"TikTok Anti Shadowban Class" |
"How Much are Your Fame and Ability to GO Viral on TikTok Worth to you?Learn the latest tactics to grow your TikTokUnderstand how to use TikTok's algorithm to your advantageLearn Hashtag StrategiesLearn to transfer your TikToks across any marketing roles or social media platforms [Dezombify your Old Social Medias GUARANTEED]Learn all my strategies DISCOVERED to grow your followers very fast.Why Me?Im a creator who's built a substantial following. I missed out on Instagram, I reached my IG 1000 in a couple of days before the algorithm stopped working.Like my businesses, I approached TikTok with the same mindset to try everything, learn what works experiment, and succeed, unfortunately, TikTok asked me to exit my account.My aim was simple, to leverage there new platform which I'm giving to you so you can avoid my decisions and have a great start. my experience and know-how to help you launch and grow your account. You will save time, be more efficient, and avoid ShadowBans and Copyright StrikesTikTok Viral Famous OverviewThis TikTok course is designed for anyone who wants to GROW their followers.We are constantly keeping up with all of the new features with insiders from China (Duyn) - Chinas TikTok.In this course, we start with the very basics and you will learn how to create a powerful, and engaging TikTok profile for yourself optimized to Find your TRIBE.Even for people who have already established an account, it is imperative to know that you have done this in an optimal way for TikTok growth and marketing!Following this, you will be guided around all the pages and settings of the app so youre able to get the most from the platform.You'll then learn, using the incredible TikTok video creation strategies how to create content that will continually succeed and be seen by millions.Through this, you can gain thousands of followers, comments, and likes for your account every single day. All the time we are here to answer questions.We will go over Analytics to see which of your Videos to Repeat/Repost!!!What sets this apart from other TikTok marketing courses is that it can be for personal or business purposes. It's a versatile, easy to digest Course."
Price: 39.99

"Understanding Your Religion" |
"This series presents 7 basic doctrinal ideas that help the viewer have a ""big picture"" view of the Christian religion. Done in an informal style with helpful graphics and summaries, Understanding Your Religion is a useful guide for those seeking to know what Christians believe and how these beliefs affect what they do."
Price: 24.99

"Triple and Double Integrals-College mathematics" |
"Have you wanted to understand how to integrate over an area ? Enrol for this course to learn!Here, you will learn how to integrate double and triple integrals, how to change the order of integration and how to use polar coordinates. Calling all college students learning math to join this course.Having taught math at the college level for over a decade, I have always enjoyed showing students how incredibly easy this topic is once you understand.Don't miss out !"
Price: 19.99

"Acing your Research Project & Research Methods Course" |
"This is a course into the nature and features of research methods for college and university level students. Students taking Theory of Knowledge (TOK) will benefit tremendously from it. It is a good preparation for postgraduate and doctorate students. It breaks down the key ideas and terms of research methods to students and explains how they can be applied for the attainment of optimal results in academic and professional research projects."
Price: 39.99

"Web Animation: CSS -> SVG -> JavaScript [Sept. 2020 Update]" |
"Interactive Web Animations [JavaScript, SVG, CSS & HTML]Full specification of web animations at the level of markup languages CSS & SVG and programming language JavaScript.At the end of this course, you will have access to a full stack of web animation technologies.CURRICULUM:1. History of Web Animations2. CSS Animations- CSS Animation properties- CSS Keyframe rule- CSS Transitions3. SVG Animations- SVG Animation elements- Attribute to identify the target element for an animation- Attributes to control the timing of the animation- Attributes that define animation values over time- Attributes that control whether animations are additive- SVG elements, attributes and properties that can be animated, and we will also learn Interface Time Event- Interactivity features in SVG4. JavaScript Animations- getElementById() method- Call planning method setinterval()- addEventListener() method- getAttribute & setAttribute methods- How to penetrate the complex SVG attributes of elements using regular expressions- 3d positioning- The functions of constructors- Creation of SVG primitives- reating arrays of objects, managing their properties- Capabilities of Web Animation using masks & clip path- Web Animations API- Combination of animation techniquesAll practical examples of animations in this course are available for download and experiment."
Price: 199.99

"Reiki Nvel I" |
"Formao individual com Certificado, Videoaulas, Apostila, Mentoria e um Encontro online para realizao da sintonizao (Iniciao).Por meio da sintonizao, voc se torna um canal da energia Reiki.Reiki uma energia de alta frequncia que permite desfazer os bloqueios energticos que impedem a livre circulao de energia nos nossos corpos e auxilia no autoconhecimento e na busca da verdade interior.Reiki Energia de Vida Universal. Energia de cura natural. Ela infinita e inesgotvel.Pode ser aplicado em todos os seres vivos: plantas, animais, rvores e no nosso planeta Terra. Tambm pode ser usado na limpeza de cristais, gua, alimentos e ambientes.A fonte de energia do Reiki o Cosmos, o Todo.Reiki dissolve energias negativas cristalizadas, liberando sentimentos contidos e permitindo um contato com a energia amorosa, a alegria e a paz interior.O Reiki no pertence a nenhuma religio ou filosofia e est de acordo com qualquer crena ou prtica de meditao. uma arte milenar de harmonizao atravs das mos que atua em ns promovendo harmonia, desenvolvimento pessoal, crescimento interior, esclarecimento espiritual e nos leva de volta ao estado original de sade fsica, emocional e existencial.A tcnica foi reconhecida pela OMS Organizao Mundial da Sade - principalmente porque muito eficiente para relaxamento e reduo do estresse. Segundo o Ministrio da Sade, esta prtica integra aes de promoo e preveno em sade e est sendo utilizada dentro de grandes Hospitais do Pas.H 20 anos estou em contato direto com essa energia linda que o Reiki e me traz muita gratido e alegria poder contribuir com a sua formao de Reikiano.O Reiki apresentado em nveis:Nvel I - O DespertarNvel II - A TransformaoNvel III A - A RealizaoNvel III B - MestradoAo realizar o primeiro nvel voc j um Reikiano e est apto a aplicar Reiki em voc mesmo, em outras pessoas, lugares e situaes."
Price: 99.99

"Paint snowy mountains with watercolour: easy, full guidance" |
"In this lesson I explain how to plan your painting before actual start (check-list included!), how to create contrasts - the most vital for good painting category. We will talk about all aspects of painting: the tone, the colour, the mistakes that you should not make (and how to fix the mistakes you've made), consider the principles of creating interesting washes, discuss how to make the texture and what exactly forms the wow-effect of the painting.Materials needed:I try to use a limited range and a minimum of materials, so you don't need a mountains of paint and thousands of brushes to draw this painting.Paints: Sepia, Cadmium orange (PO20 pigment), Raw Umber, Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Indigo, Royal BlueBrushes: large soft squirrel/imitation, round or oval goat brush, small synthetic brush with a sharp tipPaper: for this subject paper is not essential, cellulose paper is also suitable, but I recommend 100% cotton, fin texture, density of 300 gr. (I have Saunders Waterford)Masking fluid and some old brush for applying it on paperMasking tape, can for water, paper towels, pencil and eraser"
Price: 24.99

"Python Basics for Fresh Programmers and Beginners" |
"Python Basics Programming for Beginners and Engineers in depth programming. Learn all the concepts to write quality programs and follow standards and guidelinesIntroductionOpen source general-purpose,multi platform programmingFlexible, easy to learn, understand and interpreted language.Object Oriented, Procedural & Functional programming language.Provide great interactive environment.Python 'philosophy' emphasis readability, clarity and simplicityAllows to plug in new modules and extend its functionalityOffers large Collection of modules in standard distributionOffers Matlabish capabilities within PythonCan do Fast array operations Source can be compiled or run just-in-timeEasy to interface with C/C++/ObjC/Java/Fortran"
Price: 99.99

"FumeFX - Practical Projects" |
"Hello Everyone, This class is a continuation after my FumeFX for Beginners. I will be covering how to create practical projects using FumeFX. I will be using 3DS Max as my base Program but you can use Maya too.I am assuming that you have watched my FumeFX for Beginners and know the basics of the Program. Cheers!What you will learn?In this class I aim to teach how to create the most in demand visuals in FumeFX. Such as an Explosion, Fire Burning Scene, Smoke Plumes, Dust Storm, Motion Graphic Content. etc. At the end we will discuss two projects that will show you how to use FumeFX to create final visual fx shots.Course Structure.From 1st to 5th Video I will talk about and create Different Projects.Final 2 videos of the course are where we will use our knowledge and plan and create our final Visual Shots using FumeFX and After Effects."
Price: 19.99

blog-marketing-beginner |
Price: 24000.00

"Basic Nepali Language for Beginners Course 2" |
"Hello, Namaste and Jojolapa.If you are the one who has already taken my previous Nepali language learning course and now has some basic ideas of how Nepali BHAASAA (language), how it looks like in DEVNAAGARI characters, how the local language or tones sound like or how the Nepalese people look like......If you are the one who has already planned to travel to Nepal and looking for a platform to brush up your Nepali BHAASAA and looking for a learning platform....Or, if you are the one who really wants to go to Nepal for the volunteer projects, or if this is the case that your partner is Nepalese and now you want to be able to speak or impress him/her in Nepali language....Or, if you want to go to Nepal for Home stay experience in one of the amazing villages and want to communicate with your host in the local language from your first day,Then, how about taking this journey together with me...... Sanee from Nepal.So, here is what I would love to mention some general ideas about this course.This course is designed to help anyone, who is absolute beginner and has little bit or zero experience or knowledge about Nepal.I have used English and Roman characters, and just a little bit of Devnagari Script in the first few pages. However,I don't want you to be overwhelmed by it. Because, the complete purpose of the script is to give you a little bit of language taste. All you need is to be able to read and understand the Roman characters and repeat with me for the pronunciations. I believe the English translation will help it to be interesting to explore this course little by little.But please note that, you don't have to remember the whole chapter at once. I have tried to break down the chapter as shorter as possible. The contents that I use in the first chapter will be used as for revision in the other chapters too, which will help you to learn and remember the contents until the last chapter.Through this language learning designation, you will learn essential conversational Nepali used in a common situation.As for revision from Course 1, we will learn about pronouns, some basic introduction, simple vocabularies and then jumping to tenses will definitely help you to be more friendly with Nepalese. I hope this little process will definitely make your journey or your objective more vibrant, friendly and fun. I hope every time when you learn a new word, you will take full advantage of your knowledge and try to make your own simple sentences or practice in your mind. I believe everyone can learn when there is a reason, enthusiasm, motivation and correct platform. So GOOD LUCK / SUVAKAAMANAA for your NEW LANGUAGE journey. Sign Up and start learning today. Thank you Dhanyabaad and Namaste."
Price: 29.99

"Foundation of oil painting" |
"In this course, i will teach you about the basics in oil painting .lessons included in this tutorial section are ;1 Introduction2.Materials used for oil painting3.Sketching on canvas4.Underpainting technique used in oil painting I will discuss with you about the materials used for oil painting , how to transfer sketch from paper to canvas and under painting technique used in oil painting"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to figurative tinted charcoal drawing" |
"In this course, i will teach you about, 1.How to sketch on paper, exactly same as the reference image2.Shading technique, 3.How to use tinted charcoal pencils, 4.How to draw realistic drawingsI will teach you through demonstration videos and detailed explanations. After completing this course you will study basics in charcoal drawing and also able to draw eyes, lips, nose and hair."
Price: 19.99

"Get started with GIS & Remote Sensing in QGIS #Beginners" |
"This course provides an introduction to GIS (geographic information systems) and Remote Sensing for spatial analysis with the emphasis on open source software available for free as well as free spatial data portals that offer a possibility to get started with the GIS, Remote Sensing, and spatial data analysis. This spatial analysis introductory course will provide you with an understanding of the GIS system and Remote Sensing in a very short time. By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand the GIS and Remote Sensing technology and where get GIS software geodata to make maps.This course will prepare the students for the basics of using GIS and Remote Sensing with open source and absolutely free software tools. We will go over various industries where GIS and Remote Sensing can be used including agriculture, geology, mining, hydrology, forestry, environmental, and many more! We will talk about the main GIS components and stages of GIS analysis. I will explain your desktop computer requirements needed to start working with GIS. We will talk about different geodata types. Finally, I will also equip you with the knowledge of different geospatial software tools available and GIS data portals where you can download your spatial maps and data for free.As a BONUS lecture, I provide you a half an hour step-by-step video training on how to quickly create a land cover/ land use map on the cloud with Google Earth Engine using Machine Learning algorithms without any prior knowledge. In this course, I include downloadable practical materials that will teach you:- Understand the fundamentals of GIS and Remote Sensing- Learn a variety of open FREE data sources and GIS % Remote Sensing software for conduction geospatial analysis- How to install open source GIS software on your computer and correctly configure it- QGIS software interface including its main components and plug-ins- Learn how to prepare your first GIS map using open-source tools in QGIS- Learn how to create a land use/land cover map using Google Earth Engine"
Price: 19.99

"Elliott Dalgalar ve Neo Dalgalarnda tkisel Dalgalar & ROA" |
"- Elliott Dalga Teorisi ve Neo Dalgalarnda tkisel Dalgalarn zellikleri, - tkisel (Impulsive) Dalgalarda Saym Yaplrken Uyulmas Gereken Kurallar ve Rehber lkeler,- Uzayan Dalgalar (Extentions), Impulsive ve Terminal Impulsive Dalgalarda Uzatmalar,- Dalga Saymn Kolaylatran ve Hata Yapmay nleyen Bir Rehber: Rule Of Alternation (Alternatifler Kuram) Kuram...- Price / Fiyat ( Ykseli asndan katedilen mesafe)-Time / Zaman ( Dzeltmelerin kapsad zaman)- Severity / nem Derecesi (nceki dalgann geri ekilme yzdesi)- Intricacy / Karmaklk / Kompleks (Bir model yada Dzeltmedeki alt dalgalarn says)- Construction / Yap ( Dzeltme yaps Zigzag-Flat-Triangle)."
Price: 229.99

"Content Writing for Beginners" |
"This course will help you become a better writer. Your content must not be machine-like. You are making it for humans. Although adding keywords and optimizing the content is important. But you will have to make sure that it is easy to read. You can also do a market analysis and use your competitor's best practices to your advantage. This will depend on the style that you pick and choose.Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts."
Price: 19.99

"Reflexology Accredited Course" |
"This course will enable you to start your own reflexology practice. You will learn the full reflexology routine Some of the contents within this course are: Benefits of Reflexology History of Reflexology The effects of Reflexology on the systems of the body Reflex areas and their associated system Salon Treatment area and Hygiene Client Consultation Record Keeping Assessing the Feet Contra-Indications Contra-Actions Aftercare Equipment and Products Structure of the Foot Mapping of Reflex Points Techniques Preparing for the Treatment Reflexology Routine Insurance Hygiene, Health & Safety Business Practice for Complementary Therapies The Business Plan What Happens Next?"
Price: 129.99

"Spray Tan Qualification" |
"Accredited Certificate. This course as been deigned for complete beginners to give you all the skills required to competently offer professional spray tans to paying clients. Spray Tanning is an absolute must have for all beauty and mobile therapists. Spray tanning treatment is one of the most highly requested treatments in today's beauty industry."
Price: 49.99

"Citrix 1Y0-614 Access Suite 4.0 Design Certify Practice Test" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Scenario: Your consulting firms must provide access to assess the business strategy, based on the Presentation Server farm consists of 15 servers. The company commissioned a team to study the specific configuration associated with printing and profiles for Terminal Services user complaints address. And Q) finally, you need to speak directly with the number of users who are experiencing problems. When discussing the audit work with the client about how much time should be allocated for access to the evaluation strategy?a) 14-20 daysb) 2-3 daysc) 1 - 2 weeksd) 3 - 4 weekse) NoneQ) Scenario: After meeting with CIOs from the client organization, you will find out that they are planning to expand their environmental practices consulting, and twice over the next two years. Six of its presentation server used to host a specific application, which facilitates the writing of environmental management plans. This application has access consultants in the field through Access Gateway Advanced Edition. Users report that they are generally satisfied with the current strategy, even if they sometimes have trouble connecting to the file server that contains the client's documentation. They plan to add two or three additional application modules over the next few months. CIO has asked you to review your current environment to determine how it can be optimized to support their plans. On the basis of the information provided, which is the main purpose of the organization of the client?a) growthb) safetyc) Software Distributiond) the subscriber terminale) NoneQ) Scenario: After meeting with CIOs from the client organization, you will find out that they are planning to expand their environmental practices consulting, and twice over the next two years. Six of its presentation server used to host a specific application, which facilitates the writing of environmental management plans. This application has access consultants in the field through Access Gateway Advanced Edition. Users report that they are generally satisfied with the current strategy, even if they sometimes have trouble connecting to the file server that contains the client's documentation. They plan to add two or three additional application modules over the next few months. CIO has asked you to review your current environment to determine how it can be optimized to support their plans. On the basis of the information provided, which is the main purpose of the organization of the client?a) safetyb) growthc) the subscriber terminald) Software Distributione) NoneQ) Scenario: Your team has been asked to evaluate the environment 4.0 Printing Citrix Presentation Server in your company. You will learn how Citrix administrator manually mapped to existing HP LaserJet driver to the last universal printer driver included with Citrix Presentation Server 4.0. Citrix administrator asks if he will identify the driver of the other producers in this way. What is your assessment of this practice?a) It is good practice only if all the client devices based on the Presentation Server Client for Win32 version9.xb) This practice is not necessary if the policy Citrix Universal Printer Driver is used, if the original driver is not available.c) It is good practice, and the necessary drivers must be defined in such a way.d) This practice is not necessary if users are able to install their own drivers on the servers.e) None"
Price: 174.99

"How to boost your saving ?" |
"My mission:In this complete course we are going to learn together a lot of things and you are going to be really really surprised. So first of all for those who don't know me I am HAMZA and i'm an IT consultant. My mission today is to teach you in a clear and easy way the ultimate secrets that will allow you to boost your savings.About saving:Savings is a very important topic that I have often overlooked. Life has taught me that risk is a fact that is always present and should never be overlooked. Savings logically seemed to me the easiest and most effective element to put in place in order to preserve my heritage and above all to stay as safe as possible for as long as possible. Why is it so urgent to save money immediately?The time in which we live now is becoming more and more difficult (Ex: COVID-19). I am not saying that it will be the knockout but the fact of not taking into account the risk concept in your portfolio becomes very risky or even dangerous.Here is the solution, that i offer you for a quick and simple actions that allow us to be able to :Identify us in relation to our relationship with money.Identify our expenses.Eliminate unnecessary expenses.Manage our risk in relation to our age and our situation.So what do you think this training can do for you?You will save time by having useful information that will allow you to reach your goals.You'll save money quickly by using just one of my tips.You will reach your goals faster."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA CAS-002 Advanced Security Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) An administrator wants to allow flexible mandatory access control data based on an open source operating system to prevent abnormal application changes or executions. Which of the following would best achieve this?a) Access Control Listsb) SELinuxc) IPtables firewalld) SIDESQ) SAN Company ABC is approaching capacity, and will ensure that downtime costs if the server run out of disk space. Which of the following is a more affordable alternative to purchasing a new SAN?a) You need to increase the availability multipathb) Enable deduplication storage poolsc) Implement snapshots to reduce the size of the virtual diskd) Implement replication offsite datacenterQ) A system administrator establishes a CIFS share on a UNIX device to share the data for Windows systems. The security authentication on the Windows domain is set to the highest level. Windows users are claiming that they can not authenticate to the UNIX sharing. Which of the following settings on UNIX servers would solve the problem?a) Refuse LM and accept only NTLMv2b) Accept only LMc) Refusing to accept NTLMv2, and LMd) Accept only NTLMQ) Accept only NTLMa) vTPMb) HSMc) TPMd) INEQ) A user has configured a laptop computer with multiple operating system installations. The operating systems are all installed in a single SSD, but each has its own partition and logical volume. Which of the following is the best way to ensure the confidentiality of individual data of the operating system?a) Encryption of each single partitionb) Encryption in the SSD file levelc) FDE of each logical volume on the SSDd) FDE entire SSD as a single disk"
Price: 174.99

"Excel Datenvisualisierung Crashkurs Excel Diagramme & Charts" |
"Microsoft Excel ist DAS Tool im Berufsalltag, um Daten zu analysieren und Zahlen entsprechend zu visualisieren. Damit knnen schnelle Einblicke in Daten gewonnen werden und Erkenntnisse in angemessener Form aufbereitet werden. Dieser Kurs umfasst nahezu alle Visualisierungsmglichkeiten, die es in MS-Excel gibt. Die Dozenten zeigen Dir, wie Du unterschiedliche Darstellungsformen verwendest und am besten einsetzt. Darber hinaus erhltst Du zu jedem Kapitel entsprechende Excel-Templates und Vorlagen zum ben. In diesem Kurs werden insbesondere die nachfolgenden Diagrammtypen vorgestellt:Sulen- & BalkendiagrammeKreis- und RingdiagrammeHistogramm & Pareto-ChartLiniendiagramme & TrendlinienFlchengrafikenStreungs-, Punkt- & BlasendiagrammeKastengrafik (Box & Whisker)Treemap & SunburstWasserfall & TrichterdiagrammeNetzdiagrammeKursdiagrammeHeat maps, 3D-OberflchenVerbunddiagrammeSparklinesWasserfall-ChartsTornado-DiagrammeSunburst-DiagrammThermometer-DiagrammeBlasendiagramme als Portfolio-MatrixGantt-DiagrammeHeat-MapsDynamische Planungsschritte in ExcelAdd-InsFlchenkartogramme (2D-Karten)Einfhrung in 3D-Karten (Power Map)Bing-MapsDynamische Weltkarte (Shapes + VBA)Durch die unzhligen Visualisierungsformen kannst Du deine Leistung im Berufsalltag stark verbessern. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts sein sollte fr dich, kein Problem! Neben dem lebenslangen Zugriff erhltst du die obligatorische 30-Tage Geld-Zurckgarantie."
Price: 199.99

"1SkeletonView Swift" |
"SwiftSwiftiOSUIUI UITableViewUICollectionView SkeletonViewYouTube"
Price: 34.99

"As 7 Ferramentas da Qualidade- Aprenda com exemplos prticos" |
"- Conhecer as 7 Ferramentas da Qualidade e ser capaz de utiliz-las no dia-a-dia.- Exemplificar o uso das 7 Ferramentas da Qualidade: - Fluxograma de Processo; - Diagrama de Pareto; - Diagrama de Ishikawa; - Histograma; - Folha de Verificao; - Diagrama de Disperso e - Carta de Controle.Aprenda com exemplos prticos das 7 ferramentas da Qualidade, voc poder baixar os arquivos das apresentaes das aulas e dos exemplos utilizados."
Price: 39.99

"Formation Word de A Z avec 10 Etudes de Cas concrets" |
"Vous recherchez une bonne pratique de Word ou vous souhaitez largir encore vos connaissances en traitement de texte ?Vous souhaitez certifier votre niveau sur Word ?Une totale matrise de ce logiciel est ncessaire dans des contextes professionnels pour tre plus performant.Cette Formation vous permettra de travailler rapidement tous types de documents, notamment des documents longs et complexes. Elle vous apportera une matrise de toutes les fonctionnalits de Word de Basques avances. Vous gagnerez ainsi en efficacit dans votre quotidien et pourrez faire face des situations exigeant une trs bonne matrise de Word.LE PROGRAMME DE LA FORMATION :Introduction au traitement de textes avec WordMise en forme des caractres dans un texteSoigner la mise en forme d'un documentMettre en page un documentInsertion et personnalisation de page de garde de documentImprimer/ enregistrer sous Pdf / envoyer un document WordCrer et mettre en forme des tableauxInsrer un tableau Excel dans un document WordInclure et traiter des images dans un documentCrer un graphique avec WordUtiliser les graphiques SmartArtCrer et traiter une table des matiresDisposer le texte sur plusieurs colonnesInsertion et Traitement des liens hypertexte sur WordOnglet PublipostageEtudes de Cas Concerts, Rels et Pratiques:Cas de Document AdministratifCas de CVCas de Lettre de motivationCas de Rapport d'activit avec Cas de Projet de Fin d'Etude - PFECas de Lettre personnalis l'aide de publipostageCas de Compte Rendu de la RunionCas de Rapport Annuel (Partie I et Partie II)Cas de Document dvaluationFormation adapte aux versions de Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 et 2019"
Price: 49.99

"Google Data Studio Course 2020- From Beginner To Advanced" |
"Google Data Studio is a powerful visualization tool that allows you to create and share interactive reports and Dashboards. And its available for free. In this course you will be learning how to create interactive reports, dashboards and do data analysis with Google Data Studio for your Google Sheets. In this course you will be learningConnecting Google Data Studio with Data SourceUnderstanding Google Data Studio InterfaceHow to create Table Visualization in Google Data StudioStyling , Formatting and Sorting TablesOptional Metrics and Interactive FiltersHeat Maps, Bar and Conditional FormattingHow to change Methods of Aggregation in Google Data StudioHow to do Comparison Calculation in Google Data StudioHow to do Running Calculation in Google Data StudioHow to use Drill Down Feature in Google Data StudioHow to Create Pivot Table Visualization in Google Data StudioHow to do Calculation in Pivot TableHow to create Scorecard Visualization in Google Data StudioHow to create Filters in Google Data StudioWorking with Date Filters in Google Data StudioHow to create Filters within VisualizationHow to do Calculation in Google Data StudioHow to use Case Statement in Google Data StudioHow to create Time Series Visualization in Google Data StudioStyling and Formatting of the Time Series GraphHow to create Area Graphs in Google Data StudioHow to create Bar and Column Chart in Google Data StudioGeo Maps and Google Maps Visualization in Google Data StudioHow to create Tree Maps and Bullet Charts in Google Data StudioHow to create Scatter Plot and Bubble Charts in Google Data StudioHow to create Custom Visualization in Google Data StudioThe Concept of Reference Lines and Numeric SlidersCreating and Sharing Dashboards in Google Data StudioData Blending in Google Data StudioHow to work with Blended Data in Google Data StudioUsing Extract Data in Google Data StudioUsing Data Explorer Feature in Google Data Studio "
Price: 19.99

"Home Office Die produktive & vernetzte Heimarbeit (2020)" |
"Ist Ihnen schonmal der Ausdruck New Work begegnet? Ein Bestandteil von New Work, ist die immer strker technologisierte Arbeitswelt. Das fhrt dazu, dass es immer hufiger vorkommt, dass wir auch mal von Zuhause aus arbeiten.So auch Sie davon gehe ich jetzt einfach aus, da Sie sich fr diesen Kurs interessieren. Mit diesem Kurs machen Sie einen weiteren Schritt in die New Work World.Es gibt verschiedene Grnde, warum jemand komplett oder nur zeitweise aus dem Home Office aus arbeitet. Die einen sehen es als Privileg, Andere passen sich Vorgaben und Rahmenbedingungen an so oder so, das Thema Home Office ist gekommen um zu bleiben.Dadurch verndert sich nicht unbedingt der Inhalt Ihrer Arbeit, aber die Art und Weise wie Sie Ihre Ttigkeiten ausben, wie Sie mit anderen zusammenarbeiten, wie Sie sich organisieren.Das stellt zurecht einige vor eine Herausforderung. Egal ob jung oder alt von zuhause aus arbeiten, ohne freiberuflich ttig zu sein, ist eine Umstellung. Bei dieser Umstellung mchte ich Sie mit diesem Kurs untersttzen.Mit diesem Kurs decken wir Einiges ab: Wie sich selbst organisieren Wie Sie auf virtuelle Art und Weise weiteren mit Anderen zusammenarbeiten Was die hufigsten Hrden und Stolpersteine sindAuerdem stelle ich Ihnen zwei Vorlagen zum Download zur Verfgung! Achievement Liste Zeiterfassung"
Price: 34.99

"The course covers all the topics of CIA Part 1 Exam & testing the knowledge in the exam style format. Our Question databank does not only cover the entire course but it also provides detail explanation for the right answer. Our Case studies questions will make you expert in analyzing the case scenarios and respond appropriately in the exam. We have covered the below sessions in our Question Bank. I. Foundations of Internal Auditing (15%)II. Independence and Objectivity (15%)III. Proficiency and Due Professional Care (18%)IV. Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (7%)V. Governance, Risk Management, and Control (35%)VI. Fraud Risks (10%)We have created a dedicated session to share the latest updated questions which will be updated on a periodic basis to share the latest exam questions. DON'T LOOK ANY FURTHER. JOIN US DAY & ACHIEVE YOUR SUCCESS."
Price: 29.99

"Aprende Vue + Firebase ACTUALIZADO 2020" |
"Aprende todo lo necesario para ser un buen programador en Vue.Uno de los mayores Frameworks de JavaScript en la actualidad.Con este curso tendrs las bases necesarias para programar por ti mismo cualquier tipo de aplicacin que en el futuro se te demande.Aprende desde lo ms bsico hasta conceptos ms avanzados como FireBase y el core de Vue.js"
Price: 29.99

storyline |
Price: 19.99

"Expert Entrepreneur : Comment crer son entreprise succs?" |
"Qui ne rve pas de crer son entreprise pour se librer du rythme de vie mtro-boulot-dodo ? Accder l'entrepreneuriat reprsente la vie idale pour tous les travailleurs. Cependant, chaque fois quon y pense srieusement, on se retrouve confront la crainte de ne pas russir entreprendre en partant de zro notamment faute davoir suivi de grandes tudes suprieures. Avec les bons outils, devenir entrepreneur est la porte de tous mme sans diplmes prestigieux.Aujourd'hui, je suis convaincue que chacun ou chacune doit avoir la possibilit d'entreprendre. A mes dbuts d'entrepreneur, les choses taient loin d'tre faciles car j'ai volue seule. C'est pourquoi, j'ai cr cette formation pour vous accompagner dans votre projet de cration d'entreprise et transformer vos rves en ralit comme si nous tions l'un ct de l'autre (en me basant sur mes connaissances et mon retour d'exprience).Dans cette formation, vous allez pouvoir :- Trouver une ide de business succs- Connatre les cls indispensables pour s'assurer qu'elle marche dans la dure - Dvelopper votre audience (mme si le produit ou service n'est pas prt : pas besoin de se mettre trop de pression pour rien !)- Gagner efficacement la confiance de vos prospects et les transformer en client- Crer une marque attrayante et pleine d'nergie, qui donne envie !- Eviter les erreurs communes des jeunes entrepreneurs - Apprendre les relles bases de l'entrepreneuriatN'oubliez pas UN BONUS EN CADEAU !J'ai bien sr faire le ncessaire pour aider au maximum : - Peu d'argent : J'ai bien conscience que tout le monde n'a pas le moyen de s'offrir un coaching priv. C'est pourquoi , la formation en ligne a t un excellent moyen de rduire mes cots et par consquence mes prix pour que vous aillez la possibilit d'avoir accs aux mmes informations. - Peu d'effort : Je vous ai mch au maximum le travail pour que vous aillez simplement copier toutes les techniques , rien de plus !- Peu de temps : J'ai aussi conscience que vous tes certainement bien occup(e)s. Donc gardez l'esprit que seulement 15 minutes par jour est largement suffisant (aprs si vous avez plus, c'est encore mieux!)Amicalement, Lucie PS. Si j'avais eu toutes ces informations quand je m'tais lanc, j'aurais gagn un temps fou !"
Price: 19.99
