"NEML NOT: Satn alm ileminden sonra; Kelime szl, Altrmalar ve WhatsApp grup linkleri iin Udemy mesaj kutunuzu kontrol etmeyi unutmayn. Somut ve soyut konulu zor metinleri ana hatlaryla anlayabilir, kendi uzmanlk alanna ilikin tartmalar takip edebilirsiniz. Ana dili Almanca olanlarla sradan bir sohbeti rahat ve akc bir biimde yrtebilirsiniz. Dili sosyal yaamda, i hayatnda, mesleki eitimde ve yksek renimde esnek bir biimde kullanabilirsiniz. Geni bir konu yelpazesinde kendinizi, ak ve detayl olarak ifade edebilirsiniz. Gncel bir konuyu belirli bir adan yorumlayabilir ve eitli olaslklarn avantaj ve dezavantajlarn dile getirebilirsiniz. Geni kapsaml uzun metinleri anlayabilir, sonular karabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Diploma in Cardiac Imaging - CT, MRI, Nuclear" |
"The course planning and execution has taken time for months and years of the technical team and the faculties at Heartbeatsz academy. To do a simple Master review course, the chief faculty had to spend few thousand $ and of course travelling expenses were extra. We aim to share the knowledge in compact way at very affordable price to be able to help our students save money. If you will notice, our faculty are highly qualified across the best academic centers but price wise we have tried to keep more money in your pocket rather than someone else. Moreover, our courses have highest hours of quality video content compared to others surely (please check and compare). Please support us by giving good review for our course, so that we can add more lectures. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube, facebook, facebook group Instagram and Twitter.##There are special discounts for students giving 5 star rating for other course by messaging screenshot#The course is meant for doctors, technicians, researchers or even patients and all knowledge enthusiasts who like to know more with tips and tricks how to use different imaging modalities etc. Cardiac imaging has grown significantly in complexity and clinical utility over the past two decades. As innovative technology has progressed throughout the field of medicine, so too has the ability to visualize the heart and its vasculature noninvasively. Several cardiac imaging modalities have become essential in the practice of modern cardiovascular medicine not only in diagnosis but also in the management of various cardiovascular diseases as well as in the guidance of invasive procedures. These modalities include echocardiography, myocardial perfusion imaging via nuclear scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT)."
Price: 149.99

"Learn Urdu language speaking for tourists Beginners Urdu" |
"Learn Urdu language speaking for tourists course is beginners level course which teaches you essential Urdu words and common Urdu sentences which you can use to start speaking Urdu language with the locals and your friends. This to the point and precise course aims to enable you start communicating in Urdu in under 60 minutes.This spoken Urdu course through English language is divided into three main sections.1. Section 1 teaches you the pronunciation of Urdu Alphabet and teaches you the meaning of different words starting with all letters / characters of Urdu Alphabet.2. Section 2 covers 100 most important Urdu language words meaning.3. Section 3 teaches you to speak 120 common yet important Urdu language sentences which you as a tourist or beginner can use in your daily Urdu conversation."
Price: 19.99

"Accounting for non-Accountants using a deck of 52 cards" |
"Description:Learning the fundamentals of Accounting especially for Non-Accountants is quite puzzling and time-consuming. This course aims to overcome this challenge, by introducing a fun way to learn Accounting using a deck of 52 cards in less than 90 minutes.Learn Accounting Swiftly Using a Deck of 52 CardsBuild the basics of Accounting as you play with the 52 cardsFind a simple technique to solve complex accounting transactionsRecognize the 5 Accounting elements and how to use them to read financial reportsGain Simplified Knowledge and Communicate With ConfidenceWhether you are running a small or medium business or a functional leader responsible for the bottom line, or a professional from a non- accounting background, understanding the language of numbers is the key to success. Knowledge about fundamental concepts in Accounting will not only provide you with an edge, but it will also improve the performance of your business, as you will make more informed management decisions.The Numb$ Deck method, created by Anish Baheti, makes the learning of Accounting for Non-Accountants stress-free, fun, and experiential.Content and Overview:This course contains over 10 lectures and 90 minutes of content. Its designed especially for users from the non-accounting backgrounds, regardless of experience level, who wishes to understand and comprehend the language of business in a simple, quick, and fun way.In the course, you will learn the 5 key Accounting elements, the flow of the Accounting cycle, and the 7 golden rules.You'll then learn, the Numb$ Deck method to unpack any business transactions and how to demystify the Debits and Credits using a simple format.Further, you'll learn how to play with numbers as you start solving transactions using the 52-card deck.And, finally, you'll how the solved transactions getting reflected into the 3 financial statements, using a worksheet as a connecting link.By the end of this short course, you'll learn how to test your new-found accounting skills in your business, career or profession. You'll have the ability to communicate well with other accounting professionals with ease and confidence.Who this course is for:Suitable for participants from non-accounting backgrounds and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.BONUS:30 business transactions using - The Numb$ Deck method to further your understanding."
Price: 129.99

"Explosive Career Growth. How to Get Promoted" |
"Promotions: Who Gets Them And WHY?Only 10 15% of all promotions are given to the people who are most qualified85% - 90% of promotions are given to people who know how to get promotedThese figures tell the whole storyIf you re ready to improve your odds, register for this course TODAY!Youll learn how to Master the two mindsets (personal and professional) that will get you that promotion Figure out exactly what your BIG Business Idea is and why it will get you noticed Write your own Professional Growth Business Plan Find and form supportive and productive work relationships with productive benefits Learn how to get promoted without even asking! Construct your Pyramid of Security and Success Design your Individual Growth Plan of ActionThis course was designed as a call to action: Its time to learn the key concepts that will transform your career!Still Not Sure? Have you ever thought or said any of the following? My boss is ruining any chance I have of moving up! I feel like all the new MBA hires are getting all the good jobs at work I need a new job, but I dont know where to begin I need a professional do-over If Im so good at my job, why cant I get a promotion? I hate my job! Ive got the MBA and the school loans to prove it. How do I get a raise and a promotion?Have you reached the point where youre ready to walk the talk and work smart?Its time to master the two mindsets of success and experience explosive career growth! Register for our new online course today!"
Price: 199.99

"Experto en Diseo Grfico con Canva" |
"Canva .com para Creativos, Arquitectos, Diseadores de Interiores y Decoradores. De 0 a Experto.Representa tus diseos de forma ms atractiva, intuitiva y eficaz. Curso 100% prctico. De 0 a Experto.Instructores: lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Admin Certification Preparation Kit" |
"Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Administrator credential. This preparation kit has the information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam.The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Administrator exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience administering for Marketing Cloud and associated tools and demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below. Digital Marketing Proficiency: 13%Describe governance and compliance in relation to digital marketing.Recognize security best practices for data, permissions, and PII.Describe Marketing Cloud product inventory and product offerings.Subscriber Data Management: 18%Given a scenario, describe the contact model.Given a scenario, evaluate data quality.Explain preference and profile center concepts.Setup: 38%Given a scenario, implement the configuration of business units, users/permissions, and security/passwords.Given a scenario, determine how to configure integrations.Describe the features in Setup Home.Describe Marketing Cloud extension products.Channel Management: 16%Given a scenario, describe the configuration of Mobile Studio.Given a scenario, describe the configuration of Email Studio.Given a scenario, describe the configuration of Social Studio and Advertising Studio.Explain the concepts and typical use cases of Journey Builder.Maintenance: 15%Given a scenario, describe solutions for data extraction and report generation.Given a scenario, monitor a Marketing Cloud account and provide system availability.Given a scenario, evaluate benefits of additional Marketing Cloud products."
Price: 49.99

"Curso intensivo swift de cero a expertos 2020, Firebase" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones para IOS comenzando desde cero hasta convertirte en todo un experto.Con clases 100% practicas se pretende que los programadores que quiere comenzar a trabajar con swift, puedan dominar este tema en solo unas horas.para poder aprovechar mejor el curso se sugiere conocer sobre la programacin orientada a objetos."
Price: 345.00

"Websrie - como fazer a sua?" |
"O curso um grande resumo sobre criao de websries, principalmente durante a epidemia, so dados conceitos, tcnicas e exemplos prticos sobre formulao das ideias, processo criativo, storyline, criao de personagem, estrutura dramtica, roteiro, edio e divulgao. So usados como referncias alguns filmes e sries famosas e algumas de minha prpria produo."
Price: 39.99

"Vers la certification ITIL V4 Foundation" |
"Cette formation comprend la prparation pour: ITIL 4 FoundationLe niveau Foundation est la premire certification qui vous permet d'acqurir une connaissance gnrale des lments cls, des concepts et de la terminologie utiliss dans le cycle de vie du service ITIL, y compris le liens entre les tapes du cycle de vie, les processus utiliss et leur contribution aux pratiques de gestion des services.Cette formation contient des tests pratiques corrigs avec leur correction dtaille. Cela vous permettra de dcouvrir si vous tes prt passer l'examen de la certification ITIL Foundation. Aprs avoir ralis l'ensemble des tests de cette formation , vous serez prt russir l'examen plus facilement.Cette formation ne contient pas de matriel pdagogique et vous propose 4 tests passer en conditions relles d'examens pour un total de 140 questions ce jour. Cette formation est volutive et sera rgulirement enrichie de nouveau contenus.Test 1 : 40 questions en 1hTest 2 : 40 questions en 1hTest 3 : 40 questions en 1hTest 4 : 40 questions en 1h"
Price: 19.99

"The Best Exercises To Perform For Optimizing Your Health" |
"This course sheds light on the ample health benefits of performing cardio exercises, identifies some of the best cardio exercises to perform for optimizing your health, and demystifies the ample health benefits of performing balance exercises. Moreover, some of the best balance exercises to perform for optimizing your health are revealed and the ample health benefits of performing stretching exercises are delineated in this course. Furthermore, the some of the best stretching exercises to perform for optimizing your health are revealed in this course. The overarching focus of this course is to teach you The Best Exercises To Perform For Optimizing Your Health."
Price: 24.99

"PL- 900 :MS Power Platform Practice Tests (100% Pass Rate)" |
"Welcome to PL- 900 :MS Power Platform Practice Tests in this you will be tested with your working knowledge.Candidates for this exam aspire to improve productivity by understanding the capabilities of the Power Platform, automating basic business processes with Power Automate, performing basic data analysis with Power BI, acting more effectively by creating simple Power Apps experiences, and creating powerful chatbots by using Power Virtual Agents.Learn the business value and product capabilities of Power Platform. Create a simple Power App, connect data with Common Data Service, build a Power BI Dashboard, and automate a process with Microsoft Automate.Topics from which you will be tested for this PL-900 exam : 1. Introduction to Power PlatformIntroduction to Common Data ServiceIntroduction to Power AppsHow to build an app solutionIntroduction to Power AutomateHow to build an automated solutionIntroduction to Power BIHow to build a simple dashboardAnswer to any question within 24 hours, we understand the importance of time and SLA :PHelpful student community which allows you to learn more100% success resultsSharpen your conceptsPass the exam in the very first go!30 day no questions asked money back guarantee!pl-900power platformpl 900microsoft power platformexam pl-900: microsoft power platform fundamentalsmicrosoft power platform fundamentalsCompletely timed practice tests for PL-900 Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals 100% original material to have real time exam experience."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Magic - Building Dynamic Formulas" |
"The course is presented in four parts.First, the course relates earlier course of Top 5 Excel Skills to drive the concept home: Dynamic formulas are your first step toward full automation in Excel Modeling!Next, the course brings the topic of what is a dynamic formula and let students consider if VLOOKUP() is a dynamic formula? It is only a semi-dynamic formula.Third, we illustrate the top 10 dynamic formulas, including:o Dynamic range formulao Table formulao Conditional formula,o SUMPRODUCT()o INDIRECT/ADDRESSo Array formulaLast, the course explores latest features from Excel 365 that are considered by many to be amazing. They include:o SORT()o XLOOKUP()"
Price: 99.99

"Python para el mundo real!" |
"Aprende a programar en Python realizando ejercicios, creando aplicaciones y proyectos que se pueden usar en el mundo real. Este es un curso prctico de Python basado en la creacin de proyectos y aplicaciones reales que puedes usar en tu da a da. Este curso de Python es recomendado para personas que ya disponen de unos conocimientos bsicos/intermedios de Python! Si NO dispones de un nivel bsico de Python, este curso NO es para ti! Si ya tienes un nivel bsico de Python, entonces S que podrs sacar provecho de este curso y entender las aplicaciones que se van desarrollando a lo largo del curso, porque este curso es mayoritariamente prctico basado en la creacin de proyectos y aplicaciones reales. A pesar de que en el curso existen algunas partes tericas, el curso es en su gran mayora, prctico. La ventaja principal de este curso es que se realizan ejercicios, se crean aplicaciones y proyectos reales... Siendo as, la mejor forma de aprender a programar es creando proyectos y aplicaciones. Entonces, si buscas aplicar tus conocimientos de Python creando aplicaciones y programas en Python, en este curso dispones, de forma esquematizada, de una serie de vdeos que te ayudarn a consolidar un poco ms tus conocimientos de Python mediante la creacin de una serie de ejercicios, programas y aplicaciones reales utilizando el potente lenguaje Python! Crea programas sencillos, intermedios y un poco ms avanzados y mejora tus conocimientos de Python! Aprende a programar en Python de forma real, creando interesantes programas y aplicaciones! Con Python puedes crear todo tipo de aplicaciones...En este curso nos centramos en crear juegos sencillos con Python, desarrollamos algunos algoritmos interesantes para poner en prctica tu capacidad de resolucin de problemas, creamos algunas Interfaces Grficas de Usuario (GUI), creamos representaciones grficas, te explicamos cmo manipular vdeo y voz con Python, te introducimos al potente Framework Django y mucho ms...En este curso vas a aprender Python con ejercicios y aplicaciones reales. Algunos de los muchos temas que se tratan en el curso: Desarrollo de algoritmos con nmeros Creacin de patrones de repeticin Creacin de conversores de medidas Algoritmos ms complejos en Python Captura y extraccin de datos Manipulacin de texto/frases Speech Recognition (Reconocimiento de voz) Grabacin de voz Creacin de GUI (Interfaces Grficas) con Tkinter Desarrollo de aplicaciones de Python para Ingenieros Control y manipulacin de archivos con Python Filtrado de archivos Desarrollo de juegos sencillos para practicar la lgica de programacin Desarrollo de grficas y paneles Manipulacin de vdeos Django para principiantesEste curso est en constante actualizacin... Siempre estamos agregando nuevos vdeos! Puedes consultar el archivo ChangeLog (en la primera seccin del curso) para ver los cambios que va sufriendo el curso! Y adems, cualquier sugerencia o crtica constructiva que tengas relacionada con el curso ser siempre bien recibida. Existe un gran esfuerzo en la creacin de estos vdeos y tratamos siempre de mejorar, buscando alcanzar la excelencia en el proceso de desarrollo de estos materiales de formacin online! Espero que te guste!"
Price: 99.99

"Illustrator para Novatos! Trucos y pequeos proyectos en AI" |
"Curso prctico de Adobe Illustrator donde se explican varios trucos y conceptos interesantes en Adobe Illustrator! Este curso es ideal para aquellas personas que quieren aprender a crear pequeos proyectos en Illustrator. As, estos proyectos te permitirn practicar, descubrir nuevas tcnicas de diseo en Illustrator y profundizar ms en el uso de este potente software de diseo vectorial!Si nunca has utilizado Adobe Illustrator, entonces este curso NO es para ti! A pesar de que es un curso para Novatos, asumimos que el usuario que accede a este curso ya est familiarizado con la Interfaz y las herramientas de Illustrator! Es decir, asumimos que el usuario ya sabe utilizar (ms o menos) Illustrator! Por tanto, para seguir este curso NO hace falta ser un experto en Illustrator, pero S que debes estar familiarizado con Illustrator y sus principales herramientas!En este curso, se aprender a crear efectos en texto, efectos de corte o divisin de objetos/textos, efectos de repeticiones (blend), efectos de rotacin y duplicidad de objetos, textos en 3D, creacin de logos sencillos y muchos proyectos ms.Si quieres descubrir tcnicas de Illustrator que seguramente no conozcas haciendo proyectos de diseo prcticos, en los cules podrs ver su resultado de manera inmediata, entonces apntate a este curso porque te ser de gran utilidad."
Price: 99.99

"SCP-500 Solar Winds Certified Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What protocol should be a network technician allows routers and switches to collect usage statistics?a) ICMPb) SNMPc) SMTPd) WMIe) NoneQ) A network technologies enable SNMP on your network devices, as well as the need to ensure that it will use the integrity of the message. Which version of SNMP, they have to use?a) SNMPv1b) SNMPv2cc) SNMPv3d) SNMPv4e) NoneQ) You recently implemented VoIP infrastructure within a corporate network. You get support cases indicating the disconnection of their offices in New York and San Francisco. What are the two levels of service agreement (IP SLA) measurement should be used to determine the cause of the problem?a) delayb) A SIPc) Net flowd) available bandwidthe) shakeQ) What are the two performance measures can be affected by the implementation of appropriate QoS?a) shakeb) formationc) markingd) queuee) delay"
Price: 149.99

"TE0-125 Teradata 12 Solutions Development Practice Test" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Proposed following fields of connection: 1) Reading data from the left table of available memory 2) Read a string in the right table, which can be a spool file that contains a string containing the hash value Contrast correct line for each row, and its data lines 3) all left rows of the table with the same hash line 4) Connect lines that connect it represents?a) hashb) Merge Registerc) nested God) product ~~ POS = TRUNC Goe) NoneQ) The client has a requirement to export more than 1 GB of data to a file for use in external marketing programs. There is a requirement to do so as quickly as possible. Export tool or interface should be used to carry out this work?a) CLIb) ODBCc) JDBCd) export fixede) NoneQ) The new application has been added to the existing data warehouse. Which two are used to analyze the performance capabilities of the new load, which includes both new and old problems, such as access to the existing tables? (Choose two.)a) DBQLb) Access to the magazinec) master indexd) priority schedulingQ) The client of the insert, update, delete and upserts to the settlement table every day. Which statement is true about reading?a) The table can be requested through the access lock.b) The table can be requested via the lock READc) The table can be queried via a plan READ lock.d) A table can not be called during execution of the job running load.e) None"
Price: 164.99

"Affinity Designer Essentials: From Beginner to Advanced" |
"Hey there hows it going and welcome to the Affinity Designer course. My name is David, I'm a YouTuber primarily in the finance and design industry and together were going to go through this course and learn all the ins and outs of Affinity Designer and make some great artwork.During the course, we wont just focus on using tools well go through 4 real-world projects together as well as various examples that you can follow along with.This course is aimed at people who are completely new to Affinity Designer and maybe design applications in general. But that doesnt mean we dont have anything for you intermediate users, well also cover the basics of some more advanced and practical topics all step by step. Well slowly start with the basics and increase the speed in which we learn throughout the course as we build on prior knowledge. Well create complex shapes, use that pesky pen tool. Explore repeating patterns, using, and creating custom brushes. Well talk about color resources, icons. Well even create cartoon images and isometric designs from scratch and much much more. So if youve never used Affinity Designer or youve struggled in the past, follow me and well learn all the skills, and make some great artwork on the way."
Price: 199.99

"Introduo Economia" |
"Tentarei neste curso ensinar o bsico de economia, basicamente o que todo brasileiro deveria saber sobre a economia e como ela funciona.Comeando por alguns princpios bsicos como os sistemas econmicos, e ento avanando para conceitos mais complexos. Sendo alguns deles: Capitalismo, socialismo, diviso do trabalho, dinheiro, inflao, tradeoff, custo de oportunidade, custos marginais, incentivos, comrcio, mercado, padro de vida e produtividade, etc."
Price: 39.99

"Trucos y claves para iniciarte en la costura" |
"En este curso descubrirs todos los trucos de costura y patronaje que nos hubiese encantado saber al empezar en este mundo hace ms de 30 aos. Todo lo que os enseo son conceptos tiles que te ahorrarn mucho tiempo y lograrn que lleves a cabo proyectos de costura de forma eficiente y profesional."
Price: 24.99

"how to design and edit pictures with your android phone" |
"how to design and edit pictures with your android phone using picsart and pixellab mobile design and making youtube thumbnails facebook covers book logos and more like personal pictures editing useing effects and making business note's and just using your android phones this is the first course about it and its new content and ihave more than 1 year studying and researching on how to make great design with phone and now you can get all that in 2 days with this course"
Price: 19.99

"Indian Classical Dance, ODISSI, for absolute beginners" |
"This course will guide you through from scratch for absolute beginners of the Indian Classical Dance, ODISSI.You would experience a personal transformation by conditioning your BODY & MIND, using the technique of the most sensuous, ecstatic, and spiritual dance from the Ancient India.By the end of the course, you would be able to stand in key postures of ODISSI dance for you to get centred, balanced, and reconnected to the earth and the universe, with the characteristic movement of ODISSI dance which is the lyrical, poetic, and mystic ones, with the beautiful hand gestures (MUDRA), and the salutation to the Mother Earth in an Odissi dance format. There are detailed explanation as well on how to move each part of your body such as eyes, neck, torso, and the combination movement of those body parts.Each hand gestures(MUDRA) are explained with its meanings as well.Through this course you will achieve,Balanced body & mindLyrical movementGraceful gestures of your handsExpressive eyesFitnessStrength in the bodyIm Masako Ono, who would be guiding you in this Indian Classical Dance ODISSI for absolute beginners course.Ive started ODISSI dance 24 years back from now, shifting from Tokyo to India, just to pursue ODISSI dance.In the last 10 years, Ive performed in more than 20 countries, performed at the Kennedy Centre, also performed for the Prime Ministers of India, Japan. Im an officially empaneled ODISSI dance performer by the Government of India since 2008.Also I create dance of my own using this ODISSI dance essence and perform as contemporary dance, I even made a dance on some poems including HAIKU. Through this ODISSI dance. Ive completely changed from within. I can assure you that you will also change from within and you would start to attract exquisite moments, and your surroundings would become exquisite. So it is not merely a physical change that you get through this online class but your life would change drastically as you change from within. I have taught many students and took them with me to perform in Europe and in Asia, last year I took them to perform at the National Theatre of Japan in Tokyo.This Odissi dance for absolute beginner is made for those who are new to the Indian classical dance, ODISSI. Its made for those of you who want to learn ODISSI dance from scratch, and also who want to have a basic knowledge on Indian classical dance ODISSI and make your daily gestures more expressive. Indian classical dance is really great for mental and physical health, so those of you who want to be fit mentally and physically could also join in. By the end of this course, youll learn the necessary basic technique of ODISSI dance, and would be able to make beautiful expressions on your face, more expressive gestures by the hands and also shed extra fat in your body, achieving the balanced body and mind.Those who are new to dancing,Those who want to learn the basics of Indian dance,Those who want to experience Indian culture through their bodies,Dancers of other genres who want to incorporate the movement of Indian dance techniqueThose who want to enhance their expression through the eyes and their usual gestures and postures,Those who want to lose weight and have a fit body and spirit,Those who have yoga experience and are also interested in expressing themselves through dancing,Those who want to experience Indian culture through dancing and utilise them in the business scenes with India or communicate with Indian friends,Being in anywhere in the world, you would be able to learn this most sensuous, ecstatic, and spiritual dance, ODISSI, and there is no reason why you dont start RIGHT NOW!This is just a beginning of your ODISSI journey, I am planning to continue teaching further, STAY TUNED!"
Price: 94.99

"Build a Successful 2020 Solar Energy Off-Grid PV Business" |
"In this course, you will learn from scratch how to become a master of Solar Energy PV Off-Grid System. What is the difference about this course compared with what is already there, is that I provide a real-life experience that would make the learning process more profound with exciting flavor. This is where the power of the Solar Energy PV Off-Grid system will be unleashed."
Price: 54.99

"Self-defense, Strikes and Locks with Andree Kielholtz" |
"Andree and Jasmin will show you different exercises in self-defense in this course. It's about locks, strikes and different scenarios.We will be happy to revise and expand the course based on your feedback, so please use the feedback / comment function and let us know if you are not satisfied or which ideas you would like to have implemented. I am sure that we can still optimize the course. But the perfect is the enemy of the good, so we want to give you the first result right now.Kind regards, Andree, Jasmin and Michael"
Price: 39.99

"Electrical Engineering - Further AC Theory" |
"In this course you will expand your knowledge and confidence working with AC values. Complex numbers will be introduced, and used to work out the values of parallel impedances. You will become confident using phasors to represent AC values, and learn how to multiply, divide, add and subtract phasors.You will learn how to represent impedances using complex numbers, and how to manipulate these values."
Price: 29.99

"Vmware Vsphere Esxi Eitimi" |
"Vmware Vsphere dnyann en ok kullanlan sunucu sanallatrma Platformudur. Bu eitim ile Vsphere Esxi kurulumu konfigrasyonu ve ynetim kabiliyeti elde edeceksiniz. cretsiz Storage zm olan Openfiler kullanarak Vmware Vsphere Esxi ile storage platformunu ISCI ile vmfs olarak nasl balayacamz greceiz.Vmware Vsphere 6.7 versiyonunu kullanacamz bu eitimde Esxi ynetim becerisi elde edeceksiniz. Devam kursunda ise Vmware Vsphere Vcenter eitimi alarak komple sunucu sanallatrma becerisi elde edeceksiniz.Vmware Vsphere Esxi, Vmware Vsphere Esxi vcenter"
Price: 49.99

"Integrales desde CERO" |
"En el presente curso aprenders a resolver todo tipo de integrales de una forma simple, fcil y rpida, sabrs utilizar todos los artificios de integracin y vers aplicaciones de las integrales en la vida cotidiana en problemas de:Crecimiento de Poblacin.Como determinan en un peritaje de asesinato a que hora mataron a una persona?Qu tan rpido se infecta una poblacin de Covid-19?"
Price: 270.00

"Matriz, Determinante e Sistemas Lineares - Completo" |
"Curso completo de lgebra II, onde ser abordado o estudo de Matrizes, Determinantes e Sistema Lineares de maneira prtica e com linguagem simplificado, sem deixar de mencionar os termos tcnicos matemticos. Sero feitos exerccios sobre esses temas alem de comentrios sobre a melhor forma de desenvolver as atividades.Com uma abordagem simples e prtica, esse curso lhe proporcionar o aprendizado completo de matrizes, sistemas e determinantes.attGilson Duarte"
Price: 54.99

"Exploring the Elements - As used in Wicca and Witchcraft" |
"The elements are the forces of nature that are revered by witches and form the core, the foundation, the basis of everything. Everything in the universe is made up of elements, and Wiccans, Witches and Pagan pay homage to the elements in all of their celebrations, rituals and day to day life. It is really important to have a thorough and solid understanding of the elements before diving to deeply into Wicca. This module is a wonderful way to learn about the elements, their qualities, properties, attributes and correspondences."
Price: 19.99

"System Call in Linux" |
"The Course is based on the practical approach The course is aimed to teach System Call for beginners, intermediates and even advanced system admins who wish to develop their skills in Linux. Starting all the way from the Linux basics up to how to manage an entire platform.Lots of hidden and rarely known concepts are explained which you can find very rarely in any online platform or book.show-moreWhat Topic/Skills you will learn in this course the concept of the System call with a practical exampleInterview questions are discussedConcepts are covered from beginner level to Expert levelVery detailed and In-depth ExplanationWho should take this course?Preparing for Interview in Embedded System or OSIf you are interested in learning the programming of LinuxBeginner and Intermediate in Linux environment"
Price: 1280.00

"Architecture Design in Blender 2.8 series" |
"2.8 3 . , , , Model Particle 3 3"
Price: 4160.00
