"iMovie and Keynote Animations 2020 Beginner to Pro" |
"Did you watch the trailer for this course? Well, guess what? That video was created only using iMovie and animations in Keynote! And by the end of the course, you will be able to make videos like thatIn this course, you will learn the various video editing features in iMovie that will help you create a professional-looking video. I will start from the basics and cover some of the more advanced ones over the course. So, this course is for ALL EXPERTISE LEVELS.But the best part of this course is that it is a complete guide to IMOVIE AND KEYNOTE ANIMATIONS! While iMovie on its own is a powerful tool, I believe that the Keynote animations take your video to the next level.In this course, you will learn how to:Import and organizing mediaAdd TransitionsAdjust the color scheme of videosAdd sound effectsEdit your audio with studio-like featuresAdd simple animations in iMovieAdd advanced animations using KeynoteExport animations from KeynoteExport your videoAND MUCH MORE!Note: This course only includes the animations feature in Keynote and not other features as it does not pertain to the course objective of video editing."
Price: 24.99

"Servicenow Application Developer Exam latest - AUGUST" |
"This Practice paper has been made from more than 40 + Dumps of the main service now CAD exam. This is Specially framed on the recently asked questions by ServiceNow on CAD exam.This test is for people in the below categories:1) Self Learned developers looking to start a career in ServiceNow.2) Experienced ServiceNow administrators who want to get certified as a Developer.3) Experienced ServiceNow Developers who want to get certified for improving their Profile.Who this course is for:ServiceNow DevelopersServiceNow AdministratorsServiceNow ConsultantsServiceNow Students who want to get certified as developers"
Price: 2560.00

"Autoestima na prtica" |
"Esse um treinamento online e prtico, o qual voc pode acessar do seu celular, tablet ou computador.E onde voc vai ser convidado a entrar em ao.Voc pode completar o curso em 6 dias, fazendo cada mdulo em um dia.E no final, ter como resultado o comeo da transformao para uma melhor autoestima!Segue o contedo desse treinamento a seguir.Parte 1: Iniciando o treinamentoAqui voc vai entender o que precisa para fazer o treinamento e as condies essenciais iniciais para que a mudana na sua autoestima ocorra.Parte 2: Descobrindo seus comportamentosAqui voc vai entender seus pontos fortes, pontos de melhoria, o que te motiva e como isso tudo pode afetar sua autoestima. Isso atravs do seu teste de preferncia comportamental. E poder convidar as pessoas prximas a voc a fazer esse teste tambm.Parte 3: Parando com o julgamentoNessa parte voc vai entender por que o julgamento pode afetar DIRETAMENTE sua autoestima. E vai ter ferramentas para mudar isso na sua mente.Parte 4: ValoresAqui voc vai entender como toma suas decises na vida e o quanto isso afeta sua autoestima. E vai poder avaliar o rumo de sua vida profissional, vida amorosa, seus objetivos e sua vida social.Parte 5: Mudar a percepo de sua histriaNessa parte voc vai poder ter um outro olhar sobre sua histria, trazendo mais leveza, menos culpa e mais positividade sobre voc."
Price: 39.99

"Ciencia e Ingeniera de Materiales, Fundamentos" |
"Este curso cubre los temas vistos en un primer curso de ciencia de materiales a nivel universitario, necesario para comenzar con el estudio de la metalurgia, polimeros o materiales cermicos. Se describe la ciencia de materiales desde sus fundamentos, los enlaces, orden atomico de corto y largo alcance, estructuras cristalinas, defectos, solidificacin, nucleacin y crecimiento, y finalmente difusin. Este curso proporcionara conocimientos solidos al alumno lo cual le facilitara la comprensin de temas avanzados de Ciencia de Materiales."
Price: 1020.00

"Learn Sketch UP Pro 2018" |
"Build your 3D modeling skills by mastering the basics of SketchUp. In this course, get up to speed with this easy-to-use 3D modeling application by gaining a foundational understanding of the drawing and design tools offered in the 2018 version of SketchUp. Instructor Ramesh Alagesh covers navigating the interface, manipulating objects, drawing, leveraging organizational tools, and working with materials and textures on both Windows and Mac computers. Plus, learn how to apply simple styles and animation to make your 3D projects more polished and presentable. Throughout the course, Ramesh Alagesh provides opportunities for you to practice what you've learned."
Price: 1600.00

"Artgerecht Ernhrungskurs" |
"Hier erhlst du alle relevanten Informationen, welche du bentigst um deine Ziele zu erreichen egal ob du abnehmen, aufbauen oder dein Gewicht halten mchtest. Beginnend an der Grundbasis wirst du an das Thema Ernhrung rangefhrt, dir wird gezeigt was die Prioritten sind und wie du diese im Alltag einhlst. Im Laufe des Kurses wird noch auf verschiedene Praxissituationen eingegangen und viele Irrtmer aufgeklrt."
Price: 39.99

"Repair, Strengthening of Buildings in English AlSakkar" |
"If you need to :1- learn how to investigate any structure.2- Learn all types of Defects and Cracks Reasons.If you need to understand How to rehabilitate with :1- Concrete.2- Steel Sections3- Carbon Fiber4- External Post Tensioning.5- Span ShorteningSolved Examples in:1- Columns Jacketing with:A- ConcreteB- Steel.C- Carbon Fiber CFRP.2- Shear Links for:A- Compression.B- moment and Shear3- Carbon Fiber:A-Flexural.B- Shear.C- Confining4- Slabs Problems.A-Positive and Negative reinforcement.B Punch.C Deflection."
Price: 99.99

"Learn basics of ECG/EKG with interpretation" |
"These course comprises of 1.5 hours of interesting videos where Dr. Sangita Choudhury has made ECG understanding very easy. Use of hand drawn pictures and simple explanation of the topics will help students to understand the concept clearly. We hope that with these concise lectures ECG learning will be fun.Basics of ECG/EKG will be discussed in the following lectures.lectures details1. Basics of ECG/EKG (i) part 1 (ii) part 22. Diagnosis making from ECG/EKG (Ventricular Hypertrophy, Atrial Enlargement, Myocardial Infraction, Acute pericarditis, Arrhymias, Heart Blocks, WPS syndrome, Electrolyte Imbalance and Miscellaneous )3. Interpretation from ECG/EKG"
Price: 24.99

"AutoCAD 2021: Boas Prticas de Projeto" |
"O curso de ""AutoCAD 2021: Boas Prticas de Projeto"" possui mais de 60 videoaulas em que o aluno aprender a criar planta, corte, detalhamento de projeto, tabelas, criao de cotas e documentar para impresso.Os destaques deste curso so:Escala Anotativa : anotaes, texto, cotas, hachuras, smbolos, etiquetas e escala das vistas (planta/corte/tabelas/...) so dimensionados com base na configurao atual de escala de anotao e so automaticamente exibidos no tamanho correto no papel, facilitando a impresso do projeto em escala ;Blocos dinmicos : Os blocos dinmicos contm regras e restries que controlam a aparncia e o comportamento de um bloco quando ele inserido em um desenho ou quando ele posteriormente modificado. Por exemplo, a customizao de uma porta, com medias variveis, espelhamento da folha e insero automtica de legenda.Tabelas Automticas : Criao de tabelas automticas para auxilio na quantificao de itens. Neste curso, sero criadas automaticamente tabelas de portas, janelas e ambientes.Projetar corte do Telhado : Existe uma aula especfica que ensina como desenhar um corte do telhado seguindo as inclinaes das guas.Desenho passo a passo : Execuo do processo completo de um projeto arquitetnico passo a passo. Curso para iniciantes : Apesar de ser assuntos para nvel intermedirio, esse curso tem o carter de aprendizagem para qualquer aluno que deseja aprender o AutoCAD seguindo o conceito de boas prticas de desenho."
Price: 54.99

"Cobrador Perfecto, aprende a cobrar mejor a tus clientes" |
"Las economas tanto de las personas como de los pases se modifican constantemente, no solo el avance de la tecnologa hizo cambiar la forma de comercializar nuestros productos, sino que tambin cambio la forma de ver nuestros negocios, por eso esta tan importante ser parte de este programa de CERTIFICACIN EN GESTIN DE COBRANZAS.Luego de este Programa de Capacitacin Integral en Cobranzas su visin respecto de la gestin de contacto con clientes, para la gestin de mora, no ser la misma.Es una verdadera oportunidad donde Ud. puede transformarse en un ejecutivo profesional de Cobranzas."
Price: 24.99

"Test Your Vocabulary: 400 Must-Learn Words for 2020 SAT ACT" |
"We have combed through all SAT ACT official tests to bring together only the words that will be of utmost benefit to test takers. Don't waste your time trying to learn unnecessarily challenging words. Instead, focus only on the words that have actually come up on the real SAT ACT exams. This practice test was not designed to confuse you and force you to make mistakes. Rather, it is aimed at facilitating your learning process and helping you memorize new words with little effort."
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting Essential Skills for Advertising Newbies" |
"Want to learn how to write copy that your customers give a crap about, but don't want to sit through five hours of marketing jargon and business BS? Well you're in luck. This essentials course will give you all the core skills you need to write copy that sells. If youre new to copywriting, or just want to brush up on the basics, this is the course for you. Over about an hour, I'll take you through playing with grammar, show you how to make sure your customers get the value they're after and give you a step-by-step plan to use. Like, proper steps you can actually sit down and follow. So who hell am I? Well, I'm Bill from ""bill hinchen copy"" (imaginative name, right?!) and I've been a professional copywriter and science writer since 2011. I've worked with some pretty big brands across different industries, so by now, hopefully, I know what I'm talking about!By the end of this, you'll be way more comfortable just having fun with writing, you'll understand why your customers' problems are key to making a sale and you'll be fully equipped to start writing great copy, today."
Price: 199.99

(Plab1) |
"All you need to know for The Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board test (PLAB1) given by two dedicated doctors who built the marital through a vigorous process of checking all the available resources and creating one strong source that encompass all of them in an organized manner which is easy to digest."
Price: 54.99

"SURVIVAL Russian: all the necessary words and phrases" |
"! Let's learn Russian! I'll teach you the very basic words and phrases that you need to know if you are going visit Russia. You will master the alphabet! I believe that you can learn it within 2 or 3 days (I recommend you to use Quizlet).After you learn the alphabet, you will learn the written Russian. I will write letters in Russian, so that you could take a notebook and repeat after me. Finally, if you learned the alphabet, you'll be able to read every Russian word that you see. And we will practice it too. But since you're a beginner, in this course I will use the words that came from Latin, so that you could recognise words in this course without a dictionary.After the course you can brag that you know things, that the others don't know! Additionally, I will teach you how to speak Russian without an accent.But remember - your success depends on your self-motivation to study and learn the vocabulary. Let's start our journey!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende sobre Inversiones Financieras" |
"En este curso conocers que es una accin, que es un bono y que es un fondo comn de inversin. Tambin conocern cmo se revalorizan cada uno de estos. Por otra parte, aprendarn las principales herramientas para analizar tcnicamente y fundamentalmente, con el objetivo de anticiparse a futuras tendencias y poder generar ingresos econmicos de estos cambios. Por ltimo, se dan consejos de cmo abrir una cuenta comitente, y que consideraciones se deben tener para dicha apertura."
Price: 19.99

"Inorganic chemistry by AD" |
"Inorganic Chemistry is always boring for students as they think alot of mugging needs to be done. So i divided the course in two parts logical and mugging part.For logical part students wont find difficult as it is conceptual and interesting to learn new things.For mugging part i have showen a flowchart which will teach the students how to study the block chemistry without getting bored.For making it interesting assignments with logical question and quiz has been attached along with the video.once you are done with the lecture practice test is provided,which will test your ability in blog chemistry.one thing we should not forget that inorganic reaction is also needed for dealing the chapters such as mole concept.So all the best"
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a programar con C#, XAML, UWP y MVVM desde 0" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a programar aplicaciones para universal windows platform, lo que implica que nuestra aplicacin funcionar tanto en IoT (Internet de las cosas, por ejemplo en Raspberry PI que tenga windows instalado), pc, tablet, xbox, todos los dispositivos que tengan windows 10 o una versio de windows 10. Adems tomaremos las primeras directivas para desarrollar un software de calidad. Veremos a su vez visual studio, y atajos para realizar nuestro cdigo mas rapidamente."
Price: 159.99

"Harmonia Funcional Direto ao Ponto" |
"Nesse curso o aluno ir aprender Harmonia Funcional Tcnicas e Aplicaes. As principais escalas para a improvisao no Jazz, Blues e Neo Soul. Rearmonizao de msicas na prtica, tcnicas como relativo, anti-relativo, Sub5, voicing e acordes de estrutura superior. um curso muito dinmico e totalmente em vdeo com uma linguagem muito simples a nvel do tecladista e pianista Iniciantes, Intermedirio e Avanado. Estarei prontificado para mentorizar todos os desse curso."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Financial Statement Basics: A beginner's journey" |
"Hi guys, my name is Jas. I live in London and for the past 6 years have been working at a top Investment Bank where I spend a lot of time researching and understanding companies how they do business, what industry they operate in, what is the competitive landscape, how is the company management.When I started, this was an area that everyone said was very difficult to understand if you are not an accountant or a financial expert.What I have come to realize in the past few years is that while some of this is true, I believe that everyone can get a good basic understanding of these concepts without having a background in this area.Through this course, I want to go over some of these concepts which you will hopefully see are fairly intuitive and easy to understand, and start you on this journey of becoming great analyzers!"
Price: 19.99

Excel |
"Excel ( ) : . . ."
Price: 19.99

"HTML 5 and CSS 3 for beginners plus one beautiful project" |
"In this short HTML5 and CSS3 beginner course, you will learn about the foundation of the two prominent web technologies. We will start by looking at the basics of HTML and CSS all the way up to the point where we build our simple project. Please note that this project is going to be very simple although its going to help students to grasp the very basics of these two languages and WEB DEVELOPMENT in general. This course is suitable for beginners only hence I dont advise you to enroll if you are already comfortable with HTML and CSS.You! Yes, you my friend lol. Let me break down for you what you are going to learn about in this course:HTMLHTML structureBlock elements such as the headings tags, paragraphs, divs, section, listsInline elements such as the link tags, images, strong, and emCSSSelectors (tag name, ids and classes)Color ( color names, rgb, rgba , hexadecimal values)FontsTypographyBox modelFlex-boxCSS-gridMedia queries to make a responsive websiteWe will also develop a nice beginner friendly website using HTML, CSS and font-awesomeFinally, we will have a short section where you will learn about designing tips."
Price: 199.99

"FOREX Trading" |
" + + Arabic Language"
Price: 19.99

"1Z0-1067-20 OCI Cloud Operations [ MAIN EXAM SIMULATION ]" |
"OCI 2020 Cloud Operations course has been prepared for the candidates who possess good foundation skills and want to improve their essential skills by learning about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Operations services. These have been designed for professionals who want to boost their career by adopting new frameworks and can make best use of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. They will be able to implement the functionalities needed in OCI services such as Automating Cloud Tasks, Create secure access control policies, Data Retention and Archival and Designing for Cloud-Scale Agility.100% VERIFIED September 2020 -Questions ****** 100% Pass Guarantee ******"
Price: 19.99

"Transforming Emotions with Essential Oils" |
"In this multi-layered course on emotional healing: hands on protocols and guidelines to create immediate shifts in your emotional and mental health as well ancient techniques to promote well being and organ vitality. Section 1: Peeling Emotional LayersWe will explore the very true essence of being a human being with our own unique memories, feelings, and emotional triggers.We first begin with an understanding of olfactory, sense of smell, and limbic system that serves as a storage for all our experiences, memories, and emotions.We will closely look at the correlation between physical disease in the body and emotional dis-ease of the mind. Specifically, we will reference core principles of Greek Medicine on how emotions get trapped in certain body organs and continue having adverse effects on the body and mind when not released. This information is a segue to three main stages of emotional clearing: awareness, acceptance, and transformation. Emotional clearing stages encompass physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual elements while taking into account vibrational frequencies of human emotions on the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness as well as energetic frequencies of essential oils.Hands-on emotional clearing protocol in the last chapter provides all the necessary steps, techniques, and considerations for emotional healing. It offers video demonstration, high frequency essential oils guide, emotional tapping points, and emotional clearing reference with specific emotions, opposites, affirmations, and recommended essential oils.You will have an opportunity to experience nourishing breath, movement, and meditation practices to reconnect with your sacred temple, your body. We oxygenate our cells and boost our immune system as we open our heart and lungs to breath of life.Section 2: Stress Release & Self-CareIn this unit, we will dive into therapeutic effects of combining aromatherapy and bodywork, specifically massage and reflexology. We will explore specific essential oils and aromatherapy massage blends that are designed to enhance emotional and physical benefits of a bodywork technique.This part of the course also introduces the ancient art of reflexology, the technique of applying pressure with a thumb to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears. Reflexologists believe that these reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the persons overall health.Aromatherapy for relaxation and restful sleep lecture will take you on a journey of discovery:1. Fun & easy ways of integrating essential oils into daily self-care practices. 2. Which essential oils work best with our parasympathetic nervous system & why. 3. Helpful & quick applications & tips. 4. Application safety. 5. Aromatherapy for emotional & mental well-being & how to create a calming feeling in the body. 6. Relaxation exercise for falling asleep.We end our emotional transformation journey with Taoist 6 Healing Sounds meditation designed to create complete relaxation & organ vitality in your body."
Price: 79.99

"Aprende a programar indicadores no Tradingview desde ZERO" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a programar indicadores personalizados no Tradingview na linguagem de programao Pine Script.Com os conhecimentos desse curso voc poder programar seus setups de trading na forma de indicadores para visualizar de forma fcil e rpida os candles de sinais de compra, venda, venda parcial ou stop-loss no grfico.A linguagem de programao utilizada o Pine Script, linguagem propria do Tradingview, que fcil de aprender e de aplicar na prtica.Nao preciso ter conhecimentos previos de programao para fazer este curso, aqui ensinaremos a programar um indicador personalizado desde ZERO.Se voc um trader INICIANTE ou EXPERIENTE, no perca a oportunidade de aprender a criar seus proprios indicadores no Tradingview! Isso facilitar a execuo de backtests manuais e a operao na prtica, uma vez que os indicadores permitem uma visualizao fcil e rpida dos seus Setups e Trading Systems.Voc s precisa criar uma con no Tradingview (uma conta gratis funciona sem problemas)"
Price: 99.99

"Crashkurs Steuern fr Selbstndige Teil I: Steuerarten" |
"Umsatzsteuer, Einkommensteuer, Gewerbesteuer - jeder Selbstndige zahlt Steuern und muss Steuererklrungen abgeben. Doch: Das Thema Steuern gehrt zu den meist vernachlssigten Disziplinen im unternehmerischen Zehnkampf. Die Vogel-Strau-Technik Kopf in den Sand stecken und abwarten ist keine Lsung, wenn es um Deinen Steuerkram geht.96% aller Selbstndigen verschenken regelmig gutes Geld an das Finanzamt! Wissenslcken, Desinteresse, Zeitmangel, unverstndliches Juristendeutsch oder gar Angst vor dem Thema Steuern sind nur einige Grnde, warum Unternehmer von Jahr zu Jahr tausende Euros verbrennen!Wenn Du bislang aus einem dieser Grnde das Thema Steuern immer weggeschoben hast, biete ich Dir jetzt die Mglichkeit an, das erforderliche Steuerwissen kompakt und verstndlich aufzubauen. Investiere jetzt nur drei Stunden in meine Kurse (3 Teile) und ich verspreche Dir: die Unternehmensbesteuerung bleibt fr Dich nicht lnger ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln.In meinem Crashkurs lernst DU auch ohne Vorkenntnisse - alles, was Du brauchst, damit keiner Deiner hart verdienten Euros mehr aus Versehen an das Finanzamt wandert. Statt grauer Theorie und Juristendeutsch bekommst DU das erforderliche Wissen gut verstndlich und praxisnah prsentiert Steuern sparen inklusive. Du lernst in Seminar 1: Alles Wissenswertes rund um die Umsatzsteuer, Einkommensteuer und Gewerbesteuer.Seminar 2: Alles Wissenswertes rund um die Einnahmen-berschuss-Rechnung.Seminar 3: Wie Du Betriebsausgaben richtig von der Steuer absetzt (z.B. Geschftswagen, Arbeitszimmer, Bewirtungen, Reisekosten, Geschenke, Personalkosten).brigens, den Kaufpreis kannst DU von der Steuer absetzen. Das Finanzamt beteiligt sich also an Deiner Investition mit einer Steuerersparnis. Unterm Strich kostet Dich dieser Kurs weniger als ein Kinobesuch.Lass keine wertvolle Zeit mehr verstreichen, denn Steuerfehler und bersehene Steuervorteile kosten Dich bares Geld. Nur einen Tipp umgesetzt oder eine Viertelstunde Steuerberaterhonorar eingespart - und schon hat sich dieser Steuersparkurs fr Dich bezahlt gemacht.DAS BESTE: Dank der 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie hast DU kein Risiko. Also, melde Dich JETZT ohne Risiko an!"
Price: 24.99

"Ingls do Zero Fluncia" |
"Descubra o mtodo inovador para voc aprender a falar ingls em poucos meses sem sair de casa e sem ter que aprender regras gramaticais chatas que est causando pavor nas escolas de ingls tradicionais...Um mtodo muito eficaz e fcil de entender!(mesmo que voc j tenha feito anos de escola de ingls ou esteja comeando agora) "
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to VHDL for FPGA and ASIC design" |
"Twelve lectures, starting from the basics of VHDL, including the entity, architecture, and process. Explanations of the difference in sequential and concurrent VHDL. Discussions of good synchronous design methodology. Demonstrations on how to use the Altera Modelsim and Xilinx Vivado simulators. Six lab projects for hands-on experience, with the instructor showing how he would have done each lab."
Price: 29.99

"Vibrational Energetic Clearings" |
"Within this course, you will journey into ones self without having any judgements and learn to enhance to the highest and fullest potential of yourself. This course will teach you how to strengthen your mental, emotional, and spiritual weaknesses into beautiful strengths and how to let go and be in the moment. This course was created in a safe manner for people of all ages to understand themselves more fully and enjoy life. Let go of past judgements and let go of habits that are hindering you and be liberated. It is time for you to reprogram yourself.By the end of this course, you will know how to energetically, physically, and mentally understand the influences of others and the blockages we create within inside ourselves. See you in the course."
Price: 104.99

"How to earn Passive Income as a Bitcoin Advisor Job of 2020" |
"The certified bitcoin agent course is the profession of the future that is already here. In these uncertain times when the world economy is facing tremendous challenges, the person who will introduce bitcoin to different individuals around him will grant himself a new impressive, and satisfying profession.The certified bitcoin agent course guarantees you a job as a bitcoin specialist. The demand for this position just increases as time goes by. This course gives you the skills that might look challenging for you right now, but as a matter of fact, is easier than you think. This professions requirements are mainly persistence and determination, these are the only 2 skills that you need before signing up for the course. The rest we will teach you. To become a bitcoin advisor you will learn how to position yourself as one, how to master only the information that you need from the bitcoin technology. But we dont stop here, you will learn marketing and even acquire a selling technique that will generate your revenues. The course is divided into 3 main topics: Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, marketing, and selling. Each of these 3 parts is written with one goal - making you successful with your new job. The bitcoin and cryptocurrency part was written in order to give you the tools for protecting your future clients and helping them find an easy way to invest in bitcoin. In the marketing part, you will learn how to bring clients to your doorstep. In the selling part, you will learn the tools needed for every business person no matter in what profession they work. Looking for a new job? At the end of this course, you will find it.About a decade ago, people came to know to sell Amazon online. A profession that generates thousands of dollars for countless individuals around the world these days. Back then it was acquired only by early adopters making them the amazon gurus of our days. Nowadays the competition in selling amazon is huge and for newbies, it isnt worth it. Becoming a Bitcoin Agent is the new Amazon selling. Learning how to buy and sell bitcoin the safe way, learn how to use bitcoin wallet safe, and learning how to prevent yourself from meeting scammers are all tools that all of us will need in upcoming years.But taking our course also means becoming a part of a global bitcoin community. You will belong to our Team of Bitcoin Advisors, you will enjoy the support of bitcoin adoption institute and fast enough you will understand that you are a part of the next big thing. Become a leader, sign up now."
Price: 54.99

"PMI-ACP simulator" |
"Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI- ACP) - Simulate Practice ExamThe course will contain Four exams each one 120 questions in a total of 480 questions.The Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI- ACP) assessment is a 180-minute time-boxed assessment where you'll answer 120 questions. domains in PMI ACPAgile principles and mindsetValue driven deliveryStakeholder engagementTeam performanceAdaptive planningProblem detection and resolutionContinuous improvementWho this course is for:DevelopersScrum MastersProduct ownersProject ManagerProgram Manager"
Price: 19.99
