"Business Netzwerken fr Introvertierte: Sozialkompetenz" |
"Obwohl alle wissen, wie wichtig Netzwerken ist, tut sich nicht jeder leicht damit. Doch Charisma, Soft Skills und Kommunikation sind Fhigkeiten, die man entwickeln kann, auch wenn man introvertiert oder zurckgezogen ist. Das machen wir in diesem Kurs!Falls Du mehr Kontakte, Kunden oder Freunden gewinnen sowie dein Netzwerk aufbauen/erweitern mchtest, aber nicht gerade extrovertiert bist, ist dieser Kurs fr Dich! Hier lernst du einfache Methoden sowie Tipps & Tricks, die du bei Networking Events leicht einsetzen kann, um neue Leute kennenzulernen, deine Persnlichkeit und Charisma im besten Licht zu zeigen und langfristige Beziehungen aufzubauen.Stichwrter: Netzwerken; Business Networking; Kommunikationsfhigkeiten; Soft Skills; Kontakte knpfen; Nonverbale Kommunikation; Charisma; Introvertierte; Kunden gewinnen, Sozialphobie, Social Anxiety; Sozialkompetenz; Networking Events, Beziehungspflege"
Price: 134.99

"The Complete Data Warehouse Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to my Course !You can Learn complete information related to Data Warehouse. It is the best course for Data Warehouse. This course of Data Warehouse will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Points you can learn and get huge Explanation are :Data WarehouseData Warehouse TerminologiesData Warehouse ProcessSystem ProcessesArchitectureOnline Analytical ProcessingThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Learn Vaccine Immunology" |
"Vaccines are an important part of family and public health. They prevent the spread of contagious, dangerous, and deadly diseases. These include measles, polio, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, diphtheria, and HPV. With the current pandemic and the rise of SARS-COV-2 that has devastated millions of people worldwide... finding a vaccine against infectious diseases has now become more important than ever.In this course, you will be introduced to some basic concepts on vaccine composition, applications, and development. Starting from the historical evolution of vaccines to examples of both conventional and newer approaches to vaccine design. Furthermore, novel approaches to cancer vaccines and vaccines for biodefense will also be tackled. At the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the importance of vaccine especially in the context of public health.Upon enrollment to the course, all materials such as lecture videos, practice quizzes, and downloadable resources will always be available should you wish to go back to the material to study and review. You will also receive a Certificate of Completion which you can use to boost your resume, curriculum vitae, or LinkedIn profile. Increase your knowledge and skills - start learning today!"
Price: 39.99

"How to Be a Full-Time TV Composer (Abridged version)" |
"Award winning composer and T3 Apple Certified Logic Trainer Eddie Grey (with composer credits in a variety of projects such as the Kim Kardashian West documentary) wants to show you the ins and outs of the sync licensing world. Learn what it takes to make composing for TV and film, a full-time job. This course is an abridged version of a larger course that gives you the tools and systems needed to make music your career."
Price: 34.99

"How to Be A Full-Time TV Composer (Abridged Version) Part 2" |
"Part two of the abridged guide to getting your career in TV composition started! In this course we'll get into more specifics about the business of music. Learn key tips and strategies from award winning composer Eddie Grey in order to get your foot in the door and to make your passion a career."
Price: 34.99

"Introduo criao de sites com Wordpress" |
"Voc sempre quis desenvolver o seu prprio site, mas sempre achou que aprender programao pudesse ser complicado? Sabia que existe uma ferramenta simples e prtica para construo de sites e gerenciamento de contedo de modo fcil? Essa ferramenta se chama Wordpress. Wordpress um sistema de cdigo aberto construdo usando PHP & MySQL para gesto de contedo de pginas da internet. Estima-se que quase 37% de todos os sites na internet utilizem Wordpress. A ideia pro trs do Wordpress permitir que qualquer usurio possa criar sites e blogs para divulgao de contedo.Neste curso voc ir aprender os fundamentos da criao de sites usando Wordpress. Aprender a criar sites gratuitamente no Wordpress .com, a prender a instalar o Wordpress no seu computador e a instalar em um servidor remoto para que qualquer pessoa no mundo possa acess-lo. Ver tambm um exemplo prtico e real de uso."
Price: 39.99

"Comment mettre KO la concurrence : le guide express" |
"Bonjour tous ! Je suis ravi de vous prsenter ce nouveau programme o nous allons parler exclusivement ... concurrence !Vous tes nombreux m'en avoir parl, j'ai donc construit une trame simple et efficace, l'image des mes autres formations. Nous verrons pourquoi la concurrence est le meilleur levier de vente qui soit, et surtout comment l'utiliser pour l'exploiter notre avantage. Pour creuser l'cart avec la concurrence, il faut prendre une longueur d'avance ... un peu partout ! Nous verrons donc comment distancer vos concurrents selon 4 dimensions : stratgie, produits, valeur, dcouverte et vente en face--face. A tout de suite pour battre vos concurrents plat de couture ! :)PS : merci tous pour vos notes et rfrences, c'est un vrai plaisir de pouvoir vous accompagner :)"
Price: 19.99

retouchingforgranny |
", , , ... , ? ! , , , , .: . ( , , )."
Price: 19.99

"A Guide to Careers in Marketing" |
"This course is produced by ChampAmerica in collaboration with Marketers of Baruch (MoB) from Baruch College, City University of New York.One of the hardest parts of job search is gathering information to decide whether a career is the right choice for you. With real questions from your peers in college, this class aims to help you gain a high level understanding of the field such as what is the marketing industry like? What are the different fields in marketing one can pursue? How to get into the industry? How has the industry evolved? What are some of the most common interview questions? What is the career path for me in this industry, etc."
Price: 19.99

shouhojo |
Price: 24000.00

"How to Manage a Team Remotely" |
"Section 1 After taking this course you will be able to effectively manage a team remotely.In 2009 we began to work without an office. Since then, we have learned a lot about how to do it even better.We will teach you about the challenges, mistakes, opportunities you may face.We will see how to use different tools like Trello, Asana, Jira, Slack, and others.We will cover some of the basics methodologies like Scrum, AGILE, OKrs, and others.From 2009 we tried to work with our team remotely but it didn't work out and learned from our mistakes of online business startup.Section 2Great tools like Skype and Zoom for video conferences are not enough you also need to know what to say and how to lead your team during these online meetings.If you are working remotely with your team using video conference software weekly or monthly you probably have already noticed that the dynamics of in-person vs. virtual meetings are very different.In this course, we will cover how to have a productive online meeting with your team and how you can lead your business remotely."
Price: 19.99

"ADC Library Interface With PicMicroController (MikroC)" |
"ADC Library Interface With PicMicroController (MikroC)ADC LibraryADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work with the module.Library RoutinesADC_InitADC_Get_SampleADC_ReadADC_InitPrototypevoid ADC_Init();ReturnsNothing.DescriptionThis routine initializes PICs internal ADC module to work with RC clock. Clock determines the time period necessary for performing AD conversion (min 12TAD).RequiresMCU with built-in ADC module.ExampleADC_Init(); // Initialize ADC module with default settings"
Price: 19.99

"Flutter A custom refresh indicator" |
"Flutter A custom refresh indicatormake Fancy Flutter A custom refresh indicatorA beautiful and custom refresh indicator with some cool animations and transitions for flutter.For adding this custom refresh indicator in your flutter app, you have to simply wrap ListView or GridView inside LiquidPullToRefresh. Also you have provide the value of onRefresh parameter which is a refresh callback.Note - LiquidPullToRefresh can only be used with a vertical scroll view."
Price: 199.99

"Resume Masterclass - Professional Interview Magnet Secrets" |
"Have you every wonder why your job applications never get through?Your qualifications matches the requirements,BUT weeks after weeks with NO phone calls or emails,NO notification about the application status,Not even a chance to go for an interview?You have googled through various examples and tweak your resume numerous times, but with NO Success.Eventually, we started to doubt ourselves:Perhaps the working experience is insufficient""I am not skillful or competent enough""The Expected Salary was too high.....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are many courses and books out there teaches on how to write a prefect resume, What font size, style and margins to use, which words to underline and bold,all the general rules and standard regulations,& talk about all the common mistakes that people make.......BUTNo One Tells You About:How to think from the Hiring Manager' PerspectiveIdentify the skills, experience, knowledge and talent that you never knew you hadResonates the 4 criteria above to match the ""INVISIBLE"" Job RequirementsThe insider information that the HR, recruiters and hiring manager won't tell youA Resume that helps you win interviews and gain better salary negotiation The ONE Secret that helps me get promoted during the interviewHi my name is Sontz Jon, i am the co-founder of DigitalQlicks and a self made millionaire who once worked in a multi-national conglomerate that helps me earn my first million income and a dream working lifestyle.In order to get to this position, i had send out more than 500 resumes and get rejected over and over again. One day, i asked some advice from my uncle who was a senior vice president of a large investment bank. After reading his resume, it gives me goose bump on how he can ""KILL IT"" with just ONE PAGE CV. I went on further to interview and consulted 37 friends and relatives of mine who was also a hiring manager of a company. I even sat in one of the interviews to learn more about the psychology behind a hiring manager's mind.After months of tweaking and application....... Finally, Something Changed.I got a phone call for an interview, then another, and another.Job Offers Started Pilling Up. I had to politely reject them one by one for a few weeks.As i moved forward with my career, i was promoted to become a hiring manager, as well as running a side hustle business as an entrepreneur.Being on both sides of the table, i am able to reflect the internal secrets about hiring resources that was not found elsewhere.Recently i had also helped 50 of my students get the dream jobs they ever wish for after getting laid off during the COVID19 pandemic.Therefore, in order to helped more people, the RESUME MASTERCLASS - PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEW MAGNET SECRETS was created.In this moment i knew that i had found the Ultimate Formula to Write Resumes & Cover Letters that helps you lands on the dream jobEven if you do not have a lot of experienceEven if you do not have an MBA or a PhdEven if you are trying to switch careers or industryEven if you have a GAP in your career timelineEven if you assume you do not have any great accomplishment worth mentioningThis will get you the One Shot towards your dream job interview or Money Back Guarantee.- Stop sending 50 more resumes as if you ill get more response.- Stop blaming about the economy or the government- Stop feeling that you have insufficient qualification just because the first few application does not turn out right.If you want to stand out against 500 other applicants who has more than 10+ experience than you, Get a call for an interview, get paid moreand have a great future career ahead, then now is the time to enroll for this course!!"
Price: 129.99

"C# and OOP - Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces" |
"Understanding Object-Orientated Programming in C#Maybe youre new to C# and is curious about how to go about creating actual systems of classes that interact with one another. Or maybe youre an experienced C# developer but never really grasped concepts such as inheritance, type substitution, dynamic binding, virtual, abstract, interfaces etc.In this course we go through clear lessons and then apply what we learned in dedicated modules with practical exercises.Building the Dungeons of Doom GameAs we'll pick up new skills along the way, we will keep adding code to our Dungeons of Doom game a console application where we put our knowledge into practice. Walk around in a dungeon, pick up objects and fight monsters all while learning about polymorphism and interfacesA Word on PlatformsThis course was written for .NET Core, but if you're using .NET 5 or later, everything still applies as later versions of .NET is just a continuation of .NET Core. I'll be using the Visual Studio on Windows, any version of Visual Studio (Community, Professional etc.) will do fine.100% Money-Back GuaranteeThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, go through the lectures, do the exercises, and if you're not happy, ask for a refund within 30 days. All your money back, no questions asked."
Price: 199.99

"Nouns, Pronouns" |
"?! !30Udemy [ ]?[]/(1) Uncountable nouns: air/ smoke/ vapor/ thunder/ energy/ power/ rice/ garbage/ luggage/ traffic/ food/small quizzes:few furnitures (x)little furniture (v)No news are good news. (x)No news is good news. (v)Which one is incorrect? Long exposure to intensive sunlights may result in a wide variety of skin diseases. The answer is sunlights. It should be sunlight.(2) Irregular Plural Nounssingular noun -> plural nounMan -> menChild -> childrenOne sheep - > two sheepWife -> wivesBasis -> bases(3) / DeterminersWhich is incorrect? Drivers who think they own the road make cycling a dangerous sports. Answer: sport(4) Countable nouns can be singular or pluralDog is a useful animal. (x)A dog is a useful animal. (v)The dog is a useful aninal. (v)Which is incorrect? During the past decade, the crime rate have been increasingly growing in most cities of the world.Answer: crime rates****************************************************************************************************************************************[ ](I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) : ********************************************************************90%Fighting!"
Price: 19.99

"Preparacin para exmenes de ingls: sustantivos, pronombres" |
"[ Sustantivos ]Est familiarizado con todos los tipos de sustantivos?En la mayora de los exmenes, ""Sustantivos"" a menudo se centra en las siguientes cuatro partes:(1) Uncountable nouns: air/ smoke/ vapor/ thunder/ energy/ power/ rice/ garbage/ luggage/ traffic/ food/small quizzes:few furnitures (x)little furniture (v)No news are good news. (x)No news is good news. (v)Which one is incorrect? Long exposure to intensive sunlights may result in a wide variety of skin diseases. The answer is sunlights. It should be sunlight.(2) Irregular Plural Nounssingular noun -> plural nounMan -> menChild -> childrenOne sheep - > two sheepWife -> wivesBasis -> bases(3) DeterminersWhich is incorrect? Drivers who think they own the road make cycling a dangerous sports. Answer: sport(4) Countable nouns can be singular or pluralDog is a useful animal. (x)A dog is a useful animal. (v)The dog is a useful aninal. (v)Which is incorrect? During the past decade, the crime rate have been increasingly growing in most cities of the world.Answer: crime rates********************************************************************[Pronombres]Un pronombre (yo, yo, l, ella, ella misma, t, eso, ellos, cada uno, pocos, muchos, quin, quienquiera, de quin, alguien, todos, etc.) es una palabra que toma el lugar de un sustantivo .En la oracin, Joe vio a Jill y la salud con la mano, los pronombres l y ella ocupan el lugar de Joe y Jill, respectivamente.LOS PRONOMBRES SON IMPORTANTES.Aparte del nombre de uno, los pronombres son la forma en que las personas nos identifican y se refieren a nosotros.Cuando nos referimos a pronombres ""personales"", no queremos decir que estos pronombres sean necesariamente informacin privada (generalmente no lo son), queremos decir que son pronombres que se refieren a una persona nica e individual.********************************************************************Le gustara poner a prueba su habilidad en ingls relacionada con los sustantivos y pronombres?Esos cuestionarios le ayudarn a revisar sus conocimientos. Antes de realizar cualquier examen de ingls, responda esos cuestionarios para mejorar su confianza. Los estudiantes aprobarn estas pruebas con un 90% de correcciones."
Price: 19.99

"JavaFx Sistema de Ventas POS Maven JasperReport SceneBuilder" |
"Se realiza una aplicacin de escritorio en JavaFX utilizando Maven como administrador de dependencias, Jasperreports para crear el reporte que mostrar el detalle de la venta y as mismo genera su reporte desde Java, estilos css para la interfaz grfica, Scene Builder para construir interfaces graficas y uso de componentes grficos de JavaFX."
Price: 49.99

"irket Kurmak ve Giriimcilik Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim setinde ""irket kurmak"" ve ""giriimcilik"" ile ilgili aradn tm detaylar bulacaksn. stelik, anlalmas zor ve ar teknik terimler kullanmadan bu eitimi tamamlayacaz! Bende senin gibi bir giriimciyim ve kendi ahs firmam kurmadan nce pek ok soru iaretim vard. Sadece bu soru iaretlerini yantlayamadm iin irket alm srekli ertelendi. Bu eitim seti aracl ile, sizlerin kafasndaki soru iaretlerini gidermek istiyorum.Faydal olmas dileklerimle..."
Price: 59.99

"Apprendre grer son budget (2020)" |
"Apprendre grer son budget, c'est reprendre le contrle de vos finances, liminer les dcouverts, augmenter votre pargne et amliorer votre dossier bancaire.Pour cela, vous devez acqurir les mthodes, les cls et les techniques pour grer intelligemment vos finances personnelles quelque soit votre revenu. A travers ce cours, je vais vous livrer mon exprience en la matire.Quelque-soit votre objectif, ce cours a pour dbuter de vous accompagner dans la gestion de vos finances, de vous apporter des cls qui vous distinguerons de la masse en respectant les rgles de la gestion de budget.Quelques points abords dans ce cours, en rsum:Qu'est-ce que la gestion de budget?Comment commencer?Quelle type de profil financier suis-je?Dpensier, surrendett ou mauvais gestionnaire, comment faire?Quelles sont les bases de la gestion?Comment diminuer mes factures?Comment organiser mon pargne?Comment tenir une comptabilit personnelle?L'investissement intelligent: qu'est-ce que c'est?Passif, actifs... Passez au niveau suprieur de la gestion de budgetEn dfinitive, cette formation vous apprendra conomiser, grer vos dpenses et amliorer votre quotidien et potentiellement accrotre vos revenus en vous fournissant les meilleures mthodes."
Price: 199.99

"Certificate In Varicose Veins Treatment Alternative Therapy" |
"Namaskaram,Welcome to the most Unique Certificate Course In Varicose Veins Alternative Therapy Treatment. This course is for serious people who are looking for a real treatment for Varicose Veins & Spider Veins Diseases. Over the years I have treated several patients suffering from Blood Vessels and Varicose Veins Disorders. In a way, this course is the fruit of my years of research and experience related to treating Varicose Veins diseases. It's hard to treat any chronic condition permanently with allopathy and modern medicine as these medicines only suppress the diseases for a period of time and then diseases become more grave. Using the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, Naturopathy its possible to eradicate Chronic Diseases from the root.What makes this course unique-Focusing on permanent solutions.Use of timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.Using five elements to treat.Use of Magnet Therapy.Use of Acupressure .Use of Color Therapy.Use of Sujok Seed Therapy Techniques.Use of Law of Attraction and Positive Affirmations. Use Of Natural & Herbal remedies.Use of Bach Flower remedies.Use of Mudra Therapy and Yogic practices.Tutorial of handmade natural oils and cream over harmful chemicals. Fire Element treatments.Pranayam to treat Varicose Veins diseases.Very detailed Dietary guideline."
Price: 199.99

"A Arte de Aprender" |
"Organizar um horrio de estudos condizente com a sua rotina diria, ter mais eficincia ao estudar e aproveitar melhor o tempo e alcanar resultados de forma consistente e consciente de todo o processo: so esses os nossos objetivos. O mundo atual repleto de informaes. Com isso, nos sentimos lentos por no conseguirmos absorver o mximo desejado. Quando o assunto prova e rendimento pessoal a quantidade de pessoas frustradas por no saber se organizar, se motivar e no dominar tcnicas de estudo efetivas enorme. Assim, a desmotivao ou at mesmo a vontade de desistir passa pela cabea e isso um prato cheio para a procrastinao e ainda mais frustrao. Quais as consequncias disso? A no aprovao. E assim, o ciclo se repete por mais um ano.Eu j passei por isso, mas consegui passar em concurso e depois em vrios vestibulares de Medicina. E agora te ofereo algo que poderia ter feito a diferena na poca em que eu mais precisei. No Curso A Arte de Aprender voc seguir etapas que podero ressignificar sua organizao semanal, sua forma de estudar e at mesmo de como ver o mundo. um curso para a vida, no somente para uma prova.Motivao, Eficincia e Eficcia Essa a nossa Trade."
Price: 99.99

"Cambridge English for Beginners - Starters Level - Pre A1" |
"This course is designed (based on Cambridge curriculum) to help beginners and children develop full 4 skills in English.By attending this course, you will experience 21 units, 17 different topics. Consequently, you will be able to achieve 58 Structures, 436 new words at the end of the course.Attending this course gives you the chance to: Learn vocabulary with flashcard Pratise listening with short conversations developed by native speakers Practise speaking with native accent Pratise reading with plentiful source of sentences and daily conversations Practise writing with cutting-edge approach: fill in the form, complete the sentence Study grammar - structure with simple examples, easy to remember Many fun games and homewords are provided to keep children excited about learningAfter finishing the course, you will be able to communicate basically with English speaker in daily life. Your score at school are definitely improved significantly.You will be prepared carefully for Starters exam"
Price: 64.99

"Electrical Circuits Analysis A to Z" |
". contentsIntroductionBasic conceptsKVL and KCLMesh and Nodal analysisCircuit theorems 1-Superposition 2-Thevenin theorem 3-Norton theorem 4-Maximum power transferACcircuit analysisApplications"
Price: 24.99

"ArcGIS Aplicado ao Mapeamento com Drones" |
"O Curso ArcGIS Aplicado ao Mapeamento com Drones tem como objetivo instruir a utilizao do software ArcGIS voltado para os principais resultados obtidos a partir de Aerolevantamento com Drones. Esse curso uma continuao do Curso Mapeamento e Topografia com Drones, que trata de toda a teoria e prtica necessria para realizar o levantamento e obter os produtos que serviram como base para obteno desses resultados.A partir de aulas tericas e prticas, so apresentadas as informaes necessrias para a realizao de diversos processos envolvendo Imagens e Modelos de Elevao alm de ferramentas do software e suas principais aplicaes. O curso voltado tanto pra quem trabalha com geoprocessamento e pretende aprender as principais ferramentas do software ArcGIS quanto pra quem trabalha com aerolevantamento com drones e pretende aprender como extrair resultados do seu voo.A estrutura est distribuda em 6 sees principais. Aps a seo Introdutria (Seo 1) e a seo de Conceitos Tericos (Seo 2), as 3 sees seguintes tratam de Imagens (Seo 3), Modelos de Elevao (Seo 4) e Dados Vetoriais (Seo 5), sendo que a ltima seo (Seo 6) dedicada inteiramente a criao de layouts que vo demonstrar todo o potencial existente nesse tipo de imagem."
Price: 144.99

"Advanced Video Marketing Made Easy" |
"These simple and over the shoulder videos will enable you to increase your learning and make the most by using Advanced Video Marketing for your business.Its a proven fact that VIDEOS are the best way to PUMP UP your learning, so you dont go in the wrong direction and apply the latest Advanced Video Marketing strategies in the right way to attract more and more visitors and retain them for long time. It also helps to-Reach out easily to globally scattered audienceDrive more conversions & engagementConvey your marketing message instantly to boost profitsStrengthen long-term relationships with your customersGet higher ROI from your video marketing effortsIntroducing:ADVANCED VIDEO MARKETING MADE EASYThis is a complete collection of High Definition videos with step by step content. Heres the breakdown:Video 1: What Is Video Marketing All About?Video 2: Planning A Successful Video Marketing StrategyVideo 3: Creating Your Marketing Video Step by StepVideo 4: Uploading Your Video To the Right PlacesVideo 5: Advertising Your Videos The Free WayVideo 6: Advertising Your Videos The Paid WayVideo 7: Going Live Like A ProVideo 8: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with YouTubeVideo 9: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with FacebookVideo 10: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with TwitterVideo 11: Running a Successful Video Marketing Campaign with SnapchatVideo 12: Advanced Video SEO For Your Video Marketing EffortsVideo 13: Popular Video Metrics You Should TrackVideo 14: Using The Flywheel Model In Your Video MarketingVideo 15: Advanced Video Marketing On Social MediaVideo 16: Outsourcing Your Video Marketing The Right WayVideo 17: Video Marketing Dos And DontsVideo 18: Video Marketing Premium Tools And Services To ConsiderVideo 19: Video Marketing Success StoriesVideo 20: Video Marketing Frequently Asked QuestionsWell, its time for you to start getting the most out of Advanced Video Marketing. I know you'll love this training"
Price: 19.99

"Biohacking Secrets for Better Life Quality" |
"Hack Your Way To MORE Energy,Maximize Your True Potential,And Unleash The BEST Version Of YourselfWith 10 Biohacks to optimize the way you live & work to help youmaximize your true potential!YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!Does this sound like your ordinary day?You wake up in the morning feeling lethargic like you didnt have enough sleep. So you hit the snooze button to catch a few minutes of sleep which turns out to be an hour.Great! Now youre late for work. You rushed through the shower, grabbed a cup of coffee, and left your house feeling stressed.At work, you find it hard to focus on the task at hand. Even worse, you had so many deadlines under your to-do list and you are freaking out!More trouble lined up for you after lunchtime. The sugar crash kicks in and you start to feel sleepy. You chugged another cup of coffee and it didnt change a thing. This really affected your performance in the office.In the evening, youre full of energy. You cant fall asleep. So you picked up your phone and spend countless hours on news and social media.Before you even realize it Its already past midnight and you feel guilty. Deep inside, you know that you will end up in the same sequence again.The cycle goes on and on like a mouse running in a hamster wheel.Youve tried self-development techniques, you tried to change your habits but you still fail to change anything.If this is you then this is the MOST important message for you today.Listen, Im about to share with you the exact strategies I used to turn my life around and get off this miserable rotation of life.You are about to learn the cheat codes to maximize your true potential, unleash the best version of yourself, and become the perfect person you could only dream about all with the use of modern science and technology.But first, you have to understand that:It Was Not Entirely Your Fault!The reason why you get tired easily, unable to focus on the task at hand, and felt really terrible about yourself might not entirely be your fault.It could be the result of environmental factors such as the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat.Your smartphone and social media could also be one to blame, blasting you with artificial blue light that interrupts your natural sleep cycle distract you from doing things that really matter.Ive been there myself, and it was a dark place. I get that.But I want you to know that deep down, you are capable of doing more, achieve more, and get more in life! More money, good health, and better relationships.It doesnt have to be like this. I have the key to GET OUT of this trap.And Im about to share these SECRET LIFE HACKS with you.Mark your calendar today...Thats because today will be the most important turning point in your life. You are going to BIOHACK your mind & body to radically improve the quality of your life! In no time, you will be able to have access to tools that will give you more energy, provide better sleep, TRIPLE your productivity, and unleash the best version of yourself.You are about to be handed down the strategies of the worlds top achievers to optimize the way they live their lives to achieve the state of peak performance.These strategies helped me to achieve all my goals without ever feeling stress, tired, lethargic, and all the other problems caused by living in this fast-paced world.Your frustration ends here.IntroducingBiohacking SecretsTop Lifestyle Hacks for Optimal Living""Biohacking Secrets"" is made for those who want to 'hack' their mind & body with the use of modern technology to improve their quality of life! Biohacking is about optimizing your life & body through the use of biology, research & technology -- allowing you to increase your energy, enhance your focus, and boost your performance.This life-changing blueprint contains 10 biohacking strategies to help you achieve exceptional performance, such as: How to get better sleep, How to improve your nutrition, How to be mindful in this fast-paced world and everything you need to know that will change your life!So if you want to learn the fastest ways to have more energy, perform at your highest level at all times, and transform into a smarter, stronger, and happier you then this blueprint is what you have been searching for.Here are the things you will discover in this transformational program:How to be more productive, positive, and successful in every area of your life with Tools Optimal Living10 easy lifestyle changes that will help you achieve the best physical & mental healthWhy is it difficult to get a good 8 hours of sleep every single night?Inexpensive smart device will help you reduce Blue Light exposureType of water that will boost your alertness, improve mental clarity, and increase energy levels13 known medical benefits of RLT treatment (Revealed in Chapter 4)How to fit in a good workout session on a tight schedule6 biohacks to transform your sedentary office lifestyle into a healthier oneHow practicing mindfulness can improve your psychological & physical well-being5 easy ways to start incorporating mindfulness practices in your daily lifeHow to ditch junk food for good & start eating healthy optionsHow to keep your digestive system in tip-top condition with probiotics11 best sources of probiotics that you can add to your daily dietFreezing Biohacking Device that Hollywood celebrities such as Will Smith & Alicia Keys swear by4 hacks to keep the air inside your home clean & as fresh as the tropical gardenThis is the Golden Key for those who want to:Maximize your true potentialThink faster, better, & smarterOptimize physical performanceAchieve peak performance personally & professionallyLive a long & healthy lifeHave a stress-free livingOptimize their sleep and be energized every single morning"
Price: 19.99

"LumaFusion Color Grading 101" |
"You don't have to be a professional colorist to create awesome looking videos. And today you don't even need a computer or complicated color grading app. That's because we now have LumaFusion and in this course you will learn how to color correct and grade your footage on an iPad and/or iPhone - and yes, create your own amazing looking videos.YouTube VideosSocial MediaMobile JournalismTravel Films and DocumentariesCorporate and Real Estate VideosIndie FilmsMusic VideosPromo & MarketingWhatever you want to create.Included in this course:Grading Demos and Professional ExamplesFREE Video Elements (letterbox overlays & gradients)Additional Resources and LinksCovers these topics and more:The Gear You Need (suggestions with direct purchase links)Different Configurations & Setups (for mobile, office or studio)Intro to LumaFusion Color Correction Tools & ControlsThe Three-Step Process of Basic Color CorrectionWorking with LUTsTraditional vs. Stylized GradingKeyframing Different LooksLumaFusion Color Correction Tips & TricksHow to setup an iPad Pro ""Home Studio""Along with a few more advanced topics:XML Export to Final Cut Pro XOffline/Online WorkflowsUsing External Drives (SD cards & SSDs)Proxy Workflows (and Frame-io)Who is this course for?Anyone wanting to learn how to use LumaFusion for color correcting and grading video footage on their iPad and/or iPhone.Please note... This is NOT an editing course. While we do include some general aspects of using the app, we assume you already know the basics of editing in LumaFusion. If not, you can definitely learn along the way, but we do recommend familiarizing yourself with the app before enrolling in this course.Suggested Requirements:This is a beginner's course, so no color correcting experience is required. But, editing & general filmmaking knowledge are preferred.You will need an iPad or iPhone running LumaFusion 2.2 or later on iOS 13. LumaFusion is currently iOS only.Note too: In this course we mainly use an older iPad with a Lightning port, so not a later iPad Pro with USB-C. And we did this purposely to show that you don't need the latest greatest tech to work with the app (we know lots of folks don't have the latest gear). Of course if you have an iPad Pro that's awesome! But you definitely don't need one to use LumaFusion. And by the way it runs great on iPhones, too.Don't wait to create! Start today and unlock the potential of this amazing mobile video app.By the way, if you're also interested in learning how to shoot professional quality video on your smartphone then you might consider our other courses... Smartphone Cinematography 101 and/or The Complete Guide To FiLMiC Pro."
Price: 39.99

YouTube |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube "" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 119.99

"Eer hayal edebiliyorsanz dnyann en iyi grselletirme uygulamas olan Substance Alchemist ile gerekletirebilirsiniz. En etkileyici 3B grselletirmeleri tasarlayabilir ve gerek dnyadan malzemelerinizi aktarabilirsiniz. CGI tasarmclar ve gelitiriciler iin zaman en etkin ekilde kullanmanz salar, Hzlca 3B tasarmlarnza en etkili malzemeleri uygulamanz salar. Dncenizi gerekletirmek iin ihtiyacnz olan tekey Substance Alchemist. Dnyann en gelimi 3B grselletirme arac Substance Alchemist'i renmeye hemen balayn."
Price: 409.99

"Photoshop Brushes for a Mixed Media Painted Repeat Pattern" |
"Hey you! Yes, YOU. Grab that piece of line art you have lying around that's been gathering dust and let's start recycling! I want to show you a great way to create a mixed media art pieceand we will do that digitally!Mixed media art refers to artwork which combines more than one medium. For example, a drawing that combines color pencils, watercolors and inks in the same canvas. Digital Mixed Media is no different. The challenge is, of course, to create what looks to have been done with many mixed techniques, and how to accomplish that with a stylus and a paint program. Well the secret is, of course, digital brushes which mimic the real thing! There is no shortage of digital brushes being sold on the marketplace today, but why buy when Photoshop has hundreds of built in brushes by the king of digital painting, Kyle Webster himself! The key is being able to control the brushes and customize them to do exactly what you need them to. If you want to learn how brush settings affect the look of the paint strokes, you may like this new course I am offering, Using Photoshop Brushes for a Mixed Media Painted Repeat Pattern Colorizing Line Art with Authentic Painterly Techniques.I will teach you how to enhance your existing line art into a digital mixed media design masterpiece. You can apply this to surface pattern design, as I have, or simply apply the techniques to any line art piece you have. Instead of starting from scratch, jump right into the fun of mixed media digital painting by working directly with a finished line art. This mixed media approach will free you up creatively and have you feeling inspired! Since you already have a finished drawing, you will be able to fully explore different creative outcomes. And with Photoshop and Kyle Websters brushes, this is made easy. Its your choice! I have created this class as a follow up to the class Sketchbook Art to Final Repeat Pattern class, but it can stand alone as well. Enrolling in this easy-to-follow class will inspire you to create a wide range of digital mixed-media pieces using custom brushes, textured backgrounds, great color schemes, and all with your own line art. We'll explore how experimenting with new textures and colors, values, and many other factors, can improve that existing piece.Throughout the class, I will be giving you tours of my own sketchbook practice, with natural media, and explain how it feeds my commercial work. Knowing how the real thing feels helps me do a better job with the digital brushes, and I know how to advise you to get the essence of mixed media work. This is a great introduction to painting in Photoshop as well as Kyles brushes.As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of Photoshop with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of creating this type of digital mixed media work. I will demonstrate at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. I suggest pausing and repeating sections and possibly even slowing the speed in your browser when trying to work through any difficult parts. Adobe Photoshop is required for this class as we are using specific settings and brushes only available for this software. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Photoshop somewhat, and, also knowing the basic principles of creating images, but most steps are explained very thoroughly.The key concepts I will include: Adjusting setting on brushes including texture, color dynamics and brush tip shape methods to edit images and create simple masks made from selections working with flow and opacity to create transparency effects playing with hue and saturation to affect scatter brushes and provide texture mixer brushes and smudge brushes good examples, reference and inspiration for reinforcing the goalDont worry if you have always wondered how to achieve traditional techniques but dont own a tablet or Procreate. You will find that Photoshop is the most powerful natural media software on the planet. Lets have you creating incredible mixed media pieces this week, with this class. Having art with your beautiful new techniques absolutely do-able with this small investment of time. Lets get this party started!Introduction and OverviewIn this lesson, I will explain the goals for the class and I will share examples of my work. We will discuss the main techniques we will be using in this class.Lesson 1: Review and OverviewIn this lesson, we will go through the initial steps of preparing the art. I give you a quick look at my art journals to explain my process and I will talk about how Kyle Websters brushes will help me to create a mixed media look.Lesson 2: Document Set-up and Action PlanFor this lesson, we will go through the process of preparing the elements and I will show you more in my art journals. I will explain my brush choices, how to download more brushes and well take about texture settings, shape dynamics and brush tip settings.Lesson 3: Discovering Brush Settings with GouacheThis lesson will have us exploring more brush settings. I will also show you a method to place a repeat of the pattern in the background to make painting the mixed media back-drop easier.Lesson 4: Experiments with Glaze and Brush SettingsWe continue exploring the brushes and experimenting here with settings like flow and transparency, as well as brush blending modes. We also touch on document settings such as making layers and groups to help keep us organized. In this lesson, you also learn about masking techniques, selections, saving selections and loading selections. I will also explain how to stay away from unprintable colors.Lesson 5: Watercolour, Bright Ink and SpatterIn this lesson, we will add more texture using the spatter brushes. I will explain settings that may seem mysterious on the brush panel and explain more about the color dynamics. You will see how to add tons of texture easily to your background.Lesson 6: Textural and Other DetailsFor this lesson, we will go through a bunch of experiments with the brush settings. I will explain the thrash blend and mixer brush controls, and how to sample from all layers. I also introduce my favorite brush, the Comic BG brush by Kyle.Lesson 7: Adjustments, Fine Tuning and DetailsWe continue using the brushes to add details and more fine-tuning to our adjustments. We will create a mask using the Save Selection function. I will explain different ways of using and loading the selection.Lesson 8: Testing and PerfectingIn this lesson, we will do some of the edge painting and will work with smooth and flow settings again. We talk about why we should preserve edit features. We play around with the color scheme, changing it considerably, and then we test the pattern repeat in full color.Lesson 9: Finessing and Color Adjusting Final Pattern TileFor this lesson, we will discuss next steps and wrap-up. I will show you the different pattern color choices I created on several mockups so you can see the full effect. Thanks so much for being here! Hope to see you in many other classes!Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to digital mixed media art, digital watercolor art, digital gouache, digital glaze brushes, digital brayer brush, Photoshop brush settings, mixer brush settings, load brushes, flow and opacity on Photoshop brushes, Photoshop filters, keyboard shortcut reinforcement, erasing, brush load and flow settings, Kyles natural edge eraser, rubber stamping, magic wand selection tool, selections as masks, saving selections, using channels to load selections, puppet warp, warp tool, moving, resizing, transform and much more!You will get the bonus of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education game for over 40 yearsawareness of multiple approaches to resolve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education"
Price: 19.99
