AnalystEquity AnalystInvestor, orSomeone who is just keen to enhance their financial literacy and skills.We will tackle several categories of financial multiples with practical examples and challenges aiming to reinforce what you have learned. The course is beautifully animated, easy to follow, and interactive. Our goal is to deliver the ultimate training experience for you!The financial ratios that we will cover fall into the following categories:Activity ratiosTrade receivables turnoverTrade payables turnoverInventory turnoverLiquidity ratiosCurrent ratioCash ratioQuick ratioSolvency ratiosDebt-to-assetsDebt-to-capitalDebt-to-equityFinancial LeverageProfitability ratiosGross profit marginOperating profit marginNet profit marginReturn on assets (ROA)Return on equity (ROE)Valuation ratiosEarnings per share (EPS)Price/earnings ratio (P/E)Dividend yieldIn addition, we will examine a key technique called the DuPont Analysis.It compiles a number of ratios into a comprehensive financial analysis framework. This is definite must-know for everyone interested in becoming a seasoned professional in the field.And thats not all!By the end of the course, you will also get the chance to compute some financial ratios employed in equity and credit analysis, as well as learn what segment reporting is.Finally, we will illustrate how ratio analysis can be used to model and forecast earnings. Sounds exciting, doesnt it?We are happy to offer an unconditional 30-day money-back in full guarantee. No risk for you. The content of the course is superior, and we have no doubt you will love it.Knowledge is the most powerful weapon for all, especially in times of crisis!So, why wait? Every day is a missed opportunity.Click the Buy Now button and become a part of our Introduction to Financial Ratio Analysis training today."
Price: 199.99

"Quiz Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-3H) Higher Tier - Reading" |
"This Quiz is based on (1CN0-3H) 2017 SAM Specimen Paper. There are Two Sections in this paperSection A: 10 QuestionSection B: Translate a passage into English Higher Tier 2017 SAM Paper 3-Reading and understanding in Chinese , Paper Reference 1CN0/3H Questions, Answer in English. We modify into quiz with best possible vocabulary explanations in deep deep details.Please refer to the Video Course ""Quiz Edexcel GCSE Chinese (1CN0-3H) 2017 SAM -Reading"" for practice test. IntroductionThe Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 (1CN0-3H) 2017 in Chinese ) is designed for use in schools and colleges. It is part of a suite of GCSE qualifications offered by Pearson. (First teaching from September 2017 First certification from June 2019) (Replace (5CN01/1F) Listening; (5CN02 Speaking); (5CN03/3F) Reading, Last exam in 2018) Higher TierPaper 3: (1CN0/3H) Reading and understanding in ChineseTime: 50 minutes, Text in Chinese, answer in English."
Price: 29.99

"Fiction Formula: How to outline a bestselling novel" |
"How to write a book: fiction novel outline templatesI spent 10 years in a library getting a PhD in Literature, and still didn't know how to write a novel. But after editing a few hundred books and writing a dozen of my own, I've created clear and simple resources for outlining commercial fiction that is better than anything else available. I hope you think so too.Whether you're a pantser or a plotter; whether your first rough draft is finished or you haven't even started; this guide to plotting and story architecture will drastically improve your novel's pacing, create more intrigue, and keep readers engaging. Ultimately, you'll end up with a much more satisfying book - which means better reviews, and more sales.FEEDBACK ON MY PLOTTING RESOURCES:""I've been listening to this non-stop. Dude has done his research on story structure.""""Finally implementing your structure into the beats of my story. I really think you're on to something here. You can literally immediately visualize hundreds of movies you know (that worked) based on when certain beats happen."" ""I have been looking for a plot structure like this for a long time! It helped me to complete a system that I'm so happy with. Thanks so much!""""This has been so helpful! You don't understand what this means to me. If anyone ever asks me how I managed to write three full POV stories at once in the same book, I'll credit Derek Murphy.""""Man this right here helped me a ton yo. It cut out most of all the nonsense that the other outlines be giving.""""When I put my story ideas into other outlines they seem to leave me still feeling lost, and confused with what should happen in certain chapters. But this one? I was able to connect the dots from beginning to the complete end. I had to study it for a week straight before I finally was able to really understand how to use this story structure completely."" ""Thank you so much for creating this story outline. Me being able to really complete a story blueprint makes me feel so happy right now."""
Price: 49.99

"Authors YouTube Audio Book Channel" |
"This course is full of ideas and suggestions to get started with a YouTube Channel. Once you get monetized you will earn income on autopilot for each of your previous and new videos. This is a really great deal for authors. Four thousand watch hours is NOT easy. in actuality, this is 240,000 seconds. However, the course provides different ideas to help you qualify much faster.IMPORTANT: There are many different ideas within this course. There are ONLY two recommendations for ensuring success, besides creating great videos. The first recommendation is to using the YouTube Platform to increase your subscribers to 1000 as quickly as possible. This course will share this information with you. Once you have the ""real"" 1000 subscribers, they will help to increase your watch time greatly.The second most important recommendation is to use one of the professional YouTube Partners to rank your videos. This is a tool many YouTubers use, but few ever talk about This course will explain the value of professional tools and how they can help make a big difference in your success rate. "
Price: 49.99

"Excel Topic Series: AutoSum" |
"AutoSum is an often overlooked, or taken for granted, feature within Excel. While its true that AutoSum is incredibly simple to use, there is a lot to be learned from how AutoSum can create more than just sums (totals). Within Microsoft Excel, the AutoSum tool can also generate descriptive statistics functions: Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Count. AutoSum also provides a shortcut to the Insert Function dialog box, can be used within Tables, and can even be applied across entire ranges or regions all at once. After you learn AutoSum, you'll no longer be left manually adding, repeatedly setting up the Sum function, or relying heavily on AutoFill.Take your knowledge of AutoSum, and all associated tooling, beyond the simple ""click here, click there"" training you received in school or from on-the-job (OTJ) training and join host Chase Raz on a deep dive into AutoSum within this episode of the Excel Topic Series, presented by A.B. Gamma Training.In this episode of the Excel Topic Series presented by A.B. Gamma:Learn to use one of Excel's most popular tools, AutoSumQuickly generate sums, or totals, for ranges of dataUse AutoSum to generate averages, counts, minimums, and maximumsCalculate sums for multiple rows, columns, or both simultaneouslyUse AutoSum with Tables and see the SUBTOTALS function in actionAbout the Excel Topic SeriesThe Excel Topic Series by A.B. Gamma Training is a multi-course training series that saves time learning Excel in-depth. Instead of covering the three levels of Excelbasic, intermediate, and advancedacross multiple days and then being required to individually integrate that knowledge, the Excel Topic Series performs deep-dive analysis and exploration of one Microsoft Excel topic and its associated tooling. This method combines Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced training into one short-form, and topic-oriented, course.About Unicorn MiraclesUnicorn what?! Unicorn Miracles is a fictitious business that A.B. Gamma Training and the Excel Topic Series utilize to increase course engagement, improve knowledge retention, and generate immediate application potential for each student. The business may sound whimsical, but it's based upon advanced education theory (pedagogy), psychology, and neuroscience to create a learning environment that is sufficiently captivating to inspire course completion and skill application. The fictitious business is scientifically engineered to increase brain plasticity and reduce apprehension for new topics or fear of breaking complex tools. It's designed to influence your hippocampus and amygdala, engage your limbic system (emotion and memory), and integrate the memory, processing, and action centers within your brain."
Price: 39.99

"Domina MySQL desde Cero" |
"En este curso aprenders MySQL de una forma sencilla, viendo conceptos tericos y demostraciones prcticas que te llevaran paso a paso de una manera simple para que puedas ir aprendiendo y asimilando el conocimiento, siempre de la mano de tu instructor, la idea es que vayas realizando de tu lado las mismas demostraciones que ves en el curso, y si tienes alguna pregunta o curiosidad pues te apoyemos para superarla.Entre los temas que veremos en el curso estn los siguientes:Instalacin de Mysql y Workbench.Creacin de base de datos y tablas.Sentencias SQL (select, insert, update, delete,etc).Tipo de datos.Creacin de ndices, claves primarias, etc.Desarrollo de vistas, store procedure y funciones.Realizacin de copias de seguridad y recuperacin.Reparacin y optimizacin de base de datos."
Price: 19.99
