"The Complete Amazon Honeycode Masterclass: Build 7 Projects" |
"No Code Web and App Builder for SpreadsheetsAmazon Honeycode combines the familiar interface of a spreadsheet with the data management capability of a database. Import your CSV files into this Amazon Web Service, and instantly create mobile and web applications for your team. Without coding.Completely tailored for beginners, this is a business changing course you don't want to miss.Transform your spreadsheets into custom apps to automate tracking data, automations and much more. This AWS tool will streamline your data work!Use Amazon Honeycode's no-code app builder to create custom apps that help your team manage work and achieve its goals.A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery800,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesREVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHCOURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in OOP and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016, including the Coding Interview series in Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Python and Swift."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Realtime Application Cluster-RAC with Practical Demos" |
"Learn how to build Oracle RAC databases of types: administrator-managed, policy-managed and RAC One node.This course contains practical demos of different RAC related concepts which includesOracle RAC database architectureCreate RAC environment from scratch by creating 2 nodes virtual machines with ASM storage.Perform the administration tasks on Oracle RACBackup and recovery in Oracle RACMonitor and tune Oracle RAC databasesManage dynamic database servicesImplement load balancing, TAFAdd and remove a node from Oracle RACCreate and manage the following:Oracle RAC One Node databasesOracle Policy-managed RAC databases"
Price: 99.99

forex-priceaction-principle |
Price: 2400.00

"The Agile Bootcamp: Agile Delivery Agile Case Studies" |
"The most complete and comprehensive Agile Full Overview course you can find on Udemy covering everything you need to know to hit the ground running with Agile Project Management: the Agile values, the Agile principles, the Agile teams and roles, , Agile planning techniques, Agile events, Agile estimation techniques, managing risks and issues in Agile, Reflection in Agile projects, Agile practices in software engineering, and Agile real life scenarios.It is the time make yourself a more valuable member of the team by learning how to help organizations make changes faster and with less expense by using Agile approaches.This course has been designed with a focus and dedication on quality content building, it will save you hundreds of dollars on Agile training and Agile certifications. Completing this course will help you prepare for the professional agile certifications. ""Agile is a simple method for managing and completing even the most complex projects. Based on my experience, it has also been the number one reason why projects have delivered on time""WHY TO TAKE THIS COURSE?- It was created by a professional project manager, Scrum and Agile expert, and leading global consultant. - It will help you understand the Agile framework from A to Z. Theory, meetings, artifacts, roles, planning, delivery, risk management. - You will know the different estimation techniques used in agile projects. - There will be a dedicated section for Agile real life scenarios and study cases. - At the end of the course, you will be able to download useful excel templates to manage your Agile project, like retrospective, 30 days iteration planning, and task board templates. - At Elite instructors we are providing our students 24x7x365 Support. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. COURSE STRUCTUREEach section features an overview of a particular aspect of Agile such as Principles, Roles, Events, Planning, Estimation, Risk Management, Software Engineering, followed by a summary of key points and frequent misunderstandings in industry. This course is just perfect if you are interested learning about Agile, or if you are planning to prepare for any Agile professional certification. At the end of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion, that might boost your CV and open new career opportunities. REAL LIFE SCENARIOS Case Studies based on real industry experience and research - The correct methods for improvement and dealing with difficult situations is essential to mastering agile . My experience in industry and research into the topic has been used to give you a solid grounding in the most concise way possible.STILL NOT CONVINCED?And if youre still not sure heres our promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, I well give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of this course, youll have a working understanding of the fundamentals of Agile as well as its most popular Agile practices, in addition to real life scenarios explained. Enroll today and get started learning the fundamentals of Agile"
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda a criar jogos estilo Hack and Slash com Unity" |
"Se voc quer aprender como feita a mecnica de golpes de jogos do estilo Hack and Slash como por exemplo jogos renomados como God Of War, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Bayonetta 2 entre outros, esse curso pra voc.Um curso completo com foco exclusivo nessa mecnica, para que voc no perca tempo e saiba como criar os combos de ataque que so a marca registrada de jogos nesse estilo.Para poder acompanhar o curso necessrio que voc j tenha um conhecimento prvio de Unity e programao C#.Com esse curso, voc no ficar apenas copiando e colando cdigo, voc ir efetivamente aprender a aplicar tudo que faz parte desse tipo de mecnica de forma que poder facilmente criar qualquer jogo no estilo Hack and Slash.No perca tempo! Te vejo nas aulas."
Price: 54.99

"Estrutura de Dados e Algoritmos em Python: O Guia Completo" |
"Estrutura de Dados uma rea da Cincia da Computao que estuda as tcnicas computacionais para a organizao e manipulao eficiente de quaisquer quantidade de informaes. Em outras palavras, quando voc desenvolver um sistema deve pensar em quais estruturas de dados devem ser utilizadas; sendo que a escolha de determinada estrutura de dados influenciar no desempenho do software. Em outras palavras, entender sobre estrutura de dados essencial para garantir que os algoritmos sejam eficientes, tanto em tempo de execuo quanto em mtricas de avaliao de desempenho.Baseado nisso, nesse curso voc vai aprender a teoria e implementar passo a passo as principais estruturas de dados existentes! Um dos diferenciais deste curso que no usaremos bibliotecas prontas, ou seja, todas as implementaes sero feitas do zero utilizando a linguagem de programao Python. Desta forma, alm de entender a teoria voc tambm ter um forte embasamento tcnico sobre como implementar cada uma delas. E no h problema caso voc seja novo(a) na linguagem Python, pois no incio do curso voc pode assistir mais de 2 (duas) horas de contedo com o bsico dessa linguagem! Veja abaixo o que voc vai aprender:Notao Big-O para anlise de algoritmosVetores ordenados e no ordenadosPilhas, filas e dequesListas encadeadas simples, listas encadeadas com extremidade dupla e listas duplamente encadeadasRecursoAlgoritmos de ordenao: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, shell sort, merge sort e quick sortrvores binrias de buscaGrafosAlgoritmos de busca em grafos, como busca gulosa e busca A Estrela (A*) da rea de Inteligncia Artificial e o clssico algoritmo de DijkstraTodos os exemplos sero desenvolvidos passo a passo e sem pressa, para que voc consiga entender perfeitamente cada implementao. Alm disso, faremos debug passo a passo nos cdigos para que voc entenda exatamente o que cada algoritmo faz! Ao final de cada mdulo voc pode responder questionrios tericos para revisar a teoria, bem como exerccios prticos com solues. Este o curso on-line mais fcil e didtico, que voc aprender tudo o que precisa saber sobre estrutura de dados e algoritmos em Python!"
Price: 39.99

"Strong Scripts: A Practical Script Writing Course for Video" |
"Strong script writing. Stronger videos.Become a better video creator by getting acquainted with optimal creation processes, practical script templates and easy-to-use tips and tricks for videos that engage your viewer and make them understand your message. Insights from the video agency worldThis course covers the knowledge, I gained throughout my 3 years as owner of an animation video agency. You'll both get the more strategic, high-level considerations around how to outline your video - as well as step-by-step guidance on how to write a strong script in practice.After you've taken this class, you have a strong foundation of knowledge to base your videos on. And you'll be able to use my templates for writing video scripts, as well as tailoring your scripts to the specific context, you're in.For business owners, marketers and e-learning professionalsThis course is for business owners, freelance copywriters and agencies who want to either learn video script writing from the ground up - or who want to take their existing content writing or video production skills to the next level through new ideas, inspiration and alternative takes on the practice of writing for video.As always, I'm available to you as a student of this course, and you'll get answers to all the questions you might have - as well as dedicated sparring on your written scripts from me.I'm looking forward to seeing you inside in a second. /Rued"
Price: 199.99

"Twinmotion 2020 per tutti" |
"Twinmotion 2020 un fantastico software di visualizzazione in tempo reale che consente di creare ambientazioni e progetti architettonici da urlo, con la possibilit di produrre immagini, video e presentazioni interattive.Distribuito da Epic Games, la sua facilit d'uso e l'immediatezza della sua interfaccia fanno di Twinmotion uno dei migliori software del settore.Animazioni predefinite, sistema di vegetation, sculpting e painting del terreno, personaggi di scena animati, suoni, materiali pbr, effetti e post produzione, importazione dei sistemi BIM... questi sono solo alcune delle potenzialit di Twinmotion!Gli asset e il materiale scaricabile di supporto al corso sono disponibili fra le risorse nella quarta lezione.Argomenti delle lezioni:- Introduzione al corso- Download e installazione- Interfaccia di Twinmotion 1a parte- Interfaccia di Twinmotion 2a parte- Selezione, duplicazione e trasformazione degli oggetti- Esplorazione e navigazione- Preferenze e settaggi- Inserire oggetti dalla libreria- Importare gli oggetti 1a parte- Importare gli oggetti 2a parte- Introduzione ai materiali e la teoria dei PBR- Materiali 1a parte- Materiali 2a parte- Decals- Video- Global Illumination (la scheda Settings - Lighting)- Superfici emissive e luci- Condizioni atmosferiche (la scheda Settings - Weather)- Inquadramento geografico e sfondi (la scheda Settings - Location)- Urbanizzazione (la scheda Context - Urban)- Riflessioni e Light Probe- Scolpire il terreno (la scheda Context - Sculpt terrain) - Dipingere sul terreno (la scheda Context - Paint terrain)- Distese, piscine e corsi d'acqua- Sistema di vegetazione 1a parte- Sistema di vegetazione 2a parte (la scheda Context - Vegetation paint)- Sistema di vegetazione 3a parte (la scheda Context - Vegetation scatter)- Popolare la scena con persone e animali- Percorsi (la scheda Context - Path)- Altri oggetti - Particles, Suoni e rumori, Sezioni- Camera e Inquadratura (la scheda Settings - Camera)- Visual Effects (la scheda Settings - Camera)- Renderizzare Immagini, Panorami, Video e Presenter (la scheda media)- Export (la scheda Export)- Conclusioni"
Price: 49.99

tumor-in-the-thorax |
"-, , - (COPD), , CT -MRI , -, , , - (-), ( ), , "", , - , -, , , - , ( ) , , , - , , , , , - , , ."
Price: 79.99

calculation-of-quantities |
" . 1- .2- 3-4- ."
Price: 59.99

geotechnical-engineering |
"(: Geotechnical engineering): . ( ) ."
Price: 59.99

"CompTIA A+:Apprenez Devenir un Technicien Support Certifi" |
"Saviez-vous que + de 90% des recruteurs, pensent que les certifications informatiques sont une preuve dexpertise ?De nombreuses entreprises du domaine de linformatique, voient la certification CompTIA A+, comme un prrequis pour lemploi.CompTIA A+ est la certification prfre des techniciens de supports informatiques, car cest un bon tremplin, lorsque lon souhaite dmarrer une carrire dans lIT.Que vous ayez ou non lintention de passer lexamen, suivre le parcours de certification CompTIA A+ vous permettra dacqurir les comptences ncessaires pour russir dans votre carrire informatique.COMMENCEZ DES MAINTENANT A SUIVRE VOTRE PARCOURS DE FORMATION COMPTIA A+TMOIGNAGES :J'ai commenc de zro, et je vois le rseau d'une toute autre manire prsent et ces connaissances vont m'tre extrmement bnfiques dans mon parcours professionnel.Encore merci pour tout et bravo pour la richesse et la qualit des cours ainsi que pour les changes.Olivier.GSi vous avez zro base d'informatique rseau comme moi, cette formation est faite pour vous.Le formateur a une trs bonne pdagogieThierry.CLa voie Express vers la Certification CompTIA A+Le parcours CompTIA A+ est la voie express vers la certification CompTIA, en apprenant pas--pas, devenir un technicien de support informatique.Jaime interagir avec mes participants, nhsitez donc pas poser des questions ! De plus, le cours dispose d'une garantie satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours. la demande de plusieurs participants, qui ont des difficults d'internet, j'ai activ le tlchargement de la formation sur l'ensemble de mes cours. Je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances avec vous et vous souhaite un max de succs !LA CERTIFICATION COMPTIA N'A JAMAIS T SI PROCHE DE VOUS !"
Price: 199.99

Java |
"1. 2. 3. JavaFX 4. Android Java Java - Java Encrypt JavaFX IntelliJ IDEA CE JavaFX MVC Android Android Studio Android Android App App apk JavaFX Android Android App"
Price: 1000.00

"Flutter : Crez un jeu avec Flame pour iOS et Android" |
"Vous connaissez les bases de Dart et de la programmation orient objetVous avez dj cr des applications avec FlutterVous voulez crer votre jeu pour smartphoneCe cours est fait pour vous !Nous allons ensemble pas pas apprendre utiliser le package Flame pour crer un jeu en 2D pour iOS et Android. Ce jeu en apparence simple vous montrera comment intgrer les basiques pour aller ensuite encore plus loin et pourquoi pas crer le prochain jeu la mode que fera exploser le playStore et l'AppstoreNous allons donc dans ce jeu:Intgrer le package FlameModifier les textes pour lui donner un aspect uniqueintgrer les ennemisintgrer des bombesajouter les interactions avec l'utilisateur comme le onTapdtecter les collisionsmettre jour le scoredtecter le game overjouer une musique de collision et aussi une musique de fondanimer une explosionintgrer un backgroundLa seule limite restera ensuite votre imagination...Etes-vous prts apprendre en vous amusant?Je vous attends trs vite sur le cours"
Price: 49.99

androidapp-nocoding |
". Google Admob - Amazon - Startapp - Applovin - Appbrain ."
Price: 29.99

"Besser essen - Besser leben" |
"Warum? Warum kmpfen so viele Mnner und Frauen mit dem Abnehmen? Da werden die verschiedensten Taktiken, alle mglichen Diten aus verschiedenen Zeitschriften oder Blogs probiert. Aber jeder erzhlt dir was anderes. Wenn gar nichts hilft, versuchen es manche sogar mit Hypnose oder probieren autogenes Training.Dabei ist es eigentlich alles ganz einfach. Und sogar ohne Dit oder groen Verzicht. Denn Gewicht verlieren oder ein Energielevel aufbauen, das dir hilft, deine Ziele zu erreichen soll ja mit Lebensfreude funktionieren.Was kannst du tun?Wir haben uns in die verschiedensten Studien und Bcher reingelesen, denn unser Ziel ist es, die ganzen scheinbar widersprchlichen Fakten ber Ernhrung in eine klare Struktur zu bringen, die dir dabei hilft, die fr dich beste Ernhrungsform zu finden. Du glaubst gar nicht, was schon kleine Details, wie beispielsweise eine Reduzierung von Zucker im Alltag bewirken knnen. Nicht nur dein Insulinspiegel wird es dir danken, sondern auch deine Energie. Das klingt nach Verzicht? Mit dem richtigen Mindset ist es gar nicht schwer, auf deine Gesundheit zu achten.Wenn du im Groen und Ganzen die Dinge beherzigst, die du hier im Kurs lernst, sind auch eine Schokolade andere Snden gar nicht mehr schlimm. Unser Ziel ist es, dass du nicht sklavisch einem Ernhrungsplan folgen musst, sondern die Freiheit in deiner Ernhrung selbst in der Hand hast.Unser ZielEgal ob Low Carb, High Carb, vegetarisch, vegan oder ketogen und Paleo, es ist nicht das Ziel, eine Dit zu verfolgen. Wir sprechen uns an dieser Stelle sogar ausdrcklich gegen Diten aus, denn deine Ziele erreichst du am besten, wenn du ohne Zwang herangehst. Du siehst, wir zwingen hier niemanden dazu, zuckerfrei zu leben, aber es ist auf jeden Fall wichtig, zu verstehen, was welches Nahrungsmittel in deinem Krper macht.Die Vorteile fr dichSchlank werden und bleiben ist nur dann schwer, wenn Diten und andere Ideen zu Zwangsmanahmen werden. Klar, Sport ist wichtig, aber deinen Traumkrper machst du dir nun einmal in der Kche und nicht beim Sport.Aktuelle Studien belegen die Macht einer bewussten Ernhrung. In vielen Fllen konnte mit einer Ernhrungsumstellung Diabetes geheilt werden, ja sogar Krebs konnte zurckgedrngt werden.Unser VersprechenInnerhalb von 30 Tagen bekommst du dein Geld zurck, wenn dieser Kurs es nicht schafft, dein Verstndnis ber Ernhrung, auf das nchste Level zu bringen. Da das ber Udemy passiert, werden wir nicht einmal erfahren, dass das passiert ist. Einfach, anonym, ohne ""Wenn"" und ""Aber""."
Price: 99.99

"Learn to Fly. Aircraft pilot. HELICOPTER licence" |
"A turbine engine failure occurs when a turbine engine unexpectedly stops producing power due to a malfunction other than fuel exhaustion. It often applies for aircraft, but other turbine engines can fail, like ground-based turbines used in power plants or combined diesel and gas vessels and vehicles.ReliabilityTurbine engines in use on today's turbine-powered aircraft are very reliable. Engines operate efficiently with regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance. These units can have lives ranging in the thousands of hours of operation. However, engine malfunctions or failures occasionally occur that require an engine to be shut down in flight. Since multi-engine airplanes are designed to fly with one engine inoperative and flight crews are trained to fly with one engine inoperative, the in-flight shutdown of an engine typically does not constitute a serious safety of flight issue.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was quoted as stating turbine engines have a failure rate of one per 375,000 flight hours, compared to of one every 3,200 flight hours for aircraft piston engines.[1] Due to ""gross under-reporting"" of general aviation piston engines in-flight shutdowns (IFSD), the FAA has no reliable data and assessed the rate ""between 1 per 1,000 and 1 per 10,000 flight hours"".[2] Continental Motors reports the FAA states general aviation engines experience one failures or IFSD every 10,000 flight hours, and states its Centurion engines is one per 20.7 thousand flight hours, lowering to one per 164 thousand flight hours in 2013-2014.The General Electric GE90 has an in-flight shutdown rate (IFSD) of one per million engine flight-hours.[4] The Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 is known for its reliability with an in-flight shutdown rate of one per 333 thousand hours from 1963 to 2016,[5] lowering to one per 651 thousand hours over 12 months in 2016.Emergency landing[edit]Following an engine shutdown, a precautionary landing is usually performed with airport fire and rescue equipment positioned near the runway. The prompt landing is a precaution against the risk that another engine will fail later in the flight or that the engine failure that has already occurred may have caused or been caused by other as-yet unknown damage or malfunction of aircraft systems (such as fire or damage to aircraft flight controls) that may pose a continuing risk to the flight. Once the airplane lands, fire department personnel assist with inspecting the airplane to ensure it is safe before it taxis to its parking position.Rotorcraft[edit]Turboprop-powered aircraft and turboshaft-powered helicopters are also powered by turbine engines and are subject to engine failures for many similar reasons as jet-powered aircraft. In the case of an engine failure in a helicopter, it is often possible for the pilot to enter autorotation, using the unpowered rotor to slow the aircraft's descent and provide a measure of control, usually allowing for a safe emergency landing even without engine power."
Price: 19.99

"Storytelling for Technical Presentation" |
"Sharing technical information and knowledge is no easy task. Technical presentation tends to be complex, uninspiring and boring. If technical experts are not able to convey their innovative ideas to the general audience, that is a huge missed opportunity. This is where the art of storytelling can help. Storytelling transforms technical talk into dazzling presentation that will keep your audience engaged till the end.In this course, you will master the techniques of storytelling for technical presentation. You will learn the art of simplifying complex technical details into a story line that most audience can follow and remember. You will also learn to source, identify and validate the stories to be used. Throughout the course, the instructor will focus on the difference between standard storytelling and technical storytelling, utilizing his real-world experience in engineering and technical marketing for a Fortune 500 company. The highlight of this course is the case study that put all the storytelling techniques into practice.Lets translate the world-changing things you do into something meaningful to regular people."
Price: 19.99

"Music Production Fundamentals: Make Lofi FUNK Hip-Hop Beats" |
"Want to learn how to make oldschool Hip-hop beats with a modern vibe?In this course well make a beat from start to finish and show you exactly what goes into making a dope Hip-Hop beat.Well dive deeper into these easy and applicable tactics to help you start making these type of beats on your own.WHAT YOULL LEARN-How to utilize different drum patterns for Hip-Hop beats-My recommended method to get your 808s to BANG-How to mix and master Hip-Hop beats-My biggest tips and techniques to make beats sound good-How to build a Hip-Hop beat from scratch-My favorite way to arrange a beat thats both simple and effective-How to start with a simple idea and turn it into a finished product----My goal is simple:I am here to teach you a simple process to understand, implement, and practice making better beats.If want to learn more about music production and how to market your music you can check out my other courses.P.S. If you want learn how to make your own music you can download free music production and Ableton resources from my website here.My courses are effective, impactful, and include extra resources to help you level up.That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow blueprint, and shave years off your path to mastery.I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this.If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to achieve your goals with music.You ready to rock?Set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets do this."
Price: 199.99

"Guided Meditations for a Noisy Mind" |
"Hello and welcome to Guided Meditations for a Noisy Mind. Constant mind chatter, negative thoughts, the unstoppable Monkey Mind. Call it what you will, but it's all enough to drive a sane person crazy. And whose voice is it anyway that lives inside your head?In this course, you'll be learning the answers to questions like the one above, and the influences that make a Noisy Mind tick. Then, you'll experience proven meditation techniques guaranteed to bring you deep inner peace.Throughout this entire course, I'll be providing useful lecture material, contemplations, deep guided meditations, to help you quiet your mind and find lasting inner calm.Topics in this course will include:Lecture material to help you UNDERSTAND WHAT CAUSES A NOISY MIND and the enormous underlying role the subconscious mind plays.The importance of learning how to enter states of DEEP RELAXATION.THREE GUIDED MEDITATION TECHNIQUES to create inner peace, release negative suppressed emotion, and launch into positive new horizons.How to utilize CONTEMPLATION to create a calm and healthy inner state.A VERIFICATION SHEET to help chart your success.Although there are no prerequisites for this course, some experience in meditation will be helpful. But more than anything, what you really need is a passionate desire to take action, to create a serene and peaceful inner world.This course is very personal to me because I've been able to implement the tools presented here, and successfully share them with thousands of other people.Thanks so much for your interest in this course. Now let's go to class and begin your journey to the best version of you. I'll see you there.What students are sayingTop Course, an Absolute Best! Positive and Inspiring. Very clear and precise information, easy to follow, and to retain. Hands-on teaching at its best! Bravo Joseph! Carmen SauciucThis is a lovely course to do. There's something magical about these meditations. Thank you. Gerardine LemercierI wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Course: The Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"In this Complete WordPress course you will learn the core concepts of WordPress from Beginner to Advanced Level. This course covers the complete practical skills required to master WordPress from scratch. You will learn how to build a fully functional blog with pages, posts, categories, tags and much more. we will also see how we can add social sharing with the WordPress.You will Learn the most advanced CMS (Content Management System) WordPress & build dynamic websites from scratch. Learn how to create a complete Dynamic WordPress Website from beginner to advanced level. This advanced core WordPress Course covers the following topics in-depth:WordPress Basics:Different between WordPress. com and WordPress. orgInstalling & configuring XAMPP for WordPressSetting up WordPress Database & Login systemInstalling & configuring WordPress for DevelopmentComplete Overview of WordPress DashboardWordPress Setting In-Depth:Setting up WordPress in General Settings.Looking into Writing Setting in WordPressManaging and Configuring Reading Settings in WordPressSetting up Discussions in WordPress Discussion SettingsConfiguring and Managing Media Settings in WordPressManaging URL's in WordPress Permalink SettingsSetting up plugins with WordPress Plugin SettingsWordPress Categories & Tags In-Depth:Add Custom Categories for PostsAdd Custom Tags for PostsSetting up URL's for CategoriesUpdating / Editing Existing CategoriesUpdating / Editing Existing TagsDeleting / Removing CategoriesDeleting / Removing TagsCreating Parent / Child CategoriesConfiguring Posts & Pages in WordPress In-Depth:Create New Posts & New PagesEdit Existing Posts & New PagesDelete Posts & New Pages Temperately or Permanently Preview your Post & New Pages before publishingPublish posts or to Specific CategoryPublish PagesConfiguring Media Settings in WordPress:Overview of Media in WordPressAdd custom Media to WordPressInsert & Edit Existing Media in WordPressInstalling & Configuring Plugins & Themes:Install Plugin via Plugin InstallerInstall Plugin offline modeConfiguring Plugin SettingsEnabling and Disabling WordPress pluginsInstalling New ThemesConfiguring New ThemesActivating & Disabling ThemesRemoving or Deleting Themes"
Price: 4800.00

"Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE PREMIERE PRO QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe Premiere Pro...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Premiere Pro, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe Premiere Pro...Learning Adobe Premiere Pro is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe Premiere Pro, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe Premiere Pro is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe Premiere Pro.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe Premiere Pro and How to Download the Adobe Premiere Pro Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE PREMIERE PRO BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE PREMIERE PRO FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe Premiere Pro. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe Premiere ProHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Premiere Pro is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe Premiere ProENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE PREMIERE PRO!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Audition CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE AUDITION CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe Audition...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Audition, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe Audition...Learning Adobe Audition is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe Audition, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe Audition is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Audition even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe Audition.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe Audition and How to Download the Adobe Audition Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE PHOTOSHOP BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE AUDITION FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe Audition. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe AuditionHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Audition is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe AuditionENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE AUDITION CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"2020 Amazon EC2 for DevOps and Developers (Fastest Way Ever)" |
"This course is the Fastest Course Ever on Udemy to learn EC2 and to have confident working with it.AWS EC2 is the fundamental core component that every AWS Professional should know about.If you know nothing about EC2 or feel you could learn more, this course is for you!I guarantee you'll learn something on EC2 you wish you knew all this time.In this course, we are going to explore in depth, with hands-on lectures, all the components of Amazon EC2"
Price: 19.99

"1Z0-931- Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist" |
"Are you looking for Cloud Infrastructure Training?Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist is a must have certificates for any IT professional working with any cloud technologies. This course is designed to help prepare you for the fundamentals of Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist and lay the foundation for all your cloud certification. Even if you have never worked on cloud technologies, by the end of this training you will be able to prepare for any cloud certification as I have covered the building blocks of Oracle Cloud in great detail. No programming knowledge needed and no prior OCI experience required. With this training under your belt and after completing Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a $100k+ salary.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) platform and its market gains in recent times and then deep dive into the building blocks of cloud infrastructure. You will learn about architectural components of Autonomous Database (ADB), ADB integrates with the Oracle Cloud Platform, key features of Autonomous Database (ADB), database security is leveraged in ADB, options and considerations for migrating to ADB, use of tools like SQL Developer, Data Pump, Golden Gate, Data Sync, DBMS_CLOUD with ADB, Monitoring Autonomous Database, Managing and Maintaining Autonomous Database and finally end with Tools, Reporting and Analytics using Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADB)As this whole cloud technology is evolving Oracle is introducing new product releases, as 2020 progresses I will continuously update this course with new content so you will never have to worry about missing out on new content. This is the best online Oracle Cloud training available, at a great affordable rate.Most classes are 5 - 10 minutes long, I am an Oracle Certified professional and certified Project Manager PMP with over 20 years experience in IT. This course is cheaper than most other courses because I am not doing this as a full time job, rather because I am passionate about cloud. So join me in becoming Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist by taking this online course today!"
Price: 39.99

"O Estilo Startup de Empreendedorismo" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso O Estilo Startup de Empreendedorismo!Se voc tem uma ideia e no sabe como coloc-la no papel de forma clara e objetiva, esse curso para voc.Voc est procurando por um curso completo de metodologias do ecossistema de Startups para colocar o seu negcio em prtica e promover seus negcios e produtos, certo?Voc encontrou o curso certo!Neste curso voc vai aprender a:Conceituar e entender o vocabulrio e termos relacionado s StartupsValidar ideias atravs de tcnicas para ouvir os clientes: Roteiro de Entrevistas, Mapa da Empatia.Aplicar as metodologias, tcnicas e ferramentas (quadro de validao) para validar (explorar) problemas e hipteses relacionadas a novos negcios.Analisar as caractersticas, construo e gesto do mnimo produto vivel (MVP) e seus impactos para os clientes.Modelar novos negcios atravs do Business Model CanvasElaborar uma proposta de valor ao seu segmento de clientesPlanejar canais de relacionamento com clientes fontes de receita, atividades, parceiros, recursos-chave e estrutura de custo (uso de Canvas na prtica)Planejar e aplicar o pitch de vendas para futuros investidores.VOC ESTA PRONTO?Durante todo o curso, voc estar colocando na prtica as estratgias aprendidas!Voc aprender as tcnicas e estratgias adequadas para cada seo dentro de cada mdulo. E voc ver como essas estratgias so usadas no mundo real com estudos de caso. Finalmente, voc colocar tudo na prtica e ver resultados reais!Com toda essa garantia, voc no tem nada a perder, inscreva-se agora e vamos comear a usar todo o poder advindo desse modelo inovador de empreendedorismo!Vejo vocs na aula!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 39.99

"Curso Intensivo de Shell Script Avanado" |
"O nome dele foi alterado, pois novos recursos de desenvolvimento de interfaces grfica sero adicionados continuadamente, ou seja, alm de Extremamente Avanado o mesmo ser ainda mais intensivo .Voc vai aprender inmeros comandos de manipulao de dados do Terminfo e Termcap. Tambm vai descobrir todo raciocnio e lgica utilizada para criao de games, utilizando a raz da criao. Veja a grade completa."
Price: 189.99

"Investieren in Optionen" |
"Der Optionshandel erffnet einkommensorientierten Anlegern die Mglichkeit, ein attraktives laufendes Zusatzeinkommen zu generieren auch im Fall einer defensiven Depotausrichtung. So ist das Stillhaltergeschft auf Basis gedeckter Optionen eine konservative Strategie, mit der sich bei moderatem Zeitaufwand und hervorragender Liquidierbarkeit ein kontinuierlicher Zahlungsstrom zustzlich zu den sonstigen Ausschttungen wie Zinsen und Dividenden erzielen lsst. Als Fachmann fr einkommensorientieres Investieren im deutschsprachigen Raum vermittle ich im Onlinekurs ""Investieren in Optionen"" die notwendigen Grundlagen zur Kombination einer Stillhalter- mit einer Dividendenstrategie. Und wie gewohnt habe ich ""skin in the game"", praktiziere also das Gelehrte selbst!"
Price: 24.99

"Modelado de Amenazas - Threat Modeling" |
"La deteccin temprana de amenazas a la seguridad del software es de vital importancia para garantizar la calidad de los sistemas.Es por este motivo que es fundamental para los ingenieros en seguridad conocer, entender y aplicar buenas prcticas para la construccin de software seguro.La industria del software es relativamente joven, sin embargo la experiencia de la comunidad ya ha establecido conceptos, principios, patrones y formas de reducir los riesgos de seguridad en todas las etapas del ciclo de vida del software.En este curso aprenderas a utilizar el Modelado de Amenazas para analizar, descubrir y tomar decisiones respecto a la implementacin de mecanismos que garanticen la construccin de un Software Seguro."
Price: 84.99

"Cisco 300-610 and 300-615 Exams : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam Cisco 300-610 and 300-615 Exams : Practice Tests 2020Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-610 DCID) ExamCisco Exam 300-610 Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure course helps you master design and deployment options focused on Cisco data center solutions and technologies across network, compute, virtualization, storage area networks, automation, and security. The Designing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCID 300-610) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification.This exam verify your knowledge of data center infrastructure design including network, compute, storage network, and automation The below topics are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam.1. Network Design1.1 Evaluate options for Layer 2 connectivity Endpoint mobility Redundancy/high availability Convergence Services insertion1.2 Evaluate options for Layer 3 connectivity IP mobility Redundancy / high availability (graceful restart, NSF)Convergence Services insertion (load balancing, security)1.3 Evaluate data center technologies such as vPC/vPC+1.4 Evaluate options for interconnecting data centers such as VXLAN EVPN and OTV1.5 Evaluate options for device and routing virtualizationVDCVRF (standard, VXLAN EVPN tenant)1.6 Evaluate in-band and out-of-band options for management1.7 Evaluate redundancy options such as active/active and disaster recovery site2. Compute Design2.1 Evaluate options for Ethernet connectivity Redundancy / high availability Bandwidth (oversubscription) Fabric interconnect operation mode (switch mode, end host mode)2.2 Evaluate options for storage connectivity Bandwidth (port-channels, oversubscription) Fabric interconnect operation mode (switch mode, end host mode) Direct-attached storage (appliance, FC storage, and FCoE ports)2.3 Evaluate options for network device virtualization in a data center (Cisco VIC adapters) Number of interfaces vs. IOM uplinks vCon placement policies Ethernet adaptor policies Fibre Channel adapter policies2.4 Evaluate options for hyperconverged infrastructure Cluster mode HX for virtual server Desktop virtualization3. Storage Network Design3.1 Plan for iSCSI deployment in a data center (Multipathing and addressing schemes)3.2 Evaluate QoS requirements in a data center Fibre Channel FCoEFCIP iSCSI3.3 Determine FCoE/ Fibre Channel interface Dedicated and shared mode Port typesISL Oversubscription3.4 Evaluate SAN topology options4. Automation Design4.1 Evaluate options for network orchestration and automation DCNM Intersight NX-API Model-driven programmability AnsiblePuppet Python4.2 Evaluate options for compute orchestration and automation Service profile templates vNIC templates vHBA templates Global policies vs. local policiesTroubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (300-615 DCIT)Cisco Exam 300-615 course shows you how to troubleshoot LAN, SAN, Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System , and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure .Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT 300-615) is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification.This exam verify a candidate's knowledge of troubleshooting a data center infrastructure including network, compute platforms, storage network, automation, management and operations.The below topics are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam.1. Network Troubleshoot routing protocols Troubleshoot switching protocols, such as RSTP+, LACP, and vPC Troubleshoot overlay protocols, such as VXLAN EVPN and OTV Troubleshoot Application Centric Infrastructure 2. Compute Platforms Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Computing System rack servers Troubleshoot Cisco Unified Computing System blade chassis Troubleshoot packet flow from server to the fabricTroubleshoot hardware interoperability Troubleshoot firmware upgrades, packages, and interoperability3. Storage Network Troubleshoot Fibre Channel Troubleshoot FCoE Cisco Unified Fabric (FIP, DCB)4. Automation Troubleshoot automation and scripting tools Troubleshoot programmability5. Management and Operations Troubleshoot firmware upgrades, packages, and interoperability Troubleshoot integration of centralized management Troubleshooting network security Troubleshoot ACI security domains and role mapping Troubleshoot data center compute security Troubleshoot storage securityThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"OfficeMicrosoft Office WordExcelPPT," |
"OfficeOfficeMicrosoft Office 2016WordExcelPPT,,99"
Price: 99.99
