"Learn Rest API Automation Using Rest Assured" |
"This course covers REST API Automation using Rest Assured in detail from basic to advanced levels. I believe in example-oriented teaching. So, you wont find any PPTs during the sessions. But, you will find dozens of real time scenarios used to elaborate various API Automation concepts. Feel free to post your questions/feedback in the block provided under each session-video. I will make sure all of your queries are addressed. Course Outline below will give you an idea about the depth and the overall coverage of this course. If you want to learn any other REST Assured concept - which is not already covered in this course - then feel free to let me know via Udemy messenger.Course Outline:Basic concepts of APIs What is an API?Postman BasicsAPI MethodsHTTP Status CodesREST Vs SOAPWhat is Rest Assured?JSON and JSON PathJSON SchemaGetting Started with Rest AssuredRest Assured Setup Using MavenSimple Get RequestValidate JSON ResponseValidate XML ResponseExtracting Response DataExtracting Single Value From ResponseVerifying Status LinePOST, PUT and DELETEPOST Using FilePOST Using JSON ObjectPUT OperationDELETE OperationRest Assured LoggingLog AllLog Body and HeadersLog Cookies and StatusLog If ErrorLog If Validation FailsHandling Request ParametersQuery ParametersMultiple Query ParametersMulti-value ParametersPath ParametersForm ParametersWorking with Headers And CookiesWhat Are Headers?Sending Request HeadersSending Headers Using ObjectsSending CookiesSending Cookies Using BuilderValidating Response HeadersExtracting Response HeadersExtracting Response CookiesAuthenticationBasic and Digest AuthoAuth 1.0Twitter oAuth ExampleoAuth 2.0XML And JSON Schema ValidationJSON Schema ValidationXML DTD Schema ValidationXML XSD Schema ValidationCourse Outline EndsThis course is designed for you if you are:a QE Automation Engineer ORa Selenium WebDriver automation aspirant ORa manual testing professional willing to jump start your automation carrier ORa QTP/UFT professional wanting to switch to API automation as per testing market demand ORa QE Manager exploring better automation solutions for your project ORa fresh grad looking to learn a quick new skill which has high demand in the job market ORaspiring to learn coding and automationTo get the maximum benefit from the course, please take a look at following steps explaining 'How to take this course?'Step 1: Schedule 30-45 minutes of your time daily for 5 days a week. 'Continuity' is the key. Step 2: All sessions are divided in small videos of less than 20 minutes. Watch 2-3 videos daily.Step 3: Hands-on exercise is very important. So, immediately try out the programs discussed in the session. Try them on your own. You can download these programs from lecture resources.Step 4: Assignments with answer keys are provided where-ever necessary. Complete the assignments before jumping on to the next sessions.Step 5: If you come across any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me and I will make sure that your queries are resolved.Wish you all a very happy learning.Note: All the course videos are in QHD. For the best video streaming quality, please adjust the resolution from 'settings' at bottom right-hand corner of video player. Choose 1080p or 720p as per your network speed."
Price: 99.99

"Forex trading: Heiken Ashi Scalping (Trading system)" |
"Scalping and Day trading are very profitable intraday trading methods if done the right way. They both promise fast profits and also give you more control over your trades. Intraday trading is the fastest way to grow a small account. However, many people don't factor in individual currency strength when they choose scalping or Day trading when trading forex. This leaves them stuck in ranging markets. The Heiken Ashi scalping trading system uses a currency strength meter to evaluate the strength of individual currencies. This allows you to buy what is strong and sell what is weak easilly and profitably.This forex trading course promises competence in a scalping and Day trading strategy with very clear entry rules and exit rules. The rules are very easy to follow and promise frequent and high probability trading opportunities.After purchasing the course, you will get all the necessary resources to use in the markets. These resources include templates and indicators as well as a profile with the low spread pairs to be traded in the forex marketFollow me into this forex trading course as we dive deeper to a state of joyful trading. Join our community and be part of the winning team!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Xcode and Firebase for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the Xcode and Firebase for Beginners course!We will learn about setting up UI in Xcode, linking objects from the UI to actual code, basic OOP in Swift, and view controllers.We will also be diving in some basics of Firebase's authentication and database system. With that, we will be building a simple login and sign up page with user's information saved in the database. Then we will retrieve the data with our own functions! These trivial and basic skills can be used in the future for jobs in data science. What you will master:Implementations for Firebase's Cloud database.A basic understanding of programming with Swift.A full understanding of basic UI in XcodeWhat you will need:A MacBookNothing else!Hope you enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Doru Planlama ile Zamann Ynet" |
"Hepimiz iin bir gn 24 saatten, bir hafta 7 gnden, bir ay 30 gnden oluuyorken, bazlarmz her iini kolaylkla yetitirebiliyor bazlarmz ise zamann yetmediinden yaknyor. Zaman herkes iin ok greceli bir kavram. Gne balarken yaplacak doru planlamalarla gn etkin ve dolu dolu geirebilirsiniz. Bu sizin yaplacak ilerinizi kolaylkla halletmenizi, nnzdeki engelleri tamamladka da ulamak istediiniz hayata daha kolay ulamanz salayabilir. Zamannz etkin ekilde ynetebilmeniz iin kabul grm bir ok planlama teknikleri mevcut. Bu eitimde 18 adet planlama tekniinden bahsediyor olacaz. Her bir teknik sizin yapmak istediiniz konuya ve yaam tarznza gre adapte edip uyarlayabileceiniz nitelikte. Bu eitim sonras doru planlama teknikleri kullanarak zamannz etkin ekilde ynetmeyi renebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Quickly build a WordPress website for business or personal" |
"Do you want to create your own WordPress website for your business? Don't have time to learn to code? Don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a web designer? Then this course is for you!This course is all about getting you up and running with a professional, attractive, modern website in just a matter of hours. Here's how...Instead of building the website from scratch, you will import pages that I've already created and adapt them to suit your own needs. Customise the website with your own text, images and colours. Then using the skills learnt throughout this course you will be able to create new pages, and add new features to your website. Here's what to expect from this course:We start at the very beginning - web hosting. I will explain your options and show you how to get a great deal on a domain name and hosting.Join me as we create a website for a fictional computer repair company - Johnson's computer repair. The skills you learn will enable you to create your own stunning website.We will install my custom built theme - Polymer. A modern, beautiful theme, included in the price of this course.Install WPBakery - the leading WordPress page builder. I will show you how to design beautiful layouts, all without touching any code. You'll be delighted at how simple it is.We will import our website homepage and get to work updating it. The homepage features columns, an image slider, blog excerpts, testimonials and more. Don't want a specific section? Then easily delete it and add a new one.We then import and modify an additional 3 pages - about us, services and contact us. Most people live very busy lives and don't have the time to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I want to empower you to build your own professional looking website in a fraction of the time it takes to make one from scratch. Complete your purchase and let's get started!"
Price: 24.99

"Angular and Laravel: Docker, Redis, Stripe, Publish to npm" |
"Learn how to create an Influencer App using Angular. This app is composed by 3 projects, Admin, Influencer and Checkout. In this tutorial, you will learn how to handle multiple Angular projects.In this tutorial you will learn: How to create API's with LaravelAuthenticate using Laravel PassportLaravel API ResourcesInstall and use DockerUpload ImagesUse RedisStripe configurationLaravel EventsLaravel ListenersSending EmailsHow to user Angular CLI Create classes, interfaces, abstract classesUse interceptorsCreate public and private routesRestrict routes for unauthorised usersExport CSV'sBuild a chart with c3.js (part of d3.js)Use Reactive FormsUpload a package to npm registryHandling Multiple Angular ProjectsAngular LibrariesIf these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 119.99

taepoyo3 |
"400ArakiUdemy2be1060OKbeTOEIC500Taeko Araki"
Price: 4800.00

"Manajemen Data dan Informasi untuk Pemula" |
"Course ini memperkenalkan konsep-konsep inti dalam manajemen data dan informasi, mulai dari mengidentifikasi persyaratan informasi organisasi hingga merancang basis data fisik untuk basis data relasional berdasarkan Lifecycle Pengembangan Sistem Basis Data. Courseini juga membantu student untuk memahami konsep dan metodologi desain basis data dan memberikan pengetahuan terkait dengan desain basis data."
Price: 560000.00

"Pengantar Data Warehouse untuk Pemula" |
"Course ini memperkenalkan konsep inti dalam data warehouse, mulai dari konsep data warehouse, desain data warehouse, lingkungan data warehouse, OLAP, DWH Terdistribusi dan sebagainya. Kursus ini juga membantu untuk memahami konsep dan metodologi data warehouse dan memberikan pengetahuan terkait dengan desain data warehouse. Kursus ini merupakan syarat untuk maju dalam course data warehouse lanjutan."
Price: 560000.00

"Cara Membuat Aplikasi Mobile Menggunakan Qt5" |
"Course ini akan membahas bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi berbasis Android menggunakan Qt5. Course ini akan membahas 10 topik, antara lain : 1. Introduction2. Hello World!3. Qt5 Widget Overview4. QML Basic5. Simple Calculator6. UI Component Layout7. Interfacing from QML to C++8. Build Simple Phonebook - UI9. Build Simple Phonebook -Database10. Build Simple Phonebook -Putting It All Together"
Price: 560000.00

"Bagaimana Cara Melakukan Penelitian Akuntansi untuk Pemula" |
"Tujuan dari course ini adalah agar siswa dapat belajar menerapkan teori untuk berlatih saat mereka melanjutkan penelitian. Ruang lingkup pembelajaran termasuk memahami metodologi penelitian, dan metode penelitian kuantitatif, hingga proses penulisan dan penyajian laporan penelitian. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan para student dengan perspektif praktis tentang bagaimana penelitian dapat diterapkan pada situasi bisnis nyata. Student akan dipimpin melalui seluruh proses penelitian dan dengan demikian memberikan mereka pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mereka butuhkan untuk berhasil menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian spesifik mereka sendiri dan memulai proyek penelitian."
Price: 560000.00

"Est buscando una manera rpida y fcil de crear diseos llamativos profesionales sin tener que gastar tiempo y dinero en software complicado? Le gustara aprender a crear diseos que capten la atencin de las personas y generen ms me gusta, comentarios y acciones compartidas en las redes sociales y visitantes de su negocio, producto o servicios?Canva proporciona plantillas listas para que pueda usar y editar fcilmente en lnea. Aprende Canva en una pocas horas.Nuestro curso est preparado para Canva 2.0, lo que significa que cubrir todas las caractersticas y funcionalidades ms recientes de la plataforma.Canva es una de las plataformas preferidas por los profesionales del marketing digital y de las redes sociales, por su simplicidad y facilidad de uso, para realizar diseos grficos llamativos y de gran calidad.En nuestro curso Usted podr: Descubrir todas las ltimas funciones ahora disponibles con Canva 2.0Aprender los fundamentos de Canva y el diseo grfico mientras te diviertes.Ahorrar tiempo y dinero creando fcilmente sus propios diseos, de manera rpida y eficiente.Crear publicidad, flayer, animacin de fotos y videos sin ser diseador.Crear elementos de diseo grfico especficos para las redes sociales e Internet utilizando plantillas y herramientas especficas para la plataforma necesaria.Navegar por los muchos diseos y plantillas prefabricados de Canva.Ests a punto de descubrir lo fcil que es crear impresionantes diseos grficos en cuestin de minutos, as como cmo crear estos diseos de forma gratuita y luego encontrar personas que buscan activamente pagar por estos diseos. Entonces, todo lo que aprenda ser pura ganancia!En este curso, le ensear todo lo que necesita saber, desde el comienzo hasta las habilidades de diseo ms avanzadas.Te guiar en cada paso del camino y siempre estoy disponible para responder cualquier mensaje, discusin, pregunta o comentario que tengas.Obtenga un Certificado de finalizacin cuando termine el curso!ACCEDE AHORA!"
Price: 199.99

"Success: learning what it takes to become successful" |
"Four months16 lessons and quizzeslearn how to be effective step by step. Learn and share the secrets of success.By listening you will access a new dimension of attentiveness and focus. Theres a motherhood saying on focus that says it is the root of all achievements. Listening gives you a promenade in somebody else thinking which is the main solution to find new contents.Success comes from openness, flexibility and acceptance. This qualities when coming from your heart generate EFFECTIVENESS."
Price: 199.99

"Visualize Then Execute!" |
"Not sure why The Rock, Oprah, Arnold Schwarzenegger and countless other successful people are obsessed with visualization? Well...What if I mentioned to you that scientific studies have proven that imagining a behavior physically changes the brain AND body in the same way as if you actually did that behavior?This means that if you have an injury that prevents you from working out, then you could literally imagine lifting a heavy weight, and you will get physically stronger?!!! Seriously. It's a scientific fact! I'm sorry I just took away your excuse!That also means that if you are worried about having an important conversation, you could imagine the way you would like to conduct yourself successfully during that conversation. Every visualization session is considered gaining experience by your brain and body. The more you visualize, the more experience you're gaining in confronting the tough conversations. And experience means that you are getting better at that task. If you can't seem to wake up at 5 am to crush the day, you could visualize yourself successfully winning in that moment.If you can't focus on writing a book, you could imagine yourself sitting there, focusing, and resisting the urge to follow the distracting thoughts that crop into your mind. If you can't resist junk food, you could visualize a strong and disciplined version of yourself that finds it easy to resist unhealthy food.....And I could go on and on but you get my point.If you're into growing yourself and progressing in every area of your life, then visualization is an important piece of the puzzle. This course is an arrow-pointed and efficient tutorial that will get you from where you are right now to be able to gain control of your mind and focus on what you want to achieve in your life. If you're in, I will see you on the inside!Sarah"
Price: 19.99

"Web Application Hacking with Burp Suite" |
"This course will introduce Burp Suite and demonstrate the common modules and tools used by web application hackers to find and exploit vulnerabilities. This course provides practical examples through the PortSwigger labs and DVWA to help solidify the concepts and give you the opportunity to exploit systems.This course focuses on using Burp Suite to attack web applications. We will primarily use the community version, as it is free and accessible, and provides the important functionality required to start attacking systems. I've provided links to all of the resources used in the video, so you can follow along and practice your skills with the videos!"
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Access Master Class" |
"This course is a follow-on from the Introduction to Microosft Access course. The course explains how to create some of the more complexed queries, forms and reports in Microsoft Access. The courses content is listed below:Using the Totals featureUsing Update QueriesImporting TablesImporting from an External Data SourceJoining TablesTable RelationshipsReferential IntegrityJoin TypesUsing Parameter QueriesCalculations in QueriesUsing Cross Tab QueriesUsing a Delete QueryCreating LookUp ListsUsing the wildcard characterUsing Option GroupsUsing Tab ControlsUsing Sub FormsCreating ExpressionsCreating a Combo BoxSub FormsCreating a SwitchboardAdvanced Reports/LettersCalculations across multiple tablesAdding Calculations to a ReportBasic MacrosConditional MacrosCreating a Menu FormUsing Action ButtonsCustomising a DatabaseUsing the IIF () FunctionPropertiesUsing the DateDiff functionDatabase Functions"
Price: 149.99

"OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Practice Exams 1Z0-808, 1Z0-809" |
"These OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Practice Exams provide you with the latest test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback to help you pass the exam with confidence.In my tests and after you finish each one you will get an explanation as to why the right answer is the right answer, and why the incorrect ones are incorrect, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further !!Included in this OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Practice Exam course:360 question OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer practice tests, with the same percent of weighted questions, from all the Java SE 8 Programmer domains as you will see.- 5 FULL practice tests, 70 questions each.- More practice for studying- Practice like the real Java SE 8 Programmer exam- Targeted studying, don't waste time studying for topics you already know- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the wrong answers are incorrectThe OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer exam has these Domains ""OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I (Exam- 1Z0-808)""Domain- 1 OCA Part I Java BasicsDomain- 2 Working with Java Data TypesDomain- 3 Using Operators and Decision ConstructsDomain- 4 Creating and Using ArraysDomain- 5 Using Loop ConstructsDomain- 6 Working with Methods and EncapsulationDomain- 7 Working with InheritanceDomain- 8 Handling ExceptionsDomain- 9 Working with Selected Classes from the Java API""OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II (Exam-1Z0-809)""Domain- 1 Java Class DesignDomain- 2 Advanced Java Class DesignDomain- 3 Generics and CollectionsDomain- 4 Lambda Built-in Functional InterfacesDomain- 5 Java Stream APIDomain- 6 Exceptions and AssertionsDomain- 7 Use Java SE 8 DateTime APIDomain- 8 Java I_O FundamentalsDomain- 9 Java File I_O (NIO.2)Domain- 10 Java ConcurrencyDomain- 11 Building Database Applications with JDBCDomain- 12 LocalizationOCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 360Type of Questions : Multiple choice onlyNumber of Questions : 70/practice testDuration : 150 min/practice testPassing Score : 65%If you dont have Necessary experience ,You can take and pass the OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer exam to earn a Java designation.30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"Detailed Study of GST using 100 Practical Question & Answers" |
"This course is a self study course designed for those who already have a basic knowledge of GST. These 100 + Questions will deepen their basics and understand practical scenarios in a much more better manner.Students are requested to just revise the basic concepts of GST to appreciate the course in a better manner.The contents are1.Basics of GST2.Supply under GST3.Exemption4.time of supply5.value of supply6.place of supply7.Input tax credit8.registration9.Tax invoice"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Completo de Espanhol - Nveis A1 e A2" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Introduo comtreinamento da auditivab) Conversacin (um pouco mais de auditiva)c) Curso Bsico A1d) Gramtica 1e) Vocabulrio 1f) Curso Bsico A2g) Gramtica 2h) udios variados com textos em Ingls-PortugusEu tive grandes dificuldades no aprendizado do idioma. Mas observei que, para o ensino de idiomas, devemos fazer como criana e a imerso extremamente importante.Por isso que eu trabalho muito a capacidade auditiva. Para falar bem, voc precisa ouvir bem. E para escrever bem, voc precisa ler bem. Assim fiz o Curso neste formato.Eu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 99.99

"Pacote Profissional JavaScript, ES2020 e JQuery" |
"Tenha acesso a diversos de nossos cursos e aprenda o essencial para entrar no mundo da programao Front-end.Neste curso veremos diversas coisas, tais como:- Fundamentos do JavaScript- Estruturas bsicas de programao- Aprofundamento das estruturas ensinadas- Atualizaes que o JavaScript vem recebendo- Conceitos essenciais de JQuery- Projetos, exerccios e muito mais.Nenhuma experincia prvia necessria. Basta voc ter um laptop, acesso a internet e vontade de aprender."
Price: 99.99

"COPYWRITING Mastery : Secrets To Writing Brilliant Ad Copy" |
"In COPYWRITING Mastery course you will get to know the secrets of Writing Best Ad copy that sells. You will know how to do content research before you write any Ad copy or Sales Copy. You will Learn 5 Different Types of copy that convert into customers. You will Learn 5 Different Formats of copy that make you COPYWRITING Pro."
Price: 12800.00

"Practice the IIBA CCBA Exam: 260 Quality Questions, 2020" |
"If you are a business analysis practitioner with 2 to 3 years experience, earning your Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA), recognizes your ability to take on larger and or more complex project responsibility.CCBA EligibilityTo earn the CCBA designation, candidates must:Complete a minimum of 3,750 hours of Business Analysis work experience in the last 7 years.Within these 3750 minimum hours required, a minimum of 900 hours must be completed in each of 2 of the 6 BABOK Guide Knowledge Areas OR, a minimum of 500 hours must be completed in each of 4 of the 6 BABOK Guide Knowledge Areas.Complete a minimum of 21 hours of Professional Development within the last 4 years.Provide references.Agree to Code of Conduct.Agree to Terms and Conditions.Pass the exam.CCBA CompetenciesIs CCBA for you?The CCBA certification is for:Individuals with an ECBA designationProduct ManagersNon-BA consultantsTrainersHybrid Business Analysis professionals, including: Project Manager, Testers, Quality Assurance (QA) professionals, Change/Transformation Managers, and DesignersDefinitions of skill and knowledge levels used in this guide:Level 2 (CCBA) - Skilled:Modifies rules: Encounters situations where there is confidence to modify the guidelines that have been provided for addressing the challenge.Recommends actions: Although generally works independently on smaller, well scoped challenges, still relies on expert help for more complex work. Skills, knowledge and confidence have developed to the level where appropriate actions are identified.Applied knowledge: Has practiced the competency and skills have evolved working on small, less complex challenges or with guidance on large, more complex work.The competency elements are grouped into six Knowledge Areas, as defined in the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide).Exam Structure The CCBA exam consists of 130 multiple choice scenario-based questions formulated from the BABOK Guide and must be completed within 3 hours.In this CCBA exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 260 CCBA practice exam questions. These question have been written to emulate the CCBA exam and are based on the International Institute of Business Analysis.CCBA Exam One: 130 questions across all exam domains (three hours)CCBA Exam Two: 130 questions across all exam domains (three hours)Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the CCBA exam. Take each three hours exam set until you can answer all questions correctly. Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the CCBA exam, each question of the three practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course. Disclaimer: This is not an official course of IIBA. CBAP, CCBA, and ECBA are all registered items for IIBA"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende DISEO GRAFICO de manera PRACTICA" |
"En este curso aprenders los conceptos necesarios de DISEO para poder empezar a trabajar tanto en entendimientos como en diseos.Lo ms importante es que adems de disear vas a poder comunicar de forma efectiva a tus clientes y aumentar tus objetivos ya sean ventas como seguidores, etc...Las tareas se corrigen de forma personalizada!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ads: Complete Guide To Gmail Ads! Huge ROI Email Ads" |
"DISCOVER: How To Master Googles Hidden Email Marketing Platform For HUGE ROI No Matter What Industry You're In!Are you a Google Ads campaign manager? eCommerce Expert looking to drive more traffic? Maybe a small business owner looking to find your ideal audience? Want to take advantage of the most powerful Google marketing platform in 2020 and beyond? Welcome to Gmail Ads! In this course I'll show you everything you need to know to create your first GSP (Google Sponsored Promotion, aka Gmail Ads) promotion! Hi, my name is Luke Kelly, I'm a digital marketer and I currently manage $50k a month worth of Google Ads accounts and l LOVE gmail ads! Why Gmail Ads?In a recent study by Optinmonster*, they discovered that email marketing still remains the best method for advertising to customers and in comparison to social media marketing, it has almost 3 times the conversion rate! (6.05% vs 1.9%).And this is very similar to what I have found with my own testing - Gmail advertising has proven itself to provide higher CTR's, lower cost per applications (CPA) and HUGE impression rates at a fraction of the cost. That's why I've been telling all of my digital marketing friends that they need to start running Gmail ads for their clients and online stores! What will you learn in this course? How to set up your Google Ads account from scratch How to write and A/B test your ads How to structure your account, campaigns, ad groups and ads How to setup your account budgets, billing and account access.... and so much more!How long is the course?We've kept this course short so you can easily digest it in just a few hours. What results can I expect from Gmail Ads?This will depend entirely on your business type, however we've found excellent results across the board for all business types. Can anyone take this course, or just Google Ads experts?Anyone can take this course! Even complete beginners learning the basics of Digital marketing, sales funnels, and eCommerce. Who this course is for:Small Business Owners who want to increase their sales and revenue through their webisteEntrepreneurs who want to leverage the power edm marketingMarketing professionals who want a deeper understanding of the Google's Gmail Advertising PlatformBeginners and more advanced AdWords users who want a closer look at how to set up GSP campaigns from A to ZIf you have ANY product or service that you want to promote, advertise or sell online, this course will give you the best tools and skills to succeedWho is this course NOT for:Anyone who already knows how to create Gmail Ads successfully Anyone who is already running successful smart display GSP adsWhy wait any longer?Click the green ""Take This Course"" button, and join my course 100% risk free now! Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my Gmail Ads course. I know you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my expertise and experience with you inside the course!!"
Price: 44.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations 2020 Associate: 1Z0-1085-20 LATEST AND PREMIUM PRACTICE TESTS for candidates to study and pass the exam in first attempt! - GUARANTEED.We have the HIGHEST number of practice questions among all other available practice tests. Also, no other practice tests provide proper explanations and reference links to the official documentation like we do!Having been tested by numerous students, these Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Practice Exams will help you attain a fantastic score on the actual exam.Whether you are from a technical or non-technical background, this certification is for you! We have a 100% Pass rate with a 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee!*TOP 10 REASONS TO BUY THESE PRACTICE TESTS*1) Fully Updated with the Latest Blueprint - You don't need to worry about the test series being outdated,ever! The tests are updated monthly to reflect the current exam blueprint, and contain high quality practice questions to mimic the actual exam.2) Free Cheat Sheet included - Cheat sheet to help you quickly revise all the topics!3) Three high quality practice tests - These tests contain 3 Full length Timed tests to mimic the actual test environment and focusing on the questions and services you are MOST LIKELY to face in the actual exam!4) Comprehensive answers and References - Of course you want to know why your answer is not correct, right? At the end of each test, you can review each and every question with comprehensive answers and links to the original documentation to read more about it!5) Question resolution within 24 hours - Have any questions? Drop them in the Q/A section and my team will get back to you within 24 hours - GUARANTEED.6) Test reports - Automatic report generation at the end of every test to help you identify your weak areas so you can work better on them!7) Mobile Support - Be it a tablet, mobile or your laptop - These tests can be accesible on any device, anywhere!8) 30 Day money back guarantee - Not satisfied? No worries. You can avail a 100% refund within 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked. I would appreciate it if you could message me and let me know of the areas I can improve, and serve you better in the future :)9) Monthly Updates - The tests are updated very frequently at least once every month to stay up to date with the new changes to the exam, and include new trickier questions - so you never have to worry about being unprepared!10) Randomised practice sets - To ensure that you don't end up memorising the questions and the answers, BOTH the questions and the answer orders will be randomised and shuffled each time you attemp the test!Exam Topics:Cloud ConceptsUnderstanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsGetting Started with OCIDescribe the key features and components of OCIDescribe Core Solutions on OCICore OCI ServicesDiscuss core OCI servicesDiscuss Cloud Native servicesSecurity and ComplianceExplain the OCI Security modelDescribe the OCI compliance structureOCI Pricing, Support and OperationsExplain the OCI Pricing modelExplain the OCI operational and support modelExam Information:Exam Title: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 AssociateExam Number: 1Z0-1085-20Format: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 105 MinutesNumber of Questions: 60Passing Score: 68%Enroll today in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Mock Tests / Exams for a lifetime access!"
Price: 19.99

"Souhaitez-vous DOUBLER VOTRE EFFICACIT ? ? TRANSFORMER vos HABITUDES de Travail ?? Atteindre vos OBJECTIFS avec le JUSTE EFFORT ? ? Le PROBLME c'est qu'au 21e sicle, la faon de TRAVAILLER a considrablement voluQue vous soyez, #ENTREPRENEUR, EMPLOY ou TUDIANT, le MONDE PROFESSIONNEL vous exige : La flexibilit : Pouvoir travailler de partout. La distance ne devrait pas tre une barrire.? Laccessibilit : Pouvoir accder vos donnes de partout. Que ce soit partir de votre smartphone ou d'un Ordinateur tiers.? La mobilit : La capacit vous dplacer sans que votre business ne prenne un coup.? Le partage de donnes : Si vous avez des collaborateurs, il est primordial qu'ils soient au mme niveau d'information que vous et qu'il puisse avancer dans certains projets en votre absence. Par consquent, le partage de donnes doit tre facile.? La scurit : Vous devez surtout vous rassurer que vos donnes soient stockes dans un emplacement scuriser et accessible uniquement qui de droit.Avec ce cours, vous allez prendre comment grer toutes vos donnes et collaborer avec votre quipe en toute scurit et surtout sans dpense 1 fr8 RAISONS POUR LESQUELLES VOUS DEVRIEZ ACHETER CE COURS MAINTENANT:1. C'est moins cher que l'chec et la perte de temps. Une chose est certaine; aprs ce cours, vous verrez l'organisation de vos donnes autrement.2. Au fil du temps vous dcouvrirez que vous exploitez mieux votre temps: Il n'y a rien de plus triste que de tourner sur un travail qu'on peut blouser en mois de temps seulement parce qu'on manque d'organisation dans l'quipe3. Vous allez amliorer votre collaboration en quipe: Que vous distant ou proche, ce cours va rehausser le niveau de votre travail d'quipe4. Vous deviendrez plus efficace et productif. Vous deviendriez plus productif. Qui ne souhaite pas atteindre ses objectifs de la plus belle manire avec le juste effort?5. Vous avez la garantie d'avoir vos donnes dans un endroit scuris et surtout gratuit. Si des grandes entreprises comme Uber, Airbnb, Netflix font confiance GOOGLE, pourquoi devrais-tu douter?6. La valeur que vous recevez la fin est ternelle. Personne ne peut vous retirer ce que vous avez dj appris.7. La solution est gratuite. Vous avez la possibilit de grer votre entreprise avec un systme de stockage gratuit (vous n'imaginez pas combien de petites entreprises qui tourne avec cet outil puissant)8. ON NE RINVENTE PAS L'EAU CHAUDE: Il n'y a pas de raccourci dans la vie, mais il y a voix acclre. Avec cette solution, vous pouvez acclrer votre succs dans la vie et dans les affaires aussi. Je l'ai fait pour moi, je l'ai appris d'autres apprenants et je suis sur le point de le faire pour vous aussi. SI VOUS AGISSEZ MAINTENANT!Voici ce que vous apprendrez dans ce cours!L'importance du cloud et pourquoi vous devez adopter une solution cloudCrer, importer , convertir et exporter des fichiers.Stocker et organiser ses donnes de la meilleure faonPartager et collaborer avec notre quipeLa solution ultime : Comment stocker ses donnes dans google drive sans consommer lespace ddi.La Gestion des tches qui nous sont assignesEt bien d'autresDpchez-vous si vous tes prt :Doublez votre EfficacitAtteindre vos objectif avec le juste effortDevenir plus productifRedynamiser la collaboration au sein de votre quipeSimplifier votre mode travailTravailler sur multiple projet au mme moment avec un suivi cohrentAvoir de l'avance sur vos concurrent grce des outils de productivitAvoir du control sur votre entreprise et maitriser tout vos donnesFaire plus en moins de temps"
Price: 69.99

"1Z0-506 Oracle Fusion Accounts Receivable Essentials Exam" |
"124 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-506 Oracle Fusion Accounts Receivable Essentials ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-506 Oracle Fusion Accounts Receivable Essentials ExamTotal Questions : 124Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (93 of 124)"
Price: 154.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate - Mock Test" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02):The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA-C02) examination is intended for individuals who perform in a Solutions Architect role. This exam validates an examinees ability to effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies.It validates an examinees ability to:Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements.Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to an organization throughout the lifecycle of a project.Recommended AWS KnowledgeOne year of hands-on experience designing available, cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.Hands-on experience using compute, networking, storage, and database AWS services.Hands-on experience with AWS deployment and management services.Ability to identify and define technical requirements for an AWS-based application.Ability to identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirement.Knowledge of recommended best practices for building secure and reliable applications on the AWS platform.An understanding of the basic architectural principles of building in the AWS Cloud.An understanding of the AWS global infrastructure.An understanding of network technologies as they relate to AWS.An understanding of security features and tools that AWS provides and how they relate to traditional services.Prepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant AWS Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Therefore, we strongly advise you to attend the training courses, review the study material, and gain hands-on experience related to the topics covered in the exam. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam on AWS site -> AWS Certification section."
Price: 19.99

"Mathematical Algorithms in Computing using C++" |
"This course is for those who are interested in learning about the functionalities of the Math Library black boxes. Using these boxes is one thing, but getting to know how developers must have tackled the task of making those easy to use functions, is in the league of its own. This course will teach you how common mathematical algorithms are implemented. A significant value addition for those who want to use computer programming for mathematical problem solving."
Price: 34.99

"The Successful Interview - Ideal for last minute preparation" |
"Everything you need to know about interviews including how they are structured, what the most common and the trickiest questions are and how to answer these. Other useful tips. Key vocabulary and what to avoid. Presented in easy to understand English with PowerPoint and useful examples. Created and delivered by a fully qualified and vastly experienced Personal and Social Development Specialist with a background in teaching. Coming soon with Russian subtitles. This course is ideal for last minute preparation."
Price: 19.99

"The Art of Doing: Create 10 Python GUIs with Tkinter Today!" |
"Have you learned the fundamentals of Python and then asked yourself; what's next? If so, consider taking this course which will start you on your journey to making your own Python GUI applications. GUI or Graphical User Interface applications allow the end user to interact with an actual program window that they can point, click, and interact with rather than just running Python scripts from a command prompt.So often, when students ask for advice they are told to, ""Go build something"" or ""Get involved on a project"" but have no idea what projects to build or get involved in. This course will set you on your way! In this course I will walk you though, step by step, on how to to design the layout and the functionality of 10 unique, engaging, and purposeful apps...well 11, we have to start off with a Hello World App...that's a given :-) By the end of this course, I promise that you will be coming up with your own app ideas and feel confident enough in your abilities to create them. We'll cover the following GUI widgets:LabelsFramesButtonsEntry BoxesRadio ButtonsDrop Down MenusScroll BarsSlidersCanvasesAnd many more...As well as learning how to:Manage application layoutCall API's and sort through the returned dataCreate standalone executable files that will run on any Window's machineBest of all, after a few short ""instructional"" videos, we will learn by DOING! We're going to gain familiarity, comfort, and then mastery of Python GUI's by creating our own applications together! I hope you decided to take this course. If you do, you will be set to begin creating some engaging, meaningful, and purposeful Python GUI's! "
Price: 199.99
