"Aprende a Invertir en Bienes Races desde tu Casa Online" |
"En este curso aprenders las excelentes opciones disponibles para invertir en la industria de bienes races y generar ingresos con ellas invirtiendo desde pequeas cantidades, todo desde tu casa o desde donde te encuentres online. Aprenders opciones para invertir en desarrollos inmobiliarios y obtener ingresos de las rentas de departamentos, edificios hasta centros comerciales o desarrollos industriales.Vas a conocer instrumentos financieros utilizados por gente experimentada y entenders como funcionan y como poder invertir, sin la experiencia o conocimientos previos.Aprenders opciones para poner a trabajar tu dinero invirtiendo en la industria de los bienes races desde la comodidad de tu casa.Descubre que hacen los expertos y grandes inversionistas inmobiliarios en este curso."
Price: 270.00

"Rotas Neuroanatmicas da Aprendizagem" |
"Conhece alguma criana com ""letra feia""? ou dificuldade de compreender a dinmica de escrita e leitura?Ento, voc precisa conhecer sobre as Rotas Neuroanatmicas de Aprendizagem e as Neurocincias, e pensar sobre prticas pedaggicas que auxiliem sua prtica em sala de aula.Esperamos trazer a todos, um tema importantssimo, para o fazer docente, que pouco abordado nas Graduaes em Licenciatura, ou em programas de ps-graduaes.Desejamos a todos, timos estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Figma UI/UX design in one hour" |
"You are a beginner who wants to learn UI/UX ?Then this exactly the correct course for you. You will learn FIGMA by creating three real world designsFigma is a really nice tool for designing beautiful UI. Also when you are a mobile apps developer and want to make a prototype for your app, then figma is the correct tool for you. Before coding a app you have to make a design of your appWhat you will learnDesigning with 3 real world examplesFigma basics with shapes ,text ,frames e.t.cAdvanced figma topicsPentools and anchor pointsUnion Selections , Subtract selectionsPrototyping your design and exporting themUsing 3d plugins"
Price: 19.99

"Os 4 Temperamentos e a Inteligncia Emocional" |
"VOC pode ser uma edio melhorada de si mesmo!Esse curso tem como proposta expor os 04 temperamentos e a relao destes com a Inteligncia Emocional.A Teoria dos 4 temperamentos nos remete a antiguidade Grega, onde foi primeiramente apresentado por Hipcrates, o precursor da profisso mdica. Essa teoria vem sendo aprofundada no decorrer dos sculos, ganhando novos contornos. Conect-la com a Inteligncia Emocional, enriqueceu todas as possibilidades de transformaoH uma grande relao com as ferramentas DISC e MBTI, atualmente amplamente usadas, tanto em organizaes educacionais como no mundo dos negcios, com a finalidade de maximizar potencias, desenvolver competncias e criar um novo clima na convivncia e na comunicao pessoal.O curso ir lhe proporcionar uma jornada para um autoconhecimento transformador.CONHECER-SE MUDAR!Tudo o que no se regenera, degenera. Fator mais que necessrio para alcanar uma melhoria na qualidade de vida e na realizao pessoal. Esse curso , portanto, um convite para uma vida mais construtiva sobre bases slidas. O curso vem com uma aula que faremos um teste juntos, onde voc descobrir seu temperamento mais determinante, e por onde comear a mudar.Este Curso credenciado pela ABRATHEO - Associao Brasileira de Teopsicoterapia."
Price: 339.99

"Unlace the Brace - Foot Strength For Running" |
"A 30 day plan to help educate and implement learning around the link between the glute and the foot. The course addresses the role of foot strength in running and the importance for strengthening the lower limb to absorb and transmit loads during running. The course provides a daily video to complete to increase the awareness and capacity of the foot. Your exercise database increases with each passing day. Every 7 days a full body mobility session with core sessions to ensure a whole rounded approach to the strengthening your body to run."
Price: 19.99

"Budgeting Basics: Zero-Based Budgeting for your Household" |
"Zero-based budgeting is a term commonly used in business. You may have heard of the every dollar budget as made famous by Dave Ramsey. We want to ensure that every dollar of income generated by your household has a purpose. That may be saving, investing, bills, or groceries. By fully understanding our inflows and outflows of household cash we can make more intentional decisions with our money. Too many Americans are living beyond their means. We want to live below our means so that we have a surplus of cash to save and invest. This is how wealth is built and how we can achieve financial independence. The more you earn, the more you reduce your budget, and the more efficient you are, the faster you can achieve financial independence. What's the alternative? Staying in debt? Losing your credit score, your car, or even worse, your house?"
Price: 24.99

"Basics of financial model for Start-up businesses" |
"If you are looking to start a business now, you are most likely would be required to prepare a financial model, which helps the investors and fund raisers to understand the potential of your business, and that what this course is here to help you learn.This course is about a simple and easy way to look into building a new financial model for your business plan, starting from scratch till you will build your slides, and mainly focused on building the excel sheet and the formulas.In this course will look into what is Microsoft excel in summary, then we dive direct into how to arrange your excel and fill it, from building your tables till having the final charts ready, it's a process if you learn it, shouldn't take more than an hour to build, but most importantly, you will have to update it to fit the business plan or model as time goes by."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo bailar danza rabe paso a paso. Parte 1 Belly dance" |
"Inicia la aventura de aprender a bailar danza rabe desde un nivel bsico y disfrutar de secuencias cortas con los pasos vistos en clase. Inscrbete hoy!La danza rabe es una danza milenaria que ayuda a equilibrar nuestro cuerpo, mente y espritu. A travs de la practica logrars aumentar tu confianza, realizar un gran ejercicio cardiovascular y potenciar tu felicidad.Sin importar tu talla, edad o profesin podrs practicar la danza rabe y disfrutar de todos los beneficios de la danza rabe, como:*Tonificar tu cuerpo*Bajar de peso*Perder la timidez*Mejorar tu autoestima*Tener un espacio nico para ti, durante la semana*Sentirte mejor contigo misma*Aumentar la energa*Descubrir nuevas habilidades y retos que te ayuden a crecer en tu esencia"
Price: 94.99

"Learn Python programming From Scratch -2020" |
"This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.By the end of the course youll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers."
Price: 154.99

"Change Management and Change Leadership" |
"Change management and change leadership are skills that are required in today's fast paced environment whereby change is a norm. There are many change techniques, skills and models that are practical and easy to understand. This course covers the concept of change, the models of change, the importance of leadership to change and shows managers how to lead change.This course has models, techniques and practical applications associated with applying knowledge learned.This course also begins one on a journey to become a Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP), a valuable designation today."
Price: 19.99

"Python AI Machine Learning, OpenCV" |
"Ready to explore machine learning and artificial intelligence in python? This python Artificial Intelligence machine learning and OpenCV course (A-Z) contains 5 different series designed to teach you the ins and outs of Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence. It talks about fundamental Machine Learning algorithms, neural networks, Deep Learning, OpenCV and finally developing an Artificial Intelligence that can play the game of Flappy Bird."
Price: 6080.00

"Informtica para Concursos (Windows 10 e Ubuntu 18)" |
"O curso de informtica para concursos visa preparar os alunos com muito contedo sobre os tpicos exigidos nos concursos de todo o Brasil.Grade curricular Informtica para concursosAula 01 Histria dos Computadores Geraes dos computadores. Tipos de computadores. Definies de T.I.Aula 02 Sistemas Operacionais Sistemas Operacionais. Extenses de arquivos. Sistemas de arquivos. Windows / Linux.Aula 03 Hardware Parte Fsica Hardware. Placa Me. Barramentos. CPU. Memrias. Dispositivos.Aula 04 Windows 10 Noes do Sistema Operacional Windows 10. Gerenciador de arquivos e pastas do Windows 10.Aula 05 Ubuntu 18 Noes sobre o Sistema Operacional Ubuntu 18. Gerenciador de arquivos e pastas do Ubuntu 18. Instalando programas; Usando alguns comandos no terminal;Aula 06 Writer e Word Dicas de editorao eletrnica usando LibreOffice-Writer e Microsoft Word 2016.Aula 07 Calc e Excel Dicas de clculo e organizao de dados em planilhas usando o LibreOffice-Calc e Excel 2016.Aula 08 Noes de Redes de Computadores Definio. Tipos de redes. Topologias. Meios de transmisso e equipamentos.Aula 09 Noes de uso da internet Intranet. Internet e correio eletrnico. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox. Segurana na WEB.Aula 10 SIMULADO COM 30 QUESTES, J UTILIZADAS EM CONCURSOS PASSADOS."
Price: 54.99

"Corso teorico di base sull' Internet Of Things" |
"Ciao!Benvenuto in questo corso introduttivo sull' Internet Of Things, anche noto come ""Internet delle cose"".Con questo termine si fa riferimento allestensione alle cose dei benefici delluso di Internet finora limitati alle persone, permettendo agli oggetti di interagire con altri oggetti e quindi con le persone in modo sempre pi digitale. LInternet delle cose consente di rendere disponibili i dati che servono a comprendere meglio il mondo reale, estrarre informazioni utili ai processi decisionali, aiutare le imprese a intraprendere percorsi dinnovazione digitale dei business. In questo corso vedremo i concetti essenziali dell' Internet Of Things, come oggetti intelligenti, ecosistemi IoT, servizi cloud IoT, sicurezza in ambito IoT e digital storage.L' Internet delle cose sar sempre pi presente nella nostra vita quotidiana, quindi essenziale conoscerne il funzionamento per una gestione pi efficace e consapevole.Mettiti comodo e..Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 19.99

"Influencer de viajes" |
"CURSO DE INFLUENCER DE VIAJESAntes de lo que imaginas podrs transformarte en INFLUENCER DE VIAJES, creando tu propio BLOG y a travs de tus redes sociales, generando acuerdos con agencias,instituciones y hoteles para minimizar tu inversin y costos de viajes, monetizando mientras conoces culturas, lugares y personas que te permitirn crecer profesionalmente.Si esta es tu eleccin y estilo de vida elegido contars con el apoyo de nuestro equipo para que logres un posicionamiento rpido y pronto ests trabajando y disfrutando, aconsejando a tus seguidores y agregando valor a la industria.A su vez, este es un paso ms en tu camino para ser EXPERTO EN TURISMO PRCTICO.Bebe BadinoDirector Escuela Vivencial de TurismoEn nuestra ESCUELA VIVENCIAL enseamos turismo prctico con ejercicios sobre casos reales.Nuestra experiencia de ms de 30 aos en viajes junto a jvenes profesionales capacitados en diferentes reas nos permiten ofrecer un aprendizaje eficaz, enfocado, responsable, tico y en pocos meses.El curso de INFLUENCER DE VIAJES ensea:Acciones necesarias para posicionarme desde un inicio: Herramientas de redaccin, SEO, mi contenido.Mis medios: Mi BLOG y mis redes socialesInvestigando mi potencial de corto plazoPlanificar antes de viajarViajando y generando el mejor contenidoComo posicionar en poco tiempo mi BLOGMonetizando mis viajes"
Price: 19.99

PowerPivot |
"Data is growing at an alarming rate in many situations excel is becoming less of a viable option to deal with all of this data so what do we do? Does it make sense to immediately move to a database? Well, that comes with a lot of commitment and a lot of cost in terms of implementation and maintenance. However in the last decade a powerful alternative has emerged.PowerPivot.So before you move to a database you need to consider power pivot which has been described as Excel on steroids!Picture this-you're used to dealing with large volumes of data and as it grows and grows and grows excel just slows down and grinds to a halt and it becomes very frustrating to get the outputs that you need well PowerPivot has come along and turned Excel into something like a database so we have a relational model, we have Data Analytics Expressions or DAX expressions to easily and quickly perform analysis on our large volumes of Data.At Earn And Excel, we've created a course that is going to take you from beginner to advanced level with PowerPivot. Working with Ross Hughes who is a highly experienced consultant having worked with data in large companies for over 30 years. Ross distills his 30+ years of data and gives you not just technical advice on how to make the most of PowerPivot but also practical advice on how to work with data.This course has the potential to transform your data analysis game and if you dont feel its the course for you, then you can get a refund no questions asked."
Price: 99.99

"Anlise Preditiva: A base da IA, Uma Introduo" |
"O mundo inteiro no fala em outra coisa => INTELIGNCIA ARTIFICIAL!!! Pensamos nos robs que vo dominar o mundo, tirando o emprego de toda a humanidade. Mas a verdade MUITO DIFERENTE!!! Ferramentas extremamente simples, no necessitando de conhecimento em Tecnologia ou matemtica para iniciar. Isso a I.A. que tem sua base na ANLISE PREDITIVA, exatamente o intuito desse curso. Aqui voc vai entender o que tudo isso significa e vai sair fazendo NA PRTICA previses. Seja l qual sua rea de atuao, conhecimento ou experincia profissional. Comeamos com um curso introdutrio muito barato (os cursos sobre isso no mercado vo de R$ 10.000,00 a R$ 50.000,00) com tudo bem resumido e principalmente: PRTICO. Para os que j so da rea de tecnologia, esqueam os IFs e ELSEs, nosso curso feito para usar o mnimo da programao tradicional possvel, uma vez que as bibliotecas do PYTHON so feitas exatamente para evitar a forma antiga de TI."
Price: 54.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Practice Exam 2020" |
"The HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that infra as code is the leading technology platform in the DevOps world with almost 70% market share.The HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of those in a SRE/DevOps role who must demonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging on-prem and cloud-based applications using Terraform. Take your career and salary to the next level with an HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate certification!This HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Practice Exam is specially designed to crack HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate. 220+ TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 4 sets of Terraform Practice Tests with 57 UNIQUE questions and a 60-minute time limit for each set. SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest Terraform Associate exam to help you pass and even ace the Terraform Certification! DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board allows you to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the Terraform services and concepts covered in the test. VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - I am Terraform SME & will address all your issues and questions within 2 business days. CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement. MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues. Prepared by an HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate professional who also actually passed the terraform associate exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my Terraform Certificate)Please also note that these Terraform practice tests are not brained dumps and since Terraform shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 230++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the Terraform certification exam is a good understanding of all Terraform components and this is what our Terraform Associate practice tests are meant to do.These Terraform Associate practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam domains such as Development, Deployment, and Security, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic was carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official Terraform exam guide.There are a lot of existing Terraform Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam.I have given a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these Terraform Associate practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. I am confident that this will significantly help you pass your Terraform exam. All the best!IMPORTANT NOTEThese Terraform Associate practice exams have a passing score of 70% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam.Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in Terraform. Nonetheless, these Terraform practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!What youll learn Increase your chances of passing the Terraform Associate Exam Get access to our Q&A section containing information and feedback about the actual Terraform associate exam Answer and solve tricky scenario-based Terraform Associate questions under time pressure Take the practice exams again and again. Validate your answers and do further readings with the provided reference links from the official Terraform documentation Learn the Terraform concepts in-depth with the comprehensive explanations included in each answer plus bonus cheat sheets! Become a Terraform Certified AssociateAre there any course requirements or prerequisites? If you have a computer or a smartphone then you are ready to go! Terraform with any trail cloud account(AWS Azure Google Cloud)Who this course is for: For those who are about to take the Terraform Associate Certification Exam For all IT Professionals who want to gauge their Terraform Knowledge for their upcoming job interview For anyone who wants to take their career, and salary, to a whole new level with a Terraform certification!"
Price: 1280.00

"Visit Japan - Things to Know Before Planning Your Japan Trip" |
"This course is designed for getting you ready for a trip or vacation to Japan. This is one of my favorite travel destinations and one of the most popular vacation spots in the world - #11 world wide! I've been traveling to Japan and working with travelers to Japan for years and have now put together some really helpful advice so that you can discover Japan as well!This course will give you a solid overview of everything that you will need to know if you want to visit any of the wonderful cities or towns in Japan. Important topics such as money, visas and essential manners will be covered along with details on hot spring bathing and festivals.I'm not going to tell you about specific hotels to stay at or restaurants to eat at, but instead give you guidelines so that you can make the best choice possible!If you are looking for specific information on the trains, Japanese Rail Pass or getting around Japan then you will want to check out my other course (coming soon!) which will have more detailed videos covering everything to do with transit in Japan. This course is focused on general information that will help make you trip run smoothly and ensure that you don't struggle when you are traveling.Avoid typical tourist pitfalls and learn how to be confident while exploring Japan's ancient culture. This is an essential collection of information that will help you so take advantage and sign up now!"
Price: 19.99

aalbrahim |
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Price: 29.99

"Math 101" |
"Learn to solve those tricky math equations, in 3 easy steps. All questions are worked through and broken down to easy understandable steps. The aim of the course is to really try and simplify algebra to the best of my ability to help you master the math. Math tends to be a troublesome subject, but im sure this will help ease some of the trouble. Goodluck. "
Price: 59.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Online Teaching 2020" |
"This is a course designed for educators that want to transition to online teaching and dont want technology to be a barrier for delivering outstanding learning experiences. The challenges of 2020 have deeply transformed the education sector and understanding technology to deliver successful online classes is more important than ever.In order to quickly adapt to online teaching, this course helps educators to communicate effectively, foster participation and collaboration, understanding and applying techniques & activities that work best in virtual environments and avoiding common mistakes when teaching online.This course is designed addressing both synchronous teaching (live classes) and asynchronous teaching (where teaching materials are posted online for self-paced learning). The first 6 sections will cover all the tips & techniques to have in mind no matter the videoconferencing platform used and the 7th section will focus specifically on using Zoom videoconferencing app.You can expect a comprehensive guide to get your online teaching skills to the next level including:Knowing how to create the best at-home videoconferencing setup (lighting, sound & background)Planning and designing dynamic & engaging learning experiencesUnderstanding the different digital teaching tools that existPreparing your digital environmentUnderstanding the common pitfalls of online teachingProviding great feedbackPlanning interactive activities using polls and other toolsUsing Google Docs for collaborative exercisesUsing Google Forms for self-graded quizzesUsing Screencastify for recording your own classesOrganizing, planning & delivering webinarsUnderstanding the different webinar platformsTeaching independently organizing your own classesBuilding your own audience and brand & other basic marketing toolsKnowing the most important features of Zoom videoconferencing app"
Price: 39.99

pattern_making_level1 |
" "
Price: 54.99

"Fitness App with Login Screen Layout in SwiftUI 2.0, iOS 14" |
"SwiftUI brings a new way of creating UI which makes it easy to put together UI but at the same time changes the way you think about building layout of your app. This new way of thinking takes time and practice to adopt. SwiftUI 2.0 brings more exciting features which is a step toward making this framework more robust and mature. In this course we will build complex layout for login screen along with a fitness screen to practice as how to not only build our complex app layout in SwiftUI but also how to manage long and complex layouts by breaking them into multiple logical screens."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Apache Airflow" |
"Data engineering is a field that can be thought as a superset of business intelligence and data warehousing which brings more elements from software engineering. The reason data engineering exists today is because companies have massive treasure troves of data, but to provide value the data must be extracted. Data engineering provides the toolbox and is how we make sense of that data quickly and effectively.When it comes to managing data collection, munging and consumption, data pipeline frameworks play a significant role and with the help of Apache Airflow, task of creating data pipeline is not only easy but its actually fun. Originated from AirBnb, Airflow soon became part of the very core of their tech stack.The data infrastructure ecosystem has yet to show any sign of converging into something more manageable. It seems like were still in a huge phase of expansion where every new day bring new distributed database, new frameworks, new libraries and new teammates. As these systems get more complicated and evolve rapidly, it becomes even more important to have something like Apache Airflow that brings everything together in a sane place where every little piece of the puzzle can be orchestrated properly with sane APIs.So in this course we will be learning as how to reach feature completeness with this amazing orchestration tool called Apache Airflow. You will not only learn to setup the environment but also learn how to create workflow pipeline with real world example so don't wait and sign-up today and get started.Looking forward to seeing you in this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Red Team Ethical Hacking - Beginner" |
"Acquire the knowledge to become a Red Team operator on Windows DomainsLearn how to do basic Post-Exploitation tactics on Windows Domains such as enumeration, lateral movement, privilege escalation, persistence, and much more!** Grow your skills in Red Teaming to enhance your professional skills!The course will cover a wide range of topics, including:Red Team BasicsBasic Administration CommandsEnumerationLocal and Remote EffectsLateral MovementPersistenceEvasion* Taught skills must only be used ethically for a professional red team or penetration testing job, or for general cyber awareness for better security practices"
Price: 29.99

"Excel: KNIME" |
". , , , -, Microsoft Excel . , Microsoft Excel , () VBA . , Excel, , . , , . KNIME, (, , ) , , . KNIME ! , - , ! KNIME """" """"."
Price: 24.99

"Anlise Tcnica - Como otimizar a leitura de grficos" |
"NESTE TREINAMENTO VOC VAI... Conseguir operar de onde quiser, quando quiser, gastando at menos de 2 horas por dia. Aprender a como poder ter altos ganhos apenas diminuindo as suas perdas, mesmo que voc ainda seja um ou uma iniciante. Saber como sobreviver com as armadilhas e lucrar no mercado. Descobrir os momentos perfeitos para entrar e sair do mercado, sem perder rios de dinheiro. Acompanhar o mercado e entend-lo, sem cair em roubadas. Ter conforto psicolgico para aproveitar as melhores oportunidades. Eliminar completamente o medo e tornar-se independente quando o assunto mercado financeiro.QUEM SOU EU?Ol, eu sou o Alcindo e opero na bolsa de valores h 8 anos. Sou economista pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e ps graduado em finanas e mercado de capitais pelo Instituto COPPEAD/UFRJ. Comecei operando na bolsa aos 16 anos com opes (no confundam com opes binrias) e fiquei maravilhado com tudo que eu estava por descobrir. Trabalhei na CVM no meu ltimo ano de faculdade na gerncia de acompanhamento de Fundos de Investimentos Estruturados (GIE) e, logo em seguida, tive uma experincia de 3 anos em So Paulo em gestoras de investimentos (assets), onde participei ativamente da estruturao e da gesto de fundos de investimentos imobilirios, de participaes, multimercados, de direitos creditrios, etc) com mais de 1 bilho de reais de ativo sob gesto (AUM).De 2 anos pra c eu venho treinando pessoas para serem livres financeiramente a partir do mercado financeiro no curto e longo prazo."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Italiano desde Cero" |
"El Video curso Superintensivo basico de Italiano facil para Adultos tiene:20 Video clases (en screencast) por cada clase estan relacionados los ejercicios1 Video clase de Cultura Italiana + Audio1 Video Clase Lecturas + Audio1 carpeta de Ejercicios por cada claseFichas en PDF para imprimirEl programa de Italiano detallado que vas aprender desde cero"
Price: 149.99

"Git y GitHub" |
"Este es el curso de GIT / GITHUB que te gustar tener a mano en el da a da cuando tengas que trabajar con GIT y GitHub. Trabajaremos con Windows y editores grficos porque los conceptos se entienden mejor de forma grfica. Cambiar despus a otros entornos ser ms sencillo una vez entendidas bien las ideas bsicas. Explicaremos tambin los comandos por consola y cmo entender la documentacin oficial.Es un curso fcil de entender y rpido de aplicar. Con ejemplos sencillos pero intuitivos y fcilmente extrapolables a casos complejos. Te explicar qu debes hacer y por qu, y qu no debes hacer y por qu no. Entenderse con tus compaeros de trabajo ser fcil porque hablaris el mismo idioma."
Price: 39.99

"Il benchmarching per il miglioramento delle performance" |
"Il corso si propone, in maniera pratica e completa, di argomentare i presupposti applicativi e le caratteristiche fondamentali di un importante strumento di management a supporto della pianificazione strategica: il benchmarking, presentandone i modelli, gli strumenti, le metodologie applicative, lutilit ed i vantaggi.Il corso completato dalla presentazione dei principali modelli associativi utilizzati dalle imprese e dalle imprese italiane per fare benchmarking.Gli studenti impareranno e faranno propria limportanza strategica della cultura delleccellenza e del confronto per la gestione di una organizzazione di successo e non riusciranno pi a fare a meno dello strumento strategico benchmarking. Impareranno:1. cosa il benchmarking;2. quando, perch, in quale contesto competitivo viene utilizzato;3. come e quando nasce, le fasi evolutive;4. il benchmarking e i suoi collegamenti con le principali leve competitive come strumento a supporto dellattivit manageriale e della pianificazione strategica;5. il benchmarking e il total quality management;6. il benchmarking come strumento tra gli strumenti per leccellenza e comparazione con gli stessi (tqm, lean manufacturing, world class manufacturing, six sigma, bsc .);7. i tipi di benchmarking (formal, informal, interno, competitivo, funzionale, di processo, generico o della best practice)), i modelli (xerox, four corporation, modello di deming), le fasi applicative, gli strumenti;8. alcuni degli strumenti: il frame, il microscope;9. approfondimento del modello pdca (ruota o modello di Deming);10. lefqm per leccellenza;11. i modelli di benchmarking per le imprese a livello europeo ed internazionale e per le pmi italiane (associazione premio qualit, associazione benchmarking for success, benchmarking club, club di pmi, gain club).- Capire limportanza di, e mappare la tua attivit individuando i benchmarks fondamentali.- Scegliere le aziende per il confronto, lapprendimento e che possano suggerirti soluzioni innovative.- Scegliere il miglior tipo di benchmarking per la tua attivit.- Diffondere la cultura nella tua attivit motivando tutti i livelli rendendo la tua impresa eccellente."
Price: 124.99

"Google Call Ads For Plumbers" |
"In this course, you are going to get a full walkthrough on properly setting up call ads to bring you the customers you want. Call ads are the most effective and direct method of successful advertising. They need. They search. They click. The phone starts ringing. You book the customer. No need for sales pages. No need for a great website. No need for graphic design. Easy and effective. The best advertising in the world.I will give you all the keywords you will need to use. I will show you how to use them properly.I will show you what campaigns to create. How to create them. What settings to use.And most importantly I will help you create winning ads that beat your competitors day in and day out.If that is what you want. Invest in this course and invest in your success and I will show you the quickest path to great results with Google call ads."
Price: 99.99
