"Introduction to Book Keeping and Basic Accounting" |
"This course is step by step guide to record your financial transactions to preparing financial statement for better decision making. The concept are made easy with examples for your.Designed for begginners.You will learn the following,1- What is Book keeping2. Difference in Book keeping and Accounting3. 5 Basic Principals of book keeping4. Types of Bookkeeping5. Elements of Bookkeeping6. Requirement of Compliance, Audit and Tax7. When to hire an Accountant"
Price: 19.99

"Statistics for Data Science using Python" |
"If You want to be a Data Scientist or Data Analyst then brushing up on your statistics skills is something you need to do.But it's just hard to get started with Data Science in most of the course you will find theoritical knowledge on stats not having practical knowledgeI have explained Each topic in a easiest way as well as its implementation in Python from Scratch (most demanding language of Data Science Industry)That's exactly why I have created this course for you!Here you will quickly get the essential stats knowledge for a Data Scientist or Analyst.I have included real-world use-cases of business challenges to show you how you could apply Stats knowledge to boost your career.At the same time you can master topics such as Descriptive Stats, distributions, z-test, the Central Limit Theorem, hypothesis testing, & many more!So what are you waiting for?Enroll now and & get a transition into Data Science"
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda Scrum de forma rpida (PSM I)" |
"Objetivos: Obter conhecimento sobre framework gil mais utilizadas no MERCADO;Compreender os benefcios do framework SCRUM e sua utilizao;Entender como aplicar o Scrum;Comear a se preparar para as principais CERTIFICAES do Scrum, como a Professional Scrum Master ICONTEDOPorque ser gil?O que o Scrum?Pilares e Valores ScrumO Time ScrumCerimnias ScrumOs Artefatos do ScrumCertificaoComo estudar para a certificaoO dia a dia de um Scrum Master"
Price: 54.99

"Learn complete Basic Aari Embroidery from Scratch" |
"This course is this first course on the internet that taught by a professional Aari Embroidery instructor.i have made this course especially for the beginners. if you do not know any thing about Aari Embroidery no problem. because most of the my students are completely beginners. this course in only for the very beginners who does not know anything about Aari Embroidery.we have covered every step the new beginners required.there are 35 lecture and 35 quizzes. quizzes is only for you memories what's you learnt. i also teach online and offline. this is the my First course on the Udemy platform.Hope you support me also on this platform. Let's see what we learn in this course.Learn complete Basic Aari Embroidery or maggum work from scratch.Course : this is Aari Embroidery course. similar like Hand EmbroiderySkill : No skill required to learn this Aari Embroidery.Design : Make your own dress and designs.Money : after learn this skill you can make money by just work any company or open your own factory. What's you'll learn in this courseYou will know about History of Aari EmbroideryMost usable embroidery materials.Understanding about Aari EmbroideryHow to properly threading onto the needleHow to practice with aari embroidery needlesHow to ready frame to learn Aari Embroidery or make design on fabric.The first step of stitching how to learn chain stitching of aari embroidery.After competing any design how to lock or end the stitch.How you can exercise your hand to make each and every design or any pattern.Learn how to stitch with silk thread.How to fill Materials in Aari Embroidery needles.Different types of zigzag stitch of Aari Embroidery.Two type of Arrow stitch.Aari Embroidery Buttonhole stitch or Blanket stitch.Water filling stitch or pani work.Short and long stitch of Aari Embroidery.Butterfly stitch of Aari Embroidery.Basic Mat stitch.many types of load stitchLoad stitch with two different colours.Aari Embroidery choti stitch.Magic stitch of Aari Embroidery.Pechni stitch or stem stitch of Aari Embroidery.Many types of sequins stitch of Aari Embroidery.Many types of beading stitch of Aari Embroiery.Easy and fast method to learn zardosi work.Tube beads or bungle beads stitching.Kundan work embroideryBasic mirror work.How to do patch work or applique work of Aari Embroidery.Cut work of Aari Embroidery.What is Highlights and how to do it.Tracing or transfer design on fabric to Embroidery.Who can learn this Embroideryeveryone who is curious to learn this technique and embroidery.no matter what your age.if you are a child, bachelor, doing job, or you are a retirement person even can this Aari embroidery."
Price: 12800.00

"this course focus on character design for animator, it also show you the idea to design a vector character, with this course you can use the training idea to create any vector character of your style both for animation or for comics drawings.if later you want to go into digital sculpting you can use this course experience and design your character before going for the sculpting."
Price: 34.99

"3 narzdzia do kreatywnej reklamy dla brany #beauty" |
"Chcesz nauczy si skutecznej reklamy, aby pozyskiwa nowych klientw?Chcesz mniej pracowa bez straty zarobkw?Chcesz lepiej zarzdza czasem oraz rozwija swj biznes?3 x TAK? Mam co dla Ciebie!Jeli szukasz prostych, darmowych oraz kreatywnych narzdzi to tworzenia treci reklamowych z zakresu: wideo, foto oraz grafika to jeste w dobrym miejscu!Stworzyam ten poradnik z myl o firmach, ktre nie maj zbyt wiele czasu, by wyrni swoj mark w Internecie, ale zaley im na dynamicznym wykreowaniu i szukaj sposobu jak nauczy si tego. W moim poradniku, ktry wykonasz, w niecae 2h nauczysz si i wykonasz razem ze mn swoje logo, ulotki, wideo, zdjcia, a take gify!Czy chcesz w prosty sposb wyrni swoj mark? Teraz to moliwe!Poznaj 3 bezpatne narzdzia do dynamicznego wykreowania swojej marki w Internecie!Dziki tym narzdziom wzbogacisz swoj ofert, a take kompleksowo i samodzielnie przygotujesz wszystkie niezbdne materiay!Poradnik sprawdzi si zarwno dla osoby, ktra miaa do czynienia z programami graficznymi, jak i dla osoby, dla ktrej to czarna magia. Dziki, poradom zdobdziesz wiedz oraz konkretne umiejtnoci, na ktre inny wydali mnstwo pienidzy oraz czasu. Poznasz krok po kroku wszystkie funkcje aplikacji, dziki ktrym montowanie filmw, edycja zdj czy tworzenie ulotek zajmie Ci kilku minut! Dodatkowo wszystkie te materiay, bdziesz tworzy w dowolnym miejscu, np. czekajc na wizyt klientki czy w kolejne do sklepu!Dokadny opis lekcji kursu:Modu grafikaInstrukcja zaoenia bezpatnego konta w serwisieRodzaje projektw moliwych do wykonania w programie: moesz stworzy w nim plakaty, wizytwki, grafiki do Social Media, prezentacje, gify oraz wiele innych!Wsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 1 post w Social MediachWsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 2 logo oraz palety kolorwWsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 3 cover to na Social MediaWsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 4 wizytwkaPorwnanie wersji PRO czyli patnej oraz bezpatnejModu edycja zdjNajwaniejsze funkcje aplikacjiPokazanie stylw do szybkiego korzystaniaOmwienie wszystkich 7 narzdzi dostpnych w aplikacji wraz z przykadow obrbk zdjNajwaniejsze tricki oraz elementyZapisywanie oraz eksportowania gotowych zdjModu wideoPoznanie aplikacji oraz jej moliwociPrzykady korzystania ze wszystkich funkcjiDodanie swoich zdj oraz wideo do aplikacji w celu stworzenia jednego wideoRodzaje animacji dodatkowychDodawanie muzyki stockowej oraz swojejNajwaniejsze tricki oraz elementyZapisywanie oraz eksportowania gotowych wideo"
Price: 69.99

"Adobe Essentials 2020: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign & XD" |
"Compare with similar courses, and you will find no better value. 25,000 students (and counting) cant be wrong!This course is made for students who would like to learn the essentials/basics of the primary Adobe design applications. Although not fancy, these pages are informed by over ten years of using these applications (and their predecessors) daily.The way this course teaches the applications is by introducing and explaining them in a logical way that builds upon what was previously learned. These applications present a puzzling array of buttons and gadgets that most often is overwhelming to the new user. This course makes sense of it all, not showing how everything works, but instead laying a foundation and a path to learn about all those confusing buttons and gadgets.The steps in this course look a bit like tutorials. Like tutorials, you should work in the applications as you follow along with the course, even when not specifically instructed to do so. Unlike tutorials, the steps in this course present the information in a way that is geared to having you actually learn the material, not just a list of steps to get something that looks decent.This course is made for Adobe Creative Cloud (2020 versions), but it can easily be used for versions CS4 through CS6. The properties panel is the only thing that has changed in the basics material presented here. If you are using multiple versions of Illustrator or InDesign you will need to save files in a way you can open them in the other version. A quick Google search will point you to how this is done."
Price: 94.99

"Develop 5 apps with python , kivy and kivymd" |
"So you wanna create real world apps with python and kivy. You dont want to learn theory. Then you are are the right place. I will teach you kivy and kivymd by building 5 apps. We will learn awesome thingsusing native features in kivyworking with real-time databaseWebscraping in kivyUsing apis in kivyplyer modulemany other features"
Price: 44.99

"German Online Course, A2 Beginners" |
"Learn German faster!German Online Course designed for independent learners. A milestone content to help you progress in German and pass any German A2 exam!In this German course A2 Online you will learn new grammar and new vocabulary. You will practice reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. When reading, for example, you learn to understand simple everyday texts. When listening, you practice Grammar in everyday language.Our students value this course crucial in understanding Grammar and prepare for Language Exams."
Price: 34.99

"Best Quality Customer Service" |
"Meski pelayanan pelanggan itu tak kasat mata dan seringkali sulit dipahami, namun masih tetap dapat dilihat, didengar, dan dialami. Yang penting adalah bahwa apa yang dilihat, didengar, dan dialami oleh pelanggan. quality customer service hanya bisa dipahami dari sudut pandang pelanggan. Kita harus meruskan pelayanan bermutu melalui mata pelanggan.Kepedulian pelanggan yang bermutu merupakan kunci sukses dan dasar untuk membangun keberhasilan dan keuntungan organisasi organisasi perusahaan. Yang disayangkan, sebagian besar organisasi masa kini hanya berkonsentrasi pada sisi teknis kinerja perusahaan dan hanya meluangkan waktu sangat minim bagi sisi manusiawi dalam bisnis. Sayangnya tidak banyak supervisor atau pelatih yang cukup berpengalaman untuk memberikan pelatihan mengenai pelayanan bermutu.Berinteraksi dengan pelanggan seharusnya memang mengasikkan dan menggugah semangat. Berinterakasi dengan pelanggan secara efektif membutuhkan berbagai prinsip, metode, serta keahlian yang perlu dikenali, dipelajari, dan diterapkan. Gabungan antara sikap dan keahlian akan menentukan bentuk kepedulian pelanggan yang bermutu (quality customer care) yang mampu menjadikan kita seorang pemenang.Melalui pelatihan ini akan membantu menangani situasi nyata dan membentuk kemampuan menjadi seorang pelayan untuk yang mampu memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu. Pelatihan ini juga dilakukan secara gamblang sehingga mudah dimengerti karena dikembangkan berdasarkan pengalaman praktis di perusahaan. Model pembelajaran yang berhasil akan menjadi pola dalam pelatihan ini."
Price: 280000.00

"Better Pencil Drawing using the Bargue Drawing Course" |
"Produced by 8D Studio and instructed by Juan Carlos Martnez.We offer almost 3 hours of quality information, demonstration, detail discussion, illustration, tips, problem solving and more. On top of that, a few suggested exercises are available to help with the understanding of certain key concepts.An in-class student could spend up to six-months to learn the basics of pencil drawing. In these video lessons, the gist of the information is offered but the viewer should practice at least 4 drawings to fully appreciate the depth and breadth of what is covered here.IntroductionWelcomeAn introduction to Bargue DrawingStarting with linesSetting up for successLine qualityExercise - draw the facial featuresTools and materialsThe silhouetteThe silhouette - part 1The silhouette - part 2The silhouette - part 3Exercise - study the silhouetteSecond passFilling inExercise - value scalePerfecting and clean upRendering and finishingRendering: Rounding and shading - part 1Rendering: Rounding and shading - part 2FinishExercise - More Bargue plates to study from- ABOUT JUAN -Juan Carlos Martnez is a multi-award winning Artist and Art educator for more than twenty years. Recognized as a Living Master by the Art Renewal Center, Juan is known for his Portrait and Figurative works. His works and commissions hang in public as well as private collections in Canada, US, and Europe.As an educator, Juan was a Senior Instructor at the Academy of Realist Art in Toronto and conducted workshops Internationally. He authored several articles for major art publications. Juan frequently lectures on technical or art historical and other matters relating to representational art and its grand traditions.Today, Juan continually develops his body of work and maintains an influence as a teacher and mentor, and as a commissioned portrait painter. He also welcomes inquiry regarding available work, commissions, or about instruction, lectures, and workshops.- TESTIMONIALS -""Juan was instrumental to my growth as a painter, and I would not be the artist I am today without his guidance. He's not only a great teacher but very fun and interesting with knowledge in topics beyond the visual arts that relate directly to them. He is possibly an ancient wizard, despite his age claims, he looks not a day over 40.""- David Shepherd""I had the great pleasure of working with Juan Martinez during his tenure at the Academy of Realist Art here in Toronto. The school offered a one-week course in 'alla-prima portrait painting' with senior instructor Juan Martinez and I immediately signed up. I had been a drawer for the past 50 years, so I was relatively new to painting having only started to paint in 2003. I felt that an intensive portrait painting workshop with one of the ARAs principle instructors would be helpful in broadening my abilities.Day One of the workshop began with a 3-hour demo by Juan and I immediately knew I was in the right place. Not only was he a superb painter, but his explanations of the process of painting were clear and well-directed to the various student levels in the room. His understanding of light and shadow and (more importantly) his ability to pass this understanding on to his students was remarkable. Over the week I found Juan to be an excellent instructor with personal, individual help for every student and an easy-going charm in the classroom. Would I sign up for the course again? Absolutely.""- Brian Smith AOCA"
Price: 99.99

"HVAC Commissioning" |
"Commissioning is one of the critical procedures for the project. It is not easy to understand because it depends on the project and end-user standard. For example, I did the performance test for the HVAC system when I work for an EPC project in Qatar. But I didnt do it when I handled an EPC project in UAE.It is the main reason for me to prepare this course. I will show you the typical HVAC commissioning. If you need to deal with a HVAC commissioning, you can understand about it with this course. You can use this course according to the situation since I put activities as many as possible into this course to contain as much as information.We will discuss about the below activities. Introduction Maintainability Operability Pre-commissioning -1 Pre-commissioning -2 Function Test - Manual Function Test - Auto TAB Performance Test Preparing HandoverFrom this course, you will get ideas about how to review design, manage the project, prepare commissioning and negotiate with your client. And I will show you actual examples as much as possible. For instance, there are 17 examples from my experience I got them while working for 4 EPC projects in Middle East.I hope you would understand about the HVAC after taking this course.Good luck."
Price: 99.99

"Exam AZ-900 : Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Sets" |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam (AZ 900) is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, core Azure services, Azure pricing, SLA, and lifecycle, and the fundamentals of cloud security, privacy, compliance, and trust.This exam is intended for people beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services. Candidates should be able to demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of cloud concepts, as well as Azure services, workloads, security, privacy, pricing, and support. In addition, you should be familiar with concepts of networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development.Azure Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based or specialty certifications, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them.Skills Measured:Describe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)Wish you all the best for this new journey onto Microsoft Cloud."
Price: 19.99

"Christian Storytelling for Busy People" |
"Do you lose your listeners when you tell a story? It may be a great story with a knockout ending, but you get blank stares or absent-minded nods at the end. You were so sure it was the story the group needed to hear to drive the point home, so where did it go wrong? As well, you know down deep that Christian storytelling is of utmost, even ultimate, importancebut struggle to define any difference.Proverbs 25:11 says, ""A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver."" (ESV) My goal is to help you find the right words to tell stories that impart immense spiritual wealth to your listeners.Ive named this course StoryGold, and its two goals are:1. To teach you how to tell a faith-focused storya story that helps point your listener toward God and His ways.2. To show you how to put those stories together in the middle of your busy schedule.The lessons are quick, designed to either watch or listen on-the-go. And at the end of the course, youll be better able to:- spot the right story for your listener- find the ending that will bring a new understanding- hone in on the details that make a richer story- piece together and tell your story quickly- create a deep connection with your listener- land the ending in a profound, impactful wayYou'll gain confidence as you learn how to craft the pieces of an engaging story, so whether you're in a conversation, in a classroom, at work, or on the radio, when the opportunity arrives you'll be ready to share a story that truly connects on a heart level and brings the hearer closer to God."
Price: 99.99

"Kimya TYT(Tm Konular) - Gncel Mfredat 2020-2021" |
"Bu kursu TYT Kimya snavnda baarl olmak isteyen her renci alabilir.AYT Kimya snav iin salam temel oluturmak isteyenlerin mutlaka bilmesi gereken konular mevcuttur.Kursumuzda konular kk paralara ayrlarak rencilerin daha rahat takip etmesi salanmtr.Kursumuzda renciler her zaman sorularn rahat bir ekilde sorabilmesi iin Telegram kanalmz mevcuttur. Bu kanala soru gnderildiinde sorularnz ksa srede cevaplanacaktr.Kursu daha rahat takip edebilmek iin derslerde kullandm sunumlarmn topluca bir arada olduu PDF dosyasnn ktsn alarak kursu takip etmeniz yararnza olacaktr.Kursumuz mfredata uygun bir sra ile oluturulmutur. Konular birbirinin devam niteliindedir.Kurs ieriimizde bol soru zlmesine nem verilmitir. Her kazanm sonunda sorular olduu gibi nite sonlarnda da bol bol soru zm yaplmtr.Kursumuz her zaman gncelliini koruyacaktr. Mfredat deiiklii olduu taktirde renciler mail ile bilgilendirilecek olup konular ona gre tekrar gncellenecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Bulgarian Language Course for Beginners" |
"This course is designed to help home learners as well as university students to get beginner level in Bulgarian language.The lessons start with the letters and how to read and write in Bulgarian. You will learn how to introduce yourself, talk about weather, time, do some shopping. There are exercises to help you master what you have learned. Check the download materials, too. And watch the videos I have posted as external links on YouTube, so you can learn even more.The follow-up course will help you move to the next level.Start learning now!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprenda Ingls Bsico de uma forma simples!" |
"O curso dividido em 10 aulas, com extenso vocabulrio para que voc aprenda como falar e como escrever em ingls. Aps cada aula voc far uma atividade individual e em seguida assistir a resoluo desse exerccio com explicaes minuciosas. As aulas so expostas em vdeos curtos e fcil entendimento, os exerccios tambm so baseados nas aulas e de fcil resoluo."
Price: 39.99

"Business strategies : Business analysis and execution" |
"Grow your business and master the skill of spontaneity to convert your business into a highly profitable and successful business with effective business strategies.Welcome to the ""BUSINESS STRATEGIES: BUSINESS ANALYSIS AND EXECUTION"" course. I'm going to teach you in detail how to analyze your business and add value to your business by executing the decisions and implementing effective marketing strategies.My name is Ramya Manikonda, and I've been a successful offline entrepreneur since 2013. I've built a successful business in clothing (manufacturing). I have started a coaching institute for all passionate people, helping and guiding them in strategic planning, sales funnel, marketing techniques, Business analysis, Consumer psychology, and most important: managing finances.I've taken up an initiative to provide my experiences and to avoid mistakes, which would lead to a downgrading the progress of the others business while giving strategic tactics.At the end of this course, you will learn how the business strategy is significant for analysis of business, identify the mistakes, execution of operational activitiesfocusing the opportunities for the growth of the market. Customers are the hardest to all companies; we learn to do so by providing free referrals, so the money keeps rolling in no matter what you do while identifying the marketing opportunities and updating yourself continuously with the trend.The course is a design for startup businesses with low sales, but if you are struggling in the execution of the practical marketing opportunities, allocation, and utilization of business resources and the most important relating to taking and implementing decisions to achieve the business goals. Many of the tips and strategies will help you on your way.By the end of the course:You will learn to focus on the Identification of future marketing opportunities.Effective allocation and utilization of physical and financial resources to the identified opportunitiesContinuous review and analysis of plan execution and effective control of the business and operational activities;Establishment of viable objectives and relating significant decisions and actions to achieve those objectivesClarification of individual roles and responsibility and thereby attaining organizational motivationCreation of an attitude of mind in personnel to accept and face changes and challengesThe study of strategic management, coupled with the knowledge industry, can educate the business managers to understand the inherent problems to make rational decisions in times of need."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 54.99

"Microsoft Access 2019/365: Beginner To Advanced" |
"Access has been around for over two decades and its not going anywhere due to its ability to be up and running very quickly!Sure, big companies like big databases that serve the company needs on an enterprise level but the value of access is about what can be done at a local level, in small teams and on smaller or temporary projects.For example if you are working in a small company and you want to be able to manage your data whether that be some kind of sales data, expenses, marketing information or project focus data and you need to get up and running quickly with a database to handle it, well Access is definitely the tool for you.You can be up and running in an afternoon with no need to get IT permissions or ask for a big budget! Thats why Access is known as a self-serving or end-user tool.Given that is how Access is now used we have built a course with exactly that in mind, to teach you how to use Access for it to be a great end-user tool that you can get up and running quickly but also give your Database more advanced capability if you wish to.In order to build the right course for you, we worked with Guy Vaccaro, who has been building Databases, including Access Databases for over two decades. Rather than build an unnecessarily long training, Guy has condensed his two decades of mastery in under 6.5 very focused hours, not learning unnecessary functionality so you can get up and running and maintaining your database in a very quick time frame!As with all of our courses, if you are not happy, no worries, you have 30 days to get a full, no questions asked refund!"
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Teams: Become a Power User" |
"Digital Collaboration is the new normal in todays world and Microsoft has built the market-leading collaboration tool with Microsoft Teams.We worked with the Microsoft Certified and highly experienced Teams Consultant Henry Phillips to put together a masterclass training course on how to get the most from this incredible tool.Henrys expertise in how companies can get the most out of Microsoft Teams means you dont have to put yourself through an unnecessarily long course and in under three hours you will be able to get the most out of this tool for you and your company."
Price: 29.99

"The Anger Saga" |
"The Anger Saga is a personal development course that focuses on Anger Management. It investigates the anger cycle by identifying the emotional origin of anger and ways to break the negative habits created within the cycle. This is part 1 of a 3 part series to address the Anger Saga."
Price: 24.99

"Image Processing" |
"In this course you will learn Digital Image Processing. Initially the fundamental concepts are taught including the origin of digital image processing, image sensing and acquisition, sampling and quantization, intensity resolution and spatial resolution. Gradually this course leads to more in-depth topics such as intensity transformation and spatial filtering, segmentation, color image processing."
Price: 29.99

"Aeronutica - Conceptos de Mantenimiento - Motor Turbofan" |
"Conceptos de mantenimiento motor turban, proporciona una descripcin a nivel introductorio los conceptos, prcticas generales y caractersticas asociadas con el mantenimiento de motores jet turbofan. Est dirigido principalmente para estudiantes del sector aeronutico pero no est limitado, por lo que cualquier persona interesada en los conceptos relacionados al mantenimiento aeronutico puede tomar el curso."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction into Power BI 1.0 (30 Minutes with sample data)" |
"This is a 25 minutes step by step introductory course into Power BI with sample data. You will learn how to download and install Power BI, how to import data from an Excel file and transform data type, and finally create Tables, Matrix, Charts and Slicers. At the end of this course you will be able to understand the logic of Power BI and set yourself up to perform more advanced functions."
Price: 19.99

"Photo Colorization - Colorize Old Photos Using a Free Tool" |
"Want to give life to your old black & white photographs?Then it's time for you to learn Photo Colorization!In the span of one hour, you will learn a quick & simple method of coloring black & white images. Best of all, you will be using a free tool so you don't have to make any investment (other than your time of course).My name is Alfred, a professional comic book artist. And my artworks have been featured by DC comics,Dark Wave Comics, Artix, Adventure Quest World, Long Beach Comicon, LA Comicon.At the end of this course you will be able to learn how to digitally restore and colorize black and white portrait pictures in no time. This course if perfect for beginners or hobbyists that would want to learn a new skill.So get the course now and lets make your photos alive through color restoration!"
Price: 99.99

"Praktyczna Administracja PostgreSQL" |
"Kada wiksza firma ma bazy danych ... ba! ma ich wiele!Kada wiksza firma potrzebuje kogo, kto umie administrowa bazami danych!Po tym kursie bdziesz umia administrowa bazami danych... a na pewno PostgreSQL!Nie trudno zauway aktualny trend na polskim rynku IT, polegajcy na migrowaniu si z patnej bazy Oracle Database do darmowego PostgreSQL.Zapotrzebowanie na specjalistw znajcych PostgreSQL cigle ronie!Niezalenie czy jeste:Administratorem Bazy Danych, ktry zjad zby na innych silnikach bazodanowychInynierem DevOps, ktry chce dorzuci now umiejtno do swojej listyAdministratorem Systemw, ktremu ma wpa za chwil par nowych bazProgramist, ktry jest godny wiedzy a chciaby si wietnie orientowa o czym Ci Admini mwi... Jeeli zaczynasz przygod z PostgreSQL... Jeeli chcesz, aby zarzdzanie baz danych PostgreSQL nie miao przed Tob tajemnic...Ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!Czy nasuno Ci si kiedy ktre z poniszych pyta w kontekcie PostgreSQL?Jak dziaa PostgreSQL?Jak go zainstalowa?Jak ustawi kto, do jakiej bazy i z ktrej sieci moe si dosta?Jak w bezpieczny sposb zmieni haso?Dlaczego w kontekcie pojedynczej instancji PostgreSQL pojawia si sowo klaster?Czy musz uczy si na pami zapyta informujcych mnie a obiektach w bazie?O co chodzi z nazewnictwem PostgreSQL - raz 9.6.18, potem 10.1?Jakie opcje logowania s warte wczenia?Po ustawieniu ktrych parametrw mam restartowa PostgreSQL, jak to sprawdzi?Co tak naprawd robi CREATE EXTENSION?Jak chwilowo pozby si uytkownikw z systemu?Jak zlokalizowa wolne zapytanie SQL?Jak przetestowa wydajno bazy?Jak zebra historyczne informacje na temat wykonywanych na bazie zapyta?Jak wykona backup, a jak restore do dowolnego punktu w czasie?Jak podnie PostgreSQL do wyszej wersji?Jeeli tak - to jeste w waciwym miejscu! W tym kursie odpowiem Tobie na te pytania... i wiele innych!Szanuje Twj czas i wiem e kady ma go mao, a rzeczy do nauki jest wiele - dlatego w kursie:jest tylko niezbdna teoriaskupiam si na praktycznym podejciu do tematucao przekazu jest utrzymana w prostej stylistyce aby ozdobniki audio/video nie przysaniay trecikomendy uywane podczas wykadw wyldoway w zacznikach do nich w postaci plikw TXTZakadam e kurs bdzie z czasem ewoluowa! Jeeli uwaasz e jaki temat jest wart omwienia szerzej, albo chciaby aby w kursie pojawio si jakie dodatkowe zagadnienie, czy zosta omwiony jaki konkretny przykad... porostu daj zna! Tematy ktre w wiadomociach od Was bd si pojawiay regularnie bd dodawane do kursu!"
Price: 279.99

"Advanced- Specialist in Key Account Management & Acquisition" |
"Key account managers work with a companys biggest (i.e., most important) customers to build long-term, strategic partnerships. This role requires a range of skills from closing sales and nurturing relationships to strategic planning and cross-functional leadership. KAMs' are bound to 'Gear Up' in this New Normal situation at earliest before they miss the 'Bus'. And losing one of those key accounts could have dire consequences for your businesss bottom line and long-term viability.In this 'Next Generation' market, companies are quickly discovering that winning with their key customers is becoming more critical than ever. Achieving excellence in key account management has become more complex and more significant in ensuring growth excellence. This program focuses on creating a structure for account management personnel to develop a strategy to manage those critical relationships that ensure business success. This leads on to looking at the operational processes required to ensure effective account management, and good working relationships between both parties.The course is very practical in nature, and includes exercises, that give learners the opportunity to reflect on how the subject matter relates specifically to their existing accounts. The program also provides tips and ideas to assist delegates achieve successful account management. You will be able to:Define the key account managements main functions and best practicesRecognize the importance of re-defining businesses processes to match the ever-changing market and customer requirementsProduce clear sales and marketing differentiators to neutralize competition (value-based proposition)Learn techniques for increasing the penetration throughout the depth and breadth of the key accountsTo know and identify why customer mapping and timeline mapping is important to keep the flow of the business"
Price: 1280.00

"Linux Inter Process Communication Methods made simple" |
"This course is mainly focused on methods which are used to communicate between the processes.In this series you will understand what is inter process communication practically, how to implement inter process communication methods ,what is the behavior of processes while communication with each other and necessity of process synchronization while communicating with each other."
Price: 1280.00

"Speech Therapy for Parents: Support your child's reading I" |
"Perhaps your child is starting school soon and you want to be sure the foundation for reading has been properly laid. Perhaps you want to carry on the good work the teacher started, while your child is in quarantine. Or you received feedback from pre-school that your child struggles with phonological awareness and you are determined to help her catch up. Whatever your motivation, you have come to the right place. In this six week course you will learn what phonological awareness means, why it is so crucial in reading development, and how you can develop the six necessary phonological awareness skills in your child. Lize is an experienced speech language therapist in private practice and here she offers evidence based activity ideas, with hands-on guidance on how you can practice it with your child over six weeks and beyond. Research shows that the best kind of early intervention involves the parents. Parent-implemented intervention is effective because the parent plays a key role in the child's life, and also because intervention becomes an ongoing process. In this course you will be trained to do a daily short activity that will improve your child's phonological awareness. Please remember many children still require ongoing speech therapy. While this course includes exercises your speech therapist probably would have prescribed for developing phonological awareness, parents still need guidance from the speech-language pathologist as the childs skills change and develop. DisclaimerThe information and resources contained in this course have been curated by a registered speech and language therapist but are nevertheless for informational purposes only and are not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any speech or language condition. The use of this course does not imply nor establish any type of therapist-client relationship. Furthermore, the information obtained from this course should not be considered a substitute for a thorough speech and language evaluation by an appropriately credentialed and licensed speech therapist. This course includes links to other websites for informational and reference purposes only."
Price: 49.99

"En este curso te pasars desde lo mas sencillo a lo ms avanzado en filmora, lo hars de una manera rpida y directa al grano para que puedas empezar a editar tus vdeos lo antes posible. Te ensear los efectos ms avanzados que se pueden logran en filmora y su correcto uso, as como estrategias para aumentar tu creatividad mientras editas. Adems dispondrs de plena atencin instructiva por correo si te inscribes, para que puedas disponer de mi atencin a modo de instructor,"
Price: 69.99
