"AZ-301: Microsoft Azure Architect Design" |
" ***************************** ## Guaranteed Success ## *****************************This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: determine workload requirements; design for identity and security; design a data platform solution; design a business continuity strategy; design for deployment, migration, and integration; and design an infrastructure strategy.Responsibilities for an Azure Solution Architect include advising stakeholders and translating business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable cloud solutions.An Azure Solution Architect partners with cloud administrators, cloud DBAs, and clients to implement solutions.A candidate for this exam should have advanced experience and knowledge across various aspects of IT operations, including networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data management, budgeting, and governancethis role should manage how decisions in each area affect an overall solution. In addition, this role should be proficient in at least one of these Azure knowledge domains: administration, development, or DevOps.Skills measured in this ExamDetermine workload requirements (10-15%)Design for identity and security (20-25%)Design a data platform solution (15-20%)Design a business continuity strategy (15-20%)Design for deployment, migration, and integration (10-15%)Design an infrastructure strategy (15-20%)"
Price: 19.99

"Filmora: le guide complet du montage vido" |
"Vous souhaitez crer vos propres vidos pour vos pages sur les rseaux sociaux, pour votre business ou en freelance mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer?Est-ce que l'externalisation de vos vidos un tiers vous pose un problme, en particulier lorsque vous devez faire des allers-retours pour apporter des modifications avant la fin du projet? Si vous avez rpondu oui, vous tes au bon endroit!Rejoignez-Nous cette formation 100% pratique en montage vido avec la plateforme Filmora wondershare et apprenez crer des vidos pour alimenter votre stratgie Marketing Digital.Nous avons pris l'initiative de crer ce cours pour vous donner les comptences techniques dont vous avez besoin pour crer des dizaines de vidos pour des fins personnelles et professionnelles. A l'issue de ce cours vous serez capable de crer:Monter des vidos et ajouter votre logo dessus Ajouter les sous-titres Ajouter des effets spciauxAjouter des transitions Crer des Vidos carres, rectangulaires...Crer des Vidos LyricsCrer des rsums de matchsCrer des vidos avec fond vertet bien plus encore..."
Price: 99.99

"Hacking tico ! Fotografas falsas , amenazas en la red ." |
"Hola a todos, vamos a ver cmo protegernos frente a gente mal intencionada que puede usar nuestras fotos , videos para causarnos algn tipo de dao.Veremos todos los consejos para hacer frente a sta gente y no caer en sus amenazas o engaos.Conoceremos que tcnicas usan para engaar a sus ingenuos clientes o usuarios, veremos muchos ejemplos de pginas webs que usan para cometer sus estafas.De sta manera ya estaremos prevenidos para no caer en sus redes de engaos.Al comprar , ver , modificar y crear los archivos de imgenes basados en las plantillas del curso aceptas que eres 100% responsable de lo que hagas o hagan con la imagen creada , eres responsable al 100% de cualquier acto ilegal que hagas con todo lo aprendido."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Course For 2020: Cyber Security v2.0" |
"In this course, you will learn about Cyber Security from Scratch. We will start with the basics of Ethical Hacking and then slowly move towards some of the Advanced concepts. You will learn how to reset the password of Win7, 8 and 10 without knowing the actual password and without using any kind of third-party tools. You will also learn about Website Hacking and Security using SQL injections and XSS. You will then learn about Penetration testing of your own WiFi and will learn the methods to crack the WiFi Password. Then you will learn about the Fundamentals of Mobile Hacking and How to Hack a smartphone in just 30 seconds. SO let's get started."
Price: 29.99

"Workshop: C# (SQL Server) -" |
"C# Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Workshop ""-"" "" C# SQL Server "" (). Crystal Reports .."
Price: 199.99

"Mgicas para Iniciantes" |
"Ento voc quer aprender mgicas de alto impacto?Quer compreender melhor as pessoas?Quer acesso aos truques que voc pode comear a FAZER HOJE?Voc ter acesso a:16 Efeitos12 Tcnicas Mgicas10 Alicerces da Mgica7 Rotinas Mgicas6 Habilidades SociaisSe voc deseja aprender novas habilidades na psicologia de uma apresentao, misdirection (desvio de ateno), mgicas com moedas e com objetos cotidianos e, ao longo do caminho, melhorar sua:- Escuta- Fala em pblico- Linguagem corporal - Autoconfiana- Ansiedade social - Assertividade ...e superar algumas das principais dificuldades da vida que muitas pessoas compartilham, este curso para voc!Neste curso, voc vai ver informaes de qualidade de um profissional que trabalha h dcadas no campo da Mgica Close-up e da Psicologia Clnica. Te darei dicas sobre apresentaes e prticas indispensveis para a mgica, usando a Psicologia como base. Entenda como interagir com as pessoas!Voc tambm ser capaz de aprender e fabricar truques bsicos e intermedirios com objetos que encontra em casa.Aqui h uma coleo de tcnicas, truques, e manipulaes, algumas bsicas e outras mais avanadas. Alm disso, deixei a explicao detalhada em vrios ngulos de cmera para facilitar a aprendizagem.Mais de 3 horas de material ensinando no apenas os truques, mas toda a psicologia que sustenta uma boa apresentao. Para todas as idades."
Price: 84.99

"SIEM Admin - Incident Handing Training - SOC Team" |
"THE MOST DEMANDING SIEM Online Training IS NOW ON UDEMY!PHASE 2 - This course will make you familiar and teach you about various SIEM tools component, architecture, event life cycle and administration part for Splunk for log source integration, rule creation, report configuration, dashboard creation, fine tuning and Incident Handing steps followed by Security Operation Center Team. This course is designed is such a way, that any beginner or any working professional can learn the below SIEM tools event flow, architecture, design & difference.1) HP ArcSight2) IBM QRadar3) RSA Security Analytics4) Splunk5) McAfee NitroWhat you will learn after completing this course:What is the SIEMSIEM Business RequirementSIEM Architecture of HP Arcsight, IBM QRadar, Splunk, RSA SA & McAfee NitroEvent Life Cycle in SIEM Solution HP Arcsight, IBM QRadar, Splunk, RSA SA & McAfee NitroRoles of Different SIEM Component of HP Arcsight, IBM QRadar, Splunk, RSA SA & McAfee NitroIntegration Configuration of Data sources [Splunk]What is Cyber Kill ChainHow to develop effective USECASE in SIEMHow to Evaluate a SIEM toolBuilding Industry Based Use Cases [Splunk]Alert Creation in [Splunk] Creating Dashboards for Attack Analysis [Splunk]Report Configuration [Splunk]Event Monitoring [Splunk]Fine Tuning Of Alerts[Splunk]Real World Incident Response Investigation [Splunk]Happy Learning !"
Price: 69.99

"Sistema de Cotaes e Compras: Excel, VBA, SQL, BD e Outlook" |
"Este curso importante porque nele voc vai aprender a utilizar muitos recursos do Excel, VBA, SQL, Banco de Dados e Outlook.Neste curso voc vai praticar para aprender, ou seja, vai aprender a criar um sistema completo de cotaes e compras com o Excel, VBA, SQL, Banco de Dados e Outlook.Neste curso voc vai:Criar, ajustar e organizar planilhas em uma pasta de trabalhoPersonalizar a Ribbon (faixa de opes do Excel) para deixar seu sistema apresentvel e profissionalPreparar o VBA para criar as macros que faro todo o processo do sistemaCriar, ajustar e personalizar formulrios para manipulao dos dadosCriar uma conexo do Excel com o Banco de dadosAprender estruturas da linguagem SQL para fazer consultas, inseres, atualizaes e exclusesUtilizar um gerenciador de banco de dados. Neste gerenciador vai criar o banco de dados e suas tabelasCriar um formulrio de login para o sistemaCriar vrios formulrios de cadastrosCriar formulrios para fazer a movimentao dos dados ou das informaesAprender a criar macros no VBA para enviar emails automaticamente a partir do ExcelCriar macros para importar informaes de planilhas para dentro do banco de dadosCriar macros para gravar informaes em planilhas e documentos como PDFEnfim, vai criar um sistema com muitos recursos, dando a ele consistncia e segurana utilizando o Excel, VBA, SQL, Banco de dados e o Outlook."
Price: 294.99

"Australian Intermediate Maths Olympiad (AIMO)" |
"It is a natural instinct for us to leave our exam preparations to the last minute. Here is a course that tries to cover the essentials that you need to know. There is no point waiting 2 years to get the same experience in the exam that you can get in 8 hours on your own, so close to the exam we emphasise knowing what you are in for and strategise accordingly. There are also some fundamental topics that need to be taught, which not all students will be able to digest in time for this year but the learning experience can improve one's maturity and problem solving sense while the knowledge itself can still help for next year. We don't usually prepare like this for the exam in our normal class culture but understand that one might need some encouragement to begin one's mathematical journey. We still hope that students continue to pursue maths even after the exam and join us for long term learning."
Price: 99.99

"Divi 4: La guida completa" |
"Quando parliamo di Divi facciamo riferimento ad uno dei temi pi apprezzati ed utilizzati dagli sviluppatori e dai professionisti del web per la realizzazione di siti web con Wordpress.Si tratta di un tema Premium sviluppato da Elegant Themes, una delle aziende pi conosciute in materia di sviluppo di temi e plugin per Wordpress.Divi un tema multiuso che pu essere utilizzato per creare diversissime tipologie di siti web, dai blog ai siti vetrina fino ad arrivare allo sviluppo di siti di e-commerce dotati delle pi moderne e richieste funzionalit nel mercato attuale del web-design.L'infinita libreria di strumenti sia grafici che funzionali, consente all'utente di poter realizzare qualsiasi tipologia di sito e di adattarlo perfettamente alle richieste dei propri clienti.Anche la particolare politica di licenze di Elegant Themes lo rende un tema assai economico da utilizzare poich ne consente un utilizzo illimitato con una sola licenza acquistata, motivo per il quale si sta affermando come standard sempre pi utilizzato da professionisti e agenzie che operano nel web.Il corso concepito con la logica del manuale e pu essere seguito sia in modo completo dall'inizio alla fine sia a blocchi o per visionare opzioni e configurazioni di singoli strumenti quando se ne presenti la necessit di utilizzo.Il corso guider l'allievo passo passo nell'apprendimento di questo potentissimo strumento mettendolo in grado di realizzare in tempi brevissimi i propri siti web.Il corso aggiornato alla versione 4.6 di Divi, l'ultima e pi potente release rilasciata dal team di Elegant Themes.Pre-requisito fondamentale per poter seguire il corso la conoscenza base del funzionamento di Wordpress."
Price: 149.99

"ISO 27001: Simulados comentados para certificao EXIN ISFS!" |
"Voc est se preparando para a certificao EXIN ISFS, Information Security Foundation baseado na ISO/IEC 27001, e ainda est com dvidas se a hora de encarar o exame de certificao?Neste treinamento voc ter a oportunidade de revisar o contedo do exame e testar seus conhecimentos na prtica!Cada um dos 3 simulados completos deste pacote fornece um conjunto completo de questes de mltipla escolha, bem similares ao exame oficial, permitindo que voc valide seu conhecimento sobre os tpicos e fortalea a sua confiana para conseguir um excelente resultado no exame EXIN ISFS Information Security Foundation baseado na ISO/IEC 27001!Aqui voc pode simular o ambiente do exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas e respectivas justificativas. Mas no s isso!Cada uma das questes foi corrigida, apresentando no s explicaes sobre o tema abordado, mas tambm dicas prticas para voc identificar a melhor resposta! Com isso voc descobre quais so seus pontos fortes e quais tpicos do exame voc precisa revisar com mais cuidado.Este pacote de simulados cobre os tpicos do exame EXIN ISFS Information Security Foundation baseado na ISO/IEC 27001:Detalhar fundamentos de informao e segurana da informao: seus princpios bsicos confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade, os conceitos, o valor da informao e da importncia da proteo da da informo para organizaes.Compreender o que so Ameaas e riscos, e qual a relao entre as ameaas e confiabilidade da informao.Fundamentar a abordagem e organizao da Segurana da Informao, incluindo a poltica de segurana da informao e organizao de papis e responsabilidades.Detalhar medidas de segurana da informao, incluindo controles de segurana fsica, tcnica e organizacional.Entendimento de como leis e regulamentaes so importantes para segurana da informao, incluindo a recm lanada LGPD a lei geral de proteo de dados do Brasil.Se voc quer reforar seus conhecimentos em Segurana da Informao ou garantir sua aprovao no exame EXIN ISFS Information Security Foundation baseado na ISO/IEC 27001 essa a sua melhor opo!"
Price: 189.99

"Master your diabetes" |
"Have you asked these questions?Why are my glucose numbers always high? Why am I having so many low sugars? Why do my numbers go all over the place?What do I do if I get sick? How will I take care of myself since I have diabetes?Why do I have to have all of those tests? The A1C, cholesterol checks, and microalbumin? What do all of those numbers mean? End the confusion and overwhelm you have had in the past.Master your diabetes with a through understanding of your glucose numbers, know what to do if you get sick, and know about the tests you need to be well and healthy. This is an in-depth course on managing your glucose numbers, taking care of yourself if you get sick, and how to reduce your risk from diabetes with a prevention toolkitYou will learn and implement the following information:Your glucose targets. A1C targets, and Target in Range (TIR) targetsWhat are low glucose numbers, what causes lows, and how you can treat lowsWhat are high glucose numbers, cause of highs, and treatment of highsPattern management of glucose numbersWhat a sick day isWhy your blood sugars go high when you are sickPreventing complications when you are sickDevelop your own sick day planWhat to have in your toolkits for when you are sickWhat lab tests to have if you have diabetesLearn specific steps to implement to protect your heart, eyes, kidneys, feet, and teethDevelop a prevention tool kit Living well with diabetes means taking care of your whole body. Learn how to prevent complications by having a plan and how to implement simple changes to put you in charge of your diabetes and your health."
Price: 154.99

"Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine: Chapter 3" |
"Do you want to realize the mysterious Chinese medicine? Someone thinks that Chinese medicine is very difficult and unscientific.In fact, Chinese medicine is not only scientific but also effective.Even though the nouns in Chinese medicine are difficult. Dr. Kao will lead you to realize them easily.Just listen, memorize, and ask questions.Chapter 3 The Zang-Fu theorySection 1: Five Zang OrgansHeartLungSpleenLiverKidneySection 2: Six Fu theoryGall bladderStomachSmall intestineLarge intestineUrinary bladderSanjiaoSection 3: Extraordinary Fu organsBrainUterusSection 4: Relationships among Zang-Fu organsRelationships among Five Zang OrgansRelationships between Zang and Fu OrgansRelationships among Six Fu Organs SummaryAfter you finish them, you can learn about basic concept of the organs and diagnosis of Chinese medicine.Everyone can learn about Chinese medicine, especially medical students, TCM students, physicians, or medical doctors.Good luck!!"
Price: 19.99

"EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Exams 2020" |
"""Certified Security Analyst"" and ""ECSA"" is a registered trademark of EC-Council and this exams are not licensed, endorsed or affiliated with EC-Council in any way.Our Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback. We will prepare you for what it is like to take the ECCouncil 412-79 Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Certification Exam. With 4 full-length practice exams with 120 unique questions and each of which is timed at 4 hours .In our practice tests, well cover all the topics included in the exam, so you can take and pass the actual certification exam with confidence, such as:Penetration Testing and MethodologiesPenetration Testing Scoping and Engagement MethodologyOpen-Source Intelligence (OSINT) MethodologySocial Engineering Penetration Testing MethodologyNetwork Penetration Testing Methodology Web Application Penetration Testing MethodologyDatabase Penetration Testing MethodologyWireless Penetration Testing MethodologyCloud Penetration Testing MethodologyReport Writing and Post Testing ActionsYou will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further. Exam info:Number of Questions: 120*4Passing Score: 70%Test Duration: 4 HoursAverage Certification Salary: $92,000 (USA)30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Admin 201 Certification Practice Tests - 300 Q's" |
"These Salesforce Certified Administrator ADM201 Practice Exams provide you with realistic 300 unique test questions to help you pass the exam with confidence. You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 65% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. The exam has the following characteristics: Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions Test Duration: 105 minutes Passing score: 65%Average Certification Salary: $75k Our exams will measure your knowledge and skills related to the following objectives.Organization setup (3%)User setup (6%)Security and Access (14%)Standard and Custom Objects (15%)Sales and Marketing Applications (15%)Service and Support Applications (12%)Activity Management and Collaboration (3%)Data Management (8%)Analytics (10%)Workflow/Process Automation (12%)Desktop and Mobile Administration (1%)AppExchange (1%)We are constantly updating this to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the Salesforce admin 201 exam, and also providing a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of our tests for any reason!Let's dive in and get you that credential !"
Price: 19.99

"Email Marketing - Copywriting and Growing Your E-mail Lists" |
"You hear the phrase all the time. The money is in the list. Or the money is in the follow up.But how do you grow an email list? How do you follow up?Email marketing continues to be the backbone of online businesses. Studies from multiple online authorities continues to find sending emails as the one channel that generates the most profitbeating social media, year after year.But you know this already.After spending literally years, studying other successful marketers, learning copywriting, and customer psychology, I finally created a brand new system.I will hold your hand and build this system with you. Email by email, sequence by sequence. I know how frustrating it is to sit in front of a blank screen with writers block, trying to come up with the perfect sentences to build relationships and sell your products. Thats why I have tested and perfected tons of templates that you can use.Most entrepreneurs fail because they did not take the time to build a simple system to contact their potential customers. Ill take a step further and really over deliver."
Price: 199.99

"Data Visualization with Python" |
"Data visualization is the discipline of trying to understand data by placing it in a visual context so that patterns, trends and correlations that might not otherwise be detected can be exposed.Python offers multiple great graphing libraries that come packed with lots of different features. No matter if you want to create interactive, live or highly customized plots python has an excellent library for you.To get a little overview here are a few popular plotting libraries:Matplotlib: low level, provides lots of freedomSeaborn: high-level interface, great default stylesPandas Visualization: easy to use interface, built on Matplotlib"
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning en Python: aprendizaje supervisado" |
"Bienvenid@,En este curso aprenders, a travs de ejemplos prcticos, a usar los algoritmos de Machine Learning para resolver problemas de variada ndole donde la ciencia de datos(Data Science) hace acto de presencia. Aprenders cmo funciona cada tcnica, su implementacin(crear y entrenar/ajustar el modelo) y a analizar el rendimiento de los algoritmos con varias mtricas.Adquirirs tambin los conocimientos necesarios para importar, preprocesar y visualizar los datos para conocer sus particularidades y tenerlos listos para aplicar los algoritmos.Entre otros, veremos, a travs del lenguaje de Python:El proceso de preprocesado y visualizacin de los datosModelos de regresin linealMquinas de soporte vectorial para clasificacin y regresinrboles de decisin y bosques aleatorios para clasificacin y regresinTcnicas para analizar y mejorar la eficiencia de los modelosSi tienes la ms mnima curiosidad y ganas de aprender, no lo dudes ms y empieza ya!Nos vemos en clase."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Commvault Deploying in AWS or Azure" |
"In this Course you will understand Core concepts of Commvault Software, De-Duplication, Backup and Recovery, Disaster Recovery. we shall begin with deploying commserve software in AWS, followed by configuring S3 Storage as Disk library, then install respective components and perform Backup & Restores.In second half of the course we shall setup Commvault Software for Data center Solution, which covers advance concepts of Commvault. for any technical doubts, please drop a mail (venkatc11@outlook.com)"
Price: 1280.00

"Clearing Your Blocks to Abundance - Part 2" |
"This course continues on from Part 1 of Clearing Your Blocks to Abundance Course. It uncovers more major blocks to abundance that we all have and guides you through short meditation videos how to identify and clear them. It goes further in that it also teaches you another method of clearing these abundance blocks yourself, leading to more empowerment. Finally, the course finishes with a meditation video that unleashes your creative genius as you create your own future through a video meditation. It has supporting documentation, tips and tools to assist you and a couple of bonus videos attached to some of the main videos. Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99

"Certification Marketing des mdias sociaux + 5 ATELIERS" |
"Le cours sur le Marketing et les Rseaux Sociaux le plus complet sur Udemy : comment russir votre marketing et votre communication sur les rseaux sociaux avec 5 Ateliers pratiques. La rfrence depuis 2019 Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 07/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours ! Une image vaut mille mots , cette citation de Confucius est souvent utilise pour montrer la place de plus en plus grande que les photos et les vidos prennent dans la communication des entreprises. Ce livre fait le point sur lintrt des mdias sociaux visuels majeurs (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest...) et vous permet de comprendre comment les utiliser efficacement pour atteindre vos objectifs. A la fois concret et pratique, il offre les cls pour dployer votre prsence et crer un contenu visuel efficace avec peu ou pas de budget. propos de cette formation :Une formation pens pour des entrepreneurs, indpendants, crateurs dentreprises.Centr sur la pratique, il prend en compte la ralit de votre quotidien : animer votre prsence sur les mdias sociaux nest pas votre seule mission !Pour aborder cette formation, si vous manquez de temps :Lisez le premier Atelier introductif, le panorama des mdias sociaux visuels , puis concentrezvous ensuite sur le ou les Atelier correspondant aux mdias qui font sens pour vous Les Ateliers 2 4 se concentrent chacun sur un mdia particulier. La structure en est toujours la mme : comprendre les spcificits, voire pour certains comment se reprer, puis comment crer un compte, des conseils pratiques pour lanimer avec succs et enfin lachat publicitaire sur ce mdia. la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : Obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.NOTE (07/09/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de Facebook Business Manager version 3.0"
Price: 199.99

"Chi Kung Fundamentos" |
"""Todos os afazeres difceis tm a sua origem naquilo que fcil e as aces grandiosas naquilo que pequeno - Lao Tzu""Integrar qualquer novo hbito na sua vida, requer comear pelo mais simples e fcil. Complicar, significa a extino desse mesmo hbito a curto prazo, ou a manuteno do mesmo com grande esforo e sacrifcio.Na minha experincia, o Chi Kung uma arte, que com muito pouco, pode fazer o suficiente para aumentar a qualidade dos seus dias.Como qualquer arte, o Chi Kung requer espao e tempo para poder ser aprendido. No entanto, o que tenho descoberto durante estes anos, que para para comear a praticar no necessrio mais, mas sim menos.No necessita adquirir roupa especial para comear a ser praticado. Uma roupa confortvel ou mesmo em alguns casos a roupa do dia a dia suficiente.No necessita de mais espao, ou de outro espao em casa para iniciar a sua prtica. Basta ter disponvel cerca de dois metros quadrados.No necessita de mais tempo. Aquele que tem j o suficiente, s precisa de aprender a escolher conscientemente, o que quer fazer com o que j tem disponvel.No necessita de msica especial, velas ou incensos. Pode, mas facultativo.No necessita de mudar de casa, de emprego, de famlia ou viajar para um templo num pais distante. O que tem no aqui e agora suficiente para tornar a sua prtica nutritiva e eficaz.Se fossem necessrios muitos pre-requisitos para iniciar a prtica do Chi Kung, este nunca teria chegado aos nossos dias, aos mais variados extractos da populao e aos vrios cantos do mundo.Esta a minha proposta:Comece a praticar, Chi Kung, agora.Sem que tenha de adicionar mais nada sua vida.O programa Chi Kung fundamentos, um convite simplificao, a olhar para a prtica regular como parte integrante do seu quotidiano.Permite a partir dos recursos que j tem disponveis na sua vida ser possvel simplificar outros aspectos da sua vida.Tempo - Aprenda a fazer escolhas conscientes com o tempo que tem disponvel.Espao - Aprenda a criar um espao em casa para a sua prtica. O lugar sagrado onde o treino se pode realizar.Recursos Aprenda a utilizar os recursos desta prtica no o seu dia a dia trazendo o bem estar que adquire com o treino para fora do local de prtica.Receber:Um programa de 8 semanas em que em cada semana se compe, por:Uma rotina de treino segundo o tempo que tem disponvel. Existem cinco propostas semanais com 5, 10, 20 e 30 minutos que permitem praticar ao seu ritmo logo a partir do primeiro dia,Teoria em formato escrito e/ou vdeo que lhe permitem compreender o percurso que est a realizar.Ir fortalecendo gradualmente e sua energia vitalE imediatamente quando se inscreve aAcesso vitalcio a futuras atualizaes sem qualquer valor adicional,Possibilidade de descarregar todo o material de estudo para o seu computador, telefone mvel ou tablet.Conhea o programaMdulo 1 - Enraizamento FundamentalDescubra o que o Chi Kung, conhea e aos princpios deste curso, comece a descobrir os benefcios da prtica regular.Mdulo 2 - NutrioCrie um treino que possa nutrir as suas necessidadesMdulo 3 - CentroDesenvolva um centro forte, flexvel e uma ligao terra dinmica.Mdulo 4 - RespirarIntegre a respirao na prtica e no seu dia a dia onde que que esteja e para onde quer que v.Mdulo 5 - VitalidadeDescubra as caractersticas nicas do seu potencial pessoal, para encontrar a sua vitalidade, utilizando os exerccios que estudo at aqui..Mdulo 6 - FocoTransporte o foco que os exerccios lhe proporcionam para o seu dia a dia. A importncia da relao do corpos com a respirao e emoes.Mdulo 7 - IntenoIntegre a ateno plena na prtica e no seu dia a dia.Mdulo 8 - AutonomiaConhea seis programas que utilizam todo o material que estudou at aqui para serem aplicados consoante as suas necessidades pessoais.So eles:MobilidadeFluidezRespiraoQuietudeAlongarCondies especficas.A quem se destina?A quem nunca praticou Chi Kung e queira dar os primeiros passos nesta prtica.A quem deseje ter uma melhor compreenso da sua energia vital para aplicar em profisses de carcter teraputico como massagem, acupuntura, osteopatia ou outras prticas como o Tai Chi, Yoga ou Artes Marciais.A quem j pratica e quer estudar uma abordagem minimalista arte do cultivo da quietude.A quem deixou de praticar e quer regressar prtica comeando pelo seu essencial.A quem por impossibilidade de realizar aulas presenciais gostaria de usufruir dos efeitos da prtica do Chi Kung Teraputico.No final deste cursoser capaz de desenvolver uma prtica autnoma e uma estrutura que lhe permite compreender e participar posteriormente com maior confiana noutros cursos de Chi Kung.O meu compromisso, em todos os programas de estudo que crio e nas aulas que leciono, desenvolver o melhor contedo, para permitir a quem se inscreve superar-se e descobrir novas possibilidades no seu dia a dia com a prtica do Chi Kung.Ser-lhe dado acesso a:Mais de 50 vdeos (mais de 15 horas) com exerccios de Chi Kung e teoria de apoio praticaTextos de apoioUm programa semanal de treino consoante o seu tempo disponvelAcesso vitalcio ao programa e futuras atualizaesTodo o contedo poder ser descarregado e utilizados sem haver necessidade de conexo Internet"
Price: 99.99

"Hosting Website on TOR" |
"In this course you can learn :- Introduction to Tor How to install Tor On Linux ?How to Configure tor?How to host website for free?How to Host website Untraceable?How to Host website on Tor Network ?How to setup tor Browser?How to setup Web servers?How To Host Website from Laptop/pc?How to Browse Web Anonymously."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Python Django & Angular 10 by creating a FullStack App" |
"Hello Everyone, and welcome to this course on Python Django and Angular 10 for full-stack web development.In this course, you will learn how to develop a web application from scratch using popular technologies such as * SQLite for database.* Python Django for back-end web development.* And the latest Angular 10 for fron-tend web development.-We will first start with installing and setting up the environment needed for development.-Then start creating models and tables needed for our app.-Then develop API end points using Django rest framework.-Finally we will be using Angular 10 to design the front end part of our App.* You will learn how to create the navigation menu and tables using bootstrap, add routing to our Angular App, add modal pop up windows with drop downs and date pickers, and also add upload profile picture functionality and store it in our app. We will also learn how to add custom filtering and sorting features without using any third party packages.I am sure that this course will definitely help you in your journey as a full stack web developer. Welcome to the course, and happy learning."
Price: 24.99

"Easiest course on AWS certification" |
"The AWS Cloud Practitioner exam enables individuals with an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud to validate their knowledge with an industry-recognized credential. It provides individuals in a larger variety of cloud and technology roles with a way to validate their AWS Cloud knowledge and enhance their professional credibility. Expand your knowledge of the cloud with AWS technical content authored by AWS and the AWS community, including technical whitepapers, technical guides, reference material, and reference architecture diagrams."
Price: 19.99

"Calculus 2 with the Math Sorcerer" |
"This is literally the ULTIMATE Calculus 2 Course as it contains over 500 videos!!Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Try to do the problems before I do them(if you can!)3) Repeat!If you finish even 50% of this course you will know A LOT of Calculus 2 and more importantly your level of mathematical maturity will go up tremendously!Calculus 2 is an absolutely beautiful subject. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Algoritmos e lgica de programao com Python 3 (c/ projeto)" |
"Python uma das linguagens mais versteis, ela est presente em desenvolvimento web, desktop, mobile, data science, machine learning e muitas outras reas!Por que no aprender esta linguagem e entrar no mundo da programao? Esta a proposta deste curso: desbravar uma das linguagens mais utilizadas mundialmente, abordando todos os principais conceitos da programao como: algoritmos;lgica de programao; variveis;estruturas de condio;estruturas de repetio;tipos de dados; introduo a orientao a objetos;e muito mais!Mas no para por a, voc ter uma tonelada de exerccios, todos com resoluo e explicao das melhores prticas, para poder entender como funciona o dia a dia de um programador, ou seja, alm da teoria de todos os tpicos essenciais para um desenvolvedor, voc tambm sentir na prtica como desenvolver sistemas.Ento se voc quer aprender a programar em Python 3 do jeito certo, entender como os softwares que voc utiliza so criados e ainda compreender de fato como a programao funciona, este o seu curso!Posso afirmar que este o ltimo curso de lgica de programao e algoritmos que voc vai precisar, a metodologia orientada a situaes reais e exerccios prticos promove o completo entendimento do aluno sobre o assunto, os tpicos abordados no sero aplicados somente para Python e sim para qualquer linguagem de programao, voc vai levar o conhecimento para a sua vida.Est pronto? Te espero no curso para explorarmos Python juntos!"
Price: 129.99

"Mezcla y mastering en Cubase desde 0" |
"Este curso es para aprender desde 0 mezcla y mastering, desde importar pistas de un proyecto hasta finalizar una cancin, ecualizacin, compresin, efectos entre otras cosas, todo lo que necesitas saber para que las canciones suenen bien, equilibradas, potentes y preparadas para enviar a las plataformas digitales como las de tus artistas favoritos."
Price: 199.99

"Robtica con Python: Visin por computador control de robots" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear paso a paso a controlar robots utilizando visin artificial.Este curso te ofrece :Control de motoresArmar un Robot Diferencial o UnicicloArmar un Robot Omnidireccional de 3 ruedasRobot seguidor de lneaControl de Robots utilizando colores.Control con cmara fija y cmara en manoRobot seguidor de color y formaRobot seguidor de rostrosRobot seguidor de cualquier tipo de objetoEntrenar tus propios objetos (Seales de trnsito)Robot detector de distancia entre la cmara y el objeto utilizando solo una cmara.Plantillas de cdigo de Arduino y Python que puedes descargar y usar en tus propios proyectos.Una vez adquiera el curso no solo estar presente en los vdeos sino que tambin podrs preguntarme todas tus inquietudes acerca del curso.OJO: NO INCLUYE ARCHIVOS .STL PARA LA IMPRESIN DE LAS PARTES Y COMPONENTES DE LOS ROBOTS.MATERIALES NECESARIOS (NO INCLUYE)Robot Uniciclo1 Arduino Nano1 Modulo bluetooh HC-051 Modulo L298N2 Motores con encoder de cuadratura (Motor Chihai de 140RPM a 12V) (Obligatorio uso de encoder)1 buzzer1 batera LiPo 3S (Batera LiPo 3S 1000mAh Turnigy) con su cargador1 switch2 resistencias 10k1 resistencia 4.7k1 resistencia 22k10 Cables de conexin macho-hembra3 metros alambre de timbre1 protoboard pequeo Robot Omnidireccional 3 Ruedas1 Arduino Nano1 Modulo bluetooh HC-052 Modulo DRV88331 Coversor DC-DC LM25963 Motores con encoder de cuadratura (Motor Chihai de 140RPM a 12V) (Obligatorio uso de encoder)1 buzzer1 batera LiPo 3S (Batera LiPo 3S 1000mAh Turnigy) con su cargador1 switch2 resistencias 10k1 resistencia 4.7k1 resistencia 22k20 Cables de conexin macho-macho3 metros alambre de timbre2 protoboard pequeo"
Price: 94.99

"Learn data science - covid-19 and cholera pandemic projects" |
"This is a course for data visualization lovers.It has been prepared with practical exercises of the current context for its better understanding and application in a 10 intensive hours.In a first section, the methodological principles on data viz and graphic display techniques are explained. As an exercise, the extraction and deployment of COVID-19 data using python, Plotly and express submodule is developed.Additionally, the course includes the geospatial application for the representation of geographic data using Plotly's methods, and as an exercise the data from John Snow's research on cholera is reconstructed.Finally, scientific and statistical graphics and their display through animation code are explored. As a final project, the Leaflet code is used to explore interactive maps."
Price: 199.99

"PMP Exam Preparation - URDU / HINDI Language" |
"Welcome to the page where you can get the Most reliable and effective way to get the highly recommended and in-demand PMP Certification from PMI (USA). Here you can find, Easy to understand concepts with real life examples. Pass the PMP On Your First Attempt - Quality Education Guaranteed.Complete PMBOK 6 Content Students or aspirants willing to take CAPM exam can also take this course to pass their exam in 1st attempt.Receive 35 PDU's/Credit Hours Certificate required for the PMP exam application.This course will not only build foundation for your Project Management concepts but also enhance your knowledge and fill your gaps in understanding the concepts and linkage between all the knowledge areas and Project Management Processes. You will get familiar with exactly what you need to know. You will digest the most important and relevant concepts required for passing the exam.This is a Complete PMP Prep Course, therefore I have covered everything you need to know to pass the exam. The detailed course outline will give you the insight what you are going to study along with it's related concepts. The course covers all concepts discussed in the PMBOK 6th Edition.In addition, The numerical and Math has been discussed in a very interactive way to take over complete PMP Problems / Numericals / Math in detail through step by step explanations.This course will also help you out to balance your study, work and family life. This course aims to overcome the challenge by preparing you with all the necessary concepts in a precise and focused manner to get you ready for the PMP Exam as early as possible.Prepare Yourself For The PMP Certification Quickly In This Focused And Comprehensive CourseFocused goal on passing the exam Delivery of lectures are simple, easy, interactive and step-by-step formationReal life examples have made this course more fun learning and interactive.Separate and individual videos helps in understand the terminologies, concepts, policies, procedures, knowledge areas, project management processes and process groups.Step-by-Step PMP Math / Numericals / Problem solutionUnderstand ITTO's and grab their integration with other processes in a very interactive manner.Course Overview :The course will not only help you to Pass the PMP / CAPM exam in 1st go but also helps you improve the way you Manage your Projects in a real life situation.This will help you understand project management both from a micro and macro perspective so that you may tie the concepts together and pass the exam easily.The course covers the 5 Project Management Process Groups :InitiatingPlanningExecutingMonitoring and ControllingClosingAll these process groups will be covered as we discuss the knowledge areas one by one.Knowledge areasIntegration ManagementScope ManagementSchedule ManagementCost ManagementQuality ManagementResource ManagementCommunication ManagementRisk ManagementProcurement ManagementStakeholder ManagementEarned Value Management (EVM):Cost Variance (CV) ,Schedule Variance( SV) , Cost Performance Index (CPI) , Schedule Performance Index ( SPI ) covered in separate lecture.Moreover, Concepts like Critical Path , Float ,Forward Pass, Backward Pass and Schedule Network Diagram have been explained in detail in an easy to understand manner.Special tips and learning techniques to pass the exam have also been shared over the course.It's time to get you ready for the exam, let's get you Fully Prepared to pass the PMP exam on your first try !!Disclaimer: PMI, PMBOK, and PMP are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute."
Price: 199.99
