"Work from home opportunities" |
"The internet can help you to live your dreams and to design the perfect lifestyle that will make you genuinely happy. Whether you have a small business that you want to turn into a big business, or whether you want to make money writing a blog on a topic you love there are some work from home opportunities that you can begin right awayThis video will teach you all the skills you need to begin and effectively work from homeEnroll now, and let us get started, thank you"
Price: 19.99

"Search Engine Optimization (SEO)" |
"There is plenty of information available online to manipulate the rankings in one way or another, but one factor is constant: SEOs usage is on an ever-increasing rise.This is a complete collection of 15 High Definition videos with step by step content.You will find out about:The basics of SEO and its importance in present-day business environmentTips and Advanced Tactics for your SEO which you can start using today to drive traffic.The latest and best YouTube Channel SEO Tips for 2017Recommendations on Best SEO Tools for 2017Easy & Effective SEO Tips for small businesses"
Price: 19.99

"How to Sleep Faster with CBT and Mindfulness" |
"Sleep Coach and Hypnotherapist Steph Clarkson shares key sleep strategies that help clients get to sleep quicker and easier.In this short course Steph will explore CBT for insomnia techniques, how to stop catastrophising and get to sleep, how to distract the mind to sleep better and brain hacks for better sleep. She'll also cover the sleep science you need to know to get to sleep easier and feel more confident in your natural ability to sleep well.Following on we'll talk about what Mindfulness is and how it can help you to switch off from your worries, live in the now and take a breather from sleep stress.Follow along with your downloadable workbook and enjoy the extra Sleep Relaxation Meditation included to reinforce the learning and get to sleep quickly and easily!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Meditate: Practice and Principles with Steph Clarkson" |
"Mindfulness and meditation teacher Steph Clarkson takes you through various styles of meditation to start or improve your meditations. Each session includes a free meditation to practise right away.We cover:Breath for meditationBody for MeditationHow to calm thoughts with meditationGuided ImageryGratitude meditationJoin me in this free class and have an enjoyable start to your meditation journey!"
Price: 19.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Original Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) practice test course.Fresh out of the plastic new practice tests for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals test. Three separate coordinated trial of 50 inquiries each. 150 inquiries all out. All unique material not discovered anyplace else. In case you don't know whether you are prepared to take the AZ-900 test, these training test can test your insight. In the event that you discover something that you don't have any acquaintance with, you can concentrate more on that zone. Course dependent on the substance of my AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep In One Day video course, yet that course isn't required to get this one. On the off chance that you simply need to test your insight, attempt to breeze through these planned assessments. Microsoft Azure is as yet the quickest developing huge cloud stage. The open doors for occupations in distributed computing are still out there, and discovering great qualified individuals is the #1 issue that organizations have. In case you're hoping to change your vocation, this would be a decent passage point into distributed computing. Happy Learning"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to AWS Solutions Architect Practice Papers.This training arrangement is intended for all you lovers ready to split the Associate level confirmation tests of AWS. The test arrangement covers all the center capacities of AWS: Compute, Networking, Database, Storage, Load adjusting, Auto Scaling, Disaster Recovery and some more. This is inline with the course arrangement and I have utilized myself to clear all the three Associate level AWS accreditation. I need to help understudies getting ready for the test with my experience and figuring out how to get the additional edge and certainty before the endorsement test. It would be ideal if you don't hesitate to compose a survey with the goal that I can serve you better. This test arrangement will test your planning and assist you with filling in the holes. Are you prepared for it ? Best of luck!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner For Beginners" |
"Increase your 100% chances on passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.Feedback from studentsMorris -""Thanks to the instructor, this course was very helpful to me and it helped me to pass the AWS cloud practitioner exam on first attempt.""You can also check it Students reviews.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner course provides individuals with an overall understanding of the AWS cloud platform. It is the foundational level of AWS certification. Many individuals continue on to a specific certification after completing Cloud Practitioner. The certification offers an overview of core services offered by AWS, security, network and cloud pricing, and the available support services.This course Update every 2nd week.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick & Helpful Support in the Q&A Section Download & Print Ready Udemy Certificate of Completion 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 99.99

"Vendas no Varejo: Indicadores e Encantamento de Clientes" |
"Com contedos essencialmente prticos, voc que Franqueado, Empresrio, Empreendedor ter acesso a contedos sobre as melhores prticas de como realizar a Gesto de Vendas no Negcio. Nele, voc aprender sobre: Preparao da equipeFerramentas de Gesto VistaDimenses do gestor de vendas de sucessoGesto de Vendas X gesto operacionalConceito e Importncia dos indicadores de vendasAnlise do Indicador Taxa de Converso (TC)Anlise do Indicador Peas por Atendimento (PA)Anlise do Indicador Preo Mdio (PM)Anlise do Indicador Ticket Mdio (T.M.)Anlise do Indicador Faturamento (FAT)Acompanhamento de Indicadores do VendedorAcompanhamento de Indicadores do GestorAvaliao de DesempenhoPlano de Ao da Equipe de VendasImportncia do Mtodo de Vendase muito mais"
Price: 39.99

"Fl Studio le 1 Gn erisinde Yetenekli Bir Beat Maker Olun" |
"Bu FL Studio eitimi ile en basit ekilde A dan Z ye Rap, Trap, Hiphop altyaps/beat'i yapabileceinizi, nasl mix & mastering ve aranje yapabileceinizi 1 gn ierisinde reneceksiniz. Bu kurstan son derece memnun kalacaksnz, ve dilediiniz altyapy kolaylkla yapabileceksiniz. Bu kurs sizin anlyabilmeniz iin son derece taze ve anlalr bir dil ile hazrlanmtr."
Price: 49.99

"156-315.71 Checkpoint Security Expert R71 Practice Exam" |
"214 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-315.71 Checkpoint Security Expert R71 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-315.71 Checkpoint Security Expert R71 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 214Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (160 of 214)"
Price: 164.99

"CompTIA FC0-U41 IT Strata Basics Certified Practice Test" |
"249 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA FC0-U41 IT Strata Basics Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA FC0-U41 IT Strata Basics Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 249Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (186 of 249)"
Price: 179.99

"Learn Django Web Development With 5 Real World Projects" |
"Learn Django Web Development From Very Basics To Intermediate Level With 3 Practical Projects. This Course Is for Django Web Development Beginners As Well As Intermediate Django Developers Who Wants To Create Real-World Applications / Projects Using Django Web Development Framework.Projects:- 1. Password Generator Application Using Django Web Development Framework. 2. Weather Application Django Web Development Framework. 3. Todo list Application Django Web Development Framework."
Price: 199.99

Price: 49.99

"Navigating the Complexities of Software License Agreements" |
"As the use of information technology has played an increasingly more important role in the public and private sector, the need to draft, negotiate, and execute software license agreements has also grown significantly. Unfortunately, many business owners, lawyers, procurement professionals, and information technology experts are not always equipped with the proper means to deal with the complexities of software license agreements. To make matters more difficult, software is often proprietary to a specific company keen on using its own unilateral terms and conditions that are highly advantageous to one side and not the other. This course will explore the various components and issues related to software license agreement to ensure anyone can effectively navigate their way through the complexities of software license agreements and negotiate a good deal."
Price: 34.99

"Teoria do Tantra e da Massagem Tntrica" |
"Aqui, voc encontra:O que o Tantra, Origem do Tantra, Relao com as Terapias Holsticas, Princpios do Tantra Shiva e Shakti, Linhas de Comportamento Vias Secas e midas. A relao entre as emoes e o organismo como um todo. Maithuna e Introduo Massagem Tntrica Princpios Cientficos: como o organismo responde ao toque e qual a sua importncia para o desenvolvimento humano. Alm de vdeos demosntrativos da Massagem Tntrica, Lingam e Yoni."
Price: 69.99

"Guidance for management of pregnant women in covid-19" |
"1. Introduction - Effect of COVID-19 on pregnancy -Transmission -Effect on foetus 2. General guidelines for obstetric health care providers 3. Specific obstetric management considerations a) Medical history b) Information to be shared with pregnant women c) Dos and donts for obstetric care providers in COVID-19 pandemic 4.Tips for pregnant women to stay safe from COVID-195.What happens if you test positive for COVID-19 just before giving birth?6.Precautions for pregnant women against Coronavirus7.Management of COVID-19 in pregnancy a) Antenatal care b) Intrapartum care c )Care in labour 8. Management of patients with COVID-19 admitted to critical care a) Postnatal management b )Breastfeeding c)Hospital discharge d)General advice for obstetric/emergency gynaecology theatre e) Anaesthesia and advice regarding personal protective equipment for caesarean birth f)Hand hygiene 9.Personal Protection Equipment for Management of Suspected/Confirmed Patient of COVID-19a)Respiratory protection b)eye protection c)body protection"
Price: 19.99

"Programa de Mentoring para Liderana Empreendedora" |
"Ol,Permita me lev-lo (a) a reflexo sobre como tem priorizado seu tempo para se planejar dentro seu propsito de vida? Quanto a sua produtividade voc se depara com algumas das questes abaixo?Porque no consigo colocar em prtica meus objetivos e metas ?Sempre comeo a fazer algo e nunca termino?Muitas vezes sei o que tenho que fazer e fico procrastinando?Se ao refletir concorda com uma dessas questes, ento esse treinamento para voc! Programa de Mentoring para Liderana Empreendedora!Voc sabia que o quesito mais doloroso de empreender no Brasil o de justamente ""gesto de pessoas"" ? Talvez voc no se veja um lder ou mesmo no acredita que possa exercer essa habilidade to importante para melhorar seus resultados. No entanto posso te garantir que ao se pr dispor colocar em prtica pequenas atividades para o seu bem estar saber criar estratgias para de crescer em sua performance pessoal e profissional, tratando suas crenas em seu estado emocional, se entendendo melhor sobre quem , e desenvolver suas potenciais habilidades avanando em seus projetos.O programa 100% online, atravs de vdeos aulas, e tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento pessoal do lder que empreende com vrios temas relevantes que envolve sua jornada diria rumo ao ponto desejado. Sobre a metodologia? Abordagem temtica baseado em cincia e experincia emprica de aprendizado. A cada aula so aplicados tarefas com as mais variadas ferramentas de marketing (anlises e estratgias) e coaching (autoconhecimento) e gesto de pessoas, a fim de ajud-lo (a) a se desenvolver pessoalmente e crescer em seu segmento de negcio. Ento, bor l? Quero ser sua mentora nesse desafio, te ajudar construir sua jornada evoluo. Acesse mais informaes sobre os benefcios de crescimento que programa oferece nesta plataforma. Te encontro no mdulo introdutrio deste programa.Um abrao. :)#autodesenvolvimento #marketingestratgico #mentoring #coaching #vivaporseupropsito"
Price: 579.99

"Pack Bronce 2 x 1 - Plan de Negocio y Pginas Web con Blog" |
"-Pack 2x1 para Emprender-Emprende esa idea que tienes en mente Si otros han podido qu te impide a ti hacerlo? +Hacer tu plan de negocio, para iniciar tu proyecto +Hacer una pgina web con blog, para captar clientes. +Ahorra dinero, y compra 2 cursos por el valor de 1.#1 Mi Plan de Negocio y #2 Mi pgina Web con Blog+Garanta Plus, si no te gusta el taller o no es lo que esperabas te devuelvo el dinero sin preguntas. +Asesora Personalizada, con la compra de este pack tendrs asesora durante todo el taller. +He sido cofundador de ms de 10 PYMEs.+Este taller lo hice basado en mis 15 aos experiencia, que pongo al servicio de los emprendedores que estn comenzando o quieren potenciar su proyecto. +Tendrs acompaamiento, personalizado durante la realizacin del taller, te ayudare a resolver los principales problemas que se te presenten.+Aprenders los principios para elaborar un plan de negocio, para tus socios de emprendimiento o para buscar financiamiento. +El mundo digital hoy es la realidad, aprenders como hacer una pgina web (landing) y un blog para captar clientes."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Katalon Studio 2020 for Web + API Test Automation" |
"Learn Katalon Studio in the best way, by using it on a real live website and API. Discover how to create Test Cases and the Object Repository, then expand your knowledge by making Test Suites, injecting Excel test data, incorporating BDD and Cucumber, Git integration, learning best practice, and much more. Take your automation skills to the next level by learning how to use Katalon Studio the right way."
Price: 149.99

"impara ad attenuare le rughe ed altri inestetismi facciali" |
"Il corso ""Rigenera il viso"" presenta 36 esercizi studiati secondo il metodo ""Formula di Bellezza"" che aiutano a spianare le rughe, attenuare gonfiori, occhiaie, guance e palpebre cadenti e tanti altri inestetismi ancora.Per rafforzare il risultato degli esercizi facciali ti insegniamo ad utilizzare un kinesio TAPE sui muscoli facciali che ha leffetto lifting. Il corso prevede una sezione dedicata con le video-lezioni delle tecniche di applicazione del tape anti-rughe.Il metodo naturale di ringiovanimento facciale Formula di Bellezza prevede una beauty routine composta dal Facefitness, taping facciale e una speciale alimentazione antiage, studiata dal naturopata del nostro team per rallentare l'invecchiamento funzionale ed estetico della pelle. Nell'apposita sezione del corso trovi i suggerimenti alimentari, un esempio del menu antiage e le relative ricette per arricchire la tua dieta per contrastare l'invecchiamento cutaneo.Inoltre, potrai imparare a prenderti cura della tua pelle con le ricette dei cosmesi fatti in casa, naturali, BIO e personalizzati.Se segui i nostri suggerimenti e ti impegni a praticare tutti i giorni la nostra ginnastica facciale e il taping, otterrai una visibile attenuazione delle rughe, un maggior turgore ed elasticit della pelle. E il mal di testa dovuto a contratture dei muscoli facciali ? Anche quello sar attenuato o addirittura sparir ! Avrai un aspetto pi giovane, sexy, sereno e tutti non potranno fare a meno di notarlo !Durante il corso avrai unassistenza online per qualsiasi domanda o per la verifica della corretta esecuzione degli esercizi.Prova a seguire il Metodo Formula di Bellezza in toto e sarai stupita dei risutati che otterai ! Garantito !"
Price: 149.99

"NLP KIDS- Brilliant Brain Induction Program" |
"Master Your Brain with Brilliant Behaviour Induction Technology ..FounderWebLinked_for-Udemy-Master Your Brain with Brilliant Behaviour Induction Technology.docx[About the Facilitator]The Course is developed by MindRaddiusEdulitions, an Education based Startup, established in 2007. The Course is based on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) & other sciences.NLP combines Neuroscience with Social Psychology, Cybernetics, Emotional Intelligence, Behavioural Sciences, Cognitive Sciences, Neuroscience, Communication Science, Medicine & Clinical Psychology.As a Doctorate in NLP & trained Neuropsychologist, Hypnotherapist , Brain Yogi, Healer & Life Coach I used NLP primarily for installing New Behaviours in masses students, Teachers, Professionals & Organizations but sooner I realized the potential of the techniques drawn from Allied Sciences. I took a plunge into Critical Medical Cases, true to my inquisitive behavior. I worked on many critical mental & Medical cases & to my utmost joy & satisfaction, I could bring permanent Physical, Mental & medical changes in Patients without compromising with medical treatments they had been undertaking.It all took me 8 years of intensive Research, my firm faith in God & myself that I trained 30,280+ People, engaged 208+ Workshops, developed 28+ Offline & Online Courses so far & still counting.I converted my entire Theory into Practical pieces & researched deeply into other sciences. I compiled the most effective techniques, drawn from the Sciences other than NLP & launched them as Legacy Creators. I designed various Training Programs for Corporate, Organizations & Individuals. My Work can be divided into three main Verticals:1. [Corporate Trainings]Leadership, Neuro Brand Communication, Communication, Behavioural Transformations, NeuroMarketing, Leadership Skills, Life & Soft Skills, Personality Enhancement & Management, Conscious Kids, Conscious Parenting &Teaching Workshops, Campus Prep, English For Competitive Exams, Conversational English Programs.2. [Instructional Designing]Developing Course Material for Organizations & self on different media: Social media, Corporate Video Scripts & Content development for Websites, Books, Blogs, and Videos & Audio books.3. [Healing ]I am trained in many modalities. To name a few: Inner Child Healing, Ancestral or DNA Healing, Energy Healing, Vibration Meditational Healing, Chakra Healing, Healing through Fire Labs, Colour Therapy, Dream Therapy, Fengushui , Vastu & Palmistry remedial healings. These healings are undertaken FREE OF COST from my FB Page>GeetaSawhneyMultiPurposeAcademy[INDEX]CHAPTER -1: Understanding Childs Unique Mental Map & Rapport building Skills for an IndividualCHAPTER 2: Identifying Childs learning style to enhance Perception & ClarityCHAPTER 3: Installing Life Skills in Children -NLP Techniques for Concentration Enhancement & Anger ControlCHAPTER 4: Brain Power Maximizing, Memory & Intelligence Booster TechniquesCHAPTER 5: How NLP Works on an Individual (A Child or an Adult) + NLP SWISH Techniques for Immediate State Change[Course Description & Learning]Parents face tremendous challenge with children's behavioral patterns. What techniques Parents need know as to put their Wards on Auto mode & simultaneously equip their Children with behaviour discriminatory prowesses' as to enable them to register Right & Wrong themselves? So here we present few NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques to help Parents & Children align mental makeup with new challenges.Parents & Children have tremendous challenges in form of anxiety, phobia or negative behavior patterns stemming from individual 'MENTAL MAKEUP'. It is decoding of personal experiences registered in mind & sadly enough, everyone uses them to make sense of life. Ironically when an individual communicates these maps with others it becomes an individual's communication style. But after individuals Internal Dialogues change, neurogenesis takes place & learning journey gets very smooth. Since only 3% of Human Communication happens Consciously & rest 97% subconsciously, so Subconscious mind is extremely powerful & engaging. While Subconscious Mind is a Speaking Mind, Conscious mind is a Logical mind. Our mind has Subconscious Blueprint which we carry throughout our lives & even further. It is all in mindset when you tell yourself that I have always been a looser., I havent conducted my life successfully. Or Good things dont come to me often.So by reconstructing our Internal dialogues & putting our mind on dialogue with our Conscious Thoughts, the Brain' can be influenced which is known as Neuroplasticity. You should make your beliefs else Beliefs will make you.Establishing Rapport It helps all to influence; Children & Parents both should use this NLP Technique to help pick up things on a nonverbal level.Once Parents, Teachers & Educators identify Childrens Learning Style & Internal Dialogue, the learning journey gets very smooth.NLP Technique comes very handy to Silence the Mind Chatter & Increase Concentration. By Installing these Life Skills in Children for Concentration Enhancement & Anger control, the Educators, Counsellors & Teachers can induct very strong personality traits in children.The most important part of Academics is Learning & Memory skills. NLP Techniques again come handy for Super Learning & Memory Skills.BRILLIANT BEHAVIOUR INDUCTION TECHNOLOGY<Lecture 1> Understanding Mental Map & Learning Rapport BuildingEach Individual has a UNIQUE Mental Map & Common Learning methodologies dont work with them. Understand Your Mental Map & Learn to put your Brain & Thoughts on Autopilot A Mental Map is the Blue Print of an individuals mind which comes into being with Beliefs, habits, ones Social, Demographical & Psychological backgrounds.Rapport building allows easy connection, acceptance & openness as it helps all in creating an accepting environment .<Lecture 2> Identify Childs learning StyleNeuroscience has defined 7 distinguished Learning styles. Everyone involved in Course would feel empowered & Confident in its ability to brilliantly understand the Inner & the Outer World. Children would begin to reflect an accelerated Brilliant Learning, Communicating, Performing, Socializing, Questioning & experimenting in a superior way.< Lecture 3>Installing Life Skills in Children for Concentration Enhancement & Anger ContolControl- Your Childs difficulties & Challenges now metamorphose into Opportunities as he/she is in sync with its Core. All frustrations borne out of negative circumstance are converted into Stepping Stones to success as the Child intelligently marks its own Shortcomings & begins working on converting them into Strengths.< Lecture 4> Nlp Techniques For Memory & Intelligence Boosting, Super Learning & Memory Skills- Modelling & Chunking.After Brilliant Behavior Installation Techniques are taught Children begin to apply the NLP-mediated Essential Life Skill to them in School life which was never like: Super Concentration, Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Reading, and Writing & Fast Memory Skills.< Lecture 5> How NLP Works on an Individual (A Child or an Adult) + NLP SWISH Technique for Immediate State ChangeNLP techniques have been specially helpful in Behaviour Transformation. I have shared this NLP Swish Technique with more than 75 Clients & they reported this technique to be helpful beyond measures, in altering their BAD BEHAVIOUR & HABITS."
Price: 39.99

"Always am trading but I don't trade when there's no opportunity in the market ,I just avoid to trade to escape drastically loss,I have 3 years experience but even now I make mistakes ,but I can rate myself with 89% because sometime my pending orders end up on loss, so stay positive and cope my styles you will be good like me guys I give you my words "
Price: 1050.00

"Aprenda sobre Psicologia da Alma Cincia e Espiritualidade" |
"Quando refletimos em Quem Ns Somos ou Quem Somos Ns, abrimos o leque para maior compreenso de ns mesmos e mergulhamos no oceano do autoconhecimento, desvendando nossos prprios mistrios, para entendermos mais sobre como realmente funcionamos e quando percebemos que no somos apenas esse corpo fsico e que existe muito mais do que o nosso corpo e que tudo est interligado.E para entender melhor como a viso da nossa alma e tudo o que envolve. No Mdulo II - Psicologia da Alma, sero dadas em suas mos as Chaves para Ascenso e esse mdulo faz parte dos Criadores de Mudanas, porque dessa forma que entendemos, nos transformamos e Criamos ferramentas para viver a Nova Era.Bem falando mais profundamente sobre o que voc vai aprender nesse mdulo, aqui esto algumas observaes.Primeiro ns j sabemos que a mente consciente racional, enquanto a mente subconsciente a parte no-racional. E a mente Superconsciente a onisciente. A mente consciente o capito do navio, mas dizer que o programador do computador, o que que torna as decises, o jardineiro. E pensando nisso e em uma srie de aprendizados esse curso vai ajudar voc a entender como a viso da Alma, o que acontece no nosso interior, conectando com os nossos campos mais sutis.E o que ns vamos aprender nesse 2 Mdulo :- A Essncia da Alma- Compreender O Mundo das Mnadas- A Viso da Alma- Vamos entender como funciona os nossos Campos uricos- A Compreenso sobre Corpo Etrico, Mental e OvidesVamos aprofundar nos ensinamentos sobre a nossa Aura e conhecer os Chakras das Quarta e da Quinta Dimenses, alm de tudo isso vamos falar sobre o despertar da Kundalini e os Passos da CanalizaoNesse Mdulo voc recebe mais 2 Bnus Mega especiais que voc encontra nos recursos adicionais nas aulas VIII e IX.Espero que essa jornada abra portas para um novo mundo!Gratido por estar junto com vocs."
Price: 69.99

"HR-01 Job Applicants Tracking System Implementation." |
"Launch your company's private Career Gate is a course focus on implementation of cloud career gate and application tracking system. Course price include ATS and career gate free online service for your companythe course aiming to teach students how to Launch your company's private Career Gate and job Applicant Tracking System for the companies they are working for in just one hour.they will be able to setup, manage, implement , operate and provide support for the company within the process of job applicants tracking in professional pace using innovative system in cloud.ATS is an application that enables the Internet handling of recruitment needs. it can be implemented or accessed online on an enterprise or small business level, depending on the needs of your Business. ATS is designed for recruitment tracking purposes.Using the Query Builder HR Department can filter applications automatically based on given criteria such as keywords, skills, former employers, years of experience and University attended. In addition managing vacancies and assigning an internet application form for each an every single job can be done through the application with ease. Furthermore the application ready to be integrated with your site in a minute. you do not have to bother yourself about System operations as well as backup and recovery tasks. All you need is just to fill out the form on the right hand side then your company's private career gate with its corresponding tracking system will be created and ready to linked with your web site. using the career gate URL the link where the applicant can apply and send their resume as well as your HR department can login from the same URL to track the applicants and manage jobs starting and stopping them."
Price: 19.99

"Netlify - The Complete Guide 2020 (FullStack Serverless)" |
"Netlify/AWS Beginners are welcomeThis course is a complete guide to Netlify. I assume you don't have any prior experience with Netlify or Amazon web service. We start with basics of the building blocks and I step by step walk through you with feature.Learn the fastest way to build and deploy web appsIf you have your web site, you just have to drag and drop your web site into Netlify, and it deploys across Netlfiy CDN within couple of seconds. It is that simple. And you configure your git repo with Netify, you get continuous deployments out of the box. Netlify Identity, Forms, Serverless Functions and many moreYou don't need to spin up servers, configure API gateway. Just write a Netlify serverless function. Netlify deploy them as a API for you. Every web app have form submissions. These are very tricky and take much of the time. I will show you how to use Netlify forms, a separate service dedicated for forms. You can take actions on your form submissions without writing any serverless functions. We configure Netlify Identity so that you get uer authorization, authentication, login with Google, loin with Github, and many more.Netlify is getting lots and lots of traction these days becuase many people feels AWS is too complicate to host web apps. Recently Netlify passes 1million developers and they recently revised their pricing plans. You get pretty much enough features in the free plan."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamental Concepts of C" |
"By talking this course students can learn about basics concepts which will be use for solving programs to develop any website or program or software and application. Here is the concept of C which is also known as the mother of all programming languages.It will be an interesting topic for the beginners and also for the experts who had might forgot about some basics and want to recap it."
Price: 1280.00

"Maquiagem profissional" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender: A evoluo da maquiagem e assim poder criar seu portfolio com inspirao e embasamento. Aprender algumas normas de Biossegurana para higienizao dos seus pincis. Ver o passo passo das maquiagens social e para eventos (noiva). Ver formas simples de fazer maquiagens artsticas incrveis com efeitos especiais e receber timas dicas para vender o seu servio de maquiagem. Tudo isso 100% online, para assistir quantas vezes quiser, com certificado e por um timo custo beneficio ."
Price: 219.99

"Zihinler FORA, Zihin Haritalar ile renmeyi renelim" |
"Zihinler FORA'nn amac renme Kltr oluturmak ve Hayatnz Deitirmektir. Zihinler FORA, sadece basit bir eitim deil dnce tarznz deitirmeyi hedefleyen bir Hayata Bak Asdr. Bunun iin ihtiyacnz olan ok etkin bir renme ve dnme teknii olan Zihin Haritalarnn nasl ortaya ktn, kullanm alanlarn ve en nemlisi elenceli, kalc ve etkin bir renmede nasl kullanlacan anlatr. 21 yy. becerileri arasnda en kritik becerilerden birisi olan renmeyi renme becerisini kazandrmay amalamaktadr.Unutmayalmki 21 yy. bilgiyi en iyi ekilde kullanma adr. Beynini seilmi bilgiler ile besleyenler amal renirler ve bilgi obezi olmazlar.Beynimizin renme dnda yaratclk, hafza ve genel dnme becerilerini de gelitirmeli ve her birimiz zihinsel okur yazar olmalyz. Ancak zihinsel okur yazar olarak kendi iimizdeki en iyiyi ortaya kartabilir potansiyelimizi tam olarak kullanabiliriz."
Price: 49.99

"Investment Banking: Mining Finance" |
"The mining industry presents unique challenges to stakeholders in unlocking value, ensuring sustainability, and in leaving behind a positive legacy. This requires great depth and precision in planning, and co-ordination of various stakeholders both before and during the implementation of a mining project. For this reason clients need to know whether their projects are fundable, who to approach for financing for their projects, and specifically, which funders would be willing to step in, and at which phase of the project. Clients also need to know how manage the various moving parts inherent in the financing of mining related ventures every step of the way. Effective planning and preparation can only take place when built upon the foundation of knowledge.This course is ideal for fast-tracking industry professionals in front office roles - teaching them to identify lucrative funding opportunities to sell to their principals. It is also well suited to middle-office professionals, teaching them how to assess the risks of such funding opportunities. The course is aimed at new entrant and intermediate-level professionals, and will sharpen the analytical and commercial skills of participants, thereby enabling them to contribute to the successful financing of greenfield and brownfield mining ventures.The Mining Finance course blends theoretical principles with real industry insights. It is specifically geared towards individuals directly involved in the financing of mining projects. The bottom-up nature of the course is designed to provide a holistic journey, from the initial risk assessment, to the overall structuring of the financing package. This will allow participants to structure tailor-made financing packages bespoke to the unique needs of clients they are presented with."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Original Practice Tests" |
"Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals checks and validates your fundamental knowledge of cloud services and how Microsoft Azure provides the cloud services, irrespective of any specific role.Test the real exam questions: These questions are very similar to the questions that appear in the actual exams.The areas of focus for this exam are:Understanding Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Understanding Core Azure Services (30-35%)Understanding Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25-30%)Understanding Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%)What you can expect?275 of latest practice questionsA thorough explanation for each questionReference links to the official Microsoft Documentation30 days money-back guarantee"
Price: 19.99

"Venda Hoje no Instagram" |
"O curso ( Instagram para Vender Infoprodutos e Produtos Fsicos ) foi criado para ajudar a qualquer pessoa que tenha um produto digital pra vender, ou fsico. Tambm serve principalmente para afiliados de produtos digitais nas plataformas de vendas. O material foi criado com cuidado por entender que podem existir pessoas novas no mercado digital e que ainda no possuam tanto conhecimento com as palavras do mercado e como as funes das redes sociais trabalham. Portanto se voc iniciante nesse mercado digital, esse curso especialmente pra voc, porm se voc j trabalha no mercado digital, tem dicas especiais que tambm vo valer a pena voc adquirir o Curso. Boa Sorte e Muito Sucesso sempre. Fique com Deus"
Price: 84.99
