"Cisco Network Security - Firewall Technologies for Buginners" |
"Learn the technologies and concepts of network security in this complete course and earn your CISCO certification.Grasp the understanding of security models, appliances, tools and techniques and make yourself known as security specialist.Concepts of SecurityCryptography basicsIPSec Fundamentals and OperationManage CISCO FirewallsImplement security through certificatesLearn about ACS and ISECISCO is the leading Networking equipment provider with a large product portfolio ranging from small Enterprises to large Data Centers. CCNA (Security) certification is one of the fundamental certifications that will help you in realizing the concepts of cyber security and its implementations in real world.This course has been designed for intermediate level IT Engineers. It will take you through the basics of terminologies in cyber security, while implementing them on Cisco Routers switches and firewalls. By taking this course you will learn the advanced features of firewall contexts and high availability You will observe actual packets as they move through the wires and make those dots connect. While configuring the devices you will feel as if you are doing it yourself, its that close and personal. By following this course you will not only be able achieve your CCNA (Security) certification but you will also feel to go deeper into the security domain and learn more about it."
Price: 94.99

"Learning CCNA (200-301) Cert Prep- Security, Automation" |
"This course has been evaluated and is up to date for the new curriculum for those students seeking the new 200-301 CCNA Exam. This course focuses on the ground work to any network administrator or engineering career and certification path. All of the protocols, standards, and processes discussed in this course are the foundations required not only for the current, and future exam, but for your career.You will notice two sections:1.) The older section which is still important and relevant to your CCENT or CCNA Studies for Networking Fundamentals2.) The newer section which is a highly reputable training I have done for years and after popular demand and requests, have decided to add it to this course for my students.I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GOING THROUGH THE FUNDAMENTALS FIRST THEN GOING THROUGH iOS ADMIN SECTION. Even though most of you will find the iOS Administration Lectures more 'fun', you need the fundamentals. So please, go through the entire course and you will leave this course with excellent knowledge on the subject matter, and a smile on your faces.This course is going to be super rewarding for all of you new comers as far as Networking is concerned."
Price: 179.99

"Learn Cert Prep- Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician" |
"Master these topicsNetwork FundamentalsLAN Switching FundamentalsRouting FundamentalsInfrastructure ServicesInfrastructure MaintenanceStudent Feedback-""I've gone through skillsoft and Cbt Nuggets, the differance between this is that its in laymans terms and very easy for me to understand, compared to others,""-""I am slowly starting to understand I am anxious to get to the next video. The training videos I watched from other companies didn't go into detail like he does"""
Price: 99.99

"Learn Cisco CCNA - IP Addressing Step by Step" |
"One of the most intimidating but extremely important subjects on the CCENT/CCNA or ICND1 exam is subnetting.If you started listening from basic IP addressing which is covered in our list of topics from the beginning and have understood everything, then you won't have any problem understanding subnetting.I'm going to try and explain subnetting as simply as possible and hope to answer all your questions.Now, because subnetting is a big topic to talk about, I've split it into a few sections. Logically, as you move on to higher sections, the concepts and material difficulty will increase:The guide will help you in calculating subnet boundaries and valid host address fast enough for use in a Cisco CCNA or ICND1 exam."
Price: 84.99

"Learn CCNA Routing and Switching for beginners" |
"At the end of this CCNA course, be sure you will have enough practical techniques and experience to manage Cisco routers and switches and you will have the required technical skills to work as a network engineer and pass any technical interview for this position.The following make this course distinguished :The course content focuses on the practical part where we will be using modern physical (real) Cisco routers and switches which you will find at your work environment.You will be able to build a network infrastructure for a company having one or many branches.You will know how to maintain and troubleshoot Cisco routers and switches like backup and restore configuration, fix operating system problems and password recovery solutions.You will learn how to secure your network infrastructure from internal or external attacks using various security techniques for your Cisco routers and switchers.You will learn how to prepare for the CCNA exam, how you can get an exam sample and how to schedule the CCNA exam."
Price: 74.99

"Franszca Matematik - racine carr" |
"Merhaba ben retmen Engin ASAR. Saint Benoit Fransz Lisesi'nde Matematik retmeni olarak uzun yllar altm.Kendi yazdm Franszca Matematik konu anlatm kitaplarm tm Francophone okullarda kaynak kitap olarak kullanlmaktadr. www.fransizcamatematik.istanbul adresinden tm konulara ulaabilirsiniz................................................Bu derste kk konusunu (racine carr) zerine alacaz. Franszca konu anlatm kitabna ve daha fazla egzersiz iin sitemi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.Burada egzersizler yapacaz. Sorularnz iin bana ulamaktan ekinmeyin. "
Price: 44.99

"Implementacin prctica de ISO 9001:2015" |
"Explicacin prctica de los requisitos de la ISO 9001:2015, bindando en sus anexos las herramientas, guas y formatos para su aplicacin en las organizaciones, complementando con actividades de implementacin de lo aprendido y que podrn ser rplica en las empresas. Al final de esta clase podrs aplicar la norma en el Sistema de Gestin de Calidad de la compaa, y como plus se ofrecer informacin valiosa de cmo realizar auditoras internas o de certificacin y tips para recibirlas."
Price: 49.99

"Netsis Eitim Seti - n Muhasebe ve Genel Muhasebe" |
"Bu eitim seti ile Netsis yazlm ile n muhasebe ve genel muhasebe konularn renebilir, Netsis ile ilgili ilerde alabilirsiniz. Ayrca Netsis programnn detaylarn da bu eitim seti ile reneceksiniz. Kurs ierisinde stok, cari, fatura, ek, senet, banka ve kasa modllerini reneceksiniz. Ayrca entegrasyon ve yevmiye fi girileri konular da eitim setimizde bulunmaktadr."
Price: 119.99

"How to set up a Professional Recording Template (Pro Tools)" |
"This is course was inspired by many of the recording artist and engineers who for years have asked me for the blue print to my quick efficient, yet professional recording process? I broke it down step by step to provide recording artist and engineers with a template that is easy to build, access, and operate. This course will give you the rundown on how to set up your template, preparing for mix, and clean your vox"
Price: 199.99

"Comprehensive Differential Equations Online Course" |
"Learn differential equations and understand how to develop mathematical models to represent physical systems and phenomenon. This course will help you also solidify your knowledge of algebraic manipulations. Topics include classification of a differential equation, first-order equations for which exact solutions are obtainable, explicit methods of solving higher-order linear differential equations, an introduction to systems of differential equations, and the Laplace transform. This course will also cover various applications of first-order linear differential equations and second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients."
Price: 149.99

"Mini Curso Como criar desenho ou caricatura no celular.pdf" |
"Este o meu primeiro Mini Curso Como criar um desenho ou caricatura no celular para Android. Aqui voc ir aprender a desenhar o bsico e com treino voc ir chegar ao intermedirio.No meu instagram voc poder ter uma noo como consigo criar desenhos do zero e como fazer ilustraes tambm."
Price: 39.99

"D.I.Y Your Logo & Branding Like A Pro Using CANVA" |
"This course is a D.I.Y (design it yourself) series of lessons for SMEs, business owners, including start up companies or individuals wanting to create their own logos and personal brands, using Canva. The course will allow them to experience a step by step guide as to how to design not only their very own impactful professional logo, but it will also help to kick start their brands too.By the end of the course, each student will understand how they can boost the professional visual presence. They would have also learnt about the key fundamentals for creating engaging elements for their brand kits, complete with stationery assets, to show as a result of what was learnt."
Price: 29.99

"Modern Age Regression for the 21st Century" |
"Have you ever wished you had an easy method to help your clients let go of the negative effects of the past without having them relive it?Have you been trained in regression but never felt confident to use it?Have you thought about being trained in Time Line Therapy but have been put off by the cost?Or do you want to expand your toolkit to be a more effective therapist?If so then this is the masterclass for you!In this two hour masterclass I am going to show you how to use regression, quickly, easily and effectively without somnambulism and without eliciting a timeline and get profound, lasting change.You will learn how to use regression with or without hypnosis and to be able to release negative emotions and negative beliefs in minutes.You will be able to help your clients let go of the effects of traumatic memories and negative experiences without putting them though undue stress.Once you have learned this powerful method you will be given all the handouts and techniques so that you can use them with your next client!"
Price: 79.99

"Switzerland Landscape Painting LIVE Tutorial with Big Canvas" |
"''Switzerland is the most beautiful country in the world''This course is designed for Switzerland landscape art instruction. This is the LIVE video demonstrations that give you the confidence to try yourself. We all want our paintings to stand out and make beautiful. To express our feelings on canvas for landscape. The secret is learning acrylic medium on canvas for beginners artist. No matter, what your landscape the basic foundation for colour, value, and shapes need to be in canvas place. Demonstrations will help you become an artist. You will learn by doing - the best way! full demonstrations you will be able to take your painting to higher levels quickly and confidently.You can learn - How to paint in big canvas, how to handle colour and volume, learn the shape of the object and how to make a beautiful SWITZERLANDIn this course will give you the confidence and direction to paint with impact.I hope you can join me today."
Price: 1280.00

"The Complete Personal Networking Course: Networking Mastery" |
"Nothing is more important to the success of your career, your business, or your life than your ability to network. A great network can help you land that perfect job, raise money for your startup, and give you advice to reach all of your important goals. This course will guide you to find the right people to network with. These are individuals who are smart, well connected and who want to help you achieve great success. You'll also learn how to use your depth of knowledge and experience to help others.Virtually all of my professional and personal achievements were because of those who were in my network."
Price: 199.99

"Node JS: APIs poderosas con TypeScript + Repository Pattern" |
"Node JS es una de las tecnologas ms populares en el mercado y con bastante demanda en la actualidad.Por eso, en este curso queremos ensearte a plantear una buena arquitectura de software que puedas implementarla en tus futuros proyectos.En este aprenders a implementar una API con Node JS haciendo uso del patrn repositorio entendiendo el beneficio que aporta a un proyecto. Asimismo, la codificacin ser realizada con TypeScript para asegurarnos de escribir un cdigo que genere confianza y tambin veremos el tema de las pruebas unitarias para que nuestro cdigo se comporte de la manera esperada ante cualquier cambio.Adicional a todo esto, se asume que ya haz tenido una breve experiencia previa trabajando con Node JS."
Price: 34.99

"WordPress Gutenberg blocks development" |
"The release of WordPress 5.0 officially introduced Gutenberg as the default content editor, users can now create more complex pages with just a few clicks. This new approach uses technologies like ReactJS and advanced JavaScript that end up by scaring some users who are not used to code on such frameworks, myself included.Since I like challenges I decided to take the quest to understand how this Gutenberg block construction really works. After reading several tutorials, watch hour of videos and days of practice I came up with the content for this course. The goal of this course is to clearly explain to you how the new Gutenberg Blocks work, best practices and how you can code your own without wasting hours or days searching for snippets all hover the internet and reading dozens of tutorials.I have been coding daily for WordPress hover the latest years, released plugins that are on the Wordpress oficial repo and designed / coded somes themes.With this course you will be able to use the new Gutenberg editor, understand how Gutenberg blocks work, are coded and be aware of the best practices available today.Gutenberg doesn't have to be black magic and at the end of this course you'll be able to understand and use it to best suit your needs, start your journey today.You can find a demo of the Gutenberg blocks that are developed in the course here: http://www.hackademy.tech/gutenberg/You will also have access to a WordPress custom website were you can test your plugins and share it with the rest of the world."
Price: 49.99

"Criando sites com Bootstrap 5" |
"O curso completo de Bootstrap 5 possui 43 aulas, neste curso vamos mostrar como criar um site usando a mais nova verso do bootstrap de forma bem simples e prtica, sem precisar de conceitos de programao, usando como base os exemplos dados na documentao do prprio framework, se voc pretender desenvolver sites ou sistemas web este o curso ideal para aprender a estilizar bem suas pginas web."
Price: 129.99

"Python : Comprehensive Bootcamp (Beginner To Professional)" |
"Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small. Python is what is referred to as a high level language. That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it's flexibility. Python is an interpreted language that does not need to be complied like for example java programming language. It is interpreted and run on the fly the same time.Python has been used in a lot of places like in creating games, for statistical data and visualization,speech and face recognition.Some of the biggest websites on this planet earth use python in one way or another. Examples include:GoogleYoutubeFacebookNasaDisneyPixarRedditPinterestInstagramSpotifySurvey MonkeyYahoo MapsTopics covered include:Interacting with Python in various waysPython OperatorsPython Data TypesData type castingPython String Methods and FormattingPython Data StructuresPython FunctionsPython DocStringsPython DecoratorsPython Control Flow StatementsPython Modules and PackagesWorking with external files in PythonWorking with dates and timesWorking with calendarsHandling exception errorsVersion control system with Git and GithubWeb scrapping with PythonPython and Machine LearningWeb development with DjangoCreating a database driven applicationPython Object Oriented ProgrammingProjects we will create:Create a web based todo app and deploy to cloudDatabase CRUD app with SQL Server and PythonMP3 PlayerLottery Number SimulatorLoan calulatorCreate a basic calculatorCreate a digital clockCreate a number guessing gameCreate a random number generatorCreate a countdown timerCreate a lottery number simulator"
Price: 199.99

"Scala desde Cero" |
"Hola, Bienvenido al curso de Scala desde Cero!!!En este curso aprenders como desarrollar programas y aplicaciones con uno de los lenguajes ms utilizados en el mundo profesional y laboral : ScalaScala es uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms demandados en el perfil profesional que buscan las empresas en la actualidad. Es un lenguaje que combina tanto la Orientacin a Objetos como la Programacin Funcional, de forma concisa y sencilla. Esto lo ha convertido en un lenguaje que se utiliza en distintos entornos como Spark, Analtica de Datos, Big Data, programacin distribuida, etc....Durante este curso vas a aprender todos los conceptos y caractersticas de este lenguaje, conocers las herramientas de desarrollo que puedes utilizar y estudiaremos todos los conceptos ms importantes.Siempre mantengo mis cursos actualizados, con lo que ir aadiendo ms puntos segn vayan surgiendo.Los puntos bsicos que veremos en la formacin son:IntroduccinInstalacinComandos y conceptos bsicos del lenguajeOrientacin a Objetos en scalaFunciones/MtodosProgramacin FuncionalOptionsTraitsY muchos ms conceptosSi tienes cualquier duda o pregunta, ponte en contacto conmigo. Estar encantado de contestarteEspero verte pronto y que disfrutes del curso!!!!Sergio de Apasoft Training"
Price: 19.99

"Android Apps Development from Scratch with 5 Projects" |
"In this course i am going to teach you. How you can create an android app with the using of some frameworks. I tried my best to teach everything step by step. Android App Development Course outlineProject 1 - NaeemCaclulatorIn this App I have added two types of calculators. Simple and Scientific. You can use it easily. In simple calculator you can first click on any number button then add an arithmetical operation like add subcontract multiply and divide. After that click on another number button then finally click on equal sign button to get output result in input field. You can also clear the screen or reset the field just click on red color c button. In the Scientific Calculator you can first add number then click on option button then add other number and at the end just click on enter button then you will get result. You also remove numbers one by one with backspace button. Project 2 - NaeemTutorialIn this app i added some video lectures where you can watch it one by one. Just go to your all classes page. Then click on your desire class then watch and you can also get retailed classed with you selected subjects. Project 3 - NaeemGameProject 4 - NaeemPasswordGenerater Project 5 - NaeemWatch ConclusionAll of my projects designed in bootstrap 4 and developed with cordova."
Price: 199.99

"The Advanced Highest Profitable Ever EMA Strategy In Trading" |
"Hello My Dear Fellow traders i hope all of you guys must be fine and enjoying great health along with yours trading also.Today i am back with a BrandNew strategy and its very powerful and highest ever profitable strategy using the Exponential Moving Averages.Yes, my dear fellow traders i am always looking forward towards a strategy that is implemented On Live Martket.By Live Market i mean to say Buy or sell from here with proper stop loss and take profit and thats it, Simple , very simple."
Price: 199.99

"Becoming Creative" |
"Creativity is one of the most essential skills in a wide range of fields from art and design to technology and business. Creativity is also misunderstood and rarely taught.In this course, youll learn the most effective, research based changes you can make in your life to become more creative.In each lesson of this course youll be introduced to an essential creative concept. At the end of each lesson youll be asked to do a project. There are two kinds of projects in this course:Art Projects where youll get to draw, explore meaning and seek creative connections through collage.Guided Journal Projects where youll write about your life and your thoughts in order to break through your creative blocks and design your creative future.You dont need any art experience or any other special skills to participate in this course. This course is open to anyone, even if youre completely new to art or creativity.Why Learn Creativity from Brent:Brent has used his creative skills to build a meaningful fine arts career as well as a thriving business. Hes studied traditional art making like figure drawing and anatomical drawing. Hes also experienced in experimental forms of art making like animation and video installation. Brent exhibits his work in galleries and museums.In 2016 Brent created The Art & Science of Drawing program, an award-winning online drawing program that has taught more than 100,000 students how to draw in 170 countries.This Course:Creativity is essential for both art and design, as well as technological innovations. Whether you want to be more creative in your art, your career, or your personal life, this course will teach you the tools and mindsets necessary to become more creative."
Price: 34.99

"Beginner Java for First-Time Programmers, Code Today!" |
"Welcome to Your Beginner Java Course!Python, one of the most popular programming languages in the world and for good reason. It is one of the general-use programming languages that can be used to create applications and websites. However, like with learning any language, studying Java can be a difficult process, but it doesnt have to be.My name is Matthew Dewey. I have been teaching programming for over 4 years and have written books on the subject of programming, from learning the languages themselves to how to make a career from programming.My approach to teaching is purely practical. The best way to teach programming is not through the memorising of code, but the application of that code. I will show you the code you can write out and test for yourself.I help you:Install your software, EclipseEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataCreate simple programsas well as BONUS tips and code!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course, I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Java programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!"
Price: 49.99

"Binres Hacken und Secure Coding in C" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du Anwendungen anzugreifen und abzusichern. Das bedeutet echte Exploits zu erstellen, wie Buffer Overflows oder Format String Bugs auszunutzen, mit Hilfe der gngigen Tools der Hacker. Durch dieses Wissen kannst du deinen eigenen Code sicher gestalten und den deiner Kollegen oder deines Unternehmens zu testen.Der Kurs umfasst nicht nur ausgiebige und anschaulich visualisierte Theorie-Lektionen, sondern auch ntzliche Praxis-Lektionen mit GDB, C und Assembler. Beachte jedoch die Voraussetzungen fr diese Serie!Also warte nicht, sondern verbessere deine IT-Grundlagen auf Profiwissen jetzt!Dazu gehren lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs und 30 Tage Rckgaberecht!Dieser Kurs verfolgt zudem ein innovatives Konzept, bei dem regelmige Updates von User-Anfragen oder besonders wichtigen Lektionen kommen - ganz ohne Zusatzkosten.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 129.99

"How to Draw Your Own Cute Animals Doodle" |
"Discover how to doodle cute illustrations and DIY stickers in an instant!In this course, I'll teach you how to create your own cute animals doodle step by step.You can draw it for notebook, journal, greeting cards, invitation cards and many more!And I also show you how I make my own stickers from my doodle using tools that you can easily find in your home.This is a life time skill! Let's improve your skill today :)See you in class!***English Subtitle available***"
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentos de la Retroalimentacin en las organizaciones" |
"Este curso tiene como objetivo brindarte las herramientas necesarias para que logres intercambiar informacin con tus colaboradores de una forma efectiva, productiva y constructiva. Hay estudios que demuestran que ms de 35% de los empleados no hablaron con sus supervisores durante el ltimo ao, esto tiene un impacto directo no solo en el alcance de los objetivos de la organizacin sino en el bienestar en general. En la cultura, en el ambiente laboral, en la motivacin de nuestros equipos y en el inters y oportunidades de desarrollo. Las personas con roles de supervisin ya dejaron de ser simples ""jefes"" como figuras de autoridad y tienen que ser capaces de transicionar al rol de lderes. Liderar implica que tu equipo te reconozca como ejemplo, como un modelo a seguir. Ms all de la autoridad investida en tu rol, es importante cmo te reconocen los dems. Esto genera confianza, fidelidad, motiva y crea excelentes mbitos laborales. La retroalimentacin, es la forma de demostrar que somos abiertos, flexibles. Que nos involucramos, que sabemos lo que pasa, que reconocemos los logros y detectamos los desafos. No para castigarlos, sino para ayudar a nuestros colaboradores a superarlos, ofreciendo alternativas y soluciones, nuestro apoyo y soporte. El feedback tiene distintas formas, estrategias y tcnicas, pero hay ciertas cuestiones bsicas genricas que van a ayudarnos a todos a enfrentar este momento de la mejor manera posible. Cada clase cuenta con un resumen descargable para que puedas repasar los contenidos cundo desees sin necesidad de volver a ver todo el video. Adems, cuenta con varias actividades prcticas en las que planteamos diversos escenarios para que apliques los conocimientos aprendidos. Recibirs feedback directo de nuestra Coach Ejecutiva sobre tus respuestas. La aplicacin de lo aprendido es tan importante como conocer la teora. Tomarse unos minutos y aplicar lo que vieron, va a ayudarlos a comenzar a incorporar estas nuevas tcnicas y ser cada vez ms efectivos al brindar retroalimentacin a sus compaeros, jefes y colaboradores. Te esperamos!Original Learning"
Price: 54.99

"Liderazgo y Gestin de Equipos - Nivel Avanzado 2020" |
"Este curso fue diseado con el objetivo de acompaar a los lderes en el gran desafo de dirigir a sus equipos. En 2018 lanzamos nuestro curso ""Liderazgo y Gestin de equipos"" y tuvimos ms de 2,500 alumnos. El curso cubre las habilidades bsicas que todo buen lder debe poseer para desempearse exitosamente en su rol. Debido a la gran demanda decidimos crear el nivel avanzado. En este curso vamos a ver temas como la motivacin, el trabajo con diferentes generaciones, los conflictos laborales y mucho ms. Original Learning est formado por profesionales de Recursos Humanos y coaches certificados. Es por esto que todas nuestros mdulos cuentan con ejercicios de aplicacin sobre los que nuestros coaches van a brindarte feedback individualizado en 72hs. Todos tomamos muchos cursos durante el ao, pero cunto de lo que aprendemos realmente lo aplicamos?En Original Learning nos comprometemos a acompaarte en esta transferencia y aplicar lo que aprendas con nosotros. Es por eso que responderemos tus tareas y te ayudaremos en los desafos que enfrentes. Esperamos que te unas a nuestra comunidad de ms de 3,500 alumnos!Original Learning"
Price: 69.99

"Affiliate Marketing Paid Ads Masterclass" |
"In this affiliate marketing masterclass you're going to learn how to find, create, and scale an affiliate offer using Facebook Ads. Affiliate marketing is one if not the best side hustles that don't require a lot of overhead to get started or technical experience. This masterclass is taught using a real campaign - not a white board. On top of learning the theory of what affiliate marketing is and more importantly how to make money from affiliate marketing you'll get a real example of the lessons applied to a specific niche. In this affiliate marketing course you'll learn:- What is affiliate marketing- How to generate leads using Facebook Ads- How to scale Facebook Ads- How to target the right people for your affiliate offer- How to come up with the right affiliate products"
Price: 19.99

"How to Hand Letter and Doodle using Chalk" |
"In this class, you will learn how to sharpen chalk, how to blend chalk, how to transfer a template, and other great tips to make your chalk art look professional. You will be able to take your skills and use them on surfaces such as cardstock, faux chalkboards, and real chalkboards."
Price: 39.99

"Autodesk Revit 2021 Complete Beginners Guide" |
"This course is aimed at those with absolutely no prior experience in Autodesk Revit. It is also helpful to those who may have tried to learn the software in the past but forgotten how to use it. The course is designed to get you up & running with Revit quickly by teaching you the things you need to know without long-winded explanations of techniques and commands that are no longer used. It's recorded using Revit 2021 but can be used to learn any version of Revit from 2018.As a CAD engineer with over 25 years of industry experience, I have taught many people to use various CAD software over the years. I still use CAD software every day on major engineering projects and am shocked when I see the items still being taught in schools, books, and other online courses.You do not need to enroll on a 2-year course, read a 500-page book or enroll on an online course that is over 15 hours long. Much of this is padding to make the course look more comprehensive by teaching commands that nobody actually uses in the workplace.Revit can have a reputation of being complicated but much of this is down to the fact that so many are teaching out of date techniques. Also, many of the teaching materials insist on beginning the course by explaining what every single button and command does which is unnecessary and tedious. Other courses like to start each chapter with a new example and this constant restarting means the student never produces anything substantial and easily gets bored.Over the years I have refined my method of teaching CAD software so that I only teach the techniques that are required and none of the outdated methods that you will never need. My method of teaching is not just to describe each command separately but to get the student up and running early in the course creating a realistic project. This project will grow as different commands are introduced and in this way the student can see clearly how the different techniques are actually used rather than just copying small examples.You will begin the course with a description of a project and learn how to create your own building model which will be added to and refined as your knowledge grows and new commands are introduced. By the end of this course, you will have produced a fully complete 3D building model to a standard that would be acceptable in any workplace. You will learn BIM techniques that will allow automatic production of schedules and documentation. Throughout the course I am available should you get stuck to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to introducing you to this software and getting you up and running quickly.**Please Note: This course was recorded on the PC version of Revit. If you use a MAC then the commands and locations may vary. I do not have a MAC so am unable to help with this but a quick Google search should help you.**"
Price: 19.99
