"Market Research Analyst Course (Financial Market)" |
"This Market Research Analyst course will tell you about the following topics:-1.Fundamental Analysis and Research analyst Scope2.Security Market Introduction3.Equity and debt market definition4. Basic of finance5.Economic Analysis6.Industry Analysis7.Company Analysis Qualitative8.Company Analysis Quantitative9.Corporate Actions10.Valuation Concepts11.Financial parameter Summary12.Discounted Cash flow model13.Dividend Discount Model14.FCFF and FCFE (DCF Concepts)15.SOTP (Sum of parts)17. Process for calculation of Intrinsic value16.How to used analyse in stocks17.Research Analyst quality18. How to make good research report and guidelines for preparing"
Price: 12800.00

"Certificate Course - Indian Dance & English Capsule Lessons" |
"Due to an enormous amount of restricted activity, as a result of several unmentionable factors; the contents of the course video lectures are brought to you, in a setting that is perhaps not what I wished to bring out, when viewing it from a professional angle.It is more like a sister's display of her teaching skills for her own colony of students in the homes of her sisters and brothers and has a homely feel.This is however, nice and in a way, you can relate to everything said or done here, as it comes to you, not only from what a mentor can teach, but what a mother, sister, daughter and friend can teach, in her own simple and natural way, using all of the resources, she has in her hands, making the most of it; giving the maximum by using the minimum.The result has thus, possibly been a more serene and ironically more energetic one, fuelled by purpose and perseverance in completing each course, I begin.Both for the free courses and the paid ones, for which students will receive an Udemy certificate, in addition to the learning material, that is available for no charge in the free courses, that I had brought out previously from another instructor account, by the same name, last year, an effort has been taken to put in as much as is possible, into an online course for such a vast subject, that is Indian dance.Whatever is done here, is of course never sufficient and for an earnest learner wanting more, will only wet their thirst for additional information and lessons.This is of course natural and understandable. Hence, the more number of courses brought in each month. All of this can still only scratch the surface of a very deep well of knowledge. I, therefore ask you to comprehend this undisputable fact, that if a student feels only this much has been possible, for a paid course to bear with me and request all of you all here, to be with me, in supportive encouragement to do more.As you will or may not know, I also do voluntary free classes for the deaf and blind, as well as bringing you these courses, the duality of effort for which is to say the least, far from easy. For personal reasons, I can say no more on this but I hope you will all understand, what is unsaidFor the free courses, done previously, comments that were not in good taste were seen and this is deplorable.As a student, what is your foremost duty is to come here and learn with your instructors, rather than try to judge them.They, who have themselves been students too and by the dint of their hard work, become the teachers of today's world require what is called in India, the Guru shisya, or teacher-student tradition revived where the Guru is placed on the same standing in a student's mind, as their own parents.Their past has thus made this present possible.If a pleasant future is to be welcome with open hearts, acknowledgement of this is necessary.This is not to say that questioning is prohibited, in fact I encourage it. Criticism, on the other hand that is not constructive and just for the sake of saying something negative is a fictitiously portrait of the speaker's own failings.On that note, I wish you well along your path to learning with me. It is possible and my earnest wish to see those of you, who take the course now become the teachers of tomorrow."
Price: 1600.00

"How to Make Your Own Sewing Pattern & How to Sew/Sell Online" |
"Welcome to the course on ""How to Make Your Own Sewing Pattern & How to Sew/Sell Online""Creating your own sewing pattern is a great way to save money and time spent in the dressing room. You can draft your own custom bodice piece using your specific measurements. This will allow you to sew tops or dresses and be assured that they will fit well. For an even easier way to make your own patterns, choose an item that already fits you well and trace it to make a pattern.Sewing is both a useful skill to know and a great way to pass the time. With just a needle and thread, you can stitch pieces of fabric together, patch holes, and create unique designs and patterns. Its simple to learn, fun to master, and can be picked up by anyone.Selling online -- a dream for the new age. Sitting in your pajamas and watching the money roll in. It seems like more and more people are doing it -- average people -- but how? Turns out if you have a decent product, you're halfway there. With a bit of time to research your storefront possibilities, you could join that list of self-starting entrepreneurs by tomorrow morning.After learning to sew, it's a natural step to learning to sew with a pattern. Being able to sew using a pattern will provide you with many options for creating garments, costumes, soft furnishings, toys, and other items that can be sewn. This article explains how to sew using patterns.Sewing patterns are often complex and challenging to follow. Combat frustration with proper preparation. Patterns contain four parts, each of which should be studied thoroughly. Prior to opening the pattern, dedicate time to examining the front and back of the pattern envelope. Read the instruction booklet carefully and assess the pattern itself carefully. After familiarizing yourself with the pattern and the construction of the garment, begin your project."
Price: 149.99

"AWS CDK Solutions Constructs - Infrastructure as Code" |
"In this course you are learning about the basics of AWS CDK which is an open source framework to generate Cloudformation templates out of code written in languages like Java, JavaScript, TypeScript or Python. CDK uses Constructs to describe one or more Cloudformation resources.Additional AWS released CDK Solutions Constructs which are high level Constructs to implement often used and from the AWS Well-Architected Framework approved resource patterns. That brings in AWS best practises from the category Costs Optimization, Performance, Security, Reliability and Operational Excellence basically ootb."
Price: 29.99

"Patajali's Raja Yoga Sutras - The Golden Key to Eternal Joy" |
"Maharishi Patanjali, one of the Great Unknown Masters of ancient Indian sciences and languages, was no longer human when he transmitted the aphorisms that came later to be recorded and popularised as Raja Yoga, or the Royal Yoga.The very essence of the Raja Yoga lies in the understanding of what it means to be human and how, given that understanding, one can willfully transcend unto higher states of consciousness. Having then transcended to beyond where there is no more transcendence, the thing that remains is not a human, in fact it is not even a thing. It is simply a happening-an undefinable, separately defined by each observer as per his/ her capacity. Maharishi Patanjali was communicating from the plane of this undefinable, in non-human language, through telepathy as per the ancient record, with the students he had chosen as recipients for the Yoga Sutras, the aphorisms of Yoga. The Raja Yoga system is also called Ashtanga, which translates to 8 limbs - ashta(eight) & anga(limbs).What it means to be human is what the mind conceives it to be. It is nothing more or less than a conception. Based on the conception, we form frames of reference based on our upbringing and learning experiences. From this frame of reference arises the character, the fully formed ego and way, unique to each one of us, of experiencing the world around us. Patanjalis revolutionary teaching is to take this whole lot and dump it at one go. To detach the conceived world from its source of projection with one fell stroke. These, then are the 8 Limbs of Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, divided into four sections, that make up the millennia old teaching of Integral Yoga, the royal path of Raja Yoga."
Price: 189.99

"Statistical Analysis and Research using Excel" |
"Statistical Analysis and Research using Excel is a blended learning program of theoretical knowledge with its application in Microsoft Excel software. This course is a base to all the analytical studies and research studies. It is focused on more industry relevant examples and situations, where in you learn how you actually need to apply your research and analytical skills at workplace. This can also be considered as a foundation course if you are looking out for higher education in research and analytics.From the work perspective, this course is more suitable to jobs for data engineering, data analyst and marketing research jobs."
Price: 99.99

xtzrnsqh |
Price: 19.99

"Data Structure and Algorithm With Python" |
"Welcome to Data Structure and Algorithms with Python. The course provides you a comprehensive guide to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in Python. Moreover, this course is responsible for enhancing the information regarding different interview questions regarding the Data Structures and how to generate a specific response. At the end of this course, an individual will be completely familiarized with all the core concepts regarding the data structures with python, implementation of these concepts in python code, and different interview facing techniques."
Price: 19.99

"Galileo Basic Course" |
"In this course you will learn how to work on travel software Galileo.You will learn how to sign on/log in, sign off/log out, emulate, change work areas, encode & decode on Galileo.You will learn how to change password, how to use shortcut keys.You will learn how to check timetable of flights for your passengers.You will learn PNR and how to create Galileo PNR for your passengers/clients.By completing this course you will be able to create bookings for your passengers."
Price: 4800.00

"Careers in futuristic STEM technologies" |
"This course is a one-of-its-kind program for children above between ages 7-17 years. It offers unique courses that are rarely available for kids in spite of their high future-demand forecast. Courses based on Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Online Marketing, App development, e-commerce, and artificial intelligence are the need of the hour. All sessions are therefore future-focused that are designed according to the ""future of work"". These are also exclusive as they are designed by experts but delivered by young instructors who can connect with kids better. Being cost-effective, we intend kids all over the world to be benefitted by it.Ever thought about how much our kids are confused with the idea of the future and their career? Research says more than half of high-school students across the country do not feel theyre ready for college and careers, even though these remain top goals for students, We all know that every child has a unique talent, liking and disliking. Our goal should be to know our children and guide and hone them for a future career that they will love to pursue. People who could identify a goal of their liking and pursue it, are more likely to feel satisfied with their lives and likely to feel more positive about themselves.These are rising concerns and after a lot of research Moonshot Jr has come up with a novel concept through our course that gives young learners a chance to know early what streams they are interested in, learn about them, and in turn decide which ones they would like to pursue in college and in their careers. Moreover, this course will follow a novel delivery mechanism - to be delivered by young instructors under the guidance of Moonshot Jr experts, the latter of whom will design and develop all courses. We have done multiple prototyping of the courses and have come to the conclusion that children understand children/young adults better, and connect with them at a higher level. Moreover, exclusive streams such as artificial intelligence, online marketing, e-commerce, app development, design, and editing, are not available for kids. Why devoid them of crucial knowledge that can shape their present and future better? All our research and studies have pointed out the importance of the course. The novelty, vision, creativity, and execution of this exclusive program need immense support and what better platform to get interaction, feedback, and support"
Price: 49.99

"Avaliao espao-temporal de qualidade de gua" |
"(Inclui arquivo PDF com passo a passo). Nesse curso, vamos coletar informaes do monitoramento regular de qualidade da gua do rgo ambiental de Minas Gerais(Brasil), para processamento do programa QGIS e observao da variao de parmetros de qualidade da gua, dos trechos do rio Paraopeba, na faixa de tempo de 2012 at o terceiro trimestre de 2019. O mtodo pode ser executado para quaisquer outros dados de qualidade de outra localidade,sendo necessrios os dados geogrficos e de tempo de amostragem. Ser visto tambm noes de legislao de padro de qualidade"
Price: 19.99

"Sistema de aproveitamento de gua de chuva" |
"Nesse curso, vamos aprender a projetar um sistema de aproveitamento de gua de chuva para fins no potveis - utilizando Excel e tambm o aplicativo Hydro. Utilizaremos fontes da literatura, e veremos um pequeno projeto no Sketchup, em que possvel salvar o projeto como imagem e utiliz-lo. Alm disso, ser visto noes de potabilidade, tratamento de gua e de esgoto."
Price: 39.99

"Introspective Counseling Therapy (ICT) - Program" |
"The human species is the superior survivor on this earth, since the human can control themselves and their environment at greater extent. But this ability is like a nuclear energy which can be used for sustained survival or even for self destruction. The key or primary factors of this human ability are1) Tuned Intelligence2) Higher Cognitive Ability3) Emotional control, manipulation and manifestation4) Intelligence to know the intelligence itself5) Cognition to to process the cognition itself6) Creativity with intentions7) Patience, Compassion and Pride8) Anger and other negative emotions with execution ability9) Accessing 4th dimension10) Discriminatory senses and behaviors etcThe combinations of such attributes can be utilized for happy and positive welfare of the individuals. But most of the people are struck in their mind and often involve nuclear energy explosion in their own minds with the influence of various self and social factors. These mental traumas establish mental blocks and mental models in an individual's memory. Gradually, these models and blocks start ruining the happy and peaceful life of the individuals.But the truth is, we can come out of such models and blocks even after those have become core beliefs and personalities. For that, we need to INTROSPECT within us. But the process INTROSPECTION is false perceived as a painful process. It is not painful process when it is approached systematically with the help of an expert.The ICT course gives a practical and application based training for the1)Therapists for empowering the clients in order to successfully introspect with minimal frictions and2) Individuals for successfully introspect themselves to relive from anxiety, depression and other psychological disorder symptoms"
Price: 2560.00

"Turismo prctico vivencial" |
"Turismo prctico vivencial es el segundo paso necesario que nuestra Escuela ofrece en el camino hacia la especializacin.En menos de 20 das aprenders las nociones fundamentales de marketing digital, cmo trabajar con las herramientas tcnicas para sentar las bases y lograr un buen posicionamiento SEO, y adems cmo desarrollar una excelente gua del viajero.Para lograr este objetivo vamos a conocer:Cules son los pilares del marketing digitalQu es el SEO y cmo desarrollar un buen SEO tcnicoAprenderemos sobre las palabras clave y cmo encontrarlasCmo desarrollar tu primer gua del viajero y del destino, y las herramientas necesarias para lograrlo.Tips de fotografa (@fotografiamin)Tutoriales para diseo grfico y edicin de videos.Desde siempre contars con la gua de nuestro director, instructores y especialistas en los temas clave, quienes te van a dar el conocimiento y, sobre todo, la prctica para lograr el desarrollo de este curso y, en menos de 20 das estar en condiciones de seguir tu carrera de EXPERTO EN TURISMO PRCTICO, dando el siguiente paso con el curso de TURISMO PRCTICO AVANZADO.Nuestro mtodo de estudios se basa en los principios de la neurociencia, generando en cada alumno las habilidad necesarias para ir ampliando la capacidad cognitiva, acumulando conocimiento tras conocimiento en forma enfocada y prctica, combinando textos, imgenes, vdeos y tareas que consolidan el camino hacia un aprendizaje slido y organizado. Estos conocimientos le permitirn al estudiante una salida laboral inmediata, sin temores y con criterios de adaptabilidad a nuevos desafos.Cursos certificados emitidos y avalados por Vida Latam Corp"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Trading Completo + Bono (Forex) (Cryptomendas)" |
"Este curso contiene todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Trading y FOREX para ser un trader competente y generar ingresos reales.Te vamos a demostrar y ensearar Por que los tipicos cursos de Trading con figuras Charistas solo hacen que pierdas dinero. NO OLVIDEN QUE LOS CREADORES DE ESTOS METODOS SON GRANDES BANCOS Y COMERCIALS.Nosotros te vamos a ensear como generar dinero con la Oferta y Demanda siguiendo a estos grandes bancos y Comercials . Contaras con un Bono de 30 usd para que empieces a operar sin tener que invertir de tu propio dinero ! (todas las ganancias de ese Bono seran tuyas)"
Price: 59.99

"AWS , Amazon Web Services . AWS, AWS. . AWS. 13 100 . , . : , , , . AWS:AWS .AWS , IT. AWS - 8000$.AWS , . AWS , .AWS DevOps ."
Price: 19.99

"Direccion Eficaz de Empresas" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Direccion Eficaz de Empresas. Este curso, basado en las enseanzas de George S. Odiorne, terico acadmico y de gestin americano con 26 libros y 300 artculos publicados, est dirigido a entregar conocimientos prcticos e inmediatos sobre un sistema de gestin orientado a los resultados (ORK), de aplicacin universal, con independencia de las funciones del cargo, tamao de la empresa o tipo de organizacin.Este curso, impartido por Avelino Cerdeira, profesor colaborador en IESIDE Business School y con 25 aos de experiencia como consultor en Recursos Humanos y Habilidades Directivas, va dirigido a aquellas personas que buscan aprender y mejorar sus habilidades empresariales y donde aprendern a travs de:videos cortos en los que se plantean las ideas fundamentales del managementrecursos descargables de cada temariocasos prcticos que sirva para entender la utilidad prctica que va a tener en la vida real todo lo que est aprendiendopruebas de evaluacin a la finalizacin de cada temaLos temas tratados incluyen, entre otros, efectividad real versus efectividad aparente, estilos de liderazgo, planificacin estratgica, fijacin de objetivos e indicadores clave de efectividad, , evaluacin del desempeo, resolucin de problemas, delegacin y motivacin."
Price: 24.99

"Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics" |
"WHAT IS FOR YOU?Knowledge of Electrical and Electronics is extremely valuable nowadays! In this Course you understand the Basic Concept of Electrical and Electronics Component. In First Module You Understand the Basic Concept of Current, Voltage, Energy and Power, In Second Module You Understand the Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor, In Third Module You Understand the Diode and Transistor and in last module you understand the The main laws governing currents and voltages in circuits that are Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff Circuit Law. In Each Module you Understand the Theoretical and Practical Concept of the Component.WHAT IS THE DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS COURSE?In the Present Days most of the material and courses available online tend to be in high-level and focused on applications , the main goal of this course is to explain the fundamental concepts of Electrical and Electronics, so that you understand that how circuits work. Every topic is addressed starting from basic working of the Component, and only later the acquired knowledge is used to explain how to design more complex circuits for different applications. In this way you understand all thing about that topic. The Whole Course is Design in 4 module and there is a Quiz Section in Each Module."
Price: 19.99

"sketchup telugu" |
". . , , objects , , , ."
Price: 4800.00

"Start with Talent, Finish with Strength" |
"Berdasarkan buku ""The Journey of Strengths Evangelist karya Roma Tampubolon, setiap orang memiliki bakat alami dalam diri masing-masing. Tantangan terbesar saat ini adalah lack of self-awareness, kadang kita tidak sadar akan kekuatan diri sendiri sehingga tidak efektif dalam menjalani peran kita masing-masing.Sesuai dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh GALLUP selama beberapa dekade dalam bidang Psikologi Positif, pemimpin yang sadar akan bakat alami dan mengaplikasikannya dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari akan lebih produktif dalam pekerjaannya maupun dalam memimpin team dan bisnis.Melalui kursus, Anda akan bisa memaksimalkan potensi yang ada dalam diri Anda dan mulai menggunakan bakat dan keterampilan untuk perform dengan lebih baik. Kursus ini sangat terbuka untuk semua kalangan, terutama bagi Anda karyawan maupun manager yang ingin meningkatkan kolaborasi dan komunikasi efektif di tempat kerja. Materi yang akan Anda pelajari dalam kursus ini adalah awal dari budaya coaching yang dapat diterapkan di tempat kerja Anda."
Price: 280000.00

"- Web development with python" |
"Hello guys, I'm Harish Kumar from the Cyberkrypts team, CyberKrypts is a web development company, we are doing web development for about one year. When we check on udemy we found only a few courses are available in Tamil. In specific, there is no Flask course on udemy and we can find very few videos on youtube. That's why we created this awesome in-depth tutorial on the Flask framework. Hope you enjoy this course, Happy journey."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Test" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 150+.AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Test seriesThe AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a DevOps engineer role with two or more years of experience provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments.Abilities Validated by the CertificationImplement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWSImplement and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validationDefine and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWSImplement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platformDesign, manage, and maintain tools to automate operational processes"
Price: 19.99

"IBM Certified Specialist - Storage Technical V2 Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 105+.IBM Certified Specialist - Storage Technical V2 Exam C1000-022 Test seriesThe IBM Storage Technical Specialist consults with customers to gather and understand customer requirements and position the correct solutions. The specialist uses available resources to design the solution. The specialist has a broad knowledge of the features, functions, and benefits of IBM storage solutions and the IBM storage portfolio, including disk, tape, storage management software, and software defined storage. Successful candidates understand competitive offerings used in the enterprise segment."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 325+.AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam (SAP-C01) Test seriesThe AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role with two or more years of hands-on experience managing and operating systems on AWS.Abilities Validated by the CertificationDesign and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWSSelect appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirementsMigrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWSDesign and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWSImplement cost-control strategies"
Price: 19.99

"NetApp Certified Implementation EngineerSAN Specialist Exam" |
"You have proven skills planning, implementing, integrating, and troubleshooting ONTAP SAN, FC switched fabrics and Ethernet iSCSI/FCoE solutions, and different operating systems (Windows, LINUX, ESX, UNIX) and applications.NCIESAN Specialist, ONTAP logos and certificates will be granted to those individuals who successfully obtain NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP (NCDA ONTAP) certification, then pass the NetApp Certified Implementation EngineerSAN (NS0-519) exam.NetApp Certified Implementation EngineerSAN Specialist, ONTAPWe recommend that NetApp Certified Implementation EngineerSAN, ONTAP candidates have six to 12 months of experience in planning, implementing, and validating end-to-end SAN solutions for customers in FC and iSCSI environments. Experience in SAN implementation within virtualized environments and within clustered environments is highly recommended."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco 350-501 SPCOR Practice Test" |
"Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies (350-501 SPCOR) Test seriesThis exam tests your knowledge of implementing core service provider network technologies, including:Core architectureServicesNetworkingAutomationQuality of servicesSecurityNetwork assuranceThis course will help you:Configure, verify, troubleshoot, and optimize next-generation, Service Provider IP network infrastructuresDeepen your understanding of Service Provider technologies including core architecture, services, networking, automation, quality of services, security, and network assurancePrepare to take the 350-501 Implementing and Operating Cisco Service Provider Network Core Technologies (SPCOR) exam."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Audience Manager Architect AD0-E452" |
"Adobe Audience Manager Architect AD0-E452 Test seriesThe AAM Architect should be ableto perform the following tasks without any assistance: Guide the configuration of the Experience Cloud ID service and Audience Manager libraries Implement, validate and troubleshoot the integration with complimentary systems to Audience Manager (e.g., analytics, personalization, CRM and media systems) Develop actionable solutions with Audience Manager data exports (e.g., CDF and ID syncs) Understand identity and profile management Ingesting data from various sources (e.g., CRM, web and mobile)"
Price: 19.99

ahmed-angawi-c |
"190 . / / . - - - - - . . . ... . - - - - - #_- UTS (- )"
Price: 199.99

"Six Easy Steps to understanding the Accounting Process" |
"This course will assist those who want to:- Grasp the basic principles of accounting, and understand how to record business transactions in the accounting information systems using Journal entries (debits and credits)- Understand financial statements, and the significant role they play in every organization.- Understand the integration of all six steps of the accounting process, and the importance of accurately recording all business transactions using this process."
Price: 29.99

"Shifting Roots - AML dance class series #1 beginner level" |
"This course will introduce the student to the basic principles and concepts which form the foundation of the Shifting Roots AML. After establishing this foundation, the student will then be guided through the detailed characteristics which distinguish Shifting Roots: awareness of breath and how it can result in the release of tension in the body; the discovery of how the weight of the skeletal structure (specifically, the pelvis) can be shifted through space in order to create momentum and power; the distinct use of hands and arms; the understanding of how all of these elements come together and are coordinated on top of a sensitive and generous pli. This course will introduce the student to the basic principles and concepts which form the foundation of the Shifting Roots AML. After establishing this foundation, the student will then be guided through the detailed characteristics which distinguish Shifting Roots: awareness of breath and how it can result in the release of tension in the body; the discovery of how the weight of the skeletal structure (specifically, the pelvis) can be shifted through space in order to create momentum and power; the distinct use of hands and arms; the understanding of how all of these elements come together and are coordinated on top of a sensitive and generous pli."
Price: 199.99

"Paneles solares para principiantes" |
"Durante el recorrido del curso, comenzaremos por ver los efectos del sol en nuestro planeta, explicaremos las principales maneras de generar energa mediante recursos renovables, conoceremos los componentes que hacen a un sistema foto-voltaico, y las ventajas de el uso de cada uno segn las condiciones que necesite el sistema que estamos analizando.Hacia la ultima parte, aprenderemos a calcular, dimensionar e interconectar cada uno de los componentes del sistema foto-voltaico para generar nuestra propia energa elctrica; Esta energa, la podemos aprovechar en un proyecto, un hogar, una pequea empresa principalmente, en zonas donde la red de electricidad urbana no ha podido llegar an"
Price: 19.99
