"Bu kurs sizi %86 Astral Boyuta karacak bilgiler barndryor... Astral Kursumuzu satn aldnzda, ayn zamanda size adnza imzal olarak 1 adette hediye kitap gnderilecektir. Kursumuzda nce size Astral Seyahat hakknda detayl bilgilendirmeler sunuyoruz... Sizi fiziken ve ruhen Astral Deneyim ncesi ok sk bir hazrlktan geiriyoruz.... Subliminal olarak hazrladmz zel frekans yklenmi olan mzikler ile bilincinizi hazrlyoruz...Astral'da kendinizi korumann, salkl ve emniyetli bir ekilde k yaparak geri dnmenin yollarn retiyoruz... Tm bu srelerden sonra Astral Seyahat'e kmak iin hazr olduunuzda verdiimiz bir ok teknik ile baar salamanz umud ediyoruz... Bu Astral Seyahat kursunda sylenenleri harfiyen yaptktan sonra k yapmanz %86 olacak ekilde deerlendiriyoruz... Bu kursta verdiimiz eitimler ve sre, daha nce onlarca rencimizde tatbik edilmi ve %86 civarnda baar elde edilmitir... Haydi, Astral Seyahat yapmak iin zel bir yeneteiniz olmasna gerek yok, bu kurs herkes iin muazzam bir deneyim olacaktr... Not : Bu kurs 15 yandan bykler iin uygundur!"
Price: 129.99

"Como fazer artigo cientfico" |
"Produzir cientificamente na rea do Direito (disciplinar ou interdisciplinar) apresenta algumas dificuldades, tanto para estudantes de graduao quanto para quem est em mestrados e doutorados. Este curso foca em lhe dar ferramentas simples para superar esses obstculos e escrever artigos que vo ser diferenciais na academia!APRENDA SOBRE METODOLOGIA E ELABORE SEU ARTIGO CIENTFICO AO LONGO DESTE CURSO!Compreenda as caractersticas bsicas de uma pesquisa cientfica;Responda a uma pergunta de pesquisa vivel e bem delimitada;Atinja seus objetivos usando os procedimentos metodolgicos adequados;Saiba que fontes pode ou no usar para sua fundamentao terica; eRedija seu trabalho dentro do estilo acadmico.Assegure um desenvolvimento suave do artigo a partir de seu projeto de pesquisa. fundamental ter um projeto de pesquisa slido, bem estruturado e recortado, para viabilizar um bom desenvolvimento do seu artigo, seja para TCC ou para publicao cientfica.No se pode pesquisar nas cincias jurdicas (ou em quaisquer outras) sem dominar ao menos o bsico sobre metodologia. Ainda que se conte com a orientao, o ideal que voc v ganhando autonomia sobre o delineamento, desenvolvimento e concluso de suas pesquisas.Este curso vai lhe ajudar nisso. Com olhar prtico, aliado ao compromisso de slido embasamento terico, vai contribuir para que voc, estudante e/ou pesquisador do Direito e/ou interdisciplinar, se sinta seguro e preparado para articular seu conhecimento nos artigos cientficos.Contedo e viso geralVoc ter acesso a material exclusivo elaborado por mim, professora e pesquisadora, com doutorado e trabalhos publicados sobre temticas jurdicas e interdisciplinares. So vdeoaulas com slides, apostilas e exemplos de cada elemento do artigo cientfico. As apostilas contm indicaes de bibliografia, para que voc saiba que boas fontes buscar para seus estudos. Alm de tudo isso, voc ter acesso a recursos externos (artigos acadmicos publicados e modelos) que selecionei especialmente para enriquecer seu aprendizado e lhe incentivar.Ateno: esse curso no ensina formatao de ABNT, nem passo a passo para publicao em peridicos e/ou eventos cientficos.Ao final de todas as sees, voc ser direcionado(a) a um simulado, para aplicar tudo que aprendeu e terminar o curso seguro(a) sobre o contedo.Em concluso, voc obter um certificado e ter avanado na compreenso do dos aspectos metodolgicos fundamentais ao pesquisador jurdico/interdisciplinar contemporneo."
Price: 144.99

"Best Practices: Android Room Database with MVVM Architecture" |
"Android App Development will definitely give your career a much needed boost since Android is the most popular operating system in the world. This course is designed to give you insights of how room database projects are built. This is more focused on the practical side rather than the theoretical.You will need basic Android knowledge to understand this course and implement later. We will go through step-by-step coding lectures to keep things easy. Things that will be focused on Android Architecture Components (Room Database, LiveData, ViewModel, Background Task, XML Design, Java Coding, AdobeXD UI Design) This course will cover vast of topics in short span of time which will be quite handy. Every lectures comes with a full coding screen-cast, corresponding short notes and downloadable code samples! Learn in your own manner! The topics includesRoom Data PersistenceLive DataView ModelAddressing the problem and corresponding solutionAdobeXD UI DesignLife CyclesBackground TaskProper XML DesignJava CodingYou will get lifetime access to this course, all you need is to get started with your computer and passion for learning how to build an Application using Room DataBase and MVVM."
Price: 29.99

"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test (CIS-Discovery)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 3 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Discovery Exam (CIS-Discovery) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-Discovery TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Discovery Exam (CIS-Discovery) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00

"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test (CIS-Cloud Management)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 2 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Cloud Management (CIS-CM) certification Exam.Mock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-CM Exam.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Cloud Management (CIS-CM) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 3200.00

"ServiceNow Certification Exam Practice Test (CIS-GRC)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 2 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Governance Risk and Compliance(CIS-GRC) certification exam.Mock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-GRC exam.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Governance Risk and Compliance (CIS-GRC) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00

"Curso de Mesa Real Teraputica (Baralho Cigano)" |
"Neste curso, voc conhecer as diversas tcnicas de leitura em uma Mesa Real Lenormand (Grand Tableau), orculo tambm conhecido no Brasil como Baralho Cigano. Todo curso orientado numa aspectagem teraputica visando o autoconhecimento e o desenvolvimento pessoal atravs da identificao de padres de comportamentos possveis de se verificar na Mesa Real. A simbologia usada neste curso do mtodo europeu, podendo o aprendiz, adaptar ao seu mtodo de leitura conforme a escola que segue.Este curso abordar:A preparao da mesaOs fundamentos bsicos da energia e das previsesApresentao das diversas estruturas de LayoutsOs temas de cada posio na mesaOs significados das cartas temasA lei da direoBloco 3x3O Mtodo de distnciaEspelhamentosA CavalariaContagem de 7Os 4 PerodosA Ancoragem* O curso tambm disponibilizar apostilas como material de apoio!"
Price: 579.99

"E-Ticarette Kariyer Yapmak. Gerek Deneyimlerimi Aktardm" |
"Kariyer nasl yaplr? Hangi yollardan getiniz? Nelere dikkat ettiniz? Gibi birok kariyer odakl sorulardan yola karak uzun bir eitim hazrladm. Temel olarak uygulayacanz bu balklar sizleri kariyer basamaklarnda hep ileriye gtrecek. zellikle ykselmek isteyen veya sfrdan belli bir pozisyona gelmek isteyenler nerilerimi dinleyebilir. Bu srete bireysel yaadm hayat deneyimlerine de sk sk yer verdim."
Price: 49.99

"IELTS Letter Writing Band 9" |
"This video course will teach you how to write:Formal lettersSemi-formal lettersInformal lettersWould you like to learn how to write:Letters of Complaint?Letters of Inquiry?Letters of Resignation?Letters of Appreciation?Letters of Invitation?Letters of Suggestion?Letters of Friendship?You will learn how the examiner will evaluate your script in detail.Task achievement (how accurately you answer each part of the essay prompt)Coherence and cohesion (connecting ideas, referencing, and linking devices)Lexical resource (a wide range of complex vocabulary and collocations)Grammatical range and accuracy (a wide range of grammar, complex and compound sentences)Pay close attention to the model answers and the techniques shown in order to maximise your writing score.Good luck,Neil"
Price: 24.99

"Master and win any Job Interview - Ready for your 1st Job!" |
"Being successful at job interviews is not rocket science. It's actually quite simple. It requires preparation, studying and training. This Ready for your 1st Job Interview course udemy will prepare you to rock your interviews!! By taking this ready for your 1st job interview course udemy you will master the skills you need to excel at interviews and move to the next phase of your professional career (a new job). And best of all you will be able to accomplish this in a short period of time with real-life, proven principles based on years of experience, research and observation. No need for investing long hours studying about interviews. This course has been designed from the ground up to ensure a smooth, succinct and effective learning experience with a step by step proven process. It works, trust me!Why take this course?You will prepare for job interviews like an absolute PROYou will get Job Interview Skills to get your dream jobIt's based on real-life proven principlesIt's short, effective and practicalThis course is simple and easy to followIt's been developed from the ground up with a focus on qualityYou will get tools and tips that you will love in this Udemy courseIt's value for money. You will spend a small amount but gain a lot of knowledge.You have nothing to lose, you are protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee!You will get the inside scoop on all my future courses.If you think this course is for you, then go ahead and click Buy Now"" and we'll be in touch soon.Why this course is so EffectiveThe class is broken down into sections, each with short, informative videos designed to help you quickly master the art of creating impactful first impressions and nailing that interview. Within a matter of hours, you'll feel like you've been given the inside track on how to make employers fall in love with you.The FactsThis Ready for your 1st Job Udemy course works! If it doesn't ask for a refund within 30 days.Unemployment is here to stay. This is a challenge all economies face.With a growing global population, the competition will only continue to increase.We learn better by following a proven process that is broken up in steps.You are reading this because you have a genuine interest in being effective in your interviews. And there's good news, I can help you!Through this Ready for your 1st Job Course you will learn key concepts and practices such as differentiation and the art of selling which will lead to you becoming the preferred candidate for a job. But we will go beyond job interview skills, from rituals and tools, to activities, concepts, examples and reflections. So take this Ready for your 1st Job udemy now to learn what all of this means in more detail and how you can apply it to rock your interviews!!So if you haven't already, click on ""Buy Now"" now! What are you waiting for?Production NotesThis course was produced in 9 months.The cost of production was >$100,000 (hours invested x my hourly rate)The creation process involved a high level of attention to detail and a focus on quality.What's New (Latest Course Updates)General improvements and enhancementsAdded new templates"
Price: 19.99

"POWERFUL POWERPOINTS! Create and deliver great presentations" |
"ABOUT THIS COURSEIf you're a Student, Professional, Consultant or Leader- this course is for you!A PowerPoint presentation is one of the simplest yet most powerful tools you can use to get your message across- whether it's a research project, a sales pitch, a company presentation or any other information! With Zoom calls and virtual presentations becoming the new norm, here's a crash course in delivering great presentations! In this course you will learn about-The Basics of PowerPointStructuring your PresentationColours & Template Using Visuals & Data Infographics Presenting Text and Content Animations & TransitionsMaking your PPT stand out!Delivering with ease and poise WHO ARE WEWe are 3 Seconds, an organization working on Growth, Productivity and Happiness tools for students and working professionals. The instructor Avinash Agarwal is a Communication & Creativity expert having worked for over a decade in the field of marketing & advertising. Having worked on hundreds of presentations for top brands across the world, he now heads his own Branding & Digital Marketing company."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Redao PM-SP" |
"Nesse curso, voc aprender desde a estrutura (micro e macro), para como usar repertrios e como se sentir mais confiante! Nele, voc poder tambm contar com vdeos atualizados, trataremos sobre os temas passados e possibilidades de novos temas para voc se preparar e arrasar na parte da redao. No necessrio ter algum conhecimento prvio, basta ter vontade de querer pontuar muito!"
Price: 54.99

"Table Tennis for Beginner [ From Zero To Hero ]" |
"When BBC news reports that The Inactivity 'kills more than obesity', most of you are scared of having a shorter lifespan. However, instead of finding it scary, you should find a sport you passionate to learn as normal exercise. Table Tennis is always on of your top choice as it isA safe and no contact sport but good for eye-hand coordination, mental alertness and speed of movement.Easy to get on hand and strategicA sociable sport for any ranges of agesBefore you decide to drop hundreds or even thousands of dollars on some table tennis gurus, save yourself time and money by learning vital foundational knowledge here first. If you want to learn the basic techniques to speed up that process for you, then this course will get you started on the right foot.How do I know if this course is right for me?If you've EVER wanted to know:The base position and basic footwork in table tennisHow to hold a racket correctlyThe technique of Forehand pushThe technique of Forehand driveThe technique of Backhand pushThe technique of Backhand driveIf you said YES to any of the above, then this course is definitely for you.What makes this course different from the rest of the Table Tennis courses out there?We aim to make it as SIMPLE, FUN and SUPPORTIVE as possible.Simple : The mental models is a thinking toolkit helping you understand the concept better. Throughout the courses, we will use the rules of 8/2 , The First Principles, The map is not in its territory and other models to explain the basic techniques in table tennis. This will help you remember some key points faster.Fun : By demonstrating life-related analogies from ****some of the techniques, they make you easier to replicate the correct postures.Supportive : The Q and A section will be held in FB group. If you have any questions, you can ask in the FB group.I have already some background, what could I learn from your course?As Gordon B Hinckley says ""You can't build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you're going to have a strong superstructure. "" Unless you are already familiar and experienced with the basic techniques and along way to the advanced level, you'll benefit from this course.Can you make me one of the best players in my country by taking this course?No way! Not just from taking the course, anyway. Anyone who promises you that is selling snake oil.If you take my course AND continuously practice what you learned, then you have a chance at of the the best players.What I can guarantee is that you will leave with some basic concepts and techniques.What will I be able to do after I take your course?After taking my course, you will be: Able to confidently practice table tennis by using what you have learned throughout the course. Able to find Table Tennis easier to pick upBest of all, there is absolutely ZERO risk. This platform gives you a 30-day money back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.So go ahead and sign up.I hope to see you inside."
Price: 19.99

"VMCE_V9 Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V9 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The inside of each of the following software products can Veeam Backup & Replication for remote monitoring infrastructure when you install plug-ins / add-ons?a) continuumb) GFI MAXc) Kaseyad) LabTeche) N VariableQ) What jobs statistical indicator can be used to identify the slow part of the way the data backup job?a) warningb) activity logc) processing speedd) statistics bottlee)NoneQ) Since the last remote replication of backup jobs ran source backup job three times, making three new restore point. Now, is replicated from the backup job is run again. How many recovery points, it is a replica of the creation of a backup job?a) notb) Onec) Threee) NoneQ) What is metadata cues used?a) Keep a set of VM configuration fileb) Storing temporary cache replicasc) Detection of the modified data blocks between two replicas stated) None"
Price: 164.99

"VMware VCAD510 Associate Data Center Virtualization Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You work in a store chain convenience, which offers a complete data center, including a general store, and a variety of small shops. You want to make sure that the data in the stores will be copied to the main data center. What solution will fulfill these requirements?a) Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)b) Storage DRSc) Replication Vsphere (VR),d) VSAe) NoneQ) What VMware product allows non-disruptive recovery testing?a) vCentre Operations Managerb) replication Vspherec) Site Recovery Managerd) Configuration Manager vCentree) NoneQ)Which of the following functions Vsphere not use virtual networks?a) FCoEb) VMware Remote Consolec) ISCSId) VMotione) NoneQ) For storage Vsphere fall broadly into two categories, based on the block and file-based. What type of storage Vsphere is based on the block?a) NFSb) VMFSc) NTFSd) EXT4e) None"
Price: 159.99

"Creating Perfect Random Groups with Google Sheets" |
"Hi.My name is Jesper, and I'm a middle school teacher in Denmark.If you want an easier way to create groups for your students, pupils or others this is the course for you.I've created a spreadsheet which can create random and pseudorandom groups with a few click in a few seconds. The groups can be created ordering the group by the pupil's skills or genders in different ways.The spreadsheet can greatly reduce your time creating groups, but you will also be able to make good groups, which you weren't able to before, because it would take too much time.If you are missing features please let me know. The spreadsheet will be updated in time, from the feedback I get from this community.If you find yourself to enjoy the spreadsheet, please share it with your team, coworkers and others who you think might benefit from it. Please let the know to think about enrolling as well, if they too find the spreadsheet resourceful."
Price: 19.99

"Formation Complte Dveloppeur WEB (Apprenez en pratiquant)" |
"Le Dveloppement Web de A Z. Apprenez HTML, CSS, Javascript, Hbergement Web, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Wordpress, GIT...Vous voulez apprendre crer des sites web simple et complexe ?Vous dbutez ? Ou vous souhaitez tout simplement vous amliorer ?La bonne nouvelle est que vous tes au bon endroit !Aujourd'hui, que vous soyez particulier, en charge d'une association, artisan ou responsable d'une petite entreprise, vous serez amen, un moment ou un autre, crer votre site pour prsenter vos hobbies, votre activit, votre entreprise...Ce cours en ligne s'adresse toute personne qui souhaite dbuter dans le dveloppement web en vous apprenant les fondamentaux indispensables au mtier de dveloppeur Web. Quest-ce quun dveloppeur web ?Le dveloppeur web est indispensable dans une quipe de dveloppement de site ou d'application Web. Les technologies du web (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP ...) n'ont aucun secret pour lui et il a pour mission de crer des application web. Il est charg de :assembler les pages en HTML5 et CSS3 partir de maquettes graphiques ;intgrer des contenus textes, images, sons, vido dans le code HTML5 ;respecter les normes daccessibilit et de rfrencement du W3C ;assurer la compatibilit avec les diffrents navigateurs du march ;mettre en place une communication entre client et serveur avec JavaScript ;organiser et grer la base de donnes.Apprenez en pratiquant !Albert Einstein disait ceci, La thorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons runi thorie et pratique : Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi ! .En informatique, l'importance capitale de la pratique n'est plus dmontrer. Les recruteurs accordent beaucoup d'attention l'ampleur des projets dj raliss par les candidats et cest bien pourquoi dans chaque partie de cette formation, on ralisera ensemble au moins un projet concret de A Z afin d'une part tayer les notions abordes et d'autre part vous amener constituer votre portfolio.Ci-dessous les projets raliss par technologie tudie dans cette formationHTML5 et CSS3Site Web de cours en ligneSite Web rseau social (interface)Site Web Agence WebJavaScriptSite web de conversionSite web meilleurs filmsJeu du serpentBootstrapCV en ligne (site Web perso)Hbergement WEBMise en ligne de 2 sites webCration d'email professionnelPHPTP Utilisation de donnes JSONSite web des clbritsApplication d'envoi de courrier lectroniquePHP/MYSQLTP Marathon sur les requtes SQL Formulaire d'inscriptionSite E-commerceGITGestion de version d'un projetNous avons aussi intgr des quiz pour tester vos connaissances dans chacune des parties.Prts devenir un bon dveloppeur Web ? Alors voil le programme de la formation:Introduction et Mise en place des logiciels et outils de travailApprendre HTML pour matriser et crer la structure des sites webApprendre CSS pour matriser et dsigner des sites web partir de maquetteApprendre JavaScript et crer des sites web interactifsApprendre le Framework Bootstrap et crer des sites web responsivesApprendre tout sur l'hbergement Web, noms de domaine et la mise en ligne d'un siteApprendre PHP et crer crer des sites web dynamiquesApprendre PHP et MySQL et crer des sites Web dynamiques et robustes (avec gestion de base de donnes)Apprendre WordPress - crer un blog et un site E-commerceApprendre GIT et grer la version de vos projetsSi vous ne savez pas de quoi je parle, nhsitez pas voir les vidos dIntro de chaque partie, elles sont gratuites.Informations importantes savoir:Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas alors nous nous engageons vous rembourser sous 30 jours.Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous y avez accs vie y compris les mises jours.Vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions d'amlioration concernant la formationVous bnficierez d'un suivi et d'une assistance durant toute la dure de votre formation A la fin de votre formation, vous pouvez obtenir une lettre de recommandation pour faciliter vos recherches d'emploi ou de stages Insertion professionnelleCette formation Dveloppeur web donne accs aux mtiers suivants :dveloppeur intgrateur web ;intgrateur web ;technicien intgrateur web ;webmaster ;dveloppeur JavaScript ;dveloppeur web.Salaire moyen d'un dveloppeur web :dbutant : 30 000 annuels bruts en moyenne ;intermdiaire : 45 000 annuels bruts en moyenne ;expriment : 65 000 et plus annuels bruts.Ces profils sont trs recherchs, majoritairement en CDI.Allez ! On passe laction !Inscrivez-vous maintenant et commencez par btir votre profil de dveloppeur web."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Viola Prtica" |
"O curso visa orientar as tcnicas e abordagens iniciais para dar os primeiros passos no aprendizado da Viola Erudita.Assuntos fundamentais como postura, manejo do arco e execuo das primeiras notas sero minuciosamente trabalhados. Tambm posio da mo esquerda e prtica das notas da primeira posio. Finalizando com algumas msicas geralmente colocadas em metodologias da Viola de Arco.Tambm ser abordado vrias dicas e conceitos gerais da teoria musical para o instrumento."
Price: 54.99

"Animate Explainer Videos From Storyboard to Animation" |
"Explainer videos are animated video contents that explain a business and also convey the value of a business. There are so many awesome explainer videos created for all kinds of businesses to drive traffic and sales as well as generating awareness for their products and services.Explainer videos are in high demand. Once you know how to animate explainer videos, it will make you a more marketable animator towards other competitors and be able to take on different kinds of fun projectsIn this course, I will take you step by step from receiving a storyboard to rendering out our final explainer video animation. Here are the topics that we will cover in this course:Complete professional explainer workflow from AI to AEHow to customize or come up with your storyboardsHow to setup your illustration for animationHow to setup After Effects project for explainer videoHow to animate each scene in After EffectsHow to easily animate transitions between scenesA variety of tools inside After EffectsTons of keyboard shortcuts and tips and tricks in After Effects that will speed up your workflowHow to work with animation principles-Overshoot and AnticipationHow to edit speed graph to bring life to your animationApply simple wiggle expression in After EffectsThe concepts and techniques covered in this course are fundamentals and essential workflows that you will be able to apply to any explainer video that you work on. Some of the basic tools, tips and tricks of After Effects can also be translated into any type of projects.This is an introductory course and its for anyone who wants to learn the professional workflow of animating an explainer video, getting into motion design, adding animation to your graphic design and illustration.Although it's an introductory course, there are a lot of things that we need to cover in this course, so a basic understanding of design tools from Adobe suites will make this course easier to follow.If you would like to learn more about motion graphics, you can also check out my other courses.Project DescriptionFor the class project, you will be animating your first explainer video.Here are the steps you can take to complete your project for reference. These are only guidelines to help you complete the project, you can also find the best process that works for you.Take my storyboard or customize it to fit your need / create your own storyboardFollow the steps in the course to think about the transition of each boardsPlan out animation before going into After EffectsPrepare your illustrator filesSetup After Effects projectWork through each storyboard following things taught in the course.Work on transition of between each storyboardFinalize your videoExport as a mp4 videoUpload to project page and share with usKeep me posted with your work in progress video even if you only have a few sec. I will be happy to provide feedback and answer any questions you may have to guide you through the process.After completing the project, you will have a 15s awesome explainer video to share with your friends on the internet. It can also be a great piece that you can put into your demo reel as a portfolio piece for potential employers or clients. Dont forget to share with me in the project page, I cant wait to see what you come up with."
Price: 104.99

"Hard Surface Vehicles - The Complete 3D Production Pipeline" |
"Hard Surface Vehicle Complete Pipeline - Maya / Substance / Unreal / Marmoset / Sketchfab Tutorial[22hr 30min] Project Files IncludedThis a step-by-step tutorial showing how to model a realistic motorcycle in Maya. This course is designed to teach you how to take your hard surface modeling skills to the next level. You will see this motorcycle created from start to finish. You will see how to Model (Maya), UV Map (Maya), create Color IDs (Maya), create Normal Maps (Substance Painter), add Materials (Substance Painter) and Render (Arnold, Unreal, Marmoset, Sketchfab). You will be provided a project files to follow along every step of the way. Recommended Software: Maya 2020 Substance Painter 2019Unreal, Marmoset, Sketchfab, Photoshop and After EffectsVideo TutorialsThere are 142 Video Tutorials averaging about 10 minutes per video. These can be viewed in order or feel free to jump into any lesson to just learn a specific technique."
Price: 124.99

"Programao em Python aplicada em Problemas Biolgicos" |
"Bilogos e profissionais de reas afins tm geralmente pouco ou nenhum contato com programao, que em geral associada com a reas de tecnologia da informao. Entretanto, a crescente quantidade de dados em bancos de dados genmicos, de protenas e de organismos; somado ao papel cada vez maior que a modelagem computacional possui na descoberta de drogas, inseticidas e outros, faz com que bilogos se beneficiem do conhecimento de programao para que possam desenvolver aplicaes que tero cada vez mais espao na biologia molecular, ecologia, pesquisas sobre doenas, entre outras.Baseado nisso, este curso foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de introduzir aos bilogos e profissionais de reas afins a programao utilizando a linguagem Python, que uma das linguagens de programao mais utilizadas no mundo atualmente. Ela possui uma sintaxe clara e considerada de fcil aprendizagem, principalmente para profissionais que no so da rea da tecnologia. Alm disso, muitas ferramentas usadas no mbito da biologia foram escritas com a linguagem Python, o que faz dela uma tima opo para estabelecer o primeiro contato com programao. Neste curso voc aprender as principais estruturas do Python, como por exemplo:Instalao do Python e principais ferramentas (IDEs) para trabalhar com a linguagemVariveis, constantes e stringsOperaes matemticasOperadores lgicos, relacionais e condicionaisEstruturas de repetio (comandos for e while)Criao de funesListas, dicionrios, tuplas, conjuntos e matrizesManipulao de arquivos de textoTratamento de erros e exceesExpresses regularesBsico sobre Orientao a ObjetosAps aprender os conceitos bsicos da linguagem, voc poder aplicar os conceitos em exerccios, desafios e projetos prticos relacionados a rea da Biologia. Veja abaixo alguns dos estudos de caso que implementaremos passo a passo:Previso de massa de uma sequncia peptdica de acordo com sua composio de aminocidosProgramar uma prova de biologia que calcula a nota e se o usurio acertou ou errou cada perguntaCriao de classes relacionadas a objetos do mundo biolgicoAnlise de sequncias gnicas .fastaAnlise de frequncias gnicas de acordo com o Teorema de Hardy-WeinbergCriao de funes para clculos de ecologia populacionalDescobrir padres em sequncias de RNAClculo de estimativa de distncias gnicasChave de identificao de espcies bsicaResoluo de problemas de frequncias gnicasCriao de scripts que analisam arquivos de sequncias de protena do tipo .pdbTranscrio de sequncias de DNA em RNASo mais de 90 aulas, dentre conceitos, demonstrao de cdigos para entender os conceitos e resoluo de exerccios. Mais de 30 desafios propostos aplicando os conceitos aprendidos em cada seo em um contexto biolgico, com vdeos de resoluo passo-a-passo de cada desafio. Tambm desenvolveremos 4 pequenos projetos nos quais sero propostos alguns desafios mais complexos e que exigem a utilizao da maioria dos conceitos visto at o momento da proposio desses desafios"
Price: 39.99

"Adobe Experience Manager DevOps Engineer" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Adobe Experience Manager DevOps Engineer?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass AD0-E106 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowInstall and Configure AEMTroubleshoot AEM Environments Install and configure Dispatcher Build and Deployments Maintenance and Operations Wish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Experience Manager Assets Developer" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Adobe Experience Manager Assets Developer?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass AD0-E100 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowWorkflowsMetadataoSGI BundlesWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99

"Nokia IP Networks and Services Fundamentals" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Nokia IP Networks and Service Fundamentals?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 4A0-100 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam.Exam Topics are mentioned belowIntroduction to Networking & ServicesIntroduction to the 7750 Service RouterEthernetThe Internet LayerIP Routing Protocols BasicsServices OverviewWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99

"Nokia Interior Routing Protocols & High Availability" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Nokia Interior Gateway Routing Protocols & High Availability?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 4A0-101 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowIP Routing Review and IPv6 FundamentalsStatic and Default RoutesDynamic Routing ProtocolsOpen Shortest Path First (OSPF)OSPFv3Intermediate System-to-Intermediate SystemRoute Redistribution, ECMP, and BDFWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99

"Nokia Border Gateway Protocol BGP Practice Test" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Nokia Border Gateway Protocol?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass 4A0-102 Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowInter-Domain Routing and BGP OverviewImplementing BGP in an Nokia EnvironmentImplementing Policy in an Nokia EnvironmentScaling iBGPAdvanced BGP FeaturesSummaryWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99

"Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing" |
"Europa Media has 20 years of experience in writing proposals and implementing projects under the EUs Research and Innovation Framework Programmes. Under Horizon 2020, we have been involved both as partners and coordinators in dozens of proposals and have gathered a critical mass of best practices building on successful as well as unsuccessful proposals. During this course we will share with you real examples to help you improve your proposal and avoid mistakes.Understand the common features of successful Horizon 2020 proposalsLearn about the typical shortcomings leading to lower scores in evaluationDesign your proposal to be easily comprehendible and digestible by the evaluatorsLearn how to compose text when you run out of ideasGet an insight to the evaluation process: how the evaluators think and how to satisfy the expectations of different types of evaluatorsJelena is a Project Manager at Europa Media with experience in call analysis and proposal writing with a focus on developing Dissemination and Communication plans and activities for Horizon 2020 projects. She is responsible for proposal development, project management, dissemination and IT task supervision under Horizon 2020 programmes. Currently, Jelena is leading dissemination activities for the SPEAR project, which aims to support the implementation of gender equality plans in academia. She is passionate about EU affairs and active advocate of EU enlargement, with a strong belief that the soundest way to foster EU integration, strengthen existing contacts, and stimulate a smart growth is through collaborative projects tackling societal challenges such as Horizon 2020. Learn from her and Gabriella in this course."
Price: 49.99

mddnhaur |
Price: 2400.00

"DP-900: Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals" |
"Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of core data concepts and how they are implemented using Microsoft Azure data services.This exam is intended for candidates beginning to work with data in the cloud.Candidates should be familiar with the concepts of relational and non-relational data, and different types of data workloads such as transactional or analytical.Azure Data Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate, but its not a prerequisite for any of them."
Price: 19.99

"Exercices avec corrections de rsistance des matriaux" |
"Rappel :Rpe : rsistance pratique lextension (Mpa) ou N/mm2Re : rsistance lastique (Mpa) ou N/mm2s : coefficient de scurit.Le coefficient de scurit s permet de prendre en compte les dfauts des matriaux utiliss qui ont tendance affaiblir les pices. Ils sont donns par le cahier des charges et sont souvent spcifiques aux mtiers(aronautique, ponts, btiments, mcaniques)E = Sigma= et upsilon=delt l/lSigma = contrainte normale (Mpa ou N/mm)N = Effort Normal (N)S = aire de la section droite soumise la traction (mm)"
Price: 19.99

"Hack the attention: Basic motion tracking in after effects" |
"Attention is king. Attention is new asset. Grab people's attention at your content with Motion tracking because it create attractive and magical looks in simple visuals. Learn motion tracking and transform your visuals for next level with simple & techniques. In this class, you will get Mastery over Point tracking Stabilization of shaky video 3D camera tracking Screen replacementGreen screen replacement Creativity comes by adding or removing things (Austin.K) So, you will also learn removal techniquesGrab this course to create magics in your simple visuals!"
Price: 29.99
