"Cyber Security for Users 101 - Security Awareness" |
"Why Security Awareness?We each receive 5 phishing emails per day on average. Ransomware infects a business every 14 seconds and costs businesses $5 million on average.And because it's getting more and more dangerous to function online...Security awareness is CRITICAL. Most importantly, we (the security experts) need YOU to help keep things secure.That's right.In 2020, security is more than an IT or Security department function.You may have heard professionals claim everyone is getting compromised over simple attacks that have been around for decades. It starts off as something that's easy to prevent then grows into a threat that can end entire businesses.""It's easy to protect yourself,"" some may claim.""All you need to do is be careful what you download, who you talk to, and what you allow to happen."" They claim that people just don't care.But if it's so easy then why do we continue to get hammered with news of more breaches?Unfortunately, even the best security awareness programs out there are missing two key parts.WHY you should care, and HOW these attacks work.Making Security Awareness BetterThis security awareness training course will not only give you the ""what"" to look out for, but also the ""why"" and ""how"".After taking this course you'll be armed with knowledge on how to better protect yourself and your organization from threats.Surprisingly, the biggest change will probably not be to start doing, but rather to stop doing. You'll be shocked at how risky some of your behavior was after you finish this course.And the best part is I sincerely want you to succeed so there's no victim-blaming here.Just you and I working together to help make everybody safer.Recent Reviews From Our Incredible Students""David did a great job explaining how I could spot phishing emails."" - Boden M.""I didn't realize how much I didn't know...""- Safiya C.""Love the course. It was easy to understand how ransomware works."" - John S.Join Me Today!Thank you for your interest in this security awareness training course. It means a lot to me and all the other security pros out here that you care about your online safety.Let me know if you have any questions. If you don't have a security awareness training program in place, this course will help get you started.To get started, please click on the Buy Now button on the right side of the page to enroll in the course. I can't wait to see you on the inside and I look forward to teaching you. Thanks!Talk soon,David"
Price: 19.99

"French 100 - language course for complete beginners" |
"This course will you to develop the skills necessary to function in simple communicative situations, to acquire knowledge of basic grammatical concepts and to foster an awareness of the various cultural aspects of the Francophonie mondiale. Specifically, at the end of the course, students should be able to use basic vocabulary in simple contexts; use basic grammatical structures; pronounce correctly a variety of basic sound patterns; and, understand brief statements and questions. This is course covers the contents usually studied in a first-year university/college course in French language."
Price: 34.99

"SQL Server Integration Services - Aplicado a casos prcticos" |
"La herramienta de SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) es parte de la Inteligencia de Negocios que permite realizar procesos de Extraccion, Transforamacin y Carga (ETL) de los datos para luego proceder a explotar la informacin empresarial para apoyar en la toma de decisiones. En este curso aprenders a desarrollar proyectos de ETL con variables y parmetros lo mas parecido posible a un ambiente real de produccin y poder desempearte como Developer BI y todo lo relacionado con el tema de automatizacin de procesos.Tambin decirte que este curso es muy divertido, y te divertirs mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de automatizacin de procesos ETL con la herramienta SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)."
Price: 19.99

"Learn about Apigee API Management Platform" |
"Welcome to this course!!In this course we are going to learn about Apigee API Management Platform. Apigee is a product from Google and has a very good market share in the API Management market. It currently being used by big companies like Adobe, Accenture, Citrix, Dell, ebay, and many more. Thats why learning about Apigee is definitely going to boost your career and job opportunities.This is a complete hands-on course also having lot of theory to make things clear.We will start with an introduction to APIs in general and REST APIs. Then we will look at why API Management is so crucial for businesses these days.After that I will discuss about the REST API which we will be using for this course.Then we start exploring about Apigee. We will start with creating an account in Apigee and then expose our API through Apigee.We will then dive into some basic concepts of Apigee like Developers, Products and Apps. We will also look at Post and Pre Flows and message processing in these flows.We will move on to API security features on Apigee like Basic Auth and OAuth 2.0 . This course also has very detailed explanation and hands on OAuth 2.0. After the lectures on OAuth 2 in this course you will not need to visit any more tutorial anywhere else.We will look at some of the debugging options available in Apigee like Tracing sessions.We will also explore different kinds of policies on Apigee and how we can use them.Then will explore some of the basic features like Key-Value maps, Shared Flows, Caching and Message Logging.We will also look at some of the API Analytics capabilities and Reports available from Apigee."
Price: 59.99

AI |
Price: 59.99

"Como usar Facebook: gua para adultos mayores" |
"Hola! en este curso te proporcionare todo lo que necesitas para aprender a usar este gran medio de comunicacin como es el Facebook, una serie de vdeos paso a paso desde entrar a Google hasta crear tu perfil y mucho mas! ademas te dejare mltiple plantillas para que las imprimas y tenga una gua a la mano!"
Price: 79.99

"Habilidades Digitais - o futuro agora" |
"Como desenvolver as habilidades digitais no momento atual e o que e como se tornar um profissional hbrido e como isso impacta sua empregabilidade. as cinco habilidades hoje so fundamentais para qualquer nvel e cargo, uma vez que todos os ramos de trabalho na economia atual so altamente mediados por tecnologias e envolvem um amplo conjunto de competncias e habilidades, especialmente aquelas requeridas pelas mediaes tecnolgicas, ou seja, informao, anlise, mdias e criao nos campos laborais."
Price: 39.99

"Electrical Circuit Design for Embedded Systems" |
"This course is designed for hobbyists. If you wish to learn about electrical circuit design for the basic embedded system applications, and finding the right place to start, this course is for you. You will gain the knowledge needed to be on your own path of self learning. We will discuss the basics of electrical circuits, and also you will be given enough knowledge to learn about more advanced topics like designing with Microcontrollers, Arduino and Raspberry Pi."
Price: 99.99

"Visualizacin Interactiva con Python" |
"Este curso est diseado para que aprendas a crear aplicaciones web enfocadas a la visualizacin de datos. y para ello lo haremos de una forma totalmente prctica e intuitiva haciendo uso de Python y de la librera Dash-Plotly.El curso est estructurado en los siguiente mdulos:Programacin en Python, veremos los fundamentos de la programacin haciendo uso de uno de los lenguajes mas populares en la actualidadPandas, una de la libreras estrella a la hora de manipulacin y tratamiento de datos Introduccin a Dash y Plotly, veremos para que se utiliza y los conceptos ms importantes que debemos conocer para utilizarlas. Layout. Estudiaremos su uso e integracin con DashCallbacks. Veremos que son, los diferentes tipos que existen y como podemos usarlas en nuestros proyectosGrficos en Plotly, Aprenderemos los distintos tipos de grficos que existen y como crearlos y customizarlos usando Plotly.Proyecto Final, crearemos un DashBoard-Aplicaccin web interactivo y lo pondremos en produccin."
Price: 99.99

"Cisco CCNA 1.0 Course" |
"What you'll learn in this courseThe Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) v1.0 course gives you a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers. Through a combination of lecture, hands-on labs, and self-study, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The course covers configuring network components such as switches, routers, and wireless LAN controllers; managing network devices; and identifying basic security threats. The course also gives you a foundation in network programmability, automation, and software-defined networking.This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam. By passing this one exam, you earn CCNA certification. The 200-301 CCNA exam goes live on February 24, 2020."
Price: 19.99

"Usui Reiki Master Certification Course (levels 1,2 & master)" |
"In level 1, you will receive 3 attunements in order to open you up to receive reiki energy. You will learn what reiki is and how to channel it for yourself. Once you learn to use reiki on yourself, a major healing and cleansing process will begin. In level 2, you will learn how to use reiki to heal others for fun or a career. You will also learn the reiki symbols, Gassho, Reiji Ho, Chiryo, past lives and distance reiki. In level 3, you will learn how to teach and attune others to reiki. You will also learn the master symbol, reiki symbology, psychic surgery, and distance attunements. At the end of the course, you will receive an Usui reiki master certification for levels 1, 2, and master. This is a truly life changing course on all levels."
Price: 99.99

"Citrix 1Y0-327 Password Manager 4.5 Administration Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The administrator simply creates a certain web applications using Password Manager Console and extended it to the computer that is running the agent software. If the two are the INI file configuration stored?a) AELISTb) APPLISTc) ENTISTd) MFRMLISTQ) The administrator configures the application definition for a Windows application that does not have Windows name. The administrator must set the window title?a) ZEROb) EMPTYc) NO Tittled) app namee) NoneQ) What type of application is used to configure Java programs in the Password Manager Console?a) masterb) Webc) Windowsd) Web redirected to Windows,e) NoneQ) The scenario: an administrator creates a password policy for billing and collection group. This policy restricts the user from the use of the windows, or the names of individual users of the application in their passwords. The manager sets ""The number of characters in the"" up to 4. On the basis of the generated password password policy for the user ID Sign fargo21?a) rgo289b) arg256c) farg255d) go2199e) None"
Price: 164.99

"Oracle API PCS Platform end to end" |
"This course will help you to learn the API Platform Cloud Service (API PCS) Service with real-time examples. The course starts with the basic building blocks of the platform and goes with different complex concepts. All the concepts are covered very deeply with end to end examples. This course will help you to crack the certification ""1Z0-1042-20 Oracle Cloud Platform Application Integration 2020 Specialist."""
Price: 1600.00

"1Z0-1042-20: Oracle Cloud Platform Application Dumps" |
"The practice tests include all the topics covered under the ""Oracle Cloud Platform Application Integration 2020 Specialist 1Z0-1042-20"" certification:Getting Started with Oracle Cloud Application IntegrationWorking with application integration (Oracle Integration Cloud - OIC)Working with Service-Oriented Architecture Cloud Service (SOACS)Working with Processes in Oracle Integration CloudWorking with API Platform Cloud ServiceThe answer to questions has been verified and the documentation links have given to verify the answers yourself."
Price: 1280.00

"2020 Scrum Master Certification Practice Tests" |
"These 2 Simulators consist each of 80 questions and present a degree of difficulty similar to that of the real PSM 1 exam, therefore of medium-high complexity. All questions are High Quality ones and are aligned 100% with the Scrum Guide book. Each answer is provided with a comprehensive explanation to let you fully understand why the answers for that question are correct/incorrect. Remember that the real exam is passed with at least 85% of correct answers, equal to at least 68 out of 80, and must be completed within 60 minutes. You have so an average of 45 seconds per each question. So time is the essence and devil is in the details.The Simulations must be repeated several times until they are passed with 100% correct answers.Note: there is no need to buy additional courses with additional practice tests since these 2 Simulators are prepared in such a way to cover all the topics of the exam. Additional practice tests will result in waste of time (replication of similar questions) and money.The pre-requisite for these Practice Tests is to have learnt and understood WELL the Scrum Guide + Suggested Reading + Scrum Master Learning Path + Professional Scrum Competencies + Scrum Glossary present at scrum . org website.If you like, a VERY GOOD alternative is to prepare with my dedicated Course i have published on Udemy, which covers ALL you need to know on the Scrum Framework and all the tips and tricks related to the preparation to the Scrum Master Certification. Find it under my published courses !Note: Professional Scrum Master, PSM , PSM I , PSM 1 , etc. are protected brand of Scrum . org. Current practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org"
Price: 19.99

"MQL5 : Crez vos propres robots & indicateurs (Metatrader 5)" |
"10 PROJETS : 6 Robots et 4 IndicateursApprenez le MQL5 naturellement et dcouvrez le trading algorithmique avec Metatrader 5 en suivant la conception de 10 projets sur 5 heures de formation !Concrtisez toutes vos ides de robotsGrce aux 6 robots, vous verrez tous les exemples dont vous aurez besoin pour crer n'importe quel robot de trading auquel vous pourrez penser !Filtres & Signaux (Stratgie de trading)Take Profit & Stop Loss (Fixes)Take Profit DynamiqueTake Profit PartielTrailing Stop lossSortie aprs x bougiesNous verrons comment se servir de n'importe quel indicateur et des bougies pour la cration de filtres et signaux.Testez & Optimisez correctement vos robotsIl est tellement facile, en trading algorithmique, de tomber dans la sur-optimisation, et d'obtenir des rsultats trop optimistes. Dans cette formation, vous dcouvrirez la procdure complte pour optimiser un robot de trading, en obtenant des rsultats ralistes et reproductibles lorsque vous l'utiliserez avec un compte rel.Crez vos propres indicateurs pour vos stratgies de tradingAprs avoir suivi la cration de 4 indicateurs complets, vous serez capable de concevoir vos propres indicateurs adapts votre style de trading. Vous serez mme capables d'utiliser vos propres indicateurs l'intrieur de vos robots !Montisez vos nouvelles comptencesLa matrise du langage MQL5 est une comptence trs demande. Elle vous permet notamment de :Travailler sur des devis comme freelanceVendre des robots / indicateurs de trading sur la marketplace de Metatrader 5Diversifier votre capital en gnrant des revenus passifs avec des robots de tradingCommencez votre apprentissage ds maintenant avec la formation de rfrence sur le MQL5 en francophonie"
Price: 199.99

"Meditao Para Iniciantes" |
"Chegou a hora de voc aprender a tcnica que ir revolucionar sua vida!A Meditao uma ferramenta que pode ser aprendida e includa nas atividades do dia a dia.Ao meditar, voc acalma sua mente. E e no intervalo dos seus pensamentos que voc transforma sua vida. Como? Venha descobrir neste curso!Talvez voc queira comear a meditar para ser menos reativo, se sentir menos estressado ou mais focado. Talvez meditar faa parte de um plano de desenvolvimento pessoal. Ou talvez voc esteja procurando melhorar seus relacionamentos com as pessoas ao seu redor. Seja qual for o motivo, treinar a mente atravs da meditao treinar a conscincia, e treinar a conscincia oferece o potencial de transformar fundamentalmente sua perspectiva de vida.Toda a nossa existncia vivida atravs de nossas mentes, e nossa perspectiva sobre a vida pode mudar drasticamente quando comeamos a meditar. No entanto, ser inspirado a comear a meditar muito diferente de faz-lo, e voc s sentir os benefcios da meditao iniciando e mantendo uma prtica regular. Para obter os benefcios da meditao, voc precisa meditar e fazer disso uma rotina.A meditao, entretanto, simples de aprender. Envolve algumas tcnicas diretas que voc ver neste curso. Se voc que aprender a meditar, vem comigo!Ensinarei voc a meditar, atingir estados alterados de conscincia, te guardei em tcnicas meditativas. Voc vai aprender a controlar o corpo, a alma e a mente. Voc ter tambm acesso nesse curso a livros best-seller internacionais lidos e resumidos, explicando os benefcios da meditao comprovados cientificamente e lies que iro transformar a sua vida para sempre!"
Price: 144.99

"UMTS Fundamentals" |
"This course covers the basics of UMTS radio communication. The student will get in depth understanding of UMTS Network Architecture, interfaces, Protocols. we will also discuss air Interface and UMTS Core Network. This course is designed for both students as well as working professionals who want to learn UMTS (3G) Technology."
Price: 1920.00

"Improve Sound Design and Audio Quality for Your Animations" |
"This course will help you create much better audio quality for your animations. Lets face it, animators aren't audio engineers and don't have audio mixing skills to enhance the audio in their animations. And to hire a sound engineer can become extremely expensive.As a sound engineer and animator myself, I want to teach you the basics so you can improve the over-all quality of your animation productions.I will show you what affordable gear you can get. How to get great sounding recordings, even in a small room at your house. And will cover sound designing and audio mixing.Take your animations to the next level by creating good quality audio for your productions."
Price: 64.99

"Pastelera saludable con harinas integrales sin gluten." |
"En este curso vas a descubrir la gran variedad de preparaciones de pastelera deliciosa y saludable con harinas integrales sin gluten que existen. Nos enfocamos en una pastelera inclusiva que podamos disfrutar todos juntos, nutriendo y cuidando nuestro cuerpo. Realizamos preparaciones y tcnicas de pastelera sana, sabrosa y aptas para celacos, diabticos y veganos.Me interesa tanto como a vos que logres resultados ptimos, por lo cual podrs consultarme cuantas veces necesites si te surge alguna duda. Estoy para guiarte y ayudarte!Las preparaciones saludables y sin gluten que vers en este curso son: Alfajorcitos de zanahoria.Barritas de cereales.Brownie de quinoa.Budn integral con lino.Cookies con semillas.Crumble de manzana.Cupcakes con garbanzos y man.Pepas de sarraceno.Vainillas, postre en vasitos.Torta hmeda de calabaza.Trataremos temas importantes como:El reemplazo de azcares refinadas y grasas no saludables.Cmo lograr una pastelera saludable, deliciosa, atractiva e inclusiva, apta para celacos, diabticos, veganos y rica para todos. Los cuidados para lograr preparaciones aptas para celacos.Sin mix comerciales! Hacemos nuestras propias premezclas y combinaciones de harinas. Los principales ingredientes que usamos para esto son:Harina de sarraceno.Harina de sorgo.Harina de arroz integral.Harina de lino.Harina de garbanzos.Harina de cha.Harina de amaranto.Harina de quinoa.Copos de quinoa.Semillas de quinoa.Harina de maz.Fcula de mandioca.SmolaHarina de almendras.Goma xntica o guar.Pods aprender a tu propio ritmo y en tus horarios disponibles! Tenes acceso de por vida a los videos, podrs verlos cuantas veces necesites, pausarlos, y volver a retomar desde los puntos que necesites, en los momentos que vos elijas.No es necesario que tengas ninguna experiencia previa, con muchas ganas de aprender es suficiente!"
Price: 79.99

"Professional Scrum Master certification Practice Tests PSM1" |
"Acknowledgment: Scrum (.) org is a protected Brand. These practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum (.) org. Although all practice tests mock real tests, they are unofficial.Are you looking to take a Scrum Certification Exam like PSM1 but you still feel a bit insecure or you are curious about how the questions look like? Do you want to pass the exam with a high score?In this course, you will have access to realistic Professional Scrum Master practice tests so you can get familiar with the questions and receive an explanation of the answers and you can become sharp, fast, and accurate in answering scrum questions correctly.Note: Be aware that this course does not include any videos. Only practice tests. The certification exam is not included either and must be purchased separately to correspondent institutions like scum (.) org.*Requirements*: You need a good knowledge of the Scrum Framework to take these practice exams. You can take this course first: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best Practices.Includes:Exam Preparation GuideScrum cheat sheet6 Practice Tests:1 Quick Assessment test of 30 minutes3 full and realistic PSM1 simulation tests of 60 minutes each2 additional tests of 30 minutes to practice hard questions to become sharp with your knowledge of ScrumAnswers explained: All questions contain an explanation of the answers.True Scrum: This course is totally aligned with the latest version of the scrum guide. The explanations of the questions contain quotes from the Scrum Guide to prove that all answers must be within the rules of the Scrum Framework.--What you will learn? Answer questions for Scrum Certification exams Understand why an answer is correct or incorrect Prepare for PSM1 certification Difficult certification questionsThis course is specifically for: People that want to take a scrum certification exam like PSM1 or CSM. People that know the Scrum framework and theory. To learn about scrum you can take the course: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best PracticesWhy taking the class? What you will gain? Understand how the exam is. Become ready to take the real exam. Become fast and accurate to answer scrum questions with confidence.About meHi, my name is Ignacio.My main goal is to help you with new knowledge that you can apply at work and be a successful and professional leader.I led, coached, led, and managed Agile projects and scrum teams since 2005 for customers from all over the world.During my career with intensive learning, I got many advanced scrum certifications including Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master, Certified Professional Scrum Product Owner, and Certified Agile Leadership.I worked 15 years as a Professor for Agile Methodologies and Systems design.I love to teach Agile and Scrum and I designed a lot of hours of training that I am bringing online. I prefer to teach with games and activities that can simulate the real world.I trained hundreds of students in Agile that became top professionals in the industry. Teaching what I learned in my 20 years of experience allows the students to gain realistic learning that they can apply at work."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo programao para bilogos/biolgicas com R" |
"Bilogos e profissionais de reas relacionadas tradicionalmente no tem muito contato com a programao, ao contrrio de reas como a matemtica e a engenharia, onde os alunos costumam ter pelo menos uma noo bsica na graduao. Entretanto, com a crescente quantidade de dados biolgicos sendo gerados em bancos de dados de sequncias gnicas, protenas, compostos qumicos, espcies, e outros, h uma motivao de aliar conhecimentos da biologia com a rea da computao. Dentre as tecnologias da computao, a linguagem R tem sido muito usada na rea da sade, ecologia e biologia para processar e realizar anlises em grandes conjuntos de dados, possuindo bibliotecas especficas para diversas reas. Neste curso introdutrio, apresentando os principais conceitos da linguagem R, que uma das linguagens mais voltadas rea de cincia de dados, como variveis, inputs do usurio, loops de repeties, estruturas de dados, funes, gerao de grficos e muitos outros!!! Cada captulo possui, na maioria das vezes, aulas toricas sobre o assunto a ser trabalhado, seguido do conceito a ser trabalhado no R, seguido por pequenos quizzes para fixar os conhecimentos e exerccios aplicados em um contexto biolgico com a finalidade de estimular o aluno a aplicar os conceitos aprendidos em algum problema biolgico.Desta forma, este curso possui:Mais de 70 vdeo-aulas dentre explicaes conceituais, code-along (entendendo os conceitos no cdigo) e resolues de exerccios10 quizzes e um simulado para fixar os contedos aprendidos em cada aula,Mais de 30 exerccios para que voc resolva pequenos problemas biolgicos com programao, com vdeos de resoluo logo em seguida mostrando a soluo passo-a-passo2 pequenos projetos onde voc aplicar a maior parte dos conceitos aprendidos at o momento para fixar ainda mais os contedos e vislumbrar possveis projetos do R nas reas biolgicas"
Price: 39.99

"Winforms C# Development by Projects" |
"This course concentrates on using Windows Forms and C#This course for those who are interested to develop their skills in C#, Windows Forms by building projects.This course is all about practice. In this course, everything will be discussed with sample project. We will use Windows Forms as the user interface.In this course I will walk you through how to create 2 simple Windows Forms desktop applications C# projects:Screenshoot Grabbing ToolGmail Email Check & Notification ApplicationAnd some of the concepts you'll see;Create global Hotkeys(Shortcut keys) for your WinForms application in WindowsSave and retrieve your Windows desktop application settings how to open a link with default application through your Winforms applicationRead & parse an Atom Feed/XML document (Gmail)How to simulate button click with keypressWindows Forms Timer, Notification icon of your software in taskbarC# .NET is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over.I think building applications in C# .NET is the best way to understand how things fit together, and you will understand concepts in a way that you can use them freely in your own projects or products, instead of simply copying and pasting without proper understanding. If you are a C# .Net programmers seeking to improve your knowledge by doing short programming projects, this course is for you. I made the videos short and to the point. Projects are simple, lightweight and there is a lot of room for improving the codes. If that's you, then let's start coding!"
Price: 24.99

"Expert in Microsoft Word 2019 Beginner to Advanced" |
"At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular and sought after Microsoft Word tools and come away with confidence to complete many Word tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics you will master:Creating Dynamic Microsoft Word DocumentsEffectively Formatting a Document with StylesPrepare Documents for Printing and ExportingManage Large DocumentsWorking with Page and Section BreaksControl Page OrientationCreate and Manage Table LayoutsWork with Tab Stops to Align Content ProperlyInsert Media and ImagesPerform Mail Merges to create Mailing Labels and Form LettersBuild and Deliver Word FormsManage TemplatesCreating Mail MergeProtect Documents from EditsTrack and Accept/Reject Changes to a DocumentBuild Dynamic Table of Contentsand much, much more..."
Price: 3200.00

"How to be a good teacher, the complete course (2020)" |
"In this course, you will have a complete view of what it is and what it takes to be a teacher. Being a teacher myself with an experience of nearly 30 years, I would like to share my love of this job with you exploring all its facets from the qualities and qualifications needed to the various issues at stake when you teach.It is one of the most interesting job in the world because it brings something essential to humans: education. Everybody needs education everywhere and all over the world, whatever their age, nationality, race, religion...people are eager to learn that is why teachers will always exist and will always have work.So do not hesitate to take the plunge! My goal is to give you relevant advice and useful guidance wherever you are in the world because there are universal principles about teaching and they need being explained thoroughly. That is literally what I wish to do here and I hope you will find what you expect."
Price: 59.99

"Scrum Practice Tests" |
"There are many certification bodies offering Scrum certifications. There is such a mind boggling variety of Scrum exams that it is hard for participants to prepare for the tests. In this course, I provide 3 practice tests of 40 questions each that help participants to prepare for the certification exams. Each question is unique and is drawn from well respected texts in Scrum which are applicable for multiple certifications."
Price: 19.99

"Hayatnza hayalleriniz yn versin !" |
"Hayatnza hayalleriniz yn versin !Herkes mutlu olmak ister.Mutlu olmak aslnda ok basittir.Mutluluu zor klan ise yarattmz endielerdir.Hayallerine ulamann ve baarl olmann altn kurallar1) Hayal Kurmaktan korkma2) letiim nedir? En etkili iletiim ynetimi hangisidir?3) nce kendini sonra etrafn ikna et4) enme, erteleme, vazgeme5) lk adm at ve olacaklar gr6) Zamann ruhunu yakala7) Hata yap8) renmekten kama9) Yeni bir gne uyan felsefesi10) Baar uzak deilBalklar ile sizi samimi bir yolculua davet ediyorum"
Price: 19.99

"A escola comum inclusiva" |
"Este curso baseado no documento do MEC ""A Educao especial na perspectiva da incluso escolar: a escola comum inclusiva"". Sabendo de antemo, que as demandas da Educao Inclusiva, exigem do professor o conhecimento de suas diretrizes e necessidades, este curso vem proporcionar um embasamento terico em duas dimenses: da sala de aula comum inclusiva e da sala de recursos multifuncionais. Nele voc ir aprender:*Identidade e diferena.*A escola das diferenas ou escola dos diferentes?*A escola comum na perspectiva inclusiva.* O atendimento educacional especializado.* As salas de recursos multifuncionais.*Como fazer um estudo de caso.*Como fazer um plano de AEE. Aps o curso o professor ser capaz de pr em prtica uma nova forma de administrar a sala de aula. Abandonando carteiras enfileiradas, sistema de notas, destaque escolar, ou quaisquer instrumentos que no condizem com uma educao que atenda a todos os estudantes da turma.Ser um professor, reflexivo, conhecedor do seu contedo, capaz de lidar com as diferenas e as igualdades em sala de aula."
Price: 129.99

"Recon for Ethical Hacking / Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty" |
"Welcome to Recon for Bug Bounty, Pentesting & Ethical Hacking.This course starts with the Basics of Recon & Bug Bounty Hunting Fundamentals to Advance Exploitation.This course starts with basics with Web and Web Server Works and how it can be used in our day to day life. We will also learn about DNS, URL vs URN vs URI and Recon for Bug Bounties to make our base stronger and then further move on to Target Expansion, Content Discovery, Fuzzing CMS Identification, Certificate Transparency, Visual Recon , Github Recon , Custom Wordlists , Mind maps, Bug Bounty Automation, Bug Bounty Platforms with practicals.This course covers All the Tools & Techniques for Penetration Testing & Bug Bounties for a better understanding of whats happening behind the hood.The course also includes in depth approach towards any target and increases the scope for mass hunting and success.With this course, we will learn Target Selection Techniques for Host, Subnet Scans & Host Discovery, Content Discovery, Subdomain Enumeration Horizontal & Vertical, CMS Identification, Fuzzing the target for finding web vulnerabilities like XSS, Open Redirect, SSRF, Sql Injection etc. How to increase the scope and take screenshots for large number for hosts for better visualisation. We will also learn How to use Shodan for Bug Bounties to find critical vulnerabilities in targets. We will also see Github Recon to find sensitive information for targets like API keys from GitHub Repositories. Next we will see How to perform Automation for daily day to day tasks and easier ways to run tools, We will also see How to write Bug Bounty & pentesting Reports. We will also cover mind maps by other hackers for a better approach towards any target and also we will see mindmap created by us. We will also see Bug Bounty Platforms and how to kick start our journey on them.Here's a more detailed breakdown of the course content:In all the sections we will start the fundamental principle of How the scan works and How can we perform Exploitation.In Introduction, We will cover What is Web, What are Web Servers, DNS and We will also learn about DNS and How DNS works and also How DNS is important in our day to day life.We will also see the difference between URL, URN and URI, We will also see the complete breakdown of URL to understand better. We will also learn about Bug-Bounty Hunting and Understand the Importance of Recon in Bug-Bounty Hunting and Pentesting. Before starting the journey, We will see Top-10 rules for Bug-Bounty Hunting and we will understand the psychology of the Hackers. In Shodan for Bug-Bounties we will start with the installation of Shodan and we will learn about Shodan Queries such as Info, Count downloads and many more and will run them from our command line. We will also learn Host Enumeration, Parse dataset, Search Queries, Scan commands using Shodan. The Section cannot be completed without learning about Shodan GUI which is very simple and easily understandable. We will also see Shodan Images, Exploits , Report generation and alot more. In the end, we will see the summary and revision of the section to remember the important queries and key points.We will see live hunting with Shodan and understand about latest CVEs and perform exploits. We will see Jenkins Exploitation Logs, Jenkins Exploitation Credentials, ADB under Shodan LIVE Hunting.In Certificate Transparency for Subdomain Enumeration we will learn about crt[dot]sh, wildcards of crt[dot]sh and We will learn automation for crt[dot]shto enumerate subdomains for a target. We will also learn about Shodan, Censys for Subdomain Enumeration, We will learn about Google and Facebook Certificate Transparency. We will also learn to find out Subdomains using DNS Dumpster and enumerate all the DNS records as well as save the hosts in a xlsx format. We will also see the workflow for dnsdumpster to know about the whole target server from its DNS records like A, CNAME, MX, TXT etc.In Scope Expansion we will learn about ASN Lookup, Pentest tools, VirusTotal. We will also learn about some awesome tools like Sublister, Subfinder, knockpy, Asset Finder, Amass, Findomain, Sublert, Project Discovery Nmmapper and a lot more. We will also understand how to use them effectively for expanding the scope to walk on less travelled road and achieve success in bug bountiesIn DNS Enumeration for Bug-Bounties we will learn and understand about DNS Dumpster, DNS Goodies, Altdns, Massdns, Vertical & Horizontal Correlation (Viewdns.info) and enumerate the subdomains from the recursive DNS.We will start with Introduction to Fuzzing, Its importance and Step by Step process, We will see fuzzing practically on LAB and LIVE websites to understand better.We will Learn, Understand and Use tools like Wfuzz and FFUF and also see how we can perform recursive fuzzing on the target. We will also perform HTTP Basic Auth Fuzz to crack the login of the dashboards and also do Login Authentication Cracking with the help of useful wordlists.We will utilise some of the wordlists like Seclists, FuzzDB, Jhaddix All.txt and will also see how to make our own custom wordlists for the targets.Content Discovery covers tools like Dirsearch, Gobuster which will be helpful for finding out sensitive endpoints of the targets like db.conf or env files which may contain the DB username and passwords. Also sensitive information like periodic backups or source code and can also be identified which can lead to compromise of the whole server.In CMS Identification we will learn and understand about Wappalyzer, Builtwith, Netcraft, Whatweb, Retire.jsAs Banner Grabbing and identifying information about the target is the foremost step, we will identify the underlying technologies which will enable us to narrow down the approach which will lead to success.In WAF Identification we will see WAF Detection with Nmap, WAF Fingerprinting with Nmap, WafW00f vs Nmap.We will know, If there are any firewalls running on the target and accordingly send our payloads to the targets and throttle our requests so we can evade them successfully.The Mindmaps for Recon and Bug-Bounty section will cover the approach and methodology towards the target for pentesting and bug bounty. A strong and clear visual building block visual representation will help in performing the attack process with more clarity and will help in knowing the next steps. The Bug-Bounty Platforms section contains a Roadmap of How to start your Bug-Bounty Journey on different Platforms like Hackerone, Bugcrowd, Integrity, Synack, It also covers how to Report Private RVDP Programs.With this course, you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you as soon as possible.Notes:This course is created for educational purposes only and all the websites I have performed attacks are ethically reported and fixed.Testing any website which doesnt have a Responsible Disclosure Policy is unethical and against the law, the author doesnt hold any responsibility."
Price: 12800.00

"Supply Chain of Perishable Products: Inventory Management" |
"In this course, we will learn how to manage a supply chain of perishable products. After completing the course, you will be able to quickly find the optimal order quantity for any perishable product with any demand pattern. We will also consider the optimal level of overbooking for service businesses.After taking this course, you will gain the following skills:Improve the expected profits of your business with no extra investmentSimulate a complex problem and find the optimal solution in MS ExcelMaster the Newsvendor ModelYou can achieve all these by spending less than 60 minutes of your time!"
Price: 19.99

"Como criar site Gratis ( Google Sites )" |
"Crie seu site facilmente e gratuito com a ferramenta do google, o google sites. No necessrio saber sobre programao pois a ferramenta do google bem simples de entender e intuitiva. Fique tranquilo. Vc a dominar facilmente. Ao longo do curso voc ver a funcionalidade de cada ferramenta e entender, na prtica, qual a finalidade de cada uma.Durante o curso voc tambm tara criando um curso na prtica, vamos criar cabealho para nosso site vamos enserir vdeos, imagens, mapas, textos, links e muinto mais.Quando voc menos esperar voc j vai ter criado seu site !"
Price: 99.99
