"Offworlder Sculpting and Texturing in 3D Coat for Blender" |
"Explore a new pipeline of 3D Coat and Blender that could fit very well in certain productions and cover many needs at a fraction of the commonly used software costs.The whole course is structured that every video about a certain point that is in the name of the file. It makes it convenient to navigate and study.All videos are short between 2-5 minutes for easy watching and the best learning experience.Long boring processes are recorded to timelapses without narration.COURSE STRUCTURE:Part 1 - Creating the Base HeadSetting up a sculpt that is easy and fast to modify. You will be able to turn it to various character designs while retaining the important bits (lips, eyes, nose, ears) under control. At this speed, it is only possible to do in 3D Coat.The segmented head is included in the project files so you can even just skip doing it yourself and start designing straight ahead.Part 2 - Character SculptingThe second part is about modifying the base head to different creatures. Then moving on to creating the finished voxel sculpt of the character. Talking about particularities of sculpting in 3D Coat.Part 3 - Retopology and UVs3D Coat has great retopology and UV tools to do the job fast and it is covered in this chapter.Part 4 - Texture PaintingTexturing in 3D Coat is a great experience. The brushes give you a very natural painting feeling and are highly customizable.Part 5 - Blender PresentationThis part covers the basics of the scene set up like skin shader, lighting, sculpting, and modeling tools.Bonus Part - Marvelous DesignerJumping in Marvelous to design clothing for the character and bringing back to Blender.Project Files:Includes the segmented basehead as .obj and .3b (3d coat) and the actual character scene with the relevant textures So you can jump straight into it.Also, you'll get pdfs with useful links to resources and my 3d coat hotkeys.If you are interested in my background I have a whole channel dedicated to 3D Coat For the tutorial support please join my discord (search by my name)Happy watching!"
Price: 34.99

"Ferramenta da Qualidade - Mdulo V - Anlise SWOT" |
"Se voc est buscando conhecimento para aprender de forma tcnica e sistmica para auxiliar a organizao no planejamento estratgico e atendimento ao requisito 4.1 ENTENDENDO A ORGANIZAO E SEU CONTEXTO das normas: ISO 9001 - SISTEMA DE GESTO DA QUALIDADE;ISO 14001 - SISTEMA DE GESTO AMBIENTAL;ISO 45001 - SISTEMA DE GESTO DA SADE E SEGURANA DO TRABALHO;ISO 17025 - SISTEMA DE GESTO DA QUALIDADE PARA LABORATRIO;ISO 22000 - SISTEMA DE GESTO DE SEGURANA DE ALIMENTOS;ISO 27001 - SISTEMA DE GESTO DA SEGURANA DA INFORMAO;ISO 37001 - SISTEMA DE GESTO ANTISSUBORNO;IATF 16949 - SISTEMA DE GESTO DA QUALIDADE AUTOMOTIVA. Ento este curso para voc!!Sou o Prof Ronaldo, atuo no mercado de consultoria, treinamento e auditoria desde 1990 e junto com minha equipe criamos uma srie de treinamentos RPIDOS de ferramentas da qualidade, tambm conhecidas como de gesto, usadas nas organizaes. Nesta Srie Mergulhando nas Ferramentas da Qualidade (que vai ser tornar um livro) iremos abordar ao todo aproximadamente 100 ferramentas da qualidade ou de gesto em vrios mdulos.Neste treinamento especifico, vamos mostrar de forma prtica e BSICA a ferramenta da qualidade ANLISE SWOT.Ferramentas da Qualidade mdulo V - (NVEL BSICO)CONCEITO DA ANLISE SWOT;COMPREENSO DA ANLISE SWOT;APLICAO DA ANLISE SWOT.Como material didtico disponibilizaremos o arquivo em PDF com o contedo apresentado durante o treinamento.Venha fazer parte desta srie de treinamentos rpidos e prticos.Venha mergulhar nas ferramentas da qualidade com a gente!Prof RonaldoEquipe Doutor gesto"
Price: 99.99

"How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer" |
"Influencer marketing is a new digital marketing strategy that consists of achieving a series of collaborative links between brands and companies and those people with high visibility and prominence on the Internet, known as 'influencers.'These social network kings are real diamonds in the rough for brands, companies, organizations and even entrepreneurs with emerging businesses.With this video course you will learn all secrets about influencer marketing.Here is what you'll learn:Leverage TikTok, Instagram & Youtube for profits!How to set up your profile the RIGHT way!How to build your strategy for maximum profits!How to make brands beg YOU for promotions!How to build a loyal audience that will follow you for life!The dirty-little-secrets other Influencers are ignorant about!Topics covered:Introduction to influencer marketingChoose your nicheInstagram - the fundamentalsInstagram let the game beginInstagram the next stepsYoutube setting up the systemYoutube scaling upTikTok first step to successTikTok developing your strategyTikTok analysis and goals"
Price: 99.99

"The Real Law Of Attraction - Law of Attraction Step by Step" |
"The Law of Attraction is a universal law that has been around since the beginning of time. It is always there and always will be.You cant avoid the Law of Attraction so why not make it work for you?With this video guide you will learn exactly how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life with a step by step process.Topics covered:What Really Is The Law Of Attraction?How The Law Of Attraction WorksOvercoming The Default ProcessOpportunities And LuckApplying the Law of Attraction Step by StepMoney And Wealth Manifestation With The Law Of AttractionHow To Handle Challenges And FailureBalancing Your Inner And Outer SelfWhy The Law Of Attraction Doesnt Work For EverybodyBest Practices For Developing Your Law Of Attraction Code"
Price: 99.99

"Control de asistencia moderno con huella dactilar version II" |
"*Sistema de Asistencia con huella Dactilar y Cargas Horarias*Que es Carga Horaria?* es una agenda, donde cada Personal, docente, obrero (etc) anota los das, horas, periodo que va a trabajar en la empresa y los Nmeros de veces que marcar asistencia.. Mximo hasta 4 veces.Entrada al trabajo == Primera entradaSalida a almorzar ==Primera Salidaentrada de almorzar == Segunda Entradasalida a casa == Ultima Salida*Tambin con la carga horaria*, se puede crear horarios rotativos o por campaa* ideal para estaciones de grifos, supermercados, donde los horarios de los trabajadores son rotativos.*En todo eso consiste esta versin 2 de ste sistema*- La Forma mas eficiente de aprender a desarrollar sistemas o software, es con la practica.. y este curso te ayudar mucho.- Utiliza Libreras de diseo modernos, Tcnicas de Programacin avanzado, para que tu flujo de trabajo(desarrollo) sea mas rpido y eficiente.Te animas?"
Price: 34.99

"Estimation Fundamentals" |
"Estimation Fundamentals is a comprehensive video course where you can learn the different methods and models of cost estimations as well as how to create solid data to ensure accurate estimations.I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire core fundamental knowledge on the estimation process as well as how estimations can be used in product development, construction projects, and manufacturing process development.If you are a project manager or contractor who needs to bill your clients or create quotes, you will find this course of great help to get the fundamental knowledge you need to kick start your professional career. If you own or work inside an engineering consulting firm, this course will provide you with the tools to effectively and efficiently produce accurate estimates.As long as you have interest in a career that manages the cost of projects, this course can help you to get an advantage at looking for work or giving you an edge over your competitors as it gives you core knowledge of cost estimation fundamentals. And knowledge is power.So let's get started! Let's start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career!"
Price: 99.99

"Homemade Chocolate Course" |
"This course is going to show you how to make a bunch of types of chocolate fast and easy!It is one of my greatest joys to consume chocolate, and share it with friends and family :) :)The recipe template I follow is completely: VeganSugar Free/ Keto (Add Sugar Based Sweeteners Sparingly!!)EasyFun!It will also be an amazing springboard to integrate your own creativity. I ALWAYS experiment with different kinds of chocolate recipes, and I do so LIVE in the course. Spoiler alert, they turn out amazing!It is my goal to set you up so that you can increase the value of your gatherings, without having to do much more work :)I look forward to showing you some amazing Recipes!"
Price: 199.99

GitGitHub |
Price: 19.99

"Aws Automation:Aws Automation Using Boto3 From Python" |
"AWS offers wide range of flexible services that enable them to quickly, reliably and cost-effectively develop and deliver new products and services using AWS and DevOps practices. In this tutorial students will learn all automation related use cases from various services starting from simplify infrastructure deployment and management, application code deployment, software publishing process automation, and application and infrastructure performance monitoring & etc"
Price: 19.99

"Clearing Your Blocks to Abundance - Part 1" |
"This empowering short meditation course takes you through a succession of meditation videos specifically designed to help you identify and shift blocks and programming you are running to abundance in your subconscious mind.Created after 25 years of experience in the therapeutic field, you will learn how to self-muscle test your own subconscious beliefs and programming in Part 1, together with downloadable videos that help you to identify and clear blocks to abundance in key areas yourself, which will empower you to create a life filled with freedom and joy as you shift each layer. In addition, the course also comes with documentation that discusses what abundance is, how we create it, how we create blocks and what to look out for, with a few exercises thrown in to highlight areas within your life that may be blocked.This life-changing and transforming course has 7 videos which are simple to watch and follow. All that is requested is an open mind, a willingness to change and transform and the rest is up to you. It is the precursor to Part 2, which follows on from this course. In Part 2 you will learn how to clear the programs and beliefs yourself."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Scrum Master Certification Prep (PSM 2)" |
"Disclaimer - The terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, ,PSM II etc. are the protected brand of Scrum(dot)org. This quiz is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum(dot)org or Scrum Alliance or any other institutions.This course was designed to validate your learning as a Scrum Master. It offers you lifetime access to Practice Real Life Scenarios which a Scrum Master faces daily. It will also help you in preparing for Advanced Scrum Master II Certification Exam. All the questions in this simulator were developed by the author to help you prepare thoroughly for the actual exam.This course contains three practice sets with 15 questions each. If you practice these and go through Scrum Guide, you are sure to succeed. In case you feel that the answer you marked is correct and the answer provided is wrong, feel free to discuss.Read between the lines of Scrum Guide to have deeper understanding of Scrum. And there is no substitute to experience."
Price: 29.99

"Java Native Interface (JNI) in depth" |
"In this course, you will learn how to write java code that includes native methods, and how to bundle it with a C++ dynamic library that implements those native methods. Although the main focus is on java programming, details about C++ programming and how to link against existing native libraries are also discussed in detail. The course contents and the accompanying PowerPoint slides have been prepared with the utmost quality."
Price: 49.99

"Full-Stack Web Development using Angular 10, Web API & SQL" |
"The demand for full stack developers is growing exponentially.So who is a full stack developer?A full stack developer is someone who is proficient in working with databases for example Microsoft sql server, my sql, postgre sql or mongo db etc.He should also be proficient in backend web development using technologies such as java, c sharp dot net, python or node js.Also he must be an expert in front end web development using technologies such as html, css, javascript, angular or react.In this course, you will learn how to develop a web application from scratch using popular technologies such asSQL server for database.Dot net Web API for backend development.And the latest Angular 10 for frontend web development.We will first start with installing and setting up the environment needed for development, then start creating databases and objects needed for our app, then develop API end points using A S P dot net Web API. Finally we will be using Angular 10 to design the front end part of our App.You will learn how to create the navigation menu and tables using bootstrap, add routing to our Angular App, add modal pop up windows with dropdowns and date pickers, and also add upload profile picture functionality and store it in our app. We will also learn how to add custom filtering and sorting features without using any third party packages.I am sure that this course will definitely help you in your journey as a full stack web developer.Welcome to the course and happy learning."
Price: 24.99

"Assistente Administrativo" |
"O curso aborda desde o cdigo de tica do profissional de assistente administrativo, postura e aparncia do profissional, o perfil desejado pelas empresas, conhecimento sobre o objetivo de uma empresa, os principais equipamentos e acessrios utilizados, nveis hierrquicos, noes de departamento pessoal, noes de contabilidade, etc.O curso tem como objetivo desenvolver competncias para que o indivduo tenha a capacidade de desenvolver as atribuies de um profissional de assistente administrativo."
Price: 579.99

"Algorithmic Trading using Interactive Broker's Python API" |
"Design and deploy trading strategies on Interactive Broker's platform. Automate every step of your strategy including, extracting data (stock data and fundamental data), performing technical/fundamental analysis, generating signals, placing trades, risk management etc. Gain a thorough understanding of native interactive broker's API.You can expect to gain the following skills from this courseAPI tradingAdvanced python concepts (OOP concepts, multi-threading etc.) Extracting historical dataExtracting fundamental dataHarnessing streaming tick level dataIncorporating technical indicators using pythonEnd to End strategy design and deploymentHandling asynchronous callsSqlite database managementInteractive Broker's TWS terminalRelevant account settings in IB#############################################################################################Important note - Course prerequisites:Please note that this course requires basic python proficiency. At the minimum, you should be comfortable with:basic python data types and formatbasic python data structures such as list, dictionary, tuple etc. how to create python functionshow to implement loops in pythoninstalling and importing libraries Basic python proficiency is mandatory because Interactive Broker API's python client uses advanced OOP and asynchronous programming concepts. While, I have devoted an entire section explaining these concepts, students with no python knowledge will really struggle to follow along.#############################################################################################"
Price: 49.99

"Preparatrio para certificao de testes- CTFL (ISTQB/BSTQB)" |
"O curso preparatrio para certificao de testes CTFL CERTIFIED TESTER FOUNDATION LEVEL (ISQTB/BSTQB) apresenta os 6 mdulos abordado no Syllabus, exemplos prticos e alguns exerccios, alm de contar com instrues e dicas para o exame e um e-book para download.O curso aborda:Fundamentos de TestesTestes durante o ciclo vida de desenvolvimento do softwareTestes estticosTcnicas de TesteGerenciamento de TestesFerramentas de suporte aos Testes"
Price: 159.99

"PWA with Vue JS, Quasar & Firebase (with NodeJS & Express)" |
"In this course, I'm gonna show you how to use Vue JS, Quasar Framework and Firebase to create an amazing Progressive Web App (PWA).We're gonna create a gorgeous Instagram clone called Quasagram. In this app we can display a list of posts; each post has an image, location, caption and the date the image was taken.We can access the user's camera and take a photo, enter a caption, find the user's location and create a new post.It's gonna have a beautiful responsive design that adapts across Desktop & Mobile.We're gonna store all our data in a Firebase Cloud Firestore database.We'll store our photos in Firebase Storage.We're gonna create our own NodeJS & Express backend with several different endpoints for interacting with the database.We'll incorporate all of the 5 Core PWA features:Home Screen InstallationPrecachingCaching StrategiesBackground SyncPush NotificationsWe'll get the app working on iOS, Android & all the main desktop browsers, and it'll even fall back gracefully for older browsers like Internet Explorer.You'll also learn about Service Workers, Workbox, Firebase Cloud Firestore database, Firebase Storage, NodeJS & Express and much more.By the end of this course, you'll be able to create your own Progressive Web Apps using Vue JS, Quasar Framework, Firebase, NodeJS & Express."
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Master Professional Certification Preparation Course" |
"This training course is COMPREHENSIVE. It is developed in perfect alignment with The Scrum Guide(Free at Scrum. org). Be careful with other scrum resources that are not in alignment with ""The Scrum Guide"" as they would drastically reduce your chances of success.This training course is CONCISE. The course content is developed for busy professionals through multiple iterations. The challenge was to keep it concise, yet comprehensive covering all the topics for the assessment.This training course is ENGAGING. Say goodbye to boring lectures and heavy ppts. Bite-size animated videos are crafted for your visually wired brain for longer retention, easy to understand, and fun to watch.Disclaimer: Professional Scrum Master (PSM I), Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I) and Professional Scrum Developer (PSD) are the protected brands of scrum . org. Our content and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum .org .Testimonials: ""Very visual, descriptive, and comprehensive. Topics were broken down using basic and practical illustrations. Most of all, following the Scrum Guide. Thank you for creating this course!""""Very concise and to the point, short digestible videos and the animations explain the concepts well and help to solidify the concepts in your mind.""""One of the best courses on Udemy I have seen so far. Crisp, to the point and totally engaging. A must to learn the concepts of Scrum. Thanks for coming up with such an awesome course."""
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate Cartoon and Character Design Course" |
"Welcome to The Ultimate Cartoon and Character Design Course, The only course that showing the difference of drawing sides From zero till advanceAfter completing the course You will be able to draw any character in your mind professionallyTogether, we are going to draw shapes and turn them to characters, The most important lesson in this course is the shapes lessonEven of its simplicity but it teach you the way that keeps in your mind for whole your lifeThe shapes are consider as the basics that will improve you as an artistThen, we are going to learn how to draw face details as hair styles for both boys and girlsIn addition, face features, Eyes, noses, mouths and ears In different shapes and positions, A special lesson for characters emotions To add spirits for the charactersThe lesson after about drawing simple shapes, And then turn them to faces by adding details, Let us not forget about the body partSimple Steps to follow of drawing the body in different positions Hands and legs as wellMix shapes to create hands, legs till to be able of drawing complicated shapesThe last section, draw random characters from zero till coloring and shading, Plus, completing the characters of other previous sectionsWhen you finish this course, your level of cartoon drawing will be improved, And may you dont know yourself after allI am going to use a Procreate program on iPad, You could follow up by using the same program, Or using photoshop or drawing by handI will give you a piece of advice to help your drawing steps to become easierWhatever the way that you are going to use of drawing, Never matterThe course will be inclusive these three ways.Learn drawing now by enrolling the course"
Price: 19.99

"Puppetools Basics" |
"Play Language is a puppet-like process that uses construction paper and play to create a limitless language of handheld ideas and symbols. Using this language of play makes teaching and learning fun, shared, seamless, motivated and natural. Play Language is a timely innovation that makes play practical, economical and a perfect fit for reaching into the minds of young people. In the classroom, the result is an innovation that transforms factory learning spaces into thriving learning habitats.Hi, Im Jeff Peyton, founder of Play Tectonics.Welcome to Puppetools Basics. Here is where you will learn the nuts & bolts of Play Language, our system for transforming communication through play.By the time you complete Puppetools Basics, you will have gained first-hand familiarity with Play Language-- the process we use for play based learning and communication now in the hands of teachers and kids all over the world.You Will Learn to:Fold the Paper Talker Hinge, the paper device that almost all Puppetools and play language concepts are built on.Construct deceptively simple Paper Talker puppets;Use simple techniques to jumpstart the flow of playful communication between you, students, and the puppets you have made;Integrate the use of play media into lessons, learning units, stories, and activities.And lastly, youll gain valuable experience from the response of children to your puppet concepts as you begin to use them.Rather than a formal learning structure, youll be embarking on a self-guided tour rooted in play.Recommended For Adults and Teachers at All Levels. Including: K-12 Teaching, online, at home, in school. Art, Speech Therapists and Play Therapists, Special Educators, Social Emotional Learning Practitioners; Reading Educators and Environmental Educators, Play Based Teaching, Blended Instruction, Meditation, Violence Prevention, School-Shooter Prevention, Bullying, Classroom Mental Health, Origami, Paper Media, Play Science, Play and Brain Imaging, Play in the Classroom, Getting Kids to Write, Getting Kids Attention. Home School, Pods, Microschools, Tutors, Remote Teaching, Virtual Teaching and Learning, learning culture transformation, school to prison pipeline, curriculum activation, Screen Habituation, Art and Play Teaching Strategies.Copyright information:Unless otherwise specified, all content copyright Play Tectonics. All rights Reserved.Additional content -Video: Jeffrey L. PeytonAdditional music copyright Bensound"
Price: 49.99

"Learn How To Crochet A Table Runner" |
"In this course you will learn how to crochet a table runner! Step by step video tutorial, you will also be designing your table runner and learning how to sew your pieces together! All you need is some yarn, a hook and some creativity! If you have never crochet before, that's ok! I got you covered I'll be showing you how to make the pattern and if you need to, you can always pause and go back a step! Grab a comfy spot and let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Development Project" |
"The project aim is to provide real-time knowledge for all the students who have basic knowledge of Salesforce and Looking for a real-time project. This project will also help to those professionals who are in cross-technology and wanted to switch to Salesforce with the help of this project they will gain knowledge and can include into their resume as well.This project includes the following topicsSalesforce AdminObjects & RelationshipsSharing Rules, OWD & RolesCommunitySalesforce DevelopmentApex TriggerApex Batch ApexFuture MethodIntegration ( Both Apex REST & REST API )Lightning Web Component - This Covers most of the lightning web component includingEventsCustom LookupCalling Apex in bot wire & imperative apexUsing Web Component in CommunityNavigation & Toast Eventsetc.Reusable Error Handling FrameworkSalesforce Community - For the project, we are using Customer Community This project will give you confidence and it will be fun learning."
Price: 19.99

"Chiropractic Approach to Spinal Manipulation" |
"You will learn how a spinal manipulation works at structural level; then from one model, you will be able to improve any technique that you currently use. You will discover step by step video incredibly detailed of different spinal adjustment. Finally you will be given the ultimate tool to self improve your delivery by recording in seconds what you did."
Price: 29.99

"MS DP-100: Designing & Implementing a Data Science Solution" |
"Hello there!Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question Microsoft DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure"" exam offered by Microsoft has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material Microsoft DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by Microsoft and our material has about +90 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for Microsoft DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on AzureThe test was last updated on Sep 19th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!========="
Price: 345.00

"Embedded Linux using Yocto" |
"Become a Yocto developer and create a custom embedded Linux image for your custom boardWith over 1800 students enrolled, 80% of 4/5 star reviews, these comprehensive Yocto tutorials will cover everything you'll need in your profession.With over 80 lectures , this comprehensive course will take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you all the essential concepts and topics you need to get started with Yocto. There are challenges in the course, which will help you verify your learningWhat will you learn in this courseWe will start with the basic concepts and terminology of YoctoSet up our development PC for building YoctoBuild and Run generated Yocto Image on QEMUX86-64 and QEMUARMBuild various images provided by Poky (Minimal, sato etc)Add packages to the generated imageExploring Build and source directoriesUnderstand the booting process of Raspberry Pi3 and Beaglebone blackAdding custom layers to the buildGenerate and Flash Yocto images for Raspberry Pi3 with meta-raspberrypi layerGenerate and Flash Yocto Images for Beaglebone black with and without meta-ti layerAdding ssh supportYocto Release Process: Frequency of releases, Types of Releases and Release lifecylceWhat if I have questions?You can ask questions anytime using the Q/A section. We love to answer your questions. You also get access to existing Questing and AnswersDon't just take my word for it, checkout what existing students have to say about the course:""I learned lot of with this about Yocto project"" by Somesh Raturi""A good course to get first hand insight into yocto"" by Remya Reveendran""Very clear, systematic and to the point explanation"" by Prakash NairThere's no risk either !This course comes with a 30 day money back guaranteed!. If you are not satisfied with the course, you'll get your money backSo what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering Yocto Project"
Price: 19.99

"Watercolor painting for illustrator and fine art students" |
"Hi, i am Shibu Biswas watercolourist, and Landscape Artist from Kolkata, I graduated from Govt College of Art and Craft Kolkata working as a watercolor Artist for more then one one decade. welcome you to my watercolor online course.In this course you will learn watercolor sloop with human figures. And soft water wave effect, This course is very useful for Illustrator and fine art artists and students.This course is for advanced and beginning artists, basic painting and watercolor knowledge required.Course Details:1) Background blue sky to main Subjects Step by step demo2) Detailing of main Subject is very easily describe in this part3) How you create a Point of Interest in you painting, A hook point to catch eyes i describe this video4) This is the final part of this course. In this video I describe the main interesting part of this painting is water waves and finalisation of painting.Watch this course and enhance your watercolor skill.If you have any query feel free to comment. I will definitely answer your comment.Tack care and keep practicing watercolor, Thank you"
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin - Crypto, comment gnrer un rendement annualis?" |
"Dans ce cours je vais vous expliqu le fonctionnement des MASTERNODES et du STAKING, deux technologies semblable a des actions dividendes. Le staking est laction qui permet de valider les transactions sur le consensus de preuve denjeu. Il est le grand concurrent du mining qui intervient sur le consensus de preuve de travail. Ces deux actions permettent de scuriser la blockchain dans lunivers des cryptomonnaies. Le masternode quant lui est un exemplaire complet de la blockchain. Il permet de voter pour les volutions du projet ou dajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalits la blockchain. Il peut implmenter par exemple des systmes danonymisations."
Price: 44.99

"Google Chat - Mdulo Bsico" |
"Voc j conhece o Google Chat? Ele o novo aplicativo de mensageiria do G Suite, e novo pois vem com diversas novas funes que vo facilitar muito o trabalho dos usurios do G Suite. Com a descontinuao do Hangouts o Google Chat passa a ser conhecimento obrigatrio para quem tem ambiente Google, aproveite este curso para introduzir a plataforma de mensageiria mais moderna do Google no seu dia a dia e experimente o ganho de produtividade que ela trs. Neste curso voc vai sair com um conhecimento panormico da ferramenta alm de uma viso clara de como interagir com Bots, Configurar Notificaes, Criar Salas, entre outros."
Price: 19.99

"Meistere deine Finanzen - Geld verdienen, sparen, vermehren" |
"Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum Kurs: Meistere deine Finanzen - Geld verdienen, sparen, vermehren!Du mchtest:deinen Finanzen in den Griff bekommenGeld sparen ohne zu verzichten einen genauen berblick ber deinen Einnahmen und Ausgaben bekommen mit Spa und Leichtigkeit einen Finanzplan erstellen und umsetzen einen positiven Bezug zu Geld bekommen Tipps und Tricks die dir bei der Umsetzung helfen Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich.Ich zeige dir wie du deine Finanzen auf Autopilot meisterst, deine finanziellen Ziele in einem Plan definierst und mit ganz einfachen Tricks so optimierst, dass du mit Spa und Gelassenheit am Ball bleibst.All das was du hier lernst kannst du direkt Umsetzten ohne irgendwelche Vorkenntnisse. In diesem Kurs bekommst du Techniken mit die du alle direkt Anwenden kannst um heute schon an deinen Finanzen zu arbeiten. Was dich in diesem Kurs erwartet:Wir ermitteln deinen aktuellen Ist-Zustand.Wir schauen wo deine Reise hingehen wrden wenn du A) so weiter machst und B) endlich deinen Umgang mit Geld nderst. Wir ermitteln in welchen Bereichen du sparen kannst ohne zu Verzichten. Wir analysieren dein Moneymindset und schauen wie du positiv ber Geld denken kannst um deine Ziele leichter zu erreichen.Wir definieren ein genaues finanzielles Ziel und erarbeiten Schritte damit du sie garantiert erreichst. Ich zeige dir Tipp & Tricks fr die Umsetzung damit du direkt heute Anfangen kannst."
Price: 94.99

"AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Practice Exams" |
"Abilities Validated by the CertificationDesign, develop, and deploy cloud-based solutions using AWSImplement core AWS services according to basic architecture best practicesDesign and maintain network architecture for all AWS servicesLeverage tools to automate AWS networking tasksRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceAlthough there is no prerequisite for this exam, however AWS recommend candidates to hold an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner or a current Associate-level certification: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate, AWS Certified Developer - Associate or AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - AssociateAdvanced knowledge of AWS networking concepts and technologiesMinimum five years hands-on experience architecting and implementing network solutionsAdvanced networking architectures and interconnectivity options (e.g., IP VPN, MPLS/VPLS)Networking technologies within the OSI model, and how they affect implementation decisionsDevelopment of automation scripts and toolsCIDR and sub-netting (IPv4 and IPv6)IPv6 transition challengesGeneric solutions for network security features, including WAF, IDS, IPS, DDoS protection, and Economic Denial of Service/Sustainability (EDoS)"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende Nuxt js de cero a experto" |
"Nuxt js es un framework de Vue que te permite crear, no slo aplicaciones universales, sino que te permite potenciar en todos los aspectos a esta librera de Javascript y llevarla a un nuevo nivel.Durante este curso aprenders: Qu es Nuxt y qu mejoras le proporciona a Vue ?El enfoque orientado a carpetas que propone Nuxt Qu es Vuetify y cmo integrarlo con Nuxt ? Cmo funciona Vuex dentro de Nuxt ? Cmo utilizar Firebase para crear una aplicacin completa con autenticacin y su correspondiente CRUD? Cmo optimizar tu sitio web para SEO con Nuxt? Cmo desplegar en sus tres variantes (SSR, SPA o pginas web estticas en servidores reales)?OJO, el curso an se est terminando de subir as que pido su paciencia y comprensin, yo lo seguir actualizando para que puedas aprender todo lo relacionado con este framework. Pido solo un poco de comprensin en estos tiempos tan difciles.Al final de este curso sers capaz crear sitios web modernos y optimizados para el SEO utilizando el framework Nuxt js por tu cuenta.El curso ser actualizado con periodicidad aadiendo todo un conjunto de temas que considero lo harn ms completo as te deseo lo mejor."
Price: 29.99
