"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test (CIS-ITSM)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 2 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist IT Service Management Exam (CIS-ITSM) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-ITSM TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist IT Service Management Exam (CIS-ITSM) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00

"""Principios bsicos de diseo de piezas de Calidad""" |
"Proporcionar conocimiento, transmitir experiencias y desarrollar las competencias necesarias para conocer los fundamentos sobre las propiedades, caractersticas de los materiales, sus principales procesos de transformacin, los principios bsicos en el diseo de piezas de alta calidad y su control.Conocimientos sobre procesos de transformacin de materiales.Aplicacin en el diseo bsico de piezas.Aplicar los conocimientos bsicos de calidad.Conocer la normatividad en gestin de calidad, con el fin de implementar un sistema de calidad con reconocimiento internacional.Estudiar las diferentes herramientas que se utilizan para el logro de la calidad deseada as como la mejora continua"
Price: 19.99

"Como superar tus miedos al momento de vender y emprender" |
"Como superar tus miedos al momento de vender?. Tienes un excelente producto/servicio profesional, te sientes capaz de emprender pero al momento de enfrentarte a vender te quedas paralizado de miedo y no sabes como salir de ese circulo que no te deja avanzar....Quiz tengas pena vergenza de vender, sentir temor al rechazo. Este curso cambiar completamente tu vida con respecto a las VENTAS DE SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES.Te ensear superar tus miedos desde un enfoque de ayuda utilizando las mejores tcnicas con las que te sentirs ms seguro de ti mismo.Es momento de convertirte en un emprendedor de resultados, y para obtener resultados debers aprender a vender ayudando a las dems personas. ""Comienza a transformarte AHORA MISMO""Te espero en la primera leccin!."
Price: 24.99

"Vender Ms: Mtodo para diferenciarte de la competencia" |
"FACTOR DIFERENCIAL 10X Es el mtodo que te llevar paso a paso para diferenciarte de la competencia y vender ms conquistando la mente de tus clientes.La venta se vuelve un infierno cuando eres igual que la competencia, en ese momento en el que no encuentras forma de ser diferente y solo te queda bajar el precio.Solo siendo diferente a tu competencia podrs posicionarte en el mente de tus clientes y venderles al precio que tu quieras.En este curso te voy a ensear paso a paso distintas estrategias de diferenciacin que podrs implementar inmediatamente en tu emprendimiento.Todas estas estrategias para vender ms han sido utilizadas por empresas de todo tipo de tamao y no requieren inversin alguna, simplemente necesitas de creatividad y ejecucin para que comiences a ver resultados inmediatos.Estas listo para tener un producto/servicio diferente al resto?Te espero en la primera leccin!"
Price: 29.99

"PMP Class - Exam Preparation Course" |
"(PMBOK 6th ) : Introduction to Project ManagementProject Management Processes Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Schedule Management Project Cost ManagementProject Quality Management Project Resource Management Project Stakeholder Management Project Communication Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Code of ethics"
Price: 199.99

"Solve 2X2 Rubiks Cube Easily" |
"Do you find solving Rubik's Cube difficult. You want to solve it but don't know how do it. In this made easy course you can solve 2X2 Rubik's very easily.You will get the basic understanding of the cube and it's notations. Then you will be guided with step by step process on solving the cube.Solving the Rubik's cube will help your brain become sharper.It has been found that engaging your brain in mental activities like solving puzzles, cognitive games can help keep the mind sharp.It has both physical & mental benefits.Physical Benefits: Improves your reflexes as you keep solving it. It gives finger dexterity & agility. It improves your hand-eye coordination.Mental Benefits:Increase ConcentrationIncreases PatienceProblem-solving skillsRe-framing problems (from an outsiders view)Breaking multiple tasks into easy stepsImproves MemoryAdditional Benefits:Fun To LearnMakes You SmartBoost Your ConfidenceTrainer: Deep GadhiaOne of The Youngest Memory TrainerStood 1st in Speed Cards @ Indian Kids Memory Championship (2014)"
Price: 1280.00

"SAP Analytics Cloud C_SAC_2008 Certification Questions" |
"Topic Areas:Data Preparation: Data Model > 12%SAP Analytics Cloud Administration, Connections and Integration > 12%Business Intelligence > 12%SAP Analytics Cloud Architecture 8% - 12%Content presentation, Sharing, Collaboration 8% - 12%Overview and Core Functionality 8% - 12%Augmented Analytics < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Analytics CloudExam Code : C_SAC_2008Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 67%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/False"
Price: 1280.00

"IELTS Graph Descriptions Band 9" |
"This course will teach you how to describe the following graphs in detail:Bar graphsLine graphsPie chartsTablesDiagramsMixed graphsWould you like to learn how to:Compare and contrast trends?Highlight high and low peaks?Group data?Provide an overview of data?You will learn how the examiner will evaluate your script in detail.Task achievement (how accurately you answer each part of the essay prompt)Coherence and cohesion (connecting ideas, referencing, and linking devices)Lexical resource (a wide range of complex vocabulary and collocations)Grammatical range and accuracy (a wide range of grammar, complex and compound sentences)Pay close attention to the model answers and the techniques shown in order to maximise your writing score.Yours respectfully,Neil."
Price: 24.99

"Kalt Klter Kaltakquise - Verkaufspsychologie B2B" |
"WARUM VERKAUF LERNEN?Egal, ob Du ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung verkaufst, eine Idee aufstellen oder dich selbst vermarktest - wir sind jetzt alle im Verkauf.Verkaufen ist eine Leidenschaft und der Mehrwert ist gigantisch. Jedoch es gibt viele Herausforderungen, die wir beim Verkauf haben:Wie bringst Du die Leute dazu, Dich zu mgen?Was sagst du am besten in der Akquise? Wie stellst du dein Produkt, dein Dienstleistung oder deine Idee auf?Wie schliet Du den Deal ab?Was konterst du, wenn deine Kunden ""Einwnde haben? Wie stellst du fest, ob dein Angebot berhaupt interessant fr den Kunden ist? Dein MehrwertDu als Teilnehmer lernst, bewhrte Verkaufsmethoden um deine Geschftsbeziehung optimal aufzubauenDu lernst, wie du schneller zum Abschluss kommst, ohne viel Marketing BLABLAIn Zukunft verkaufst du authentischer und baust sofort vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zum Kunden aufDeine Tonalitt und Worte wendest du selbstsicher und selbstbewusst an und erzielst eine positive Wirkung20/80 - du lernst laserfokussierte Fragen zu stellen und richtig zu zuhren, der Kunde spricht deutlich mehr als duDen Schmerz des Kunden entdeckst du sehr schnell und lsst ihn die Lsung dafr in deinem Produkt bzw. Dienstleistung erkennenAb sofort gehst du mit Einwnden professionell und sicher umDu bekommst sinnvolle und psychologisch effektive Skripte und TextbausteineWir steigern deine Resilienz gegen ABLEHNUNG! Ich freue mich auf Deine Teilnahme und massig neue Kunden fr Dich! EINFHRUNG IN DIE VERKAUFSPSYCHOLOGIE IM B2B VERTRIEBGlcklicherweise gibt es ein zielorientiertes System mit Umsetzungsgarantie, mit dem Top-Vertriebsprofis, Unternehmer und alltgliche Menschen seit Jahren ihre Geschftsbeziehungen aufbauen.Aktuell konzentrieren sich die meisten Verkufer auf kurzfristige Taktiken, die die Leute dazu verleiten, etwas zu kaufen, das sie eigentlich nicht brauchen. Dies fhrt in der Regel dazu, dass Kufer ihre Entscheidung bereuen und die Geschftsbeziehungen unterbrochen werden.Und das ist die erste gute Nachricht fr dich: aus diesen Fehler lernen und die Gelegenheit nutzen: In diesem Schritt fr Schritt Training werde ich dir die Kniffe zeigen, wie du langfristig Geschftsbeziehungen aufbaust und kontinuierlich Geschfte mit deinen Business-Partner machst. Hier sind einige der wertvollsten Praxiserfahrungen, die ich in diesem Kurs fr dich behandeln werde. Mit diesen Tools lernst du, die wahre Kunst des Verkaufs zu beherrschen: Ich zeige dir, wie du sofort eine vertrauensvolle Beziehung zu JEDEM aufbaustWie Du die richtige Einstellung entwickelst und mehr Vertrauen in dich selbst und das, was Du verkaufstWie du ein besserer Zuhrer wirst und die Schmerzpunkte der Kunden identifiziertDer beste Weg, um herauszufinden, wie viel eine Person bereit ist auszugeben (Budget)Der beste Weg, um deine Idee aufzustellen und die Leute davon zu berzeugen, an dich zu glaubenSo bringst du deine Kunden dazu, emotional einzukaufenSo schliet du Geschfte ohne Hochdrucktechniken abIn diesem Kurs lernst Du alles, was du wissen musst, um erfolgreich Geschftsbeziehungen aufzubauen und Dein Produkt oder deine Dienstleistung erfolgreich zu verkaufen. Wer ist dein Online Dozent?Hi, ich bin Andreas. Seit Jahren trainiere ich Menschen in verschiedenen Bereichen der Kommunikation und in Verkaufspsychologie. Meine erste Vertriebserfahrung machte ich in der Unternehmensfinanzierung. Dort lernte ich sehr schnell die erfolgsringenden B2B Strategien und natrlich auch den Umgang mit Ablehnung. Jedoch baute ich ein fundiertes Wissen ber den Vertrieb und die Denkweisen von Geschftsfhrer und Entscheidern auf. Und dieses Wissen will ich jetzt an Dich weitergeben. Denn in diesem Kurs bekommst du nicht nur die richtigen Fhigkeiten, sondern auch die Blaupause fr ein besseres Leben. Mein Versprechen: Mit diesen Verkaufstechniken auf psychologischer Ebene bekommst du als Verkufer, Berater, Freiberufler oder Unternehmer umsatzsteigernde ErgebnisseDein Online-Dozent Andreas"
Price: 34.99

"1Z0-888 - MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator Practice tests" |
"This course contain 2 Practice test for Oracle Certification exam 1Z0-888 for MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator.If you pass this course you should have a very good chance to achieve the Oracle Certified Professional MySQL 5.7 Database Administrator certification.Exam TopicsInstalling MySQLInstall MySQLIdentify installed Files and DirectoriesUnderstand Initial ConfigurationStart and Stop MySQLConfiguring MySQLUnderstand Server Options, Variables, and the Command LineDefine Option FilesUse System VariablesUser ManagementIdentify MySQL Privilege SystemCreate and Modify User AccountsConfigure Passwords and Account ExpirationCreate RolesUnderstand Authentication Plug-InsGrant PermissionsReset a Forgotten Root PasswordMaintaining a Stable SystemDefine StabilityUse Capacity PlanningTroubleshootIdentify the Causes of Server SlowdownsDescribe InnoDB RecoveryBackup StrategiesUnderstand BackupsCreate a Backup StrategyUse MySQL Backup ToolsDefine Raw Backup MethodsExplain Techniques that Use the Binary LogMySQL ArchitectureUnderstand How MySQL Processes RequestsExplain How MySQL Stores DataUse TablespacesIdentify Redo and Undo LogsDefine How MySQL Uses MemoryMonitoring MySQLMonitor MySQL with Log FilesMonitor MySQL with Status VariablesMonitor MySQL with Performance SchemaMySQL SecurityIdentify Security RisksUnderstand Network securityUse Password SecurityExplain Operating System SecurityProtect Against SQL InjectionsOptimizing Query PerformanceIdentify Slow QueriesUnderstand the EXPLAIN statementWork with IndexesUse Index StatisticsConfiguring a Replication TopologyReplicate ConflictsExplain ReplicationConfigure ReplicationUse MySQL UtilitiesIdentify Replication ThreadsMonitor ReplicationTroubleshoot ReplicationExam Details:Duration: 120 MinutesNumber of Questions: 75Passing Score: 58%"
Price: 24.99

"ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - ITSM (2020)" |
"The course is based on the official exam ITSM blueprint from ServiceNow. We have multiple modules which you can work on to prepare for the exam. The exam is based on real exam questions that were taken by our ServiceNow consultants.The modules that are covered in the practice exam include:Incident ManagementProblem ManagementChange and Release ManagementKnowledge ManagementRequest FulfilmentConfiguration Management Database"
Price: 19.99

"Google Classroom for Educators 2020 Learn Everything 2 Hours" |
"This is the most updated complete google classroom training meant for teachers and educators for Online teaching or internet-based teaching.Google recently updated its google classroom (July 2020) and added some new features likeAdvanced Google Meet for standard Gmail Accounts and For G-Suite Accounts Rubric for Grading (New Features Added)Turnitin like originality checking feature (Updated features)Updated Apps for iPhone & Android for Educators & Students This course will help you to get the google classroom certificationAll the recent updates are added in this course This course will help you to use Google Classroom in your classroom and teaching efficiently and effectively.After completing this google classroom course you will Learn to sign in and make a new google classroom Create a class in Google ClassroomLearning different tabs and functionalities in Google classroomLearn to Enroll students using two different methods in the google classroom Learn to Inviting Co-teachers to the google class and Make them the Primary teacher of that classroom Learn to create different types of assignments, quizzes, and announcements in this google classroom training courseLearn google forms for creating Quizzes and automatic gradingLearn to Create and grade assignments using Rubric in the google classroom Learn Google classroom calendar and event featureLearn about taking google classroom attendanceLearn to Create appointment slots using google calendar in the google classroom Learn Parent & Student communication tools and invitations in google classroomDaily, Weekly & Monthly Emails to Parents about the student progress & Progress report Learn the new Google meet feature for G-suite and Standard Gmail ID users Learn the Administrator settings for G-suite admin for google classroom Meet for standard Gmail ID & Advanced Meet for G-suite users Google classroom video chat and google classroom liveStudent access to the google classroomiPhone and Android application for google classroom, ie google classroom appGoogle Drive access and managementLearn all the New Updates and features of Google classroom"
Price: 199.99

"Vendre des cahiers de coloriage, sudokus et jeux sur Amazon" |
"Bienvenue dans ma deuxime formation sur le low content sur Amazon! Dans cette formation beaucoup plus longue que la prcdente, je vous enseigne comment crer un cahier d'activits pour enfants de A Z avec des logiciels gratuits ou payants. Je vous enseigne aussi ma stratgie pour publier 15 carnets par jour et comment faire la promotion de vos carnets sur Amazon (Amazon Ads).Nous verrons comment crer facilement des intrieurs trs divers avec sudokus, jeux de mots et de nombres, labyrinthes et coloriage. Nous tudierons les codes couleurs qui marchent sur cette niche et comment faire une couverture avec trois mthodes, dont Indesign.Dans cette formation, je vous offre des intrieurs gratuits que vous pourrez utiliser en les mixant avec vos propres crations, de faon vous donner l'impulsion de commencer publier et gagner de l'argent de chez vous sur internet rapidement.Le low content (cration de carnets avec peu de contenu) est gnial car vous avez simplement publier vos crations sur Amazon. Il n'y a pas d'impression ou de stockage de votre ct. Amazon se charge d'imprimer et d'envoyer votre carnet au client lorsqu'il passe la commande.Ce business ncessite peu d'investissement au dpart. Il faudra cependant souscrire quelques logiciels (peu chers) si vous souhaitez toffer vos collections de carnets."
Price: 19.99

React(Hooks+ReduxToolKit) |
"2018React Testing LibraryReactEnzymeReact HooksReact Testing LibraryHooks React Testing Library1. Rendering 2. userEvent(useState)3. useEffect 4. API Mocking (Mock Server Worker Library) 5. [Redux ToolKit] reducer/ExtraReducer 6. [Redux ToolKit Integration Test] Redux / AsyncThunk 7. [Redux ToolKit Integration Test] AsyncThunk + Mock API + API Mock 8. Testing Custom Hooks"
Price: 19800.00

"Customer Success 201" |
"Successfully landed a job in Customer Success (CS)? Or maybe you feel like you've started stagnating in your new role as a Customer Success professional? This course will prepare you for a role in CS as well as elevate your current level by highlighting the key areas of focus in a framework for you and your customers: Partner, Monitor, Engage, Iterate, Sell, and Daily Operations. Starting with the basics, we will walk through the expectations of the role and provide helpful tips and tricks to put you and your organization in a position to succeed. Exercises will accompany key sections so that you can take the learnings and implement them at your own company. What makes this course different from other Customer Success courses? The course focuses on Customer Success specifically within SaaS organizations that are pioneering this new industry (a perspective missing from other courses). Gain valuable insights from two instructors who have ten years of combined first-hand Customer Success experience at various SaaS companies in North America, Australia, and Europe. During this time, they've interviewed, hired and built Customer Success teams. While other courses are taught by instructors not in or far removed from their time in the industry, your instructors from this course continue to live, learn, and teach. Using this knowledge, they provide information, best practices, and exercises that they've learned throughout their career so you're in the best position to succeed."
Price: 54.99

"LTE Air Interface" |
"In this course, focus will be on the LTE Air Interface, in which new radio technology based on OFDMA/ SCFDMA are introduced. We will see the detailed analysis of the structure and features of physical layer, layer 2 and layer 3 protocols, the radio link operation from initial attach, service request and mobility."
Price: 1920.00

"LTE Signalling" |
"In this course PAXs will understand about LTE Signalling in details from UE to Layer 2 Air interface including all channels and sub layer. Here we discuss about RRC Signalling message/NAS message and other top protocol and interface involve in LTE Signalling. We also include the most important S1AP/ X2AP signalling and User plane and Control plane traffic /Call flow /Attache procedure and CS Fall back procedure in details. This course are fully recommended to understand all concept and theory and it can sure provide excellent concept to understand 5G signalling in future aspirants. So as trainer strongly recommended to go through this course for future technology understanding prospectus."
Price: 1920.00

"Ryan's 'Repeat After Me' IELTS Speaking Course!" |
"Do you agree with this statement: IELTS Speaking is the most difficult part of the exam?You are not alone! The speaking section is often reported to be what holds candidates back from IELTS success. Many candidates do not feel confident when they are speaking, and this causes performance shortcomings to compound into larger and larger problems, such as unnatural speaking delays, fillers (such as um), stuttering, misunderstanding the examiner, a shaky voice, and general pacing problems (speaking too fast or too slow). To make matters worse, when candidates receive a disappointing score in IELTS Speaking, they often dont even know why. How can you fix a problem when you dont know what it is?These are exactly the challenges that are addressed by this course. In these videos, you will not only experience an IELTS band 9 speaking demonstration, but you will also speak every line of it yourself!First, let me introduce myself as your instructor. My name is Ryan Higgins, and I have built a proud career around coaching candidates online for IELTS success. (Ive been active in the online IELTS space for 15+ years and have over 250,000 YouTube subscribers!) This course is one of my repeat after me exercises, which have become extremely popular around the world as a natural way to improve the candidates language and confidence when engaging the IELTS Speaking exam. In the videos, you will (1) hear the candidates response (2) see the response written on the screen, and then (3) repeat the response. Its a simple but powerful approach that forces candidates to adjust their speaking to sound like that of a native English speaker.Dont take my word for it. Literally thousands of IELTS candidates have expressed praise for this new study strategy. Some comments include:""Hey Ryan! Love from Punjab, India. I adopted your speaking and writing style and got overall band 8. Nowadays I work as an IELTS instructor. Thank you so much again."" -Ammy Singh""Thank you very much for this video! As when we lift weights for the first time, our muscles get sore...after this video my face is sore as well."" -Jornada Calistenica""I wanted to thank you for your service and videos."" -Ham S. (band 8 in speaking)""Wow! I'm amazed by this series of great exercises! They're really helpful!"" -Angelina Fujioka""Thank you so much for this wonderful practice. My jaw muscles are getting used to English speaking. Excellent lesson."" -Sattawut Wongwiangjunt""It is great!!!! Thank you so much))))"" -Irina Stepanova""I have completed the IELTS test and got 8.0 for speaking! This is highest among all my classmates."" -Mr ZhuIf you are ready to take control of your IELTS Speaking performance, join this course and become an IELTS Speaking success story. I put my name and reputation behind my online IELTS products, and I guarantee you will experience IELTS Speaking improvement through this course."
Price: 19.99

"Teremtstan-1. Ismerje meg az id szletsnek vilgt" |
"Ez a tanfolyam Kisfaludy Gyrgy Atya tantsait tartalmazza videos feldolgozsban, ahol az elhangzottak az egyes leckk mellett trva is megtekinthetk, gy segtve a knnyebb megrtst. A Teremtstan tanfolyamunkban az Idszerkezettant s az ezzel szorosan sszefgg Gravitcis hullmok tantsait vesszk elsnek, mert minden tovbbi tants ezen alapul. A videok alatt elhangz szvegek Kisfaludy Atya tantsainak trt vltozatai. Mivel az egyes leckk anyaga folyamatosan bvl, a hallgatk a bvlsekrl folyamatosan rtestst kapnak s a tanfolyam fizet hallgati szmra az ingyenes letltsi lehetsg is rendelkezsre ll. The transcription of lectures can help to translate the lectures for the students."
Price: 19.99

"Identity and Access Management: Oracle's OIM Configuration" |
"Welcome to the Course where you will learnSetup ReconciliationConfiguring Node ManagerUnderstanding Use Case Generic Technology ConnectorDBAT ConnectorConfiguring IT Resource, Resource Object etc.Installing LDAP Directory ProductConfiguring Directory with OIM for ProvisioningUse CasesTroubleshooting Pre requisite: Need to Cover First Part of the SeriesSystem Requirement RAM: 8 GB +OS : 64-bitProcessor: 2 core ProcessorHard Disk : 100+ GB"
Price: 19.99

"Mapa de Historias de Usuario - Taller de User Story Mapping" |
"Te has dado cuenta qu difcil es visualizar el producto como un todo cuando trabajas con un Product Backlog plano?Una solucin es un Mapa de historias de Usuario (User Story Mapping). Un user story map es una idea simple, se trata de arreglar las historias de usuario en un formato ms til. Los mapas de historias de usuario son usados por compaas lderes de todo tipo de industrias para visualizar objetivos con actividades y llegar a acuerdos ms rpido sobre cmo alcanzarlo con versiones mnimas del producto.En la primera parte del curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para crear Historias de Usuario. En la segunda parte, el taller te guiar paso a paso con un ejemplo realista para organizar las historias en un Mapa de Historias de Usuario que puedes replicar y aplicar a tu propio proyecto ya mismo.Si eres un Product owner, Project manager, scrum master, diseador o un lder esta es una herramienta que debes conocer y entender.Requerimientos: Se recomienda tener algunos conocimientos de Scrum y conceptos bsicos de manejo de requerimientos. Puedes empezar con mi otro curso: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best Practices.Qu va a aprender?PersonaVisin del ProductElevator Pitch (Discurso de ascensor)Historias de UsuarioCriterios de aceptacinFormatos para escribir criterios de aceptacinTamaos de historias de usuarioRefinamiento de historias de usuarioMapa de historia de usuario:Product Backlog plano vs. User Story MappingUser Story Mapping, metas, actividades, tarjetasAgregar Personas al User Story MappingPriorizar historias con Story MappingDefine Producto mnimo viable (MVP) y ReleasesQu vas a crear?En este taller vas a crear un Mapa de historias de usuario completo usando un ejemplo realista, en tu propio proyecto o las dos cosas.Crears un perfile de PersonaCrears la Visin del ProductoCrears el elevator pitch (discurso de ascensor) del proyectoVas a refinar y priorizar historiasVas a crear un completo User Story Mapping con objetivos, actividades, usuarios y tarjetas.Definirs Producto mnimo viable (MVP) para tu proyecto y releasesEste curso es especficamente para:Personas con conocimientos de agilidad y scrum que quieren aprender nuevas tcnicasGente que le gusta hacer actividades y talleresGente de negocios, gerentes que quieren aprender como Agile puede ayudarlosProduct Owners, Product Managers, Leaders, Designers, UX, Scrum Masters, Agile CoachesDevelopers, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Solution Architects, Enterprise Architects, Data Base Administrators y cualquiera interesado en aprender ms sobre agilidadDevelopers, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Solution Architects, Enterprise Architects, Data Base Administrators y cualquiera interesado en aprender ms sobre agilidadProfesionales que quieran organizar mejor sus proyectos y productosQu vas a obtener de este curso?Habilidades para crear mapas de historias de usuario (User Story mapping) en proyectos reales.Ser ms efectivo al planificar spritns, roadmaps o interactuar con stakeholders.Ideas para facilitar una sesin de User Story MappingEjemplos para usar una de las mejores herramientas para User Story Mapping.Esta clase siempre puede mejorar, as que si hay algn tema que te gustara saber ms, por favor djame saberlo para lo que pueda incluir en futuras revisiones.Qu ests esperando? Empieza este curso ya mismo! :)Sobre mHola, mi nombre es Ignacio Paz.He liderado, hecho coaching y gerenciado proyectos giles y equipos scrum desde el ao 2005 para clientes en todo el mundo.Durante mi carrera de aprendizaje intensivo obtuve muchas certificaciones Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master, Certified Professional Product Owner and Certified Agile Leadership que son muy difciles de obtener.He trabajado 15 aos como Profesor principal en la universidad en Metodologas giles y Diseo de sistemas.Amo ensear sobre Scrum y agilidad con enfoque prctico y he diseado muchas horas de cursos que estoy llevando online. Prefiero ensear con juegos y actividades que simulen el mundo real.He entrenado cientos de estudiantes en Agilidad que se han convertido en profesionales destacados de la industria. Enseando lo que aprend en 20 aos de experiencia permite a los estudiantes tener una visin y aprendizaje pragmtico que pueden aplicar a sus trabajos.----Testimonios de Usuarios: ""Este curso me brindo muchos conceptos nuevos y me ayudo a afianzar los que ya posea. Los temas fueron explicados de una forma clara y didctica."" ""Contenidos bien distribudos. Lenguaje apto para newbies. Aporta algo REAL para el dia a dia en mi trabajo."" ""Muestra de una forma simple lo que a muchos nos a costado en comprender: Quin es nuestro cliente y sus necesidades, cules son nuestros productos y servicios para satisfacer dichas necesidades y cmo lo lograremos en equipo con el cliente"" ""Excelente videos explicativos, muy buenos los ejemplos y talleres"" ""Me gusto mucho la forma en que explica y muestra desde un ejemplo practico."" ""muy buen curso, muy util. muchas gracias."" ""es super genial!!!!!!!!!!!"" ""esta sumndome y reforzando visiones sobre como trabajar"""
Price: 44.99

"Projektmanagement klassisch & agil - einfach erklrt" |
"Wer sich heute mit Projektmanagement beschftigt, sollte sich in beiden Welten auskennen- der klassischen und der agilen!Denn beide Anstze sind heute allgegenwrtig und je nach Anforderungen des Projekts ist das eine oder andere Vorgehen sinnvoll. Schaue unserem ""Held"" Simon bei seinem ersten klassischen (planbaren) und seinem ersten agilen Projekt nach Scrum ber die Schulter. Die Projektberaterin Laura begleitet ihn und Euch durch die Herausforderungen des Projektalltags und zeigt Euch, welche Methoden Euch helfen und wie genau Ihr Sie mit Eurem Team anwenden knnt! Laura verkrpert unsere geballte Erfahrung aus 30 Jahren Projektberatung- Ihr lernt also nicht irgendeine Theorie, sondern in 3 Stunden genau das, worauf es wirklich ankommt!Die Videos sind in kleine Lern-Bits mit einer Dauer von ca. 8-12 Minuten aufgeteilt. Das ermglicht Euch, einen kleinen nchsten Schritt zu machen, wann immer gerade Zeit ist (z.B. auf dem Sofa oder in der Ubahn).Ihr wollt mehr ber die Macher der Videos erfahren? Besucht die Consensa Projektberatung auf unserer Homepage oder lest unsere Bewertungen auf Google."
Price: 169.99

"Speech Recognition A-Z with Hands-on" |
"The Speech Recognition course gives you a detailed look at the science of applying machine learning algorithms to process large amounts of speech data. Speech recognition is driving the growth of the AI market, and this course helps you develop the skills required to become a Speech recognition professional. This course has been aligned with industry best practices as it has been created by industry leaders."
Price: 124.99

"AWS Certified Big Data - Speciality Certification" |
"The Big Data on AWS course prepares you to perform distributed processing and covers all aspects of hosting big data on the AWS platform. You will learn about cloud based big data solutions and you will be able to use AWS Elastic MapReduce to process data and create big data environments.This course has been aligned with industry best practices as it has been created by industry leaders."
Price: 199.99

"Apache Kafka A-Z with Hands on Learning" |
"Ace design of Apache Kafka and learn how Apache Kafka is used to storing and processing multiple nonstop streams of information faster and all the more efficiently with our Apache Kafka Course. Learn how to design and introduce Kafka groups, With simple to follow and step by step guidelines. This Apache Kafka course will help students to learn the aptitudes required to undertake responsibility for their organization's Kafka group by arranging Kafka producer, consumer, streams, and connectors accurately.This course will also help students with the skills required to coordinate Kafka with existing application stages in their association. Depicting the design of Kafka & clarify use cases in business. Design and introduce the Kafka group in single-hub and/or multi-hub arrangements. Execute Consumer and Kafka Producer using ongoing gushing-information Apply their figuring out how to utilize incredible highlights like allotments and the informing framework"
Price: 199.99

"Python Programming" |
"Python is the future of AI and Machine Learning Adrian Rosebrock, Author of 'Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python'Learn the most loved programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers.Increase inside and out comprehension of Python's design, memory models, object-arranged highlights, information Be industry prepared to quickly create and send venture grade Python applications utilizing off-the-rack libraries for all universally useful use"
Price: 124.99

"Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam Prep Course" |
"The Program Management Professional (PgMP) accreditation from Project Management Institute (PMI) is the subsequent stage after Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification, and addresses the network of professionals who are answerable for the planned management of various undertakings that are in arrangement with authoritative destinations. They are required to coordinate and oversee complex exercises that may traverse capacities, associations, societies and topographies."
Price: 199.99

"Risk Management Professional ( RMP) Exam Preparation Course" |
"In this time of monetary unrest, any task is liable to dangers at each phase that can genuinely hamper its execution. Undertaking arranging should, along these lines, incorporate ID of potential dangers, measures to moderate dangers just as proper reactions that abridge the unsafe impacts of such dangers. Undertaking Risk Manager is a job that has been made to fill the genuine requirement for an expert who can survey, investigate and check dangers while as yet keeping up an essential degree of fitness in venture the board. The Project Management Institute-Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) qualification perceives a Risk Manager's skill in distinguishing venture chances and moderating dangers while making the best of accessible chances."
Price: 199.99

"COBIT 2019 Certification Exam Prep Course" |
"By choosing our COBIT 2019 course, you will learn to improve your knowledge on Enterprise Information and Technology (I&T) assets, Implement the best practices all around the acknowledged structure for enterprise governance of information and technology (EGIT). The COBIT 2019 Foundation Certificate states that you can understand the COBIT framework, its concepts, principles, and terminology. You are competent in designing a customized governance system that maximizes the value of enterprise I&T investments."
Price: 199.99

"Access Expert - VBA + BD para o Mercado Financeiro" |
"Esse curso para quem j fez o VBA Expert!No VBA Expert vimos como simples e fcil manipular as informaes no Excel utilizando o VBA.Mas o Excel tem somente um problema, ele no foi feito para ser um banco de dados.Para contornar esse problema, uma forma bem simples e prtica e usando o banco de dados Access.O Access o banco de dados mais simples de usar. Ento, um excelente primeiro passo.Vamos aprender a criar o banco de dados e a fazer consultas.Depois, vamos aprender como integrar o Excel ao Access via o VBA.E para finalizar, vamos construir passo a passo uma ferramenta de controle de portflio."
Price: 579.99

"National Council Licensure Examination-PN PENDING" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass National Council Licensure Examination-PN?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass NCLEX-PN Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowCoordinated CareSafety and Infection ControlHealth Promotion and MaintenancePsychosocial IntegrityBasic Care and Comfort Pharmacological TherapiesReduction of Risk PotentialPhysiological AdaptationWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99
