"Salesforce PD 1" |
"The Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I credential is intended for individuals who have knowledge, skills, and experience building custom applications on the Lightning Platform. This credential encompasses the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom business logic and interfaces to extend Salesforce using Apex and Visualforce. To achieve this credential, a candidate must successfully pass the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I exam. This exam is also a prerequisite to the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II Multiple Choice exam. This exam guide provides information about the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I exam.The Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I candidate has the experience, skills, and knowledge outlined below:Can use the fundamental programmatic capabilities of the Lightning Platform to develop custom interfaces to extend Salesforce capabilities and develop custom business logic.Can extend the Lightning Platform using Apex and Visualforce, and understands Lightning Components.Is familiar with, and able to leverage relevant declarative capabilities of the platform, where appropriate.Knows when to use declarative vs. programmatic methods.Is familiar with the development lifecycle from development to testing, and has knowledge of the available environments.Is familiar with the Salesforce Mobile app capabilities and the basics of the Lightning framework. Knows when to use the Lightning Process Builder vs. an Apex trigger.Has experience with object-oriented languages such as Java, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, and .NET.Has experience with data-driven applications and relational databases. Has experience with Model View Controller (MVC) architecture and componen tbased architecture.The contents of this Course include:Overview of Salesforce PD1 Certification ExaminationStudy Guide - How to plan your certification preparationOver 4 realistic practice tests with 60 Questions and detailed answersWe truly enjoy assisting project managers pursue and achieve their credential. While this guide will get you started, we also have a number of other great resources on our page:"
Price: 199.99

"Curva ABC no Gerenciamento do Estoque" |
"Voc vai aprender de uma forma bem simples sobre uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na gesto, a CURVA ABC. to simples que voc poder aplicar os conceitos a na sua empresa ainda hoje se voc quiser. Vou te ensinar sobre estes temas:O que a Curva ABC ?Como ela pode melhorar os resultados?Pra que serve?Parmetros da Curva?Como fazer anlises detalhadas de suas vendas e estoques?Vamos l"
Price: 39.99

"COMPTIA A+ (220-1002)" |
"CompTIA A+ 220-1002 covers installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and operational procedures.CompTIA A+ is the Key to Your IT CareerBeingCompTIA A+certified means thatyouunderstand the cutting-edge fundamentals of computer hardware and software.You'lllearnhow to troubleshoot a wide range of devices, from computers to smartphones.Get the most out of your certificationInformation technology is an incredibly dynamic field, creating new opportunities and challenges every day. Participating in our Continuing Education program will enable you to stay current with new and evolving technologies and remain a sought-after IT expert.The CompTIA Continuing Education programYour CompTIA A+ certification is good for three years from the day of your exam. The CE program allows you to extend your certification in three-year intervals through activities and training that relate to the content of your certification. Like A+ itself, CompTIA A+ ce also carries globally-recognized ISO/ANSI accreditation status.Its easy to renewYou can participate in a number of activities and training programs, including higher certifications, to renew your CompTIA A+ certification. Complete CertMaster CE, an online, self-paced CE course, or collect at least 20 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in three years, upload them to your certification account, and A+ will automatically renew."
Price: 19.99

"From HR to CEO" |
"I was thirty-three when I left my corporate job and started my first venture Ethika, an Insurance Broking Organisation with absolutely zero funding from outside.Now I am thirty-eight, running two companies with a 30-member team where every member works like a CEO.Our profit margins are more than double than the industry average.Both the businesses run on auto pilot mode giving me ample time to work on exploring innovative ideas.Does this sound like a dream, which many corporate leaders want to live?Well, this is for REAL! All this was possible because of just one ability of mine Ability to keep my team Happy.It was in June 2018, on a Saturday afternoon, I was invited to Dehradun by one of my clients Tupperware India to share the secrets of my employee engagement.I enjoyed sharing it and my client enjoyed listening and taking in all the learnings. They found extremely high value in what seemed like a discussion to me. That encouraged me to develop it further, and it shaped into this WORKPLACE HAPPINESS Workshop.Since then many HR leaders are taking advantage of this knowledge and developing it as a skill.I am sure you will Enjoy this Workshop. Happy Learning."
Price: 1280.00

"Finanas para Pequenas e Mdias Empresas" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de Finanas para Pequenas e Mdias Empresas! Aqui voc aprender os principais temas relacionados finanas corporativas ligados classificao e planejamento tributrio, demonstrativos contveis, controles financeiros, margens de contribuio, ponto de equilibrio, investimentos, capital de giro e indicadores financeiros para pequenas e mdias empresas com exerccios de fixao ao final de cada aula e planilhas prticas para download. Excelente estudo a vocs!!!"
Price: 69.99

"Mac Productivity Masterclass- Alfred" |
"If I could only have one productivity app on the Mac, it would be Alfred. Alfred seems like a Spotlight replacement, and it is. But it does so much more. We'll look at all the features of the Free version of Alfred. Then we will dive into the PowerPack and get the most out of every feature that Alfred offers. Finally we'll learn how to customize and extend Alfred with. Workflows. This course will cover basically every feature of Alfred."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership Success Through Personal Growth" |
"Hi and welcome to Leadership success through personal growth! Here you will learn how to become a successful leader who knows how to motivate and engage people towards a clear ambition. To get this learning result it is good to know that you must be willing to do the assignments in the course which will take some time, effort and own initiative!My name is Marc, an international executive coach, trainer and psychologist with over 30 years of experience in leadership and team development. I work around the globe for large companies like Danone, IKEA, Monsanto, Philips and many more. I have trained and coached thousands of people. I developed this course, based on my book Mind Growing Leadership, for people who want to develop true and inspiring leadership. The key difference with other leadership courses is the fact that we connect your inside -beliefs values and emotions - with your outside, that is what you say and do with the other side: what is your effect on other people! So this is not a tips and tricks-like course, but in-depth lasting growth.This means that quit some work is involved, like reading and making assignments in order to get the most out of this course.So by the end of this course, you will have an engaging ambition coming from your heart and you will be able to engage, guide and make grow people to realise it.We will talk about the big challenges leaders face in our changing world, how the brain and your personality will help or block you in tackling these. I help you as a leader to put the focus on the right things and I show you how your behaviour will make all the difference in being successful or not. I use video-introductions, articles, super short triggering vids, cases and assignments to make your learning rich and super practical.So if you need strong engaging leadership skills in life and/or work then you are the ideal student for this course, even if not yet in a management or leadership position.There are no conditions, only come open-minded and a willingness to work on yourself! Feel free to have a further look at the course description and I am looking forward to seeing you inside!Take careMarc"
Price: 24.99

"YouTube Decoded" |
"Do you want to be a YouTube superstar? You can create a video once, get a ton of traction and sales from that video, and keep building up your YouTube channel one video at a time. In this training course, you will learn how to grow on YouTube and make money from this platform well before becoming a YouTube Partner.If you don't have an audience yet, don't worry. This course will help you discover video ideas that will expand your audience and strategies any YouTuber can use to grow.If you aren't sure how to create videos that get people to subscribe and buy your stuff, we'll go over that in the video script section where we set up your videos for success.And if you aren't sure how to turn your YouTube grind into cash, we'll talk about strategically selling on YouTube and getting sponsors even if you aren't a celebrity on the platform yet.Get ready for a dynamic training course that teaches you everything you need to know to grow on YouTube and dominate the platform."
Price: 199.99

"Expert em Fundamentos do Adestramento de Ces" |
"Os ces surgiram a aproximadamente 33 Mil anos atrs no Sudeste da sia e se proliferaram para todo mundo.Este curso abre oportunidade empreendedora para donos de ces, profissionais que trabalham com hospedagem de ces e muitas empresas que lidam com o segmento. Para alguns os ensinamentos aqui presentes iro representar uma renda extra, para alguns atividade em tempo integral, para outros um complemento de sua atuao no mercado Pet e com certeza o aprendizado de uma forma mais sadia de conviver com seu cozinho.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade. Nos vemos no curso"
Price: 39.99

"Accredited Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.This course will cover NLP as a whole and enable you to practice the methods and techniques.The accredited certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99

"Impressionism - Paint this Paris Scene in oil or acrylic" |
"Impressionist painting with a focus on light. Bring a luminous quality to your paintings youve never thought possible. Learn how to build a painting in one sitting, alla prima, and how to savor interesting brushwork. You will also learn the invaluable concepts of drawing, value, color, edges, and texture. Use these methods and knowledge to start your painting off right if you're a total beginner, or to take your painting style to the next level if you're more experienced. Youve never painted like this before. You can paint along with me during this entire course. I even have a camera angle that shows my palette as I'm mixing colors. You will learn crucial painting techniques in the process of creating a beautiful painting. Or feel free to just sit back and enjoy the show as I create a painting from scratch. DOWNLOADABLE MATERIALS: I provide the reference photo I'm using for the painting, and an image of my finished painting for you to analyze. Also a materials list: you're free to use your own style of materials of course, but I'll list every single thing I use. This course is partial toward using oil paint, and I highly recommend it, however you can use acrylics also. Many of the concepts I discuss in this course apply to all mediums of art. So take this course if you're ready to improve your painting with methods you've probably never seen before, and will have you thinking about painting in a new way. For all levels of painters. "
Price: 39.99

"SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) Training for Beginner" |
"SAP Human Capital Management (SAP HCM) is an important module in SAP. It is also known as SAP Human Resource Management System (SAP HRMS) or SAP Human Resource (HR). SAP HR software allows you to automate record-keeping processes. ... Organization management. Personnel AdministrationSimple MaintenanceExpert ModePlan VersionSpecific Relation Customization InfotypesTime ConstraintsPersonal AdministrationPayroll Hiring Persons in PAWork SchedulesInfotypeAbsence Quota with Time EvolutionDetermine Planned Working TimeOver Time Attendance types"
Price: 49.99

"8Python for FinancePython" |
"105365CareerPython for FinancePwc PythonPythonAPIYahoo110000x250PythonPython"
Price: 199.99

"Power of Video and Video-based content Marketing like a Pro" |
"The world is changing, in fast ever speed. The information we need now evolved from word, sentence, telegram, telephone, video, TV.. Now days, more and more people watch short video clip for their main source of information. More videos are created or captured for social media like Instagram stories, Facebook videos, Whatsapp videos, etc. There is an important shift - Marketers should use video on Social Media, Run Video ads, Video Marketing and Social Media Marketing are irreplaceable in 2020!How to create video? No need to ask such question, almost everyone can do it using smartphone. How to create a professional eye-catching videos that grab people's potential like a PRO? That's another story! In this course, we will teach you how to enhance the video quality, how to get started with video marketing without spending too much time and effort. You will:Learn simple, effective techniques to create beautiful marketing videos easily under 1 hourLearn how to create marketing videos for your business easily Transform your content into great videos easily in under 1 hourHelps anyone quickly transform content into great videos.Leverage video for marketing Entrepreneurs and business owners that want to create attention-grabbing videos - FAST!To control over video marketing with little timeHow to use video as a powerful corporate training tool to maximize company productivity and minimize the corporate training cost."
Price: 59.99

"Procurement Management (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Procurement Management (PMI - PMP) is course 26 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). Project success doesn't depend just on how well the project team performs, it also depends on the reliable delivery of required materials, products and services from external sources. This is where the procurement management processes come in.In this course, you will learn all aspects of managing the procurement of contracted goods and services. From choosing suitable vendors and managing relationships with sellers, to monitoring procurement activities, and making changes and corrections when necessary.1. Inputs to Conduct Procurements2. Tools and Techniques to Conduct Procurements3. Outputs of Conduct Procurements4. Inputs to Control Procurements5. Controlling Project Procurements6. Outputs of Control Procurements7. Exercise: Managing and Controlling ProcurementsThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Negotiation Applied: Practical at Work Negotiating" |
"Negotiation Applied: Practical at Work NegotiatingNegotiate effectively at work - practical salary negotiation, buying, selling, procurement, pay rise, etcKnowing how to negotiate effectively, and with confidence, is a skill that can make a huge difference to your career, your day-to-day work life and your personal wellbeing. Whether its negotiating the starting salary for a new job, getting that pay rise you know you deserve, agreeing on deals and contracts with suppliers and customers, or dealing with a difficult colleague - knowing how to negotiate properly is essential in every single area of work.The negotiation skills you will develop during this course will allow you to head into intense discussions without stress or worry. Youll become a master of the art of negotiation and learn practical insights that can be applied throughout your life (including outside of work!), whether thats buying a new home or selling a car.Of course, money is often the focus of many negotiations, and small wins can make a huge difference to your organization's performance and how seriously you are taken in the workplace. Maybe you need to be stronger in contract negotiations, or tow a harder line in procurement? Perhaps youre getting passed over for promotions, or you feel like new and exciting opportunities are passing you by. Poor negotiation is a weakness that can be taken advantage of, but this course you will turn your negotiation skills into a superpower.By the time you finish this course, you will have developed fundamental skills that are essential to successful negotiation. Youll know how to enter negotiations from a position of strength, and how to navigate your way to an effective result. First, well cover the basics of negotiating, then well apply these principles to real-life examples using a step by step process that you can use in any situation. These practical skills will spill over into all aspects of your life, allowing you to know your worth and how to leverage negotiations for a win-win outcome.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Negotiation to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life-changing skills for home and work.The course overview includes:Applying negotiation theory to 7 real-life work scenariosPlanning your negotiation toolkitSetting your Walk Away PointHow to make a suitable Opening OfferTradeables - what they are and why they're vitalGetting a pay rise, or negotiating your hiring salaryHow to negotiate when either buying or selling at workCreating a non-confrontational conversation between a difficult colleague or bossCommon techniques that will be used against you - and how to combat themHow to rid yourself of excuses and worries around negotiatingSimple negotiation phrases that will get you a brilliant priceAnd lots, lots more!"
Price: 134.99

"WordPress for Beginners: The Complete 2020 WordPress Guide" |
"** One of the most comprehensive WordPress courses you will ever take **Build your very own website with this complete WordPress course - no experience, programming, or coding necessary!Are you looking to build your WordPress website for personal use or maybe even for your business?This course is perfect for you. This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter). You are going to learn how to use WordPress to build your website and best of all WordPress is FREE and you do not need to write any code to achieve this.2 Courses in 1I know that there are two main reasons why people want to have their website. it's either they want to have a blog where they can write or share their opinion about a subject or they have a business and they want a website to promote the business. Either way I have got you covered .What skills are you going to learn in this course?Okay you already know you will learn how to build a full website but to be more specific, here are some of the skills you will learnInstall WordPress either locally on your computer or live on the internetInstall SSL encryption on your websiteChoose the right web hosting companyCreate a professional web mail accountWork with themes and how to choose the right oneConfigure a wide variety of WordPress pluginsCreate and edit image galleriesPublish content with pages and postsCreate user accountsCreate privacy and policy pagesIntegrate social media functionality into your websiteBuild your mailing list using MailchimpBack up your WordPress website in case of emergency.Optimize your website so that it is noticed by Google, Bing and other major search enginesSet up comments and contact pagesPrevent spam commentsSpeed up your website with caching plugins.Export and Import contentProtect your website against hackers and malwareand much much more :-)PLUGINS YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH:Plugins are programs that you can use to enhance both the functionality and design of your website and in this course you will learn how to work with the following pluginsAkismetHappy FormsWord Fence SecurityWP ReviewsWpDiscuzAcurax Social Media WidgetSocial Buttons by AdderOptin FormsWPS Hide LoginCookie Notice for GDPRRecent Posts Extended WidgetMonster InsightsRank MathSmushUpDraft PlusGutenberg EditorWhy learn from me?Unlike a lot of other instructors with WordPress courses I am a real WordPress developer. I have been building websites with WordPress for almost 9 years now and during this time I have built hundreds of websites including some for very popular institutions like Johns Hopkins University. I love WordPress! and I am also passionate about teaching people how to use this wonderful tool.Who is this WordPress course for?This course is perfect for anyone who has never built a website before. Its for individuals who want to build a website either for personal reasons or for their business but do not have any programming experience.I can't wait to help you build your own WordPress website!Enroll today and let me teach you how to build your WordPress website.Alex aka 'The Web Monkey'"
Price: 199.99

"SAS programming on Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to move up their careers by equipping themselves with the critical analytical skills.Course Highlights:includes the most essential data analyses topics (Analysis of Variance, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, predictive modeling )utilizes step by step/ code by code explanations for all SAS programs; presents statistical knowledges in PowerPoint presentations; provides detailed explanations on all statistical outputsshows the complete process of predictive modeling (data preparation for predictive modeling, sampling for training and validation data, modeling, validation, scoring and measuring model performance)It is also a Complete Prep Course for SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS9: Regression and Modeling (exam ID A00-240).Data, SAS programs and PowerPoint slides used in the course are downloadable in lecture 4 (the course materials are ONLY for practice, they are protected by copyright)Quizzes at the end of each section to test what you have learnedA Note on Course ratings and reviews:Please be sincere and considerate when you provide ratings and reviews. As you may know, this is crucial to an online instructor like me. And it will encourage me providing more contents to the course and better service to you! So Please provide fair ratings to this course with the consideration of the comparison among other available SAS courses. Thank you!References:SAS Certification Prep Guide, Statistical Business Analysis Using SAS9Note: A SAS software licence allows SC statistical programming to create and sell video-based SAS programming online courses."
Price: 99.99

"Web Typography for Designers & Developers" |
"Typography is the most important, foundational building block of all websites making up 95% of everything we see online. Despite been so crucial to getting an application right very few designers and developers learn to master web typography. If you're working on a web application, you're making decisions about typography that will effect the branding, style, usability and user experience of you application. You're already making these decisions but are you aware of their impact. Typography can have enough personality that we don't need any other visuals. Typography can give life to a dull block of text and it can make it easier or harder for our user to read. If we get the typography right it can make or break the application. The size and line height of our typography dictate the size of the vertical grid for our whole application. We need to make good typographic choices before we can finalise any other part of the design. These sizes will affect the size of everything else. We also may need the grids to adjust as the typography sizes adjust on different devices. If we want our design to have real polish we'll need slightly adjust our grid as the type changes and we'll need to slightly adjust our type as the device changes. As we master our web typography every other part of our design falls effortlessly into place.What do I get in this course?This course covers both: the design and development of a typographic system. As a designer you need to understand the technology to make detailed choices regarding any design. As a front-end developer you'll always need to ad changes that aren't in the design and you'll need to understand why the typography styles are so specific. For these reasons we run through both designs and development of web typography in this course. We'll cover:Introduction: history and background of different type classificationsSelecting and Pairing: How to choose a typeface and how select complimentary typefaces that work togetherReadability: How do we read and how can we make it easier for people to read with our typographic choicesStyling & Formatting: what extra style can we add to our typography and how can we use this to improve our visual hierarchyImporting: How do we import font files without blocking or seeing multiple text styles swap outResponsive: Whats the best way to make our type respond across devices and screen sizesIs this course for me?You should have some experience either, designing web applications or front-end development in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Although this is not essential, you'll get the most out of it if you have some experience with one or both of these. If you want to increase your understanding and use of typography across web applications this is for you. You'll be better placed to make your applications functional and beautiful once you follow the modules in this course. The sections on selecting and styling would both benefit someone who has time to practice and experiment. Whatever application you're working on you can't avoid working with typography. Mastering type will help any designer or developer at any stage in their career."
Price: 129.99

"Crer un FPS 3D style rtro avec GODOT (version MONO) & C# !" |
"Godot engine est un moteur de jeu open source qui vous permet de dvelopper des jeux 2D ou 3D pour toutes les plateformes. Ce cours vous permettra d'apprendre utiliser la version Mono de Godot afin de programmer vos jeux avec le langage C#. Nous utiliserons galement Blender pour la modlisation 3D.Si vous souhaitez devenir dveloppeur de jeux vido et que vous avez envie d'apprendre utiliser un logiciel gratuit et open source, ce cours est fait pour vous.Nous allons apprendre crer des jeux sous Godot avec C# en suivant notre fil rouge : Dvelopper un FPS 3D au look rtro (style PS1/N64).La version Mono de Godot vous permet d'utiliser le langage C# au lieu du langage GDScript (python). L'avantage de C# c'est que vous obtiendrez de meilleures performances au niveau de l'excution de votre programme. En effet, les dveloppeurs de Godot Engine ont mesur que les performances sont en moyenne 4 fois plus leves avec C# (Source: Doc de Engine).Je vous montrerai donc comment crer vos jeux avec ce langage et comment adapter vos projets car la syntaxe C# diffre de GDScript. En suivant ma formation, vous apprendrez avec un dveloppeur de jeux vido certifi. De plus j'ai publi un livre sur le dveloppement de jeux avec Godot (ditions d-booker) et les dveloppeurs du logiciel ont relu mon ouvrage avant publication. J'ai galement eu l'occasion de discuter avec plusieurs studios qui utilisent ce formidable moteur de jeu.Dans cette formation complte je vous montrerai comment crer votre jeu, tape par tape. Nous modliserons nous mme les assets 3D grce Blender. Nous verrons par exemple :Comment installer la version mono de GodotComment utiliser le langage C# avec GodotComment modliser des lments 3D pour notre jeu avec BlenderComment texturer nos modles 3DComment mettre en place l'clairage pour notre jeuComment crer un personnage en vue la premire personne (FPS)Comment programmer le mouvement et le regard Comment programmer le saut et le tirComment crer, ajouter et animer des ennemis 3D dans notre jeuComment crer une intelligence artificielle pour nos ennemisComment grer les collisions avec les objetsComment grer la vie du personnage et des monstres (fonction de dommages) Comment crer une interface utilisateurComment crer un FPS 3D complet avec Godot (Mono) (Vous serez en mesure d'adapter le projet vos besoins)Et bien plus !Cette formation se veut complte. Aprs l'avoir suivie vous serez l'aise dans la cration de jeux 3D avec Godot et C#. Je vous donnerai toutes les sources du projet pour que vous puissiez les rcuprer. Je suis certain que mon cours vous plaira. De plus, n'hsitez pas me demander de raliser des vidos spcifiques et je les ajouterai dans une rubrique bonus ddie.A tout de suite pour cette formation sur Godot !"
Price: 79.99

"Technology Observation in Early Childhood Education and Care" |
"Learn to plan the effective technology integrated curriculum by observing effectively a child's technology literacy. Determine if they are meeting their learning goals with technology literacy, describe their capabilities in ICT efficiently and inform parents of their progress in a meaningful way that will build on their home experiences of technology and give them online and digital skills."
Price: 49.99

"YouTube Thumbnail Blaster: Create 3D Video Thumbnails" |
"So, want to create breathtaking and clickable video thumbnails for your YouTube videos, but not knowing how?You've come to the right place, my passionate learner. Look no further than this course.Welcome, my name is Srinidhi Ranganathan. My fans fondly call me ""Digital Marketing Legend"". Teaming up with Saranya, I have now put this training course ""YouTube Thumbnail Blaster: Create 3D Video Thumbnails"" together to help people just like you to quickly create attractive thumbnails for YouTube. Whether youre a beginner or an expert graphic designer who has existing knowledge or design skills, you can go ahead and learn this. This course will start with the introduction of the concept of 3D thumbnails before we move to the practical session. The practical session will contain an amazing walkthrough of cloud-based online tools to help you achieve the purpose. What's more? We will also introduce you to some tools that can:Add depth to your photosConvert 2D photos to 3D Create characters for use in thumbnailsEnlarge YouTube video thumbnails for Facebook etc.Thumbnails allow video viewers to have control over exactly what they like to see. A great custom video thumbnail (created using online cloud-based graphic design tools) can make an ocean of difference when it comes to a viewer or your fan clicking through to your video or deciding whether or not to watch another. Thumbnails acts in the same way like a book cover or a movie poster - for example and if you have a super-great thumbnail, the chances of attracting more viewers are definitely higher.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed or confused. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the education and learning process), whatsoever.There is no time to waste.Enrol now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let's begin."
Price: 1280.00

"Scaled Professional Scrum (Nexus) Practice Exams SPS, 2020" |
"** Elite Instructors, On Udemy since 2016, 12,000+ students, 1,500+ reviews, overall rating of 4.5/5.0 **Master the Scrum framework with real-time Scrum and Nexus activities & become an outstanding Scaled Professional Scrum!Prove your knowledge of Scrum and Scaling Scrum through NexusThe Scaled Professional Scrum (SPS) assessment is is available to anyone who wishes to validate his or her depth of knowledge of the scaling Scrum and the Nexus Framework. Those that pass this assessment will receive the industry recognized SPS certification that demonstrates their mastery of the content.This course includes two full practice exams, each with 40 questions and time boxed into 1 hour as per the real SPS exam and as per the SCRUM org standards.The SPS practice tests of this course are based on Scrum Guide, Nexus Guide and the Scrum glossary, all these documents are published by Scrum orgSPS Exam DomainsScrum framework Scrum Roles, events, and artifacts Introduction to the Nexus FrameworkNew role, artifacts and eventsOrganizing teams & workManaging the Nexus & Nexus+Dealing with common challengesPractices to help teams efficiently build an integrated software productWho Should Take the SPS Certification?The Scaled Professional Scrum certificate is recommended for development leads, development managers, project/program managers and anyone else involved in coaching, formulating, participating in or managing scaled product development projects using Agile and ScrumSPS Exam DetailsFee: $250 USD per attemptPassing score: 85% or greaterTime limit: 60 minutesNumber of Questions: 40Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, and True/FalseDifficulty: IntermediateLanguage: English onlyRelated Guide: Nexus GuideRequired course: NoneAt the end of the course, you will be able to download useful excel templates to manage your Scrum project, like retrospective, 30 days sprint planning, and task board templates. STILL NOT CONVINCED?And if youre still not sure heres our promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, I well give you a refund no questions asked!At Elite instructors we are providing our students 24x7x365 Support. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. By the end of this course, youll have a 100% readiness to go and pass the SPS exam from your first trial!Enroll today and get started learning the fundamentals of Scrum.Disclaimer: This course doesn't belong to Scrum org, it is not an official course that is related to them. PAL, PSM, PSPO, PSD, SPS, PSK are registered trademarks of Scrum org."
Price: 99.99

"Learn how to make weight loss blog for passive income" |
"Weight loss niche is the evergreen niche for passive income through online. Because every year weight loss niche demand is increasing throughout the world for instance The total U.S. weight loss market grew at an estimated 4.1% in 2018, from $69.8 billion to $72.7 billion. The total market is forecast to grow by 2.6% annually through 2023. If you work properly you can earn a minimum of $3000 to $5000 every month.In this course, you will learn how to make a weight loss blog step by step also you can generate passive income from this specific blog. If you do not have any kind of experience dont worry you can learn easily A to Z in this course.After completing this course, you can start earning from affiliate marketing, Google Ad-sense, ad space of your website, email lead, and finally if you want you can sell your website for high profit. Every method gives you a passive income every month. How you can implement all methods on your website you can learn step by step in this course.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadWho this course is for: Who want to establish an online business but don't know where to get started Website owners who are struggling to get traffic and sales Who are searching online business course"
Price: 19.99

"Exploring Dreams #2: Live Jungian Dream Work Demo" |
"Reviews of Exploring Dreams #1""An excellent primer for exploring dreams. Comprehensive, engaging, funny, well crafted - anyone who is curious ... will benefit from this class."" (Sonny M.)""I absolutely enjoyed every single lecture whole-heartedly. Dr. Ron & Debbie are both superior instructors and they made the classes incredibly interesting."" (Ushma A.)Everybody dreams every night. Yet most people have never really understood any of their dreams. Don't miss this rare chance to explore and acquire an in-depth understanding of dream interpretation. Listen in on a small group of dream workers analyzing a dream word by word. It's an experience you won't forget.This is NOT a simplified method to interpret your own dreams. Actually, it's sort of the opposite.We take you inside our Jungian dream interpretation group that has met by telephone each week for 20 years now. This fascinating dream triggers the thrills of synchronicity, messages for us all, and maybe even dream telepathy?You cannot imagine the riches that emerge from one little dream! Hear exactly how it's done.Download the script of the dream and follow along with us... It's more relevant and exciting to study the anatomy of a dream and learn basic concepts from actual recorded dreamwork sessions.Before the session, we orient you and provide some dream work tools. After the session, we offer suggestions to help you recall your dreams and record them in a dream journal. We also show you a number of interesting benefits and uses of keeping a dream journal.Section 1: First, you get a brief dream work orientation, including the many layers or perspectives you can explore to find meanings for any symbol. We also recount an amazing story from the late well-known dream worker Jeremy Taylor--to whom this class is dedicated-- that shows the power of dream truths to change a life direction. We even provide a downloadable list of instructions for orienting those who are new to group dream work.Section 2: We next take you inside a 60-minute live dream group discussion, complete with detailed explanations every step of the way. Observe dream work that is rarely visible to the public.Amazing coincidences abound in this fascinating dream as its meaning unravels one layer at a time. Dr. Ron designed step-by-step mini-lectures to discuss each segment. Months of work were invested in creating this rare teaching tool for demonstrating dream interpretation to the public.Section 3: We help you get started on collecting your dreams with handy hints for remembering your dreams and Debbie's discussion of dream journals and their uses.Please check out some of our free lectures or Enroll Now and learn more about your dreams. You can't lose with a money-back guarantee! You know you're going to dream again tonight - it's well worth taking this opportunity to learn just how much exploring your dreams can enrich your life."
Price: 59.99

"Lifestyle Coaching - Guide for Extraordinary Performance" |
"In this course you will learn the essentials of mental and emotional strength coaching for a champions mindset. Learn about how you are creating your current life and the world around you. Most people try to change their lives, without understanding that being the same person leads always to the same results. I will teach you the the basic techniques that guide you to become the powerful person you always wanted to be. Explore the influence of movement for your real life transformation."
Price: 149.99

"Agile for Software Development (Arabic Edition)" |
"Agile Fundamentals emphasizes starting with an Agile mindsetSTART YOUR JOURNEY FROM MINDSET TO MASTERYIn order to succeed with agile approaches, teams and organizations should focus first on being agile in this course we will learn outcomes delve into key concepts such as adaptive planning, value-driven development, team collaboration, and frequent feedback for continuous improvement. we also will cover the Agile Manifesto, the Agile Principles, and some widely applied frameworks and practices. Course participants come away with a solid understanding of core concepts as they prepare to embark on their agile journey."
Price: 24.99

"ArcGIS Pro Vs QGIS Level 3: Advanced Map Styling & 2.5D Map" |
"Are you Thinking like this...You want to Learn Advanced Map Styling both in ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.You want to Create 2.5D Map.You want to present Your Research Presentation with Dynamic 2.5 Map.You are searching for cheap course of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with having huge detail material, lectures, topics and resources.You are searching for Cool and enjoyable lectures of GIS, ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with magical tricks, description on each interfaces.You want to learn step by step process with how and why.Then This course is for you, Because this course...Will Teach you Many Tricks to create Dynamic Map by using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.Will give you Knowledge on How to Create 2.5D Map.Will Teach you How to create Bar DIagram by using 2.5D Features to Present Your Research Analytical Output.Is a cheap course of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS with 43 Lectures, 7 Quiz Tests, 9 Sections, 6 Downloadable Resources and each lecture contains many Topics and resources.Gives you enjoyable and Dynamic tools and Magical Tips and Tricks of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS.Gives you All Lectures based on Step by Step Process with description about how and why with practical doing video. Because we believe in Learning by Doing and Playing."
Price: 199.99

"Istio - Kubernetes Service Mesh Complete Master Course" |
"Understand the key capabilities provided by Istio like Traffic managementSecurityObservabilityTraffic ManagementRequest RoutingFault InjectionTraffic ShiftingTCP Traffic ShiftingRequest TimeoutsCircuit BreakingMirroringIngressIngress GatewaysIngress (Kubernetes)Secure GatewaysIngress Gateway without TLS TerminationEgressAccessing External ServicesEgress TLS OriginationEgress GatewaysEgress Gateways with TLS OriginationEgress using Wildcard HostsMonitoring and Policies for TLS Egress with Mixer (Deprecated)Kubernetes Services for Egress TrafficUsing an External HTTPS ProxyObservabilityMetrics collection and visualization using GrafanaAccessing Envoy access logsDistributed Tracing using JaegerVisualizing Mesh using KialiAccess TelemetrySecurityCertificate ManagementAuthenticationAuthorization"
Price: 199.99

"Image Processing in R Programming (magick and magickGUI)" |
"This course will allow you to learn starting from basics of Image processing libraries magick and magickGUI in R Programming. The library magick is used for manipulating or processing Images of various formats. Once you complete this course, you will be in a position to process images using magick in R and you will also can write the code on your own. The library magickGUI will allow us to apply image filters in interactively with more parameters.This course will cover magick and magickGUI libraries from basics with examples.This course is mainly for those who do not have any programming experience and experience people can take this course to refresh their knowledge.This course will starts with fundamentals and then slowly will cover required concepts of magick and magickGUI libraries in R. In this course for each topic, there will be a lecture and the same content has been attached in ppt format and sample code for your reference."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete React Bootcamp 2020 (w/ React Hooks, Firebase)" |
"Created with up-to-date versions of React, React Hooks, Node.js, JavaScript, and Firebase.------What is this course all about?This course is about React - a library that helps developers to create user interfaces on the web. But React is not limited only to user interfaces, there is much more to that. Have you ever wondered how Facebook, Twitter, or Netflix websites are built and why they don't feel like websites at all? React can answer all of that. In this course, we show how to create mobile-feel-like websites (Single Page Apps) where React is the foundation.First, we will guide you through the basics of web development before jumping into React. Here we will talk about the latest JavaScript, Node.JS, Git, APIs, and essential tools to make you feel as comfortable as possible at any stage of the development process.Then we slightly move to React with a small portion of theory. At this point, you will get to know what React is made of and how it works.Our first project is a Tic-Tac-Toe game. Here you will get to know React basics, hooks and core functionality. By the end of this project, you will be able to create a simple web app that shows off your strong React basics. Here you will experience the development flow of a React app in general.The second project is a movie search web-app called Box Office. With this project, we move towards more complex React use-cases and we start working with external APIs, dynamic layout and pages combined with different approaches for styling a React app. Here we will work with more advanced and custom React Hooks. At the end of this project we will analyse and optimize the app with React hooks to make it even more faster and reliable. We will even turn it into a Progressive Web App that works offline!The final project is going to be a Chat app. It will include the following features: social media logins, account management, role-based permissions, real-time data, and lots of others. In this project we will combine React with Firebase - a backend solution in the cloud, powered by NoSQL database. You will master global state management with Context API and sharpen your knowledge of React hooks. At the final stage we will extend the app with custom backend in form of serverless.All of our projects will have a user-friendly and well-designed user interface that is responsive and optimized for all devices.Is this course exactly what are you looking for?If ...... you are eager to learn front-end development with React from scratch ...... you have some experience with React, but you don't feel confident ...... you only started to learn web development and want to move towards modern tools and technologies ...... you feel that you stuck doing only HTML, CSS and some JS ...... then this course is definitely for you!What do you need to succeed in this course?HTML and CSS is absolutely requiredGeneral/basic understanding of programming or JavaScriptNo prior experience with React or JS frameworksPassion to learn new things :)After this course, you will have:Three real-world React projects of different complexity that can be put into your resume Total React comprehensionExperience with popular React librariesKnowledge of how to create and deploy React appsKnowledge of custom serverless backend and FirebaseTopics that will be covered and explained:React basics (syntax, core concepts, theory)Scaffolding templates (create-react-app, nano-react-app /w Parcel)Styling of React apps (CSS, SASS, UI components library, CSS-IN-JS /w Styled components)Conditional rendering (dynamic content and styles)State management, local + global (/w React Hooks, Context API)Components analysis and optimization (/w React hooks)Complex layout managementDynamic pages with React RouterProgressive Web Apps and service workersReal-time subscriptions in ReactUsing external APIs to fetch remote dataDeployment of React appsServerless backend with cloud functionsLatest and modern JavaScript (ES6 - ES2020)Not part of React, but included:Git, Node.js, APIs, ESLint and Prettier quick guidesFirebase (/w NoSQL realtime database, cloud functions, cloud messaging, cloud storage)Serverless cloud computing idea and concept + explanation about docker containersWhat if you stuck during the course?Getting stuck is the worse and inevitable. At the same time it's a common thing for a developer. We understand that and we are always ready to help you out with your questions as quickly as possible.What if you are not satisfied with this course?We are so confident that you will love this course that we're offering a 30-day money-back guarantee! You can sign up today with zero risks.What are you waiting for? Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99
