"Learn how to create Instagram beauty filters with Spark AR" |
"ABOUT THIS COURSE:In this class you will learn how to create your own beauty filter.We will start from the absolute basis to then learn more exciting special effects.This class include 10 videos each one dedicated to a specific facial feature or animation:SKIN: beauty start from good skin! In this video you will see how to obtain that beautiful skin smoothening effect, how to achieve a wet skin look, a glowy complexion and how to add a gummy face mask effect.EYE: learn how to change iris colour, or how to add fantasy lenses to your eyes.TEETH: I will show you how to incorporate a teeth whitening effect into your beauty filter.FRECKLES: add some cute freckles and channel your inner Lolita!BLUSH and EYE SHADOWS: now let's get to the fun part and let's add some colours to our filter. Creating your own custom make up it's a piece of cake!EYELINER: what is a beauty filter without a good wing liner? Play with shapes and colour to make your own unique liner.LASHES: all girls love them all girls need them!...a good set of lashes it's a must in every beauty filter. Learn how you can make your own custom version of it!LIPS: I will show you how you can add a gorgeous 'gloss' effect, metallic or glitter lipstick, and how to add fantasy lip art to your filter.HIGHLIGHTER: a well done highlighter will instantly upgrade your filter ten notches!! ..Watch how you can create the most natural looking glow for your skin.TATTOOS: another super cool and fun addition that you can incorporate to stand out from any other filter!Remember to be as creative as you want...when dealing with filters there is no such thing as too much!!SO LET'S START LEARNING HAND HAVE FUN CREATING! :)"
Price: 19.99

"Edexcel Mathematics IGCSE 2019 Past Paper 1F Revision" |
"Edexcel Pearson IGCSE international curriculum is followed around the globe and this course will help students prepare for their exams by going through the past paper questions one by one with explanation for each question. Students will be able to master the art of doing the examination on time with the knowledge gained through this course."
Price: 19.99

"Learn complete Core Java with Practical Examples" |
"With more than 20 years of experience in Software Development with PayPal, Aricent, CSC(Computer Science Corporation), etc..., and last few years into Corporate Training(and trained thousands of Software Professionals), Author has designed this course to meet Industry standard requirements. In this Course, each and every Lecture is covered hands on and in detail. Every lecture hasVideoSource code examples, developed in above VideoReading Material, for every conceptQuiz - Multiple Choice Questions, to cross check your confidence levelsAssignments Questions, to try Coding exercisesThis Course is designed in such a way that Learners get very good working expertise on Core Java, and will be in a position to develop projects, at the completion of this course. We are very particular that Learners benefit exponentially from this Course, and adds real value to their Programming Knowledge.Project Specifications are provided at the end, so that Learners can attempt, and can add to their Profile as ramp up Project. During your Learning, and every Clarification raise by the Learners, will be answered promptly, which makes their Learning experience, easy. And, Welcome to fully loaded Core Java course with Practical Hands on examples."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo cognio e neuropsicologia" |
"Neste curso o aluno vai explorar a histria e os principais modelos e conceitos da neuropsicologia enquanto cincia e profisso. Alm disso, vai aprender sobre os principais tericos e modelos dos processos cognitivos, como: Inteligncia, funes executivas, memria, ateno e linguagem. Este curso possui uma grade curricular objetiva, que fala sobre assuntos essenciais para estudantes e curiosos do assunto."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende a integrar Laravel 7 con Moodle apoyado de Docker" |
"En este curso aprenders conceptos bsicos de docker, laravel y moodle, ademas de como moverte en una terminal linux.En cuanto a docker, aprenders lo bsico necesario para montar tu ambiente de desarrollo y porque no, montar tu ambiente productivo con solo hacer algunos ajustes, ademas, aprenders que es y para que sirve un dockerfile y un docker-compose y como sacar el mximo de provecho a estos archivos tan importantes.En cuando a moodle, conocers su estructuras, como instalarlo y saber con que recursos cuentas para poder administrar tu ambiente educativo; ademas de aprender a habilitar las extensiones necesarias para poder integrar tus aplicaciones, independientemente del tipo de aplicacin, siempre y cuando permita conexiones http(s).En cuanto a Laravel, conocers de este gran framework de desarrollo y veras lo fcil y rpido que es montar nuestras aplicaciones. aprenders como activar la autenticacin e incluir un sistema de manejo de roles, ademas de, trabajar con archivos de Excel, envi de correos electrnicos y conexin a APIs Restful.Se que este curso es para ti, te prometo que aprenders de muchas cosas en un mismo curso, lo que te abrir la mente para seguir explorando y aprendiendo."
Price: 54.99

"Fancy New Guy Training - New Employee Success" |
"Have that new job that makes you nervous on the drive in? Are you looking to get a promotion in your current role? Learn how to improve your skills and increase your VALUE! By taking this class, you will learn new techniques, tips and tricks to fine tune your skills in pursuit of a skill-based career!"
Price: 29.99

"Turn-based strategy game development, Unity Engine" |
"We all remember and love the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Tactical combat is the pinnacle of smart fighting games. Anyone can create a game from scratch. We are going to prove this together.The topics covered:Unity interfaceAnimationsElse-If Statements, LoopsVariables, Properties and TypesClasses and ObjectsCanvas and ImagesSprite Renderer, Transform, Rect Transform ComponentsPrefabsParticle SystemsArrays and ListsInterfaceAbstract classesScriptable ObjectsDesign PatternsArtificial IntelligenceMovementOptimal pathScrollable StorageRounds and TurnsC# MethodsImage, Canvas, Sprite RendererSerializationCoroutineetc"
Price: 19.99

"Learn PHP programming easily" |
"Welcome to this easy and yet powerful PHP course. Want to learn PHP from absolute scratch? Want to learn how to build websites using PHP? (Instead of relying on others all the time) Perhaps you want to start a website for your business, hobby, job, career, online income, etc. Then, you have come to the right place. This course will teach you web programming in a simple way. Start learning web programming using one of the most common and popular programming language, PHP"
Price: 19.99

"Estratgias de Marketing Digital" |
"Por que eu preciso de saber estratgias de marketing?Essa uma pergunta muito comum que eu recebo todos os dias.Meu nome Thyago Guimares, sou CEO da TG7 Marketing Digital e Escritor do Livro Os Segredos do Marketing Digital.Comecei a estudar marketing na faculdade de administrao de empresas, mas me especializei em marketing digital a alguns anos com alguns dos maiores nomes do marketing dos Estados Unidos, como Frank Kern, Jhon Riese, e outros.Sou certificado internacionalmente como Estrategista de Marketing e Copywriter.Nesse curso ns vamos no s te ensinar o que o marketing digital e sua importncia, como tambm quais estratgias voc deve usar no seu negcio.No passado quando me formei nem existia marketing digital e forma mais comum de se fazer marketing eram as paginas amarelas e os flyers, campanhas de alto alcance como Rdio e TV sempre foram muito caras e nunca eram acessveis aos pequenos empreendedores.Mas as coisas mudaram e hoje promover os nossos negcios se tornou mais acessvel e democrtico, pois as campanhas de marketing ficaram mais baratas.Ns recentemente fizemos um lanamento internacional de um software para jogadores de Poker, foi um sucesso! Conseguimos clientes em mais de 102 pases em menos de 6 meses.Foi algo que nem o mais otimista de ns achou que aconteceria em to curso estao de tempo, tudo isso graas ao marketing digital.Dados do Google mostram que mais de 97% de todas as decises de compra de alguma maneira comeam na internet.O Facebook tambm mostrou dados interessantes. Atualmente a rede social conta com 2,5 bilhes de usurios em todo mundo e mais de 160 milhes de usurios s no Brasil.Com tantas pesquisas e com tanta gente conectada, porque no promover nossos negcios para esses pessoas.Esse o objetivo desse curso, que voc conhea e saiba escolher qual ou quais so as melhores estratgias para promover seu negcio.Nesse curso ns vamos falara sobre:- Fundamentos do Marketing Digital - Estratgias de Marketing Digital- SEO- Marketing de Contedo- Trfego Pago- Re-marketing- E-mail marketing- Plataformas para Anunciar na Internet. - Elementos Fundamentas de um Anncio- e muitoooo maisO que est esperando?"
Price: 579.99

"How to Sketch Basic Human Figure Step by Step" |
"Hi Students welcome to the course on ""How to Sketch Basic Human Figure Step by Step"" . This is a complete course on the topic of Human sketching. In this course you will learn How to Human Sketch . There are 12 lectures in this course . The 2nd section is How to draw Human body parts . There are three lectures in this section . And 3rd Section is How to draw hairs . There are three lectures in this section.So enroll Today and learn a lot ."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle Database 12c: RAC and Grid Inf. Adm 1Z0-068" |
"Oracle Database 12c: RAC AdministrationGrid InfrastructureExplain the principles and purposes of clustersDescribe the Oracle Clusterware architectureDescribe how Grid Plug and Play affects ClusterwareInstalling and Configuring Oracle RACInstall the Oracle database softwareCreate a cluster databasePerform post-database-creation tasksConvert a single instance Oracle database to RACManaging Backup and Recovery for RACConfigure the RAC database to use ARCHIVELOG mode and the fast recovery areaConfigure RMAN for the RAC environmentRAC Database Monitoring and TuningIdentify RAC-specific tuning componentsDetermine RAC-specific wait-events, global enqueues and system statisticsImplement the most common RAC tuning practicesUse the Cluster Database Performance pagesUse the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) in RACUse Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in RACManaging High Availability for Connections and ApplicationsConfigure client-side connect-time load balancing and failoverConfigure server-side connect-time load balancingUse the Load Balancing Advisory (LBA)Explain the benefits of Fast Application Notification (FAN)Configure server-side calloutsConfigure the server- and client-side ONSConfigure Transparent Application Failover (TAF)Managing Oracle RAC One NodePerform an online database migrationAdd an Oracle RAC One Node database to an existing clusterConvert an Oracle RAC One Node database to a RAC databaseUse DBCA to convert a single-instance database to a RAC One Node databaseUsing Multitenant Architecture in a RAC EnvironmentDescribe the multitenant architecture in RAC and non-RAC environmentsCreate a RAC multitenant container database (CDB)Create a pluggable database (PDB) in a RAC CDBUse the default CDB and PDB servicesCreate PDB services to associate PDB services with server poolsDrop a PDB from a RAC CDBOracle Clusterware ArchitectureExplain the Oracle Clusterware architectureDescribe Oracle Clusterware startup detailsGrid Infrastructure Installation Planning and Pre-TasksPlan for Grid Infrastructure installationVerify system and network requirementsInstall required OS packagesSet kernel parametersCreate groups and usersCreate directoriesConfigure shell limitsManaging Cluster NodesPerform the prerequisite steps to extend a clusterUse addNode sh to add a node to a clusterDelete a node from a clusterPolicy-Based Cluster ManagementExplain the architecture and components of policy-based cluster managementAdminister server categorizationAdminister a policy setActivate a policyTroubleshooting Oracle ClusterwareLocate the Oracle Clusterware log files and use diagcollection plEnable resource debuggingEnable component-level debuggingEnable tracing for Java-based toolsTroubleshoot the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) fileAutomatic Storage Management (ASM) AdministrationOverview of ASMExplain the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) architectureDescribe the components of ASMFLEX ASMDescribe the architecture and components of Flex ASMInstall and configure Flex ASMManage Flex ASMAdministering ASM Files, Directories and TemplatesUse client tools to access ASM filesDescribe the format of a fully qualified ASM file nameExplain how ASM files, directories and aliases are created and managedDescribe and manage disk group templatesOracle CloudFS Advance TopicsConfigure ACFS auditingImplement ACFS encryptionConfigure and manage ACFC replicationImplement ACFS taggingDescribe the ASCF plug-in architectureConfigure High Availability NFS"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant practice exams" |
"Included in this Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Test course:- 4 practice tests- Practice like the real Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant TestSalesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 404+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 101 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Services Cloud Consultant Practice Exam" |
"Included in this Servicesforce Certified Services Cloud Consultant Test course:- 4 practice tests- Practice like the real Servicesforce Certified Services Cloud Consultant TestServicesforce Certified Services Cloud Consultant Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 440+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 110 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant practic exam" |
"Included in this Marketingforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Test course:- 3 practice tests- Practice like the real Marketingforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant TestMarketingforce Certified Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 317+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 110 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Embarazo, parto y crianza. Una formacin integral." |
"En este curso haremos un recorrido por las cambios fsicos y emocionales durante el embarazo, parto y crianza. Los controles prenatales bsicos y anlisis necesarios para conocer y evitar intervenciones innecesarias. Presentar ejemplos de plan de parto y responder las dudas que surjan durante la realizacin del curso. Adems les mostrar algunos ejercicios recomendados para reconocer la estructura corporal y prevenir molestias."
Price: 29.99

"Java for complete beginners(in depth, java and adv java) )" |
"Following topics are part of the course:JavaObject Oriented ProgrammingEncapsulation, Inheritance, PolymorphismLate Binding of FunctionsClasses & ObjectsAccess Control of Class MembersConstructorsMethod OverloadingInheritancesuper and finalRuntime PolymorphismAbstract classes & MethodsInterfaces & their ImplementationPackagesStatic Data & FunctionsException HandlingTypes of ExceptionsUse of try catch blockHandling multiple exceptionsfinally, throw & throws clauseUser defined exceptionsAdvanced JavaGenericsStringsCollectionsArrayList,LinkedList,HashSet,TreeSet,HashMapHashTableTreeMapVectorLambda ExpressionsUsing Lambda Expression with Collections (Datastructures)StreamsByte and Character StreamsFile HandlingMulti-threadingImplementing Runnable InterfaceThread StatesThread PrioritiesInter-Thread CommunicationServletsJDBCInteraction with MySQL"
Price: 7040.00

"Mastering Lean Canvas" |
"If you are an inventor or problem-solvers who is eager to transform your product or idea into a startup, you have arrived at the right course.Here you will learn to transform your invention or idea into a practical business model.In the course, you will design your idea's business model, validate its working assumptions against the real world, and make your first steps in materializing your business model.But most importantly, you will possess a compelling story and the confidence to share it with stakeholders.The course is focused on the lean canvas, which is the primary tool in the Lean Startup methodology. In the course, I drill down to each of the nine sections of the lean canvas and use examples of companies that successfully performed each section. Every chapter has an exercise to help you understand the subject and an assignment that will encourage you to advance your business model. Together we will walk step by step in the entire process.The Lean Canvas is a problem-oriented tool. It helps you see your business model from the customer's point of view and fitting your product to your customer's problems.The course is suitable for everyone. There are no pre-requirements to enroll, except open-minded and enthusiastic about being an entrepreneur.I invite you to look at the course descriptions to see if it meets your expectations."
Price: 19.99

"PBX bsico com CentOS e Asterisk do zero" |
"Venho compartilhar com vocs meu conhecimento em redes, linux e asterisk buscando agregar conhecimento e formar melhores profissionais no mercado de trabalho.Ao concluir o curso voc ter um PBX bsico em asterisk com os conceitos e introduo para desenvolver e avanar em seu desenvolvimento, podendo utilizar ferramentas mais avanadas e montar sua prpria central com chamadas de voz, vdeo, salas de conferncias filas, etc."
Price: 54.99

"Remote Work Mastery" |
"This six module course, will provide everything you need to create a remote career that works for you and the lifestyle you want. Together we will run through how to:Align your goals and purpose with your careerFind the perfect remote position for youStand out from the crowd and get noticed by employersSolve an employer's problem with your skill setPerfect your application and interview styleForm positive remote work habitsLead at a distance"
Price: 49.99

"QuantMaster - Ace the Interview Math" |
"Welcome! My name is Ben Gutkovich and Im the founder of ConsultingCase.Pro and the creator of the QuantMaster Ace the Interview Math Online Course. Im a former McKinsey and Strategy& (PwC's Strategy Consulting arm) manager and interviewer, and an MBA graduate of London Business School. Over the past 3 years, I've coached hundreds of job candidates for consulting, finance and tech positions, and saw that many of them struggled to execute math calculations quickly and accurately. Interviewers use quantitative questions as a proxy for candidate's mental agility, and if you make mistakes and show lack of understanding of basic math concepts, you will not get the job, no matter how well you do in other parts of the interview.I created this online course to teach you the quantitative and mental calculation skills you need to succeed in interviews for top tier firms across industries. In this course, you will learn a comprehensive set of calculation methods designed specifically to enable you to perform Interview Math calculations quickly and easily, as well as get lots of practice in the most typical quantitative Interview problem types.This course is suitable for aspiring management consultants preparing for Case Interviews, as well as candidates for many other job functions such as Product Management, Marketing, General Management, Private Equity, and Brand Management, at firms like Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Amazon, and many others.QuantMaster Ace the Interview Math is unique among quantitative Interview preparation resources because it uses on-demand video lessons to teach efficient calculation and problem-solving methods instead of simply providing practice problems and answers. Furthermore, all the calculation methods and examples are based on questions used in actual Interviews.After learning the course material, candidates will dramatically increase their calculation speed and efficiency, and be well prepared for a wide range of quantitative Interviews questions.Hundreds of students from leading universities worldwide, like Wharton, Harvard Business School, Stanford, MIT, Kellogg, London Business School, INSEAD, and many more, have used the QuantMaster Ace the Interview Math methods and techniques to join top-tier firms like McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Accenture, Deloitte, PwC, Google, Amazon, and Goldman Sachs.Discover for yourself why people love QuantMaster and improve your own Interview performance by registering for the QuantMaster online course!"
Price: 24.99

"Self Improvement Course - Module 1" |
"I have over 30 years experience in campus recruitment in Polytechnics, engineering colleges and also arts and science colleges. Students end up in courses and also in jobs, which are not to their liking or desire. Consequently, they are half-heartedly studying and also working. They are misled by people around them who force them to join a particular course or degree, whether the student likes it or not. Even on 8th August, I conducted a webinar on Goal-setting for students and youngsters. At the end of the session, many students and working people told me, as a feedback that they were advised by family members to take a particular course for earning money. They earn their money but their mind and heart is not there in the job. Since many such students are amidst us, I wanted to start my Self Improvement Series course with SWOT analysis and SMART Goal Setting. This will help students how to identify one's own strengths and weaknesses, find opportunities and set SMART goals to succeed."
Price: 1280.00

"HTML 5 Crash Course - CodeInHours" |
"This crash course HTML5 will give you a good understanding of the HTML markup language. We will cover all the essentials you need to know to write a modern, well structures HTML document in under an hour.This course is meant for complete beginners who want to jumpstart their knowledge of web development. HTML is a great place to start as all websites need to have HTML in order for it to be displayed in the browser."
Price: 79.99

"Career Interviewing: Starts with YOU" |
"By developing a customized and personalized professional profile you will be able to effectively communicate your unique knowledge, skills, and abilities into an interview. You will learn how to apply your unique skill sets and strengths using a proven system that helps people stand out from the crowd in a meaningful and purposeful way."
Price: 19.99

"PTE Speaking Masterclass" |
"Hot & New!!!This course provides the knowledge you need to hit full score in Speaking module of PTE academic, when paired with your dedication to do so.Starting with ""Score Guide"" and ""Question Types"", we then proceed with main lectures covering all the Speaking question types that you will get at the test.For each and every question type we cover: how it is marked, timing, how to answer, and common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid will be discussed, as well as practice tests to give you a better understanding of how it all works.You will also get all the resources you need to study PTE Speaking."
Price: 24.99

"Kundalini Rising - A Yoga Retreat to Awaken the Chakras" |
"Kundalini Rising is an online Yoga retreat that focuses on awakening the Chakra System. Through this retreat you will be able to deepen your relationship with each Chakra and gain insight on how to lead a life with love and light!Master your knowledge of the Chakra System and bring balance to your lifeInvigorate your spirit with a Yoga RetreatDeepen your practice with Chakra themed Yoga lessonsGain knowledge of Pranayama (breathing techniques)Invite transformation into your lifeRe-ignite your inner lightDiscover hidden areas of your life that need nurturing and healingLearn specific affirmations to stimulate each ChakraAttend a Yoga Retreat at the comfort of your homeInvite more balance to your lifeChakra Balancing and Yoga Retreat StructureEach day will be focused on one ChakraChakra Lecture - PresentationYoga Class - AsanasPranayama (Breathing Techniques)Mudras (hand gestures)Affirmations with MeditationQuiz to practice your Chakra knowledgeThis Yoga Retreat includes: 11 hours of contentA total of 36 LecturesChakra Themed Wallpapers for your computer desktop and smartphonePDF Downloads with in-depth information on each ChakraWhat are Chakras?Chakra knowledge has been around since antiquity. It is believed that the energetic body consists of psychic channels that transfer energy throughout. These channels known as 'Nadis' meet in junctions and create the energetic vortexes called Chakras.Accessing and working with each Chakra, heals and balances different areas of your life. This translates to physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your journey. ""May you lead a life with Love & Light""Namaste"
Price: 129.99

"Learn OOAD and UML in industrial perspective" |
"This course aims at providing a practical understanding on how Object Oriented Analysis and Design helps to analyze the systems from an object oriented perspective rather than the traditional structural perspective. The application of design principles, design patterns and UML will bring the learners to a holistic environment of learning and practicing the OOAD for real time case study applications."
Price: 1280.00

"Selenium Testing Framework con Java partiendo de cero" |
"Update1: Ante la queja algn estudiante creo oportuno recordar que este curso no es para aprender a programar. En este curso se explica en detalle como automatizar pruebas de software con Selenium en Java. Para poder realizar este curso es necesario tener conocimientos bsicos del lenguaje de programacin Java o de cualquier otro que sea orientado a objetos. Si ste no es tu caso, te animo a que primero estudies Java y despus te apuntes al cursoUpdate2: Regalo 2 cupones cada mes para tener acceso al curso durante 3 das de forma 100% gratuita. Escrbeme a pcasano_automation@gmail.com para conseguir el tuyo!Con este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber de la automatizacin de pruebas de software con Selenium. El curso se divide en tres bloques:Bloque 1: Teora Introduccin a Test Automation: Empezamos el curso haciendo una breve introduccin al Software Testing haciendo hincapi en la automatizacin de pruebas de softwareArquitectura Selenium: Adems de saber utilizar las libreras de Selenium, tambin es importante entender que est ocurriendo internamente, por ello os muestro en este captulo como funciona Selenium y en que est basada su arquitectura. Finalmente haremos unos ejemplos prcticos utilizando Postman para una mayor compresinMaven: En este captulo nos centraremos en Maven, que es una herramienta de gestin de proyectos. Ser fundamental para nosotros porque en ella estarn basados nuestros testsBloque 2: Conceptos prcticosConfiguracin: En este vdeo vamos a empezar a utilizar Selenium. Para ello descargaremos los drivers de cada navegador y veremos como podemos utilizarlosLocalizadores: En este captulo muestro como se pueden localizar elementos web de una pgina cualquiera utilizando para ello distintos tipos de localizadoresXpath: Aqu explico en detalle este tipo de localizador. Es de los mas importantes. Veremos tambin varios ejemplos prcticosAcciones: Ya hemos aprendido como podemos localizar elementos web de una pgina. Aqu aprenderemos mediante ejemplos prcticos como podemos interactuar con ellos. Hacer click, rellenar un campo de texto, etcTestNG: TestNG es una herramienta que permite hacer pruebas unitarias. Esta es la herramienta que utilizaremos a los largo del curso para hacer las pruebas de software. Veremos los distintos tipos de anotaciones, prioridades, agrupaciones, dependencia entre mtodos, pruebas de tipo HardAssert y de tipo SoftAssert. Finalmente haremos ejemplos prcticosVarios: ltimo captulo del bloque 2, en el que veremos como podemos tratar con los frames, alerts y los tiempos explcitosBloque 3: Desarollo de un Framework personalizado POM: En este vdeo empezaremos a disear un test framework o banco de pruebas. Concretamente nos centraremos en el concepto de POM (Page Object Model), que es absolutamente fundamental, pues se usa ampliamente en los proyectos prefesionales de automatizacin de pruebas de softwareFramework Acciones: En este captulo integramos las acciones de Selenium en nuestro frameworkFramework Checks: En este captulo integramos testNG y las pruebas unitarias en nuestro frameworkXpathBuilder: Como vimos en el bloque anterior, una expresin Xpath puede llegar a ser compleja y tediosa de escribir. La clase XpathBuilder nos permitir de forma muy sencilla escribir cualquier xpath. Finalmente muestro varios ejemplos prcticosReports Html: Uno de los problemas de trabajar con Selenium es la falta de transparencia de la ejecucin de los tests. Este problema lo solucionamos integrando en el Framework un generador de reportes HTML que nos permitir ver en detalle todo lo ocurrido durante los tests. Capturas de pantalla, resaltar elementos web en las capturas, Stacktrace y mucho masPrcticaFinalmente dedicamos el ultimo vdeo del curso a plantear casos reales aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos en los captulos anteriores. El cdigo de los casos prcticos lo tenis en github."
Price: 19.99

"Living Law Hong Kong-200 years of political/legal evolution" |
"Hardly a day goes by without a headline devoted to Hong Kong. Hong Kong is an international hub with a fascinating history and a central role in global trade and finance. Its colourful journey to that destination began with its lease to the British by the Emperor of China. This byproduct of ""gunboat diplomacy"" left a legacy which has influenced China's relations with the West down to the present. Hong Kong was under British rule during the 1911 Revolution which led to the end of Imperial China as well as during the struggle between the Nationalists and Communists after World War II. Both those events had dramatic repercussions for the residents of Hong Kong.In this course we explore Hong Kong's period as a British colony, right up to the handover to China in 1997. We consider Hong Kong's position as a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China, following a ""one country, two systems"" approach. We also review what this might mean for its people following the end of a 50-year transition period. Or perhaps even sooner. The Umbrella Revolution has provided some early signs, as we approach the midway point in Hong Kong's period of transition. Viewers wishing to do a deeper dive can explore some of the supplementary reading materials to understand the background to today's headlines and tomorrow's possible direction. "
Price: 29.99

"TOEIC snavnda zellikle Reading ksmnda hz ok nemlidir nk 100 soruyu 75 dakika zmek zordur ve ou renci snav bu yzden yetitiremez. TOEIC snavnda ilk 46 soruda sk kullanlan kelimeleri ve grammar yaplarn bilmek bu sorular hzl zmemizi ve snav zamannda zebilmemizi salar. 10 derslik bu seride her derste 46 soru zp TOEIC iin faydal olan kelimeleri ve grammar yaplarn anlattm."
Price: 59.99

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Price: 34.99

"Introduction to Python: For absolute beginners" |
"Welcome to the Introduction to Python course. My name is Saima Aziz and I will be the instructor for this course. I have more than 25 years of teaching experience.Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Python is a high level programming language. It allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks.By taking this course, you have entered into an exciting world of self-paced, online learning! If online education is new to you, don't worry!I have carefully designed the content of the course to be comprehensive and fully compatible with industrial requirements and easy to understand.Each section will generally have some video content, reading material, problem sets, and a set of assessment questions to test your knowledge.We will use Jupiter Notebook where samples can be run, and where practice tasks and code quizzes can be completed.I encourage you to take the course from beginning to end to get the full learning experience. Some sections may be very easy for you and others will be challenging, but each section should offer something of value. There's nothing like that feeling of accomplishment when you complete something from beginning to end, so hang in there, and enjoy the course!If you get stuck, don't give up! There is enough material in the sections to help you solve the problems and your hard work will pay off."
Price: 19.99
