"Adobe Premiere Pro CC: Complete Video Editing Masterclass" |
"THIS COURSE IS NEW AND IMPROVED FROM THE BEST-SELLING Adobe Premiere Pro COURSE BY Masuk Sarker Batista.I remember the first day, I opened the adobe premiere pro and it was a disaster. So many buttons & windows, I didn't know where to start. Sounds familiar? if yes then you are in the right place. I am here to help you with that.Edit videos the way you imagine them! Don't limit your creativity!The best way to learn editing by actually doing. So practice editing while you learn. This course teaches you a good fundamental. The idea behind it is that you can learn advanced things by yourself as you edit videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. This is the new generation premiere pro course, designed that such a way that you can start editing in no time. No previous video editing experience is needed.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Masuk Sarker Batista and I have been editing professional videos with Vegas Pro for over 6 years and still now. Plus I'm the creator of some of the world's most popular video editing courses - with over 100,000+ students and thousands of 5-star reviews.Open Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software and learn the various panel windows to edit clips together, audio work, color grading, creating titles, advanced video editing techniques, exporting, and much more! I personally use Vegas pro software a lot, for my video editing because it is easy & fast with a user-friendly interface. There is no complexity like Adobe After Effects, Premiere software.My Promise to YouI'm a full-time video editor and online instructor. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. I will answer your questions.By the end of this course, your confidence as a video editor will soar You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Premiere Pro for fun or as a career opportunity.Cheers,Masuk Sarker Batista"
Price: 199.99

"Lei 14.020/20 e Decreto 10.422/20" |
"Este curso direcionado a pequenos e mdios empresrios, gestores, profissionais de departamento pessoal e recursos humanos, advogados e contadores.Voc vai aprender a interpretar e a implantar as medidas do Programa Emergencial de Preservao do Emprego e da Renda com as alteraes trazidas pelo Decreto 10422/20, o assunto mais falado nos ltimos dias, com segurana. O tema tratado de forma detalhada e didtica e, aps a sua concluso, voc conseguir responder a todas as questes abaixo:1. Quais so os objetivos do Programa Emergencial de Manuteno do Emprego e da Renda?2. Reduo de Jornada e Suspenso de Contrato. Quais so as novas regras? Como implantar de forma segura? Quem tem direito? Qual o valor do benefcio correspondente? Quais controles a empresa deve ter para no correr o risco de ter que indenizar o governo?3. Ajuda mensal compensatria. Natureza Jurdica. Comentrios sobre a sua utilizao pelo empregador. H vantagem para o empregador que no est obrigado a pagar?4. Estabilidade provisria e indenizao por dispensa de empregado. Qual o prazo da estabilidade e os valores das indenizaes pela dispensa imotivada?5. Conflito de normas. Qual norma deve ser aplicada?6. Repactuao de dvidas. Como funciona? Quem tem direito? Quais so as regras?7. Aplicao do art. 486 da CLT. Qual o direito do empregador? Como as rescises devem ser feitas? Como ficam as rescises realizadas antes e depois da publicao da lei?Alm disso, o material escrito, bem como alguns modelos de acordo individual esto disponveis para download!Aproveite e bons estudos!"
Price: 69.99

"A Matemtica para o todos - Porcentagem" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender os principais tpicos de porcentagem. Assunto super importante para todos estudantes. Nosso estudo se basear em aulas tericas e resoluo de exerccios cuidadosamente escolhidos. Assim voc aprende o que essencial de forma objetiva, sem perda de tempo. Ao final, voc ter acesso a uma lista com alguns exerccios com gabarito comentado. E a? Bora aprender Matemtica?"
Price: 69.99

"IELTS Academic Writing" |
"100% IELTS Academic Writing. - . IELTS 1,000 IELTS Academic Writing. :1) 19 2) 2,000 56 ( Google )+ 2 (1 Writing Task 1 + 1 Writing Task 2) : Academic IELTS, 6.0 IELTS Academic Writing, IELTS Academic Writing, 4 IELTS Academic Writing, Academic IELTS pre-intermediate . , . 24 . , sarbassov.nauan@yandex.ru Udemy. , . "
Price: 19.99

"realistic figurine modelling with sugar paste" |
"At the end of the training, you will have all the technical knowledge that to make not only this figure but also any dynamic figurine with the size you want..The training consists of 5 sections so that you can easily find the part you want and work separately. (also, there are 2 Bonus Sections) I explained everything from the selection of wires according to the figure to alternative techniques that you can use in modeling..Instead of shooting with a single camera, I shot all the sections simultaneously with 3 separate cameras and edited them so that you can see all the details. In this way, you will be able to watch from the best angle and learn as if you were next to me."
Price: 199.99

"SAP Fiori Application Developer Certification Practice Test" |
"Get Certified in minimum timeMain Features:200 QuestionsScenario-based questions4 Practice testsSpecially designed for SAP Fiori Application Developer CertificationIdeal for C_FIORDEV_20 & C_FIORDEV_21 Sample Questions and answers:01. You need to explain the core functions of OPA5 for testing SAPUI5 apps. Which test options are offered by OPA5?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) Development testsb) Load testsc) Navigation testsd) User interaction tests Answer: c, d02. In the Git source code management system, what is executed initially to create the local Git repository in SAP Web IDE?Please choose the correct answer.a) Pushb) Pullc) Cloned) Fetch Answer: c03. What is an Aggregation?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) Is not a parent/ child relationshipb) A relationship between two controlsc) A relationship between the text field and its labeld) Is a parent child relationship Answer: b, d04. Which tool do you use to deploy SAP Fiori app developments?Please choose the correct answer.a) Eclipse (SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio)b) Process Modelerc) Object Navigatord) SAP WEB IDE Answer: d05. Your customer needs an app that can perform data modifications. Which ODataModel binding-mode do you select?Please choose the correct answer.a) One-timeb) One-wayc) Two-wayd) Three-way Answer: cTopic AreasSAP Fiori Strategy, Standards and Guidelines > 12%SAPUI5 Foundations > 12%SAP HANA Cloud Platform and Web IDE Basics 8% - 12%OData and Advanced Data Handling 8% - 12%Extensibility in SAPUI 58% - 12%SAP Hybrid App Toolkit 8% - 12%Deployment 8% - 12%Testing 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Architecture Overview < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 61%( C_FIORDEV_20 ) & 66%( C_FIORDEV_21 )Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple)"
Price: 1280.00

"Sewing - A Mini Minimalistic Wardrobe" |
"In this course you will learn to sew the following items:A sleeveless button back blouseA fitted pencil skirtA shift dressYou will also be taught a variety of skills such as:How to sew button holesHow to sew french seamsHow to sew an invisible zipHow to sew hemlinesHow to create and attach your own bias bindingAlthough some of these things sound complicated they really aren't! So if all you've done is sewn a pillow case don't worry, join the course and I'll walk you through it step by step.Please note it is your responsibility to purchase patterns before starting the course. I have listed some that you could purchase/download for free on my resources list."
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Experience Manager Business Practitioner AD0-E102" |
"In this you will get to know about the AEM business practitioner roles and responsibilities through the questions and answers which could help you in enhancing your AEM knowledge. This course will provide practice questions on AEM modules which will help in understanding the exam pattern for the AEM business practitioner"
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Power BI Training: Introduction Course" |
"What is it?Microsoft Power BI Training: Introduction Course is a 4-week online course with detailed over-the-shoulder videos, in-depth worksheets, and an ambitious community of Data Analytics Experts. We show you how to leverage all the features of the Power BI platform to create powerful and super insightful Power BI dashboards. Yes, even if you dont have any experience in data or analytics.Who is it for?Microsoft Power BI Training: Introduction Course is for anyone who is looking to get an introduction to Microsoft Power BI and start their carreer as an Data Analytics Expert from home. We have worked with thousands of people from across the world, even those who have never worked with data and analytics before.Where does this take place?Our entire course and platform is available to you online at anytime. You may access all the video content, worksheets, and community from your desktop, laptop, phone, or iPad, on your time.How does it work?All you have to do is complete the videos, take notes, take action, and get results. Its that simple. Use the community group for support, questions, or to share your progress. You may also get one-on-one support from our Stella Data Analytics Experts at anytime.When does it start?We start the moment you enroll! No fluff, no delay. You can complete the course in your own time and work through it as fast or slow as you wish. You get lifetime access to all the material and are grandfathered in for future updates.Why do we exist?We have created this course because we believe every person is capable of becomming a Data Analytics Expert and build powerful and insightful Microsoft Power BI dashboards independently of their background. We want to showcase how simple this can be."
Price: 99.99

"Woman Power : La productivit pour les femmes" |
"Ton antidote Girl focus pour tre plus efficace, grer ton temps et le stress. Mme si tu es sensible et surtout si tu es crative ! Tu as toujours ce problme de gestion de ton temps et de productivit ?Toi aussi, les plannings te dcouragent vite, a ne fonctionne pas.Tu culpabilises ds que tu ne travailles pas autant que tu l'aurais espr.Tu fais des milliards de choses dans ta journe et pourtant tu n'as pas l'impression d'avoir avanc Tu t'en fiches d'tre la meilleure, tu veux seulement des outils efficaces pour russir ton entreprise et sur lesquels tu peux compter.En tant que femme, tu voudrais pourtant pouvoir optimiser ton organisation et ton potentiel ?- Parfois tu travailles trop, tu veux TOUT faire et tu te mets trop la pression.- Tu t'parpilles, tu doutes et les rsultats ne refltent pas ton temps investi.- Tu narrives pas prioriser tes tches facilement et tu doutes constamment- Tu perds des journes entires faire des tches qui ne tapportent pas de rsultatsEt donc tu t'puises sans savoir si ce que tu fais de l'impact.Les conseils productivit sont trop masculins et agressifs et donc tu ne t'y retrouves pas ?On est peut dire ce que l'on veut, nous n'avons chimiquement mmes comportements ni les mmes attentes.De notre pass diffrentDe notre ducation...Il y a rien de mal cela car la diffrence est naturelle et a ne nous empche pas de les adorer.Mais prendre en compte ta sensibilit et tes rves, c'est important. Ce qui va changer pour toi aprs ma formation :Plus besoin de culpabiliser face la productivit des hommes, tu sauras parfaitement grer ta sensibilit afin quelle te soutienne dans ton projetTu n'auras plus de blocages qui te font procrastiner et perdre ton temps, adieu les soires prise de tteTu seras ultra organise, les doutes et le stress n'auront plus demprise sur toiTu auras des techniques pointues pour gagner en temps et consacrer davantage de temps tes loisirs, ta famille et surtout ton bien tre.Tu verras rapidement ton projet sur le web aboutir et tu pourras faire ce qui te passionne librement.Ta productivit augmentera, et tes ventes aussi.Encore plus dabondance venir pour te faire plaisir et te chouchouter.Alors Laisse libre cours ton imagination, ta sensibilit et ta crativit pour monter un business ou tu te sens forte !"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Beginner Level Tang Soo Do Karate" |
"Learn the techniques required to advance from white belt to advanced white belt in Tang Soo Do, a traditional Korean martial art often referred to as Korean Karate. Basic stances, punches, blocks, kicks, forms, and self-defense will be taught. No experience necessary. Course is taught by Master Steven Elmore, 5th Dan Master Instructor, with over 30 years experience in Tang Soo Do."
Price: 59.99

"Curso de Sketchup aplicado ao mercado de trabalho" |
"O curso completo de Sketchup abrange todo o processo de modelagem de um ambiente, onde iremos aprender desde ferramentas bsicas, como por exemplo exportar o seu arquivo do AutoCAD, at a parte mais avanada, como modelagem de modulados, esquadrias, alvenaria, molduras de gesso e boiseries, cortes 2D e 3D, passeios virtuais, tudo de forma prtica e voltada para o mercado de trabalho.O curso conta com diversas aulas prticas e acessveis, onde iremos ver o passo-a-passo de todas essas ferramentas e como deixar voc preparado para trabalhar em maquetes em qualquer projeto que voc precisar, independente do seu nvel de complexidade e aplicao."
Price: 99.99

"Algebra 1 Simple Easy Fast Mr Rock Math Semester 2" |
"This course is for middle and high school students in the traditional Algebra 1 course. Topics such as equation solving, graphing and word problems are covered in simple, easy and fast methods through a unique language learning approach which scaffolds math vocabulary for a deeper understanding. This course is primarily made for students who struggle with math in middle and high school. Necessary materials for the course are a standard calculator, writing instrument and paper or composition book."
Price: 19.99

"Essential Podcast Growth Strategies for 2020" |
"In this course, I share all the strategies that I usually share with my podcasting clients. You can use these strategies to get to your first 1,000 subscribers with your podcast, in your first MONTH of podcasting. All of my clients who use 1 or more of these podcast growth strategies report exponential growth with their podcast, so I decided to compile them all into 1 short masterclass for you to watch. Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99

"Monetize Your Podcast With Less Than 1K Subscribers" |
"A lot of my podcasting clients always ask me how they can make money off of their podcast when they don't have enough subscribers that podcast sponsors don't reach out to them, so I decided to compile all of my strategies into one course. My clients have said that when they use these tactics, they turn their podcast into a side income, and some have even reported generating over $1k a month from some of these tactics. Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99

"Le bitcoin et la blockchain de A Z" |
"Depuis quelques annes nous entendons constamment parler du bitcoin et de la blockchain, pourtant peu de personnes comprennent vraiment son fonctionnement car la vulgarisation est trs limite sur ce sujet : les explications ne concernent pas le fond ou bien sont trop austres. Ce cours est un condens de ce que j'ai appris durant les trois dernires annes en lisant le whitepaper originel."
Price: 29.99

"Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals" |
"Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals - Welcome to our Course.Are you looking for an easy to understand, step by step explanation of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies - without wasting hours researching or worse getting totally confused?Do you want to get a firm grasp on important topics such as Privacy Coins, Stablecoins, ICOs, IEOs and Decentralised Finance?Do you need to master the complex vocabulary and jargon of the Blockchain world?Don't worry we have just the course for you!In this course John Colley and Michael Heitz are going to help you to discover the most revolutionary technology the world has seen since Babbage conceived of his original calculation machine, the forerunner of the computerJohn is bringing over 30 years investment banking experience, the last 20 spent advising the in the Technology Sector and a multiple bestselling Udemy instructor. Michael is a Cryptocurrency expert who has been immersed in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies since 2016.If you are wondering what the Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are all about, we simplify and explain everything you need to know, step by step. Some other courses are much to complicated and aimed at experts, you can be confident that as someone new to this engaging but complex topic, we won't Bamboozle you!In this course you will discoverWhat Blockchain Technology is and how it worksWhat is Bitcoin, how it was created and how its minedHow the Bitcoin Network remains secureWhat is EthereumHow Ethereum Tokens are CreatedWhat is The Ethereum Virtual MachineWhat are Ethereum Decentralised Apps (Dapps)What are Ethereum Smart ContractsWhat are Stable Coins, how they work, their benefits and use casesWhat are Privacy Coins, how they work, examples and their futureWhat are Crypto TokensWhat is an ICO and what is an IEOUnderstanding different types of Crypto TokensHow to store CryptocurrenciesWhat is an Address, what are Public Keys, Private Keys and WalletsHow to buy Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Decentralised ExchangesWhat are Cryptocurrency ATMs and AppsHow to buy Cryptocurrencies in Local StoresHow to spend Cryptocurrencies, how to use Cryptocurrency ATMs and Debit CardsWhat is Decentralised Finance (DeFi)How to save in CryptocurrenciesHow to get a Cryptocurrency LoanThe Future of Cryptocurrencies including Mass Adoption, the Rise of Stable CoinsThe impact of Decentralised FinanceThe future disruption of the Investment Banking, Real Estate, Financial Markets and Food industry sectorsAnd much, much moreLet us quickly and easily help you to discover the practical knowledge you need to understand Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum. Earn your certificate of completion in Blockchain and CryptocurrenciesThis course is not designed to sell anything; Bitcoin, Ethereum or Tokens. This content does not constitute investment advice. The course is designed for purely educational purposes by instructors passionate about sharing knowledge.Why is Blockchain important/critical to the world of business, technology and finance in 21st Century? You need to take this course to find out.Ask yourself, can you afford not to know about it?We look forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise with you in the course.Checkout our preview videos ; John shares with you a deep dive into what you will learn in this course.Best regardsJohn and Michael"
Price: 99.99

"How to Read Audit Report" |
"Are you an Entrepreneur and finding it difficult to understand the nuances of technicalities reported in Audit Report?Are you an Investor planning to invest in stocks of a company?Are you a Lender, analysing the financials of the borrower to take a lending decision?Are you an analyst, analysing financials and audit reports of various business entities?Then, this course is for you - How to Read Audit ReportWhen business grows in size, it will attract various stake holders. Each and every stake holder will be interested in understanding how the business is performing in financial terms. Management will be communicating the performance of business through Financial Statements and Annual reports to the stake holders. However, in order to develop the trust and meet statutory compliances, the Financial Statements also have to be audited by Auditors (Chartered Accountants). Auditors will be carrying out independent examination of Financial Statements and they will give their opinion, whether Financial Statements gives True & Fair View about state of affairs and profit & loss of business. This opinion will be given through their report, known as Audit Report. There are various technicalities inherent in Audit Report. As a reader of Audit report, you should know what all those technicalities mean and what kind of impact it can have on the Financial Decisions. This is a self paced learning course. Please use your headset for effective listening.See you inside the course!"
Price: 149.99

"Chemistry Made Simple" |
"This introductory chemistry course will provide students a basic understanding of the operating mechanisms of chemistry. Any student just starting out in chemistry, currently taking chemistry or just wanting a refresher for chemistry they've forgotten will benefit from these lessons. The atom, bonding, chemical naming and formula writing, chemical reactions (and more) will be included in this course. The course will be lecture based with examples provided during lessons that deepen learning. There will be opportunities to assess knowledge along the way as well. Answer keys will be provided. Chemistry can be pretty intimidating, as it is one of the most feared courses in science. The good news is that it is also one of the most-loved science courses too (when the fear is gone). I want to provide you with lessons that are understandable, slower paced and will deepen your understanding of the world around you. Thank you for considering this course!"
Price: 149.99

"After Effects - Motion Graphics For Beginners" |
"Learn how to create professional Motion Graphics and Animation in Adobe After Effects from scratch with ease!In this course I will guide you through everything that is involved to create motion graphics using After Effects CC using various tools and techniques, this includes creating motion graphics from scratch all the way through to rendering.Create awesome motion graphicsCreate a Moon Scene animationCreate CompositionsUse Effects & PresetsHow to use the Graph EditorManage Your Layers EffectivelyKeyframe ManagmentLearn How To Prepare Files For ImportRender Your Files CorrectlyWithin the course, we LEARN-BY-DOING, I walk you through all the steps it takes to create awesome & professional motion graphics so you understand what you are doing and why! You will learn how to use all the essential tools & get the best techniques so you can create motion graphics ease, get to grips with the After Effects software, even if you have never opened the programme before. This course will arm you with the skills and practical knowledge to give you confidence to go and create your own motion graphics and/or animations in the future. You will also learn the best way to render your creations for sharing with the world.Who is this course for?Individuals that want to learn how to create Motion Graphics in After EffectsIndividuals that want to learn how to Animate scenes in After EffectsAnyone from beginners to experts who want to brush up their skills when it comes to using After EffectsBy the end of this course you will have created multiple motion graphics using different methods and have the tools to take your After Effects knowledge to the next level!Sign up today to start your new journey!"
Price: 49.99

"React Native com Mysql" |
"O curso completo de React Native com Mysql e PHP possui 43 aulas, neste curso mostrado o passo a passo de como conectar os aplicativos android e ios criados pelo React com um banco de dados mysql usando apis em Mysql, vamos aprender a listar, inserir, editar, criar buscas, login e muito mais, adquira j nosso treinamento e comece a comunicar seus aplicativos mobile com seus sites e sistemas web."
Price: 54.99

"Ingls para Nios - Nivel 5 Experts (Genki Ingls)" |
"GENKI INGLES es un curso que usa un mtodo No tradicional de enseanza de ""Genki English"" y su fundador Richard Graham. Este mtodo es bastante moderno y divertido para el aprendizaje y la enseanza de ingles.Sumrgete en el mundo de canciones energticas, entretenidos juegos, alta tecnologa y funky imgenes. Toda la adrenalina encapsulada en las super emocionantes lecciones que estn llenas de vida.Este es el PERFECTO curso introductorio de ingles para nios. El mtodo esta licenciado por la Universidad de Harvard y el consulado Britanico. Actualmente esta siendo usado por millones de estudiantes en muchos pases. (Harvard: Esta confirmado que este programa tiene un impacto significante, positivo y robusto en los resultados obtenidos de los estudiantes)Ya que las actividades estn organizadas con canciones y juegos, los estudiantes estan inmediatamente motivados a participar y tomar iniciativa. Y cuando es emocionante y divertido, es mucho ms fcil aprender cosas nuevas!"
Price: 44.99

"OneDrive Essentials for the workplace -OneDrive Fundamentals" |
"OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that connects you to all your files. It lets you store and protect your files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere on all your devices. When you use OneDrive with an account provided by your company or school, it's sometimes called OneDrive for Business.All files that you store in OneDrive for Business are private unless you decide to share them. You can share files and folders with co-workers so you can collaborate on projects. If youre signed-in to Microsoft 365, you may even be able to share with partners outside of your organization, depending on what your company allows.When you send email from Outlook Web App, you can attach a OneDrive for Business file as a link, instead of sending an attachment. When you Attach a file as a link, you automatically give the people you send the message to permission to edit the file. Plus, you save space in everyone's mailbox and encourage people to edit the same copy in OneDrive for Business.How is OneDrive for Business different from OneDrive?It's all OneDrive, which means you use the same apps to sync files down to your Windows PC or Mac, or get to your files from your Android or iOS device. You just sign in with your work or school account to use OneDrive for Business, or sign in with your Microsoft account to use OneDrive personal.OneDrive is online personal storage that you get when you set up a Microsoft account to use services such as Outlook or Xbox. Use OneDrive to save documents, photos, and other files in the cloud, share them with friends, and even collaborate on content. When you subscribe to Microsoft 365, you get 1 TB of storage and premium OneDrive features.OneDrive for Business is online storage for work or school. Your OneDrive for Business is managed by your organization and lets you share and collaborate on work documents with co-workers. Site collection administrators in your organization control what you can do in the your OneDrive library.Although you can't connect your personal OneDrive to your Microsoft 365 business account, you can copy or move files between them.__________ What will you learn?Everything you need to know to hit the ground running with OneDriveHow to upload files to OneDriveHow to download files from OneDriveHow to share files from OneDriveHow to add passwords, expiration dates, etc. on files you're sharing from OneDriveWhy the corporate world loves OneDrive for file sharing and collaborationOneDrive tips and tricksWhy take this course?It's simple, practical and full of real world examplesTo boost your productivity when working from homeTo learn about one of the most important tools in Microsoft 365To increase your online collaboration and productivityTo understand how you can leverage on OneDrive when working on projectsSo you can keep your files backed up, safe and secureSo you can share files with confidenceIf you already made up your mind about taking this course just click on the ""Buy Now"" button at the top, right hand side. If not, keep reading about this agile course udemy.__________ Why take this course and not another one?It will give you a full understanding of what you really need to know about OneDriveIt was created by a Senior Project Manager who has deployed OneDrive and Microsoft 365 for tens of thousands of peopleI will share with you how you can make the most out of OneDrive and why it's my preferred choice compared to any other online file storage/sharing provider such as iCloud, Box, Dropbox, etc.You will understand how OneDrive leverages on the power of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem as wholeYou will learn how easy it is to use OneDrive and how you can use it when working remotely or from homeHow will this help you?You will be able to work, collaborate and maximize your productivity when using OneDriveYou will go more confident to a job that requires regular use of OneDrive and/or digital collaboration. Both important skills in the modern world!After completing this course you will get a OneDrive Certification (Certificate of Completion) which you can include in your CV or resume.__________ Who is behind this course?A OneDrive and Microsoft 365 Expert. Also a serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, expert Project Manager and MBA (x2) who founded The Agile Knowledge Base & also wrote The Mini Book of Agile, available on Amazon.__________ This course is specifically for:People who want to learn the fundamentals and essentials of OneDriveBeginnersPeople who would like to be able to leverage on the power of technology when working on projects and sharing files that require digital collaborationThose ready to embrace working remotely and working from homeThose who want to add a Microsoft Certification to their CV or resumeThose keen to expand their OneDrive knowledge and skillsThose needing to easily share and work on files with others without having to email attachments back and forthThis course is not suitable for:People already familiar with OneDrive, how it works and how to use itOneDrive experts or advanced usersIf you think this course is for you, then go ahead and click Buy Now"" and we'll be in touch soon.__________ What's New (Latest Course Updates)General improvements and enhancementsAdded new examples and demosIncluded a lecture on using OneDrive in a mobile device__________ Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 74.99

Price: 12000.00

"3D Printing For Designers" |
"3D Printing is no longer an inaccessible high end craft. Join me in this 3D fabrication course, where you learn the basics of professional quality 3D printing.Start this Introduction to 3D Printing to learn the fundamentals from a professional needed to print the best quality models. In this course, you get my more than 15 years of experience in 3D fabrication, to make sure your models are quality each and every time. I have gone through and solved every 3D printing problem, and made this course so you can get started on the right foot and on to the best quality models.What you learn:- Fundamentals of 3D Printing- How to use 3D printing software- How to export 3D models & designs for 3d printing- How to solve common 3D print challenges- How to improve your 3D print qualityIf you want to get started 3D printing the right way, then I'm your teacher, let's get started 3D printing together."
Price: 99.99

"Unity + bolt" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar jogos com Unity e Bolt, juntas formam uma ferramenta muito poderosa e que vem ganhando cada vez mais espao no mercado de desenvolvimento de jogos.Aprenderemos a desenvolver um 2 projetos sem usar SCRIPT na prtica, onde aplicaremos conceitos consagrados de jogos famosos como:Configurar a resoluo do game para Qualquer Celular;Configurar a User Interface de forma simples;Configurar botes Dinmicos;Trocar de cenas;Criar um mode de jogo com Inteligncia Artificial Randmica;Muitas outras caractersticas que um bom jogo 2D dever ter;Ao final deste curso voc estar apto aplicar tudo o que aprendeu, para criar seus prprios jogos neste estilo."
Price: 39.99

"Convierte WhatsApp Business en una mquina de hacer dinero." |
"Convierte tu WhatsApp Business en una mquina de hacer dinero, es un curso donde aprenders a sacarle todo el potencial a esta herramienta combinada con el marketing conversacional, el embudo de ventas y la redaccin persuasiva.El curso consta de 19 captulos donde explicamos paso a paso, desde cero, a cmo usar WhatsApp Business para potenciar tu negocio con recursos que te sern de gran utilidad; brindndote la informacin necesaria para que empieces a usar WhatsApp Business para mejorar y aumentar las ventas en tu negocio, de manera personalizada, efectiva y vinculndolo con otras redes sociales.Es el mejor momento de empezar a usar esta gran herramienta en tu negocio o emprendimiento.Al finalizar el curso logrars:Crear un canal de comunicacin y ventas mediante WhatsApp Business.Tener correctamente configurado el perfil de tu empresa, los horarios, las etiquetas, catlogos de productos, pgina web, geolocalizacin y dems datos de contacto.Configurar herramientas bsicas de respuestas automticas y atajos.Conectar otras Redes Sociales con WhatsApp Business.Agregar a tus posibles clientes dentro de un embudo de ventas basado en etiquetas.Crear un catlogo de productos en WhatsApp Business.Generar contenidos creativo y campaas de Marketing a travs de WhatsApp.Desarrollar una estrategia de comunicacin con tus clientes."
Price: 44.99

"Amor e a complexidade dos relacionamentos - Mdia que Ensina" |
"O quo difcil o amor?Todas as pessoas so diferentes entre si, e os relacionamentos podem fazer com que suas atitudes sejam ainda mais distintas do natural. Como vemos em diversos elementos da cultura pop, assim como naqueles que abordamos em nosso quadro Mdia que Ensina, se relacionar com algum muito mais profundo e complexo do que pode parecer no incio.Atravs de sries da mdia, vamos promover reflexes sobre o amor e as suas dificuldades. Nelas, veremos como as pessoas podem mudar quando amam ou so amadas, como possvel se relacionar melhor ou ao menos buscar melhores relacionamentos, o que completamente desalinhado dentro da normalidade dos laos afetivos, a diferena entre carncia e amor, as armadilhas mentais que nos prendem a relacionamentos doentios, entre outras coisas.Vem subir de nvel com a gente e se preparar melhor para elos emocionais que j existem, ou possam surgir, em sua vida!"
Price: 189.99

"Niilismo, existencialismo e vazio - Mdia que Ensina" |
"Diante do vazio que muitas vezes sentimos, o que somos ns?Ser que existe um sentido para a vida? Ou ser que estamos apenas largados aqui, em um lugar qualquer, abandonados para viver nossos dias sem qualquer profundidade?Venha mergulhar conosco no abismo da cultura pop, com Bojack Horseman e Rick & Morty, em um momento de reflexo, utilizando personagens e passagens das sries citadas para incentivar o pensamento crtico a respeito da vida em si."
Price: 189.99

"Persona - Causa, conflito, cicatrizes e comportamento humano" |
"muito interessante falar sobre os conceitos de Jung e de psicologia analtica. Apesar de complexas, todas essas ideias tm um forte impacto na percepo do ser humano, contribuindo para o autoconhecimento e para que sejamos capazes de entender melhor as aes do outro.Visando uma abordagem mais dinmica e ldica, a Universidade Andarilho traz neste curso uma mescla de arqutipos de Jung, teorias autorais de comportamento, causa e consequncia e um breve mergulho na srie de games Persona, que bebe da mesma fonte e certamente pode agregar bastante no nosso contedo. Se voc no conhece a srie, tudo bem: todo o contedo necessrio estar em nossas aulas. A ideia criar uma ambientao no formato mdia que ensina, mas nossas discusses vo mais alm, possibilitando que todos aprendam, com bagagem ou no.Agora, abra as portas da sua mente e venha com criatividade e interesse para um contedo analtico sobre comportamento humano, resposta x reao, significao emocional e muito mais!"
Price: 219.99

"IONIC + PHP + MySQL = App Completa" |
"En este curso combinaremos tres herramientas sencillas pero poderosas con las cuales te armars de muchos conocimiento para afrontar cualquier situacin de desarrollo que se presente. Con Ionic Framework, FatFree Framework (PHP) y MySQL tendrs todo un pack disponible para crear cualquier tipo de aplicacin mvil.Aprenders crear o dar soporte para aplicaciones hbridas. Bsicamente en este curso desarrollaremos desde cero una aplicacin tal como lo hara cualquier desarrollador mostrando errores comunes que pueden llegar a suceder al momento de escribir el cdigo, vers como usar la documentacin de Ionic para saber como usar los componentes y plugins que nos permitirn interactuar directamente con el dispositivo mvil (Cmara, Storage, Notificaciones Push, entre otros)."
Price: 34.99
